Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
DRATS! I made a little over $16,500 in 2006 but in 2003, 2004, and 2005 I made more than $17, 120. So I guess I will need a co-sponser after all :( Man I really wanted to do this all myself and not have to ask anyone such a big thing! Thankfully I have some good friends who are willing to help me out!

Hey thanks for posting this!
Am I reading this right?
My income for 2007 would have to be 13,690?

*fingers crossed*

Noooo...would have to be 17,120

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-06 13:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hey thanks for posting this!
Am I reading this right?
My income for 2007 would have to be 13,690?

*fingers crossed*

Hello Family.

Just wanted to post the new 2007 poverty guidelines.

2007 HHS Poverty Guidelines
in Family or Household 48 Contiguous
States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii
1 $10,210 $12,770 $11,750
2 13,690 17,120 15,750
3 17,170 21,470 19,750
4 20,650 25,820 23,750
5 24,130 30,170 27,750
6 27,610 34,520 31,750
7 31,090 38,870 35,750
8 34,570 43,220 39,750
For each additional
person, add 3,480 4,350 4,000

SOURCE: Federal Register, Vol. 72, No. 15, January 24, 2007, pp. 3147–3148

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-06 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Wait I forgot my alarm clock. I need a roster. The silly Roster when I stay at my hubby always wakes me up at 6am.

Please don't remind me of the natural alarm clock. When I stay at my babes house I wake up to that every morning and my first thought everytime is...... I'm gonna kill that rooster :whistle:

Same here! lol I told Marlon we should kill it and eat it! :innocent:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-06 11:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Ok, I have some questions about the 156, 156K, 157, and DS230 forms for the interview...

There is a space there to add a prepared by name, would it look bad if I prepared the forms for Marlon to sign and include my information as the preparer?

I found a co-sponsor as according to the new poverty guidelines I fell about $600.00 short for 2006 but for the prior years 2003-2005 I made the 125% above the new poverty guidelines. To my understanding from reading the guides, we both need to submit I34 forms, bank letters, employer letters, and tax transcripts from the last 3 years. I have yet to file my 2006 taxes so will they accept 2003-2005 and my W2's for this year?

I called IRS yesterday to request my 2003-2005 tax transcripts and I told they lady that it was for wage verification, is that correct?

When I go to Jamaica next week I am taking Marlon the originals that I submitted for the I29F application as well as the letters he sent me and my birth certificate, hopefully I will get those back!

How many passport photos does Marlon need for the medical and interview?

Phew thanks and sorry for soooo many questions!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-02 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Bad news: Tony's grandma just passed away :crying: He wants to go down there but we really can't afford it right now. I feel really bad. It's so hard having all his family sooooo far away :( If we hadn't just went to Barbados, we could probably do it, but I don't know what to do. The cheapest flight I could find was over $500 :o Please keep us and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

I am terribly sorry to hear about your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you and Tony. (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-02 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone know if the downloadable forms are current (156k etc)?? Or should I go to USCIS website?

Family (L)
You will neve know how much I better I feel today because of all your kind words of encouragement and answers to my questions. Thanks again. Little more. (L)

I'm glad that you are feeling better! I can imagine how heart-broken you were but at least you know that we are here for you always!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-01 20:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Does anyone know if the downloadable forms are current (156k etc)?? Or should I go to USCIS website?

I am doing the same thing right now! lol I would go to the USCIS page!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-01 20:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I am so sorry that this happened to you! *HUGS* But as everyone keeps saying, don't be so hard on yourself, everyone makes mistakes! Relax, do what you need to do, and then remember why you are doing this and how much you love your husband! (F)

Thanks for giving the heads up for us not at the embassy stage.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-03-01 18:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Ericdrewry: I am sooo rooting for you guys! Almost there, keep your chins up!!!!

As for the question asked of where I will be staying, in Clarendon. The nearest city I think is May Pen. Hope I can at least do a couple of Visa transactions, perhaps Dunn's River Falls accepts Visa?

Stupid question:
If I take tuna and vienna sausages in cans, will they explode?

I will be with my honey in 2 weeks and 1 day! :dance:

Ok, I need to calm down now! lol
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-22 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Can I ask about the packet 3 and 4? In one of the forums there is a sample interview packet, but it seems specific to the Poland Embassy. Is there a sample for Kingston or are the packets the same no matter which embassy?

What is packet 3 and what is packet 4? I thought there was only one pre-interview packet, with all of the documents that I have sent in (sealed) and the forms that need to be completed for the interview. :help:

Welcome jlvr!
I just sent you a PM with some information. Hope that it helps.

