K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere the heck is my NOA2

Violent physical exercise takes one's mind off stuff like this, si man.

Lol and you think my posts are humorous. This one cracked me up... Thanks ;)

I am not sure whether I am qualified to join this conversation?.........Errrr, scrap that! I think I am qualified since I have been in an LDR for 3 years and I am now at the mercy of the system. I guess, how we deal with this 'waiting game' is also determined by personal philosophy. Here's how I see things....I did research at the beginning of the process and I said to myself and my fiance, "if we figure that this could take up to a year or more then anything that may go under that time-line would be a bonus". I am desperate to begin my new life with my fiance --being apart has now become the exception (whereas due to the nature of an LDR being together used to be the exception). Feelings have shifted - being together feels right, being apart does not. However, each one of us has their own personal journey and their own personal experiences along that journey. Sure, we look for patterns and trends within the system to help us navigate this part of the journey, but really you are not being personally or individually picked out (you know that really). It's just paperwork and procedure nothing personal at all. Sure vent, get it off your chest, but keep a clear mindset too, because you still have some way to go.

I know that at some point (hopefully) within a year that I will be united with my love and we will live the rest of our lives together in his homeland. In the meantime I choose to make the most of the last few months that I will live in my homeland. The here and now is just as precious as the future you wish for. This time now is what counts. Soon I will be gone from here. So, even though being together is what is on my mind it's not the only preoccupation I have. I am mindful to enjoy the positive aspects of my life here. The future is waiting for you and it will happen, but remember to enjoy the now too.

I am not sure that this will help you, but I see so many posts that are about statistics, and policy and trends, and I think the most part of this process is determined by mental attitude. I am a runner so I guess you could break this down into training....pace yourself so that you have the best finish you can.

Good luck!

This is probably the best advise someone has given me through this entire process so far and I am going to see that I can mold myself into the way of thinking you have mentioned here.
Deep breath...
Here we go....

Also Finace visa's usually go through more "checks" compared to a CR-1/IR-1. It's just the means of the processing. I have seen a lot of K-1 visa's in the past going thru A.P. over the past 6-8 months.

Delhi consulate really hammers down on fiance visas. It's good that you will be interviewing at Mumbai.

I am sure you will do fine.

Thanks man. I am sure you were just prepping me to be strong for the road ahead... I think yesterday I would have vented at anyone who tried to help me...
Appreciate it... Hope your process moves along quickly as well :)

Keep strong, my VJ friend. You will get approved soon. Mine took one week short of five months. Watching others get approved and I was being passed by was causing me a lot of stress. Now I wait for NVC, we will see how long that takes, and then the interview. The wait time for interviews in Cuba can be any where from 6 months to a year. You can imagine my dismay.

You will get your NOA2 soon. It appears that some adjuticators are approving the petitions about a week before the 5 month deadline. So yours is coming soon. My prayers are with you!

Thank you very much.

Our NOA1 was received on April 8th and still no NOA2. I am thinking it will be approved the 1st week in September. More hoping than thinking !!!!

hang in there, you're closer than ever to receiving your NOA2.


Ami&ChigsMaleIndia2011-08-31 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere the heck is my NOA2

Chigs, if we were not neurotic before then we will be soon!! I really hope you get yours soon. You two make a beautiful couple. Good luck with everything and I hope you are together soon.

thanks for the words. I think i was always neurotic to start with. and this being neurotic just makes things worse. I need a new hobby.
i guess now that i;m done mucking around with linux on my router, i will look for a new pet project.

Ami&ChigsMaleIndia2011-08-30 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere the heck is my NOA2

I know where you're coming from and I understand what you mean but its one thing being approved in less than 2.5 months and then telling someone else to cope with possibly waiting out 5 months. At the time of my filing the I-129F petition, I was prepared to wait 6 months because at that time, it looked as if it would take 6 months for me to get approval. It was really looking grim. However, a month back, VSC really started chugging along. And I got pumped when they started approving April petitions. I understand that you're month of bout made you stronger and you learned to keep yourself busy. I do that myself as well. Keep myself occupied that is. Its difficult bro. Times are testing. Don't Patronize me, Bro (i mean that jokingly with the "Don't tax me, bro" reference).

