K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConviction in I-129F


He's checked his record to the best of his ability and it shows no convictions. Now, if for some reason there is a conviction then I agree that he not only should not be in possession of a firearm, but also be heavily scrutinized as to whether his K1 is approved. Again, the instructions for the I-129f refer to convictions only. He's done his work. He can submit the I-129f form and mark it as having "no convictions" for the requested crimes. If in the process of the government background check they find that there is a conviction, then they will submit to him an RFE for court and arrest records. For now, he doesn't need to do that. 


It's possible that a DANC (Deferred Acceptance of No Contest) or DAG (Deferred Acceptance of Guilt) plea was done in court.  However, he states that he never went to court and that his attorney accomplished this without him being there.  This would be highly unusual as I have never seen a judge accept one of these pleas without first explaing the terms to the defendant personally on the court record.  I think there is some missing information here.  But yes perhaps he has done his homework but I would suggest going to the Police Station and getting his record directly from them.  We can do it here, it cost's 25 dollars and you get it immediately.  This might be the safest thing he can do to cover his you know what.



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConviction in I-129F



The OP has already explained that his record does not indicate a conviction. This is America. It's legal to own guns here. 


He might be under the misconception that his record is clear but that might not be the case.  By the way, I also have guns, I have 3 AR-15's, a Colt 45 and several shotguns and other firearms.  The difference here is I do not have any abuse convictions.


God Bless America

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConviction in I-129F

Ok so back in 2002 with my wife we had a fight, the neighbors called the police who came and they have a "We come out for a domestic someone is getting charged" policy... Well since I left before they got there and talked to her they charged me with it (I was never arrested, booked, or even saw the inside of the PD) about a month later I was shocked to get a letter to come to court that's when I found out I was being charged with a domestic charge, I didn't have a lawyer so I took the public defender (ugh) who had me do anger management classes blah blah... Needless to say I didn't finish them, went back to court, the judge gave me an extension, I still didn't do it ($50 a class and I was working min wage job to support myself wife and new baby) so I knew if I went back to court I was going to jail and it was going to stick... SO I never went back to court, a bench warrant got issued...... Fast forward to 2008, I was pulled over because the cop did a random plate run and that 2002 bench warrant came up... So I was took to county and mug shots and finger prints were taken I spent all of 3 hours there (was never told I was charged with anything just picked up for a BW), well by this time I was in a better place and was able to hire a lawyer (I had to pay $500 to get out for the bench warrant). So I paid the lawyer and never went back to court (I actually called them a year later to see what was going on with my case), they said they got a conditional discharge on it... meaning if I had not been in trouble for the last 6 months they went back opened the case back up, changed the plea to a not guilty (you have to plea guilty the first time) and dismissed the charges. Well none the less that's what happened. Well since my wife passed away in early 2009 I started collecting guns.... I pass the NICS check (which if you are convicted of Domestic Violence you can not buy guns or ammo)... I have obtained a license to carry a firearm in my state (same as where this all happened) I have ran a background check on myself using a service and nothing turned up..... SO my question is should I disclose this on the I-129F as a conviction?


First off I can tell by reading your post that we are not hearing the entire story here.  If I were you I would get rid of all of my guns.  Anyone convicted of spousal abuse (VAWA) can never own and/or possess any guns or ammunition.  Rarely there could be an acception if the case was expunged by Presidential pardon, Governor pardon, etc...but like I said that is rare.  What is an NICS check?  Do you mean the NCIC check?  What were you thinking when you refused to do your classes, etc?????

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI Can Open Loomis Envelope, Right?

What do you hope to find by opening the Loomis envelope anyway?  Just keep it all sealed up.  This way you have nothing to fear.  For God's sake, don't take any chances.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-06-19 12:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we request to postpone the interview date

Posted by LiliBurd


She's a bride to be she can call it a wedding if she wants to. People get married legally all the time and then have the party and they call the party their wedding. So why can't she do the same?

