Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings

although i dont know much about the marriage visa's i have taken a look at the guidelines of both k3 and the CR1-IR1 route

i would way up your options mate..
if you persue the CR1/IR1 route loke can enter as a permanent resident.. you dont have to do the AOS he can work and doesnt need AP to travel back to oz if there is an emergency...

where as with the K3 you have to do your AOS and EAD and AP...

if you are dead sure from the way the operator was talking.. I would either keep hounding to find out what is going on about your I-130 or wait for notification in the mail...if the operator was going to update your files maybe it wont be long before you hear something from USCIS...

weigh everything up mate...i know you want to be together asap but think of the advantages also of not having to do the AOS and not having anything to do with USCIS for 2 years...i sound like im twisting your arm but im not mate ..if i was you i would wait ...whats say a month or so apart when u can have 2 years off from USCIS...just my two bobs worth mate...

hopefully someone else can give them some insight into it also rings and loke...good luck in what you choose to do guys...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 23:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya meowgirl good to see ya

yeah go for it.. he can get blood tests by his local doctor to see what he is ammune to that will clarify what injections he will need...get him to get the tetnus jab just in case he doesnt know when he had that last...these blood test can be put on medicare...also he can get the syphillis and hiv test done at the local doc too...but make sure he gets the doc to print out the results for him to take to his medical so the medical examiner can enter these on the vaccination form...

the medical is dont my a U.S. approved doctor so go to the top of the screen click on embassey info and there in the australian embassey is all your doctors info...x rays are also done at the medical...police info is also in there..sorry i have forgotten which state your in at the mo to give you exact doctors ...also while where on the medical doc.. make sure he gets a complete copy of his medical because he will need his vaccination sheet when doing AOS...

good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 16:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
yeah you need that NOA2 for the AOS...i would be emailing them that you never received it or enquire if one has been sent...get on it now only i would be worried about you paying for a copy mate..and the length of time it would be to get one off them ...gawd i hope its on its ways mate..and by the way thanks for your comment earlier i do what i do cos im just me ..did that make sense lol

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lyndel about bloody time you reported in hehehehe...(stir stir) good to hear your enjoying work and there is plenty of it .. will keep you outta trouble for awhile lol...sounds like you landed the right job mate..good on ya...ohh lyndel get a cordless keyboard for that laptop coming in .. it is heaps better than typing on its keyboard lol..and just to let ya know.. i havent even started at k mart yet suppose to be doing orientation either this week or next..but gawd its getting close to us going just wondering if they are going to wait till im back in august and train me then ..but damm i wish they would tell me.. there a slack bunch lol..gawd am i allowed to say that about a new employer lol oh by the way lyndel ya gotta give me some pointers on fly fishing mate...robert went and bought us fly rods how complicated are they geez just to put on the line lol told him to buy just one but ohhh no i had to have one too so ive been hooked to flippen try it lol

how you doing... have you sent in your forms and loke might get interviews at the same has happened in

hi vylex ...
when you heading downunder your counting lol..

hammy how you liking your work mate ....home depo is such a huge store..reminds me of bunnings but just the sheer size of the place is incredible.. well at our stores

talk to you lot later
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-14 01:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
Vylex i bet your wife was rapt as things will move fast and maybe you will be able to be with your wife when she goes for the interview...i do hope so..was a great comfort and support to have robert with me at mine...

im so sorry to hear of your loss...there was no way you could of known it was as bad as it was mate..dont bash ya self too much mate...think on the times you had with your take care mate... (F)

hammy will that be your normal schedule of work mate...or just for a few months...and good for you on splashing out take your wife out for dinner .. she will love that...

lyndel where are ya .. dying to hear about your first few days at work...

once again congrats vylex and mrs vylex im so happy for you guys...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-12 17:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
good on ya for posting that for the up coming guys and gals coming over here .. im sure it will help emensley..

where were you when i was trying to get mine updated lol.. i ranted in mine... 3

ohh saw your poem about USCIS very cool...well done mate

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-12 01:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
great news that you booked your flight arrival mate...

