Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya sharyna
thanks for the email i got it ..and good on ya for helping a fellow aussie...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-27 19:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya ashliegh au
just read your post about getting your transfer mate..

good luck for the 23rd july for the AOS...fancy letting you know now and not back in november about it being wrongly transferred...
good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 21:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i reckon so too .. take that with ya along with the letter from the consulate to the interview but only hand it over if they ask about the overseas police certficate...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 21:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ohhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness...why couldnt they of stipulated that in the original letter they sent you...about the ID card...

ffs i tell ya these people sure make it stressful for people...

well im glad thats all sorted out for you now sharyna.. you can now send in your letter of readiness..
ohhhhh by the way can you scan that readiness letter before you post it might come in handy and send it to me...i know another aussie was asking for a copy of it start off his fiance readiness while she was in the states visiting...would appreciate it mate.. if you could..

great news and high 5 for persistence throughout this stressful time...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 21:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi sharyna
the link worked but its difficult to read..just copy and paste it into a post with all your personal details x'd out mate..

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 21:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
your quite welcome sharyna take a look at this receipt i posted one time ages ago of my K1 receipt..

K1 visa office receipt
hope that
hi ya rings and loke..

not long now for your interview loke good luck to you mate.. you will do fine...dont forget they are closed on the 4th july...

take care, kath
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 20:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi sharyna
good to hear that your getting the letter also make sure she mentions that you have to have an ID card not just that they cant access the system...if i saw that it would tell me that it is possible to obtain one mate..

also you can pay your fee at any australia post before your interview...and attach it to the front of your passport for your interview...its $130.00 tell them its for a U.S. non immigrant visa receipt you need....

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 19:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi again kell
i found an old message from you when we were talking about big w...

virginia drivers manual

jonesville dmv office

i read through the manual and i was right about the international licence being only for tourist...

what i wanna know is what has germany and france got to do with virginia...if i was reading it correctly they dont have to sit either learners or driving test to drive over knows

get your fiance to ring dmv in jonesville and see what the rules are about you driving on your australian licence see if they also accept reprocial agreement like ohio....

see ya
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 04:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya kell
nice to see ya... take a look at the website for licences... then click on the state you will be living in..

from what i have read on the ohio one is that if your a tourist you can drive without an international licence...
but you can also sit the learners test and drive for 30 days and go for the drivers test before the 30 days is up..and it doesnt cost you anything until you pass your licence...then when you do pass you change your name by showing them your marriage licence...

you can download the handbook of laws on the website .. i found it alot easier for me to read it off the computer than sit reading the book...

for the life of me i cant remember which state or town your going to be living in sorry or i would of researched it more for you...

ohh dont forget to get written references from work before you your department manager and manager of the store...will help ya heaps.. and if your apply for a walmart possie u need a SSN to apply too...i do hope you get into walmart one of us damm big w gals gotta lol teach them a few things i reckon...they have no idea on professional looking uniforms even though they are upgrading their uniforms they are nothing compared to

take care and happy packing...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-26 03:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
hmm kanga meat um if not cooked properly it can be tough...its an a different taste .. havent had it in years i got some for a frenchman that was staying with my family in oz so i cooked it for him..maybe someone else might know what the taste is i have
i reckon loke will be fine...your kids will be around with him with me i was by myself so i think that played alot into it..and being stuck... thing you could do is get him to get his licence straight asap or look up the bus routes for him..and maybe get a phone card for him to ring home when he wants to.. thats what robbie did for me...and all my aussie stuff up on the walls...robbie was very concerned about homesickness with me..hes a good fella..
thanks for the comments too...i was once like you when i first around this subject.. but i read so much on websites before i even joined this site ..

glad you found a lady to help you more than the other lady...fingers crossed this will be completed quickly for you..chin up its only a small bump mate...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-25 22:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya sharyna
what might be a good idea is for you to contact the consulate again in uraguay and ask them to either email the sydney consulate with all your details attached eg name case number etc...about the no go on police certificate..
or get them to send you a letter confirming what they have told you about being a citzen of that country and the police checks and the id card thing...and not being able to receive one..

and you can also email the sydney consulate telling them what you have been told about your situation and see if they can clarify what you can do in your situation because you dont want to be denied over this as it is out of your hands...request that they email you back with information you can take to your interview to help you on the day..

cover all bases instead of just showing up to your interview without what they way to cover disappointment huh...