Would you mind sending me a pm with that info as well? I am just trying to think ahead. Thanks :D
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-22 17:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Good luck and my most sincere good thoughts to all of you, especially Eric and Ricardo, may you be home with your sweeties in no time! (F)

Michele - Congrats on the new job!

Julie - Hi, I don't know you but you got a beautiful baby :D

Everyone else... HI!

I have been busy with assignments, trying to get them done before I go to Jamaica! :blink:

I have some what may seem silly questions about my upcoming trip:

1) Is it wierd if I take my own food with me? Not that i don't like JA food cuz I do but foods like mac & chz, ramen noodles, canned tuna etc.

2) Are there any places in the countryside that take VISA debit cards?

3) I will be bringing some video games for the PS2 as well as a couple of movies to keep me busy when Marlon goes to the boring garage, can I have these on my carry-on?

4) I plan on buying Marlon a package of boxer briefs and socks, is alright to keep them in their packages?

I just want to make sure that this trip is a little moe comfortable for me than the last one, hence why I am bringing video games cuz Marlon's games are eh! lol

Thanks in advance for you responses and I am very glad to be apart of this wonderful group of people! (L)

Oh, how do I join the yahoo group? My screenname is Dragongem1976.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-19 22:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello my Yardie family!
My sister is well (thanks Michelle for the email)! She went home yesterday. I guess that breathing problem she was afflicted with was respitory failure attributed to her Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). I am so relieved that she pulled through!

Thank you all for your support and kind wishes, I KNOW that they helped!

Now I is just waiting for my trip to be with my honey :D
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-16 18:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I will adopt anyone :D
And yes it is stand-by but I am prepared! It is US Airways and if there are any seats in First Class, it's only $20.00 to upgrade, I've never flown first class hmmmmm....

Yes, the deal of the century! I am very grateful, I didn't plan on returning to Jamaica until May but for some reason an idea popped into my head to go since I don't have class. Back to roughing it but I am so looking forward to it!

On a sad note, my oldest sister is in the hospital. She went in last night with bad respitory problems, almost like my mom had before she passed. Pam is stable for now but on a ventilator. My oldest sister Cindy the RN from Kansas City is flying in tonight or tomorrow to kick some ICU butt cuz I guess they are not doing the right treatment on my sister. I asked God to please not take my sister from me as he already took my mom less than 4 months ago. Please pray for me and I will keep you all posted.

Thanks and God Bless!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-11 20:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I am GOING to Jamaica from March 9-March 18!!! My friend works for the airlines and hooked me up for $168.00!!!! YAY!!

:dance: I get to see Marlon (L)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-10 18:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello family,
I wanted to pop in and say hi and to send well wishes and warm thoughts to everyone!

Also, I need your :help: !

I am planning on going to see Marlon during Spring Break and I need help in finding some cheap air fare! Can anyone point me in a general direction please? I am going nuts and missing him so bad and thankfully that is 1 week I can take off of work!

Please :help: !
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-10 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Ugh I want a new job they are putting me on a music cart in a school with 3 floors. I can't do my African Drumming unit any more or my Xylophones. Ugh!! Where can I teach without a cart maybe we should move out of IL. Just bummed.

What about those roads today in IL? My goodness. Hope everyone made it home safe.

Have a goodnight all.

Aww, sorry to hear that, that sucks! Could you maybe request an empty classroom during another time?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-06 23:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
To Future Mrs who received NOA1 (sorry, my brain just had a shutdown and I can't remember your boardname :blush: ), congrats!

Thanks (L)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-03 14:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
BTW, does anyone on this forum who lives in the Maryland/DC area know of a good immigration attorney? I just received a letter from the Embassy of Jamaica addressed to my Senator's inquiries about our case, and it was just as I suspected--THEY HAVE LIED AND MESSED UP!! But, what's good now is that I have written documented proof about the discrepancies and lies from the Visa chief himself---so now---I'm ready to wage war against these people!! :diablo: :ranting: :protest: :angry:

WOAH! What's this? Please explain! You can PM me if you like!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-02 14:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I GOT MY NOA 1! :dance:

Good luck Susanwill (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-02-02 00:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
####### crap #######

I realized that I am an idiot and made my check out to California Service Center rather than Department of Homeland Security! :crying: Please tell me I am okay?