I had this same conversation with lyndel just before she moved is an emotional roller coaster your last few days in oz..i have i got everything organised, who have i missed to say good bye to..are my bags over weight...let your emotions just flow .. dont hold anything back ...BUT when you get here and you see your future husband standing there waiting for you it will disappear and you will remember what all this stress has been all about...IT doesnt go away you are on another kind of emotional roller coaster..your plans for the wedding take over..people arriving things to organise...then your wedding day...THEN it is the emotions of your new husband leaving you behind to go to work ...
my best advise to anyone coming over is .... go out... walk around the to keep you busy until your hubby comes home....volunteer ..that is a great way to get out and even though you dont get paid there are perks in doing so especially if you work in a hospital...I was down one day didnt go out was missing robbie tremendously...he came home knew something was wrong (cos i am easily read) and said to me get your shoes on were going midnight we went for a walk hand in hand around the block...that is all i needed to get me back on track...i loved him more just for that little took a couple of months to get use to him going to work but now im fine with it...its a natural process to feel alone...get a phone card to call home....get a mobile to text your mates..surround yourself with aussie stuff...well thats my two bobs worth on the subject

sorry to hear you had such trouble at your POE.... on my I-94 with the K1 visa i did have an expiry date stamped..did you have the arrival date stamped....hope you get it sorted out soon...

hi sharyna
whoo hoo interview letter coming soon i hope mate...

hey hammy
yayyyyyyyyyy your a working man now mate..hope you dont get too tired on the night ...and yay on the first paycheck...

girlfromoz -lyndel
how did your first day at work go..did you get there ok.. did you get your licence or are you driving on an international one ...and good for you getting your own car...

will catch up with everyone soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-11 21:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
WHOOO HOOOO MOONIE on picking your fiance up from the airport...finally reunited fantastic news..give him a big aussie welcome to america from all of us..

WHOOOO HOOO MEOWGIRL..thats great news nows is the time to start preparing for the interview and to get police and blood tests done....fantastic new for you and meowboy bet your rapt as....

sharyna have you looked at the poverty guidelines that USCIS go by so your fiance knows how much he has to be at finacially...was that rain again comment to me lol...well its spring here at the mo and we have had quite a bit of rain..then its officially summer on 21st june...

take care great to read the good news in here..
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 19:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all the signatures....look for a sheet that on one side explains about the medical and on the back down the bottom there are spaces for x-ray tech to sign and pathologist to sign date and what pathololgist company they are is hard to miss because you have so much paperwork there to go through...your medical is done by the U.S. medical examiner he signs it... he is the only one that can do your medical fill it in and sign it..the only thing your gp can do for you is your blood tests and give you paper copies of your results i got my gp to sign them...i will look in my paperwork to see if i have the copy of the sheeet ...
rings is right about the affidavit of support .. it has nothing to do with you mate...your fiance has to prove to the consulate that he can basically look after you fianancially...

loke thank you for your kind words mate...its my pleasure to do anything i can for the people in here be it info or support..its just the way i am and i thank my mum for giving me this gift to help others...this journey we go through is a tough one and WE are really the only ones that know what it is like to be seperated from our loved ones and have a government department hold OUR fate of being reunited in THEIR hands...rings is a lovely lady and your very lucky to of found her and have her in your life..(i know you already know that though)

does any of the ones that has just received the packet 3 have a scanner so the packet can be scanned and put it in a website form for future reference for the aussies to come after you...or send it to me and i will get a website created ...????

its storming here at the moments just poured down that is one thing that amazes me coming from a drought ridden country to here and see how much rain we get here...

well its friday in the states yipppeeee another weekend with robbie not working

hammy any news from your employer...

girlfromoz good luck for the first day of work over here on monday..knock um dead mate...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-08 13:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris
hell mate i want my money's worth lol...with the fees going up it will cost absolutely heaps to do not decided on that yet..although hubs thinks i should lol

90 days before your greencard have to remove conditions that will give you a 10 year greencard..
so calculate backwards from the expiry date and that will be the start of the 90 days when you should start either sending it all in or the window frame for getting it done....dont leave it till the last minute cos you will be out of sttus if you do..they send you a receipt saying u have applied within the time and that is what you show your employer till you get approved and a new card is issued...

hi ya girlfromoz
how is ya...i heard from vik the this week mate..she is busy getting the wedding organised and i rung her up..she was going for a fitting for her wedding dress...not long now for her...she is getting married on our wedding anniversary...did you get an email from her yet...
dont know when im starting probably after i come back from vaccation lol that is if they leave it too much longer lol

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-07 00:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ohh wow...your timeline isnt there rings..
let me check lokes..just checked his and its there...

rings send capt ewok a message and let him know what is happening see he can correct it for you..
at least all the information isn't lost mate...

moonie whooo hooo to you and yours...i bet your itching to hold him lol
and with you sayin u cant believe it ...when i first arrived here, although robert went and got me i still kept saying for at least a month im here robbie im an overwhelming feeling to finally arrive here after a long distance relationship plus the ups and downs of the visa journey...good luck to you two...happy for both of you..

