Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
RUNS ROUND THE BOARD SHOUTING AND DOING THE DANCE OF JOY!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :lol: :lol:
"""I GOT IT""" and whispers to all the aussies else where in the country .. ya lucky ya dont live in ohio hehehehe...cos there is a mad aussie on the roads now lol

I got the nice guy too... he shouts out you ready kathryn is the kangaroo waiting for us outside lol everyone laughed..did the manuerability ok got points off for stopping to look if i was going ok...then he told me to drive out and turn right..and omg i turned left..i said you want me to do a u'y down the road he said no we will take the scenic route (thank goodness)...and it was done within 10 minutes...ohh and points off for not signalling 100 ft before i got it thats the main thing.. he was so great even before i started the engine he said is there any questions..gawd i wished i had of beat the young girl into the office the last time i would of got him then lol..
went to get my licence printed out and they looked at my greencard and my ssn card and i gave them my marriage certficate to get it put in my married name and she gave back my australian licence in thats a bonus...
then as we were leaving the bloke was coming out to do another one and he started hopping like a roo lol...

so that being done now i think i have completed everything i need to do over here except the removing of conditions next year of course...whoooo hooo i got it .. i still am on cloud 9 over it....

hi ya rings..thanks for your kind thoughts...i just wanted everyone to be aware that these things can happen and i would hate for anyone else to go through what i went through that night.....say hi to loke from us and im sure he will get better he is missing some buttermenthols lol

ohh vylex would flying over some ocean or country by now ...on his way to oz..hope you arrive safely vylex...
take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-11 13:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi susan
nice to ya in here mate..yeah i know i feel the same way will get over your way one day..robbie enjoyed talking to ya he reckons you have a stronger accent than me real aussie lol ... i said what accent its you guys that have the accent he just laughed...did the pics turn out on the last email i sent ya ...dont forget to send me your other email addy to you soon...

thanks for all the good lucks on my test tomorrow will let ya know how i went...

well im getting ready for work finish at 11pm tonight.. and monday will be my first interesting how much it came to ...and if they took the correct tax

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-10 15:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
thanks for the well wishes...will tell ya, all kinds of thoughts were going through my mind that hell in oz they take your name and number if your ringing a cab..and its such a long walk home lol i know its only 2.4 miles but damm that a long walk at night

jess have you looked in the phone book to see if there are any others that do the same thing.. or ring hubs insurance to see if they have any contacts for that course...wonder if one of the colleges have night classes for that too...have you asked about the reprocical (cant remember how to spell it) thing i was talking about where you can just take the learner's test and then later on take the driving test...also ring them to find out what is asked of you to do in the actual driving test im sure they will let you know..

tomorrow i go for my test 11am gawd i hope i get the other fella this time round he is the nice one
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-10 13:32:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
sorry to hear ya not well loke...probably the different altitude your in now that you caught some bug ... hope it gets better for you mate..hate being sick...but you have to sleep to get well also mate so if your tired just sleep your body needs it ...

hi ya pris how you going mate.. hanging in it getting any warmer for you there...i still that image of you walking to work all rugged up lol

ohhh that bacon ... now ya know what i have been compalining about.. and the american bacon is alot more fatty and streaky lol...i took a similar photo for my daughter cos she coudlnt understand what i was complaining about first thing she said was where is the bacon lol....and i took photo's before i left oz cos the american friends coudlnt understand how wonderful our bacon was they were like wow that looks nice lol

sharyna..get your fiance to ring the drivers place cos im thinking that you might have to pass the learners test then you can drive on your aussie licence for 30 days.. but it all depends on the state mate...get ya fiance to ring up only way really to find out unless you go on the website to look but then you might not get the answer...

work is going well.. i went on the registers for the first time on tuesday went well pretty much the same as oz but they use coupons and they process the cheques themselves at the registers...ohhhh by the way.. if you do get a job or go out to the mall by yourself and your relying on public transport or a cab..
A) make sure your bus does go passed to pick you up at the time told by the bus company..
B) if your ordering a cab...ask someone who is the best cab company in your town...

