K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGirlfriend has a multiple entry visa - can she visit and marry me instead of doing a k1?
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Jun 2 2009, 08:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Jun 1 2009, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Steve Finley @ Jun 2 2009, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My girlfriend lives in the Philippines. While we have not yet visited in person, through our communications, we are both certain we wish to marry. Normally, I'd go visit her and then get her a fiance visa to come here and marry me. However, she already has a multiple entry visa she and her parents got to visit family in the states. In fact, she has been to Los Angeles before.

Now, since she has the visa to come visit here, could we skip the usual lost time and funds related to processing a fiance visa and just have her come visit on her multiple entry visa and marry me while she's here? Then could she stay? Could it be done that way? We'd hate to wait for me to go see her, only then to wait six more months for a fiance visa to go through, not to mention the costs of it all, plus a round trip ticket for me, etc., etc. I'd love to know that we could skip the usual drawn out process if possible! Thanks to anyone who has some answers.


Anyone can enter on a tourist visa and get married. You can then apply for a K-3 or CR-1. When her visa visit period expires your wife will have to return to the Phillipines and wait for her K-3 or CR-1 visa to be processed, go to th einterview in Manilla, etc., etc. Marriage and immigration are two different things.

It is visa fraud to enter the US on a tourist visa with the intent to get married and adjust status from a tourist visa.

The above is correct but I so wish people would simply quit mentioning the K3 visa at all. It's really obsolete except in the rarest of circumstances. CR1 is the way to go in this instance. I'll add one caution though and that is when the beneficiary has family in the USA, it can be critical for the petitioner to visit the Philippines in addition to the marriage visit to the USA. It will help overcome the presumption the relationship was entered into purely to obtain an immigration benefit for the foreign national.

Why? The K-3 is still a valid option for some people. It would seem more appropriate to advise the OP to investigate all options, evaluate the pros/cons, and decide themselves.

The statistics here on VJ suggest the K-3 would save them more than two months of separation (not the case 4-5 months ago, but today it is).

Assuming that the time from NOA1 to NOA2 is the same whether it is a K-3 or CR-1, the time difference lies in the NVC to interview time. For the past three months, CR-1s in the Philippines have averaged 148 days for NOA2 to interview and K-3s have averaged 71 days.

For the OP, if you marry before filing a petition, your options are either K-3 or CR-1. Based on current processing times, the K-3 route would result in a visa approximately 2 1/2 months sooner than a CR-1 visa. The K-3 is a non-immigrant visa (valid for 2 years) and requires the visa holder to file for adjustment of status (AOS) prior to visa expiry. If AOS is filed and approval occurs prior to the second wedding anniversary, a 2 yr GC will be issued (requiring lifting of conditions to later obtain a 10 yr GC). AOS approval after the second wedding anniversary will result in a 10 yr GC. The visa holder cannot work or obtain a SSN without filing for an EAD first (a fee applies if filed prior to AOS; fee is waived if filed concurrently with AOS).

The CR-1 visa is an immigrant visa that results in a GC upon entry into the USA (a 2 yr GC if entry is within the first two years of marriage; a 10 yr GC if after the 2nd wedding anniversary - if a 2 yr GC is obtained, lifting of conditions will have to be filed later to obtain a 10 yr GC). The immigrant can obtain a SSN and legally work once the GC is received (shortly after arrival in the USA).
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-02 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWould you let him take a crap on you?
QUOTE (uscandual @ May 29 2009, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kinito_2k3 @ May 29 2009, 08:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SCFsnoopy @ May 29 2009, 04:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (uscandual @ May 29 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jegcs @ May 28 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there anyway for me to stay in the states "Legally" without having to marry him?What processes would there be? If none, I am more than happy to go home and restart a life and hopefully get my job back.

Not to deny anything that has been said by others so far, which is all essentially correct information.

I did just think it worth pointing out one fact that may be of relevance here.

JimVaPhuong put it very aptly that your legal status in the US is under your I-94, valid for 90 days from entry. And that you must leave when those 90 days are up.
However, the requirement from the US perspective is that you leave the United States. Not necessarily that you "go home". There may be a difference,
and it may be relevant to you.

The flag on your profile is Australia. I don't know if that's "home" for you, but on the likely assumption that it is, and you are an Australian citizen, then you can leave the United States by going to another country rather than returning immediately to Australia. For example, you could travel to Canada, thereby legally complying with the need to exit the US within 90 days. Bearing an Australian passport, Canada should admit you legally as a tourist. After spending some time there (as little or as long as you like, subject to your Canadian admission - potentially a day or two , even an hour would suffice, or more), you could then legally re-enter the United States as a tourist on your Australian passport. You don't require a visa to do this.