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-06 23:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya you guys

hope all is well with everyone...
went to k mart to fill out the forms and wont be starting the orientation till next week or so lol slacko's .. not too impressed on the hourly rate but its experience and a way to save money for the kids to come over..earning less than what i did in oz...

now about these new fees....they go up on the 30th july 2007 .. so get anything in before that date and you wont have to pay the higher fees..hammy and girlfromoz try to get them in guys will save you heaps...
from what i am reading off the fee listings the AOS hike includes AOS, EAD and AP...which to me is stupid because for one thing I got my greencard before I got my EAD (which i applied for) and to save money I didnt apply for the AP (which is the travel authority before you get your greencard) so once again they are trying their darness to get money out of us...

also the affidavit of support for the interview at sydney and AOS doesnt cost anything .. zero zilch...

also while i am on the subject...i want to clear up something i was wrong about and have been corrected on .. in a post in a different forum...

remember i was rambling on about the way you have to do removal of conditions when your 2 year greencard expires ..I was of the thinking it was a waste of money to many...because usually immigrants go for naturalization within 3 or 5 years of being here... i cant remember how he put it so will find the post for you guys to read...

Kath -- Yesterday, 03:49 PM
hi ya all
i for one couldnt believe the increases...with all the public comments received over 3000 i wonder if they even read them ..

what really annoys me is im going to be removing conditions next year ... that will give me my 10 year greencard...many become citzens before that 10 year card expires...the government is really getting free and extra money from the public in my eyes...i cannot see why they cannot split the removing conditions to a 5 year one ..because that is one of the requirements of applying for naturalization...either 3 or 5 year eligibility to apply...

sighhh i feel for all those applying after july for their visa's...wonder if the financial aspect will deter immigrants...cos boy oh boy its a big financial responsibility for some couples...

ok end of rant..

Yodrak -- Today, 07:58 AM

You seem to be misunderstanding what removal of conditions is, and what a green card is.

A LPR with conditions has been granted LPR status for a limited two-year period of time. Removing the conditions happens only once, and makes one a LPR for life or until they abandon the status. Removing conditions does not make a person a LPR for another limited period of time.

The green card is an ID card - a photo ID card. It needs to be replaced periodically, as a person's appearance changes with time. At the present time the replacement period is set at 10 years. Recognize that renewal of the card is not renewal of status - a person will remain a LPR whether or not they renew their card. Failure to renew the card may cause them some practical difficulties, but it will not cause them to lose their LPR status - it's not like a drivers license where the benefit ends when the ID card expires.

One way of abandoning LPR status is to leave the USA to take up residence in a different country. Another way is to become a US citizen. A LPR can chose to apply for citizenship at any time once they become eligible - soon after or long after. As you say, many LPRs chose to become citizens soon after they achieve eligibility. Many others chose to become citizens long after they have achieved eligibility, and still others chose to remain LPRs for life and never apply for citizenship.

So what has this got to do with the fact that a green card becomes obsolete every 10 years and needs to be replaced? Most LPRs would probably prefer a longer period between card renewals, not a shorter period. And if the government were really making money on the renewals, and was depending on it as a source of income, the card renewal period probably would be less than 10 years!

John & Annie -- Today, 09:22 AM
To add onto Yodrak's comment, The "public" is not paying for anything. USCIS is a fee based agency and must pay its own bills. You are paying for your application and those of refugees and those seeking asylum.

As to the financial aspect, in the grand scheme of things the fee increases are not that much money. And yes, it will deter people, but the vigilant will still come. I make a decent income and we have had to budget to pay the fees, but it is worth every penny. IMHO, when you have to sacrifice to attain something, you do value it more.

Look at the immigrants of days past, they used to have to spend weeks on ships in substandard conditions, not get on a flight with meal service. When they got off of the boat, people were there trying to exploit them, not have a family member waiting with enough support verified to get them established.
I think we have a much better deal.

