Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi lumanel
hope your flu is subsiding for you....chicken at christmas time? lol
your flu was your welcome to america gift mate..

it must be good to meet other relatives of your man...mine hasnt got many left an they dont keep in contact with him..he has only one step brother left alive an he lives down in ironton ohio .. we did try to find him when we were down there a few years ago but no one was home but i think in that small town he would of heard that we were there looking for him...maybe this summer i might suggest finding him again...
his birth kids are cut off too (long story) i think he like the idea of my big family over oz he so enjoyed going visiting them and they were very impressed with him too (in comparison to my ex)lol

fingers crossed for your passport elle
david good luck in your interview i hope the photo's do help you find the place and dont forget to fill in your timeline too
caroline how is stewart going hope he is coping ok mate...and enjoy melbourne say hi for me...would love to go home for a holiday...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-30 15:22:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

its not hard to cook a turkey.. it was my first thanksgiving here and i found plenty of cooking shows about a week or so before that taught you how to cook the perfect turkey...ya just do it like a chicken an stick a pin in it to let you know when its cooked hubby did the turkey and he stuffed it with stove top stuffing..and i tell ya it is the best stuff i have ever i have never ever eaten it an i did this year lol...
its a great feeling to finally get all the paper work all over and done with an fly back here...then start all over again with the change of status routine lol
good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-26 03:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi elle

dont forget you to tell them you need a national fingerprinting police check

i would imagine it would be whichever state your in and
Victorian Police Department...if your not sure see if you can google it and then look for criminal record might give you info on it ...

I'm sure i paid by cash....

had a lovely turkey day...took pics filmed robbie carving the turkey...then later on in the day/night we went chrisie shopping ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-25 11:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya david

the police certifcate is valid for a year....if your doing dcf ya dont have to do adjustment you wont need it so i reckon ya will be good mate...


Take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-23 15:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i did some searching for you ... i dont know if you already know this information but here it is if you havent

email address:

The address for public access to submit applications (or pick up certificates by prior arrangement only) is:

Victoria Police Centre
Concourse Level
637 Flinders Street
Melbourne Victoria

KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-22 17:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

yep the national have to ring the victoria police station and book a fingerprinting session..its in flinders street..turn right at the spencer and flinders street intersection...its right next to the old crown casino .....make sure they know what you need...if you have any other probs let me know because both me and lunamel had difficulties with the vic polilce...
good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-22 16:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi guys and gals

just thought i would post a link about one of our fellow aussies that caroline posted...

stewart was present when a co worker was shot dead right in front of him today monday morning..
just thought you would like to know
caroline i hope you dont mind me letting the other aussies know...

here is the posts

woman shot in pharmacy in florida

time to reflect..

KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-20 14:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
congrats on receving the packet 3...

as the australian i didnt present any of my financial statements only my husbands and that was enough..

just make sure you have it all with you in order that they ask for and keep all other evidence like phone bills photo's and boarding passes for your flights ...

if your not sure of where and what to look for i have photo's of the embassey that i can send you if your interested..we ended up asking where it was because it is set away from the street...

good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-18 20:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
LUNAMELLLLLLLLLLL U MADE IT!!!!! FANTASTIC...was the same with me with no welcom to america from the officer ....


i would never recommend air china to anyone ..i did that once and there was too much rice and it made for a very uncomfortable flight and they couldnt understand me when i was ordering i had an asian/australian doing it for me the airport aint that crash hot no dont use that airline...the best one i have been on for comfort was qantas..united seemed too confined for me and i couldnt watch the movie cos everyone kept getting up and standing there infront of my view..

good luck David we all know it will go smoothly for you just be organised...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-17 14:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris

i was talking to a friend of mine who i met off here and she said her husband didnt want to do any schooling before he got his greencard...the us citzen reckons that it wouldnt of made any difference because he was married to a toledo resident and a us citz...

so i would just looking into your town or state fee structure for immigrants either married to or not to us citz an see what ya come up see what the diff is...

