Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya lyndel damm i missed ya by a couple of minutes i was keeping msn open to see if ya came on and i got tired and went to bed at 3.55am...
well girl ya on your way soon ...its 5am in the morning there at the ya didnt rest too much
safe journey mate and dont forget to ask for the EAD dont expect it to be handed to ya mate...and another happy little vegemite aussie crosses the big pond homeward bond to their loved one...take care sweetie see ya on the flip side ohhh we will be nearly on the same time frame hehehehe no more complaining im up late now lol but i bet ya will lol
yes you can get the cocunut you need for the lamimngtons here mate...dont stress ...geez fancy worrying about that ..just get hear already heheheehe stir stir lol

hi ya Jo when you go for your blood test think of your fiance and close your eyes and it will be over in no least its not as bad as it use to be years ago those days it really hurt...dont forget to take that sheet for the pathologist to sign and take your passport to be will be fine deep breaths mate..great news that you have sent your paperwork back to the embassey you will get an interview soon mate..

hammy ..hope the packet arrives today..did you know you can track it also on your computer at the aust post website..just enter the number and bobs ya least that way you will know if it has left sydney and the steps it takes to get to you..just had a thought too..

well we got another sunny day here..i just planted some flower seeds and my other pot i did that to are starting to push through the soil..cant wait to see them blooming...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-17 14:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya elle

how you doing...

any news on the postmen tam and hammy

well be looks of the weather it might be a ok for lyndel...hope so...

well seren and moonie your fiance's might meet up in the office if its the same day good is that....

talk to ya all soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-17 01:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
was looking at the australian embassey website today and found this for those that might be interested and has some visa questions to ask the consulate..they conduct these occassionally where you can submit questions and they are answered...

Upcoming Consular Web Chat — April 17th @ 3:00pm

also found this too
consulate services
am wondering about this article ...does it pertain to the visa's you guys are going for or what ..does anyone know ...

lyndel been keeping an eye on the weather for new york ...its been either pooring it down or snowing...i do hope it doesnt delay your flight to colarado...cos your going through jfk arent you and they had 8 inches of rain one more day..its 12 lunchtime there nearly tuesday ..what time do you fly out on wednesday...
safe journey mate
take care

hi pris how you doing mate..
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-16 20:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya itan

well i had my blood test before my medical...i kept every receipt that the pathologist gave medicare receipt and then when the test results came back i got my doctor to print out the results for me...i had no problems what so ever with the doctor in me doing this way...he is such a nice fella and was impressed that i had thought of doing the above because they need to enter the details where the test were done on the vaccination sheet...and get the pathologist who took ya blood to sign and sight your passport...

have you heard anymore on your application leaving the states yet...cos i know when i looked at DHL the other day there were a few in april arriving in have you heard anything yet huh huh huh lol

so its moonie rings and itan100 waiting for interviews now it a J or an I for your first letter of your nick mate..

take care kath
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-16 08:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi tamzo
:dance: :dance: ya did it ya did it...whooo hooo :dance: :dance: :joy: :joy:

congrats to you fantastic news...glad you had a really good time in come you didnt go back the next day to pick your visa up? that way you wouldnt have to wait for the postman...did you go back to the post office in perth and tell that lady off ..i know i would of been correcting her for sure...

so what happens to the $130 that you paid out in the first place did you get a refund? Im so happy for you that it all worked out in the end for you...we were all worried about you lol not hearing from you lol

and another aussie bites the dust...dont forget to put in an interview review in...may 7th huh that will come around quickly for you..was ya fiance rapt...smiling ear to ear for you..may the POE go smoothly for you...and your most welcome with the help was my pleasure...when you getting married? dont forget to fill in your timeline ...

hi ya 2 days huh...are you all packed and still on mushy foods or are you on solids yet..
sitting hear remembering the emotional rollercoaster you will be going through right now...dont forget to get photo's taken at the airport with your family and start a scrapbook of your new life mate...if we dont see you in the next few days you take care and arrive here safely ...

hi hammy
pester that postman everyday this week is your packing going and what date you moving here...

good day for the aussie' who do we have next in line waiting for their packet 4....

