IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (Old Dominion @ Dec 1 2008, 09:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Under U.S. law, the OP was convicted as a child molester. For whatever reasons, the government did not provide any relief for those in situations like his, i.e., consensual sex with an underage person. We might disagree with the law, but there it is. What happened that led to the OP's being arrested and charged? How did the police learn about it?

You'd be surprised. An upset parent can lead to charges that cannot be un-done. Thank god, my mom had enough kids before me to figure out that, yeah, I'm probably having sex but it's okay. wink.gif

What always bugs me is that age of consent and the laws for stat rape are completely different from state to state. Why is someone from KS (16) different from someone from Arizona (18)? VA is only 15. What makes them so mature?
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-12-19 22:11:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (akdiver @ Sep 4 2008, 06:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Chuckles @ Sep 3 2008, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What if I were 18 years and one day old, and my 'rape victim' was 17 years and 355 days old?
You can play that game all the way back to birth. If 17/355 is OK, then what about 17/354? 353? What about 16/364? 15/364? How far do you go? At some point, you have to say enough is enough and draw an arbitrary line (or draw no line at all). The law is the law. Violate it at your own peril. Personally, I dunno why USCIS (or Congress) permits sex offenders to have family-based immigration petition privileges at all.

Uhh, the first "relations" that my HUSBAND and I had were statutory. (Thank god you're not in charge and he wasn't executed?!) I certainly knew what /I/ was doing -- he was the newbie, actually. At the end of the day, I guess I should be glad that I had family who liked/approved of him, as well as a mother who'd raised eight kids before they never thought of pressing charges!
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-09-13 21:41:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAny help me please? My case has been denied due to adam walsh act
I would caution the OP against posting pictures or other information that could identify her fiance. It may have been one picture, ten years ago, and he's been Mother Theresa ever since but many people in the US consider possession of child pornography to be just as bad as actually touching children. I'm certain that your fiance has worked very hard to make a new life for himself and probably would not like it if someone who knows him and was not aware of his past history stumbled across it on here.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-06-19 11:44:00
I believe that if you look around the forum, you'll see at least one or two posters who've "beaten" the AWA.

Also, I hope that whoever goes over your case also looks at the details of the conviction versus the general SO label, which can be anything from diddling little kids to drunkenly peeing in public. Common sense in a lot of these cases would go a long way. :)
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-02-03 16:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Will this hurt my chances of being allowed to immigrate?
No, your history of mental illness won't hurt anything.
(Although I've always wondered if my history of mental illness would impact immigration to Canada? but I digress...)

However, I wouldn't mention your drug use at all. People have been denied on here for admitting to past drug use.
HannahPFemaleCanada2007-11-25 16:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What exactly goes down in the Administrative Processing procedure?
This is because AP can be done BEFORE the interview as well.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-08-12 15:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Appeal

As for what he knows about you, I agree with Betsy that it sounds like he doesn't know enough. My love can tell you the last 5 books I read, what I'm reading now, what movies I enjoy, the last movie I watched, and even what TV series I'm watching now on Netflix (Heroes.. lol). I know that James Clavell and CJ Cherryh are his favorite authors and that he just started reading Clavell's TAIPAN and just finished Shogun. (and the Gates Trilogy by CJ Cherryh befor that lol!) He can tell you I love country music which he hates, and that I hate 70's rock which he loves, but that we both enjoy blues music. He can tell you the history of my cat, and I can tell you his deceased mom's favorite dish. We've talked about family history, geneology, UFO's, ghosts, bigfoot, death, afterlife, various religions, Napolean, JFK Kennedy assassination, Roman and Greek History. He has read me gaelic poems and translated for him, and I've learned to make white pudding and that I love the sweet taste of fried haggis. And that IrnBru is NASTY!