now the reason for the above hints is this is what happened to me on monday...
my shift ended at 6.30pm...i asked to start early an finish early to catch the bus at 6.35pm..
i rang the bus company on monday explained where i wanted to go and where i would be catching it from
she told me the time but failed to tell me that the bus runs along jackman ave .. i was sitting at the bus stop on the corner of jackman and alexis where it will run along alexis..needless to say i was cheesed off no other buses for the rest of the night .. i sat there waiting just in case till 7.15pm
at that time i walk back over the road to work.. looked up a cab in the phone book... i booked in a cab she said to me i will try (bells should of rang at that statement)...
8.20pm i rang again a bloke said another half an hour...
i was getting quite distressed...rang back at 9.35pm and was practically called a liar because he reckons he didnt have a booking for alexis...he said to me why have you been waiting 2 hours i said to get home its the only way i can get home....with that steamy conversation i decided to start walking home...
i walked for about 20mins and there comes my husband (and me thinking oh robbie please come and find me not home ) he turned the corner and first thing he shouts is you ok.. he pulled in the car park near the intersection i got in and i just spilled me guts about what happened.. it took me ages after we got home to settle down...

so please either have a contact number of a friend that could pick you up .. or get the number prior of a good reliable cab company and learn from my the moment im writing a letter to the company involved i know it will do no good but they need to be told off..what really got me was he couldnt give a shiet about what had happened to me he just kept stating he is backedup tonight.. nothing about ohh sorry to hear that m'am will get there immediately..nothing
hi to all that i hadnt mentioned...keep ya chins up
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-10 00:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya sharyna

when you get off the plane you go down into the give all your paper work to the POE officer that you will be seeing...dont forget to fill out the white I-94 and hand that along with your passport and the brown envelope ..the officer will enter all your details into the system and send you on the way..

at the LAX airport after you get your luggage you go into another line to get out to your connecting flight.. there you will be asked what is in your case and anything to declare...


The above link will give you an idea of what others have gone through by entering san fran mate..hope that hleps..

take care

Edited by Kath, 05 August 2007 - 07:04 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-05 19:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi kelli
you have a safe journey..take heaps of pics when staying with ya sis an family...
i did the same as you with the cd's and dvd's..i just put them in my luggage not in my onboard through with no hassles...

also i went through the u.s. citz line because i was with my hubsmister was fine...your tired at this stage of your journey just ask one of the security people directing things...

take care mate happy reunite with ya bestest mate of all...
edit cos i forgot...the prescritions should be fine put them in your luggage ..not in your hand luggage .. if they have anything to say keep your letter from your doctor in your passport but dont show it unless questioned about it...put it in a toilet bag...only take onboard what you need mate...ohh dont forget also if there is any other stuff from the chemist that you know works for you with you too..only because of some of the stuff over here is strong..if ya get me..

also while i think of it i found this website that might be of interest to those who are coming or been here about voting..i know its been posted before but quite a few are going to be newbies over here..

voting in aust.
later all

Edited by Kath, 05 August 2007 - 12:24 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-05 00:19:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya vylex
lol mate what expect the aussie's are a happy bunch of people ...ohhhh mate i bet your excited at all heck.. you and your wife have been plannin this for like ages...i hope it is a lovely day for you both and you create happy memories..cant wait to see the pics ...

well work was good.. at least the training im getting i dont have to be on the register but i suppose that comes next week lol..were tereasa and i were trained security and manners were a must...i was a bit shocked at how the front end conducts themselves and customer focus is a bit lacking in some im at a quandry to what i should do about it...and yes i know im no one the "newbie" but hell we were taught not to interrupt another operator while serving a customer..!!!!! to me its a breaking of the kmart code of conduct...

any suggestions to what i should do if i get interrupted in serving a customer in the states..

teresa have a safe flight if i dont see ya in here..ohh and one of the aussies got her EAD a little over 2 months after being transferred to CSC......

talk to you all soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-04 00:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi all
just a quick note..went into to start my orientation yesterday..went well..after 11 videos and 3 dvd's..i start on the registers today at 2pm...then on saturday another shift to finish the computer testing to see if it all sunk in and im set lol...they dont wear uniforms like we use to teressa..just a white shirt and a smock thing without even the company logo on slack looking to what were use to..didnt finish work till 10pm .. then went shopping with robbie so didnt get home till about 2am lol

so im ooffically a working gal again...gawd help me tody on the registers havent been on them for 2 years lol but its only for a month training then im put somewhere else so fingers crossed im going into a department that suits me lol

will catch up with all that has been going on in here on sunday..i have read all the emails but i gotta get some phone calls done before i leave here and get

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-03 10:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya duke
i see congrats is in order for you...glad your interview on the 31st went well.. and have a lovely wedding if we dont see ya in here ...

dont forget to add yourselves to the aussie map we got going..

so happy for you two..
take care
omg i just read my other post i cant believe i spelt specific mum would tell me off for that one if she saw it lol..