Does this buy you anything? Perhaps, perhaps not.

You wrote that you want to "stay in the states". If you mean permanently - then no, this won't help.
However, if you mean "temporarily", like to take care of some unfinished tasks, or other reasons, then you could potentially do this legally as a way to extend your stay in the US a bit longer. Your US re-entry would be on a VWP (as an Australian) and likely valid for an additional 90 days. You cannot work during that time, but you would be in the country legally.

Good luck.

That doesn't work. You can't go to an adjacent country/state/territory and reenter the US with a fresh 90 days - it will still count down the original 90 days. She'd have to leave the continent entirely, pretty much.

blink.gif Why can't you? What are the supporting legal arguments for what you are saying? Since when a "continent" is a legal well delimited entity??

I am very dubious smile.gif but I might be wrong... anybody able to confirm or refute?


I think SCFSnoopy is flat wrong. He (she?) thinks I'm wrong. Whatever. I'm not claiming any special expertise (other than a lifetime of crossing the US/Canadian border back and forth whistling.gif ). It is an international border. From the US perspective, entering a POE from Canada either at a Canadian airport (US POEs are located in Canadian airports for all the major cities), or at a land crossing - is no different than any other POE.

By exiting the US to Canada (or any other country... doesn't have to be Canada) you've complied with the need to leave the US before expiration of I-94. Any subsequent re-entry to the US - whether an hour later, a day later, a year later, whenever... will be seen on its own merits at that time. If the bearer of a valid Australian passport, who has committed no previous immigration fouls, presents for entry at a US POE under VWP I expect s/he would be granted entry. Of course the attending border agent always has discretion to refuse, but there would be no particular reason to refuse entry here.

This stuff about "leaving the continent" is bogus.

Anyway, I'm not saying for a moment that this helps jegcs case. If jegcs wants to stay in the US permanently, this will not provide a solution. All this could do is stall the inevitable by a few months.

Depends on how they view the original visa and the VWP (separate entries or continuous).

From the CBP website (

Q: Can a VWP applicant for Admission Be Readmitted To the United States Following a Short Trip To an Adjacent Island, Canada, or Mexico?A:
  • Generally, VWP applicants admitted under the VWP may be readmitted to the United States after a departure to Canada or Mexico or adjacent islands for the balance of their original admission period. This is provided they are otherwise admissible and meet all the conditions of the VWP, with the exception of arrival on a signatory carrier, in which case the inspecting officers have the discretion to grant the applicants entirely new periods of admission.
  • The VWP applicant is admissible and may be readmitted to the United States under the VWP after a departure to Canada or Mexico or adjacent islands provided the person:

    1. Can identify an authorized period of admission that has not expired,
    2. Plans to depart the United States no later than the expiration date of their period of admission,
    3. Presents valid, unexpired passports which reflect admission to the United States under the VWP, and
    4. Continues to meet all criteria set forth in 8 CFR 217 and section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act), with the exception of arrival on a signatory carrier.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-05-29 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHe is 65 and She is 23
To the OP;

You should expect to have additional scrutiny surrounding your case. From the USCIS Adjudicators' Field Manual: Go to the amendments at the bottom and choose chapter 21.3. Then scroll halfway thru the pages.

"Some indications that a marriage may have been contracted solely for immigration benefits include:
• Large disparity of age;
• Inability of petitioner and beneficiary to speak each other's language;
• Vast difference in cultural and ethnic background;
• Family and/or friends unaware of the marriage;
• Marriage arranged by a third party;
• Marriage contracted immediately following the beneficiary's apprehension or receipt of notification to depart the United States;
• Discrepancies in statements on questions for which a husband and wife should have common knowledge;
• No cohabitation since marriage;
• Beneficiary is a friend of the family;
• Petitioner has filed previous petitions in behalf of aliens, especially prior alien spouses"

It is not impossible, but expect the CO to ask questions specifically directed at the age difference.

Edited by rin and john, 30 June 2009 - 10:10 AM.

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-30 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancées son is already 21 years old
QUOTE (thongd4me @ Aug 2 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Born late 1987, so in 2008 he was 21.
I think the answer is no, because they should be minor children.

Would putting him on the application result in it taking longer
if they reject it on that basis, or would it just be ignored because
of his age? Also the filing fees would have to include an additional
one for him, correct?