Please don't take this the wrong way but this kind of knowledge is important in a partner. It's this kind of knowledge that builds relationships.

lol. I've been married to my husband for over four years and have been living together with him for over nine. I don't think he knows that much about me.
HannahPFemaleCanada2011-12-31 17:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian traditional condenced milk
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 18 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As said above, Carnation is similar to what she's talking about. So is Eagle and the other one with the little cow's head on it. The store brand even works. It's not going to be exactly the same, but it'll be close enough.

My wife boils this stuff in it's can and then eats the "caramel" brown semi-liquid goo that comes out. Uses it to sweeten tea, etc. Eats it by the spoonfull! She loves that stuff!

Should only be about a buck or two at your local supermarket. Look in the baking goods or near the evaporated milk.

How does she stay so skinny? I totally had to barf up everything I ate when I was skinniez...damn.
HannahPFemaleCanada2008-09-23 23:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEurope or US to meet? Visa questions.
QUOTE (mox @ Sep 29 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You just can't lump all FSU women together like that. K1 hit it on the nail comparing British and Hong Kong citizens. Or if you want to make it a little closer, like comparing the Irish to the English.

What about Canadians to Americans? Or Southerners to Northerners? Canadians to Newfies? Irish to Scottish? Australians to New Zealanders? Whales to dolphins? Apples to oranges? (!)
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-09-29 12:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWaiting Sucks
QUOTE (Kailey @ Sep 29 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Sep 29 2009, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kailey @ Sep 25 2009, 03:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Slim and Mox - just hope it won't be you who will end up riding bicycles and being sent 'home' by your wives smile.gif. Well, with such attitude to your women you deserve nothing better. whistling.gif

Why is it that there aren't 48,000 American Men on websites offering to move to Russia to marry women?

i meant something different. with an attitude like that to a woman, i would expect same attitude from her towards such a man. Then A man should not complaint to wake up one day in the pasteboard delivery box left from the beloved refrigerator (that he made her keep full of beer in the past).

Anyway. You guys can do whatever you want. I feel a bit sorry to both.. you and your women. Because you seem to miss something very-very beautiful in life .

Au revoir star_smile.gif

You seem to be very, very worked up over something that was openly acknowledged by all parties.

Not all marriage is purely for love and it takes a lot more than just love to make a marriage work.

/probably drinks more beer than her husband
//but he eats all the cheetos sad.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-09-29 11:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus!!!RED ALERT!!!
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 27 2009, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Oct 25 2009, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I own a pair of nursing shoes.

Crocs are my second most *puking sound* disgusting footwear choice.

Nursing shoes - a solid pair of tennis shoes, duh! Crocs aren't only ugly, they're unsanitary. I don't want someone's blood/puke/pee getting onto my feet, thank you very much.

Also, those pics are probably the funniest thing EVAH in the history of VJ.

Edited by HannahP, 30 October 2009 - 01:28 PM.

HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-30 13:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus!!!RED ALERT!!!
Oh, here it goes.

Me: "Aren't those two wearing the same shoes?!"
Them: "No, the difference is that she probably paid $200 for the shoes..."
Me: I can't even imagine paying $200 for a pair of shoes...
Oh, Uggs. Never owned a pair in my life. I own a pair of nursing shoes.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-25 20:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBehavior you (USC man) find odd
QUOTE (baron555 @ Nov 15 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Nov 15 2009, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'll own I know very little about the Ukraine from personal experience. All of my views of that country are from talking with Russians, American men who have talked about their experiences there, and what I've read. I was warned early on in my research into finding a Russian bride that the Ukraine was the female scam capital of eastern Europe. I also heard much of the country is radioactive from Chernobyl, so I lost interest. The nuclear issue would be enough for me to avoid it and I would not want my family to spend too much time there. The same is true for Belarus and parts of western Russia. And, in fact, a reason I would never want my children or wife to spend too much time in any of those countries. And a great reason to never consider living or spending long periods of time in that whole RUB area. I don't want to find my wife glowing in the dark when I come to bed.