Edited by Kath, 02 August 2007 - 02:57 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-02 02:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya'll
thanks for the vote of over it and looking forward to the 11th ...

give dmv a call to find out what you have to do with having an aussie licence...and ya right i couldnt find anything on what they actually do in the test...thought i found it but its not really pacific...and you guys have roundabouts wow i wish toledo

hope everyone is going fine and dandy..ohh on the onboard luggage thing..we travelled qantas then transferred to a domestic flight from lax..we had too much luggage and we had to condense stuff to make it into one each.. they wanted us to put in our other luggage but it was all too delicate stuff to do we wore hats wore jackets stuffed my large handbag with stuff lol anything to get on that plane lol..

well tomorrow im working ..sounds weird after all this time but im looking forward to it ...whoo hooo im earning money again what a great feeling...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-02 01:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thanks rings...i booked it in again this arvo for a saturday so will have it down pat this time im going to be watching the weather for the next 2 weeks lol..i know i will be driving around i do it now just gotta get legal like everything else with this moving country thing...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-01 14:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
well went for my driving test yesterday..i ohio you have to a maneuverability test which i had really no clue on how to do .. i didnt take the damm instructions with me on the day how to do it and i didnt know what was expected of me...

in this first test you have to go through some poles then turn either right or left then back into the pole thing again ..i thought you just had to back into the 4 pole area again and stop he said why did i stop i said this is all new to me and i havent done one of these before then he said back out of it so i started to and wham i hit the back left pole automatic heart sank...before we went in i said to robbie im not worried about the driving its the first test im worried my heart sank..felt so stupid and its taken me this long to get over it..and i cant go for the test again for another 7 days..on the up side i got the road test scoring sheet lol.. tells you all that they look for while testing you and on the back it shows how they expect you to turn corners if anyone want to look at it give me a yell and i will email it to you...

hi ya kym
with my AOS and EAD i got transferred to CSC (california) i got my greencard within think it was 36days then 7 weeks after that i received my EAD...why dont you take a look at the timelines for your EAD and your local office to see how they are going at the moment might give you an idea..

hi pris
good to hear you sold your car...and yes now it is seeming real huh.. my reality check was when robbie arrived in oz to come get me..and packing with him..and going to lunch with my family the day before...

hi jess
think it was you who asked me about robert being in the navy..this was in his younger days when he was in his early teen to early 20's...he was in the veitnam war so now ya know how long ago it was lol..i think he joined when he was 16..he even went to work in washington for a stint..he dont like to talk about it much the wounds are still there in his heart if ya get what i mean..i remember on my second visit here we went to see the memorial wall that travels around the country...big slabs of black marble with names that fell in vietnam..he had to walk away it upset him so much was the first time i saw him cry..which made me cry cos all i could do was hold him and not take his pain away for him...

well thats enough from need to be sorry about the licence thing i got another shot at it and we went and watched others do that test at a different location so now i know what is expected of me..and you prob thinking why we didnt do that in the first place... it is hard when your hubby is a 2nd shifter and he needs his sleep...robbie watched the whole thing and said to me i hardly touched the pole it just fell on ya thats all..

take care
give me a parrell park anyday and i would of passed it.. i have looked in other state dmv's handbook and i cant find who else does the maneuverability test lol...damm ohio lol

Edited by Kath, 01 August 2007 - 10:58 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-08-01 10:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
big congrats to Kym ...thats great news and now time to breathe and wait for your guy to come over the pond.. whoo hoo :dance: :dance:

hi jodee

thats great news that tomorrow he will be home with you and your girls...and im hoping those 3 weeks go sooooo slow for you two and also those 5 months go fast so he can be with you always..

well i got the news that i go into k-mart on thursday to start orientation whoo hooo....i cant believe i havent been officially working for a year ..i will be rusty as lol

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-30 16:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
biggggggggggg awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

damm all you guys look fantastic sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

moonie glad you got a full time job out of that law schol is your man adjusting to the weather and state side...