seren...moonie...rings...anyone else....
i havent started my volunteer work yet cos my doc hasnt sent the reference in yet and my personal reference person never received anything from the hosp so still waiting for that...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-16 08:19:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
phew thats the one i went to...

hi moonie
what type of job did you get and is it the one you wanted ....hope so...

lots of info in the guidelines of the steps after the NOA2 moonie...i think i posted it at one stage but i cant remember who it was for...nope it wasnt you your a K1


ok gunna go eat my yiro robbie got us lol...
went shopping this arvo..i tell ya the customer service in some of these shops are alot to be desired ya know..
but thats another story
wondering if tamzo was staying with her friend in sydney long and they dont have a computer i do hope she is ok and everything went well
take care

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-15 17:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
yw you know that
hang on mate....has there been an added authorised physician to do the medicals...

cos when i went for mine there was only monash medical clinic and the one i went to in melbourne in bourke street..what is the doctors name...dr. poppenbeck i went to in bourke street and he only just moved there a week before i went for my medical back in march 29th 2006....

can you let us know all the doctors that was on his sheet just a bit concerned at the moment mate...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-15 13:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
good to see your still kicking...

what to take to the medical

1) Passport, forms for medical and form for x-ray, blood test results.

2) Yes, take all paperwork relating to the medical, vaccination sheet, and the pages fo the medical results. also take any blood test result that he might of had and any vaccination statements he might of had.

3) Yes his case number is placed on the paperwork by either you or the receptionist (i cant remember who)

4) 3 passport photo's which are in the american style ones get his to print the below link out and take it to a passport photoo place so they know exactly what he needs...
U.S. style photo's

5) He should of received his medical forms in his pakcet 3 the doctor doesnt have them.

6) It's a general medical. takes his blood pressure asks his height will weigh him or just ask. listens to the chest presses around the stomach area ..get him to read the medical form he has what is on that sheet he will ask about..

7) The doctor fills out everything on the form..he does a report and you are asked to come back in a couple of days to pick the envelope up (not to be opened) and he aslo gives you a complete copy of what he done in the unopened envelope..he doesnt send it to the embassey you take it with you to the interview so dont loose it..

8) doesnt get sent off so no need to call

added information is the doctor will send him to get an x-ray .. if he getting it done in the city (melb) he will be sent up to the top of collins street... cant remember if the doctor office takes eftpos or credit cards ..i paid in cash..

if anyone else has anything to add that i might of forgotten go for it or if anything has changed for the melbourne medicals since i had mine done can you correct me please.. :wacko:

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-15 12:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya loke
thanks for the compliment mate..i figure..i was giving alot from this site when i was going through my journey and i like to help to make others journey easier be it a vote of confidence to them or info i can find for them...i appreciate every moment i have with robbie..he is a gudun ....

hi ya meauxna
were a good lot mate have you ever heard our accent lol..if ya havent you wouldnt leave this forum lol

ok i got summit for you lot...i bought a resume builder well hubs did i wanted one type he sez try this one its got the paper anyways its the careerbuilder websites resume, cover letter can choose which type of resume you would like to make and just type your details over the template ....

resume and cover letter creator

ok going to check this out to make sure it works then edit.. ok editing now.. the link works and close print using flash and you can start your own gives you 5 different types of resume's to use...

take care

Edited by Kath, 14 April 2007 - 11:58 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-14 23:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi loke
are you counting down too lol...were at 22 days now aint we...

good to see ya ...hows melb weather been? ohh just reminded myself i gotta check the footy scores lol..

enjoy your time in denver loke im sure your wife will

when this process is all over and your over here you will forget what a pain it was ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-14 01:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
time to do the dance of joy for hampster :dance: :dance: :dance: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


fantastic news hammy... how come ya didnt say anything in your first post..ya damm sh.t strirer you lol

no word from tamzo shame ya couldnt of met up with her after her interview .....

how come you would of got your visa that day...they stopped doing that just before i went for mine...

i bet ya wifey is gunna be smiling from ear to ear just like you for ages...

so when you going to be flying out paul...
and great review ya should copy and paste that into the embassey review section mate...

take care glad you got home safely and found your way around sydney ok
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-14 00:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thats mean of ya paul lol everything ok...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-13 23:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well we got two VJ'ers MIA ...tamzo and hamster..

come on you two give us a hint lol

ohhh rings you are as bad as my husband use to be ...his first words on msn use to be how many days left to go before i get there lol....why dont you get one of the tickers will take ya right down to the hour and minutes lol

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-13 20:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well hammy will be in the consulate right now thumbing through all his paperwork...hope he got a seat near the view its awesome

hi ya aussie angel i can see you how you going mate..are you working over here yet....