I think it is a fair statement to say there is some pretty serious anti-Russian sentiment in parts of the Ukraine, and people from Russian feel superior to Ukrainians. That could be a defining difference in the two countries. Not really a mutual admiration society. Another reason I think combining them in one forum is odd.

I'd love to know how you determined Ukraine women are cleaner. Maybe you could elaborate? This could be very interesting. Underwear check? Soap sales?

I do agree that city women are different than village women...and not necessarily in a positive way...this feeling coming from personal experience. I wanted a woman who REALLY wanted to live in the USA and would be giving up little by leaving her native land. That scenario seemed best for long term success.

We totally agree on American women. Amen.

I don't have much to offer. This Man really knows his stuff!

I know!

I mean, it's like, how many relationships has he had?
How many do you have to have before you lose at wimmins?
Or before you accuse your wimmins of having the faults that you have?
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-15 23:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBehavior you (USC man) find odd
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Nov 14 2009, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I see young women like college students looking downright sloppy and shabby. It's the new look...worn out jeans, raggedy sweat pants and so forth. To make it worse we now have to look at tattoos and piercings. Not only do they look poorly but now also have a dark quality as well. They're confused about what it is to be female, and I can see why.

HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-14 17:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (slim @ Nov 6 2009, 03:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HannahP @ Nov 5 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We also have the same sense of humor, as well as very flawed relationships so I can relate.

So do you think the sense of humor comes from the relationships or the relationships come from the sense of humor?

Or are we just gluttons for punishment?

This depends. What kind of toys do you keep under your bed?

HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-07 18:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (slim @ Nov 3 2009, 03:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Holy cow! Did everyone just read this post? Can we sticky this thread? WOW! A "Western woman" just jumped in my corner.

Pff. You're very honest, which I respect a lot, and anyone who is honest is bound to have an ounce of truth in what they say.

We also have the same sense of humor, as well as very flawed relationships so I can relate.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-05 14:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Nov 3 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good marriage equals sex each and every day minus times of illness and other occasional life interruptions. Both the man and the woman need to ask for it alternately...meaning no one always initiates or "begs." The "menu" of activities should be long and always changing, if even only in some minor way.

The pleasure, exercise, release of stress and the warmth and closeness is medicinal and will, I judge, extend life and allow moments of deep love. In this process, the man should walk away feeling "like a man" and the woman should feel "like a woman." That's what must happen in a marriage. If that issue gets twisted, confused, or not honored strongly, there will be troubles bye and bye.

The core of a man's DNA instructions is to penetrate and for women to be this needs to show up in primal and civil ways in a marriage. When a man and a woman hide, deny or repress this truth they are not incongruity with their purpose or mission or drive...or their nature. They loose authenticity, and they, at some deep level, know this truth and are unhappy and angry.

All the "talking it out" or therapy, or flowers and candy is BS as far as sustaining a life-long relationship. They are of minor impact. The best gifts are those given at unexpected times and without requirement such as silly holidays like Valentines Day. But words or money won't do squat and have only a quick fix impact. The next day your back in the same old stuff.

Just out of curiosity, how many successful marriages have you had? wink.gif
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-11-05 14:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (Kailey @ Oct 30 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Slim, i think you are either trying to present yourself much worse than you are , or I really fail to understand what was the purpose you married. Just to prove every day of your life that - damn you, but you won't let that woman (your wife) feel loved and taken care of? You were hurt by women once in your life? And want revenge ? Relax..

Oh, slim. So oogle-ish - c'mon ladies, his avatar is probably the only reason you visit this section! - but so flawed. wink.gif

Even from my very Western marriage/point of view, he's right sometimes. Not just funny. Right. But also funny.

