K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuhm OW! i need some help/advice....

Some folks here obviously mean well and are trying to be helpful, but let's please avoid practicing medicine without a license.

i dont want real medical advice and of corse will back it up and clear n e thing through a real dr or something was looking for some supposed in a place i feel very alone and far from removed from what i normaly know and looking to talk to others that feel the same (or might) and some suggestions from other people on waht or where i might go. that is all
tolowynFemaleCanada2011-11-18 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuhm OW! i need some help/advice....

I suggest you ask your husband to go to the pharmacy for you and ask about muscle relaxants or something else for what you're describing. You are able to see a doc, and you are able to get a script, it just won't be cheap. Maybe a health clinic would be cheaper?

thanks for the suggestion! we talked to the pharmacy today and she gave us afew things to try heating pads and we learned that lieing in bed and what we thought resting was a good idea apparently its not and u wanna try and walk as much as possible. they also helped us find some pills that will help a little relive the sweling like a lot of you suggested and gave us a list of some clinics, thanks again for you help
tolowynFemaleCanada2011-11-18 03:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuhm OW! i need some help/advice....

Probably not - I have my brother bring down Robaxicet every time he visits :) It is very disconcerting to be without provincial healthcare.

Did you by chance get health ins for inbetween when you left and when you start being covered by the husband's plan? If not and this is really really bad, you can still go to the local Doctor. Call ahead and explain that you are not currently covered by health insurance as you've just moved and will be paying cash and the rate they'll charge you will probably be significantly less than if you had coverage.

Good luck

no unfortunatly this was the first time we didnt think/remember to do that. we always have every time had come down here to visi and this was the first time we didnt get it and the first time we acctlly should have! i will try to find local dr, are there some that are cheaper then others? and the very virst person who comes to visit me is TOTALLY bringing me a poop done of stuff! along with poutin cheese hehehe. thanks for the fast response. i'll call around and search online and talk to diffrent offices bout what they can offer me in terms of help
tolowynFemaleCanada2011-11-18 03:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresuhm OW! i need some help/advice....
hey all, first off sorry if this isnt going in the right spot usually my posts go into the canada forum but i dont think thats where this should go now. Iv been in the u.s. under the same roof as my soon to be hubby for approximately 3 weeks now yaay! we'r supposedly getting married by next friday (just walking into the courthouse doing our thing) about 4 days ago i walked into a little problem being here in the u.s. i really hurt my back, (probably had to do with the three day drive in a very uncomfortable uhaul and moving box's and furniture) but yeah i did. not the first time iv gotten a pitched nerve, but i think its a little more then that like i think i slipped a disk. Back in canada (quebec) id just go to the pharmacy and get some robaxin. but i have learned now that you cant get that here!!!! at leas not without a prescription, you also cant just go to the pharmacy and ask for tylanol with codeine in it cuz they look at you all real weird and think your some kind of alien addict or something. uhm so i have no insurance yet, cant really go to the hospital or dr's ####### do i do?? is there any u.s. equivalent that i can get? is there any kinda of muscle relaxant you can get in the u.s. without a prescription? anyone have any ideas or help of n e kinda to offer? im feeling a little lost in a land i dont know well.
tolowynFemaleCanada2011-11-17 16:21:00