Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

mr jengles will be arriving next thursday...can't wait....

OMG! That is so exciting! May your reunion be blessed and sweet! (F)

me Aug 30

Was thinking about you just today, shaking my head at the whole thing....Hopefully this will finally be over soon!

CONGRATS all on your approvals, interview appointments and visa approvals. Good luck and positive vibes to all.

Luv Claire :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Claire, you are the perfect addition to the Yardie family as well as Empress! You both are so positive, helpful, upbeat, and supportive! Thanks for being cool! (F)

Mydestinyawaits ~ August 7
FutureMrs. ~ August 14
Kkholiday2006 ~ August 14
JayDonna ~ August 14

Who else?

I think Finesse is going down at the end of the month.

nu suh?

me Aug 30

This time is a charm! Rooting for ya! (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-10 23:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Check out this link....and let me know what you think...


Well, of course they are going to say that stuff, KK.....they are advertising international dating.

Other then that, all I have to say is I wouldn't wipe my rassclott batty with that piece of junk. IDIOTS!!!!!

I agree!!!! What a dorky thing!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-09 14:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I feel numb at this point, is that normal? I am drained and so tired, sleep has eluded me in the past couple of nights. I am thinking he left his phone at home and perhaps went to get his long-awaited no impediment form? *sigh*
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-09 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I must have made Marlon mad yesterday as I have been trying to call him all morning and no answer! Man this whole process is so hard and frustrating! I just hope he doesn't take it upon himself to reschedule his appointment! But if he does it will be his choice. I have done all that I can on my side, I guess the ball is in his court....
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-09 11:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Ack, haven't been sleeping well, perhaps it has something to do with an unnamed Jamaican male? lol I will be calling him this morning to once again and perhaps for all plead my case. Sometimes I just don't know! Hope everyone else is having a better day!

Jay, I too hope you can meet Marlon if I can get anything through to his thick head! :blink:

Rhonda, hang in there, it WILL all work out, have faith!

Michele, wish I could answer your food question!

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-09 06:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

that's exactly what I am fearing. Him going wait til the last minute and then them going tell him they don't have appointments available in time. Yesterday was the last time I talking to him about it. And I goin tell him not to call me unless is to pick up the money from western union to buy my ticket. I cant manage all a dis stress. :no:

him can lally gag and soon come all he wants...afta a nuh my visa

I called and made an appointment for Donna from the States. Donna works a lot of hours and can't hold on the phone waiting. She lives in Kingston with two places to go for the visa medical. So, I called both places and made two appointments about a week apart. That way if she missed the first one there was another already scheduled.

How long did it take for Donna to get the No Impediment to Marriage form?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-08 20:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Where are you Mydestinyawaits?!?!?!

Ok, here's a question for the recent interviewees: When Marlon presents himelf for the interview at the embassy, which forms does he hand over right away before interviewing?

Edited by FutureMrs, 08 August 2007 - 08:09 PM.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-08 20:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary to Jax!!!!!

Jay have a safe flight and good luck on the interview, if you see Marlon say hello!!!!!

Kimmy I am so glad he made it safe!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, we need them!!!!

I spoke to JG last night and she said the same thing Rhonda did, to have Marlon go to the interview even if he doesn't have the form!

ARGGGGHHHHHH! Are ALL Jamaican men so dang stubborn?!?! :help:
So I told Marlon this and he's like well I want to follow the rules and the paperwork blah blah blah.... I so wanna strangle him! He did speak to a supervisor at the RGO's office and the guy was like man it shouldn't take that long! He gave Marlon a phone number and extension to call him directly tomorrow so we'll see. I explained to Marlon that he should go to the interview because it will be faster and better for him to be issued a 221G rather than waiting around for another interview! I was almost yelling at him to get through his stubbornness! I told him point blank that I want and NEED him here and I refuse to wait another couple of months. I then asked him if he would just go for us. He said he would. *sigh* Here's hoping for the NIM form tomorrow!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-08 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Wonder why Phoenix Sky Harbor is not on that website?

On another note, Marlon tried to go the the RGO but it was closed early today due to being nomination day?!?! :help:

He said he will try again tomorrow. He told me that of he does not get it by tomorrow that I should email the embassy and let them know?

