Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

thanks for all the congrats...

its pouring down here ..i havent seen rain like this in years.wish oz could get rain like this...

hey stella how u doing hope all is great for you down your way....will have to give ya a ring one day would love to hear another aussie voice...everywhere i go people keep saying ohh i love your accent keep talking...i just say dont say that or i wiont say anything lol...i suppose i will get use to it i feel like im the only aussie in toledo lol ...i did bump into a couple of ladies who live in the next town who were new zealand but her hubby was was the first time in four visits that i came across our accent...she stopped us cos robbie was wearing the vb tshirt an i was wearing my sydney tshirt...was a pleasant meeting...

went an got my social security number yesterday...will look into starting my aos next week...

question....does all the paperwork for aos ead and the ap get posted to office is cleveland....matt can you remember what you did seein your at the same office...
take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-07-12 12:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi everyone

well we made it to the married on the 1st july and it was perfect ...well...a few things forgotten like the rings and the music..and even the marriage licence lol..but all in all our day turned out perfect..91F but when we got to the canal boat it cooled down ...just put my aussie mate that came over for the wedding on the plane...
just waiting for our marriage certificate to go get my ssn and then start the AOS
hope all is well with everyone
its great waking up next to the man i have waited 4 years to be with...we are happy as...

have a good one ..
karo why dont u try qantas with the deals of extra trips within oz...

ok talk to u later
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-07-05 17:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi jodee
thanks for the congrats...

well im nearly there went out an bought another suitcase to fill...going out with my mum an sis for lunch tomorrow this week has been filled with distractions an keeping me from organising the house...

i said good bye to my work mates today an cleaned my locker out with mixed emotions i left the store i had worked for 7 an half years an it felt like i was just a clock in number ...but many wished me well an told robbie to take care of me or they will come lookin for him lol lol

tomorrow will be going to my bro's 40th birthday party then home for the last night then flying out at 10.55am homeward bound with my robbie by my side..

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-23 09:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo go aussie's go aussies's...dam it was a good match...
hey karo can ya tell me what time the next match is being played state time cos i will be in the states by the next match an i dont wanna miss it...watched all the matches so far..
my damm sis from eng rang me at half time i was so annoyed i could see the telle but she kept goin on an on just wasnt the same as seeing it without the distractions lol..talked all damm second half she got out of me was arrrrrrrrrrrrh did u see that ..omg we got a gooooooooal whooo hooo...her not being a soccer nut i dont think she appreciated my excitement lol
cant wait to get to the states and plan that match day will be fun cos i will have some other aussies with me lol
would of been fun on the same flight stella..but we would of honed into each other an knew who each other was..especially with robbie with me and his gifts...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-22 19:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi angela
fantastic news on your side of the world with your green card arriving

leaving on sunday 25th packin my suitcases at the moment an robbie bought so many ornaments that it takes up a whole suitcase lol where am i gunna put my tim tams at lol

i feel like im not gunna be ready in time boy told me tonight to get packed up an leave what i dont want an he an his dad will do the garage sale the followin weekend..dont know how i feel about that one at the moment but will get passed it i suppose...its like i have had so many appointments from docs to physio to the surgeon to work dealing this week that we havent had time to do anything...and the 5 days away from melb didnt help either...

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...
well thats life i suppose huh
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-22 09:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there fellow aussie

well we are home..with my visa in hand well in a safe spot anyways lol. :dance: :dance: ..trip went well got to spend the weekend with my daughter all went well..

nothing much more to report except i gotta lot of damm packing to do in my eyes was a waste of 5 days... why the hell they cant send a group of staff members to each state to do this say once or twice a month is beyond me...cost us a fortune in a hotel and food and trains ...

thank you for all your well wishes and congrats...that small pic was taken after we got approved..taken heaps of pics of the building and the surrounds might get robbie to make a website so the aussies know what they are looking for when going for their interviews...

sorry to have missed seeing you wenchie...but was great to hear your voice...

ok well i better get to the docs and to go into work to hand in my resignation...