He's going to graduate soon from Chulu U (BKK equivalent of Harvard),
so if he needs to visit us in the States he might even be able to get a
visa based on his own credentials and not those of his mom and me.
helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

You will need to list her son on the I-129f, section 13. However, he will not be eligible for K-2 derivative status. If you want to have your stepson come live in the USA: once your wife has her greencard, she can petition for her son (although the wait time is significant) by filing an I-130. The petition can be upgraded once your wife has her US citizenship (3 years after her LPR is granted).
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-08-02 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout marriage - Shot in the dark
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Nov 29 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just another consideration if you are thinking about using assets to meet the requirement - having a paid in full house may not be accepted because USCIS wants to see readily liquidated assets if they were needed to be used for support purposes. Your primary residence is not considered a readily liquidated asset as you need to replace it with another place in which to live so the asset is offset by the expense. A co-sponsor is probably a more realistic option to explore.

Actually, a fully paid house is a great liquid asset. It can be used to get a lump sum loan, a home equity line of credit, or a reverse mortgage. All of these can be obtained while maintaining the house as your primary residence. Now a house in which you only have 20% or less equity, that would not provide any liquidity in today's mortgage economic environment.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-12-09 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout marriage - Shot in the dark
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Nov 24 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rin and john @ Nov 24 2009, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Nov 24 2009, 05:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Current requirement for 2 people is, minimum, $18,212 per year. Gross. They do not care if your house is paid for or not, they do not care if anything is paid for or not.

They do care. For the I-864, you can use the value of assets to offset below poverty level income. I believe the level is 20% of asset value, so if you are $5,000 short of the poverty level but have (and can prove) you have $25,000 equity in your home, then you can meet the conditions for a sponsor without a co-sponsor.

If you qualify with income, the value of your home does not matter and they do not care what your payments are. If you need assets to qulaify, then yes, they care what the net value is. Otherwise you leave that blank and they care if you even have a home or live in a refrierator box.

Agree, but your advise was somewhat misleading to the OP since he makes about $15,000/yr and own an house free and clear. If the house is worth more than $20,000, then he can qualify on his own and would not need to have is mother commit to being a co-sponsor. Just wanted to be clear to the OP that he would most likely be OK without a co-sponsor by considering his assets in lieu of income.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-11-25 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout marriage - Shot in the dark
QUOTE (Gary and Alla @ Nov 24 2009, 05:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Current requirement for 2 people is, minimum, $18,212 per year. Gross. They do not care if your house is paid for or not, they do not care if anything is paid for or not.

They do care. For the I-864, you can use the value of assets to offset below poverty level income. I believe the level is 20% of asset value, so if you are $5,000 short of the poverty level but have (and can prove) you have $25,000 equity in your home, then you can meet the conditions for a sponsor without a co-sponsor.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-11-24 07:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 with a Caveat
She must be legally able to marry in the state in which you will be wed. No other minimum age requirement exists.


On the up side, if her interview is before her 16th birthday, you won't need a police report (only required for places you have lived since you were 16).

You must be at least 18 (no problem since you are 21) to complete the affidavit of support.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-12-09 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresregistered marriage in thailand - can i get k-1 for USA?
QUOTE (nampik @ Dec 12 2009, 01:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm american. me and my thai girl registered married(?) with the thai goverment, which i understand counts as a legal marriage in the states.
but we'd like to get married in the church here in the states, and register the marriage here in the states.

can i get a k-1 visa?

we don't want to live here anytime soon. she takes care of her mother and teen daughter- couldn't leave them behind. so we won't be needing k-3 and all that for a long time. but i do want her to meet the family here, and have my family enjoy the wedding.

did we screw up getting a k-1 by registering with thai goverment?

The K-1 is not possible. The best option would be a tourist visa if you intend to reside in Thailand. If you both have strong ties to Thailand (job, residence, etc) and can prove she is not intending to immigrate to the USA, then you would be best to get a visitor visa to the USA. However if your ties are closer to the USA (domicile in USA, employed in USA, etc), then it will be more difficult to convince the consulate that she would not stay in the USA.

Do you work in Thailand?

Does your wife work in Thailand?

Where is your primary residence (USA or Thailand)?

Do you or your wife own property (house, land, condo, etc) in Thailand?

What other ties, besides her family, exist to keep her in Thailand?

The answers to these will help determine your best course of action.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-12-12 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa waiver program and I-129f

I was just wondering if there is anyway possible my fiance who is from Korea can stay with me during the I-129f process.... or is there any other way she can stay in America and get married... I heard from a couple of people that she could just over stay with her VWP... but I really don't want to get her in any trouble... any help would be greatly appreciated...


