Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo whooo to your journey's starting yes do keep us all posted on how ya doing with it all..

hey pris that is what were here for to help out...this website makes life easier for people ...those that dont find it must be so confused about the process and so alone too..before i came across this website i imagined me being the only one doing it was great relief to find there were other aussies also in the same situation and frustrations...

ya gotta go visit melbourne its a gorgeous place..its not so closed in as i found sydney to be i got sick when we we went to syd for the interview my sinuses were attacked with all the fumes in the place...

take care and to all good luck in your journey's ahead of you
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-15 17:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi and welcome meowgirl

damm all the melbournians come out the woodwork now i have left lol...

where are you in the states...???? please say up near lake erie lol lol its ok im the only one in toledo that is aussie im sure of it lol

isnt it amazing how all americans have the same view of melbourne ...robbie absolutely loved it...he loved that it was so planned out ...and we walked the streets at midnight down on southbank...he couldnt believe that i wasnt scared to do so...he also loved the reminded him so much of where he was born (ironton ohio)...ya see he has travelled the world when he was in the navy and been to many places but he has never felt so at home as he felt when we were in the grampians...

i know what ya mean about the weighing part...robbie has been working at jeep for 22 years and i couldnt let him give all that up to come to oz...where i had a part time job an only been there for 7 i came here..

good luck to you meowgirl if ya have any questions just ask were here to help...
take care

oh can send an cheque with western union from the post office in american sis sent me a cheque in american dollars for my birthday had no probs with it .. and robert sent a western union cheque for our
I-129f application too...

Edited by kath&rob, 15 February 2007 - 03:31 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-15 03:28:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
just came across this post ...thought it might be a good member to keep an eye on for the filing of the I-130 in the states for you guys

filed I-130 in Vermont but living in NZ

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-14 02:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lol vylex every now and again i take a look at all the aussies on vj...and if i havent seen them in here i send them a message letting them know there are other aussies here to help out and to support them...

we gotta keep the thread going now dont we...if it dont survive where will all the aussies find out tid bits about sydney embassey and other stuff..huh...aussielad started this thread about 2 years ago ...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-13 20:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
so this is the time you lot come in here...first time i seen so many reading lol
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-13 20:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi ya pris
the above link is to the info you need for the doctors in oz...scroll down an look for medical costs...
there is one in the city and one at monash ....when you call just ask them if they still do the medicals for visa's..

the cheques are made out to HOMELAND SECURITY....if ya forget its on the instruction before the application of the I-130..its #11

we also have had that conversation about the citzenship thing...i dont what i am going to do .. i already have two citzenships dont know if i can have 3 lol...

hope that helps ...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-13 19:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
im with caroline wonderful to read some great news...

congrats on the up coming interview ausqueen good on ya...nothing to worry about on your interview you will be fine ....if priscialla goes to the doc in melbourne she will have to show which pathologist her results came from ..the doc is pretty down the line to the procedure...if she goes to monash i dont know what they are like... do you have a copy of the form im talking about ausqueen...

david is this your first valentines day together? i hope you have a wonderful time together can put the frustrations behind you while your wife is with you and just enjoy each other until interview time...

girlfromoz i hope you get to set a date real soon at least you have 6 months to use the visa and it wont expire on you...what kinda car you getting rid of...try ebay ... or just advertise in your local paper...or even on milk bar windows.. (i so miss my milk bar from back there)...

here is a question for ya....what would you guys call oz when u get here...home? i made a comment the other night when we were talking about the food and called oz home....robbie sez here is home i said yeah i know but oz is too he got it i use to always call england home too ...i suppose it sounds funny to those who havent lived in two different countries before...he wasnt mad at it ...he understood the feelings behind it...

we got a snow blizzard warning here now...there is so much snow on our balcony lol...were expecting 10 iches first real snowfall ....and i didnt know they have codes over here for driving in the snow either...and if ya on a code 3 and you are on the roads you can get booked for it...

well thats my lot take care..will post some snow pics again when i get out there to take um ..
take care (smiles)
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-13 16:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya priscilla

if you go to the embassey info for australia you will find the doctors for melbourne..there is one in the city and there is also one at monash both phone numbers are there...i went to the one in the city...he was pretty good .. the x-ray is done at the top of collins street when u go to him...which is done on the day of the medical

did you say you had the vaccination sheet already..if you havent go take a look at Thailand embassey website..they give you the forms to download in packet 3...i have double checked comparing to my copy i have of the vaccination sheet and the x ray sheet and they are the correct ones...