Although I tend to get the impression that his Russian wife can be more confusing, complicated, and demanding than many of us' US wives.
(At least the ugly ones like me.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-30 15:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dave-n-Oksana @ Oct 25 2009, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmmm, comments about "Mail Order Brides", "Fat, Old, Bald Men", and "Pie and Guns". Also a complete tangent from the original topic. It must be the RUB Forum biggrin.gif

Personally I also have nothing against American women and actually was looking for someone close to home, but most of the women my age were running to the woods as soon as the B & D words came up. Bankruptcy and Divorce. So I cast my net world wide and found the woman for me.

As for the term Mail Order Bride, whenever I hear someone use this term in regards to Oksana I am quick to tell them that she is a Made to Order Bride. And so that no one gets their back up from this comment, when I say this statement I mean that she is the perfect spouse for me. She doesn't put up with my BS and she understands me better than any ever has.

Given the MOB discussion, I find it ironic that the term is actually very American dating back to the time the miners and settlers of the west could order a wife via a catalog. So, our American sisters are kin to women who found husbands by posting ads in a catalog.

The discussion about pro or con views of American women calls out a key question. How many men on this forum had an American wife before moving on to a FSU fiancee or wife? Now that ought to tell us something.

For me, yes, I had an American wife first. How about you other dudes?

How odd that as a Sociologist, you would ask such a question where your sample population must have a bias...

edit -- no sampling bias here, but I did have an odd relationship. Oh, wait. You didn't ask those of us that marry Canadians...or Mexicans...

Edited by HannahP, 25 October 2009 - 08:51 PM.

HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-25 20:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (clueless_in_usa @ Oct 25 2009, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (amberdima @ Oct 25 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clueless_in_usa @ Oct 25 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Amber, I do not hate American women, and when I go downtown I see plenty of hot, mostly American women. Most of them proudly wear a HUGE rock on their left hand, so I do not stand a chance with the ones I like, because unfortunately there are too few for the great amount "horny" American men who go after the small pool of available good girls.

However, there is something I do hate about most of them, especially downtown (where the beauties are). These women are wearing nice suits, skirts, and other clothes to work, but at the same time their feet look like the feet of homeless because they love wearing those uglies flip flops wherever they go. Or some go the sports route wearing sneakers and white socks, over their nylons. What an excellent sense of fashion! rofl.gif

haha- hopefully they take off those functional shoes and put on fashionable ones once they reach the office!

My point exactly!!!

Try finding a Russian woman wearing those "functional shoes"

Um...plenty of my Russian nursing friends do this. When you're actually ON your feet for 12 hours a day...
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-25 20:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 25 2009, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
American men may at times just randomly end up with foreign brides, but for the majority it is an intentional mission to choose a woman not from America.

Seems like you're basing this mostly on having "observed" Rub/Asian/Phil relationships. Being mostly concerned with Western-Western relationships myself, I would come to exactly the opposite conclusion.

Your world view is so....narrow.
HannahPFemaleCanada2009-10-25 13:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave


I too think you're bitter. I'll go one better and say you're a misogynist who paints the world with the widest possible brush in order to justify his very narrow world view.

Report button's on your left.

HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-05 15:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave
^ What would you do if your hypothetical daughter wanted to become a doctor? Or a police officer? Or a lawyer? What if she preferred wearing jeans to skirts?
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-05 14:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

Concerning the forum men bashing or demeaning American women, here is what I have to say.

You seem very intent on what you perceive that MEN want from a woman -- but what about what a woman wants from her own life?

My mother grew up in the environment that you think is "best"...where most women were shuffled away into the private life of caring for their husbands and children. My mother received excellent grades but was not allowed into Honors classes because she was a girl. Instead, she received a "woman's" education in HomEc, sewing, etc. One of my most prominent memories about growing up was how my mom could not go anywhere without spending at least an hour doing her make-up. She refused to allow herself to be seen in public without her "mask" of woman-hood.