Now it makes sense to me and I dont know where my head was I thought I would correct what I said in here to you all so you can understand the greencard thing more clearly...hope you dont mind ... it is so different to the australian way of life where an immigrant isnt given a card for the permanent resident and it doesnt have to be updated what so ever..i should know i was a permenant resident of australia for more then 30 odd years until i became an austrlian citizen....although i was born in england my family immigrated to australia when i was 8 and was married to a pom that didnt believe we should become an australian and put his beliefs onto me .. in those days i didnt have a mind of my own on alot of things in that marriage...

well thats the end of my little rant well not so little hehehe
p.s. hammy i know you probably want to go with verizon on the mobile thing but just to be going on with you could do what i did and buy a small pre paid mobile with cingular which cost about 19 dollars and you get 10 dollars credit to go with it and you can choose the a plan of 10c a calling and texting and a $1 daily fee the texting is 5 cents to send and receive that includes international texting.. you could also choose 25cent a minute no daily fee and the same texting does me .. i only got it to text my family in oz ...
ATT pre paid phone i have
ok talk to ya all soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-06 15:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi pris
i was just searching hampsters posts and found where he posted his time line..
now i know what you are going on about when u mention the I-184...wonder if there is anything in the forum for your visa that could help you.. cos i cant find anything on the uscis in the forms about it mate...maybe send hamster an sure he would be able to help you out on that one ...
Service Center :Vermont Service Center
Consulate :Sydney, Australia
Marriage :2006-05-13
I-130 Sent :2006-06-14
I-130 NOA1 :2006-06-20
I-130 Approved :2006-08-21
NVC Received :2006-09-05
Received DS-3032 / I-864 Bill :2006-09-26
Pay I-864 Bill 2006-09-27
Receive I-864 Package :2006-10-23
Return Completed DS-3032 :2006-12-04
Receive IV Bill :2006-10-12
Pay IV Bill :2006-12-02
Receive Instruction Package :
Case Completed at NVC :2007-02-13
NVC Left :2007-02-20

sorry i wasnt any help to ya pris...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 01:19:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
good to hear the medicals have been booked

pris the I-864 you quoted is the affidavit of support .. is that what you are going on about...and there is no cost to that..


take a look at the above link to find the one you are wanting...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-05 00:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiddy ho loke
congrats to you...if you go to the top of this page click on embassey info..the names of the melbourne doctors and their respective phone numbers are in there..

one in melb is dr. poppenbeck in bourke street... then you go up to the top of collins street for your x-ray..there is also one in monash clinic...
i am so happy your once step closer to getting over here...see patience is a must in this journey huh...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 23:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

and here's me sending you a message to see how things are going for you two ...i must of had vibes or summit lol

smiling big time for you two congrats...good luck on the next steps wont be long now ...

hey pris
ohh im a stickler for aussie in our household lol i'm bad at correcting lol...robbie has done the same to me lol what you talkin about willis lol...

take care
smiling big time for loke and rings
is it just me or is everyone else on the new look of the posting..instead of posting the whole thing and scrolling back to read others you get to choose from the nicks below...and has anyone looked at the aussie portal next to my controls

Edited by Kath, 04 June 2007 - 09:54 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 21:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris

well i had my interview wednesday.. and the manager said i would get a phone call to go in and sign papers ..i hadnt received the phone call.. i rang them today and talked to faith (damm receptionist couldnt understand me saying faith...i had to spell it.. she prounounced it faaaaaaaaaaith sheesh) anyways got hold of her and she said she had days off and organising orientations and i wasnt forgotten im going in on wednesday to sign the paperwork..

glad you got that all sorted out ..would of worried me step closer mate...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 20:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

your right things are looking up for many of the aussies in get your AOS in so you dont have to quit work because of the expiry on the EAD from JFK

now USCIS get your ##@## into gear and approve our aussie mates for goodness sakes...

i still havent heard anything from K-Mart the slackers...rang today but I had to leave a message ..
take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-04 13:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hooooooo sharyna
not long now before you hear something fantastic news...
damm things have moved along well and i hope the ones still waiting will soon have something to report to us all..

lyndel good luck for tomorrow ...let us know how you went mate...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 22:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi tris and jess