I say he should go to the interview and show them his reciept and let them know that the situation is OUT OF OUR HANDS! #######? What should we do??????
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-07 20:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I spoke to Marlon today and found out the Registrar General's office in Spanish Town has been hassling him about his no impediment form. He ordered and paid for it on June 18! I guess he was arguing with them last week as he paid the extra fee for expedited service and is yet to receive it! He is going back today. I have emailed and emailed to no avail! :help:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-07 12:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I am going nuts waiting to hear something from Mydestinyawaits! Anyone heard from her?

On another note: thanks JG and everyone, for validating the comments made regarding my earlier post about my siggy etc.

Ok, I am off to call Marlon! :whistle:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-07 10:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Again thanks everyone for being here for me!

Congrats on hubby coming home Kimmy! :dance:

I can't believe that Marlon's interview is in 8 days! :blink:

Minfay: LOL! Marlon is not much of a talker on the phone but in person he too won't stop! lol

I can't wait to hear from Mydestinyawaits, hers is tomorrow! She said she would send me a text message so if I hear anything I will let you know!

Have a great day!

Help - I think mr jengles is scared to leave JA. any advice on how to get him on a plane. We are going back down in September thanks to my miles, but I'm getting fustrated since I have to go back to work in October and wanted to be able to show him around before then. I'm in brooklyn so he has to learn the subway system and my son starts kindergarden this sept . he says he is trying to get himself financially situated before he comes up so he can contribute to the household and to help us save money, but I'm here by myself with the baby and I don't think he realizes that. I appreciate what he's doing but feel that is should have been done before he got the visa/went for the interview. I'm trying not to let my fustration show but I hung up the phone on him this morning. Now we are looking at him coming up next week if he changes the date again I don't know what I will do.

trying to stay patient

wow kim I can't believe he;s coming today! wow get the candles lingerie etc. ready girl!

are you gonna prepare dinner for him?

I'm just so happy for you he just had the interview last week.

Girl..u know it..and guess who wanna be at the airport....HIS MOTHER !!! :no:

I WILL have updates on this :) he should be getting in at 7:50

noooo :no: he's gonna be making dinner..I"M TIRED !!! :yes: :lol:

I would forget to go and pick her up!!!!

Sorry to hear of your frustration! Have you told him how you feel and how much you need him here by your side? Things will work out, I am rooting for you!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-06 11:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Thank you so much ladies for making me feel better! I do apologize, this whole visa process has me stressed out to the point that I have skipped 2 periods. I went to the doctor and I am taking the pill to try to regulate me. I have also been under financial stress, I just signed the paperwork yesterday to file for Bankruptcy, it was the best option for me. I'm not too happy about it but what can you do? I know that it will not affect the visa or Marlon so I am fine with it and the law firm started my case with no money down and only $210.00 a month, they were more than fair! I tried the credit help agencies but they were unable to offer me a fair or good deal. At least now when a creditor calls I can refer them to my lawyer and that will take a HUGE load off! So thanks again for being here for me, I couldn't possibly get through this visa process without my yardie family!

BIG HUGS to all of you!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-05 12:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
I am not crazy!
I just work alot and most of the time when I am free I can't call Marlon because he is sleeping! We both know how expensive it is to call each other so we keep it to a minimum. Since I got my home phone I have been calling him more, about 3 times a week due to the interview approaching. When I went to Jamaica I stayed with him both times and he paid for my food and expenses while I was there. I will remove my siggy as obviously I am getting some flack for it.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-04 11:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So Marlon sent me money to FedEx the DS-156 and DS-157 forms, he will receive them tomorrow. It cost $43.98. I also included the interview questions that Empress provided (thanks!) as well as a letter to the consular officer conducting the interview regarding why I cannot be present. I also included the email from the embassy stating the original date of August 7. So hopefully all will go well!

12 more days!!!!! :wacko:

I agree with the PRICELESS !!!!!

Yah, me too. But, my charges up to that PRICELESS were a lot higher then yours, Sarah. I couldn't help but think you are lucky when I read it.

I was just thinking the same thing...I spent TONS more before I got to the priceless part...tons I tell ya :blink:

How did it not cost you so much?

I'm frugal and a bargain hunter! Not too mention that Marlon and I don't feel the need to talk so often, sometimes we go a couple of weeks but we ALWAYS text each other. We also mail stuff to each other.
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-02 20:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

So Marlon sent me money to FedEx the DS-156 and DS-157 forms, he will receive them tomorrow. It cost $43.98. I also included the interview questions that Empress provided (thanks!) as well as a letter to the consular officer conducting the interview regarding why I cannot be present. I also included the email from the embassy stating the original date of August 7. So hopefully all will go well!