good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-25 17:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya mz
what many of us did that didnt know where or different docs did was get blood test done to find out what your ammuned to...figure out what vaccinations you might have to have according to age..

go to your local doctor and ask him to do the blood test get them put on medicare..
keep the medicare receipt...i dont know if the pathologist that takes your blood has to sight your passport or sign that they did the pathology work on you..(when i did mine i got the pathologist to sign on the bottom of the sheet about blood tests.)

when the results come in..get your doctor to print a copy for you and get him to sign it..make a copy for your own records..take these with you to the medical exam..

not sure on the fact you are pregnant thing but i doubt very much they will hold you back because of it...maybe ask this question in another thread or email the consulate...i dont think there has been any pregnant ladies go over actually in this thread..might be wrong though...

anyways just remember to take all results to your will not only save you time but also money..

hope all is going ok for you lot...all fine complaints..

take care

KathFemaleAustralia2009-03-02 23:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
if the return ticket is cheaper than a one wayer go for the return...we bought return ticket..but with me my hubby was going to oz to fetch me so we informed the airline i wouldnt be flying out of lax but returning from melb..we got a lovely lady who said we can do that ...hey they got to resell my seat from lax didnt they..we didnt get a discount but hey we were on the same flight back to u.s. plus they allowed us to use our free flights within oz to go for our interview in sydney...

ohhh jayde that is such a tease with that choccie pic you got up...although i have got use to the choccie here it still aint tasting right lol..

KathFemaleAustralia2009-02-07 11:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya kelli
how you doing mate..ltns ...

well the steelers did it whooo hoooo...had me on the edge of my seat in the last minutes...

hey susan
yeah i did know there was an aussie in the eagles camp...i was barracking for them in the playoffs once we knew steelers one game away from being in the superbowl..we got a snow blower saturday lol i bet it dont snow now lol..
and this morning its sunshining and omg i just looked ..its 43f outside whoo hooo...i sure could use some natural heat without cuddling up to my hubs lol...

take care

KathFemaleAustralia2009-02-02 11:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
wow.gif omg! wow.gif omg! wow.gif omg! whoooo hooo susie girl
congrats on the approval happy its finally over for ya ...this is the reason they give us a year extension cos they know (even though they put the damm fees up to combat this waiting) that they can take their sweet damm time to approve ya...

mine took 7 days to get in my hands...i know you were a bit antzy about all this with your up coming trip too so now you can have a stress free trip ...lucky thing...

ohhhhhhhhhh by the way who we barracking for in the super bowl...???
secret7vf.gif steelers all the way baby!!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif (ohh gawd that sounded so american) wacko.gif lol...but did you know that ben graham who was a captain of geelong football team (think it was) is the punter for the will be watching out for him only cos he is an aussie but steelers are going for their 6th title so i cant wait for sunday...yeah i am a football fanatic in any code actually...

oh susan on the snow front..yes we have had snow thanks...30.something for the month of january...i know not as much as you guys but none the less nearly a record for us lol...i shovelled my drive on monday night when i got home from work at 10pm..again tues morn at 5am (for robbie to drive out) then again tuesday at midday...then i went next door and shovelled her path and her driveway .. you know it was cold outside when you go to the loo and the seat is warmer than you lol.. (can't remember if i have said that before)lol...i was just imagining you trying to do a snow angel with your dog jumping on top of you ...down down she goes lol...

advice to any aussie that is going to be living in a cold state...bring them with yourself some can be very thin over here unless you want to spend alot of money...

actualy be interesting to learn summit those that are already have you braved the cold weather..are you finding it hard to cope with the cold..or do you find like me the cold doesnt bother you that much unless its like into the -17 or so celsius...

with me within myself i am warm but to touch i can be very cool but i dont feel it..

anyways talk to ya soon

KathFemaleAustralia2009-01-29 22:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi mara
yeah i knew that but i was being lazy not putting your full nickname..i do apologise..
when i read your post about australia day i scanned it..but remembered what you wrote below and thought no thats not right im sure...i hope you dont mind but i looked it up about the history of australia day and found the below information ....

(for those who dont know in 1901 that was the day we became our own country and member of the monarcy - its our version of July 4th...)

