IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsthank God,words can't express my joy

Approve,approve,approve can't belive it, I was at less expecting an RFE But God choose to give us an approval,bcos we did add any other evidence than a photo copy of our marriage certificate, no affidavit,no pictures,no phone log or emails,and we did t even call the senators and the congressmen offices, we just left everything to faith bcos already my wife has booked her flight and comfirm her visa to come spend time with me,and the approval came today,hang on everyone,for me to be approve, it show that everyone will defintly be approve,one love everyone


A Peace that passeth all understanding.  Congrats!!  And most importantly, GOD Bless both of you.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-24 12:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa2 - I130 approved

I130 approved today! 9 months 17 days since noa 1. How long estimated before interview? Anyone knows how long before getting an interview in Trinidad after leaving visa center? Thanks



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-23 12:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Zoila and I arrived in Honolulu together on Saturday 7/20/2013.  We are now on my home island.  Immigration was a bit nervewracking in Honolulu...but all questions asked of my wife were questions she knew the answers to since we have a bonafide marriage.  Immigration officer had me stand back as she asked my wife 10 or 15 questions.  What is your address going to be, your husbands parents names, etc...  No surpirises.  The Immigration officer (female) was very kind to my wife and I.  She called me up after interviewing Zoila and explained the AOS procedures to both of us.  Then after a few minutes took my wifes fingerprints and said those three words we both have been waiting to hear for over 8 month now,  "WELCOME TO AMERICA"  Wow, we both wanted to shout be we managed to control ourselves although I got pretty teary-eyed.  There is something about coming HOME to America each and every time I return but this was the sweetest entry into the US I have ever made in my life.  I was with my beautiful Filipina wife...nothing could have been better.  Then we exited immigration and proceeded to our interisland flight arriving there at about 6:00 p.m. to find my brothers wife and their three grandchildren there to greet us with handfuls of flower lei.  Then my oldest son came and picked us up.  One of the best days of my life so far.  Thanks to all ot you who have helped, thanks for all of your prayers, thanks for all your kindness.  GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!  We wish everyone the best and will be praying for all of you that are waiting for the day we just experienced.  Aloha and Mahalo  Aloha Ke Akua  

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-21 23:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Congrats to everyone who has recently received an approval on their interviews!
I start my drive to Montreal this Sunday for my interview on Monday. I will admit, I am extremely nervous. I have found a lot of comfort and info through this site, even though I wasn't an avid poster I still read everyone else's experiences etc.
thank you all once again and the best of luck with your loved ones.
God bless

My wife completed her interview in Manila last week,  I attended the interview with her.  The actual interview took no more than 4 minutes.  Just four questions. One to my wife, the beneficiary  1.) "Why was your birth certificate a late registration?"  The answer was my wifes parents had passed away before she was two years old.  Her adoptive family never had the money or wherewithall to complete the application and travel required to obtain a birth certificate.  The second,  third and fourth questions were directed at me.2.) "Have you previously been married?  My answer was yes.  3.)  Do you have any kids from your previous marriage and if the answer is yes what are their ages?  My answer was yes, three adult sons. The youngest 26, the middle one 30 and the eldest is 36.  4.) So David your new wife is almost half the age of your oldest son?  The female consular made an um-hum sound, more of a commentary I guess and proceeded to mark huge x's across my wifes birth certificate, our marriage certificate. The consular then said "CONGRATULATIONS MAAM, YOUR VISA IS APPROVED."  Words we will never forget.  The consular never asked for any other documents even though we were carrying literally 45 pounds of photo album, back up documents, more evidence of an on going marriage, etc....  We had it ALL and she never asked for any.  So I guess what I am trying to say is most likely the process will not be as bad as what you have had to go through to date.  Anyway, God Bless you.  We will pray.  Aloha Ke Akua


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-17 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

It is done!

The interview was today and at the end he just said that I need to come back on Thursday to pick it up.  The agent didn't confirm that it was approved, but said that if I do not get a telephone call from them in the next 24 hours that means that they have no more questions and come in on Thursday to pick up.

From start to finish the whole interview was less than 4 minutes.  Stood at the window and asked very straight forward questions about my wife, her hometown, where we met, her parents income and where they worked.

I was in and out of the embassy in just under an hour.  Most of the time was spent waiting for my name to be called for initial check-in, fingerprinting and then the interview.

