CanadaBorder crossing with visa or green card

IMHO I would never leave the country without having the Green card in my possession.  The US might not let you back in.  Just my thoughts, but then I am very careful.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 19:35:00
CanadaWaiting for my passport back - Why Montreal is so slow ?

So we had our interview the 25th of November and so far no sign of where my passport is now. The Visa Officer told us that we would get it back within 7- 10 days

but nothing . I am getting anxious.I dont want to spend one more Christmas by myself.


If you guys can tell me your experience waiting for your passport would be encouraging ... ! 


That's 7-10 working days.  You are at 6 days so far, remember there was the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the US.  Not sure about Canada but Philippines was 11 working days.  It will happen.


Aloha from Hawaii

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-05 16:20:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Dates

Ugh, Why does Montreal's interview date have to be so far out.  Oh well at least on the bright side we have an interview date!


Well congrats on your interview date!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-09 17:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIs it too late to get life insurance now for RFE?



Haven't posted in two years since my wife got her conditional GC on July 6 2011, really appreciate all the help we got around that time.


We were married in Feb 2010.  We filed for I-751 in late April, and got the dreaded RFE in August.  We have no kids, and here are the things we've submitted:


--One bank letter confirming that we've had a joint checking/savings account since 2008

--copies of joint car titles and joint car insurance

--Affidavit of support from a relative and a best friend


I guess I took it too easy for the I-751, and thought the removal of condition would be a walk in the park.  Boy was I wrong!  Anyway, after reading through many topics in this forum, now I know I should get more monthly bank statements instead of just one confirming letter.  So I've collected 2 monthly statements per year since our marriage date of 2010, with detailed daily transactions.  I've also obtained tax transcripts from IRS since 2010, and we filed jointly in those years.


Since I read that USCIS want us to show that we co-mingle our finance, I'm thinking about getting a life insurance policy for my wife.  My question is: is it too late to do this now, and submit it as extra evidence? I'll buy a substantial one, like 1/2 million dollars coverage.  I'm just wondering if the Immigration Officer might ask "why are you doing this in the last minute?".  Or is it still better to go ahead and do it, as it is better than nothing at all?


Thanks a lot everyone, any feedback will be greatly appreciated!


My spouse has been here with me in the US for two months.  We already have a (1)joint credit card, (2)joint checking account, (3)joint bank loan, (4)joint Costco membership and a (5)joint lease on our residence.  We are beginning to accumulate evidence and will continue to do so for the next two years.  Good luck with your process.  I wish you peace.


Aloha Ke Akua


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-26 13:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionroc package returned

Send that thing back in with the corrected check. You are getting there.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-19 13:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionroc package returned

Send it USPS EXPRESS MAIL. Remember to get a tracking number.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-19 13:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStupid but important question

By the way. There is no such a thing as a stupid question.



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 16:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStupid but important question

I am so confused now...all these differing answers???

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-20 13:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 denied what can i do


What was the criminal charge
What crime was


it was criminal. it was was kidnapping. which i dint do it by the way i was just giving some people a ride home and they started fighting in my car. and i got kidnapping charges and then later on they were dropped to 3rd degree criminal restrain. and i was sentenced for 1 year but i only served 3 months 



Yeah, 99% of all prisoners are innocent...  If I were you I'd pack my bags and get the heck out of the country before the law catches up with you again.  It's only a matter of time before you will be falsley accused of another felony.

Edited by David & Zoila, 12 December 2013 - 12:38 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-12 12:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 denied what can i do



My 2 cents:

1.  annulment was signed - this nullifies the marriage.  He got his first green card based on a bonafide marriage, or by showing evidence thereof.

2.  in the wording of the annulment, the respondent abandoned the marriage 3 months prior to him signing the annulment paperwork.


These 2 things would be enough to overcome most bonafide marriage evidence presented.  Since he didn't present bonafide marriage evidence at the interview, the Immigration Officer either has to ask for more evidence or weigh the casefile based on regular adjudication rules. 


His chances to 'stay in the USA' ?  Slim to none, at the moment.  This might change, if he is able to get offered a deportation hearing AND shows other evidence that clearly outlines what he's posted here about what happened. 


I tell folk who are fighting visa scammers to file for annulment and list the reasons why the annulment was to occur, I have to think that the OP's wife got some great advice and wanted to be certain this fella have no further inroads to stay in the USA.



I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV or podcast.