On May 13, 1787, retired Royal Navy captain Arthur Phillip set sail from Portsmouth, England, with the First Fleet. The 11 ships of the fleet arrived at Botany Bay in January 1788 with more than 1,450 passengers, including 736 convicts, more than 200 marines, 20 civil officials, and 443 seamen. Finding the bay a poor choice, Phillip moved the fleet north to Port Jackson, which he acclaimed as “the finest harbour in the world.” Here he founded the first permanent British settlement on January 26, now known as Australia Day. The settlement was named Sydney for Britain’s home secretary, Lord Sydney, who was responsible for the colony.

In 1891 a convention of colonial delegates in Sydney began drafting a federal constitution, but political and regional rivalries slowed the process. It was 1897 before the policymakers agreed upon a draft constitution and 1899 before the Australian people finally approved it. The Commonwealth of Australia was accordingly approved by the British Parliament in 1900 and became a reality on January 1, 1901.


Edited by Kath, 24 January 2009 - 12:48 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2009-01-24 12:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks for that chris
was a it out to the hubby ..he understood hmmm maybe a quarter of it lol..ahd to sing the angel's song to him lol..and has anybody had a look at that government immigrants test??? dont know what they were thinking when they put that a good laugh..
also chris i am sorry you are having a hard time of it at the would think that they could of made a phone call to let your fiance know about the closing..might of saved alot of hassles for him...have you thought of contacting his congressman to find out what is going on is your fiance in the military...if this is so isnt there anyone there that can help in this matter for him...

myperfectflaw...why dont you send goonlurka an email..he was the last one that i know of that went for the interview..and by the way congrats on the approval...

no news has been cold but i must add not as cold as susan ... we had quite a bit of snow ..but not as much as susan am over my cold finally hubby still gets a coughing if he goes outside for too long..he goes back to work on monday after having 5 weeks off...i am cheesed off at the mo that he earned more than me on damm unemployment ..cos he was on unemployment throughout last year on and off because of shutdowns of jeep..sighhhhh just incredible to me that i work all year he has about 15 to 20 weeks off and gets more than me..sorry thats my gripe for the night lol..

hi to all my mates and if i am not in here on monday..happy australia day...i gotta find my aussie flag pin to wear to work...
take care

KathFemaleAustralia2009-01-24 00:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats to you glad you got to go to sydney together..

i agree with you on the fees outrageous...just remember to save stuff for relationship evidence and from your wedding and lease accounts in both names...state id..anything i know you wont be thinking on it now the exciting part of the journey is coming up for you...

spend time with your loved ones take plenty of photo's of relatives you will appreciate them when you get over here..good luck on the flight back to the states...ohh dont forget to put your review of the interview in too...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2009-01-07 22:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya whisper

each year the price of government things go police checks...passports...i am thinking its 1st july..

take a look at the embassey info to see what it says about queensland..

well my christmas was a disaster ...not really just slept through it really...well majority of it..i got a cold a bad one finished work christmas eve and stayed in bed for 4 days only getting up to go to the bathroom or get a drink...i am still recovering...

any aussies coming over to live here..bring some senega of amonia with you for is the most disgusting medicine but it shifts the phlem off the chest really family has sworn by it for years...and its not that expensive from the chemist..i ordered some from an online chemist in australia cost me 23 u.s. i am hopeing it wont get sent back or kept by customs..but im sure it will get through...

new years eve a quite one at home with both of us coughing our lungs out .. hubby is still quite bad...

hope everyone had a great new years eve and chrissie...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2009-01-07 03:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya cham
bet your getting excited now knowing its either in syd or on its way

i would get a bank statement ask them to date when the account was opened and state you have deposits from ssi and how much a week or whatever it is ..make sure it clearly states your name correct address and its on bank letterhead..can you get your hand on anything from ssi...or anything pertaining to your accident about compensation that would help too..especially if it state how much the payments will be and how long...

anything you can think of to boost your approval at the interview i reckon...also make sure you send the original of the NOA2 to kia for him to take to the interview ..i cant remember if ours was looked at but we had it with us just in case ...

love the photo's.. we are at the moment 6.53am having freezing rain storm..we have about an inch at the moment..will see if i can post some pics too..
take care

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-19 06:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya jodee

goodonya mate.. thanks for that added info for whisper..i knew there might of been an aussie that went through this..

hows life to wherever your hubby has been stationed at...any different to germany mate..
hope you have a good chrissey together..
take care kath

