Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
well my hubby came over to get me so he bought 2 tickets through qantas..which gave us 3 free flights within oz ..

there are many online tikceting websites... do a googles for other but here are a few websites...we have always found that it is cheaper to get a ticket from oz to lax then buy tickets to detroit over here...if ya get to lax....then lax to denver to detroit and so forth...i seemed to work out cheaper than buying a full on ticket to detroit from melbourne...which airport will he be landing...
Thai Airlines .... they deal in usd and australian money...
if ya need any help i can do some searchin for ya..organised many flights for friends that didnt know a damm thing about how to do it..
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 22:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya ausqueen
hope ya dont mind but i thought i would send ya a pic of the receipt in here so others doing the K1 would know what to do also mate...ya can tell me off later hehehe

this is a scan of my post office receipt for K1 shows what to ask the post office for when going in to pay for your visa fee...i paid for it 2 days before our interview and the consulate stamped it and stapled it into my passport...

hi pris...i know i was stirring ya ...its not too bad outside im tough lol except when it gets down to -19c :blink: hate it when ya sit down an ya jeans go against ya skin damm :wacko: then ya know its cold out there lol

glad the weather is going well though i know it can be get hot there even if we aren't the hottest state in oz..

take care

Attached Files

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 19:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lol pris...ya a stirrer mate...its overcast today suppose to snow tonight but who knows its as bad as watching melbourne's weather channel hehehehe

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 16:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ausqueen
thanks for answering her post for me...she sent me a copy of the form and i hadnt seen it before....and thank you very much for defending me in there too lol...i sent him a pm too explaining what i was trying to do....i was instructing her to post it in here but instead of clicking on land dowunder she posted in the forum ...i knew someone would know the answer lol...ohhh by the way i did do the K1 journey mate lol

now to your will have to apply for an AP for your honeymoon..not sure how long that takes these days can pay it at any post office..and let them know its for a U.S. immigration visa fee..either cash or eft...
ohhh and the pics you take in or send in is the one they use for the visa..i say that cos on the day i had mine done i had a bad hair day and my sinuses were playing up plus i was run down with running around with robbie lol...its a shocking photo i was so dissapointed lol

will be thinking of both our aussies going for interview on monday and cant wait for the news..good luck to ya nycangel and we would say .... YOU'LL BE RIGHT MATE!!!!!

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 14:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
can anyone help this fellow aussie about the DS230I i dont understand it but im wondering if anyone that is doing the K1 visa can help him or her im not sure lol
take a look at the post...

thanks guys and gals im sure he/she would really appreciate it ...

p.s. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lyndal how u doing mate..ohhhh wow mate that is a great tip for everyone good on to ya soon ...

Edited by kath&rob, 06 March 2007 - 04:28 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 04:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi emerald
sorry to hear your getting more and more confused in what to do...i have sent you a message of the bangkok embassey with their email bet would be to email them and air your concerns to what to do..

mark ... when i was doing my K1 i was on a visit to the states my packet 3 arrived while i was away so my son just mailed it to me to start on it...if you trust the person that would mail it to you ask them to open anything from USCIS just in case there is something over here that you need sent also for your process...i only say this because it does take up to 7 days to get things to oz from the states and if you open it in oz you might need something from the states..

hi seren did you hear anything on changing the consulate to sydney...???

hi ya rings how you doing....

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 00:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi vylex

you could email the consulate enquiring about one uses there middle name (i dont have one) but on offical things your middle name is always used i thought that was the rule of thumb lol what do i know i dont have one hehehe

at least with emailing the consulate you can be sure what to do ahead of time huh ...not long before you there either ya lucky april it will be cooling down for daughter is in nsw and she reckon they have been having heaps of storms there at the mo...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-05 16:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
bugga couldnt edit ....found this one that might help too vles

more info change-aussie passport

the more you search a site the more ya find lol
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-05 15:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya vylex
from what i remember your wife is in NSW yes? start off with her drivers licence cos thats a photo id and a main id ...take her marriage certficate in with her birth certificate and anything else that might have her middle name on it..and get her name changed there...passport would be the next big thing to do bank accounts...medicare...below are a few links that i found for you to look at



hope this was a help....
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-05 15:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya angela
wow im surprised at you not being used to the cold mate..with ya comin from tassie lol...