i was putting all our camcord tapes on dvd a story of our holidays our interview and our wedding and this years vacation...was nice seeing where i use to live an listening to robbie try and play the digeredoo in my old i getting homesick .. i dont know .. just glad i got it all on dvd now to remmernis...

so for those who are leaving oz get hold of a camcorder and do a video of your town, family and friends cos a year down the track if you havent gone back to oz for a holiday at least you got something to look at ...sighhhhhhhh

ohh by the way how did i do that rings .. glad it arrived at chicago safely .. an better yet even great that ya got it in before the fee hike...way to go ...

take care

Edited by Kath, 27 July 2007 - 10:33 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-27 22:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jess
fantastic photo' look so happy together..congrats...

reminds me of photo's i saw of robert in his whites..he was a communications thingy lol...gawd that was many many many moons ago...

so what do you think of your new home jess.. are you all settled in yet..have you driven over here..ohh so many questions just rapt ya made it over here and you are happy...
you going to post your pics in the wedding album in the gallery on here...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-27 14:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay sharyna that didnt take long for you whoo hooo...

im so rapt for ya.. .. with your expiration it dont make sense to me with that officer telling you that..because the expiration date pertains togetting everything completed by then.. if ya get me.. so in other words.. when you get your NOA2 and you have an expiration date on it you have to have your interview date by then. just if your expiry date is sept she shouldnt of even had to mention your extension....its confusing but at least you have your visa and your on your way mate...

dont mind me sharon just interesting to me that she stated it needed extending when it wasnt expired...

hi james
i answered your question and here you are .. good on ya.. welcome..
hi loke
take care kath
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-26 21:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hoo sharyna ..
the brown envelope contains everything on your pettition..even the things you have submitted at your interview..

dont open it. thats the job of the POE long as you have your passport all is ok to get on that plane to come here...

by the way .. what was the expiration date on your NOA2..thats the thing we were going on about getting the extension done...

great that you received it quick and its in your hot little hands.. now put it somewhere you will not loose it lol...or where it wont be packed cos you need that to be carried with you on the plane....

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-26 19:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya niph

thats a toughy..if they have originally got all your date of visits they might just send you back an enquiry through mail about it ..

but i would probably send them an email stating the dates and asking if the email is sufifcent or do they want you to post it in to them...fingers crossed you get to hear something quicker than 10 days...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-26 14:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya loke and rings
whoo hooo ya on your way now.. i wouldnt worry too much about the rate increase you will get it in just in time mate...overnighter's is the way to go....they will get it tomorrow friday which is fantastic in beating the fee increase..good luck to you two and hope it doesnt take too long in getting that greencard..did you apply for EAD too..

good luck to those selling their cars...hope you get a decent price for them..

wonder how lyndel's AOS is going not heard anything...

hi ya pris and vylex .. no movements on your pettitions??? not long before you fly off vylex.. safe journey if we dont see ya before hand...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-26 14:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi sharyna
i was under the impression that the visa you receive was valid for 6months to activate.....i know you have to write in for an extension if your pettion has expired on your original NOA2 .. because my hubby had to request an extension..some consulates extend it automatically...but its best to request the extension..

interesting to find out from the consulate if this is the case for all k1 visa's sharyna...also with the K1 interview its in the guides to do another intent letter from each party..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-25 02:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy sharyna congrats to you.. :jest: :dance: :dance:

glad it went all smoothly for you...did they have any quarms about getting it sent to your work mate..

another one bites the dust...

kym your fiance is up next isnt he??? good luck to you for monday..

as for the driving over here...depends on which state you are in...some states ya dont have to have your international licence and i think i did read in CA it wasnt recognised...with mine i had to do the written test and then drive on my australian for 30 days and they were allowing me to go over my 30 days to go for my test ..which is next tuesday..even give them a ring because in some of the pages its hard to find out the precise information for non u.s. citz...but most need to see a ssn card some kind of id to proove you live here or the ca you can produce the I-94 an approved notice for the greencard or the greencard itself..
in ohio they changed the law back in 2006 that they need to see something from uscis that verifies your a permanent resident..this also went for a state id..had a hell of a time getting that...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-24 18:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
you are so right...with my age i didnt have to have any jabs thank goodness...that the key thing in this whole process of paperwork is read .. read... read...i think the guys at the consulate delight in saying you havent got this in order or you dont have this come back when u do have it lol

but on the up side to those who are going through it all at the moment.. once you get here then get your AOS all over and done with for 2 years .. you seem for forget all the hassle it was going through it.. unless you have had such a bad time of it .. i was talking to another aussie in kentucky today and she had a hard time of it with her AOS but her patience and just living life with her husband got her through it and she was saying the same thing to me..