12 more days!!!!! :wacko:

I love the "MasterCard" spin on this whole immigration process...too cute :lol: :lol:

Thanks! I'm in a silly mood! :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-02 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
So Marlon sent me money to FedEx the DS-156 and DS-157 forms, he will receive them tomorrow. It cost $43.98. I also included the interview questions that Empress provided (thanks!) as well as a letter to the consular officer conducting the interview regarding why I cannot be present. I also included the email from the embassy stating the original date of August 7. So hopefully all will go well!

12 more days!!!!! :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-02 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Thank you everybody!
I will have Marlon hound the RG's office! It was the RG whom I emailed today but of course no response! :wacko:

I want to say have a safe trip to Mydestinyawaits as she leaves for Jamaica tonight and good luck on her interview Tuesday! :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs: :dance: :thumbs:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 20:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

FutureMRS....My fiance was told to come and pick up the non-impediment form. He used the office in Mobay though.

God only knows which office Marlon used! :blink:
Let the email bombardment commence! lol

It is stories like this that make me take a step back and thank God Andre is no longer there. Happens everywhere, I know; but seems to be way too frequently in JA.

Donna mentioned to me the other night not to wear orange or green when I come for the interview because of the elections this month. Sometimes people get shot for wearing the opposing party's color. Nomination Day is Aug. 7th and Election Day is on Aug. 27th. I pray these elections come and go without violence. I hope to have Donna here by that time.

Let us hope both of our sweeties are here this month! I don't know how much I can take of this distance! lol :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Did they tell him they were going to mail it to him? Andre had to PICK up the non-impediment form. It was sitting there waiting for him. I think someone else on here said the same thing. Double check.

Yeah, I think they said they would mail it to him. I will keep hounding them via email as well as have Marlon go there and raise hell!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 11:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Mydestinyawaits ~ August 7
FutureMrs. ~ August 14
Kkholiday2006 ~ August 14
JayDonna ~ August 14

Who else?
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Thanks Claire and KK, I know that all will work out! I will be expressing the papers tomorrow and hopefully Marlon will have them next week.

On another note, where are those interview questions that were asked at a recent interview? :blink:

Edited by FutureMrs, 01 August 2007 - 10:47 AM.

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 10:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Good Morning...

Congrats on the approval yesterday :dance:

Hope everyone is doing good...

We got some bad news out of JA yesterday and I am just asking for some prayers. Andre's family lives in the Bushy Park Scheme in May Pen. It is a pretty tight community and everyone knows everyone. Anyways Andre's barber is right down the road from his families house and he has been good friends with his barber Oliver since Highschool. Well yesterday Oliver was trimming an off duty cop (can't remember his name now) that Andre also grew up with and would play ball with every night back in JA. Well yesterday afternoon 2 thugs came to rob Oliver's shop and held them both at gunpoint. Oliver gave them all his money and some supplies and such and as they were leaving they noticed that the guy in the chair had a gun as he was a cop and they shot him right there in the chair in the stomach and took off. Well the cop kind slouched out of the chair and started crawling towards the door and the guys who were running off noticed that he had come to the doorway so they turned back and shot him 6 more times and stole the gun. All this happened right at Oliver's feet at the steps of his barbershop. He is devasted and scared out of his mind. He is petrified that they will come back for him or his kids because he could ID them and they murdered a cop. Which we all know is pretty controversial in JA or anywhere for that matter. So Andre is super upset for his friend Oliver and also the cop as they were friends but he is even more concerned for his family as they lived only a block or two away. So if you could keep Andre, Oliver and all the families involved in your prayers that would be much appreciated. Oliver has a little child that he takes care of solely as his wife is in the US so he is under a lot of stress especially now that he is out all that money. Anyways thanks for anything you can send our way.

Jamie (F)

Oh and also...I don't have internet access at home anymore and limited access at work so for those of you who have emailed me and I haven't gotten back to you...sorry :luv:

Oh my! My prayers and warmest thoughts are certainly with Andre, Oliver, and the families! (F)
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 10:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Man I feel like a tard! Marlon texted me yesterday to let me know that he got the package from me with all the forms. He also told me to call him ASAP as there were errors! :unsure: He was really cool about it (one of the many reasons I love him)! On the DS-156 I signed under applicant! And I failed to submit the DS-157!!!! OMG! :crying: And he was like send them to me overnight and I was like baby, I have no money! So he is WUing me some money so I can send these forms to him. AND... he applied for his non-impediment form on JUNE 18 and has NOT received it yet!!!! #######?!?! So he asked me to bombard them with emails as he NEEDS that form. *sigh* Ok, that's it for now, thanks for allowing me to vent! :thumbs: :blink: :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 09:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

OMG !! I am so excited for all u guys that r coming up for interviews...r u guys all going to the interviews ? That's one thing I wanted to do....