does your microsoft word have a resume maker within it on your computer that could help ya out too

KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-12 20:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya elle

within you packet 3 there are variety of vaccinations that you have to have within your age group..

if you go for your blood test and your ammunity if there for those vaccinations you dont need to have those shots because you have either had them when u were little or you had lets say the chicken pox when u were little..why get shots when u dont need to do so..waste of money...blood testing is the best way around it...

either way maried or not all immigrants need to have a medical done by an approved U.S. embassey doctor..the list is in the embassey info at the top of the page...

hope i have helped in some way i feel like i wasn't..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-11 19:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi winterr
did you have trouble finding us again lol...good news you got can get a copy of the NOA2 ..i messaged you back..
an easy way to find us is go to the bottom of this page and under similar topics there is a pull down thing that gives you some choices..choose asia:east and pacific (expecept china) and click on go it will bring ya here quicker lol

hey there lyndel
you should of told them that you have just come off an international flight...thats what we did ..but glad you at least had some american money to pay for the excess ....was that vegemite in your hand luggage was it...i put all my stuff like that in my suitcases and only took food i was going to eat in my hand luggage...makes ya wonder dont it what the hell they do with it all...was that in melb or was in state for the bread lol (my biggest beef) try some italian bread ...sourdough is good too...robbie got some italian long roll the other day it was so yummy toasted so the other day i toasted some and put narna on top ..omg i was in heaven .. i hadnt had it since i got here lol...and your right mate was just saying that the other week we will have to make a list of everyone with their details...might do some research on you lot if ya dont mind and see if i can organise a list..any objections...

hammy maybe you should ring continental in oz to see if that can be done for you..we flew qantas then united to detroit...and had no problems...

well jess ya countdown has begun.. what time is your appointment...8am? thursday there now so omyyyyyyyyy its tomorrow for you whoo hoooo...good luck to you ...let us know how you went and dont forget to post a review of your interview in the embassey review thread...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-25 15:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
awwwwwwwww moonie that would be so romantic to see the sun go down as mr. and mrs...

keepin ya fingers crossed for a no so quick interview date so you can have all your documents together ...

i love looking at the wedding pics of the VJ'ers...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 21:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thought i would add these
although the flag was in 2005 its significant for the day our ANZAC DAY
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 21:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
bows my head for a minutes silence and thinks of my father who was in world war II my husband who was in the Vietnam War and hopes to the heavens that my nephew comes home safe..
May all our Aussie/American soldiers come home safe to their loved ones..

Lest We Forget

as i lift my head and as a traditional shout from the MCG comes to mind GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOMBERS!!!!!
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 21:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ya arrived safely mate great to hear ya made it lyndel
yeah fancy that all for your arrival mate..ohh where is spring in co its up north in toledo we have had some gorgeous sunny days here hehehehe have you made a snowman yet ...i have been keeping an eye on the weather down there and keep saying to robbie lyndel wont know what hit her arriving to snow lol

good to hear you got the EAD stamp ..have you applied for your SSN or you waiting till after you get married...


congrats whoooo hooo friday for your wedding day fantastic mate...enjoy

sooooo good to hear from you and yeah we can talk on normal times now lol

i start my volunteer work on thursday too ...

welcome to the aussie thread...hope you get through your AOS if ya need any help just give me a yell ... i saw jess mention you lost your NOA2 ... hope you can find it .. it costs heaps to get a replacement...did you by chance scan it at any stage...

talk to you all soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 17:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
thats great ya nearly ready and i hope ya get the info you need in time mate ...
and good on ya for doing the receipt and package...

ya know what i didnt like about the interview..
we had to travel up to sydney ...ours was on the friday..we stayed the weekend
i still had packing to do so it wasted 5 days of packing time for a 5 minute interview which took an hour an half to get...

i just wish they would look at what people have to do to get visa's and not make them travel interstate for them...
ok vent over. lol

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 02:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hoo jess fantastic
ohh wake him up its important lol im sure he wont mind lol

so ya ready for it jess...

ok you lot who else is waiting for their interview notices

seren have you heard anything yet...

moonie...rings where you at in the journey...

so rapt for you jess ...
good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-24 01:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
GUDONYA HAMMY~~~~~!!!!!!!