so on the up side of all this ..there is a silver lining... at least AOS is when your here and you have the support of your husband/wife to get you through it...

take care

Edited by Kath, 23 July 2007 - 05:46 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-23 17:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi kym

I dont think your alone with the nerves about an have done you part in the journey now its all up to the aussie and with it being out of your hands it can be a bit nerve racking thinking .. have they got it together

i just want to reiterate to those that have gone for or going for their medicals plz ask for a copy of the medical for your own records .. the vaccination sheet is needed for the AOS for K1 and K3 journey's...also remember you can get blood tests done by your local doctor to determine what you are ammune to and put on medicare..but make sure you have a letter from the doctor stating the results to take to the medical...i have read quite a few aussie posts where they didnt get a copy and have to either get it done again over here or ring oz to get a copy sent over...

good luck meowgirl on getting an interview date ...

kym good luck to you and yours for your interview next week ... let us know how it goes...

loke loke loke sighhhhhhhhhh lol.. i will have you know i got my licence in 1978 in oz and i didnt have one accident or ticket your safe mate...with saying that robert always sez to me .. its not your driving im worried about its the other idiots on the road your safe test is on the 31st...went there on the weekend to have a look at the area and see what this maneuverability test is all about.. looks more confusing on the car park than in the book lol...i dont know if this thing is for every state but ohio has to do it.. they dont even do a parellel parking

well robbie's first day back to work today...sighhhhhhh... then middle of this week am ringing k-mart to see when i am going to start work...

take care
p.s. jonathon..make sure you have things like bank statements leases a letter from your employer stating what date your expected back to work...your itenary...anything that shows you have ties to australia to help at your POE on your visit to the states...which state you coming over to?

Edited by Kath, 23 July 2007 - 12:52 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-23 12:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi sharyna
good luck for tomorrow.. was just thinking also.. try an find a large sticker with your home address on it just in case they wont send it to your work...that way you can cover the work address and send it to your home address..

looking forward to hearing from you on wednesday take care and good luck...look for a big while dome thing at the steps leading up to a mall in martin place ..

fingers crossed for you sharyna..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-23 02:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jonathon
welcome to the aussie thread..there is heaps of info in here about costs...there is also information on it int he emassey info for australia at the top of this page on the left hand side..

as rings said it all depends on where you are in could find cheap flight with virgin or jetstar if you have to fly to sydney..

for the k1 its basically... medical..national police check...your payment before interview at the post office...

as far as your vaccinations go get some blood tests done for ammunity and get it put on can also get your syphillis and hiv done at the same time as your other blood tests..

then when you get over here (state side) there is the AOS to think about saving for too ...sighhhhhhhhhhhh

good luck

Edited by Kath, 22 July 2007 - 01:32 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-22 01:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya jo

did you explain to the travel agent that you havd an immigration visa...
you can enter on either one way or return ticket...usually a return ticket is cheaper but you dont have to use the return ticket...

if the agent wont let you i would book online...i travelled here on a one way with qantas..

so when you looking at moving over here jo...good luck with the move if we dont hear from you...

hi ya rings
thanks for the welcome back..yeah a bummer but at least we got the car fixed now..i drove to the supermarket tonight all by myself lol sounds funny dont it .. like mum let me walk to the milk bar all by myself lol

went to have a look at where they do the driving testing today...damm the manuverability part looks weird..but i think i will be ok..i wanted to have a look at the speed limits around the area so it was an informative trip will be easy enough i think..gawd i hope so lol..has loke gone out driving yet...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-22 00:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya tris
how you doing...

i thought the satchels you bought from australia post already came with postage paid on um..thats why ya pay so much for um..sharyna dont forget to address it on the front to yourself ...and the passport photo's have to be 2x2 inches..

well i cancelled my driving test this arvo.. wont be taking it till 31st july now..i was so disappointed but never mind fingers crossed we get the car back tomorrow and we have at least a weekend together doing stuff before robbie goes back to work..a whole week wasted...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-20 00:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi cal
yes at the moment interviews are being set for october because of the APEC meeting in Australia..if you go to the sydney embassey website it explains it there..

also i found this from one of jezz's posts..hollywood went through the same thing as your fiancee...