I definetly would give it at least a couple of weeks or even more before the medical expires...that way you have time to get married..fill out all the paperwork and send it express post next day with signature confirmation and tracking delivery to get it into Chicago before it expires...its the vaccination shet they are interested in

There has been alot of posts about the vaccination sheet..when I did my AOS i sent in a copy of the vaccination sheet and on my coversheet for the packet i sent in i put original handed in at my POE...i didnt get an RFE about it..but others in here that have just sent the copy of the original have had RFE's stating they need to get it transferred by a U.S. medical examiner onto a I-693A ... so its such a catch 22.. on what to do..might be a good idea to get your fiance to fill in the AOS forms now to save time took me about 4 days to get it orgainised after we couldnt find his orginal copy of his tax return for 2006 luckily we had copies to send off for our petition..

jess the brown envelope contains your original pettition your medical paperwork and that gets sent to USCIS so you dont need the original they will have it..

I know i probably didnt answer you directly cos this one is a sticky one...AussieAngel advised me about the POE thing and it worked for her and myself...and many others...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 14:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya tris

Well it is going to be a tight squeeze for you mate..If your not coming over till november you will have to get over here before it expires get married and get your AOS asap..

The medical has to be still valid when you apply for the AOS..otherwise you might have to have a complete medical over here in the states ...Im wondering if you should email the embassey about this..ask them if you go for another medical before you leave would that be ok.. because from what i have read the medicals can be awfully expensive over here...the only thing you really need for the AOS is the vaccination sheet the medical examiner filled out...

hope that all made sense to you ..

KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-03 03:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hoo congrats hollywood on the visa mate... glad it went well for you.. yeah i know what ya mean about it only taking a bit ours was about 5 mins too...shame they cant look at your paperwork then ring you up huh lol
safe journey home when you planning on leaving oz...

hi tristessa

the 6 months thing is relating to the have 6 months to leave oz and enter the states...on entering the states you have 90 days from your POE entry to get married...then you have to do your AOS before your I-94 expires...but some have got approved after the expiry date..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-02 02:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
just got in here to see if you had posted paul lol
whoooo hoooo hammy ... good for you mate...
im still waiting for kmart to ring me to go in to sign forms...

3rd shift huh...receiving wont be too bad some is back braking stuff but you will do fine...
thought you were going in for security...

good to hear you will be gainfully employed by next friday...

whats this about the toilet paper..i noticed no difference mate lol...

tis good news paul congrats mate..

just lyndel to see how she goes on monday...good luck will do fine im sure ...was good to talk to you too ...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-06-01 18:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jezz

dont stress too much over the SSN with regards to the AOS mate...if you dont have one you cant put one in huh...i know of a couple of people who applied for the AOS without SSN's ...

the reason you should wait two weeks is for all your information you hand over at the POE gets put in the system... that you have arrived .... and sometimes it might take longer a search on SSN in here you will find heaps of info mate..

well hubs just got home from work..
talk to ya soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 21:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fantastic new lyndel.. good on ya...

will give ya a ring ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 17:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi hammy
wow you have to carry your passport around with you...i thought you would of received a greencard by now...
90 days before it expires you have to remove conditions on permanent residency which is the I-751..
have you applied for a state ID mate would save you carrying the passport around with you...

will do a bit of research on that one paul...surely you would of had a greencard sent to you...or you could ask in the
CR1 forum...

because i got married within the week of arriving here we waited an extra week after being married and went to our local office and applied for my SSN....i think they tell you to go get it before you get married because some dont get married till ages after they arrive and there is a time frame that has to do with your I-94 in your passport have to apply i think it is 76 days before the I-94 for applying in CA i dont know if you can the computers are all connected so im assuming you could...

take care gunna go get ready for my volunteer day...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 10:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jezz
thanks for the congrats...
yeah thats the sequence ...i too had me rant about the fee hike...just incredible

AOS and biometric fees..
EAD if you want to apply for that
Travel approval also if u want to apply for that

then removal of conditions (2years, well under)
then when you get your 10 year greencard
you apply for citzenship or renewal of greencard on the 10th year ..

what annoys me with all this is...
you apply for removal and they give you a 10 year greencard...majority of people that i have seen apply after 3 years of marriage and residency for their naturalization.. so the government is winning 7 years of fees you paid for..(did i say that right)...
why the hell they dont just give you a 5 year greencard on removing conditions and at that end of 5 years you have the choice to either renew or go for citzenship...