Thanks to all VJ members for all your help and encouragement.  This is truly a very helpful community that I intend to give back to.

For all those in the middle of any of the stages, stay patient and exercise diligence.



Congrats!  God is good all the time!!  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-16 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

YAY! I did it! The interview went GREAT! I have to go get my passport and visa tomorrow and I checked on CEAC website and it says that the visa was issued! Soon I'll write a review for those Italians that will have to go through Naples consulate.

Good luck to all of you and thanks for the prayers and support!

God is good all the time. Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-16 18:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

YAY! I did it! The interview went GREAT! I have to go get my passport and visa tomorrow and I checked on CEAC website and it says that the visa was issued! Soon I'll write a review for those Italians that will have to go through Naples consulate.

Good luck to all of you and thanks for the prayers and support!


Congratulations :)... GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-16 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Tomorrow is interview day for me.

We will also pray for you.  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-15 20:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


I did the medical today and I have the interview tomorrow! I am too excited! Hope everything goes smooth!



We will be praying for you. Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-15 18:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


Thanks you're so sweet smile.png

I am married in the US and I am in Italy. I'll have it mail it to me just in case we need it. Thanks a lot smile.png




No problem :) Good Luck..

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-09 09:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


Thanks for the quick answer. I sent the original marriage certificate to NVC. Do I need to bring another original copy or you think that my husband can fax it to me? For the rest I have another original copy of the police certificates and birth certificate but no original marriage certificate.

I'll be alone during the interview and I am afraid things will go wrong. I am trying to stay calm but I am really really freaked out because I've heard so many things can go wrong to the interview sad.png


Are you married here in the philippines? If you are you can get it in the NSO since youre interview will be next week. And thats quite near, but if youre married in your husbands place maybe you can let him mail it to you the original marriage certificate. Don't be freak out thats natural everything will be fine. Because if you are too nervous you can't focus of what they ask you. But you really need all your original documents just incase they want to see it. Because the embassy might request it. Trust in yourself okay?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-09 08:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Hello there Apapaia I am the wife and I'm already done of my interview this morning, and you can bring all the documents that proofs of your true relationship and only 3 photos and you can also bring your all original copies like N.B.I CLEARANCE,BIRTH CERTIFICATE,MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE because thats the important. But so far during my interview they didn't ask me  any original documents neither photos, they only ask me a 2 questions. I was kinda bit nervous and my husband is also there. Don't worry as long as all your documents is trur\e and just answer the question straight and sincere. And for the record they will look at your face reaction if your telling the truth or not and if your sincere in your relationship. Just bring all your documents. And also about the photos of both of you? you can bring at least ten. Good Luck :) I will pray for you

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-09 07:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


Okay please someone tell me how the heck do you prove you had sex before the interview?
Are they serious?



Pictures and/or video??  Just kidding.....  hahaha


Have a great day and thanks for all your help and encouragement.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-24 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Thanks guys for the supportive comments.  I've called them 2 weeks ago and I'm gonna call again after July If I still don't hear anything from them.  Yes Trust in God is always a good thing.


I called every day at least once.  Good luck and God Bless.  ALOHA KE AKUA

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-22 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews


All day... every day...


And HE is in control...




Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-21 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Wow that's deep lol, ok I thought I was the only feeling like that. What has helped me is that I gone to visit her twice in the entire process. And I will be going again really soon!!! God is good

All the time!!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-20 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Thanks a lot for the prayers. Where are you on your process??


My wife's interview is set for the US Embassy in Manila July 9.  I will attend with her and once we get the VISA we will be returing to Hawaii together to be a married couple, together as GOD intended.  This living apart thing is killing me.  It's so stressful and time just seems to slow whenever you are waiting.  I have to tell you that I am 100% convinced that GOD had his hand in this whole thing.  I never would have guessed that I would ever be married to such a beautiful, young, loving, vibrant woman.   I am praying for the two of you right now.  And I will continue praying for you both.  ALOHA KE AKUA

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-20 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Well I have faith, and im praying that she gets her interview by end of July or beginning of August. smile.png he saids ask and you shall receive. Well this is me asking in faith.