If anyone wants to listen to the football on the net and your in the states then click on gameday live under the match that is on.then click on live game radio and you will be able to listen to the commentators.

the match video's you can view the following if any of you yanks havent seen our footy yet thats a good way to see the game...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 23:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi davidaustralia
welcome to the nut house of the aussie/american couples...narrh were not that bad i dont think lol..glad you could join us.. which part of the states you going to be at...

ya know its so good that we can all share things in here and that thread has been kept going for so long now..

we have a gorgeous sunny day here and its lovely to get sun on the skin lol...poor robbie is working today so there goes the weekend..really sux this 6 day work week for him...arhh well come july its holiday time..robbie cant wait he is so burned out..
see ya's
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 17:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jess
they use one of them yes...mine looks horrid lol..and yeah do it again just to be on the safe side they can be sticklers for empty spaces lol...

hi patricia....

im off to bed its 4.10am

will read ya posts tomorrow
take care have a good weekend you guys an gals
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 03:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi patricia
i am so sorry about that.. you have posted in before i thought i recognised the nick but wasnt sure...have you decided which path you are going along... i read some of your posts hope you dont mind i was just curious if i had seen ya nick in here before...

there is so many of ya's now im forgetting names lol.. ok ok its not that im just getting old an going

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 02:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
bugga i lost all i typed im dumb start all over now

hi patriciaofoz..welcome ...dont be shy come intro yaself to us..

jess...i remember that form i stuck it in just in case my stapler didnt work for

moonie...dont worry too much on your savings mate in this day and age its hard mate...they look at your bank statements to see your wages going in and your taxes...

rings i bet that frieked you out mate...did you get much and its usually me getting told to go to bed on here lol especially from lyndel .....speaking of her i wonder how she is going...i know she has arrived well and truely in the states but not heard from her as yet...

well i got to listen to the footy match and the bombers thrashed the saints.....was great to listen to the game but do miss seeing it on tv...

talk to ya all later
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 02:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jess
you wont get into trouble at your POE if you put a different date than you arrived...
just put july 2007 .. its only an estimate to when you think you will be leaving australia

as for the photo's put them on the front of the form what does your intstructions say to do..i cant remember if i cut them up or not...maybe tamzo knows or hammy they were the current interviwee's

you do know that they are suppose to be U.S. sizes for the passport photo's..just checking...

hi ya caroline
by lost do you mean they are finding it hard to finish the game a essendon fan caroline and i think i understand what ya mean but ya gotta also remember its the start of the season..i rang my mum last week and we got on to the footy and she was watching it ..she reckons they dont seem to have the knack of finishing..they get way ahead of the team then slack off ..they have had this problem for quite some time.. but im hoping it only being the 4 round and they did have a good start to the season that they will do better as the season goes along...

this year will be the first time i havent been to anzac match with my worker mates...and they were going to get damm corporate box this year sniff sniff lol..never mind i got some good memories and photo's..

they play st kilda in about 6 hours or see how we go will be on the might even listen to it online today...
tke care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 16:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:crying: :crying: ohh paul im so sorry it had to come to that for gave her a good life im sure ..i got tears rolling here... i feel for ya mate..
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 01:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
arhhh ring my bad it must be moonie that is in detroit mate sorry about that..

if you have everything organised and it together.. put it aside then a week before ya sweetie goes home bring it out and go over it...dont stress too much over it...or you will get sick over it ...
wow 17 days to go till ya hubs is with ya... everyone is travelling to see each other..aint it lovely...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 01:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
with our consulate its the I-134 mate.. some other consulates do the I-184...that why they say in that link you gave us 134 or 184...
my hubby filled out the I-134 i actually found a copy of it today sorting out paperwork i found in the comuter how are things going... hope ya doing well.. your in detroit arent ya...

jess ...ohh i have done the same but i actually turned round and took a picture of robbie and it is such a sad looking fella sayin see ya to me....still pulls at the heart strings that pic just thinking of it ....

ps. vylex safe journey to the land downunder mate...take care out there and enjoy yourself take lots of pics....