To clear up any confusion the US consulate says the following in their information sheet...

If the applicant is living in their country of nationality at their current residence for more than 6 months AND is older than 16 years old THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality.

If the applicant lived in a different part of their country of nationality for more than 6 months AND was 16 years or older at that time THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality.

If the applicant lived in a different country for more than 12 months AND was 16 years or older at that time THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality.

If the applicant was arrested for any reason, regardless of how long they lived there AND was any age at that time THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality.

also do a search for the member called hollywood79 she researched what had to be done for a japanese police certificate..its on page 2 of her posts...also you could do a search for the japanese embassey at the top of this page in embassey info...

from what i can remember of hollywood's post about this topic..she also was under the 12 month rule and she didnt have to get a police i would do what she did and contact sydney consulate about this seeing she was only there 6 months...

hope that was some help to you and good luck..just read some of hollywood's posts or send her a message im sure she will help you out...

on a bumma note from me.. our car wont be back from the shop till 5pm tonight and i cant get hold of our friend to take me to do my drivers test so i might have to ring in a minute to cancel it and book it in again ..and thats 2 weeks from now geez im so disappointed in both the damm mechanic and our mate. .. but life goes on just a little bump in the road..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-19 11:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi ya Kym

if you go back in this thread i think its around page 40 i posted my K1 visa receipt
Daryl has to go to Australia Post prior to his interview and ask for a u.s. immigration receipt..its $130 (dont think that has gone up) take a look at my pic i posted of it then he will know what its suppose to look like...
he then has to paperclip this on the front of his passport on the outside...if ya cant find it i will take a look for you Kym..

hey there Loke
good to see ya.. bugga about the jetlag still hanging are you handling the altitude there that might have something to do with it happy all is well with ya and grrrrrrr on AA...have you looked on their website to leave a message also that might work also...

hi tony
fingers crossed that all goes well for you in Bangkok...sure is a stressful process for you...

hey all get this ... roberts company closed for 2 weeks for maintenance then added that all vacation has been cancelled and everyone has to go back to work next monday...i have never heard of a company doing this...what if your overseas do u loose your job for not going to work...damm company...ohh to the americans in here do you guys get your vacation pay prior to taking your holidays....over in oz we use to get the money when we actually took holidays...never heard of this one either...well before i met robert
take care u lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-18 13:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi vylex
yeah i have been told that tomatoe juice is the remedy for skunk stink lol..can you imagine how much juice it would take to fill a bath lol...small gorgeous looking animal but packs a terrible smell lol

dont it move fast in here tell me about it mate...i came home to about a hundred and summit emails from this place an junk mail lol best way to do it ya can read before ya come in here lol

keeping my fingers crossed for those waiting in here...will have to shrink some pics of the smokies for you guys its gorgeous down there...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-17 22:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
sharyna you are so funny.. not prepared geez woman will do fine you have everything they need to see now get to that consulate and get that visa and get ya butt over here to your loved

they came threw for ya mate .. and it is great news that they could do that for you...whooo hooo ....just double check and check again of the order they want the stuff in and go for it ...

hi jess
congrats to you...can you post some wedding pics for us...
how exciting this time is for happy for the both of you...

not many more aussie to come over here...sings ... come on aussie come on come on...come on aussie come on!!!!
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-17 18:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris
nothing like a doona .. they use wadding thinly inbetween the backing nice summer bedspread...

ohh im with you on the never again time we go camping gunna sook for the electricity and water lol...

loved your my space... i dont have one but my kids do...loved the way you did the melbourne pics they were lovely..

hi ya sharyna
there ya go .. you wont know if ya dont ask huh...shame they dont have an opening but at least your on the waiting hubby came over and got me and came to our interview was really great to have him with me and he got to see more of australia too..he loved the opera house .. he studied it when he did his artetech studies and was rapt to finally get up close...wasn't too impressed with the city of sydney too closed in for him...and to have him there when i was saying bye to my family was an added support for me to get on the plane...when he first mentioned getting married i said to him jokingly if you want me to go live in the states you gotta come get me and 3 years later he did ...he kept his promise to me...sighhhhhhhhh.....