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-12 19:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris
hopefully you will here by then mate..ya never know huh...thats one place we didnt get to when robbie went to oz...or the melbourne goal...we went to the grampians and lake entrance and showed him melbourne..he absolutely loved melbourne...

hey lyndel how u doing
i know what ya mean...tamzo would be well and truely out by now...wondering if her friends place has a computer...
and hammy has about 17 hours before his i think...
i rekcon the waiting to hear something is worse than going for the damm interview lol...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-12 00:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

good on ya rings....whooo hooo 25 days to is your I-130 going have you been touched on that one yet or received your NOA1 for it?

well its 9.30am there in sydney hammy would of landed and on a train to his hotel..and tamzo will be in the consulate waiting to be interviewed...the suspense is killing me hehehehe i do hope there wasnt any complications for them...

caroline way to go on celebrating with the family for stewarts first anni how lovely for his sis an BIL being there too...and i know what ya mean about how time flies..i been here now for 10 months come the 25th

talk to ya's all later
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-11 18:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
bugga...tried to edit what i put on the end..arrh well start again...

bloody hell i did a refresh what i typed before and its there noww so have deleted it... this post lol :blink: B)

Edited by Kath, 10 April 2007 - 04:03 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-10 16:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi aussiegal

how ya doing....mate you can post anything here some days i dont have anything to say have finished with USCIS ..but the guys and gals are great in here nice way to keep in contact with fellow aussie that have gone through or going through the process...

i arrived in the states in June 2006 in toledo ohio...there a few aussie in colardo or going to be there will be a few in ya state soon lol Did ya get to see your aussie dvd's i read you were looking for a dvd player ages ago...

hi caroline wow a year already ... what did you do to celebrate...

hi rings remind david to bring on his next visit in may a few things that he wont miss in oz while waiting for his interview..oh also tell him to get some medication that he knows works in oz over with him...that way they are there when he lives tablets...allergy tabs...i wish i had of brought more over with me ..the stuff here is too strong for me they send me gar gar lol...

hi elle
sorry cant help ya on this one mate...i didnt bring stuff over with me ...from what i have read on here ya right about that 1 year thing...maybe aussiegal can help ya out she brought stuff over with grace brothers i think it was...

hi hammy and tamzo
good luck to you both will do fine...let us know how you go we want updates from both of you lol i get so excited when i know the aussies are going for their interview its a new life style starting over but also a sad time too..

moonie hi ya ....when ya had aussie chocy mate nowt is better lol...i dont know what it is that makes it different...prob the cocoa...but there is definetly a in sayin that we do also get the cheap yukky chocy also
take care you lot

ohhh forgot to add...i went for my oreientation today at the hospital...went went will be doing one day a week for 4 hours in the pharmacy dept/gift shop...labeling bottles...serving customers..counting out medication..sort perscriptions stock refilling..

gotta have a TB test done...will start in a few weeks my doc an reference person is slack in returning the forms lol..bought a jacket that volunteers im all set ...nearly lol

Edited by Kath, 10 April 2007 - 03:55 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-10 15:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi lynny
damm that must of been frustrating for did you find out that he didnt sign the paperwork..i would of docked his pay for that lol been here this long have you lost your aussie accent yet?

hi lyndel
yes i a vampire up all night scowering the net for victims lol...ya a cheeky woman lol ya right we havent heard from vik yet prob doesnt have a computer set up yet or just in heaven lol running around organising her wedding which is on my wedding anniversary...