ohhh thats gotta hurt take it easy i hope you dont have a 4x4 to get into take care mate...

all is going well here...the snow is melting now had flurries but nothing like what we got in feb...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-04 20:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

your most welcome pris there are some cool recipes in there...

rings you can have it way before you get your interview date but keep in mind if your going the K3 way the medical and police check are valid for 12 months..i say this because in the K3 you have to do AOS and they request the vaccination sheet be valid..if you do your AOS after the 12 month expiry date you will have to have another medical in the states and that can be expensive here...

hi ya angela how you doing...all well where you are at ...much cold going on down there...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-04 19:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi seren
yep all interviews are conducted in sydney.. Melbourne only does tourist visa's and other inquiries not immigration visa's

im sure NVC would know it has to go to Syd but just to put your mind at rest why dont you email NVC and tell them of your concerns...NVC is the State Department in the state...go to their website and find their email address..
please double check that the following email address is the correct one

one other tip...if he gets an interview on a friday he will either have to get the passport posted down to him or stay in Syd till monday to go in and get it...

good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-03 15:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya moonie

get him to go to his local doctor for a blood test to see what he is ammuned to...get it put on his medicare too
also tell him to keep all his receipts from the pathologist that he will be given and ask his doctor to print out a record for him ....he can also get his hepititus blood test and his aids test done this way also...

i couldnt remember when my last tetnus shot was so i got that done just in case...

if you look in this thread somewhere i did post a link to the vaccination sheet that is needed....if he hasnt already got it

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 23:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi all

first off i would like to congratulate serendipitous on the NOA2 :thumbs: :dance: :dance:

nycangel for your interview being changed to a closer date keep us informed.... :dance: :thumbs:

Elle good on ya mate wasnt as bad as you thought huh :thumbs: :dance:
if it was me i would change what you have to change to getting your middle name included only because your applications included it and when it comes to anything to do with USCIS your identified quicker on the might be millions of john smith's but a few thousand with john horris smith...ya get me...hope it thinking along the lines of future FBI checks for you...

Jodee ltns in here mate glad your well and supporting that hubby of yours...congrats on the 3rd wedding anniversary also
Robbie and my thoughts are with your hubby to stay safe as it is to all the troops over there...and for you also to stay strong in the long drawnout seperations you are going through mate..... (L) (F) :D

aussie angel ... hells bells ...and they want to up the fees to get more efficent...i cant see it happening myself...kaffykat had the same problem with the updating of the system when she went for her SSN...i havent updated my SS card yet wonder if that will happen to me will let ya know...but at least ya passed the waiting for winter to be over with then i will go for mine...and fancy you being a carlton supporter sheesh....also will check out that site ya posted too

its snowing here again quite heavily too...i just love watching it..

talk to u later
kath :whistle:
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 15:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi moonie
here is the link for the sausage rolls and the meat pies and that pumpkin soup you :blink: about lol

aussie recipes you can make in the states

now let me scroll back to see who was puttin my bombers down hehehe

arhhhhhhhh good ole pris there is a team to go for huh THE SAINTS....damm it took um how many years to get to the top 8 lol

and hammy you can hide but i will find you mate

damm i miss my i know you lot are still in oz but i tell ya that you tube website is great for looking at stuff from oz...i have spent heaps watchin stuff from john farnham to the outback to the aussie rules games even clips about our world cup efforts...when ya over here ya will understand lol

and tonight i got a phone call from one of our VJ ladies that is livin in upstate new was just great to talk to another aussie and share stuff with ya know..

susan thanks for the call mate i enjoy the 2 hour convo with ya mate..or was it 3 or might of been 4 who knows the time went fast.. i know you read all our posts and i do hope you have a wonderful time in oz to visit your family and new grandson to you when you get back mate...was like i had known ya for years susan great to talk to ya....