Also I am confused about my W2's:
In the section that states Social Security Wages the amount is higher than the amount in Wages, tips, and other allocations, do I use the upper number? If that is the case I made around $240.00 more than the 125% poverty amount, I hope I won't need a co-sponsor? :help:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-31 02:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Eric, Smiley, and Texas:

YAY! You are on your way! (F) Oh and congrats :D
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-30 00:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hang in there girl. Be strong. Follow your inner voice. It always help.

To all my friends on here, keep the faith and I am just dropping by to say hello.

Hi Trinilad! How have you and the Missus been? What have you been up to?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-28 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Nanny - You go girl! That is so exciting, I can't wait to see pictures!

Denden - Hang in there! You are to be admired for being such a strong woman and for your faith in the Lord! I am here for you and I support whatever decision you decide!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-28 14:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I just found out my loving husband was cheating on me. :crying: I guess sometimes it is too good to be true :blush: You all take care. He's been seeing this 16 year old for the past 6 months. Her mother called me today. :unsure: She is on the way over. with her daughter. Of course he left. It's so sad. I would have never had a clue. He's been so good to me. More details later.

OMG! I am sooo sorry to hear this :(
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-26 17:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
You can join :D The more the merrier!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-26 10:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
CSC got my package today! YAY! :dance:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-25 23:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
I am in shock and a bit relieved that the first step of my journey is completed.
Now I can focus on classes! :wacko:
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have answered any of my questions as well as offered support! (F)

To those of you in the process or starting out:
My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!! (L)

I could not have done any of this without my Yardie family!

Much love and respect to you all! :dance:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-23 13:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Wow Future Mrs. you are all set. Can you come help me :lol: That is so wonderful may your organizational skills rub off on me... Perfecto :yes:

Thanks :blink:

I just went and stocked up on Pepsi and ice for this evening, it's gonna be a doozy! lol So you think I will be okay? :hehe:

Oh and *rub rub* hehehe :lol:

Btw, all of that stuff was thrown together yesterday! I work well under pressure and at the LAST minute. Now I gotta triple check everything and it's off to the post office tomorrow. :huh:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-23 00:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I am wondering if Neil needs to summit a letter of intent also?? Or was that something that only the petitioner does? I am scrambling around trying to make sure that I have everything together.

To my understanding he did need one for the I29F but since you have your NOA2, just make sure he has one. There's a basic sample under forms.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-22 20:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

lovelyjodie- Good for you. I hope things go extremely well. Ricardo, you are next my man. I keep getting roadblocks. Ticket prices have now doubled & my miles may not cover it. Darn it. Future Mrs. tell us what you have compiled so far, let us help you not get an RFE, you can email me privately if you like.

Okay so here is what I have and will submit:
Cover letter
I29F Application
G325 for both of us with all 4 pages signed and dated
Letter of intent for both of us signed and dated
Check in the amount of $170.00
16 photos of mostly us together with a couple with his family and his friend
Copies of bank statements that show each time I sent him a letter as well as my airline ticket purchase
Copies of 5 letters and envelopes from him
1 passport photo of each of us with our name on the back
My itenerary
Copy of 2 baggage tags, reciept from a duty free shop, and a copy of 1 of my boarding passes
Telephone bills from June-January of this year with all of the calls/texts highlighted
Copy of Marlon's divorce decree
Copy of my passport photo page and the stamped pages for my visit
Copy of my birth certificate both sides (the one with footprints)
A couple of emails he sent me
Some chat logs from June/July of last year
Text messages from Marlon

Yikes or yay? :wacko: :help:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-22 20:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congrats to Darlene and Bert!
Eric, hang in there, she will be by your side sooner than you think!
Nanny, congrats on choosing a date and thanks for the helpful tip on waiting to get married!

If I left anyone out I am sorry, my head is full of British history and research topics!

Oh no, I just realized that Marlon did not send me his birth certificate or passport! :crying: So much for filing this week! Wait, I don't need these right as I have everything else????

The guide states for me so I am okay, phew!!!!

Going nuts here, will send paperwork tomorrow!

HUGS to everyone!

Edited by FutureMrs, 22 January 2007 - 05:22 PM.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-22 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello my VJ family!

Well, Marlon called me yesterday to let me know that he received his divorce decree finally! YAY! That means he will be sending me everything so we can file the petition soon! Hopefully by next week! I am so excited and a bit nervous, school started for me this week and this semester will certainly kick my ####### but it's my LAST semester! When it rains it pours 'eh? lol

Welcome to the new people!