hi paul
your most welcome..wasnt hard to figure out ...did ya get the pics in the end lol

stands up and freely admits to the group my name is kath and im a chocoholic but since i have been here i have been

hey tamzo did ya get the pics i sent you?

talk ya all later behave yaselves
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-09 09:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

happy easter to ya

tamzo and hammy i sent you an email of pic hope you get them ok..

hi lynny how are you wow now thats a coincidence ...hammy will be pleased to have someone from his state in oz in the states...was just looking at your vj timeline you were in FBI name check for like ages before you received your greencard have june 2006 receving it..i cant understand this name check thing taking so long when they do so many on us lol hope life is going great for you lynny...

easter aint the same as in chocy eggs as in oz...can someone eat me a gorgeous cadbury egg for me i miss our chocy so much....

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-08 10:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi tamzo
yeah there are alloted times for the interviews...hamster has a 10am interview time for friday 13th..

maybe its just that many have the early time slots...our interview i cant remember what time it was for but in my notes in my visa note book i put down that 8.20am arrived at the 59th floor... and 8.40am called up to the first window...

if your arriving at the airport at 6am and go directly to the consulate have some breaky then go up around 7.30am..i cant remember when they actually open the doors for you to line up..from what i just read the lifts dont open till 7.30am to the 10th will have plenty of time mate...7.45am the lifts to the 59th floor opens..

be prepared for the first security check they will look through all your bags and scan you with a portable detector..once seated the guard will tell you when you can go into the lift..get in the lift last that way your first out and you get to the ticket thing before others...(just a time saver thing)

if you want pics of the embassey tamzo i can email them to you because if your going by taxi it wont be right outside the embassey ...

you will be right just make sure you have your file ready in a bag easily accessable for you..

good luck to ya you will do fine
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-07 23:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi hammy
be looks of the RMV in Mass you might just have to do that mate..i know in ohio all i have to do is present my oz licence sit the written test then do the drivers test..

as Cheryl to ring them and ask what happens with an immigrant and their driving licences...all you need is your SSN and proof of residency some other id docs in Mass to sit the test...

Internation Driving Licences FAQ

whooo hooo RINGS the countdown has begun...Robbie use to do that on my visits is an exciting time...where you at again...

hi aussie angel how you diong ...hows life over here mate....happy easter to you ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-07 13:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya itan
i did a dhl search to see if the embassey has received your with you saying it was sent to sydney on the 26th there were 2 results both which arrived on the 29th march...
suprisingly enough i also found in total 5 applications being sent to sydney...that is amazing its the most i have seen sent to sydney lol ..wonders who elses they are and if they are on vj....
and mine took 11 days to receive the packet 3 mate...look at some of the other aussie timelines to see how long others took...


KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-06 02:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi monnie
your welcome for the info thats what were here for mate..
shame about loosing your job ...fingers crossed you will get one soon mate...

if his mum doesnt have his records tell him to go get the blood tests done from his local doctor wont cost anything it goes through medicare...
what date did he send it off..fingers crossed that the interview is planned for after the medical mate..if its before dont stress over it too much can contact the consulate and reschedule another date but must be done asap..but you as the US citz must write a letter stating why you want it rescheduled not your fiance...

to all HAPPY EASTER...i miss the aussie easter eggs can someone eat one or two for me lol..

take care
p.s. hi rings how u doing? i know what the link finding thing is like...i use to do the same thing..find something then forget how i found it...glad to help and anytime

Edited by Kath, 05 April 2007 - 01:52 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-05 13:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya moonie

i just had a look at girlfromoz's timeline which is a K1 journey..take a look at this

Packet 3 Received : 2006-12-19
Packet 3 Sent : 2006-12-20
Packet 4 Received : 2007-01-11
Interview Date : 2007-02-02

i would wait with the easter break coming up...
girlfromoz was with christmas holidays taken by the embassey..took her 21 days to receive her packet 4 with the interview date...
hope that gave you some idea moonie...i know how you must feel about your fiance having control of this part of the process but have some faith in him..its not that hard mate..he will get it done ..done worry about it so much...
has he done the police check and received it yet? Did you or your fiance do a chnage of address to the consulate..has he got his mail redirected? just looked that he has the packet 3..when he send in the returning forms just get him to put the new address with his old address as part of where have you lived..they will do a comparison im sure mate...

girlfromoz how you doing mate..hope you dont mind me using your timeline as an example for moonie mate...
take care

Edited by Kath, 05 April 2007 - 01:17 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-05 01:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings

goodness me rings its an exciting time for ya mate...everyone goes through this kind of excitement i can still remember all my approvals and being touched lol
take a look at this link..i printed this one out and wrote the date next to each step..