take care ya all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-19 19:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya stella

from what i heard you take it within your onboard luggage just in case they ask for it ...and wow that is great news u got your passport back and now for the flight home .. and i bet your excited about that trip

its now time for us to go to sydney we are leaving tomorrow so we can have the day to sight see and then get our bearings to where we have to go in the morning of friday..having robbie with me here is just a fantastic dont know if there will be any chance of getting online on friday but when we hook up with wenchie will let her tell ya's the news in here..sorry blonde moment course i will be online im going to my daughters place so will be able to lets ya's know lol

wow this date came around fast its a great feeling not nervous yet but i keep saying hey luv were going to syd tomorrow hows that huh lol
thank you all for your well wishes we really appreciate them
take care
will lets ya's know on friday night..
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-14 07:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
:dance: :dance:
picks up the ball.. and carries towards the end of the field by passing the petrol station even if the petrol gage was near on empty...carry on down the field towards the airport with 15 mins to spare ...wanders over the touch down line to stand infront of the international arrivals door to throw the ball down and shouts

TOUCH DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:



AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!!!!!!!!! OI OI OI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-12 07:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
lol stella
ya know what stella.. this is amazing .. my robbie not only is a quarter cherokee his ancestors are celtic..hence the druid things

and back in 2003 on my first visit we did such a ceremony yes a was the most emotional everlasting experience i have had see traditionally a handfasting was performed because in days gone by there were no priests to do the weddings.. and it is from the date of the handfasting that a year an one day if u so wish to stay together as man and wife you do so.... ohh stella ya gotta go to our website it is all there..we did it traditionally .. like wearing the stones for some many days..the choosing of the colours of the ropes to correspond to the colour of your tartan...the gift u give each other he gave me his tartan cloth i gave him a hand made handkerchief with our initials and the date...also we chose a colour of a candle that we thought best represented ourselves...his grandaughter was one of the goddess's and she blessed the rings and untied the rings to give to us...stella it is such a romantic ceremony ..but it also depends how deep you go into it .. our was traditional we had his son in law who is a druid priest perform the ceremony.. we looked upon this as our promise to each other that we know we belong together an one day we will be man an wife...

my first visit to the states

damm we got quite a bit in common huh lol... my family background is english but i do have ancestors from scotsland and roberts ancestor was rob roy..on his dads side...
he could chat your ear off about this stuff mate.. he is so knowledgable about it all..

ya did it to me again NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU DIDNT HEAR THE MOANING FROM MELBOURNE he hasnt arrived yet ... but ya might around 10ish lol
ok im outta here got lots to do
take care how uncanny is that ...
p.s. i forgot to mention within that website it was made for our room mates so they are our nicks in the chatroom we met..

Edited by kath&rob, 11 June 2006 - 08:00 AM.

KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-11 07:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well wenchie my man is in the air flying towards n/z as i type this..he arrives in melbourne at 8.35am...

i tracked him all the way from detroit.. making sure the planes connected properly lol converted all the time zones too lol i woke this morning at around 5.15 am dont know why..looked at the clock...went on line in the morning an found his flight departed at 5.19am our time...he told me he was gunna send me a message that he was taking off lol...(its ok if ya dont believe it can be done ..but it happens all the time to us) ...last night on the phone as he was going out the door he said im gunna miss talking to u ...i said dont be silly ya gunna be here soon u will be fine..and as i sit here i realise i miss our time together funny that i gotta stop doing this..smiles thinking of him

ok im gotta get outta here before i become mushy on ya'
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-11 03:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
i just wanna make sure that i have it all ready for thursday

i know we will be alright i have rechecked an rechecked everything..done all my photocopies that is needed.. i suppose i just want to be ready for anything
robbie is bringing over up todate statements and his bank letter..
i have a briefcase full of folders lol i have everything at the ready if they want to see anything..
just a bit antzy to get this over an done with is all i suppose...i dont think im nervous yet just that i wanna know that i can travel home with
robbie has about 4 hours to go before he goes to detroit airport ...
talk to you soon
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-10 06:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi stella
wow lucky woman roaming the countryside
that pic if ya look close is a changing screen with dragons painted on it
robbie made me it for our bedroom..not for me to change behind but for decoration...we cut out stencils of the dragon we chose an he spray painted it onto black velvet