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-16 02:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Dr. Gary Litherland Cairns Tourist & Local Medical Services
Cairns Travel Clinic
15 Lake Street
Cairns, QLD 4870 (07) 4041-1699

is that the doctor you were talking about mate

from what i just read about in your post mate..its asking if you have any documentation (legal) stating you have sole custody of the children..if it is have to have a letter from their other parent stating that he acknowledges the fact that the children will be living in the states with his consent..i would think it should be and sworn affidavit stating the fact with a copy of his id...this can be done at any police station or with a justice of the peace...if your really want to make sure your on the right track i would email the consulate..but that is how i am reading it...

wondering is there any others that had children could help you...would need to do a search to find them for you..

hiya breezie
glad you found the thread i told you about...lots of support in here and dont ever think you are having a blonde moment as we all had them and know how you feel...

take care

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-16 02:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi goonluka

within your packet 3 did it state how payment was to be done...but thinking on it that might be in packet 4 when you get your interview date...

when i did the k1 in 2006 we had to go to the post office and pay the fee prior to the interview then put it in my passport for them to see that it was paid...i have a scanned copy of it if you want to see it ...

do a scroll back or go into the embassey reviews to see who has done their k1 interview recently then send them a message to find out what they did...also go onto the consulate website and do a search on there..

i know i havent been much help but thats all i can come up with at the moment..

cham that is fantastic news from the consulate...way cool...where in oz does kia reside...

hey there susan
awwww your a duck ...we both good gasbaggers huh lol...and i also enjoy talking to ya .. lifts ya spirits to talk to an aussie over here...
ohhh yeah...hope all is well with sharyna might have to see when she was on last to see if she has announced it else where...
well i got promoted to supervisor am training for 3 days next week...dont know how i will go lots more pressure but as one manager said to me if you can handle layby and keep your cool you will do fine...if i dont well im not doing it lol...
talk to ya all soon

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-13 18:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya annax
just had a thought on your question of what to get your future family...i collect the state teddies for my daughter..if i go into another state or land in another state i buy one...i do shot glasses for my son...californian teddy would be a good pressie just to sit on the book shelf and when they look at it they will think of you two over could find a good photo taken professionally of the town you live...and get it framed over in oz for them..

take some reece cups i know you cant get that over there..there are so many different types of that one.or some toostie rolls for the kids in the family..maybe a more closer to the heart might be a photo of you and your fiance when he visited you in california...also..what about those flags that people fly outside their homes with something califorian..i took my mum a ohio one with all the different things that are uniquely to ohio...or just buy them a phonecard so they can call you two anytime...from what i rememer it was cheaper for me to call here than it is to call oz...i would get more hours in airtime than robert..

i am sure whatever you decide to take over for them they would appreciate....

i know i gabbled on sorry about should hear me when im on the phone lol.. im sure susan has a sore ear everytime we talk lol

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-11 21:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
gooooooooooooo Aussie's...

great to read some good news in here..congrats to both cham and annax...

annax glad you got the interview date you were looking for ..just knew the consulate would accomadate your preference as they did with ours...enjoy the view in sydney and be sure to have a safe flight over to oz..wish i was any chance you got room in one of your suitcases lol..would your fiance be coming back home with you?
if he is take an extra suitcase for him to fill..but dont do what my husband did and buy souveniers and fill up the suitcase he brought over for me lol .. i had to buy another case lol

cham did you get your affidavit of support forms sorted out..knew you were sweating on it...dont forget your tax records and anything that shows income that might help kia out at the statements.. letter from your bank...employers letter....

hope it all works out for you very happy for you both...
take care kath
ps. my hubby's work (jeep) has closed down 2nd shift.. so now robbie is a day shifter from next monday (whidh they said would start in january) comes the fun part of somehow spending time together with one car lol...dont know what were going to do as yet me stay on 2nd shift or i go down to 8am start which means .. i will have to get up at around 4.30am..take him to work for 6am then me wait to start work at 8am...not looking forward to those early cold and frosty mornings...
KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-11 19:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya whisper to me

that is great news congrats to you the fun part begins of running around getting all stuff ready for your interview...

dont forget you can get your ammune testing for the vaccinations done at your local doctor ... go to the sydney embassey website to look at the medical forms and requirements...

let us know when your interview will be happy for you both... smile.gif kicking.gif

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-08 14:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
arrrhhh goon
i had those done at my local doc too put on medicare...i wonder if you put in a claim with medicare would they pay up...

ohhh just a thought..get the medical examiner to send you a copy of your medical for your own will come in handy for the doctor over here and if you want to do any volunteer work..but dont let them have your copy..
also get a photo copy of your police certificate ...