K3 flowchart

and this one
K3 guidelines

good on ya for getting all the material together will make it quicker for you to post it off to loke when the time comes dont date the affidavit of support until your ready to send it....

ohh by the way a bit of info on nycangel....they are getting married on 7th april...they havent been on since 13th march but im sure they will have a great day...congrat to you if you read this...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-04 13:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi rings
yep vylex is right...what i did was printed out the notice it sez and wrote down the date (although it does have the date on the bottom of the page printed) that way i kept an eye on the dates and knew if they had touched it...i have all my notices printed out from my changes in status from my K1 to my Aos and EAD...i know im a fanatic lol but its might be of interest for whoever finds it when i leave this

hampster i havent seen any hot cross buns over here mum use to make the ones without the raisins for me yummmmoooo lol the chocy ones are lovely...we need a bakers delight over here...they would do good business...

VIK welcome to america...hope all went well for you in the POE and your reunion was one that you will never forget ...good luck to you take care and give us a hoy ya arrived safely mate...

congrats on everything arriving for your wife is the job prospecting going...great that you now can start your life together as husband and wife...

will have to make a list girlfromoz to see what is happening for you guys ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-04 12:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
gawd i do some stupid know better than to go to another webpage when half way though typing a post lol geez
ok start again

whilst been in the states i have found numerous sites on the net that might come in handy for you aussies about to come over here...hope they are of some use to you...

link below of clothing sizes here in the states
clothing size charts in the U.Ss

link below to get your driving licence in the states.. you can also download and print out the handbook for the written test..have a good look at the headings to find out what you have to take as ID for your state..i know in ohio all i have to do is present my aussie drivers licence and take the written test then the driving some states they want you to take driving classes...
getting driving licence in your america

converting the temps..
Converting the temps from F to C and C to F

finding a job over here...job sites
sites that might be helpful finding a job

mobile company..i found cingular to be the one to be cost 5cents to send a sms and 5cents to receive one..with some other companies they dont have the internations texting and the ones i found that did was 10cents to send and 15cents to receive...

cingular cell phones to call and text home

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-02 20:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi hampster glad ya liked th songs...did you add your fav...

moonie are you talking about the blood tests or the actual medical...the medical has to be done in melbourne...the blood tests can be done anywhere...glad the police check went well ..hope he told them he is going to his parents place...

hi seren how is ya fiance going with getting the stuff together...

vylex i compared sydney to melbourne the city is closed in but on the other hand we loved exactly the places you named...we went walking though the park just to escape the closed in part of some would say nice place to visit would hate to live outside suburbs are ok lol...the aussie state rivalry is like ohio and

nowt much more from me we got a nice sunny day here but they are predicting snow for us on thurs...i will believe when i see it lol

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-02 12:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
take a look at this thread...some of the VJ's members love songs..


KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-02 00:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
yep jfk is the only one that i have heard of being the one that give the temp ead stamp tamzo

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-01 23:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lyndel i can see you...

get back to ya packing

you will be fine day at a time...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-01 02:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya meowgirl

how long will he be staying over here with you...fingers crossed for you but i think he will be ok...

ltns too you been MIA for ages lol...

good luck and enjoy the visit

adds meowboy to the melbourne list hehehehe ...we got it in the bag i reckon hehehe

Edited by Kath, 01 April 2007 - 12:00 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-31 23:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hoo moonie

i think we are ahead of um now mate lol...when i was doing my journey i was the only

just a shame no one is comin up my way hehehe

ohh read in our local paper about citzenship ceremony that was recently performed...and they named the people and which country they came from..and low and behold ..there was an auusie lol..i nearly fell off my chair lol