Depends where she was at the moment you decided to marry and where she is now. Entering the USA with intent to marry and stay is immigration fraud and can have serious consequences. Entering the USA to visit and marrying on a spur of the moment decision and then filing for AOS is not immigration fraud. So,

1. Is she in the USA right now?

2. If so, when does her I-94 expire?

3. Was she in the USA when you decided to marry?

Edited by rin and john, 31 January 2010 - 11:12 AM.

rin and johnMaleThailand2010-01-31 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f's HARDSHIP of meeting in person request?
USA Joe - Delta offers assistance. Actually on most of their trans-pacific flights I have been on, the walls of at least one of the lavatories are partially removable allowing a wheelchair to be wheeled into the lavatory. The wall between two lavatories can also be folded/removed to create one larger lavatory allowing for wheelchair access. The airlines have airplane wheelchairs on board that fit within the aisles. See the link below, section on aircraft accessibility. The flight crew cannot assist in the lavatory, but can assist in getting you there.

Flying to Tokyo from the west coast is 10 to 12 hours plus another 7 to Bangkok. If you can get assistance, it would be much shorter to go this route.

Edited by rin and john, 04 March 2010 - 04:16 PM.

rin and johnMaleThailand2010-03-04 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f's HARDSHIP of meeting in person request?

@ Rin and John. THANK YOU very much for that break down. Wow.... that looks like a 2 day trip (48 hrs+) when you factor I live in California. So flying back east to depart out from Miami is another 6-8 hours. Add in waiting 2 hours during each stop (domestically and inter-nationally) so I can meet my connecting flights. From my traveling experience this is a must :( being the last to be leave each airplane does suck big time lol

Actually it is 81 hours from Miami to Vientiane. Would most likely be 2 to 4 hours more to go California to Boston instead of departing from Miami (wouldn't necessarily have to go via Miami; LAX to BOS direct is about 5:30 hours, but there are lots of other connections possible from LAX or SFO to BOS via Dallas, Denver, Memphis, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit, etc that would shorten the per flight time but add layover time).
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-03-04 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f's HARDSHIP of meeting in person request?
Assuming you start in Miami (based on earlier post), a total of eight flights ranging from 1:10 hours to 5:00 hours in length. Total trip time of about 81 hours with a night spent in Copenhagen and potentially a short night at a hotel in Dubai.

Depart Date: Apr 01, 2010
From: Miami, FL, USA
To: Boston, MA, USA
American Airlines (AA) Flight 1926
Depart: 3:55p - Miami International Apt
Arrive: 7:05p - Boston Logan International Apt
Airtime = 3:10

Depart Date: Apr 01, 2010
From: Boston, MA, USA
To: Reykjavik, Iceland
Icelandair (FI) Flight 630
Depart: 9:30p - Boston Logan International Apt
Arrive: 6:30a - Keflavik International Apt - Reykjavik
Airtime = 5:00

Depart Date: Apr 02, 2010
From: Reykjavik, Iceland
To: Copenhagen, Denmark
Icelandair (FI) Flight 212
Depart: 1:15p - Keflavik International Apt - Reykjavik
Arrive: 6:15p - Copenhagen Kastrup Apt
Airtime = 3:00

Depart Date: Apr 03, 2010
From: Copenhagen, Denmark
To: Istanbul, Turkey
Turkish Airlines (TK) Flight 1784
Depart: 12:10p - Copenhagen Kastrup Apt
Arrive: 4:20p - Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Airtime = 3:10

Depart Date: Apr 03, 2010
From: Istanbul, Turkey
To: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Emirates (EK) Flight 122
Depart: 7:25p - Istanbul Ataturk Airport
Arrive: 12:40a - Dubai International
Airtime = 4:15

Depart Date: Apr 04, 2010
From: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
To: Mumbai, India
Emirates (EK) Flight 502
Depart: 1:15p - Dubai International
Arrive: 5:35p - Mumbai, India
Airtime = 2:50

Depart Date: Apr 04, 2010
From: Mumbai, India
To: Bangkok, Thailand
Thai Airways International (TG) Flight 318
Depart: 11:35p - Mumbai, India
Arrive: 5:35a - Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Apt
Airtime = 4:30

Depart Date: Apr 05, 2010
From: Bangkok, Thailand
To: Vientiane, Lao P D R
Thai Airways International (TG) Flight 570
Depart: 11:45a - Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Apt
Arrive: 12:55p - Vientiane, Lao P D R
Airtime = 1:10
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-03-04 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 error, Replacment NOA1

I called the USCIS about it. They told me that it won't delay processing. The customer service agent told me the name was correct in the computer but not sure why the paper receipt had it wrong again. I was also told I could not get another correction done until 30 days have past from the first request to update the name. I'll have to call back next month.