I'm not but I wish I could! Had it been on the 7th as the embassy originally told me then I could have but being it's the 14th, I have to be at work, it's the start of a new semester in college = busy, busy!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-08-01 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Congrats Kimmy! :dance: :thumbs: I too have been thinking of you all day! My heart feels lighter now that you have been approved!

Now interview list for upcoming dates: (add your info)

FutureMrs (Marlon) ~ 08/14/2007 @ 7:30am
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-31 18:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Good luck on the interview tomorrow! :dance:

Marlon's is 2 weeks from tomorrow, I am still waiting for him to get the mail! :wacko:

Also congrats on the real September interview dates! :thumbs:

Sonshyne congrats on the AOS NOA1!

Not much else here, just debt. Considering bankruptcy. Other than that, work, work, work!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-30 20:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Congrats to all the happy people who are soon to be reunited! :thumbs:

I finally sent the paperwork to Marlon. 2 pounds, 11.10 ounces = $39.50 USPS Express mail! :wacko:

He should have it by next week and thankfully it is trackable!

SO now I wait... n finish the new HP book, organize my apartment, find a better weekend job etc...


Stats class is pretty much done, I have a very close A going into the project next week, should get at A! Hard work pays off! :thumbs:

Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-25 14:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I had the baby on Monday and hubby passed his interview yesterday, he said the officer told him out of 45 people so far for the morning, he was the only one who got a visa. I'm still waiting to hear all the details so I can pass it along.

DOUBLE Congratulations :dance: :dance:

I'm so excited! I go for my ultrasound tomorrow morning (Friday) to find out the baby's sex :dance: :goofy: :joy: I hope he/she cooperates and isn't crossing it's legs :lol:

Congratulations to you two!

I can't believe that they DENY that many people in one day! I never knew it was that hight of a percentage. Now I'm getting concerned cause it seems like there's really no room to not worry, until after the visa is in hand.

Ronda - hope the legs aren't cross !!!!

I didn't even think they interviewed 45 a day

That number does seem high, I wonder if perhaps those were for the visitor's visas as I know Jamaica constantly denies those and Marlon had tried twice many years ago.

So Rhonda, the sex of the baby is ________?

Jengles: Post pics of baby as soon as you can!!!!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-19 20:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Marlon said his medical went well, I will find out where he went and the cost and post later. I am sending him the paperwork tomorrow. Which is better/faster DHL or FedEx? :wacko: On another note, I will not be attending the interview for several reasons but most importantly because of work, there will be several people on vacation the week of August 14 and it is necessary for me to be at work. Had the original date I was given remained August 7 I could have gone! Leave it to the embassy to mix up dates! :thumbs: My boss agreed to write a letter to that effect. I am 100% positive that Marlon will be fine during his interview. Again thanks to everyone for their advice and support!

The baby was 7lbs 10 ozs and 19 1/2 inches long and came out from 7 minutes of pushing, (the doctor threatned to cut me) that was great incentive to push. baby girl is very quiet not at all like her brother.

Just spoke to hubby a got a list of the questions they asked him, he said he went to three people, not sure who asked him what, he did say he was asked if he filled out the forms and for a copy of my latest tax return and that was from the first person.

