Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

My wife got a car, a Caribbean vacation and diamond ear rings yet she still doesn't give better sex. What did I do wrong?

Whoa. I think I married the wrong sort of guy!

/should I demand more high-maintenance things?
//not that we can afford it
///but we're still young and both on our first marriage, so.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-04-05 11:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed an authentic but "eater friendly" RUB recipe!
Well, I'm drinking cheap Russian vodak right now so. ;)
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-16 23:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed an authentic but "eater friendly" RUB recipe!

I think you should take a case of beer into your class and explain to everyone that beer is a meal in Russia.

Needs more vodka.

ANYWAY. I apologize for taking forever to respond. I'm in my final semester of nursing school, working, and trying to get a job AND A GODDAMN HOUSE on top of everything.

I went with pirogies because I'm the dumbass who forgot that they're Ukrainian. I actually have a fairly decent recipe that I make my husband for hand-made pirogies. I usually fry them with sausage -- I did a veg and a sausage version.

I couldn't do bilinis. This is probably because in 10th grade French class, we had the most epic crepe party and I had about 25+ crepes. (I was bulimic and anorexic at the time, but yeah. No crepes.)

I did make borsch! I put enough sour creme and salt in it to kill...something. Or to rehydrate the Dead Sea. But it was pretty good and it was gobbled up pretty fast.

My husband's newest coworker is, like, off the boat Russian. My next effort will to make him something decent! :)
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-16 23:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed an authentic but "eater friendly" RUB recipe!
Okay. I don't eat RUB food at all. I'm a vegetarian and I hate beets so Borscht is out. However, I have to cook a RUB-authentic meal for a club that I'm in.

I need something that's fairly "eater friendly" but still authentic. It doesn't need to be vegetarian -- I mean, is vegetarian an option for RUB folks? ;) But yeah. Figured you guys would be the best to ask. I google RUB recipes but have no idea how they'd taste.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-04 23:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

:lol: Heck, I would offer them jobs but no one wanted to work 60 hours a week for $300...per month. Go figure. I guess hot women only go so far.

Indeed. My husband made minimum wage, worked 38 hours a week on top of studying for 40+ hours in uni, and spent all of his extra money on Greyhound tickets to visit me. :) And I'm not even hot! It's amazing.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-03-16 23:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFSU women and Sexual Harassement

He's always went for the ugly/fat girls. If you want to see how to pick 'em, check out Tom Brady. That's a man who knows how to do his checkdowns.

A Pats fan, really? Also, you're talking with reverence about a man who looked like an overgrown Justin Bieber until a few weeks ago.

You officially lose your man card when the hair flip works better for you than it does for your feminine partner.

/unless you're Troy Polamalu.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-11-10 22:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYes, we have been skinny dipping!

From what I know of Alla that Gary has revealed in this forum, I believe she has the potential to be an outstanding nurse!

Totally agree. I have had many patients who wish that I would parade around in high heels and in a miniskirt; bonus points for looking *good* while doing it. Extra bonus points for the nurse who can sexily insert two 18 gauges, a foley, and a rectal tube without smearing her makeup but showing just enough thigh/#### to be titillating.

Quadruple bonus points if your breasts heave out of your scrubs while you're doing chest compressions.
HannahPFemaleCanada2012-08-08 23:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYes, we have been skinny dipping!
No, you think RNs are in demand everywhere but 1/3 new grad RNs do not get nursing jobs out of school.

If she truly only had to her Intro to Socio class, than you're probably confusing pre-reqs with nursing school which is understandable. A lot of people don't understand the difference between pre-reqs and nursing because they're both undergrad education.

I don't really get the nekkid references. I've been married to my husband for longer than you've even been with Alla(?). Obviously, you probably had a first marriage which failed miserably -- perhaps you could provide some advice in that spectrum in regards to keeping a first marriage going?
HannahPFemaleCanada2012-08-06 23:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYes, we have been skinny dipping!