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 03:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya jayde
thanks for the congrats...i am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys that vermont will pull their fingers out and approval faster this month..cos ya know how departments feel about unfinished business at the end of a finacial year.....

hiya chris0608
congrats on your visa approval and on the quick arrival of it also...alot of us know how you feel about the interview time...just amazes you dont it that it took so long to get all this together and they only give you 5 mins with you to meet you and see your approval quality lol...enjoy your last few months with family and friends ... take plenty of photo's buy heaps of phone cards for relatives to keep in contact with you..(good chrissie pressie i reckon)...

hiya goonluka
whoo hoo for that part of the journey over and done with mate...question though...if you had all your ammunity tests you said .. how come you had to have blood tests done...or did i read it wrongly...your post will be a good reference for those living in sydney...

good luck to you all that are still waiting .. keep your spirits up ...
KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-04 01:22:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya cham
take a look at the link all the posts..its 125% ... 100% is only for the guidelines for the affidavit of support it also states it in there....

poverty guide line post

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 13:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
damm it was trying to edit it ..but took too long cos im talking to my daughter in newcastle..but saved what i was gunna say so here it is

above is a link for you to take a look at...scroll down on the page and it will give you the table to compare what your earnings are..i would do it for you but i do not know your situation of how many in the household...why dont you find on vj about co-sponsors responsibilities and print it out to show the persons who have back off...reading instead of listening might help you out ..especially if you get it from the USCIS website mate..good luck to ya...

hi ya susan..thanks mate.... i still am undecided on the whole citz thing as yet mate...what a shame about your thanks giving...rotten weather...we had a quite one went out to eat ...i worked the morning and that was talk to ya soon mate..stay warm...kath

Edited by Kath, 03 December 2008 - 12:28 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 00:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-03 00:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya all
thought i would share

email from cris ... card production ordered for my 10 year green card...

hubby said to me when i showed him .. well ya here for 10 years ..think ya can handle it lol...

well susan you were right huh mate...i really thought you would get yours first mate...damm vermont...

talk to ya all soon
KathFemaleAustralia2008-12-01 17:39:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya goonluka
put NONE..if you look down further at Q asks name the spouse that will be going with you..and seeing you are going for the K1 your not married as yet..

good luck hope you get your interview quickly
KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-30 13:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya susan
happy thanks giving to you too mate..hope you have a good one..take it easy on the roads if your travelling ..


KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-26 23:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya chris
welcome ...
as kaffy said the interview is painless..just make sure everything is there that they asked for and in order they want it...
have you done your medical and police check...
have a read of the embassey reviews they will help greatly ..and enjoy the view its amazing..did you register your children as american citz..
when you go for the last into the elevator..saves time..take something to read and munch on...
good luck to you and your family...everything will work out as long as you have everything in check...

KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-26 00:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya h.dreams
so ya made it to chicago .. how you liking in Toledo Ohio..not seen anything about a meet up..maybe do a search for vj meets and it might come up with something for ya...are you working..

when you get the noa2 your file has one more stop in the states then it gets sent to sydney..they look over it and post out what they call packet 4 which has more forms to fill out and instructions on what to do...he send back the readiness form.. they set the interview..your fiance has to organise the medical and the police check..

at the interview ... if you have all the paperwork in the correct sequence the desire he will be fine...there is one lady there that has been named the 'dragonlady' but from what i gather she gets annoyed if people are not prepared and can be a very helpful and nice lady...everyone at the consulate is very helpful and nice...

if i were in your shoes i wouldnt worry about what the consulate might think about the age difference and the divorces dont dwell on these things .. you have a legit relationship and that will show in your paperwork and hubby was divorced twice we just showed the decree's ...

take a look at the embassey reviews read all of them ..they are very informative..some even put in the questions they were asked...
the stress of this journey can be a very good test for a relationship...just hang in there take one day at a time...take a few days out with nothing to do with the process...

cham he doesnt need to mention the support group...that i dont think will be asked about...all they are interested in is if you can support him ... where you met..when did you meet in person...the medical was passed .. police check came back with no convictions...when you will be getting married...where in the states he will be living...

where in australia is he from...and which state you in..get kia to read some the reviews of the embassey when he has time ... reading it himself might put his mind to rest ...
we all know here how stressful this can be and it is the toughest time being apart..but rest asured that the interview is painless and the easiest part of this whole thing...take care ...