We will be praying for both of you also.  I am praying right now.  I know how difficult this waiting can be.  God Bless.    ALOHA KE AKUA

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-20 17:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Next week will be 3 months from NVC case completion.  I am still waiting just for an interview date.  Mr Belding will you go over there and yell at them?  "Hey, hey hey what is going on here?  This is unexceptable, Morris explain yourself immediately."  Sorry just my way of getting through this long frustrated journey, all the ups and downs, feeling all sort of emotions just like all of you have been going through.




I will head over there immediately and have them get this situation under control.


Aloha Ke Akua,


Mr Belding

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-20 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Montreal is really quick!! Got my approval on the Monday (17th), Visa sent out yesterday (18th) and already ready for pickup at Loomis today (19th)!!!


WOW!  Congratulations!!  I am so happy for you both.  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-19 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

Yay, wife picked up the passport with the Visa stamp. Paid the $165 Greencard fee. Now just waiting for her entry...July 6th hurry up


Wow!  Congrats!  You must be on cloud nine.  I will be with my wife in Philippines on July 4,  Interview on July 9.  I will really celebrate once we pass the half way point from Manila to Hawaii.  That will really be a celebration.  And when we land in our new home town together I will thank God again and again for this beautiful woman he brought into my life!  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-17 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 Interviews

My interview date was rescheduled to June 27 today dancin5hr.gif


Hey Happy Anniversary one day late!!  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-16 04:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhich Trip Is More Important/Benefitial?

I assume by your profile photo you two have met?  Has it been within the last two years? If so, you should not need any more evidence that you are a couple or that you have met.  I am planning on meeting my spouse two days before her interview just to be there to support her.  I will attend the interview with her also. I have read that having the foreign spouse/fiance present appears to help.  Not sure but one might assume that this shows the commitment and the relationship better.  Good luck and God speed!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-20 18:09:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanspousal visa travel background is filed fiance visa... denied and put in administrative processing....if we get legally married while im in his country visiting him and come home file spousal visa....cause consulate sent me a letter to refile k1 or get married and file spousal ..... what are the chances of him being able to come here to the US to visit on visitors visa while waiting for the spousal visa.....he is from Nigeria and yes I do know he is from a high fraud country....thank you any answer would be appreciated


God Bless.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-12 13:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAge 34 , marrying 51 ,

Hey folks , I really love this my lovely wife to death , she is 51 and Iam 34 , how will the office that will interview me see it ? Has anyone before went through this age gap before ? Iam getting my interview in Dakar senegale , need your response ,


I don't doubt that you love your wife.  But if it is unusual for Nigerian men to marry older women and goes against local custom or religious practices you will really have to prove to CO that your relationship is genuine.  The fact that you are coming from Nigeria (often referred to as a high fraud country) you have an uphill battle.  My suggestion is if your spouse can come to and attend the interview with you that might be helpful.  (Not sure if Nigeria allows spouse in to interview) however many have suggested that spouse even being outside the embassy and you bringing in her passport to prove she is there is helpful.  Hopefully your wife has visited you two or three times before your interview.  Take photos.  Good luck and God Bless you both.


David & Zoila

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 13:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Should we contact a supervisor??

right now all you can do is wait. when you say you sent two, does that mean you sent two with the same typo or the second one was  a corrected version? if the latter that is even better. if they catch the mistake and send you a checklist, you let them know the right one is right there with them also.

these days its been taking NVC some days to review documents.


Yeah, actually I have sent them two corrected originals because the first one had some whiteout on it and I was concerned that they might not accpt it so I sent the second original that my wife sent me from Philippines. They emailed me the checklist several days ago but after I sent them the first corrected ds-230.  One was delivered to them on May 1, the second on May 3.  Now we wait again. I could kick myself in the you know what for making this error. Had I not make this stupid mistake we would be case complete, most likely with an interview date set and I could have made arrangements to meet my wife in Manila. Oh my God!!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-12 02:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Should we contact a supervisor??

So I made a stupid mistake on the DS-230. A typo of 2019 instead of 2009. Sent corrected DS-230 to NVC. Its has been there for nearly two weeks but I call daily and they keep saying they have not received and/or entered it into their system yet. Can I call and ask for a tier 2 person? or supervisor? This was the only problem with all of our docs and I am so angry at myself for making such a stupid error.  How do I get them to look for and open the letter?  Is there any way to get them to find this? In fact they have 2 sitting there in their mail room because I sent a second one after they told me they did not receive the first. I used the bar coded cover letter and followed all instructions to the T.  Anyone out there have any suggestions?   They keep telling me to wait 20 working days before calling them.  HELP!!!???