Fast forward to someone like me and any of my potential daughters. Feminism for me has always been about opportunity. I want the choices that my mother didn't have. I want my daughter to take advanced science and math classes if she wants to. I don't want to pre-assigned to a future of raising children because of my gender. I want the freedom to choose what I should or shouldn't not wear when I go grocery shopping.

That doesn't mean that there aren't women out there who want a more traditional role. No real feminist would begrudge these women what they want in life -- because they are CHOOSING what they want.

Empathy is a great thing.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-05 14:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

I know I sound like an @$$hole to all the trolling, independent, liberated and modern "visitors" we get here (julianna excluded, of course!) but it is a fact. If you allow your wife to set the tone for the rest of your marriage with her childish, immature, selfish, bullshit shenanigans, she will eventually run you into the ground. The last thing you want to be with your FSU wife is the b!tch. And I don't mean showing your feminine side, I mean washing another man's drawers "pressed or starched?" b!tch.

The more concessions you make, the more you wobble on your opinion, the more you allow her to make up your mind for you... the more she's going to do it and eventually, you're going to be her b!tch. And when you are, she'll have absolutely zero respect left for you and instead of being (secretly) happy with her @$$hole husband, she'll be forced to look elsewhere for happiness.

I guess I come off as trolling but I've been around VJ for many years & have always (in the past) enjoyed the RU forum. I like learning about the quirks of other cultures, and this is often a recurring theme in the RU forum. (MENA, too, which I also enjoy reading for that same reason.) Ya'all have always had your share of anti-American women hating men. Hell, I totally get the desire to have a traditional marriage and even the idea that you have to go overseas to find the right bride. But it seems like this entire forum, which used to be so diverse in its opinions, has been taken over by people like VV who advocate beating their wives. Shouldn't variety be the spice of life? The bitterness makes me sad because I remember the way this forum used to be.

However, my main argument is that YOUR argument goes both ways. I have a man that does not even nominally cook, clean, or take care of himself. When we were originally living together, he did his fair share. But during the wait for his gc/ead, where I was working full-time, going to school full-time, and also taking care of the house and cooking everything -- I should have put my foot down somewhere. I now have a man who has gained 100+ lbs (yes, even overweight men are capable of looking gross), refuses to even boil water, and crows for weeks because he took out the garbage once. And I married a liberated, feminist Canadian man.

This whole subforum has become its own little enclave with posters acting like their thoughts/ideas/actions are somehow different because they married a RU woman. That's not true.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-05 14:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

Finally, I don't recall any explanation about why your personal life is off limits...maybe you need to refresh my memory. You seem fine dishing it out but put up a wall to protect yourself when someone returns fire. Not the gentlemanly thing to do.

I hate to be that American ###### but I wasn't stereotyping you earlier. In the past, you've posted about your prior girlfriends in numerous countries. Your conclusions about what makes a 'successful' marriage are drawn upon your numerous relationships, remember? Women aren't retarded, despite what you might think.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-04 16:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

It's a pretty rare thing for me to get angry here, because it's just not worth it. And actually the OP hasn't attacked me at all, he's been pretty civil about the whole thing, even when I shared my fairly blunt observations and opinions with him.

If you mean visaveteran's, this is go-round number 382 or something with him. I've told him why I don't share a lot of my personal details here, but he makes these demands every couple months or so. Life goes on.

Anyway OP...get the cat over here no matter the cost. It'll wind up costing you a lot more if you don't. ;)

I admire your relaxed attitude. Also, your bp must be so low!
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 22:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

visaveteran is right...this is a personal attack. It's not germaine at all to the argument how old somebody is or what their age difference is, or how many countries they've had relationships in. I don't agree with some of the things that are being said and advocated in this thread, but I think it's their right to say it in an atmosphere free of personal attacks.

Well, damn you for taking the high road. :P

Don't you get angry 'tho that people are attacking your personal status when certain people refuse to reveal their personal status?
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 21:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

Are you implying that Canada only has old over weight women ?