Had a similar problem. Rin's name was right on the NOA1, but wrong on the NOA2. Called USCIS to request it be corrected. Also contacted NVC and they told me not to worry about it as they receive all the paperwork from USCIS and use the information the petitioner provided on the forms, not the NOA2. Rin received her visa in April, the corrected NOA2 arrived in August! So the correction shouldn't effect your processing speed.
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-03-27 04:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Just back from Samut Sakorn visiting a customer. Had to circumnavigate the rally site. A couple of areas of black smoke, but not as bad as the pictures we saw yesterday on TV. Rin and I were just outside on the 16th floor of the Marriott. Heard several gunshots and explosions in the direction of Lumpini.
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-17 06:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

You don't have to eat hotel food.
This place is still delivering from all over BKK for 60bt.

Just ordered my lunch...

Hotel food here is pretty good (thankfully we are travelling on business and have a very liberal expense report!)
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-17 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

The steakhouse there rocks! They do a cool tableside salad. Seh Daeng.. good riddance. Eat at the steak place downstairs. It's awesome! Unfortunately, it's 10k baht with wine.

Also, actually closer to soi 6.

We had planned to go downstairs for sushi, they do a pretty good job there, as well.

What's closer to soi 6? The Marriott is on soi 2 across from Ploenchit center (overlooks Nana Hotel and plaza from the back side).
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-17 01:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Rin and I are in Bangkok until Saturday. Hope they keep the expressways and airport open until then. We were here last week, as well, then went to Rayong for the weekend. Things definitely deteriorated over the weekend. We are staying at the JW Marriott, Suk, soi 2, had to take a much different route for our driver to get here. Sukhumvit is closed at the expressway (army barricade). Can see the red shirt barricade at Chitlom/Ploenchit from there.

Can't get Rin away from the TV. Just closed the Dusit Thani due to a bomb attacked and the government gave the redshirts until 3 pm today to disperse or face 2 year prison sentences. Also, Seh Daeng died this morning about 9:30 am.

Guess it will be dinner at the hotel this evening. Don't care much to venture out!
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-17 00:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
For those worried if the new ds-160 will apply to their K-1 application, the answer is probably not. It hasn't at other embassies/consulates that have already started using the ds-160. Link shows the K-1 is excluded from using it.


And FAQ 13 from the same link;

13. When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160, are additional forms required?
No, with two exceptions. When applying at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate that is using the new DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, you will use only one (1) form. For Embassies and Consulates that have converted to this new process, the DS-160 has replaced all of the following forms: DS-156, DS-157, DS-158, and DS-3032, which are no longer necessary.NOTE: The exceptions are Fiancee Visas (K-1/2) which still require use of the forms DS-156 and DS-156K, and the Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor visa application, which is explained in #14 below.

rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-07 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

But we are delaying the interview even though we were approved March 26 and have had Packet 3 for some time. Audy needs to finish up at her job which will be about November. So we are trying to set the interview for August.


Rob - Only caution would be the validity period of the 129f. They are valid for four months from approval date, but can be revalidated by a consular officer (and routinely are).


The K1 visa is valid for six months, so an interview (and visa issuance) anytime after June would allow her to travel to the USA late this year.

Best of luck,
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-05-04 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

My wife was never contacted at all. She talked with someone at the embassy and they told her. We also never received packet 3 from the embassy. Fortunately we already knew what to do and started processing everything about 5 days after the NVC sent the package.


Same deal for us (back in early 2007 - things may be much different today). Rin never received the P3. We had the P3 ready to go (from the online forms/instructions) once the NOA2 was approved. Once I was reasonably sure the embassy had our package from NVC, we mailed in the required checklist and forms to the embassy. Sent them an e-mail a week after that and they replied with her interview date. The P4 actually showed up after her interview date.

rin and johnMaleThailand2010-04-12 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)

Got the standard reply from the embassy to my email about the status of the case after Teaw took all the new stuff on Monday. The above captioned K-1 fiancé visa case for Ms. BOONMA SRISOMPORN is currently under administrative processing. The visa Unit will be in touch with you and the applicant as soon as the process is completed regarding the outcome of the case.

Of course, they don't say what they are really doing, if it in the fraud unit or where. I am still debating if I should write a letter explaining what happened with the marriage, why and how it deteriorated so fast after we got married that left the door open for my relationship with Teaw to change into more than just friends. What do some of you other "seasoned" people think? Should I write the letter? I can get it there so they have it after the Songkran holiday!!!

I doubt that the timeframe of divorce to filing a K1 is what is holding up the process. Many people separate without filing divorce. Then when they meet someone else, the divorce is filed, completed, and the person is free to marry. In my case, my divorce decree from my first marriage was dated Sept. 25, 2006. Rin and I married in Bangkok on October 9, 2006 and filed for a K-3 a few weeks later when I returned to the USA. The timeframe was never an issue with either USCIS or the embassy.