well we still dont have the car back another 2 days.. driving me robbie misses his baby so much (the jeep)
but at least we weren't in neverland when we discovered the problem...

ohhh im going for my driver's test on thursday and its forcast for thunderstorms wishing often that it dont rain too bad for me lol

well thats it for me
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-16 22:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi loke
great news that you arrived safely...that jetlag thing is a bugga will be fine within a week or so....
try and stay up as much as you can and get plenty of light when you first wake up .. go for was different for us cos robbie works 2nd shift so that is aussie time so it didnt really affect me that was always the journey back home that got me...

as for the hip its still aching but getting better ... the skunk is a funny story...robert said when i asked him why he ran ..i would rather a sprained ankle than smell like a skunk for a week that stuff is

anyways loke glad ya arrived safely and your reunited with your family at long last...keep smiling...and good luck on getting your AOS stuff in before the fee hike...rotten bugga's i still cant see it improving ya know...

hey pris
good to know ya keeping well and staying warm...isnt it funny how a suburb can trigger kilda market the beach long walks along the esplanarde...i so miss the beaches...i can see you walking with the cold wind blowing in your face with a scarf wrapped around your neck up to your chin lol and here is me sitting here in my sarong lol

it is nice to not have such a harsh sun pris... i tan here lol im so fair i burn easily in oz i would of been a beetroot with all the sun i have got here ....

our trip was lovely drove for miles to see things...went into dolly partons quilt factory...bought a gorgeous wedding quilt with rings joining for 23 dollar and it was king size too...we are nature lovers so went walking in the state forests alot...camped in a state forest with no water or electricity for 5 days but my genious husband rigged up the battery on the camper so we could have a bit of light and filled the tanks so we could have a shower at least one day out of 5 lol i tell ya it was so nice to have a decent shower when we got home felt almost human again lol...

well i hope things move along faster for ya pris..thinkin of ya mate
talk soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-16 10:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya sharyna
i would go for it could state if an interview gets cancelled can you contact me...ya never know ya luck in the big city ....

well i think loke would be home by now and in the arms of his new family...whooo hooo ....

hi moonie or should i say mrs sugarbob .. congrats to ya mate.. glad it turned out lovely and was a memorable one...i still cant believe i have been here a year and married a year dont feel like

hi ya jess
good to hear all is well with you on this side of the pond...glad the poe was painless for you...and the most importatnt thing is that you two are happy...good on ya's...

hi ya pris
hows things with you mate.. you copeing ok ... melb cold is it ..hehehe....gorgeous days here the sun dont have the bite in it like we do in oz....
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-15 19:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
well were back home..robert sprained his ankle running away from a skunk in the early hours of the morning and tripped over a rock lol i still laugh when i hear him tellin people how he did it..and me well my hip hurts dont know how i did it but there are bruises galore around the area and for the life of me i cant remember bumping the hip or so we came home early..i cant sit too long so im lying on the floor alot lol

had prob logging in here so finally got that sorted out..a clue for ya.. if you change your name like i did the log in is your orginal nickname lol..

the smokies were wonderful .. gatlinburg tn is an amazing place and pigeon forge is both towns its so busy and so many damm shops ... pigeon forge is like an arcade on both sides full of um with hotels galore cruise up and down just looking very neon lit up too blew me away ...

encounted bears on the way to a water fall.. a mother bear and two cubs held up about 20 poeple on both sides for about 20 minutes lol i kept takin photo's and all robbie could say was kath come back your too close....the cubs parked themselves in the middle of the path fighting...and my hubs said i wouldnt see them lol...then another day we were driving along a curvy road and there a young bear ran across the road looked right at us too before crossing lol

so all in all a good break...but... the car in in the shop ... getting all 4 bearings done wont have it back till next wednesday...and 750 dollars out of pocket...

so i have caught up on all the emails i got from here....first off
a big big big congrats to loke and rings on their approval at sydney... fantastic news... and rings thanks for the pm ya cant of seen me posts about camping lol you were too nerve racked with the interview coming up huh...not long now till loke is home with you and you cant start living as a family...dont worry about loke settling in too much mate .. just be there for him when he needs an ear or a hug ..and just understand that for some it is hard at first to let go of what you have lived with all your life...a great country...loke safe flight mate take care hope poe goes well for ya...
sharyna sorry to hear about the long wait you have for you interview.. hang in there chookie.. more time for you to get organised and more time with friends and family...