Wouldn't be able to tell ya. I married a man.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 21:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

Isn't there a "Canadian Forum" on here that she should be trolling ? Last time I checked Canadian lifestyle and customs were nothing like the three country's of the Kyivan Rus.

I know! You wouldn't be able to get a hot, younger wife from Canada. Weird how that works, yes?
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 21:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

I met my wife on myspace in 2006, was engaged in 2007, and we married last year. I find your post malicious and short sited at best. You must be one of those over weight women that has a hard on against men marrying women from another country....especially if that man is older than his wife. Every couple has it's problems...I just choose to air mine out on here.

I'm an anorexic. So, no, I'm probably skinnier than your 125 lb wife. :)

I think there are some VJ rules about personal attacks. Insults. "Stereotyping." Where are the moderators when you need them?

You STILL haven't said how many times you've been married. Why get on mox about it if you can't own up? Not much of a man, are you?
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 21:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe cat rant and rave

Some details please. How long how YOU been married Mox? Might comfort some of us to know you're more than a green horn, rookie at this Russian marriage gig yourself.. BTW, I've been married for two and a half years and known my wife for over three and a half years.

I'm sorry, but you never answered MY question about how many times you've been married.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-03 21:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread

It's okay! I love abusing my spouse. My younger sister was sexually abused by my brother. I bet she makes the BEST wife.

HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-08 02:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread

Okay, come on, guys. American women, along with other nationalities, read the posts on this site. Please stop generalizing and belittling an entire nation of women...... including your mothers, sisters, aunts, etc. You sound ridiculous.

@leith.... FSU = Former Soviet Union

It's okay! I love abusing my spouse. My younger sister was abused by my brother. I bet she makes the BEST wife.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-08 02:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy Day after International Women's Day Ladies!

I always try to raise the level of conversation though it is not always possible. It is a burden I have to bear.

If you have a wife...what is her name? Could divulging a first name hurt? I am not at all worried or afraid to state first names and give some texture and sense of place to "stories"...why are you? Really, VV, we do not want to steal your indentity. :rofl:

Funny that neither you nor Mox, very active on these boards have no photos of your alledged wives. Just sayin'

And I find it funny that you pimp your wife out on here. Where's your pic?
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-03-23 21:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuns and Pie

Our crime rate is the lowest or 2nd lowest (depedns on the year you check) in the nation and we can all carry guns concealed without the need for permits or training. You will find similar demograohics for our rival for lowest crime rate...North Dakota. North dakota has "shall issue" concealed carry with no training required, just a background check. Other than Vermont's, this type concealed carry legislation is as "loose" as it gets.

How odd that you'd QUOTE something like ND's stats but then use them against yourself. (Because no one lives in ND, unlike VT. I'm not certain why you'd quote this particular statistic when it's obviously apples and oranges. And, yes, I've actually lived in ND for several years so.)
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-01-04 17:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Win-Win of using the "Ignore" figure

how would you be privy to that?

I apologize. I only know what he says on this public forum. Not what he actually does.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-05-12 16:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Win-Win of using the "Ignore" figure
I guess I just find it odd that any opposition to your viewpoints, VV, "are to silence alternative viewpoints and different perspectives;" but you've certainly reported posts that did not agree with your particular viewpoint AND you've never answered my original questions in regards to your credibility as a relationship expert. (I guess because my exploration of different viewpoints violates...whatever is important to you.) At least Mr. Seinfeld admits that he's only been a marriage ref since, like, recently? I think.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-05-11 00:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRemoval of Conditions Problem're only now applying for RoC? I thought you guys had been together since forever.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-08-09 01:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

My wife got a car, a Caribbean vacation and diamond ear rings yet she still doesn't give better sex. What did I do wrong?

Whoa. I think I married the wrong sort of guy!

/should I demand more high-maintenance things?
//not that we can afford it
///but we're still young and both on our first marriage, so.
HannahPFemaleCanada2010-04-05 11:49:00