forms to dowload for medical

now for your blood test to see if your ammuned just go to any can be done on medicare ...but if i remember rightly there is a form for the pathologist taking your blood to sign to state he/she has sighted your passport and you are who u are and they have to wright or stamp the pathology compnay...i have tried to find this sheet for you but with all the damm paperwork i have i couldnt find it...i also remember posting about this last year so if ya want this info will do a search for you...

i had the blood tests done around a week or so after i sent my readiness into the embassey...

sorry for the long post but if ya got any other questions just fire away mate thats what were here for..

take care mate

hi ya rings
told ya were are supportive in much documentation and info you give them is better i reckon...but make a complete copy of the petition for yourself so you know what you sent in ..also the australian doesnt need to show their financial documentation only the us citz....Loke. in saying that if you think it will help with your partners poverty line to meet go for it ...good to see you again...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-12 18:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey loke

welcome to the aussie thread mate...which side of melbourne ya on..i use to live in melton (if ya know where that is) there are quite a few melbournians in here im sure we can give ya tips on the medical and the police check you have to get when the time comes..

there is alot to get ya head around for sure but it gets easier as you read and learn about the process....the one thing that doesnt get easy is the seperation as you are starting to experience...just hang in there an if you need to vent go for it we all know what ya going through...

good luck to both of you whichever course you choose and hope its not a long wait..

which town you going to be living in..i cant remember if i asked rings when i pm's her yesterday...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-09 23:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings

i tried to edit that last post...i was thinking you were one of the other aussies that posted yesterday and copped some undeeded flack from some of the other VJers ...please forgive me for getting mixed up...we had a rough night last night ...out in the cold at 4.30am shopping and slept all day lol...

but the welcome still stands mate...good to see ya found us ....

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-09 19:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:D hi and welcome to the ausie thread rings..glad ya made it..
Sorry you copped a bit of flack in your post the other here were not so judgemental...

K3 guidelines

Spousal Visa-IR-1 / CR-1 guidelines




Above are a few things to take a look at to help you decide which route to take...I ran out of time yesterday to pm you these so i thought i would just post them in here for you...hope this helps in some way.

The hassles that is going on with the I-130 is for DCF..

Looking forwad to seein you again in here ...we are a good mob in here and look out for our aussie/american mates..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-09 18:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi david

i hear ya frustration over all this and i know were all keeping our fingers crossed for you and the other DCFers...

if they are going to bring out this new law why the hell make it so if all their embassey's arent informed first on how to handle makes no sense to me..

i read somewhere about the fees going up and the bloke commented how can they increase the fees when the standard of work being done isnt up to par (not those exact words but close enough) and he is goes with everything right down to bringing out new laws and not letting the left hand is to do when the right hand makes new laws...

hope you hear something more positive soon david..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-06 15:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
just looked at the closure thing on the embassey website..melb, canberra and brisbane are closed the others arent..also i looked at bangkok website to see if they too are closing seeing the applications are being sent there and they arent being closed...

my question to all this is ... is it a background check on the U.S. citz or the international citz...
if it is the U.S. citz why cant they get the citz to get a police check completed with the the overseas fiance has to get...wouldnt this save time and a transfer of the petition...?

if im wrong someone clarify for me please cos im a bit confused over this one...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-05 23:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi cherie

welcome to the aussie forum glad you found us...i am from melb too now living in toledo ohio..and i did the K1 journey ...robert and i compiled our petition while being on msn..sending back and forth scanned pages and both of us checking that it is correctly filled took us a whole weekend to get it complete .. so say your biographical information sheet is complete send it to him to check then he does the same thing..this way any mistakes you missed he might catch an it can be one thing at a time make copies and put aside then start on another section say your evidence ... keeping everything seperate is the key then putting it all together in the order it needs to be...we did it and we got a quick approval...i know it sounds methodical but it does dont get frustrated by doing it this know the section is completed and doesnt have to be looked at again...

the only other bit of advice to give you is be patient...this process can be so frustrating and it doesnt stop until your a unconditional citz in the states...