I actually think it's a great idea and even if he doesn't get his visa before October and has to go back home you know it won't be long before he comes back :)  Smart thinking neaivj. It sucks not being able to plan a proper wedding so why not take control one way or another. Let me know how it turns out as I too will probably push back my interview to make things work with when we plan to get married.  Congrats on your upcoming wedding! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


With all due respect: YOU ARE WRONG.You cannot call it a wedding.  You cannot get married while processing a K-1 visa.  You cannot even infer that there is any kind of a ceremony that looks like a wedding.  People have gotten tripped up just having an engagement party and showing pics to the CO.  CO's tend to believe that photos taken at what looks like a wedding, a bride wearing a wedding gown, a groom in a tux, bridesmaids, groomsmen, setting, reception, etc appear to be photos of a wedding.  You know the old saying, if it smells like a wedding, quacks like a wedding and looks like a wedding, it probably is a wedding.  Therefore the word wedding should never be used.  An engagement party might be okay but I would not even show the CO photos of that.  They might request evidence to prove that they were not married.  I am just trying to help the poster.  You are giving poor advice that could very likely get the OP in trouble.


With all due respect YOU ARE WRONG.  A couple in the process of a K-1 should never hold any event called a WEDDING or any event that looks like, smells like, or sounds like a wedding.  They should simply postpone the "wedding" and wait until the spouse is here in the US.  But that's just me talking.


Oh and by the way.  I am not suggesting that I am perfect.  I made the mistake of booking our airplane tickets from my wife's home country to the USA 10 business days after we attended the interview.  Well, I failed to follow what all the fine people here on VJ said and that was, "Never book plane reservations until you have the visa in hand."  Well, as it turned out 99% of the VJ'ers were correct.  I ended up having to change our airline reservations at a considerable cost because it took 11 business days for the visa to arrive at our 2GO delivery location.  So the moral of the story is: Patience...and never book anything until the visa is in hand.  Oh, and don't get married while processing a K-1 visa.


God Bless

Edited by David & Zoila, 05 August 2014 - 12:06 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-05 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we request to postpone the interview date




Edited by David & Zoila, 05 August 2014 - 11:51 AM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-05 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we request to postpone the interview date


The reason we plan it because he does not need a fiance visa to travel to the US, our planning is even we do not have the fiance visa on hand, he will just travel here as a tourist and we can still have the wedding (its just a celebration, no legal document invloved), then he goes back to his country after the wedding


You are calling this a wedding.  You cannot get married and have him leave and come back for the "real wedding" on a K-1.


sorry i didn't make it clear, its just celebration wedding, no legal document invloved, of course we will do the legal marriage document after we have the finance visa


so by law, we are still not married but we are having the wedding party before


Quit calling it a "wedding party". Never use the term wedding, if it is not a wedding.  Why not wait till he gets here on the K-1?

Edited by David & Zoila, 04 August 2014 - 03:32 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-04 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan we request to postpone the interview date

Hi all,


I need help, I am so happy that finally we got our NOA2 but then I realize a big potential problem. We have already planned our wedding on 10/3 this year and my fiance just got the NOA2 last monday (7/28), it seems like most likely the interview will be scheduled around mid-Sep, after they approve it, they will take his passport for visa printing, and it might take up to 2 weeks or more for him to receive the passport which means he might not have his passport with him in Oct.


But he NEEDS the passport to travel to the US before Oct, the wedding has been planned more than half year ago and most money has been paid, his friends and fmailys have also bought the tickets and booked hotel, we cannot pospone the wedding. I am really worried now, any idea how we should manage this situation?




Hate to say it but you should never book any arrangements, flights, weddings, etc until you have the VISA in-hand.  If you do not postpone the wedding he might not be here to participate.  Now that would be a waste, would it not?  Good luck.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-04 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy cr-1 was denied in 2011, is it possible for me to get a k-1 with the same person

I canncelled the k1. thninking about it i dont want to go through the process again. My husband is a spiteful person and whose aim was to mess up my life. I am just going to get a visitor visa. I have proof I am not marriage. I have always been IN A good job. What issue would i have in getting the visa?