I think the point is that Alla has already done some kind of certificate training for the medical interpreting work she has been doing for the past couple of years, so she placed out of the theoretical classes.

That's not how nursing school works.

She can certainly clep out of pre-reqs; but, assuming that she's doing an ADN (not a diploma program or LPN -- or maybe gary has confused a CNA/CMA program with a nursing program? CNA/CMA is often a pre-req for nursing school), no, a "certificate training program" doesn't cut it. Even assuming that she's had classes in the pathophysiology of common diseases in neonates, children, adults, geriatrics, and psych patients -- along with the common medications used to treat said diseases and how they work, side-effects, etc. -- there is a very large body of nursing literature that is taught only in nursing school. Nursing theory, along with nursing "thought process" (can I get a holla' for nursing diagnoses and care plans from any other nurses out there?), nursing interventions, etc. are all core components of nursing education.

I'm actually kind of offended that you'd think that a certificate training program for medical interpreting would be adequate for the didactic component of nursing education. Paramedic to RN and RN to BSN programs both have comprehensive "theoretical" components -- and these are people with, at the very least, hands on medical knowledge...if they aren't already nurses.

Does seem a shame that Alla is apparently wasting her talents by starting at the very bottom of the totem pole. Starting with a BSN will give her better access to acute care jobs (my hospital only hires BSNs now, with two others in the area transitioning to this), as well as make the transition into higher education much smoother.
HannahPFemaleCanada2012-08-06 22:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYes, we have been skinny dipping!
Darlin', your wife did not clep out of nursing school.

Although she is truly doing herself a disservice by only going for an ADN. Clearly, she has the prior degree(s) and grades (and it appears that money is also not an issue) to get into an accelerated BSN program.
HannahPFemaleCanada2012-08-06 16:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I met my wife in 2000. We kept in touch until '05 via phone calls, email and letters. Calling cards weren't cheap and skype wasn't around yet but we still corresponded.

I guess in today's terms it would be quite different. We'd typically go two or three weeks without talking on the phone and only exchange an email or two each month. For someone trying to "build up" I guess it wouldn't really work for them since we've now grown accustomed to instant communications and if she didn't reply to your message by the end of the day, something is wrong.

We had the luxury of never having to deal with that #######! Still don't, really. When my wife goes on vacation she'll call me once a week or so and if I'm out all weekend I might send her a text to let her know I'm on my way back.

I met my husband (who only speaks English, much like myself) around the same time. I think we were both slightly more internet savvy because we used ICQ to communicate. But it was definitely much more slower. Not speaking to each other for six months was worrisome -- not a few days or weeks.

We're still trying to adjust to text messaging and we're slightly more co-dependent. ;) He forgets his cell phone and I forget to charge mine all the time. I call him on his work phone if I need to. ("What do you want me to make you for dinner?") He'll call me at home on the land line if he needs me. ("....") After seven years of living gets a bit tedious, I guess.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-06-15 21:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUnderstanding Men and African Men
QUOTE (francis @ Sep 17 2007, 03:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
6. Men like to know that they are in control and not their wives and that they are making some contribution in the family.

So awesomely wrong on so many levels.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-09-18 21:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried on 1st trip to Nigeria yes or no?
^Aw, I just troll through this forum looking for good ethnic recipes but I saw this thread. Makes me sad that you're willing to take the substantial risk of getting married on the first visit to presumably "prove" something to...the naysayers on here? Your leap of faith could result in you not being with your loved one for years to indefinitely. I understand that people believe in the power of love and God and/or both but the visa process is not governed by any of that. Anyway, I know you don't plan on responding to this thread anymore but it does make me sad that you're making hasty, probably ill conceived decisions based on a desire to prove your relationship's legitimacy. The stupid fact is that you're marrying into THE highest fraud consulate in the world and you're doing everything in your power to not help build bona fides in regards to your relationship.

HannahPFemaleCanada2011-12-25 23:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 transfer to NVC
woah, nm, somehow ended up in the K3 visa forum!

Edited by HannahP, 27 April 2007 - 05:31 PM.

HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-27 17:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot Living Together After I Arrive
Awww, OP! I think you phrased your original post a bit poorly. To me, it's clear that you want to start your marriage on the "right foot" so to speak -- you want every chance for things to work out, and you're trying to overcome some of the marriage-ending hurdles that many international couples face.

But you kind of worded it as a "wait and see" thing, which is pissing people off. (Ignoring the handful of "the traditional marriage is the only kind of marriage" crazies in this thread, of course.) Personally, I think what you're doing is really sweet. I know a lot of independent, working women who suffered a lot because they jumped too quickly into living together with another person after spending so many years living alone.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-01-29 12:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGay marriages in Calif.
QUOTE (Mrs. BB @ May 16 2008, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thursday's ruling doesn't affect federal tax, immigration, social service and other benefits. So they still cannot file joint federal tax returns, etc. They were shooting for equality in rights and benefits from marriage but that won't really happen unless it's changed on a federal level.


But I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that someone will have the balls to confront DOMA on a federal level.

Let's hope that in fifty years, such discriminatory practices against homosexuals will be considered as archaic as the laws forbidding interracial marriage.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-05-16 20:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy K-3s take longer than K-1s?
QUOTE (Urge To Race @ Jun 27 2008, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Jun 27 2008, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jun 27 2008, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sference @ Jun 26 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jun 26 2008, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Jun 26 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Jun 26 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Complaining about which visa should be processed quicker is plain silly... Marriage does not have anything more to do with commitment and love than being engaged does. K1 visa holders only get single entry and 90 days once they enter the US. K3 is a multiple entry visa and valid for 2 yrs. Also being already married to a USC, its almost a certainty that the Alien spouse is an immigrant whereas a fiance(e) still has time to consider and hence an intending immigrant.
Maybe a reason for USCIS to take more time processing K3s...

I dont think its silly, if you have a family with kids, they cant afford to wait for a year, while lovers can.

What if you file a k3 but don't have kids? Or what if you file a k1 but have kids? How many k3s actually /have/ kids or have lived together for any period of time? (We lived together for two years before filing a k1; not exactly "lovers.")

I wonder if the people that work at USCIS read all this and laugh their ####### off?

I'm just trying to get certain people to think "outside the box" in regards to what a family/couple really is!

I think most people who are married know what it is like to be engaged..... everyone who is married has been through it.

Good god, I give up.

Your idea of marriage does not equal "marriage."
/I/ knew what marriage was like long before you did because I actually lived with my now-husband for two years. We weren't married. But we were still committed. Marriage is a piece of paper. Choosing to commit yourselves is another thing completely.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-06-27 21:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy K-3s take longer than K-1s?
QUOTE (sference @ Jun 26 2008, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Jun 26 2008, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Jun 26 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Jun 26 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Complaining about which visa should be processed quicker is plain silly... Marriage does not have anything more to do with commitment and love than being engaged does. K1 visa holders only get single entry and 90 days once they enter the US. K3 is a multiple entry visa and valid for 2 yrs. Also being already married to a USC, its almost a certainty that the Alien spouse is an immigrant whereas a fiance(e) still has time to consider and hence an intending immigrant.
Maybe a reason for USCIS to take more time processing K3s...

I dont think its silly, if you have a family with kids, they cant afford to wait for a year, while lovers can.

What if you file a k3 but don't have kids? Or what if you file a k1 but have kids? How many k3s actually /have/ kids or have lived together for any period of time? (We lived together for two years before filing a k1; not exactly "lovers.")

I wonder if the people that work at USCIS read all this and laugh their ####### off?

I'm just trying to get certain people to think "outside the box" in regards to what a family/couple really is!
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-06-27 10:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhy K-3s take longer than K-1s?
QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Jun 26 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DanielParul @ Jun 26 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Complaining about which visa should be processed quicker is plain silly... Marriage does not have anything more to do with commitment and love than being engaged does. K1 visa holders only get single entry and 90 days once they enter the US. K3 is a multiple entry visa and valid for 2 yrs. Also being already married to a USC, its almost a certainty that the Alien spouse is an immigrant whereas a fiance(e) still has time to consider and hence an intending immigrant.
Maybe a reason for USCIS to take more time processing K3s...