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 22:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lol @ Hampster
speakin of sausage rolls i had a go at making them here last night...they turned out ok a bit spicy but the hubster loved them...there not the same as in oz but fairly close
got the recipe from

and whats this go crows...sheesh no way ...
see the bombers fly up up to win the premiership flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goooooooooooooooooo bombers hehehehe
and dont u dare talk about last years efforts either hammy lol...

KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 17:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya moonie

that will be a good memory not only for you but your friend much excitement goes along with this process it amazes ya when it happens huh...hope ya wish for april happens too

girlfromoz...ohhh im glad we could help ya out with the song mate...that happened with me at christmas one of roberts mates came over an was humming a chrissy song ..then i started ohh did i curse him lol and what you going on about woman i didnt see no hissey fit .. go away with ya woman your ok chookie...

i would just like to say im so rapt to see so many aussie/american's in here posting...its good to see the thread is still going cos it is important to keep in touch with whats going on with everyone even when your over here ...does the heart good to see us here stickin together so to speak...

take care u lot...ohh pris hi to ya i can see uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lol

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 15:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hoo moonie
thats great news for ya ..aint it a fantastic feeling...

now they send your application to NVC for final background checks before getting sent over to the consulate in sydney..

yes the medical and the police check has to be organised...
if you go to the top of this page you will find embassey info..take a look there for which doctors he has to go to and also which state is he in again...different states have different procedures...only reminder i would give you is that the medical and the police check is valid for 12 months so his best bet would be to wait for a bit before doing it all...

hampster no worries to that should see me in the chatroom i met robbie in ..i am a nutter...
you could go into your control panel and delete some of your uploads... i did that the other day to make room..

vtputson...dont worry on that mate sure no one else in here doesnt either...i met my hubby in 2002 and got to be here in the states in june know what ya on least you have the good fortune for your work to take you to visit so often..must be great to do that

ok ya have had enough of me posting today im outta here lol...
see ya tomorrow
KathFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 01:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Da Song

Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language"
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich, and he said

I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover

Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty," and he said

Oh, do you come from a land down under, oh yeah yeah
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover

Livin' in a land down under
Where women glow and men plunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder
You better run, you better take cover

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

hell it took me ages to get this posted...i was looking for a film clip of the song..and low an behold i find clips of our world cup i got side tracked watching them lol damm i miss my sports especially me soccer..i know i'm going crazy

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo hooo David and Steph...great she has to go home and git the thing an come back to ya...

she would have to go home ...cos she has to get the visa in the passport and the brown envelope and do the POE thing to get it all registered on the computer to get her greencard... i cant see um saying arrh well ya there we will just post it ...they aren't that logical im afraid ..but i have been known to be wrong lol...

wasnt as long as you thought happy for you two... :dance: :dancing: :dancing:

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 16:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya's

Welcome Mark and Anna..good to see another couplel join us here...there is alot to read in here even from when the thread crashed lol

thanks for the compliments...i do what i do best thats help if i got info i know about at my fingertips (so to speak)...

vylex i call my robbie a daggy you know the literal meaning of dag are grossed out when they hear us aussies know what were talking about when we use the word dag lol

nycangel...i did the k1 and came here while mine was pending i had no trouble getting in...also i did the extension of the interview from april to the consulate with all the details you have about your case..also the U.S. citz can only one that requests the change of you have to post your fiance a letter of extension..if you want i will can email a copy of ours to show the wording...when he receives it get him to fax the letter plus a cover letter...either way you will hear from them to reschedule...and by the way we extended the interview for the same reason as you ...robbie was comin over in june for a visit and take me back with him...send me a message if ya need any other info...

ausqueen shame about ya downloads ...yeah ya right ordinary mail for the packets from sydney...

i truely hope that DCF does return to many from here did it an got together dont realise how one law passed affects so many people ...especially in immigration...ohh speaking of immigration... :hehe: i found something that you might be interested in pertaining to fingerprinting when you get over here and doing your AOS and name checks...i am posting it now that way you can take a gander and understand the process and the delays it might cause...I can hear ya what more to read lol...but on vj there are lots not got their greencards because of this just preparin ya .. :P


take care
kath (mum) :whistle: :lol:
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 15:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:no: :blush:

i was being lazy actually Rings .. i have it all written down in my Visa Bible but i couldnt be bothered looking for it ..i had forgotten what to put in so :idea: i just did the next best thing and did a

take care
ps. oops i answered before reading the other page ...vylex that was damm funny an so true cant think for themselves to what is the next step to do lol..and so cool that ya put it in ya signature you dag :thumbs:

Edited by kath&rob, 28 February 2007 - 02:01 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 01:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya paul

i did a search on vj for you..i entered DHL tracking...and i think i found your package for you...
go to the link below.