Edited by Kath, 20 April 2007 - 12:58 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 00:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jess
your quite welcome for the link .. and yes there has been people having the same day interview although one of them didnt come in here it was his fiance that did and he had company for the wait at the consulate..their posts are in here somewhere look for nycangle and ausqueen..they are now over here...havent heard from them but im guessing they are keeping busy lol..

good luck on your trip hamspter and tamzo im sure you will be fine at the POE..i went in the u.s. citz line and went through with robbie and it didnt take no time at all...

funny story for ya
our flight into lax was late..and the capt said can those who dont have connecting flights please remain seated (he named the connecting flights too) it seemed everyone had connecting flight cos everyone just got up..after getting through the customs an then getting our baggage there was a massive line..then all of a sudden this woman and her husband was skipping the cue ...i said to her thats not right you shouldnt be doing this..she growled back at me i have a flight to catch that is near time to take off.. i said yeah we do too ...she said mine is in 20 mins i said yeah mine too...we didnt skip the line ...low and behold there she and her husband was on the same damm flight as us sitting in her seat as we passed her.. i said i see you caught your flight ok...and walked off..they did get stopped by security and told off but was allowed to push ya need patience at lax lol the line was long as and there was only two security officers looking at your passport and asking questions one was quicker than the other and you can guess which one we were in.. dont know if that has changed since last

i gotta stop talking lol

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-19 23:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Oh, by the by, I have a question for the MD people only... Elle, I reckon you could help me out with this one...

What steps do I take to get a drivers licence for MD? How easy was it for you?

hi jezz
Glad you could find the receipt for the K1 payment for the interview..
although im not a MD resident .. i seem to be getting use to the DMV website..below is a link to what you need as identifcation to ge a learners permit

acceptable identifcation for learners in MD

hi aussie angel
i went scrolling and found it mate ..sorry about still hobbling around..i do hope it heals quickly been ages since you did that to is getting nicer here suns is shining going to go for a walk and get some rays this arvo before it goes down lol...did ya hear kaffy kat got her GC finally and StellaR got hersin Dec..i rang stella yesterday to see how she was going ...

Great to hear that a group of aussie going to baltimore will have some aussie company..ya all have to get together for an aussie Barbieeeeeeeeee ...ya lucky ducks...i miss the aussie contact immensley...

hey muqeem Tamzo is from perth and just got her visa...cant remember where she is going to ...sorry you might have to ask her lol....if ya dont mind me asking what nationality is your name its an unusual name...glad you found us and you can tell your fiance that she will have some aussie near by too..

hi hammy
good to hear you got a flight out...have you flown with china before...i did that on my second trip.. the seats are a snug fit..the stewardess' couldnt understand me..luckily i had an aussie/asian next to me and he translated for me.. i think it had alot to do with me not talking up cos i speak very softly at times...and a hint too dont eat too much rice on the place .. their meals are alot of rice...and i didnt even think of it but damm did i feel so bloated and uncomfortable for on the way home i didnt eat that much i ate my munchies i bought at the airport..

now when you get to tapai how long do you have till your next flight...i had about 2 hours arrived early hours of the morning...nothing open nothing to eat or drink..only vendor machines there...when you walk down to your next destination for boarding it is so have to go in at the ground floor go through security walk up a flight of stairs get into an elevator then walk where all the duty free shops are then walk down into the waiting area to board your this is the thing that pissed me off totally...where you end up is on the ground floor..i could of walked through a door that was open and gone through the glass doors but they are locked and security is there...i coudlnt believe it an there is me carrying all this damm luggage up the stairs was not sayin this i do hope you dont have to go through all this mate . i hope it has changed...ohh an the toilets omg ya gotta squat they dont have convensional tiolets ...well ya did in the

hey there elle
how you doing..good to hear you got some aussie to be living in your state it must be a nice feeling ... sniff sniff lol

hi shar
welcome to the nut house...hope to see ya hear again ...tells us ya story..where ya met .. where your going to be living and anything you would like to share with us...