I dont think its silly, if you have a family with kids, they cant afford to wait for a year, while lovers can.

What if you file a k3 but don't have kids? Or what if you file a k1 but have kids? How many k3s actually /have/ kids or have lived together for any period of time? (We lived together for two years before filing a k1; not exactly "lovers.")
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-06-26 21:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFailed to find a Co-sponsor?!
QUOTE (kid brooklyn @ Oct 8 2008, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Regarding the affidavit of support... I often wonder how people who can't meet the 125% of the poverty level plan on supporting a spouse. Keep in mind that the spouse who comes over won't be able to work for at least 3 months. Most people who co-sponsor don't actually plan on supporting the beneficiaries, they just do it to help the petitioner bring his loved one over. For example, in most cities, a single person would have trouble getting by on 125% of the poverty guideline for a household of 2 ($17,500), much less supporting a husband/wife. How can somebody support 2 people making that or just above that?

Er, we did it quite easily by working and saving up money prior to getting the visa. We probably had $8500 between us on top of the $2500 we received as a wedding gift. I was working 34 hours a week @ $8.50 an hour -- I'm not certain if that's above or below poverty level. And we certainly lived on much less than $17,500 for the two years we lived together (in university) prior to getting the visa...without savings of any kind. I imagine it depends a lot on where you live. Our rent for a two-bedroom apt here in Lawrence, Kansas is $450 a month. Our one-bedroom in Grand Forks, ND was $350 a month (w/heat, gas, and cable included.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-10-08 15:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA MESSAGE TO VERMONT
So it's the gubberment's fault that ya'all didn't do your research beforehand and filed for the - for now - slower k3?
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-08-02 22:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOkay I'm calm ... here's what happened, here's what I did...
verde -

You made a remark in a past thread about how people who file K1 visas are bringing over "strangers." Isn't that the same stereotyping that you rail against re. ageism? (I mean, /my/ hubby came over here on a K1 but we lived together for nearly 3 years beforehand. Not two months.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-15 21:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswe dont have pictures and we haven't been to each other's country
I think the OP might benefit from reading through that USCIS site of the petitions that were approved/denied after being sent back to the US for reconsideration. If the OP decides to go the K1 route & file using her medical condition as grounds for not meeting in person first, reading those petitions will help her understand exactly WHAT the USCIS wants to see in regards to medical documentation. A certain diagnosis, even a doctor's note, isn't always enough.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-08-06 13:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.


lol, I like that one!

Hannah, which post are you going to?
If Vancouver, do they even require an I-134?

Calgary. I hadn't even thought about that at all. Maybe I'll make the boy call them on Monday...

Check with the Canadian forum to see which one of the two interviewing Consulates you will use.
It will be either Vancouver BC or Montreal.

Aah. See? I look stupider by the second. This is what I get for expecting my fiance to handle the Canadian side of things. :P
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 15:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.


lol, I like that one!

Hannah, which post are you going to?
If Vancouver, do they even require an I-134?

Calgary. I hadn't even thought about that at all. Maybe I'll make the boy call them on Monday...
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 14:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.

"Lower class"?

Frankly, darling, you do sound rather like the rest of the population when it comes to the matter of "illegal immigration".

You take offense at lower class? What politically correct term do I use, then? Economically disadvantaged?

I have a work mind set and a political mind set. The two are dynamically opposite yet both exist simultaneously in my mind. That's the closest thing that I can get to an explanation without making excuses.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 14:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.
^ Oh yeah. I've gotten so many "Why don't you just marry him and he'll be a citizen?" or -- my favorite -- "But he's Canadian! That's practically American anyway!"

For the longest time, my dad was under the impression that he could "hire a lawyer" to "get things done right away." As in, a lawyer might have some good 'ol boy connection and be able to materialize a visa the next day. *facepalms*
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 12:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.