DHL tracking

from looks of it ...its the date you said it was sent from NVC....

here is how i did it mate

Go to

It will ask for your location... put USA, even though your not there. At the top there are some drop-down menus... click on 'Track' menu, then select 'track by reference'... click on it.

In the 'reference' field, type: correspondence

Use the date drop-down menus to select dates a day or so either side of when the NVC claimed to have forwarded your petition to the consulate.

In the 'origin postal code' field, type: 03801

Then click 'track'....Click on the red tracking number for a package, and you will be able to track its progress and see when it's been signed for at the consulate.

there ya go

good luck
your packet 3 and 4 should get delivered to your address..and good on you for covering all bases..
maybe you should also email the consulate in Syd of your change of address too...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-27 20:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi elle

for the interview they want to see the originals of things you have sent all means take copies just in case they want to keep them but it didnt happen with the copy your police certificate a few times so you have a copy of it yourself...they need the original medical and police cert...

questions can be just about anything to let them know your telling the were you married..where does your husband live.....any more proof of your relationship ... phone bills photo's wedding invites wedding pics receipts for your reception an minister...anything that might help them determine your bonofide applicant mate...

dont be too worried it will all turn out on the day...

ps david i beat ya by an hour on that link lol...

Edited by kath&rob, 27 February 2007 - 07:06 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-27 19:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
more info from USCIS

Hi ya all

the above link is pertaining to the I-130 applications that you might be interested in...years ago i signed up to get emails of updates on stuff from USCIS although some things dont mean much to me sometimes it does give you an insight into things ya this just now so i thought i would post it for you...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-27 17:23:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi rings
congrats on the NOA and good luck in the other application you are forwarding the way thats what were here for to give support and celebrate with ya ...

hey ausqueen..we got married at 6pm on a canal boat that went up the erie canal.. the minister had to catch us when were were going through the locks lol...then later that night at our apartment rec room...was pretty hot here but im hoping you dont have one lol...

fingers crossed for you lot that it all happens really soon
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-27 01:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya ausqueen

was looking at your signature and your hope to get married on july 1 huh lol....thats when we got married thats on a sunday this year...our day was hot as but was nice an cool on the canal boat thank goodness...
not long for your interview either..good luck with it ..just have it all in order an it will go fine mate...

paul your right with the communication thing...its the key ... a long distance relationship is very different to one that you have usually..all you got it talk talk talk...glad ya enjoyed ya holiday with ya wife...what did she think of the grampians did she get to get close to the kanga's...robbie loved them but he wouldnt get close to um the chicken lol so i had to show him there wasnt anything to worry about i got within 3 steps to um he couldnt believe that they just stayed there lol...he just had to have pics of it too lol

to all stay positive enjoy your family while ya there and look forward to being reunited soon...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-26 18:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there pris

yeah ya right on that score..on the K3 ya can only work on approval of the EAD would have to take a look at the timelines to see how long they take..and depends on your local office too...

on the K1 i applied for both when doing my aos..i got my greencard approved before i got my ead approved...

good luck to ya chookie i know its very confusing for ya but it does get easier along the way..just read and read and read lol...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-25 00:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi pris

i totally agree with ya on that can they just not recyle it was beyond me...but i do see many putting there stuff into the bins on the mornings we do so at least its happening cos the bins are always full be it the shopping centre or citzens....i just wish they would do away with the garbage collection as it is now and go the way melbourne does it would be alot easier..
good for you valky its a becomes second nature after awhile to do recyling..

up coming project lol enquire if the apartment office can put a recycling bin in the complex lol be too much trouble but i will give it a go....