here's the list of questions he was asked

how many brothers I had and their names
mothers name
fathers name
where do i work
what city is my job in
where do i live - he gave city not street address
cell number, house number
where and how did we meet
how many days did he see/talk to me during our initial meeting
what hotel did i stay at when we first meet
what date did we meet
when was my 2nd trip
and why did i come back to ja for my 2nd trip
why did i just get my passport - i got it 10/16/06 for those who are wondering but i mean who doesn't know passports are know required for international travel
when was the last time i traveled to JA
why did i travel so late in my pregnancy
how many weeks pregnant was i when i traveled in may
why isn't she here? answer - I had a baby the day before
does he have a birth certificate for the baby born on Monday - this one cracked me up. I used to work in a hospital birth registrar's office, there is no way u can get a birth certificate in less than 24hrs. The best we used to do is give people a mother's letter, saying a baby was born in the hospital to so and so. birth certificates come from the city. I told him if u had said yes, she would have bounced u out of there.
what does he like about me
does his kids no me
what is my title where i work - he told her, she then said to him that does mean anything what does she do? and he told her something else something like Marketing Manager I think he said and she said that doesn't make sense. but I told him HE has all the facts and so do they beyond that he can say whatever he likes and long as it resonable and they can't disprove it.
how did we get engaged - this he fudged we got engaged over the phone in July and got married in August, he told her we got engaged over the phone and when I came down in June we finalized it and then got married in August. Here she tried to trip him up because he said over the phone and she concentrated on that and told him that if he was lying she would stop the process right now. he told her he wasn't lying but she could stop the process if she wanted to.
she wanted to know how many times i came to JA and didn't belive when he said 11 times, but he had photo copies of my passport pages, and my frequent flier miles from AA my redemptions and earnings which showed all the trips.
she asked for the wedding photos and asked him to identify my grandmother his mother who was my son, and how old was he and what was his full name
why did we get married where we did

hope this helps

he said he got the impression that if he had changed any of his answers he would have been out of there and she was asking questions thru a speaker and he said everyone could hear the questions she was asking

Congrats on the baby and the interview success!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-19 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Today is not a good day :angry: The buddy pass idea went kaput and there is no way I can afford a plane ticket so Marlon will be on his own. I guess I will just type up a letter explaining my absence and hopefully that will suffice. I am 100% positive that Marlon can handle himself perfectly during the interview. First I bomb the test then no buddy pass. I just want to bury myself under a rock right now. Hope everyone else is having a better day! :crying:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-17 16:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Howdy folks.

I finished my test, didn't do as well as I had hoped to but at least there will be extra credit points to apply to it towards the end which will boost me up to a B on the test. *shrug* Other than that I am just trying to get all of the paperwork together for Marlon's interview and hopefully send it off Friday. I am still waiting to hear back from some people about a buddy pass. Please keep your fingers crossed for and/or say a prayer as that will be the ONLY way I will be able to go to Jamaica and attend the interview. Or we can start a "Send Sarah to Marlon's interview campaign" here in VJ! lol J/k I am remaining hopeful about going! :thumbs:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-17 15:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

Hi everybody...

Sorry I haven't been on lately, my internet was out Friday until today but now it is fixed! Marlon called me on Friday and told me that he received his interview letter "packet 4" BUT the date and time stated August 14 @ 7:30am! :wacko: I am not complaining though, it gives me more time to pull a flight miracle out of my #######! lol

whoa what happened? having 2 different interview dates is a scary thought. i'll be really mad if the same thing happens to us. it's a good thing for you because it gives you an extra week, but i've made special provisions to attend an intervew on aug. 7th. i DO NOT want to find out the date has been changed.

good luck on your exam sarah!

Thanks! It kinda made me mad at the ineffiency of the embassy but then I was like more time! Now I need to bury my head in my stats book. Cheers!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-16 14:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
Hi everybody...

Sorry I haven't been on lately, my internet was out Friday until today but now it is fixed! Marlon called me on Friday and told me that he received his interview letter "packet 4" BUT the date and time stated August 14 @ 7:30am! :wacko: I am not complaining though, it gives me more time to pull a flight miracle out of my #######! lol

Congrats to Denden, Alien Girl, and who ever I missed (sorry, had to skim through 5 pages to catch up!)

I have an exam tomorrow so I won't be on until tomorrow afternoon. Have a great day!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-16 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

it's quite possible that my fiance and i would be leaving the embassy as sarah and marlon come in. our interviews are 6 hours apart. i'd definitely love to link up with ya girl.

So would I girl, more than anything I want to be there! Now it all hinges on a plane ticket... *sigh*
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-12 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

WHOOOOA wait a minute! the NVC is scheduling interview appointments for the embassy now? how on earth did i miss that? so if someone who needed to reschedule an appointment that was originally made directly with the embassy, they would now be dealing with NVC instead of the embassy?

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

It was so good to talk to ya on the phone today! :thumbs: Hang in there my friend, we are all in this together! *hugs*

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

Oh, Tia. I'm so sorry.

They wrote the date on a sheet of paper and he went to the medical with that. The official letter came in the mail right before the interview, with his second copy of packet 4 that we just threw away.