your welcome to post any questions in here even if its been posted before we are a friendly lot and here to help our fellow aussie/american mates....

i use to live in melton where is your fiance...and where will you two be in the states...

well ive rambled on too much...
take care
and good luck on your journey
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-03 15:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

way to to lyndel fantastic news...big congrats to you and your were the nerves when you got in there??
glad the photo's helped ...glad the time in the embassey wasnt long for you and seeing the wiggles would of been a blast..shame ya didnt have a camera that day huh....did you talk to them?
are you getting the visa posted to you or going back up on mondy to get it?

and when is your wedding day? now you have all the great things to look forward to when you get here...dont forget that vaccination sheet for AOS mate..

im really rapt for you mate was a long wait but aint it worth it in the end...

smiling big time for you sweetie now is the time for a happy ending when you are his arms... :D :luv: (F)

Elle hi there ...hell -2 aint nothing we been having -11 here the coldest it has been is -14...and this weekend its going down to 0.F...i thought when it snowed you could just go out an throw snowballs but the snow is too light to compact into balls waiting for a good snowfall to make my first snowman since i was 7 when i made my last one...hope you hear something real soon about your interview date...packet 4 is just the interview date and instrtuctions on what to bring with you and in what order...

Hampster ..not long before your lovely wife will be there.. i hope you have a wonderful time together...would be great if your interview could be while she is that would be a gift an a half..and chocie is one of my fav munchies for such things too..

David i am so keeping my fingers crossed for you that it wont be too much long for you and i can well imagine it was such a let down with this new law coming being passed..rotten things they are...

well you lot keep posting and keep us all updated..
take care
p.s. if anyone else would like me to send the pics of the embassey and martin place just give me a yell and i will either post them or email them to you...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-02 22:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey there susan

good to see you was thinking of how your sons visit went the other day...was cleaning out my inbox and found your email....glad ya had a fantastic visit did the boys like it here...??? i can well imagine the buckets overflowing too you been here a year..did you reflect gal...

im over the test thing robbie told me chrysler cancelled the hiring in the middle of it and it was too late to cancel the testing ..wish we could sue um lol....

robbie has next week off so were going to be doing the rounds of putting my resume in to heaps of places..applied to alot online but not heard anything back as yet...but life is good with robbie and im grateful for that...

talk to you soon mate
KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 15:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi Lyndel
good luck will be fine im just know it.....dont forget to take something to munch on and a mag mate...enjoy the view...dont forget to be last in the elevator too

will be thinking of you all day thursday and keeping my fingers crossed for ya

take care stay safe on your travels
KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 01:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi moonie

welcome to the aussie thread...hope you can get heaps of info out of this thread...its very informative..dont be scared to post any questions we are all here to lend a hand in any way we can..

many of us are already over here but we do have quite a few going through the process also..

im a melbourne lass also..lived in melton ... and am now living in toledo ohio ....which side are you on and where in the states you heading

hope your journey is without any hiccups as mine was and i do hope its fast enough for you too...
take care and welcome
KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-30 22:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

auqueen good to see ya ...yeah the snow if lovely we got 4 inches of it on our balcony lol will see if i can post some pics for ya hopefully they turn out ok...

hope everyone else is copeing ok with all these changes my thoughts are with you all...
take care

Edited by kath&rob, 30 January 2007 - 10:37 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-30 22:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi everyone

although i havent been posting i have been reading all your posts

good luck to those going for interviews...

david i hope all works out in your favour and you at least find out more about your petition heavens knows you deserve a great outcome..and if you dont at least you will have your wife with you until you hear something more positive for you two...

girlfromoz....we were nervous at us it was such a waste of time and money with us being in melbourne...wasted a week of packing and saying goodbye to everyone in oz..there is nothing to be nervous about as long as you have everything in the correct order...the only thing i did wrong was not bring my british passport along with me i only took my australian but we still got approved...enjoy the day and the new probably even meet someone less knowledgeable than you and be able to help someone...take it easy mate and think of that plane you will be getting on....good luck

on an other note we got our first bit of snow...2 inches lol...had a lovely day yesterday walking in the park here...its our first decent snowfall for 13 months...