i am also going to write to my congressman to make her aware of the immigration plight of many in here and that they want to put up the fees..apparently she is pretty good so will give it a go..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-21 19:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya vylex
i tell ya i wished i had of thought of it early in the process...when i was trying to find something for one of you guys i found all our copies much paper wasted so now i use that for unimportant printing for us lol im a recyler from way back...

speaking of the ones that are hear u find your partner doesnt do this....robbie just threw everything into the kitchen i have trained him to recyle and we take it to the bins...the only thing i dont like is it create a mess so i have shifted the bins for the cans and paper into the shower i dont use ....i really was in shock that they dont give recyling bins here at the apartment block...where in oz we had it with out garbage bins ...

arhh well one thing less to teach him to becoming aussie orientated hehehehe...
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 19:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya nycangel
welcome to the aussie thread...good to see you and i think were all glad that it helps everyone in here..even if its just a catchup to how everyone is going...

when our interview was set it was only a week or so notice...that was back in husband hadnt sent me anything because we were expecting it to be in the rush was on for him to send it all..then my police check didnt i contacted the consulate and got a later date because my hubby was comin to oz in june to come get i faxed my interview letter with a letter from robert stating we would like a date in the time we didnt even think on the day which landed on a we had to go back to the embassey on the monday to get my passport and visa...

in your situation you could always try emailing them stating your wedding is on a certain date and would like your fiance out of the country by a date...they might do it for you but i would get on it quick smart on that request give them enough time...even state the date you want ... you can only try ...good luck to that email ...

guinavere, i agree with vylex just keep studying the forms then when your ready just take your time with the forms...make photo copies of it or put your copies on a cd (this is what i should of done less paper to bring over lol) triple check them before you post them off...get someone else to check them for you too...good luck to you ...and also while i think of it...when u get your photo's taken dont forget to take a copy of the sizes you need them they are different to aussie passport photo's...
also i would be interested if you could let me know what kind of process the aussies do that is different because when robbie retires we are looking at going to live back in oz....send me an email or pm me if ya like...i was thinking the other day it would be nice to have your own personal immigration officer that you could rely on an one that would know your case for this process to the states..

hey know its ok to vent in here mate..its what were here for...who else understands your frustrations better than us work mates didnt understand it....its definetly a relationship that grows more deeply than someone around all the time...robbie an i have never argued ..i have been here 7 months and i think i have only been mad at him once and that was when he restored the compter and i lost all my contacts and pics in outlook express lol...and he admitted last night never been mad at me but annoyed that i wont let him spend too much money on me day he will understand i dont need much just him to be beside me...

now i have finished i take my leave and see ya again tomorrow...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 16:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi lyndel
wow she got her passport given back..didnt get an explanation for it either huh...shall keep my eye out for her mate..wonder if they had a newbie interviewing her..

yes you lucky duck you got another colardoian living near ya...that is so awesome...

im enjoying reading all your posts and look forward to celebrating with you when u get the great news on the visa's..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 02:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
welcome to vj Guinaevre dont know if i have seen you in here before...another melbournian thats great..which part you living in melbourne..west here...

rings i dont think there would be anything ya can do to make it faster with Loke there its in the hands of USCIS now..i might be wrong but when i visited we didnt do anything just sat and wait for things to happen and enjoyed my visit...

good luck to all of you who are starting your journey's ..i hope it isn't too slow for you and your over here in the time frame you wanted...

went out on the weekend to take a look at the river frozen...i actually walked out into the river i couldnt believe it...was just amazing to me...robert went down to the shore line (with snow up to his knees) to take pics of the ice breaking up on the otherside the pics are awesome...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-19 14:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
moonie i hope you get your approval soon and we all know what it was like to seperated or presently seperated...just hang in there and all will be good when he gets there believe us...its a cloud 9 experience to be with them.. experience from packing was i think back now an think of the stuff i should of brought but robbie just sez dont worry we can buy one of those...the one mistake i did make was i didnt bring my heavy winter coat so robbie bought me a whole slew of coats for chrissy...also if you have some fur lined boots they are great for the cold an snow otherwise just buy a pair here mine only cost us 29 dollars and they are so warm an comfortable...
also get some of those plastic bags that you suck the air out of for your wedding dress as soon as you get here take it out and steam the creases out in the bathroom...