just annoying.. i feel for the ones coming over now .. or the ones who havent started their journey yet...what a strain on the pockets of many couples...
ok end of rant
ps. thanks tris.. ohh you got heaps of time ...start saving now for the AOS mate...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-31 02:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

when you arriving over here... did you read my post about the fees going up on 30th july...
good luck with all the packing and getting over here and your wedding when is that going to be...

thanks for the congrats .. message me if ya wanna insight into the kinda questions they ask ...

hey moonie...whoo hoo not long now before your re united ...whens your wedding going to be too...

hey loke good on ya for getting that step over and done with...did you look at what vaccinations you have to get checked for also dont forget to get it put on medicare. ....and also thanks for the congrats ..long time coming but i am still in shock being my first interview over here and getting the job...yeah the fingerprinting machine impressed me too...they have a smaller machine over here to do your biometric fingerprinting for the AOS...

hey sharyna
good on ya for your fingerprinting done too...
dont it feel good that your doing something to take ya mind off the

well hubs is home...called my mum tonight to tell her the good news...was good to chat to her..and great to hear melb got some rain too..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-30 22:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya hammy

thanks for the congrats mate...yep fingers crossed for you for friday mate...

was just wondering with your greencard hammy what is your expiry date ...on the CR1 visa do you get a 10 year greencard or a 2 year one...just wondering...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-30 16:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

I GOT IT .. I GOT IT .. I GOT IT!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

If ya dont know what i got well today i went in for my second interview with K-mart with the manager of the store.. nice bloke too...went through the procedures and what the company offers then he said ok well i will talk to faith and schedule you to come in to fill out some forms and we will get you just rapt that i have a job where i can start to save for my kids to come over for a holiday

they start you off on the registers for a month then they will find a position within the company to start off in...i never even asked how much an hour i would be just happy to get out of the house..then i got home and there is a message for a job in an office...

on thinking back at all this me taking so long to get a job ..robbie said its probably the summer season that the company is starting to look at hiring so if that is so..and if i had it all over to do again i would immigrate around october send in my AOS in the same year and get my greencard just before summer...

ohh by the way for those that are doing the AOS stuff get it all in before the 30th of July 2007 fees are increasing dramatically which im spewing about too cos down the track for naturalization its going to be more expensive for us..if you compare the fees to now and what it is going up to ..damm its a friggen hike and just might put a big financial strain on alot of people.. the link is below...

30th july 2007 fees going up

so if your immigrating over here start saving up so you have the fees set aside guys and gals it might make it easier on you ... and they think that by hiking up the fees the service at USCIS is going to be better ...i cant see it myself...
talk to all soon
happy happy joy joy
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-30 13:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lol pauly i knew i would get a bite outta that one lol my bro's name is paul and he hates it too...from now on wont call ya it.. i use to have the same feeling about kathryn but robbie sez it in such a sexy way it sounds nice so am getting use to it lol but prefer kath lol

i know how you feel about spoiling ya spouse.. roberts done nothing else but to me and for a change i would love to spoil him like i use to when i was in oz..but he reckons i spoil him enough..but i would like to say hey let go out on me so i know what ya mean mate...i am basically going to work to save to bring my kids over for a hol and go to the day it will all come true..what the first pay packet going to paul...

hey pris how u doing...sighhhhh hope ya get a number soon i dont think they would think your impatient mate hell i bet they get the same callers every day mate...fingers crossed for ya

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-29 20:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hoo pauly good for you mate.. damm i applied for home depo many times maybe i should of gone and spoke to the manager but shy ole me expects them to contact me lol...

well on the job front i got a call fro the second interview with K-Mart tomorrow at 1pm with the if robbie is right ya never know huh lol

i also went for an interview today with Macy's problem with that was i didnt want to work weekends and as you can imagine its the only real time hubs and i get to do things together so she said if i change my mind give them a call..
then just as im out the door an insurance company rang me for an interview on thursday.. i still dont know why they have come out of the wood work all of a sudden ...
so im with you on the happy little vegemite dancing hammy gooooooooo the aussie invasion on states lol

had a look at the map the other day we have quite a few on there now its looking good...