ok i think i have done another novel but you guys will post while i sleep lol

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-19 14:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi moonie
is your sweetie bear in williamstown ...thats was only about a 45 min drive away not even that if i remember rightly.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 22:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya tamm
do you have your number off your express post package you gave them to send it to can track it online at australia could always ring the embassey or australia post mate...

here is me talkin about ya an you turn up was ya ears burning lol..and thats what i thought about collecting it an not being sent to the embassey ...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jezz
wow never heard of it being sent to the consulate before thats a new one on us.. will have to ask tamzo she is from perth when she come in...
good on ya for the follow up too ...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya mugs
i just sent you an email thinking you were female lol.. sorry about that i feel so embarrassed now :bonk: ...welcome to the aussie thread...

take a look at these aussie's might give ya an idea if you go to the person timeline to how long it takes from sending back the checklist to receiving the packet 4...


hi ya moonie
the above link might help ya out too mate...hows the job going...all is well here no complaints mate

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 21:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jezz
there are a few aussie that are either marrying or married to miltary your gunna be in kentucky huh
the doctors give you the medical in an envelope they dont send it off to the consulate...the melb doc gives you a copy in an envelope that contains everything that is given to the your brown envelope is everything that you sent in originally and everything that you submitted at the interview so its an important part of the whole process...they enter all the details into the system at the POE and then forward it to homeland security ready for your next step which is AOS... :time: just go HERE to do so others in you have questions outside the aussie thread and stats for the website too...

hi ya moonie
how you doing..go

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 20:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jess
welcome to the aussie thread...i was from melb and now in toledo ohio..i have done the K1 visa run and completed my AOS an EAD so no more USCIS till next year..

You will find a great bunch of people in here that can answer any question you might have and if we cant we will try to find it for you..there is load of information already on here so if you have time you might learn more ...also the embassey info at the top of the screen has heaps of info too just in case you loose which page hammy got that info for you...

Did you get a full copy of your medical from Dr. ####### i do hope so if you didnt ring them up for one to be sent out for you cos you will need it for your AOS

The K1 visa is valid for 6 months from the date on the can go back the next day and pick up your passport and the brown envelope..hope you hear something soon on what your interview date is ...also you can pay your $130 at any post office..I posted a copy of my receipt on one of the pages ..if you want I can look for it to show you what it should look like..

Which state you moving to?

Well girlfromoz is well and truly on her way to now to Bangkok and the to JFK (6.30am) then on to Colardo Springs...saw the weather channel today and Colardo is getting hit with storms...she wont know what hit not seein rain for ages lol

hammy did you get your ticket yesterday mate..has anyone heard from tamzo if she received her package yet..she should of got it by now if you have it now hamster....

talk to ya'll later
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 14:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
dammy hammy your on a roll mate gawd i would of done the same thing as you reporting him...did he leave a card in the letter box

whooo all ya gotta do is come back and tell us ya got a good deal on ya flight and you hit the jackpot and he was lucky you were happy to get ya hands on the packet or i can well imagine you givin him a mouth or fist full lol

good for you ..have you stopped looking at the visa yet lol

now tamzo has yours arrived yet..????

hi pris
why do you think i need hobbies ..i got heaps im doing some ceramics when they arrive im doing a wedding plate to put on the wall ..and some other things too...

i can knit all sorts of pattern use to knit all my kids jumper until they could tell me i dont want to wear that lol..i can sew .. made my own wedding dress ...i have green thumbs ohh and i write stories lol

and ya right about the volunteering...its a wonder they didnt tell me to get a police check for the 10 moths i been in the country lol...