Wait, I thought you two were divorced???  It's obvious YOU are not committed to this man.  Why not just give up all together?  You're wasting everyone's time, including your own.  Move on...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-12 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy cr-1 was denied in 2011, is it possible for me to get a k-1 with the same person

In sep of 2011 my cr-1 was denied without stating a reason. my husband and i didnt receive any notification as to why it was denied .. my passport wasnotr stamp or anything. During this period it caused my husband and i to seperate and he filed a divorce. Now we wants to be with reach other. i am still married in my country but he s divorce. is it possible for us to get a k-1? pLEASE HELP


So the two of you are still married in your country?  If that's the case the answer is NO.  He cannot get a fiance VISA for you.  You are married.  He must apply for a CR-1 instead.  If you are married you cannot get a K-1 visa.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-04 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI don't see where "proof of ongoing relationship" is required


They let you go into the interview room?? I wonder if it is different for different consulates. It was my understanding that in Guangzhou I would not be allowed to go into the interview. Everything I read said I had to wait outside all day  :clock:  


Perhaps each country/consulate is different.


I'm sorry my wife's interview was in Philippines.  They allow US citizens to accompany spouse into embassy and to sit with spouse during interview.  The CO even swore me in.  China might be different.  Why it would be different I don't know because once in the embassy you are on US soil. (US Embassy)  But I have heard that  there are different rules for different countries.



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI don't see where "proof of ongoing relationship" is required

yes OP you are right, proof of ongoing relationship is not asked, the only requirement is you two have met in the last 2 years.  i do think that some is overdoing this and sent in 200 pages of skype or facebook chat can have something ready when you have your interview if you like.  i only sent in a few pictures and 2 boarding passes that we travelled together, no emails, no chat logs etc  did not get a RFE nor did they ask for anything at any stage of the process.

good luck


I agree, this is good advice.  Some people overdo this to the extreme of sending photo albums, hundreds of pages of chat logs, and all kinds of excessive stuff.  Don't send so much that the person looking at your file gets overwhelmed with too much information.  Use the guides provided on VJ.  They are helpful.  I also attended my wife's interview and I believe that helped us as the CO asked me more questions than they did her.  The CO was gald I was there to answer questions.  Good luck. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI don't see where "proof of ongoing relationship" is required

The idea of "front-loading" comes from the fact that a CO is not required to look at any evidence that you give them at the interview. They are required to view the evidence in the petition, however.  So the idea is to include information that is not strictly required at that stage to "force" them to see evidence that strengthens your case.


Great explanation Harpa

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-25 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbank letter?

Hi guys, i have my interview, or our interview i should say in just a couple weeks. I have everything ready except for employment letter and bank letter. Waiting on the employment letter and as for the bank letter i asked last week and found this out:

My bank, capital one 360, does not write special letters and sign them that say how much i have deposited in the past year and how long i have had my account with them. The rep directed me to print from the internet 2 things, a verification of deposit pdf that is automatically generated showing deposits in the past 3 months and past year, as well as screen shots showing my current balance and or my monthly statements (i dont get monthly statements come to think of it, but i can do the screen shots).

My question is, are these things enough information to take to the interview or do i need find someone higher on the ladder at the bank to write me a letter on capital one 360 letterhead and signed??? Please say no! Lol


One piece of advice.  This is why I don't have an "ON-LINE BANK" account.  My wife and I have a bank account at a local mortar and brick bank where we have a personal banker (PB).  We can easily walk into our bank and ask for letters and our PB is happy to assist. Usually the same day.  I would advise everyone to find a good local bank where you can deal with real people.  Of course our bank also has an on-line site where we can log in at any time, check our balances, move money from one account to another, pay bills, etc...  Our paychecks are automatically deposited to our joint checking account and we never really have to go to the bank but when we need to our PB is there.  We have gotten interest rates 1% and more below the big on-line banks and mortgage brokers because we have this personal relationship with out bank and our banker.  She knows us and offers us better deals than we can get anywhere else.  No I am not a banker but I believe it is a good idea to have a real bank to deal with.  (I guess Capital One 360 is really only about 345? hahaha)

Edited by David & Zoila, 26 August 2014 - 04:03 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbank letter?