hi ya kaffy
well im working on thanksgiving...6.45am to 1pm then when i get home we are going out for thanksgiving this year...its just the two of us ..we probably get invited next door again so will go over for a drink and thats about it..
christmas is the big one and that will be different...

take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-23 15:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya caroline
course i rememer you mate...
how time flies wow 3 years ..i remember when you got married ... i was reading somewhere it the extension letter pertains to a year after your greencard mine expired in october 25th 2008 but the extension wont run out till oct 2009 ...

great that stewart is applying for naturalisation...i still havent figured that part out as yet ..basically i want 10 years worth of my money i spent on getting it lol...if ya get me ...

all is well in ohio winter is coming once again...i was just getting use to sunshine lol...suppose we shouldnt grumble we did have an extended summer really...just hope winter dont do the same thing to us lol..

lovely to see you and hear all is well ...happy anniversary if we dont see ya again for awhile ...
KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-20 00:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya susan
well i was looking at flights ( as you do lol and came across a link stating the above for new u.s. waiver tourists...
but i had seen this in july/august on the u.s. sydney consulate website i thought seeing i found it again i would copy and paste it for the aussies to know about...

shame ya they aren't coming to visit mate......was great talking to you last week..will ring ya soon...and on ya 10 year greencard who knows with uscis what the hell will happen mate..but i do hope you get approved first...did you get my email about that thread i found about the what happens when your 1 year extension expire question mate..

hi ya sydneytowaco
welcome to the thread...and thanks for your question .. i have seen this asked before in other post on vj
from what i understand and i might be wrong.. it has alot to do with A. your state..and B. if you need a greencard to enrol..and i think it has to do with residency for your fees too...
what i would do is get your fiance to contact your the uni that your interested in and ask this question...or go online to see if that question is covered..they might have an email address where you could also contact them...
you could do a search on vj to find the posts mate...
i know i wasnt much of a help...and i dont know of any other aussie have gone to uni while waiting for their greencard...

take care
ps if ya wondering what im doing up at 3.30am...i have just sat and watched with my husband the auto industry big 3 at the washington...3 between each person that spoke my hubby was either pausing it and putting his 10 bobs worth in or shouting at them lol...if ya dont know my hub works for jeep..i am so tired now lol..and then we went to the u.s. senate taping and it was fun fast forwarding those people...quite
edited to say blimey i forgot to adjust my times on here for daylight savings lol whistling.gif

Edited by Kath, 19 November 2008 - 03:32 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-19 03:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
the way i read it for the people who are coming over to the states for a visit...when i came over on the k-1 visa
i filled out a different form before i reckon this does not apply to the k-1 visa...the visa we all go for is for permanent residency not to visit....

if you are worried on the consulate...but im pretty sure they wil give you the same answer..
i posted this for the ones that are travelling between getting their visa....sorry if i confused anyone...just thought it
was a good bit of information to post...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-18 13:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
found this the other day and forgot to post it for you guys to look at..this only refers to the visa waiver program but as many of you who aren't here permantly as yet you still come here to visit...and also for those of us who have relatives and children who come to visit too..

New Entry Requirements to the USA

Effective from 12 January, 2009, the US Department of Homeland Security will introduce new immigration procedures for all passengers intending to enter the USA.

Under the new procedures, travellers wishing to visit the USA under the Visa Waiver Programme – which includes passport holders from Australia and New Zealand – will be required to “pre-register” their intention to enter America at least 72 hours prior to their scheduled departure.

This requires all intending travellers to apply online to the Department of Homeland Security for a travel authorisation, prior to boarding an aircraft or vessel to the USA.

Travellers who do not apply for and receive a formal travel authorisation ahead of their intended departure date will not be able to board a flight or ship to the USA.

This is not a regulation created by airlines. It is a requirement of the US Government, and unfortunately, where passengers do not have a travel authorisation, airline check in staff will not be able to resolve the problem. Nor will the airlines be liable for any costs or cancellation penalties or inconvenience where travellers do not have a travel authorisation, and are not permitted to travel.

To apply on line for a US Travel Authorisation, visit The application is free of charge and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. It is valid for two years for holders of a valid passport.

Once a travel authorisation is sought and obtained, passengers must update their travel plans on line for subsequent visits to the USA, quoting their travel authorisation number.

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2008-11-17 00:18:00