Edited by Kath, 18 April 2007 - 12:49 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 00:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hooo hammy good for you

well lyndel will be getting ready to board the plane in sydney bound for bangkok...(im sure she said 4 hours in syd)

tamzo good on ya for tellin the post office clerk the correct way of doing thing and im glad you got your money back also...where abouts you gunna be heading i cant remember.

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-18 00:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya pris
glad things are going good..and yeah the traitor he could of chose black and red hehehe...been keeping an eye on the footy each week on ..the bounce of the ball is the kicking that will hard lol...although it is nearly the same as an american ball..robbie gave my son one of the souvenier ball when the steelers he sez to him would of like one to play with lol so when we went to lake entrance we found a market an got one for five buck for him he was so rapt and said ya didnt have to do that but damm could he throw that ball lol...

well the volunteer work hasnt started yet cos of my doctor is slack..the lady resent the form to them on friday and my personal referene person said he didnt receive anything either so she is going do that one over the dont know when i will be starting that

yes its spring here and we have been having some nice sunshine here this week...but the wind is still cool..i was getting sick of wearing heavy coats lol...

fingers crossed that J's mum will get the affidavit done asap for sure she would appreciate something from oz for doing it...i got one of my firends from canada an aussie face watch for sending me some winter coats down that she was only going to throw out that was on my first visit all those years ago..she loved it..

im recording some tv shows on dvd for my son an i just glanced at it .. im recording whacked out sports damm there are some idiots out there lol damm you wonder how they survive lol
nowt else going on here just waitin for robbie to finish work an come home another 3 an half hours...damm the days are long without him around..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-17 18:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
just thought i would bring to your attention those of you that are doing K1 and K3 for when you do your AOS..
PLEASE when you have your medical done ask for a copy of the whole medical that is handed over at the interview...also when you get in the states put it in a safe place..keep it in your suitcase put it in a folder and remember where you put it..the below person who posted this is lisaf who is an you can see things do get lost at USCIS and you will get RFE's even though its not your fault...i know im being a bit overbearing about this but its important because when you change your status you need your vaccination sheet to do so..

you can find the thread to this HERE

A review of our record indicates that you entered the US pursuant to a valid K1 nonimmigrant visa.  however, the Department of State did not forward the medical forms DS-2053, DS-3024, DS3025 and DS-3026 that were completed prior to visa issuance.  Therefore you are requested to submit the aforementioned I-693, etc, etc......"   So this translates as they lost my medical and have to get another one. (right?)  DAMMIT

I just feel that its important that you know this
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-17 15:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya lyndel damm i missed ya by a couple of minutes i was keeping msn open to see if ya came on and i got tired and went to bed at 3.55am...
well girl ya on your way soon ...its 5am in the morning there at the ya didnt rest too much
safe journey mate and dont forget to ask for the EAD dont expect it to be handed to ya mate...and another happy little vegemite aussie crosses the big pond homeward bond to their loved one...take care sweetie see ya on the flip side ohhh we will be nearly on the same time frame hehehehe no more complaining im up late now lol but i bet ya will lol
yes you can get the cocunut you need for the lamimngtons here mate...dont stress ...geez fancy worrying about that ..just get hear already heheheehe stir stir lol

hi ya Jo when you go for your blood test think of your fiance and close your eyes and it will be over in no least its not as bad as it use to be years ago those days it really hurt...dont forget to take that sheet for the pathologist to sign and take your passport to be will be fine deep breaths mate..great news that you have sent your paperwork back to the embassey you will get an interview soon mate..

hammy ..hope the packet arrives today..did you know you can track it also on your computer at the aust post website..just enter the number and bobs ya least that way you will know if it has left sydney and the steps it takes to get to you..just had a thought too..

well we got another sunny day here..i just planted some flower seeds and my other pot i did that to are starting to push through the soil..cant wait to see them blooming...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2007-04-17 14:08:00