hey hammy and lyndel good to see ya ....going to start work next month am so looking forward to it too..with robbie off for a month im spending time with him instead of starting early...
and to the newbies
hi kym welcome to the aussie thread
hi ya SUGARBOB good to read your post.. say hi to moonie for me plz and congrats on your wedding day today .. hope it was a delightful day for you too and you are happy ...congrats..

hi jess you would be on your way here by now im trip to ya girly .. take care..poe should be easy mate..

elle how is ya woman... good on ya for that homesickness post dont think of the steps while your going through it but will help the newbies to u.s.a.

well i think thats all at the mo thank goodness i got the sign in worked out....
hi to all i have missed

Edited by Kath, 14 July 2007 - 03:36 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-07-14 15:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya niph

take a look at the guidelines for CR1/IR1 in there it gives you an idea what you need to do mate..
also take a look at some of hampsters posts he did the same visa journey and he posted what he needed to take to the interview...
the Petitioner needs to send the affidavit of support and from what i remember reading of hampsters posts it was the I-184 that his wife filled out and sent to him..


hope that was some kind of help to you.. and it should only take a week from the states to get to you by post...

well were off now on holidays...see you at the end of july if got connection down in them hills will check in on you's...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-30 17:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
you have confused me mate..i didnt know you had to send the AOS stuff along to the interview on a K3 visa...did it ask for it on the instruction sheet to what to bring to the interview did it...

they keep most things but they give you back originals...all the stuff you hand over to them for the interview is put into the brown envelope for the POE into the States..

good to hear loke is doing well and that the 15th will be the set day of departure...whoo hoo ..happy days are hear again lol sorry that song just popped into my head lol i know im a dag...guys if i dont get online before loke's interview i just want to wish you good luck...all will be fine...going to try an get online and check things out were taking the laptop with us ... only to down load all the photo's ....wave the flag for us loke you'll be right mate

hope all goes well with whatever the outcome of the wedding date is ... your as bad as my husband always has a back up plan made lol ...

well we are heading off tomorrow on hols going to get the camper today out of storage filling that up then packing the jeep and head down south...rang k mart yesterday ...and the woman goes to me ohh was going to ring you this afternoon (yeah right) the manager decided to start you after you come back from holidays...ohh i nearly went through her a gawd darn month since i went for that interview and they couldnt ring me to let me know this...but on a happier note i still have a job to come home to...which we prob will need after this holiday lol...then start saving for a small car nothing expensive or extravigant and then get my kids over for a holiday...
sunday is our 1st wedding anniversary.. and we are aiming to be in cumberland falls to see the full moon bow over the falls..ohh ohhh found a aussie park down in kentucky..its called land dowunder in kentucky..its got kanga's and birds really cool so going to go there to check it boy said why ya wanna go there ya just came from living with um lol...he dont get it lol..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-29 12:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi rings
it doesnt matter when applying for AOS if you dont have a SSN if ya havent ya havent i dont think you would get an RFE over Loke getting nervous yet...

Hi Elle
yeah my driving is improving lol..cant believe im gunna be driving on the other side to what were use to lol...

dont worry on the 13th for a marriage date will probably take another 10 or so years for it to end up being an anniversary date again ...its a happy day dont let it cross your mind mate...13 are always lucky for some ....

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-28 22:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
wow rings.. thought that was approved back in and they want to put the fees up to make it more efficient sheesh...

sharyna you can click on forgot password and they will send you and email.. give you a password then you have to reset it with a new password i think thats how it works lol...

well i been busy sorting out stuff to take on our camping holiday..ya dont realise how much you do until you tell ya hubs what ya been doing lol...
will be leaving on saturday (fingers crossed) the coming home on the 26th driving is improving on the lines of confidences still wont drive with one hand like i use to in oz though lol...had my first express way experience went fine with it ..mind you it was 1am lol but damm those trucks are a bother lol

hmmmmmmmmmmm missing in action hammy and girlfromoz and tamzo...busy working and getting on with life huh..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-28 00:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya sharyna
thanks for the email i got it ..and good on ya for helping a fellow aussie...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-27 19:37:00