I totally agree!  Remember she had to sign an Affadavit of Support during the process.  The signing says she is responsible for him financially regardless, while he is here.  If he becomes a ward of the state (i.e homeless, jobless, incapacitated...etc, etc)  she would be paying the support, not the government, not medicare......Just my two cents.


Now you got me really thinking.  The Affidavit of support is for a married couple is it not? So if the marriage was in fact anulled it really never existed.  Whereas a divorce is different.  Perhaps an anullment precludes her from having to support him?  Just a thought as this is getting really interesting.


Edited by David & Zoila, 11 December 2013 - 06:20 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-11 18:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 denied what can i do



Wait, who went to the interview??  You or your attorney.  I mean it must have been you. What did they say to you?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-11 15:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Today got my NOA 1 on the paperwork. Actualy got 3 of them. 1 for my AOS, 1 for Nathan and one for the workpermit.
Now hopefully everything goes smoothly and that it doesnt take to long.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-05-17 22:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hehe we are finaly done with out paperwork. It took forever for us to get our mariage license and my hubby likes to put everything off till the last minute. Its ready now to be sent out tomorrow, but i am so afraid that we forget something and that we will be deniged. I know i worry way to much.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-05-03 01:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi edie

haha isn't it time you start your spring cleaning already. ;-) You must be getting so exited. 2 more weeks. Time flys (or so it seems on my side)
Here it is getting way to warm for my taste already. But then again, I cant stand the heat to much ;-) Ok I know i moved to the wrong place.
I filled in my part of the paperwork. Andrew is going to finish up his part tomorrow. Then i need to get some nice pics of my self and copy some stuff and them i will sent it out next week.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-28 14:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
It is soooo quiet here.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-27 16:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
I am from Vlaardingen close to rotterdam. Lot of apartment buildings, lot of stink from pernis so I love the space and the fresh air here on Maui ;-) Lots of green, mountain few, so much better ;-)
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-14 14:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Arazia & Ranmaru have a great wedding day today. Enjoy every moment of it and know that you are blessed to be together. I wish you guys a very happy life together.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-14 08:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
because that our american spouses/bf/gf/fiance/so post here too. So not everybody here speaks dutch.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-10 12:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
@ Edie: pics at en then the 'foto' tab.
It is getting closer and closer for you. You must be so exited. And I deont know how your place looks, but if it is somehow like Andrews was, then you better start making room already ;-)

@ Marieke: welcome to the forum. When i started out with the paperwork I just waited and see what came afterwords. I didnt prepare for the later paperwork untill i actualy got it.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-07 01:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
We had a great day. Now the next step is filling in all the paperwork (like we didnt had enough yet) And pray that out marriage license will come in time. It will take up to 120 days here to get it and you need a copy of that ofcourse to sent in with the paperwork. For 10 dollars extra you can have it sent to you within 4-6 weeks and even that is to late. Cause my k1 is only good till may 9. So i guess I will be calling honolulu everyday to get them to hurry up.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-04-03 12:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
@ Michelle: thats great that the wirlwind has settled down. Good that he has a job already and such.

For me? 2 more days. Am I nervouse? I think i am cause i keep on dreaming about the weirdes things that can go wrong. But for sure my weddingday is going to be great, even tough my dress will be a tiny bit tide. :-(
But I am going to take advantage of that they that we are at the grand wailea resort. I planned the whole thing out ;-) Going to be there early in the morning to go to the spa and have myself relaxing in the terme and after that an aromatherapy massage, altoughter worth of 2 hours relaxing before my big moment. After that ofcourse my hair thing and make up and getting ready. But for sure I want to be a bit relaxed, until I start walking to the chapel ;-)

Have a great weekend all.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-30 12:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
aloha Edi,

Haha I am no bridezilla. I am easy going (according to my wedding planner) Who cares if something is not perfect or go wrong. Al that matters is that I get married to my guy.
He found the noa 2 so we are good there 2. Now he can start reading on the paperwork and see what else we need.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-21 12:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

yeah everything is going smooth exept the noa 2 then ;-) Besides that the wedding, ehh we only need favorites and some plants for on the table and an altar boquet. Going to look for that last one today.
The paperwork is printed and ready to be filled in. Going to start with that next week and fill in as much as I can already and see what else i need.
I need to loose some last minute wait cause my gown is getting tide ;-)

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-17 11:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Oh, the NOA1 & NOA2... I better start looking for those too~ :blink:

I think you only need to noa 2 cause it states: attach a copie of your fiancees petition approval. And if I am not mistaken that is noa 2, cause if i remember correctly noa 1 was just a notivication that they got your petition. Correct me if i am wrong here.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-16 23:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi edi,

oh wow, you can finaly start the countdown. I am so happy for you guys.
here 2 more weeks and a few days to go. I think we got everything settled and planned etc.
Started looking at my aos papers already to see what i need and such. And ofcourse Andrew doesnt know were he left the noa 1 and 2.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-14 23:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
gratz. That is great news.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-14 13:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
harry, welcome to the states. Hope you will have a good flight.