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-10 17:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What does this message mean?

Last week I was able to logon the site to see if my AOS and IV fees were invoiced -- after the system upgrade this weekend, i too got the "Case being terminated" message. Upon calling them this morning, they were very snotty and didnt want to provide any assistance whatsoever. they basically told me i shouldnt do anything until they mail everything out...


When you run into an operator like that just be polite and say goodbye.  Then call back immediately and just talk to another representative. It is very unlikely that you will get the same person.  If you get someone with an attiude just politely hang up and call back.  Most of the workers there are very nice.  Aloha Ke Akua

Ya ..finaly ppl replied lol....I don't know wats taking long..I'm just is my wedding's painful dat I'm alone n waiting for my visa...pray for me sad.pngsad.png


I will pray for you. Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-10 18:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)shipped to Department of State

I called, no case number assigned... 'Still inputting data'.

Other spouse visa's filed and approved in the time We have waited...,



I called two times a day.  I never got scolded for calling.  Just be nice and polite.  It is highly unlikely that you will get the same operator on the same day.  Also if you get an operator that is rude or it is obvious to you that they are not really checking anything just thank them politely and call back. You will almost certainly get another operator.  Let's face it, we all have had bad days at work...if you get a disgruntled worker just call back.


Good luck and God Bless.


David & Zoila

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-30 19:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Department of State (DOS) nolonger taking inquiry calls on K-1 Visas

Called the DOS this morning (as I have been once per week since our interview) and was advised that as of yesterday, they are NO LONGER TAKING CALLS CONCERNING K-1 FIANCE VISAS.  Although they are technically a non-immigrant visa, the National Visa Center (NVC) is now responsible for addressing these inquiries. They would not even look into our case today. I advised that I called last week and was told to call once per week. They said yes, that was correct but it changed as of Monday January 27, 2014.  <<insert sad face here>> crying.gif   SooOoooOoo frustrated! They were the BEST at helping find out what was happening with our case. 


Last week I was able to find out what the status was, when things were being worked on, etc.  Today? NVC states they have no information on our case after it leaves the NVC.  I have to call the embassy.... who knows nothing.  Beyond frustrated now. 


**side note: Yes, I did call back and spoke with a different rep just to make sure the first one was not mistaken. 


Sorry this is happening to you.


God Bless you both

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 19:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Enroll Email Response

So I was finally able to add my email address to the file today, after a week of " I cannot add your email yet as we are still inputting the case into the system. I sent off the ENROLL email for EP, and almost immediately after I received the auto-reponse


Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for your recent inquiry to the National Visa Center (NVC).  This e-mail is an auto response.  Please do not respond. 

We review and reply to e-mails in the order they are received. 


You are required to provide the following security information with each inquiry to receive a case specific response:
* NVC Case Number or USCIS Receipt Number (Place in the subject line of the e-mail).
* Petitioner's name and date of birth.
* Principal Applicant's name and date of birth.
* If you are an attorney, include your name and the name and address of your law office.
* If the visa petition is employment-based (I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker), include the employer's company/organization name.

NOTE:  If you did not provide the above security information with your e-mail, please resubmit the e-mail with the required information.  If this information is not submitted with your inquiry it will be requested.



I presume this is just the standard response? I shouldn't be expecting any replies from NVC?


I believe that is their response.Good luck and make sure you have the info they are asking for next to your phone as you will probably be calling NVC a couple hundred times over the next several months as you wait.

Aloha and God Bless


Edited by David & Zoila, 26 February 2014 - 07:22 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-02-26 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations

He is your fiance?  In that case immunizations ARE NOT REQUIRED before leaving for US. He will be required to get all required immunizations once in the US before AOS. So I guess if you look at the price list on page 6 you can determine if it is cheaper for him to get the immunizations before the medical exam. But then again he does not have to get them coming in as a fiance.  Good luck!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-20 20:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccinations

Not sure if London is same as Philippines but the medical exam in Philippines (At St Luke's Hospital) includes all required immunizations. There was no additional cost for immunizations required. My wife never had an immunization in her life, all that she needed were included and given at her medical exam.  I almost blew this by having her get like 12 immunizations before her medical exam.  That would have cost lots of money and she would have had many unnecessary immunizations.  But thanks to fellow VJ'ers we avoided that additional expense.  In Philippines if you provide detailed and legitimate immunization records you may not have to have the immunizations you can prove you have had.  My spouse had no such records so St Luke's decided which ones she needed (i think it ended up being 4 or 5) based on her age, etc... Just depends on the medical facility where he will have his medical exam. Aloha and God speed!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-20 18:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in another country - possible or not?