think were up to three sleeps lol
arrives monday morn
its funny rob arrives an one of my work mates takes off to the states lol

ok im rambling.. is there anything within the stuff i gotta present at my interview to take with me
can someone give me a checklist to tick off for the k1 visa

and no havent done lastminute for flights but we booked the hotel through them...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-09 03:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
wow stella robbie has his dragons up his was apart of him becoming a druid...(old ancestor tradition) we have such a collection of dragon ornaments too ...

i know its been a long journey for us.. we could of been together years ago but we agreed that my kids need me more an when they got to adult age then we will start our lives together...

my boy is 19 now and 20 in oct.. dj is 21 living in sydney...i was lucky i found a man who would wait so long for me and has the kids is more important issue close to the heart...
here i go again.. it's your fault stella me thinking and typing again lol
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-06 19:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi karo
no ya dont wanna hear it cos u have it 24/7 lol just happy that alot of us who started with this thread are slowly but surely getting with to be with their loved ones...its been a 4 year wait for me to be over in the states with robert...i still cant believe that in a matter of weeks i will over there in the sunshine ...putting the finishing touches to our wedding and then honeymooning on robbies family property down ironton and spending the rest of my life with the man i met on the net...
we gotta write a book on all this each contributing to the stress and then the happiness of our journey's...
here i go again rambling...please forgive me for i am only but a dragoness in love with her nicks in a chatroom)
zips it again
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-06 17:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
ohh wenchie did i say congrats.. i think i did in your notice to the rest of the world an sniff sniff im with stella left us till know im joking

was thinking on that insurance thing robbie got me within usa but not from here to there... never had it any other time...

ohh got this from sydney this arvo....

Yes he may attend with you. If questioned by the security guards you can let them know that he is your petitioning relative.
Thank you

so that worry is off my shoulders now...all i gotta worry on now is all this mess i have in this house.. hopefully will get it down to a bare..minimal when robs
im in smiling happy mood this week he gets on his plane on the 10th u.s. date..and arrives on queens birthday ...omg i will have to book a motel for the night cant subject all that moaning on my sons ears lol
slaps my own face an zips it
take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-06 08:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi wenchie

ohhhhh not long now girlie...its for the k1 visa.. i dont know how yours work but looking at your timeline you have paid all your fees along the way ...did they mention to you in your packet 4 that u have to...

good luck mate ..i know u wont need it
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-04 05:39:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hey there wenchie

how u doing.. getting all more interested in robbie arriving than the interview at the

will be thinking of ya missey...u enjoy the view ..hmm wonder if u can take ya mp3 player in with you..
can ya find out for me mate..cos that would help me no end .. music is such a relaxing medium...
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-03 02:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there
ohh your memory will be fine stella...its the stress levels u gotta reduce and it will all coming rushing back to you mate.... (F)

was just looking at the sydney consulate website and i came across a page where u can fill in the DS-156 online...just done mine an it looks a lot neater than my handwriting lol

been going through stuff in my house all day now its time to enjoy a bit of time my darlinnn .. he just got home from work...
see ya's
take care
kath :D
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-03 01:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya

wenchie mate good luck although ya wont need it mojo mojo mojo heading your way will be thinking of you all day before we get news...

stella you must of been thinking of our wenchie cos my interview aint till the 16th lol .... stupid that you have to get onto departments back to do their jobs properly huh...i havent flown air tahiti but flew air china once...never again too much damm rice to eat and they dont understand offense to anyone who might take offense ...

an i agree with ya it is total bs about the one wayers..years ago it use to be half price im talkin 20 odd years ago mind you...

well the house packing starts this weekend well throwing out starts lol..getting a skip delivered this morn an my boy is doing the garage so i can get stuff put in there that i want to get rid of or sell...hardest part of this is going through all the stuff an it brings back memories some good some not...