Update from my side. April first is going to be our big day. We are getting married at the grand wailea resort. (feel free to google it) We are in the middle of all the things. I am so exited and happy.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-03-01 11:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi Mel,

We were discussing weddings yesterday with Andrews parents. It is going to be a small wedding. Now to set a date. We have 2 dates in mind, but cause it is short notice we hope we can make it on one of those dates.
This week we go ring shopping. I need to find me a hair dresser. Need to find out were to get the marriage license. Need to find a priest, a location. Tux for Andrew and Nathan and so much more. I am so lucky that mom, dad and granny are helping.
For me no one of my family will come :-(

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-02-18 12:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Harry , gratz on your visa
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-02-14 11:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi edi,

flight was long and exausting. I still trying to adjust here, but things will be ok.
I am happy to be with my guy and he is a big suport.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-02-11 16:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

Pieter asked me to go to NL so we can spent the last days with his family and then fly together. I really want to go.



What is stopping you then.

Hope he gets everything rounded up quickly here so you can be together.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-02-02 08:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi edi,

I am doing kind of ok. Tomorrow andrew will arive so the last and hardest day we will spent together. And 6 more days till we fly home.


jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-02-02 01:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
stress is getting me more and more. Saterday I had a meating of a meilinglist and it was a goodbye thing for me as well. Not that we meet each other often, but they specialy did it for me. They made me a beautifull scrapbook with pics of one of my creations and pics of our first meeting. And everybody wrote something. And of course I started to cry. I started to cry by looking at the cover only.

Yesterday I had a realy bad day. Saterday was emotional and such and I had a party in the evening as well, so it was all a bit to much. I payed the price for that yesterday. But today I am still emotional and such. It was my last morning at work. (only worked 2 mornings a week)
This afternoon was the last time I had tea with one of my friends. And I am realizing for a lot of things that it is the last time I will be doing them here, and with my friends and that makes me sad and emotional.

Sure I am looking forward to be with Andrew and I know what I am doing it for, but still it doesnt make it any easier.

So 10 days and counting. Saterday Andrew will arive here and next week will be crazy.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-29 12:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

And then his x-ray is at no specific time after the exam, something about them just calling up and him going over there.

Strange. Normaly the x-ray is before the exam.


jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-22 15:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Edi: don't you just rather have him there straight away. But it is a good thing he takes the time to rap everything up around here. Before you know it you guys are counting down and together.

Mel: Yeah time flys by a bit to fast right now. only 19 days and still so much to do. Ehh to make. But on the other hand, time cant go by fast enough.
Good to hear that his medical went good.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-20 13:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Mel: time is going by fast now. only 20 more days. I am exited and nervous and so much more ;-)

Edi: Most peeps I have seen took almost right off after getting there visa, I felt like a weirdo weithing for so long ;-) But luckely I am not the only one who had to prepare a bit longer ;-)
I gave lot of my stuff away and sold the stuff that was worth anything.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-19 01:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Edi & Pieter: congratz on the visa. You guys have a date yet when he will fly home?

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-17 13:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Michele: wow things go fast for Mark, I hope I will be so lucky as well.

Edi & Pieter: good luck with the interview, hope everything goes well.

And for me? 22 more days to go. Still nervous here and exited.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-17 01:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Mel congratz on the interview date. He has it 2 days before I lift off.

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-07 02:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands

enjoy it... you deserve to have this happiness... you worked for it... my daughter and i made a countdown calendar with the numbers in english and dutch... each day we turned over the piece of paper with that number... when it was done it showed 4 pictures of my sweet hubby... revel in your happiness ;)

We use a centimeter, to cut off a day. Ok my son doesnt realy look at it, but i sure do. First thing I do every morning is cut off a piece ;-)

jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-01-06 13:19:00