once again good luck to all who has been caught up in this new act that has come about and speedy approvals to all..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-29 15:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi all

how are you all going...congrats to all those who are advancing towards interviews and those who have their dates set...great to see...

well my news i have been sick since just after chrissy...i have been popping in to read but couldnt be bothered to be typing anything..but it was good to see all the good news that has been happening to my aussie mates... :joy:

i caught a cold off robbie his didnt last long but when it hit me damm it knocked me for a six ... lost my smell my taste and all round terrible i have only just this week started not to cough so went to my i wasnt a happy chappy that with robbie's 3 weeks off we were sick... :cry:

robbie was a great nurse...kept waking me up cos he was scared i would go into a phynemonia (i know spelling is off) coma...he is such a worry wart worse than me...but looked after me fantastically never ever have i been looked after like that...usually i do this on me own ...i fought his fussing then i got really bad so i just gave into him lol...

i even went for my test while i was sick...didnt pass ..was 6 hours an boy my butt muscles ached climbing up those stairs to the apartment...when robbie went back to work he complained about the length of it an he wasnt the only one either and apparently no one on the date that i sat for it got through were thinking that they got their 300 people from the 1st 2 sittings which is so unfair but it did make me feel better within myself... :unsure:

we had snow here today not much but it did look lovely ..its nearly all gone now but i got pics lol
will post a few in my next post cos i gotta shrink them
you lot take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-01-19 14:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
most excellent that they replied to your email david...

susan have a wonderful time with your kids and enjoy every single moment they are there with you...thanks for the good wish for the test..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-28 22:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi caroline

good to hear you got there safely and i do hope your feeling a whole lot better ...


did you enjoy the niece was there too she lives in eng but is in oz visiting family an friends...hope you are enjoying the summer there what there is of it at the moment...

i have an ability test on the 9th jan for a job at jeep (my husband's work) i havent had a damm test like this since i was 17 i hope i can pass it lol
talk to you all soon
take care
ps no damm snow yet either all were getting is rain lol typical melbourne weather here at the moment lol
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-28 16:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi david
sorry to hear about the RFE mate... maybe when she sends it back send another copy of her birth certificate and highlight her date of birth might be something for them to see more with you on do they even read the applications....fingers crossed that it doesnt take too long for an answer from them...

ohh bugga just read your signature she sent it back the same day so disregard the above lol

had a wonderful chrissie here got spoilt rotten ...rang all the family was good they were in one place for a change..rang my kids and my daughter was rapt with her pressie...and my boy appreciated the money instead of something...

now for eating all the left overs lol.....and what to do on new years eve..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-27 20:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there angela

doing well here...been cold here but the sun has been shining quite a wish of a white chrissy wont happen though..
actually i have felt colder...but were just started winter so we will see huh lol

i have applied for a part time job a jeep robbie got a form to elect a person for a posiiton...these dont come around too often and it is good i applied ..only a few days a week so that will gt me my own money to save up for the kids to come over...
went for blood test an a mamagram the other day ...damm doc wants to know whats going on in every damm part of my body lol...i was shocked when i looked up all the abbreviated names of the the kinda person who only goes to the docs when i am sick...if im well why go well thats my philosophy lol...told the doc you wont be seein me that over here they seem to be very heavily into preventative medicine...i went for a registration appointment with the docs ...and it ended up costing us 102 dollars after the damm insurance.. i frieked...if it wasnt for robbie convincing me to go for the tests i wouldnt of bothered purely because of the cost....

not gone for my licence yet...will do that when im ready at knowing where things are more clearly to me...

hi girl
yeah i thought of you as soon as i read that thread..fingers crossed it wont go through that

well im gunna go for a walk..take care everyone have a happy and safe christmas and those of you that are over here dont get too down because of family at im getting there....
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-21 16:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
K1 ...EAD...amendments

hi there

i was reading this today thought it might be interesting for you read...i know one of you wants to work when you arrive in the states...this is about amendments that the odbudsmen has recommended..its not concrete as yet i dont think...

the link with take you to the thread..just wanted you guys to be aware of it ....