Sorry to hear about your financila difficulty. Ye my wife is in hiding from her cousin who raised her.  This cousion has threatened to kill my wife becasue she is so jealous. But threats like this do not qualify for expedite.....go figure.  Good luck with your situation. I will be parying for you both.  Aloha and Mahalo,  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-27 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in another country - possible or not?

How did you get them to give yopu an expedite? I wish I could get one. Good for you and good luck. Aloha

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-27 02:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to Wear to Interview?

Dress like you are going to a job interview.


I agree.  From what I have heard and read and with all due respect a black hoody might not be acceptable in other embassies.  Or at least might cause one to stick out like a sore thumb.  Oh those Canadians!!  hahaha  Just kidding.  We love you Canadians....

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-20 14:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlgerian embassy- no response yet for extension of approved I-129F

actually, I am VERY angry and heart broken! It was difficult enough trying to maintain a long distance relationship ...let alone trying to work together through this process...all this for nothing. yes, he should have been more organized...I guess I did not nag him enough. Thank you for your feedback!


I am very sorry for you.  I hope it all works out eventually...  Take a deep breath....I'm sorry if I upset you.  That was not my intent.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-14 15:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAlgerian embassy- no response yet for extension of approved I-129F

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me...I received the approved I-129F dated 4/19/2013 I thought 4 months would be enough time for my fiance and I to prepare but because of our ill-planning, work & home life, Ramadan, etc. well, the approved petition will be expiring in the next few days. 8/18/2013. I have emailed the Algerian embassy since last week ...a total of 3 times requesting an extension but have not received any response. I realize that Ramadan just finished last week and the embassy was closed on August 4th, I am trying to be patient but I am not getting any response positive or negative from the embassy. Should I call? Can my fiance call as well to request an extension?That would be one heck of a phone call. My fiance only needs to have his medical examination done & have the interview. I am just worried that we would have to do this all over again...this is a lesson for the both of us!  I have read other posts from other members stating that usually Embassy could grant an extension but again I did not receive any response yet from the Algerian embassy either way which makes me very worried


It looks to me that your fiance is too late already.  How can he possibly get his medical done in time before the interview? If he does not have the medical done and if the embassy does not have the medical report he will NOT BE APPROVED.  I am sorry you are in this situation but your fiance should have been a little more organized I guess?  If I were you I'd be very angry...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-14 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPost-Interview - Travel Without Passport?



My wife and I are curious about this:


Since she has to hand over her passport during the immigration interview and then wait for the visa and passport to be sent to her, how does she fly home?

Is she allowed to fly from Manila to Cebu without her passport? 


Thanks for helping.


I had my wife get a postal ID, voters registration, etc...all the photos ID's we could get for her.  Your wife will need a photo ID of some sort to get on the plane from Manila to Cebu. (My wife is also from Cebu)  Your wife would have to have presented some form of photo ID to obtain her passport and take her CFO class?  I would suggest making a copy of her passport, each and every page including the cover and back just in case.  I have heard rumor that there are "fixers" across the street of the CEBU Airport that can make up an ID almost instantly that can be used for flight.  What a coincidence that they are across the street from the airport?  I heard the airport ticket counter agent telling a Filipina in line in front of me that she had to have a photo ID and all she had to do was go across the street to "her uncles" place and get an ID.  This sounds like the Philippines I have grown to love but I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND buying any kind of ID from a fixer.  My wife was all over Cebu applying for and getting every legitimate ID she could get.  I think she has 4 or 5 picture IDs at this point, including her Philippines drivers license.  Yes, she actually took the drivers course and tests.  Of course for a fee you can bypass all of that.... But yes I agree the best advice at this point is to talk to the people at the airport and perhaps they can help you by verifying her passport or something before you leave for Manila.  Good luck.


Aloha Ke Akua


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-12 19:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFrankfurt experience 09/24/13

WOW, congrats!!!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-24 17:40:00