Hi guys, i have my interview, or our interview i should say in just a couple weeks. I have everything ready except for employment letter and bank letter. Waiting on the employment letter and as for the bank letter i asked last week and found this out:

My bank, capital one 360, does not write special letters and sign them that say how much i have deposited in the past year and how long i have had my account with them. The rep directed me to print from the internet 2 things, a verification of deposit pdf that is automatically generated showing deposits in the past 3 months and past year, as well as screen shots showing my current balance and or my monthly statements (i dont get monthly statements come to think of it, but i can do the screen shots).

My question is, are these things enough information to take to the interview or do i need find someone higher on the ladder at the bank to write me a letter on capital one 360 letterhead and signed??? Please say no! Lol



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential fiance is already married

Was she introduced to you by a trusted source? I'd be very leery of this kind of situation.


Yup.  Sounds like someone is trying to get a gullible American to pay for their annulment.  Keep looking.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-28 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential fiance is already married

I am a filipina .. 

and from what i know

you can't marry her on any grounds,




annulment first and that'll take time and lots of money .. 

it wasn't easy but then again that's the only way for her to be single again.. 

goodluck . 




And you might spend all that money on supporting her for the next two or more years and the cost of the annulment and she will instead marry someone else?  Sorry to say but it's possible.  What is she doing now but looking for a new American husband while she is still married in the Philippines?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-25 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential fiance is already married

I am an American living in the US. I was introduced to a Filipina from Cebu that was married but unhappy and looking to divorce her Filipino husband. Some half assed research has led me to believe that there's no way I could ever petition for her to come to the US on a K1 visa because Philippines does not allow divorces. Am I correct in my assumption? I read something about paying almost $3000 and waiting 2 years to get a divorce recognized in Philippines. Long story short, what can I do, if anything, to petition for her to come to US and marry me if she's already married in Philippines?


Her name isn't Pam or Xhen, is it??

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-25 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they accept certified mail at Dallas Lockbox?

Hi, I just mailed the entire I-129F package today. As suggested I asked for "return receipt requested / delivery confirmation" and I filled out two forms at the post office. But it appears what I mailed is a certified mail. Is this correct? Do they have personnel to sign the certified mail over there or it is just a mailbox? Now I wish I would just mail a regular mail ......


YES, you did the right thing.  Certified mail/return receipt is exactly what you wanted to do.  You will get the signed receipt returned to you via the mail.  Proof of delivery  GOOD JOB!!


Take a deep breath and relax.


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-28 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! Forgot to enter Social Security number I-129F (petitioner)

















Thank all soo much for your replies I really appreciate it!! I went  to the USPS website and fill out an intercept from for the packet and successfully made sure the people in the Lewisville post office located it and return it to me before it reaches immigration. I barely made it but I'm getting it back soon and this time I will make sure to check everything 1 million times!!


One suggestion.  Have someone else go over the forms for you.  Sometimes we have seen the forms so many times we miss the thing that we are missing.  That make sense?


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-29 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP!! Forgot to enter Social Security number I-129F (petitioner)

Hi there, my name is Nawal (petitioner) and i just sent in my I-129F for my fiance yesterday (8/26/2014) and just looking through the extra copies that I have I just realized that I was stupid enough not to notice that my social security number wasn't on the I-129F!!! luckily it is on my G-325 but now i have no idea what to do. I swear i checked my papers over 20 times and i cant believe i didnt notice this horrible mistake. Before anyone judges me I am only human and checking over 123 pages is very overwhelming even though what i missed was dreadful. I still havent received my NOA1 yet, but is there a way if I call them and tell them my mistake and tell them that my SSN is on my G-325 for proof will they fix it for me on the phone? I have heard that mailing them won't do me any good because it may get lost. I am scared there is no way of fixing it and after a long wait have my whole I-129F denied and sent back due to improper filing. I really want to fix it from the very beginning and not get delayed. 