So perhaps the email from the embassy will suffice as far as reporting the interview date? Can the people doing the medical not verify the info themselves by calling the embassy? :blink:

ok, curiosity was starting to get the best of me so i went ahead and called Mobay Hope and asked that question. the lady i spoke with said that they absolutely cannot perform a medical exam without the actual interview letter. she said that they simply cannot go over the embassy's head on this rule since it's the embassy's rule, not theirs. so i told her about our situation and this is what she suggested:

if you can't get the interview letter in time to have the medical exam, go to the interview-as planned- even if the medical hasn't been performed yet. she said that the embassy would reschedule another appointment that would be MUCH sooner than rescheduling an interview that you skipped it all together. i'm assuming she's talking about a blue slip.

i'm still going to and call the embassy tomorrow too.

sarah it was great talking to you today too. hopefully we can get this whole interview letter fiasco sorted out.

That's good that you did that. I will keep hounding the embassy and just tell Marlon that if he doesn't get that letter by next week to make an appointment for the medical the week before the interview. If not, then he will just go to the interview and then schedule the medical. *shrug* I'm just tired of worrying about it! :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-12 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

It was so good to talk to ya on the phone today! :thumbs: Hang in there my friend, we are all in this together! *hugs*

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

Oh, Tia. I'm so sorry.

They wrote the date on a sheet of paper and he went to the medical with that. The official letter came in the mail right before the interview, with his second copy of packet 4 that we just threw away.

So perhaps the email from the embassy will suffice as far as reporting the interview date? Can the people doing the medical not verify the info themselves by calling the embassy? :blink:

Are you guys planning on meeting that day since you'll both be there?

I am thankful you two have each other. I went through it all by my lonesome at the time.

We could meet but her interview is a week later!
JG: I got you too and I am extremely greatful for you and all you have done for me!
I am also extremely greatful to all of you, thanks for being there!
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-12 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

It was so good to talk to ya on the phone today! :thumbs: Hang in there my friend, we are all in this together! *hugs*

They gave him a date that day. That's what I'm saying, Tia, it was easier.

As a sort of a side note, the first time he went, he went after the 10 o'clock (traffic was bad) cut off for just walking in and had to come back the next day. He did travel 2 days in a row then.

and as for the interview letter, did they print one out for him right on the spot or is the interview letter requirement a new thing? i'm just pissed that an interview letter is required in the first place. why can an ID be sufficient? i'm stressing so much about this that i cried today.

Oh, Tia. I'm so sorry.

They wrote the date on a sheet of paper and he went to the medical with that. The official letter came in the mail right before the interview, with his second copy of packet 4 that we just threw away.

So perhaps the email from the embassy will suffice as far as reporting the interview date? Can the people doing the medical not verify the info themselves by calling the embassy? :blink:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-12 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I emailed Kingston and asked if there is any way that Marlon can come and pick up packet 4 as he will need it for his medical on the 17. They said there is no possible way as the next date he could do that was July 31st!!! :help: What the heck are we supposed to do now? I emailed Marlon a copy of the email from them stating the date and time of his interview, will that suffice for his medical?!?!??!?!!?

He should just show up at the embassy. That's what my fiance did on monday. He made sure he had the NVC case number (KNG#####). He explained to them the situation and they told him to come back the next day. He has not received packet 3 as of yet. Thanks to VJ and your help, I knew to send the DS 230 by courier.

They made an appointment for him to come back on Tuesday. He was able to pick up everything then.

The problem with that is the coming back part. How far is Marlon from Kingston?

I remember Andre travelling over 3-4 hours to get to the embassy.

Marlon is in Clarendon which is 2 hours away from Kingston! :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-12 13:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)

I emailed Kingston and asked if there is any way that Marlon can come and pick up packet 4 as he will need it for his medical on the 17. They said there is no possible way as the next date he could do that was July 31st!!! :help: What the heck are we supposed to do now? I emailed Marlon a copy of the email from them stating the date and time of his interview, will that suffice for his medical?!?!??!?!!?

He should just show up at the embassy. That's what my fiance did on monday. He made sure he had the NVC case number (KNG#####). He explained to them the situation and they told him to come back the next day. He has not received packet 3 as of yet. Thanks to VJ and your help, I knew to send the DS 230 by courier.

They made an appointment for him to come back on Tuesday. He was able to pick up everything then.

Thanks, I will let Marlon know to do that. I did send an email to them stating that he NEEDS that interview letter for the medical & the interview. We'll see what they have to say to that! :wacko:
Dwarf_OgressFemale02007-07-11 14:39:00