tris will be at her interview at the moment if my calculations are correct its close to 10am there.... fingers crossed for you tris cant wait for the post of your interview..
by the way tris if you want to know what kind of questions they ask for interviews at department stores send me an email .. boy oh boy ya gotta think on um.. so if i can help in anyway let me know.. that goes for anyone by the way..

hope all is well with everyone thinking positive for all you waiting for approvals hope its soon...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-29 18:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings

dont worry on your bad credit history...they look at your earnings of the past see if you can support your family plus an extra will be right mate...did you have a look at the poverty line table..

if your that worried about it get your sponsor you have lined up just in case to fill out forms and things to send to loke and at the interview if they tell him he needs a sponsor not just your affidavit he can hand that over too..or he could just hand the lot over and they will decide either to accept it or give it back to him...robbie handed over his statements of his mad cash account (he gets 50 dollars taken out of his pay each week to go into) they handed it back to him it wasnt needed..

so dont stress too much about it sweetie you will be right as long as you are over the poverty line..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-28 12:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya prissy
thanks for not familar with them either lol...well when i filled in my application online i said i want it off ..and at the interview i explained i do volunteer work and we will see how i go..if i cant get it off i will see if i can do it on a saturdays..i really love it they are such nice people..

not long now tris...good luck to you for the 30th will do some of the embassey reviews so you know whats ahead of you and get into the elevator last so ya out first to get a ticket
and you weren't asking stupid questions you they are bonafide questions least you have somewhere to ask and find out huh...will be keeping my fingers crossed for you...

hi ya to the rest of you guys and gals.. hope all is well...

tkae care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-28 01:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

well i went for my interview this morning..went well wont find out till after the long weekend if i get a second interview but all in all i reckon it went well...was like talking to an old friend instead of the interviews i remember ..well i havent been for one in 8 or so years so it might of changed also went into Walgreens to finish an application because each time i tried to complete it just wouldnt i did that and was very interesting so thats in now.. probably too late now to get anything but i will try if you are having problems with applications online and you know where a store is go in especially if its a big store they usually have an in store application store computer just ask for the manager of the store...

for those that have just arrived ....are you having any trouble getting use to the coinage over here...i just cant get my head around it sometimes...why on earth did they name their money lol the problem with me is robert used the card more than cash..and i dont go spending money lol...god help me if they give me a register operator position lol..

now a hint for all that is coming over here...within the time i have been applying for applications and not received anything back ... i changed my email address to one that contains my i went from goldendragoness (which is a chatroom nick) to k_w.....107 at hotmail...since i have done that i have been receiving at least emails to say that they have looked at my resume or i havent been selected...on all the job websites i go on i have changed my email address..i dont know if it helps any but to me it looks like it does lol..also keep the new email address only for job applications and job websites referrals to jobs ...and one more thing.. keep a note book for all your passwords and accounts of any website you join in the job hunting process....

oohhh ohhh im a happy little vegemite today all my aussie products arrived today..robbie ordered me 4 cans of international roast coffee 2 pavlova magic mix...and 2 packets of tim tams... im in heaven i tell ya.. i said to robbie who would of thought i would be so happy to get coffee lol...and ohhhhhhhhhhhhh tim tams i cant wait to open a packet there in the freezer at the moment cooling off from there long journey from california lol...whoo hooo whistles the happy little vegemite i know im nuts but im a happy nut lol..
hope all is well with the rest of you lot and fingers crossed for all those waiting for approvals to be happening soon..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-25 13:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there tamzo
great to hear your doing well do you like nth friend is in raleigh at the moment...

when is your wedding going to be...

hi loke and rings

well thats what were here for ... to support one another and maybe put a smile on someones face when they need it..if you have patience through this process and can tuff the wait out together you will be right together when it happens...fingers crossed for your announcement of approval to be soon guys ...keep smiling...

hey there girlfromoz
how you doing ...good to hear that your with an agency hope you get something good luck to ya chookie...i know what you mean about not caring about how much you will be getting paid that is how im feeling..its the fact your getting the opportunity of getting out of the place huh and meeting and mixing with the natives hehehe (no offense to our yanky friends in here) will give ya a ring when we get back from hocking hills..were going camping for 4 days...

hi hammy
good luck with the job ya know why i was going crazy lol is there a good bus service where you are it really sux i have caught the bus once and that was last week ...