Being that you're going through CR1, your added buffer gets utilized at the NVC. But you already knew that ahead of time.

I don't think there are any "A.P." flags in my petition. In fact, our mumbai residences fall under the same PIN CODE. Its a very simple case of "Boy Meets Girl." ;)

I wouldn't be so frustrated if folks with NOA1 in MAY weren't getting approved. I am happy for them, but somehow, I can't help but feel brushed aside.

You give good advice, but I can't do much but vent my frustration. I'm sure others in the April boat at VSC feel the same as I do.
Also, CSC folks have everything going their way (except maybe the slowdown in sending the approved petitions to the NVC as of late)... food for thought.


Edited by Ami&Chigs, 30 August 2011 - 09:56 PM.

Ami&ChigsMaleIndia2011-08-30 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhere the heck is my NOA2

It'll come and It's not worth having grey hairs. You need to stay young for your fiance (atleast till you get married) ;). Use this time to prepare all the documents that you will need for next steps. Obtaining certain documents in India is time and energy consuming. -- Just a thought. Hang in there.

I am already on it..
Already had my fiancee get the Passport Clearance stamp.
The Police Clearance Certificate will also be done soon (only a matter of days now).
I already requested the past 3 years tax transcripts and are ready to be sent to my fiancee once the NOA2 comes.
I get electronic pay stubs so i can just send three of the most recent ones before the interview (once we know the date).
I already asked my fiancee to look at the Mumbai visa checklist document to make sure she gathers all the necessary information.
I already sent her the copy of the entire I-129F packet.
Only thing I need to do is actually fill in the I-134 Affidavit of Support.

I am on the ball when it comes to getting things done. Apparently, VSC is just holding me up. :(

My Fiancée went to Nepal to learn meditation. My hair is still grey.

Deeeeep Breaths......It'll happen!

Deep breaths it is... :)

Hey there...I know it's tough. I'm in the same position. May Filer awaiting my NOA 2. It's in God's hands now. So smile today, someone loves you and is willing to do what it takes to be with you. You're going to be ok. HUGS!

Thank you for the kind words.

Hang in there. It is a long stressful process but you're getting close. Set the email and text message alerts on the USCIS page and try to restrain yourself from checking more than once a day. It will come soon. And don't let it give you grey hairs. That's your future wife's job :rofl:

Oh god no... i completely forgot about that part of my life... lol... j/k... I think I'm ready for that because atleast we will be together. More than anything, we will be there for each other. So, I'm hanging in there...

I'm sure it's just around the corner! Keep your chin up!

Chin lifted up for the time being ;)

Chigs, I feel your pain. I too, am obsessed with this process. I have dyed my hair alot since May. LOL I cannot stop checking VJ, Igors list or USCIS website and phone. I cannot think of anything else in life. I just want to be with my husband.
I too have sent in everything and checked it all 3 times before sending it. They have an easy task. Just grab my file, check it quick (it is all there-family pics, emails, letters, snail mail, phone bills, forms, coverletter, credit card bill with both names, license, translations....), and send me my approval so I can feel some relief for a short time till NVC starts. I am ready for NVC. I have all the documents signed, prepared, organized, envelope ready....Just freaking send me my approval already. You cashed my check pretty dang quick, now earn your pay and give me what I paid for. I paid for your attention, your processing and your approval....NOW!!!! If I buy a heart transplant i do not wanna wait 6-18 months for it. I want it when i pay for it. My husband is my heart and I need him.
I know I have only been waiting 3 months but it is the 3 longest months of my life.
Good Luck

Wow. Your packet is so similar to mine. I had snail mail, too :) And you seem to feel the exact same way I do.. It a pity that this process is so tedious. Even more so for those who have already married.
Hang in there...


Ami&ChigsMaleIndia2011-08-30 16:29:00