well i better go before i start flooded ya out lol...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-06-02 17:46:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi angela

interview is on the 16th getting more excited about seeing robbie again more than anything at the moment...those months have just flown by ...robbie arrives on the 12th queens birthday day off so im rapt about that lol at the same time he is arriving i have a mate from work going to new york to do another stint in the summer camps over there so will see him off as well..

ohh im so sorry my wenchy mate i forgot to tell ya not nervous yet the cool calm collected type of person who frieks out on the day lol .. this week were double checking everything to make sure robbie dont need to go out an get stuff done before he leaves the states...are you avail to meet up on the 16th june mate...would love to meet ya's
well i gotta go im meeting a dear friend in the city today...she is giving me away at the wedding she leaves here to go to the states on the 15th...and then were matching her up with one of robbie's mates

ok later all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-30 16:58:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

karo loved ya kanga so i pinched it im a soccer nut from way back so the kids will love that lol and hope all is going well in your life over there

hey angela good to see u hope u have found a job yet ... u doin mate which metro park u working in ...were getting married at providence park in grand rapids on the boat..hope your enjoying your life there ...

ok serious stuff ... its $117 and they go up every 1st july.. its cost $130 for your visa to be paid at the post office prior to the interview...medical that depends on where u live or u want to go into the city...i have updated the embassey info if u go to the top of the page prices are there for the medical..any questions seein im in Vic email me if ya like...we found a hotel for $95 dollars its an old pub and it is only about a 5 min walk...done all the whereis maps for us to get there ok...and there is a train station right around the corner from the hotel...also there is the Martin Place station right on the street of the embassey...I posted not long ago the police check website too prob a couple of weeks ago i think

by the way the shoulder is coming along fine the physio fella is quite pleased with my progress so the op really needed to be done..still cant wash my hair with two hands or style my hair...or thousand of other things but im alive and ready for everything to get moving along..

ohh and we have 10 more days till robbie leaves the states to come get me...whooo hooo ...(sings) oh happy days are here again lol
take care u lot
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-30 16:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
whooooooooo hooooooooooooo stella ... way to go stell

smiling frome ear to ear for ya ...thanks for the info on the loo ...dont forget to update your info and do a report for syd for us...

damm i bet it was the longest 5 hours for you too please dont let it be that long for us and the wench lol

so does that put you back a bit longer than u expected to be leaving oz stella...and did the embassey ever get back to you at all ...

looking forward to hearing your experience mate congrats an its great news...another one bites the dust...haaaaaaaaaaay ya ya yaaaaaaaaaaa
whooo hooo
take care on your journey home
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-30 06:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there ladygatsby

i have done some reasearch for you on that and email you with the results...we all go through the background check even the u.s. citz do...

its just apart of the visa journey that u may or may not agree on an u get it done because u love that aussie man of yours...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-26 01:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi stella

dont stress too much this is exactly what i went through also.. but i know for a fact they do get faxes...cos i got an email stating it your email with hotmail or your server or outlook...cos i know if you dont check send copy to sent items within hotmail it wont do it ...outlook does keep record for you...

i emailed wed too about my interview an they got back to me friday...just keep checking your email.. if you cant get your fiance to do it for you mate...or someone you trust with your password to keep an eye out for you...

take a look at my time line .. my police check took ages cos they were back logged...

just deep breathe an fingers crossed mate..this is the part i hate about the sydney embassey.. there is no bloody way of talking to anyone...dont they think there are people getting stressed over these things everyday...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...sorry just had to vent for a second...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-26 00:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi stella

yeah i faxed them an emailed them an requested a particular date that we wanted and got was the actual email they responded to first then the fax lol ..i remember being so stressed over it cos they only gave me like 4 days i think it was to organise everything an my police check hadnt dont sweat it they will contact you as soon as they can ...give the police department a call to see how much longer they are going to be with your police check might help huh...
shoulder is doing really well not as much pain now ... still gotta not do much though an it will be better in the long run from work for another 2 weeks so will see how i go from there..
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-24 01:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi there Chris

good to hear from you...ohh i love werribee mansion...if ya want any pics of the mansion or the rose garden give me a yell havent been there for like 2 years took robbie there he just loved it we spent hours there just wandering around...