We joke about how much easier this would be if he were an illegal immigrant from Mexico, but...argghhhhh.


Not a cool thing to say.

Meh. It's a joke to me, but I apologize. I work in an ER that serves mostly the lower-class and homeless; I should have realized that the sense of humor that myself and my coworkers use to deal with the every-day stresses of our jobs is probably not pertinent to most of the population. :P
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 11:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.


You have a valid concern. If your financial information is examined closely there may be questions about your bank account if your savings are out of line with your income. Games like this are not looked on favorably if they are discovered, and you don't want your credibility to become questionable when dealing with the DOS or USCIS.

Essentially, this is what I was thinking.

We joke about how much easier this would be if he were an illegal immigrant from Mexico, but...argghhhhh.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 10:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.
I didn't think so, either. He just has very odd notions about how things work and it's hard to get him to change his ideas. Naturally, when I call him "lazy and stubborn" I mean it in the most loving way possible. ;)

I think I settled on him to co-sponsor because he makes the most money out of everyone that would be willing to help sponsor. But if he's too hesitant about it, I'll ask around. I'm not in an immediate hurry, but I thought that maybe some of the answers on this forum might help me persuade him to just collect the I-134 information.

HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor & NOA2 question.
Woohoo. Another stupid question from yours truly. :whistle:

As a January filer, I'm anticipating (crosses fingers) that the NOA2 will come some time this month.

My initial plan was to have my father co-sponsor; he's pretty well off, whatever. But he's also rather lazy and stubborn. *His* idea is to "loan" me $15,000, which will greatly increase the money in my bank account and be easier for him than having to hunt down all the information he needs for the I-134. But I'm worried that someone will find it kind of suspicious that I suddenly had a rather large sum of money fall out of the sky? Has anyone had any experience with a co-sponsor that they could share with me?

Thank you in advance!
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-06 08:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat evidence did s/he bring to the interview?
^ Eggs-actly what I was thinking! :)
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-08 22:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat evidence did s/he bring to the interview?

Hey, good luck! Are you crapping your pants yet? ;)


Nervous...? :no: :yes: :wacko:

:wacko: <_< :o

Nah, no photos. We didn't take any when I was in Canada -- although we, obviously, should have. I think the multiple phone calls a day might offset that. ;)

What did ya'all bring to the interview?

Just my two cents but I think photos during interview has a vital role...

Photos of the time period between when we filed and the interview? I have plenty of photos of before when we filed, which I can send...just no photos of the time when I visited him for a week in March...
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-08 22:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat evidence did s/he bring to the interview?
Hey, good luck! Are you crapping your pants yet? ;)
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-08 21:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat evidence did s/he bring to the interview?

We don't have any /emails/, per se, but we do have Facebook messages to each other. Same thing, right? I guess?

Plus, the engagement ring receipt, my plane tickets when I visited him a few weeks ago, and our phone bill for the months of Jan and Feb.

Sounds like you've got some evidence there HannahP.. any photos?

Nah, no photos. We didn't take any when I was in Canada -- although we, obviously, should have. I think the multiple phone calls a day might offset that. ;)

What did ya'all bring to the interview?
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-08 21:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat evidence did s/he bring to the interview?
We don't have any /emails/, per se, but we do have Facebook messages to each other. Same thing, right? I guess?

Plus, the engagement ring receipt, my plane tickets when I visited him a few weeks ago, and our phone bill for the months of Jan and Feb.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-04-08 20:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionco-sponsor confusion
Assuming that you're filing for a K-1 (fiance visa), you need to fill out the I-134 and your co-sponsor needs to fill out a separate I-134 as well. You and your co-sponsor are also going to need to separately collect the evidence that is required with the I-134. (Pay stubs, proof of employment, etc.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-05-24 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWaiting Sux!!!....
Um...take a Valium?

Patience is a virtue.
And a necessity for this process.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-09-04 20:21:00