looking forward to hearing some more approval posts and interview reviews from you lot...we got some coming up soon too..the 30th rings a bell..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-23 17:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi valky
omg you are a busy person are you surviving it..that is a mad schedule lucky duck going to oz in july...i must be getting itchy to go home for a in oz you going to..

also if he receives the packet 3 before you get to oz why dont you as the US citz request that you want an interview while you are over there...robbie did that and explained that he would like to be there for moral support for me at the interview ..we also had to get an extension for our application cos it would of expired but thats another story lol

did you add yourself and your finace to our map ... just click the link in my signature...

hey there trist
how you doing ...guess what i use to work at big w for 7 the sunshine store in victoria #380 i have sent you a message too about my experience of getting a job over here n some websites for department stores...

if anyone hasnt added themselves to the map go for it..i havent checked it in awhile so gunna go look now

talk to ya soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-22 14:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hooo for ya valky...havent seen ya in ages ..glad you shared your excitement with us here..

what kind of info ya want mate...there is heaps of info you gotta get together in this thread..

here is a few for ya to start off with

affidavit of support filled out and signed I-134
bank letter of your accounts
at least a months worth of pay stubs
letter from your employer stating when you started there and if your full time or part time and your hourly rate or yearly income.
your tax transcripts of either the past 3 years or a year...along with your W2's...

K1 guidelines ..
take a look at the above link..scroll down to what to send to your finance...

packet 3 will be sent to your fiance after sydney receives your application...all the forms and what he has to do is in that packet...
fiance is to get national police check and medical...prior to the interview..and to take to the inerview

congrats to you and'll be soon together again..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-21 19:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi rings
yeah we all know what you are going through at this time will be right mate..just treasure the last few hours with him and have some extra quality time with him..your future is set mate its just this terrible waiting time you have to get sure loke is feeling the same way too...big hugs for both of you and a big least you got to see him and be with him huh...sorry that your APPROVAL didnt come through while he was there but at least you had the excitement of being touched and loke being there to enjoy your excitement over them...not a consulation i take care you two and safe journey loke...

hi ya to rest of you lot
now you know what i was going on about the food here...when you first get here you seem to eat eat will taper off ... i dont binge so much now to the way i did when i first arrived..
i remember the first time i opened up one of those pop things scared the hell out of me cos i wasnt expecting the great pop it makes..they come in all sorts of things from biscuits to croisonts and cookies..
hammy try some italian bread thats all i eat i cant handle the commerically made bread its too sweet..
ohhhh ohhhh just remembered to tell ya..i got an interview on friday for the store i love to go into ...was hoping for walmart but if i land this it will give me the experience over here that might get me their...
and you will never guess what robbie bought this weekend ...bikes...i have always ridden a bike but never had a bran new 2 in the morning i was building mine lol...robbie is frustrated with his cos he cant figure out the gears lol..its different gears to mine ..mine was easy havent tested it out yet will do that in a minny...

a recipe for you lot to try..a hillbilly one
get some kabasa sausage
2 green apples
3 tbs (or more depending on taste) of apple vinegar...
1/4 cup brown sugar (depending on taste)
little bit of water

mix vinegar brown sugar and water together...cut up apples into small pieces...cut the kabasa into a size you like all ingredients into a fry pan..and just cook it on a medium heat untill your apples are cooked..keep can cover it for a bit then uncover for the juices to be decreased....

its nice for a change...will have to give you the hill billy stew one day thats with kabasa too..enjoy

well take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-20 12:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya trist

if ya look at my post its on page 42 on here i think ...i posted what a K1 visa receipt from the post office looks like if you cant find it i will repost it for you

hi there elle
doing good here thanks...tired as not sleeping too well..robbie wakes me up lol aawwwwwwwwww that is great he is coming over to get you and help you does help having your partner there at the airport ya to ya soon missed ya mate....and good on ya for sharing your story...

well i might get to bed talk to ya tomorrow..

KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-18 04:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
sorry to hear the news but at 22 you should be proud of youself that you are mature enough to make such an important decision in your life.. by the way it is 6 months to activate a visa after the interview...

good luck to you n corey may your love grow stronger and you both find you cant live without each other on the opposite sides of the world..glad you have the support of your friends n family around you..

hopefully corey can get a work permit to work here .. might take ages though depending on what field he is into ...

gotta go will post more to ya to volunteer work in a minny
take care seren...and good on ya ...n you were quite welcome to my help you know that...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-05-17 11:36:00