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-20 10:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

lunamel glad you enjoyed your night out at the restraunt sure was a funny me posting it an u going lol

hi girl...good thinking about xmas hols shouldnt be too long before you hear something about your interview...

hi caroline...awwww sweetie fancy getting sick this time of year..when do fly out...i hope you feel alot better before you are on the plane take care of yourself...hope stewart is ok too

on our side no snow ..dont look like it will come either in the next week...upside is robbie is off for 3 weeks confirmed jeep is closing down for maintenance so im rapt...cant believe i have been here 6 months on chrissy day..its gone so fast...

take care me aussie mates
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-19 19:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hooo girl ...congrats :jest: :dance:

i bet that was a great surprise for you...

take care
p.s good on ya sending it back the same day ..way to go...

Edited by kath&rob, 19 December 2006 - 02:45 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-19 02:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi girl
thats sounds about right mate...keep a copy for yourself could show prospective employers ...

fingers crossed they dont deploy ya fiance too...

i hope it aint too long before your over here with him girl...

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-16 21:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi lumanel

found a post in the uk section and thought you might be interested in this restraunt that is aussie...

aussie restraunt in NY

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-15 17:29:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there

im with you on being not organised hubby is a shift worker 2nd i hate to ask him can he go to the post office before work ya know...and there isnt any close to us either or i would walk...i know if he read this he would say all ya gotta do is ask an i would he has been doing this shift working for 20 odd years and it has stuffed his sleeping patterns up terriblly so his sleep is more important to me than getting up early to run an errand for he is off on the 22nd (unless jeep changes its mind) so will post everything then to the family that i have collected over the last 6 months here...sending money anyways to my sis to get stuff anyways..

:ot2: lol i got my EAD approved.. now i know it sounds a big deal to ya's but 7 weeks ago i got my AOS approved with no interview in CSC....i received the card today in the mail and it is valid for a year...
i havent seen anywhere on the CSC update transferee listing thread..that people have been getting their EAD cards... i reckon they just new i was pissed off cos we paid for it an send us one anyways just dont make any sense to me is all lol..

well thats it from me...but wait it aint lol

ohhh caroline what ya think of the cricket at the mo....fancy the invincible aussies getting beat lol...sorry thats me pommie coming out of mother would be so proud lol...(im stirring here) not into cricket its a boring game to me grew up with having to watch it in the days when kids didnt have tv's in their bedrooms lol

take care

Edited by kath&rob, 15 December 2006 - 03:14 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-15 15:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
your most welcome lyndel...our relationship was 4 years of back an is probably the toughest thing i have ever done...and i know all about the sooky la la times ..but stay strong and think positively that the process wont beat you ..nice talkin to ya too...ohh met mine on the net

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-15 03:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi elle
if he cant find his tax transcripts tell him to go to this website copy of past returns there is a charge of $29.95U.S. but it is alot quicker than waiting weeks for it...we did this because we couldnt find robbies 2005 get it the next day and just print it out ... we got it for the AOS interview but we didnt need it in the end lol..we had copies of his tax returns from the K1 process and just sent them in for AOS..hope it helps mate....

hey there girlfromoz
welcome to the is frustrating i agree but i tell ya it disapears once you are here ...even the first smile of him greeting you at the airport it disapears...hope you hear something really soon..glad ya found us...

no real news a parcel from my boy yesterday ...he sent us belated birthday cards and a chrissy card our first one....he also put in a cd of pics of him and where he is living in queensland with his dad...he is looking well even put some weight on in his face... robbie was just watchin me looking at me ..i turned to him and said im ok ..i think he thought it would upset me seeing pics ...but im fine...waiting for my parcel from my daughter she got me some aussie coffee lol
i organised my daughters xmas present through ebay she dont know i have done it either lol...for my boy im sending money over for him so he can get some fishing gear thats what he wanted family im sending money over and letting my sis organise it...but one thing i do want her to get is phonecards for them....

what ya'll working out for your families back home in oz...???

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-14 16:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
see this is what this thread is all about ...helping each other through this damm process and keeping in touch to help the newbies going through what we had..just love it that we can do this for our fellow aussies....

david we had the same pic taken at the apostles but with the one fallen still there..robbie was devestated when i told him the news of it falling...will show him the pics tonight when he gets home..and yeah you made another aussie homesick for Vic...

hi lunamel how you doing you working or still studying over here...