there is alot of information about the process within the embassey info at the top of this page I have updated quite a bit of the info in there so it is update stuff on what i know anyways lol...

police check is $117 dollars but it goes up every 1st july ...below is the link you will need to print an fill out the form:
My Webpage

this is their email address if you have any questions:

Ok the damm edit wouldnt let me add cos i took too long.. this is what i wanted to add to the above message:

Victorian police check phone number is: (03) 9247 5901

There are two doctors that do the medicals..
1. is in Bourke st. melbourne...
2. is at monash medical clinic
depending where ya wanna go i one is easy to find its in bourke street then you go up to top of collins street to go for the xray...
all the info is in embassey link for you anyways..

hope this helps saves ya searching to find stuff lol
take care
p.s. STELLA: i think kaffykat has already left for the states i saw a post and calculated it to be around the 22nd she left i reckon..
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-23 23:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
welcome to the thread mate

and a melbournian to boot..not many of us in here lol...thats a question i cant answer but i cant see why you couldnt start the ball rolling from there as long as you have an address over here for them to correspond with i suppose...i would drop them an email on it anyways ...

where in melb you from . im on the west side...
if ya got any questions on where to go for medicals an such or police certs give me a yell and i will email you the details...
take care and good luck
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-22 20:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiya all

stella y dont u take all the insides out of the computer an rebuild it over in the states..thats wat i am doing all ya gotta do is buy one of their cases with a power supply in it...robbie has main comp an 2 laptops there was no question about me bringing mine lol

thanks 4 all the heads up about my op... not allowed 2 do a damm thing but i will survive..gotta invest in a nightie hate pj bottoms lol (will say no more u git the gist lol) an hate typing with 1 hand....

robbie is buying the airline tickets this week whooooooo all the wedding is organised not keen on having a wishing well at the reception but i gotta go with the flow on that 1 lol

ok this is killing me typin like this talk 2 u all later

tc all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-18 18:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there Meefsgirl

welcome to the aussie thread...

just thought i would pop in an let ya know had my op yesterday an im still alive lol
im home an a bit sore typin one handed but im doin fine.. good to hear all the news...good luck on your trip back to your loved one kaffykat u take care ...

take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-16 05:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

welcome to the thread jc hope u get alot of out if.....dont forget to fill your time line in too..

hi angel
how are things state side mate...all is ok here our wedding is all organised now robbie has done such a good job...been quite a few laffs on what he has done on my part cos we just dont do it here lol...i go into the hosp on the 15th for my op on the left shoulder dont know how long i will be out of action...hope all is going well an things are moving with your process...take care mate

are you wishful thinking on that shot question wenchie...sheesh....ohh dont forget to ask your doctor to see if you could get the blood tests for the HIV and the other one done locally too mate...i did an it cost me heaps and the doc who did my medical was ok about it...

take care you lot
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-08 16:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi Lorelle
on my police certificate from states

this is to certify at the date of issue there are no disclosable court outcomes recorded against the name of:
kathryn j and kathryn b born on .....

both names which i gave on the form were on my police check mate

so i would ring the police department and ask them about it.. you are right if you have put all your names on the application forms to the embassey how do they know they didnt check for all those names...

what date are you looking at leaving oz mate...
take care

hi stella
it is a good idea i reckon cant wait robbie paid an booked it an he bumped into an old mate who's brother is a minister now so he is going to see if joey can marry us...

also i found a website that you can create a wedding invite thing and your guests can also reply on line..its

if ya like you can go look at what i created ...