I wouldn't bother with the letter unless they request information concerning the timing of your relationship.
rin and johnMaleThailand2010-04-09 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (*Robert* @ Dec 1 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A "self-proclaimed Christian"

Is there any other kind?
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-12-01 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (anya-D @ Oct 21 2009, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PS.. it didnt feel any difference though.. being an American whistling.gif

Given the current American debt of almost $7.7 trillion, you just took on about $25,000 of public debt (the $7.7 trillion divided by the approximate number of US citizens). Thanks for joining the team!
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-10-22 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (*Robert* @ Oct 7 2009, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chutima passed the English and US history and government tests, and the interview was a success. Since her 3 years isn't until 18 Oct, we will have to wait for them to mail us her Oath ceremony date. I know that Chutima is excited, but for me, it means waiting for yet another letter from USCIS! sad.gif I am SOOOOOOOOO ready to be done with the USCIS!

Congrats! kicking.gif

We're still two years away from citizenship (and further dealings with USCIS...)

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-10-07 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Agree with RSN's advise. By getting married in Thailand you will be able to file DCF (check with the embassy first). It is pretty quick and uses the I-864 instead of the I-134, so a co-sponsor would be allowed.

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-08-04 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
See link - http://www.socialsec...hatyou_need.htm

SSN on DS230 is for immigrant visas. The K-1 and K-3 use the form, but are NIVs. I actually filled the DS230 in requesting the SSN, but it obviously was never issued since Rin was K-3. Had to wait until she had her EAD to get the SSN.

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-17 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
The only applicant that can request the SSN via the State Dept is CR-1/IR-1.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-17 17:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (NillandNan @ Jul 14 2009, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rin and john @ Jul 14 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NillandNan @ Jul 14 2009, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jul 14 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One more step done (Almost). We had our AOS interview today. Went fine except the file from the Bangkok embassy from the K1 has not made it here yet. The officer said he requested the file and it should take a week, and then we should get a letter in two weeks with the approval. Apparently his last thai case a few months ago, he had the same problem, they never sent the paperwork from Bangkok.


Great posts about where to score some good cookware etc. Nan wants to take her cook stuff with her, but I am afraid with all her shoes, clothes, and everything else, there will not be any room... I hope we can find some stuff local on oahu in sept/oct. Anyone else with a thai wife down in HI?


Pots, pans, and whatnot will be OK. Probably a waste of time to bring a rice cooker or water heater as they most likely will be the wrong voltage (220 vs. 110).

Yeah I already have a huge rice cooker, mostly think her mortar pestle set, and pots and pans will just be too heavy/big for luggage. What did you guys do that already brought your wives to the states? I was planning on bringing a large empty suitcase so we can fit more of her stuff. I travel pretty light, but we will be moving Nan out of her apartment... Lots o' stuff

Rin just brought her clothes, shoes, and a few other small items. The mortar and pestle woud be a load. We've bought two since she got here two years ago. She used the granite one alot more than the "thai" style clay one I posted earlier. The clay one really only gets used for som tom.
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-14 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (NillandNan @ Jul 14 2009, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jul 14 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One more step done (Almost). We had our AOS interview today. Went fine except the file from the Bangkok embassy from the K1 has not made it here yet. The officer said he requested the file and it should take a week, and then we should get a letter in two weeks with the approval. Apparently his last thai case a few months ago, he had the same problem, they never sent the paperwork from Bangkok.


Great posts about where to score some good cookware etc. Nan wants to take her cook stuff with her, but I am afraid with all her shoes, clothes, and everything else, there will not be any room... I hope we can find some stuff local on oahu in sept/oct. Anyone else with a thai wife down in HI?


Pots, pans, and whatnot will be OK. Probably a waste of time to bring a rice cooker or water heater as they most likely will be the wrong voltage (220 vs. 110).
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-14 20:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (rsn @ Jul 13 2009, 12:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rin and john @ Jul 13 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rsn @ Jul 13 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We saw the sticky rice cookers at a few Asian stores near us, but our biggest problem has been finding Isan food to eat with sticky rice. Not a lot of luck in that department.

We rarely eat sticky rice (in two years Rin has probably only made it 5 or 6 times). I think everytime it has been to eat with fried or grilled chicken.

What type of Isaan food are you looking for?

Yea, I've done the fried chicken thing w/ sticky rice. As far as other foods, I'm not entirely sure of the English names, and neither is Kat. Whenever I go over to her parents house near Udon, they always prepare a bunch of different stuff that we eat with sticky rice. Again though, I'm not sure what any of it is called, unfortunately. The only thing I can sort of describe is baby jackfruit which has been turned into a paste and mixed with chili powder (along with some other spices, I assume, that I also cannot identify). I know, I'm not much help.