rings i think she will be fine with the temps mate im a melbournian and i have weathered -17c here quite well.. whis is about 0f the way i look at ohio weather is although it gets cold here i have felt wose in melbourne ...standing at a bus stop lol...i might be wrong in all this but girlfromoz is a melbournian and were tough when it comes to weather lol...

to all thanks for entering where you gives me more perspective of how spread out the aussies are its great to look at
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-18 15:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all
Valky your most welcome...i am also a birt/aus and if you take a look at my timeline i got mine pretty quick..I was transferred to California it was pretty fast for me compared to others..what you could do is take a look at timelines of the office your going to be applying old was he when he immigrated to oz...i was 8 back in 1969...i added you to the map if is not in the right place let me know lol took a wild guess after looking at msn maps..

ohh you girls are close to each other your about an hour apart in colarado how cool is that ....
i have added you girlfromoz...i didnt know ya worked in IT mate...

take care
ohh forgot we got more snow here today another inch lol
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-17 15:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
while some of you guys are in here.. i just created a map of the states to show each other where we are at...

all ya have to do is right click on the map save as...then go into paint and put a line where you are on the map then click on text and add your name...
ohh i hope this works...

ps whooo whoo just editing to say that it worked lol

Edited by kath&rob, 16 February 2007 - 09:35 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-16 21:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya rings
heaps of us have visited the states and got through with no problems..the only tip i can give ya is get loke to get a letter from his employer stating he is starting work again at such an such a account statements if he rents anything to say hey i am still living in australia...although i got all these examples i wasnt asked but i had them just in case they did...these are to prove he is not intending to stay...i just stated i was visiting my fiance an that was it...
i was over here visiting when my packet 3 arrived in had to wait a till i got back to start with the blood tests and police an medical things...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-16 21:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoo hooo rings thats one worry off your mind that it actually arrived....
now ya can start your timeline good an proper huh...and elle is right wait till ya get your case number and you can start cheching USCIS website for status updates...dont forget tick yes for emails...good luck to you..

hi valky welcome the thread ...which state ya in..i havent checked out about the bushfires for awhile an none of my chat mates in oz have mentioned to me ..if you wanna check out a melbourne paper on line its should find out there..which part of melbourne is your fiance...ya lucky thing going over in starting now to get itchy to go for a visit...this year vacation is set for robbie to show me some more of the states...from what he is planning were going all over lol...i wanna go to hershey for a room meet thats for sure..gunna be a few overseas chat mates coming over and im hoping for an aussie to visit us too...

im gunna have to make a map so ya can all put where ya gunna be at i reckon... lol

all the good news in here sounds great good luck to you ...its hard on the heart but the time apart makes you grow stronger together as a couple..
take care
ps just tried to look at your timeline valky...dont forget to fill it in mate ...its not only a record for vj its yours also..

Edited by kath&rob, 16 February 2007 - 08:46 PM.

KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-16 20:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whoooooooo hoooooooooo i got a i know detroit is about an hour away that the airport i use to arrive at all the time and a melbournian too ...ohh i dont feel so alone now lol i wouldnt worry too much on the relationship side being so close ...many have been approved with not so long mate...

why would it affect your application with meowboy being there for a year ... i dont think it just gotta let them know he was ...does he have a social security number..that will save time on getting a new one when he gets here...

now that bit of news has made my day lol thanks ....

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-15 23:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooo whooo to your journey's starting yes do keep us all posted on how ya doing with it all..

hey pris that is what were here for to help out...this website makes life easier for people ...those that dont find it must be so confused about the process and so alone too..before i came across this website i imagined me being the only one doing it was great relief to find there were other aussies also in the same situation and frustrations...

ya gotta go visit melbourne its a gorgeous place..its not so closed in as i found sydney to be i got sick when we we went to syd for the interview my sinuses were attacked with all the fumes in the place...

take care and to all good luck in your journey's ahead of you
KathFemaleAustralia2007-02-15 17:25:00