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-12 17:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ausqueen

i sent your message to aussiewench for wondering if a copy of the actual police check instructions would surffice for has all the police details on it...

david what instructions did your wife get from the consulate about the police check..did it have a newr listing for the police check...if you could ask her it might help ausqueen....

i know how you are feeling at the moment ausqueen its frustrating when you know what you need to get but they wont do it for you for some reason or another...

well if you dont get it done before your trip..enjoy your holiday..and you will be fine im sure going through journey...

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-12 15:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey there mellie

was thinking of you the other day to how you were going..also checked if you had posted anything anywhere else..she is so gorgeous i just wanna pinch those cheeks on her...and what a lovely name is the new place going all settled in that wedding pic of you guys on the beach too....

it was so good to see you in here again...keep in touch with us please we do miss you...

i think we are all jelous of those who are going home for a visit...we havent even talked about it yet..but would love to see the family an friends again...

hi ameriaustralian...good to know your still kicking too...

it is good that the thread is still going after all this time and with new members too...smiling big time here to some of the oldies back in here....

say hello to melbourne for us caroline ...hope scott is doing well mate..

take care and as caroline said keep posting...
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-11 16:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hoo david..fantastic news...we have been waiting in here to hear from you..glad all went well for you and your wife...

when are you expecting the interview to be or is that anyones guess lol (i know silly question) did the photo's help find the embassey
did you enjoy your visit are you all sight seeing out lol

good luck to you two
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-11 02:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ausqueen
it will be posted out to you mine was in Vic..yes you take it to your interview..make a copy of it too for your own records ...if you have connections in there give them a ring and they would be able to help local in Vic wouldnt do it because it was for immigration...

ohh dont forget to ask the doctor at your medical or the receptionist if you could get a complete copy of your physical because you will need the vaccination sheet..when i went to a doctor here they photo copied it because it was the most recent physical i had...actually the only one i had fully in years and years lol

my family is in Vic but its quite away from them i read the herald sun online to keep an eye on them...

happy monday to the aussies...and happy sunday to the oz/yanks lol...

g'day to ya lumanel
glad your feeling alot better did you go to the docs or just rode it out...we are doing fine here.. no snow as yet just flurries....robbie is working 6 days aweek so he is catching up on his sleep...cant wait till xmas he has 2 weeks going to start looking for work next year because with only having one day a week together i really want these 2 weeks together....he works for jeep building im rapt about the down time at chrissie..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-10 16:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

hi there
welcome to the aussie thread ausqueen...above is the link for the nsw police check...aussiewench did her check in nsw...

good on you for getting the blood tests done...dont forget to get a copy of the results to take with you at the medical..also take along the receipt the pathologist gave you when you had it done ..this will let them know where you had it done cos they have to write that down on the medical sheet...

just make sure you have all that they ask for the order that is asked too.
take the originals of any photo copies sent in for your original petition...
pics phone bills emails any cards or correspondence from your fiance anything really that proves your relationship with your fiance ....intent to marry again from each of you...there is a guide also on here that tells ya what to get ready for the interview...take care kath

its ok to vent in here mate... we all been through it and know exactly what your going through....the paperwork can be very overwhelming i know i felt like that filling out my packet 3 stuff....just do one thing at a time...make sure everything is filled out correctly first before moving on to the next one...
you will be right mate ...good luck to ya....

take care you lot

hi susan missed ya by 2 mins... no we havent heard anything from david ...they are probably enjoying themselves lol same to you too susan
take care

Edited by kath&rob, 09 December 2006 - 03:37 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2006-12-09 15:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi lumanel
hope your flu is subsiding for you....chicken at christmas time? lol
your flu was your welcome to america gift mate..

it must be good to meet other relatives of your man...mine hasnt got many left an they dont keep in contact with him..he has only one step brother left alive an he lives down in ironton ohio .. we did try to find him when we were down there a few years ago but no one was home but i think in that small town he would of heard that we were there looking for him...maybe this summer i might suggest finding him again...
his birth kids are cut off too (long story) i think he like the idea of my big family over oz he so enjoyed going visiting them and they were very impressed with him too (in comparison to my ex)lol

fingers crossed for your passport elle
david good luck in your interview i hope the photo's do help you find the place and dont forget to fill in your timeline too
caroline how is stewart going hope he is coping ok mate...and enjoy melbourne say hi for me...would love to go home for a holiday...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2006-11-30 15:22:00