I just wanted to say thanks again for all the support that I get from you guys and this website. I would be soooo lost without you! Be prepared for a million last minute questions next week!

Sorry about the duplicate posts, I feel like a tard I meant VJ family but I put ETJ, I was thinking of the other site I hardly visit anymore! lol

Edited by FutureMrs, 16 January 2007 - 11:03 AM.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-16 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Hello my ETJ family!
Well, Marlon called me yesterday to let me know that he received his divorce decree finally! YAY! That means he will be sending me everything so we can file the petition soon! Hopefully by next week! I am so excited and a bit nervous, school started for me this week and this semester will certainly kick my ####### but it's my LAST semester! When it rains it pours 'eh? lol

Welcome to the new people!

I just wanted to say thanks again for all the support that I get from you guys and this website. I would be soooo lost without you! Be prepared for a million last minute questions next week!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-16 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I Chat card - I purchased this card last night and when I called Jamaica on the LAND LINE it said I had $18.87 and 281 minutes

I spoke to him for 19 minutes and 49 seconds. When I called the number back it said I had $15.10 that figures to 20 cents per minute when they advertise 6 cents per minute. then when I went to call and find out today it said I had a balance of $14.65 which means while I was sleeping last night they took 45 cents from me. I couldn't get in touch with anyone today! I'll try on my lunch.

I'm mad at this card!!!!!!!!!!! :ranting: :ranting: :bonk:

OMG, The same thing happened to me! I Chat is so teef! :angry:

I bought the $10 card and I too noticed a rapid and magical decline in minutes. I will say that at least the card is cheaper than the $1.09 per minute I WAS paying!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-12 09:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

What's up yaardies fam! I haven't been here in a while, but honestly, I've just been going through a whole lot since the fiasco back in know, when things don't go according to plan, your entire existence can be thrown totally out of whack---but slowly, I am trying to get back to some routine and get myself together for the next step in this process...I've see since I've been gone that I've offended some that I say....Sorry...I felt what I felt, just like you felt what you felt....if that offended you, wasn't intentional...for the rest of you---GOOD LUCK on your upcoming journeys into the new year....for the record, I am NOW planning a destination wedding to Runaway Bay for Oct. of this year...we are not going to let anything negative get in the way of our wanting to be together and celebrate in love!! I will keep you posted with further plans--and if any of you are down there and want to drop by--FEEL FREE!!! I'm actually more excited now about the wedding being down there and having my family and friends experience all of the joy, beauty, and love that is JAMAICA!

I am so glad to hear that you guys are NOT giving up! I am so excited about your future wedding plans! Yay!

I found a phone card for 7 cents a minute. It is on the web site and I used the I Chat phone card. IDT was painful at 25 cents a minute pinzoo still painful. I wanted to find a price like the old IDT card and I did. This will save us a few pretty pennys.

Playoffs are on in a half hour whoopie!! Even though the Bears are off I want to see who is going to win today in the wildcard playoffs..

Take Care

Wow! Thanks so much for telling us about this site! I just signed up and I will be trying a card out soon! Is the access number local or a 1-800? Also, are there any hidden fees after the phone call is completed?

No hidden fees at all. They will call you to verify your information like street address and name. Then you can go back on the site and purchase.

Awesome! Thanks again! $1.09 a minute has been killing me! :crying:

I am just waiting for Marlon to get his divorce decree in the mail. *ho-hum* *grumble-grumble* It is his birthday today so I called and talked to him for a couple of minutes. School starts for me next week, my last semester! Here's to hopefully submitting our I29 this month. *sigh*
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-08 21:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

What's up yaardies fam! I haven't been here in a while, but honestly, I've just been going through a whole lot since the fiasco back in know, when things don't go according to plan, your entire existence can be thrown totally out of whack---but slowly, I am trying to get back to some routine and get myself together for the next step in this process...I've see since I've been gone that I've offended some that I say....Sorry...I felt what I felt, just like you felt what you felt....if that offended you, wasn't intentional...for the rest of you---GOOD LUCK on your upcoming journeys into the new year....for the record, I am NOW planning a destination wedding to Runaway Bay for Oct. of this year...we are not going to let anything negative get in the way of our wanting to be together and celebrate in love!! I will keep you posted with further plans--and if any of you are down there and want to drop by--FEEL FREE!!! I'm actually more excited now about the wedding being down there and having my family and friends experience all of the joy, beauty, and love that is JAMAICA!

I am so glad to hear that you guys are NOT giving up! I am so excited about your future wedding plans! Yay!