EDIT: It would be nice if we could find whole tuna (not that processed stuff in a can). I remember eating that with sticky rice often. We saw it in one Thai restaurant in Chicago, but neglected to ask where they got it from.

We buy frozen tuna fillets (vacuum packed and frozen) at Kroger. Most of it is imported from Thailand. It's even suitable for sushi (we actually had sashimi tuna last night). Rin slices the raw tuna thin, chops up thai chilies and green onions over the tuna, then drizzles it with soy sauce. A little wasabi on the side. Yummy!
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-13 15:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (rsn @ Jul 13 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We saw the sticky rice cookers at a few Asian stores near us, but our biggest problem has been finding Isan food to eat with sticky rice. Not a lot of luck in that department.

We rarely eat sticky rice (in two years Rin has probably only made it 5 or 6 times). I think everytime it has been to eat with fried or grilled chicken.

What type of Isaan food are you looking for?
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-13 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Here's another website selling Thai cookware:

Must be run by a Thai (based on pricing policy):

sticky rice steamer basket: $6.00
sticky rice steamer pot: $10.00
sticky rice steamer set (basket and pot): $16.95 jest.gif

Edited by rin and john, 13 July 2009 - 12:01 PM.

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-13 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (GeneT @ Jul 12 2009, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey where has everyone found the bamboo sticky rice cookers? Any good sources for cooking equipment online??


Three of the four asian groceries in Memphis carry them (both the baskets and pots).

They also have these for making som tom:

Check the asian stores in your area:

There are online sites to purchase but all of them were pricier than the local asian shops.

One is (if MSP is too far from your home).

Google is your friend.....

Edited by rin and john, 13 July 2009 - 11:55 AM.

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-07-13 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (scandal @ Jun 28 2009, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're approved!!! Thanti just called me -- I just got off the phone with her. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

She got there an hour early. When they first called her up, they asked her for the post-office receipt of payment. She told them that she had included the original receipt from the post office in the Packet-3 response. They said they didn't have it. She said she had a photocopy of it. They said that wasn't good enough, she should go to the post office and get a duplicate receipt and come back on Mon or Wed. She said, ok, can she go out and still bring it today (Monday)? They said yes. However they told her to have a seat, and meanwhile they came back and "found" our Packet 3 envelope with the missing receipt. Huh????? #######???? Anyway, with that straightened out, she was #8 in line, had a quick interview with the female CO, the usual questions about how did we meet? When? When was my last trip to Thailand? Why had I not visited Thailand during 2009? Did she know I was divorced? How many kids do I have? Did we travel together in Thailand? All easy to answer questions, no complications whatsoever.

She got the white slip, and was told to pick up the visa on Wed July 1st.
She's flying out Thursday night and I'll pick her up at O'Hare on Friday morning, in time for the long weekend!!
kicking.gif kicking.gif

Congrats! Now the fun really begins!
rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-29 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (scandal @ Jun 26 2009, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jun 26 2009, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shawndoc @ Jun 26 2009, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We didn't submit the 693, and we didn't get an RFE. Just sent in a copy of the vaccination form from the original exam in Thailand before the interview.

As long as the medical exam is within 1 year of your AOS interview, you should be fine. At worst you'll get an RFE, but there's lots of stories of people who didn't hire a doctor to transcribe the vaccinations, and did NOT get an RFE. There's few (if any) actual stories of people who didn't and got an RFE. Most who got RFE's are people who past the 1 year mark from the original examination or are from countries where the embassy doesn't require the vaccinations in advance like Thailand does. I think it just typical group think/fear that gets people worked up. The same thing that gets people to bring in an entire milk crates of "evidence" of relationship and other silly stuff.

Why spend money on a civil surgeon unless they ask for it? At the AOS stage your fiancee is already in the country legally, and should already have an AP to allow travel in/out of the country and an EAD to work. At worst you're looking at a 1-2 months delay in getting a green card, which doesn't really give you anything the AP/EAD don't.

Well said. I completely agree with you. I think if you file AOS right after you are married you have nothing to worry about, all that I have seen is the people who are outside the year from their medical, or the people who are bordering the year get RFE's for it.

I will let you know in two weeks if they give us an RFE at our interview which I will be completely shocked if they do.