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-31 14:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii there you doing ....damm you have been waiting ages for your approvals to come through..and ya havent had a touch since september...have you emailed them to see if they are using your petition for a coaster them mate to find out ....

damm the battle of the states...ya either loves us or ya dont me deep down all the states are great..although i did hate the city of sydney the surrounding suburbs i have been to are

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-30 18:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Have to have some Culture From the Adelaide People..
Unlike those Unruly Melbournites / Canberraites :whistle: :lol: ;) :P

Ok gunna bite here hammy...where do I start mate...ohhhhh why bother the Melbourians know were more cultured than the Adelaideians!!!! hehehehe

if i have missed any please forgive me the ole noggin is working at full compasity lol

yw with the help mate anytime...glad you got through to the embassey about the will be right mate..

hey girlfromoz so pleased your recovering nicely and i can just imagine how that chocy tasted yummmo lol...know the feeling about packing..take all ya photo's out of their frames mate you can always reframe them here..i left a hell of a lot back home...i dont even know whats in my mums too scared to ask hehehe...but i tell ya when we go back im gunna be packin not much going and bringing back heaps lol...hope ya fiance is able to pick ya shoes at the post office for ya...good luck on the rest of the packing i dont envy ya...i have an orientation apointment with the hosp on the 10th april ...and will be working in the pharmacy not worried that im not getting paid for it .. i look at it as experience within the community and learn how things work over here...

rings how you doing...hope your NOA2 comes around quickly for ya..

patricia maaaaaaaaaate if you havent got patience now you will gain it through this process....we had a pretty fast process our only delay was me being here (state side) when my packet 3 arrived..then getting a april interview and we werent ready we rescheduled for june when robbie went over to get me lol...and our AOS was fast too got transferred to CSC and got approved with no interview in 38 we were very lucky all in if i could be so lucky in getting a job..

take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-30 14:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
below are some links for out of sydney people going for their interviews...
first link is where you can plan your trip from the airport by train bus or walk you choose...

plan your day trip in sydney

next link is the results you might find...i chose train service and entered hampsters approx time arrival at the station..

results --from domestic airport to martin place station

if you would like me to email you some pics of the embassey so you know what to look for i will glady do so just give me a hoy...

good luck in finding the best route for you..oh and a train ticket from airport to martin place is $12.20 one way...

and i know i miss calculated the time of how long ...ya gotta understand this was last june and we have slept since then..but it didnt seem a half hour train journey to us lol...please forgive me im going senile in my old age hehehe

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-29 14:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
you will have plenty of time if your flight arrives at 6am ... if the shops arent open maybe go down the steps to the martin place station and see if there is any lockers for your luggage...otherwise you will have to take all your luggage into the embassey and get it checked by the scanner or get them to keep it there for just sign it in be given a ticket and collect it afterwards on the way oout...

Edited by Kath, 28 March 2007 - 11:46 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-28 23:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
train map of sydney look for domestic terminal and martin place...from the below website you will be able to find train time tables too

sydney train routes

you have to get off at central and catch another train to martin place...i think thats why we walked from martin place to central so we didnt have to change trains....

at the sydney airport you have to go to the ground floor .....then go down the escalators to go to the underground train station...

hope that helps..we ended up taking the taxi because we had so much luggage because we were staying the weekend with my daughter in newcastle and brought quite a few things for her from my house...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-28 23:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi tamzo
well we did our interview last june...we went from the airport to the hotel which was a 5 min walk away from the embassey...

we took a taxi and it was around 15mins or so drive...and cost around 50 dollars...

now the Martin place railway station is directly infront of the embassey....on our return home to melbourne we caught the train and but it wasnt from martin place..and that took us...about 15 mins...if you would like me to look up the time tables for you i know where to look cos me being padantic sort out all kinda transport info before i left melb...just give us a yell if ya want any info...

as for your luggage..are you staying at a hotel...and what time is your appointment...maybe leave it at the airport or the station might have lockers for the day...or you could ask one of the shops to take care of them for a few hours... offer them something for the inconvience...ohh by the way hampster is having his interview on the day after yours...

good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-28 23:07:00