I found a phone card for 7 cents a minute. It is on the web site and I used the I Chat phone card. IDT was painful at 25 cents a minute pinzoo still painful. I wanted to find a price like the old IDT card and I did. This will save us a few pretty pennys.

Playoffs are on in a half hour whoopie!! Even though the Bears are off I want to see who is going to win today in the wildcard playoffs..

Take Care

Wow! Thanks so much for telling us about this site! I just signed up and I will be trying a card out soon! Is the access number local or a 1-800? Also, are there any hidden fees after the phone call is completed?

No hidden fees at all. They will call you to verify your information like street address and name. Then you can go back on the site and purchase.

Awesome! Thanks again! $1.09 a minute has been killing me! :crying:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-08 21:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I found a phone card for 7 cents a minute. It is on the web site and I used the I Chat phone card. IDT was painful at 25 cents a minute pinzoo still painful. I wanted to find a price like the old IDT card and I did. This will save us a few pretty pennys.

Playoffs are on in a half hour whoopie!! Even though the Bears are off I want to see who is going to win today in the wildcard playoffs..

Take Care

Wow! Thanks so much for telling us about this site! I just signed up and I will be trying a card out soon! Is the access number local or a 1-800? Also, are there any hidden fees after the phone call is completed?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-08 21:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='BelwinMills' post='647580' date='Jan 4 2007, 07:27 PM'][quote name='FutureMrs' post='647153' date='Jan 4 2007, 04:09 PM']NEVER EVER, send regular mail or regular USPS Priority Mail. It took a month to get to fiancee. Since this mistake Ive used DHL & Fedex. Fedex was around 30 dhl was 40.00. Dont sent anything in a box, customs with DHL will hold it & charge you excessively to have fiancee pick up & pay fees. Send a letter size packet.[/quote]

How should I send Marlon some underwear and a video game? :help:

Just remember he will have to pay duty on it. Sometimes I think it's not worth it to send him stuff. I would just us WU and send money so he can get his own undies. Just my 2 cents.

Oh well, guess he will have to wait until he gets here! :lol:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-04 21:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='Jomo' post='647102' date='Jan 4 2007, 02:37 PM'][quote name='Belly' post='489661' date='Oct 5 2006, 07:40 AM']Ok, so I was on the other forum again just browsing to see if the lady had responded to my inquiry..and she hadn't...but while I was looking, another forum member had informed everyone on the site that she had come across the VJ website and how great it was and thought others should check it out, and the lady responded with:

It didn't help me as much as I would've liked it to. Ended up finding out more info on my own.

She also went on to say that someone had recommended her to the site, but she found it basically useless to her....well naturally, I took offense, because I think this entire website has been one of the best things that I have ever found, and everyone in this forum has been extremely open and I responded by just letting everyone know all the different kinds of helpful and useful information that could be found up here, how there was a network just for folx from the caribbean, and how everyone on the site has been helpful and how it is probably one of the best places to go if you want to know ANYTHING about the immigration process, before during, and after!! I really kinda think of this place as another family, and I'm actually surprised at how defensive I felt!!! Anyhoo, I'm off to work, so I'll talk to you later. Hope everyone has a nice day!![/quote]

Probably not a good idea to chat about someone when said person (me) can actually see what you wrote.

I stand by what I said. I have looked through this site many times and still stand by my previous statements. I did not find this site as useful as others have expressed. I am sorry for that. Didn't say it was not helpful to everyone and anyone....just not me. Things that were said on here are the opposite of what we experienced. Maybe it is just my case. Maybe it is just the centers/embassy/whatever we went through. Who knows.

Yes, I did go through the process. My husband currently holds a 2 year Green card, a social security card, a MO State ID, and a driver's permit. I must've done something right.

No need to knock me for my opinion.


OMG! Nice to see you here! *hugs*
I will be PMing you soon for some information :)

Use DHL or Fedex, it can fit in a regular letter size envelope. I have sent fiancee cds like this. Put his contact # on the package.

They won't fit in a regular letter size envelope? :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-04 17:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
NEVER EVER, send regular mail or regular USPS Priority Mail. It took a month to get to fiancee. Since this mistake Ive used DHL & Fedex. Fedex was around 30 dhl was 40.00. Dont sent anything in a box, customs with DHL will hold it & charge you excessively to have fiancee pick up & pay fees. Send a letter size packet.

How should I send Marlon some underwear and a video game? :help:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-01-04 17:09:00