That's probably gonna hit us sad.gif
Thanti had her medical in Jan, after we got our NOA2 and thought we'd be heading for interview within weeks.
Then we got stuck at NVC.
Then we got stuck at the embassy.
Assuming no further delays, she'll have her interview, PASS IT (please please please) on Monday, come here in July, marry in Sept, file AOS/EAD/AP in Sept. Then it's a race from Sept 09 to Jan 10 to see if we're within the 1 year point of the medical.

No sense worrying about it now. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

You should be OK. The one year requirement is medical to AOS filing.

From the I-693 instructions, section III, part 2, paragraph c (

"You are not required to have another medical
examination as long as your Form I-485,

Application to Register Permanent Residence or

Adjust Status, is filed within one year of your

overseas medical examination."

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-27 08:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Thai Rath @ Jun 24 2009, 08:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AaronLV @ Jun 23 2009, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I can tell you we did not complete the series, we did not send in the Vaccination supplement, and we have our interview on July 14th with no RFE. As for free immunization shots, you may want to double check your sites information, it is normally reserved for children, and not adults for free. Also you have to have a CS update the shots record and not the free clinic. Which from what I have read most of the CS make you get an examination to update the record. In my research I have not seen anyone having to complete the immunization series to do AOS. I did lots of searches on this subject on this site, can you point me to where they said they were RFE for not completing the series?

If you are very concerned then get it done in BKK it will be cheaper, and then you can just pay to have the vaccinations transferred to the I693 from the DS2035.

Be prepared that they may ask you for the completed 693a at your interview, regardless of whether you received an RFE or not.

Agree, be prepared to be asked for a completed I-693 (parts 1,2, and 5 - I-693a no longer exists). The immunizations do not have to be complete, but they need to be up to date (not "complete" as some may not be age appropriate or have had sufficient interval to complete).

Rin had her first and second set of shots in BKK, but the children only the first. They had to go receive updated shots before the CS would complete the I-693 for their applications. Rin had to have a complete exam including TB skin test, blood test, and physical exam as it had been more than a year since her medical in BKK.

When we were at the CS, we met a couple that had made it all the way to the interview and were given an RFE at that point. They had 30 days to get the updated I-693 completed and submitted back to their local office.

Best of luck!

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-25 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (rsn @ Jun 3 2009, 01:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (roi_aggie @ Jun 3 2009, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rin and john @ Jun 3 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One potential solution for the one way nonsense would be to book a fully refundable one way BKK to USA on NWA or United (or an onward flight - i.e. BKK to SIN - fully refundable). Then once you are safely in Thailand, return the ticket. Would tie up cash or credit for a little while, but wouldn't cost you anything in the long run.


good.gif good.gif good.gif

Fully concur with that idea.

Ray, you have the potential for two things to happen. Either they don't let you on the plane, or they turn you away at BKK. I personally, am not a gambling man, and would NOT take any chances at this point. I think John has a very viable solution, unless you want to try for a tourist visa you won't fully utilize.


Robert - I completely agree. I will probably take John's suggestion and start looking for one-way return tickets now. This really is a good idea, and I'll only be out the return fee, at worst (I hope!).

When I travel on business overseas, I almost always get a fully refundable ticket due to the length of my trips, number of segments, and the frequency with which I make changes during my trip. My unused segments are turned back in to my travel agent for refunds. You would need to check with your travel agent or the airline, but I don't believe there is any charge for turning in an unused, fully refundable ticket.

Only the fees associated with ticket purchase are non-refundable (maybe agent fees?),1511,00.html

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-03 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
One potential solution for the one way nonsense would be to book a fully refundable one way BKK to USA on NWA or United (or an onward flight - i.e. BKK to SIN - fully refundable). Then once you are safely in Thailand, return the ticket. Would tie up cash or credit for a little while, but wouldn't cost you anything in the long run.


rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-03 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
QUOTE (Danny and Chada @ Jun 2 2009, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man its quiet around here...

Well we are 34 hours away from our interview (not that I'm counting or anything). We have both been burning brain cell's and the midnight oil to get everything ready. Its coming together but we will be going right to the wire with this. Hopefully Chada was able to get Wednesday off. If not I don't see how she's going to make everything happen. I am thrilled to get the chance to interview but when I think about how many people could go from sending packet 3 to an interview with 2 days notice it blows my mind. I feel very fortunate we got everything completed on my last trip / pre NOA2 in March.

We will be getting feedback from someone who is doing a K1 interview tomorrow and I will be sure to let everyone know Thursday morning how our turned out. Hopefully our interview debriefs on VJ will be of help to some others.

But when you sent in the packet 3 you told the embassy (form DS2001) that you had all documents and were ready for the interview! laughing.gif

Good thing you didn't wait for packet 4 before getting the medical exam!

Best of luck on the interview!

rin and johnMaleThailand2009-06-02 14:52:00