take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-02 16:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya
well the shoulder is the same just waiting on a date to get the op done...
stella why dont you see if you could go to a motel for the night an get a family memeber to pick you up on the date..just voice your wants for the day mate im sure he would understand that tradition...although robbie hates the idea of not seeing me for the last night as singles im spending it with my mates at a motel...ohh stella dont let him choose your outfit let it be a surprise for him

karo so happy to hear all is going well ...yes robbie is doing everything the only thing i have done is my make my throw away bouquet...although i have opinions on things he goes out an does it..hes even organised my hens night out ... the only thing we havent agreed on an i laugh at it cos it is sooooooooooo not a wedding food (prob cos he is a hillbilly lol) but he wants baked beans on the menu..i dont understand it but hes cooking the food so his choice...he reckons cos we are getting married on the 4th july long weekend we gotta have beans..never mind i gave in lol...

matt im sure u will get the job u want mate...just hang in there..metro park work shouldnt be too bad at least your working in summer mate...whish metropark ya working at matt...we are getting married at providence metro park on the canal boat
take care all
KathFemaleAustralia2006-05-01 16:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi stella

go for it if ya want stella...just remember the 12 month validity of them..cant be far off now that is arrives in nvc...then onto sydney...

Niphredil last posted on the 29th havent heard anything since hopefully she is going ok...

no news here just waiting for june...robbie is busy booking and paying for everything for the wedding poor fella is gunna be burned out by the time the day comes...we just need a minister and our airline tickets organised an were ready whoo hooo...
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-30 16:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi there me ole wench

fantastic news happy for you both...and an awwwwwwwww before ours ...but im rapt for ya mate..

and i dont blame ya for being tipsy either...

take care and as you say ya got the interview who knows why they do things the way they do lol

KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-27 06:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi kaffy

wow your only about 5 hours from toledo ...i didnt realise u were in kentucky mate...way cool... matt is in akron ohio ...way cool...glad all turned out well..knew it would...patience is such a virtue on this journey of ours...

i received my police check friday took longer than i expected...
now were battling the airline prices...damm i hope we can pull it off that robbie can come to oz to get me..he wont let me dib into my investments to help out either so will wait and see how we go..fingers crossed..

purplesneakers ... congrats on the interview date....hope all goes well for you mate..

yep lots happening in here and its all good ....
take care ya'll
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-21 22:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hiy a all

found this in Off the Topic that Agent Smith posted
so thought I would post it here its good

its an aussie beer ad...

KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-19 17:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi kaffy

well i would read it as .. the person who is sticking your visa's in your passport hasnt done yours yet ...dont forget it can take up to 5 to 8 days to get it mate...if you go back into the archives or this thread some had to wait that long mate...

so dont worry too much shame ya couldnt of stayed a day extra to pick it up mate...would of helped with the stress levels...

take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-18 05:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya all

was just thinking of telling ale (sorry to shorten ya name but i cant remember how to spell it lol lazy i know) about DCF... the only thing on the DCF that is annoying is you already paid the I129f fee and you have to pay around $500 or so US on the day of the interview...when does your guy go back to the yeah you lucky thing you do look young for your age....
take care
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-14 19:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
hi ya stella
fantastic news to hear.. im glad that stage is over for you mate.. now its not long before it goes to the embassey mate...

welcome to the room is a most excellent site .. an u have weeks to read it all.. dont be scared to ask anything even if it might of been asked before... we have heaps who know heaps mate..

which state are you in by the way and u look so young u
take care an welcome
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-14 03:07:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
well done kaffy yaaaaaaaaaaaaay woman.. now go organise mine will ya lol

were getting married on the 1st july at toledo providence metro park.. on a canal barge...while the horses pull us up the canal we will get married.. well this is the latest idea from robbie.. am leaving it all up to him to organise lol...we were going to get married in a gazebo but that was going to be 150 dollars and he was pointed to weather an if we get rained on the boat has cover for us an the guests...he was so excited tellin me about it on the bus one the way home lol...
hes gunna go to the court house where ministers wait and ask one of them to marry us ... then afterwards where going back to the apartment where they have a hall we have booked for a reception..we also got a few aussies from a room meet .. even my sis from uk is lookin at coming an my mum an sis from oz... dont know if it will all turn out .. i dont really care as long as the minster sez you are now man an
KathFemaleAustralia2006-04-13 20:22:00