Thanks in advance and hoping for a reply soon.


Complete a new form to include you SS#.  Mail it certified/return receipt along with a very clear cover letter explaining that you forgot to enter your SS# on the initial filing.  It might get to your file before they pack it up and send it back to you if you are lucky.  Send it NOW!  It can't hurt.  It might not work but if you don't send it there is no chance they will simply complete the incomplete for for you.


Good luck and God Bless,



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-28 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInclude Proof of Wedding Plans in K-1 Petition?


You need a letter of intent to marry from BOTH of you.  This is all the RFE is asking for.


I agree.  DO NOT provide anything more than the RFE is asking for.  Simply letter of intent to marry from both of you, originals and signed of course.


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-09-03 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInclude Proof of Wedding Plans in K-1 Petition?



I have read in several K-1 guides the need to include documentation of plans for a wedding with the K-1 fiancé petition.  This includes agreements with venue(s), officiant, caterer, photographer, etc. 


I do not see any reference to the inclusion of this information in the K-1 Visa Guide here on VisaJourney.


Can anybody speak to the necessity of including this information with a K-1 Fiancé Petition? 


Thank you!!





David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting process to bring my boyfriend to the US

That is correct, just to mention  we did have a relationship it was not a sex thing. The person he was married with was living in the US most of the time she did not travel to the Dominican Republic only twice while they were married. Thank you!


Wait, you said you had a child with him but it was "not a sex thing"?  There had to be some sex thing involved.  He was married and his wife "only came twice to see him" while you were having an affair with him?  Putting all of that aside you must refer to him as your fiance and follow the K-1 guide. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-09-04 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever Met My Fiance

Why is it, can anyone tell me, that new people come on VJ, ask questions, get answers that are honest, and right on the money, and then have a three cornered fit because the truth of the situation does not match what they imagine will happen, what they want to have happen. If they responses they get don't jive with what they want to hear, they are being attacked.


USCIS has fairly rigid criteria. You have to be free to marry, and you have to have met with the previous 2 years. USCIS don't give a fiddlers about your hopes, your plans, how clever you are, your paid for wedding arrangements, or any of the innumerable excuses people have claimed are impediments by way of an excuse. They want what they want, the way they want it, and that is the way it is.




I am also tired of the crying that goes on here, by both the original poster and the responders.  The sugar coating of the responses makes me sick.  Let's just get real.  I have heard there is some sort of waiver for the 2 year meeting but "I personally" am unaware of anyone as yet that has ever gotten to the US without the meeting... While there may be lets be honest with the person asking the question.  Let's not give them all this pie in the sky rubbish.  You are right, USCIS could give a rats a** what anyones dreams or hopes are.  Let's get real, shall we?  And moments ago the person that is so ill just said 99.9% of people would never know he was sick.  He says he works and functions like anyone else.  While I am sure he is very ill will and I feel very sorry for the two of them it is irrelevant.  It all comes down to what the government believes.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-18 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever Met My Fiance

one post that adds nothing constructive to the op's question removed, along with one quoting. 
save the sarcasm for the lower forums.


not entirely true.  there are some exceptions, which one poster already covered.


Okay maybe a one in ten thousand chance.  Not good odds in my book.

Edited by David & Zoila, 18 March 2014 - 01:57 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-18 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNever Met My Fiance

Me and my fiance were engaged through parents back in 2004. We were too young to accept the relationship we never talked till 2010 and now we talk 24/7 and are in Love, unfortunately I could never meet my fiance because of his medical issues he cannot travel at all as he is suffering from Chronic Renal Failure and needs everyday 12 hours dialysis. If he traveled he would die sad.png we have proof of online conversations, facetimes, pictures taken through webcam, presents he sent me on different occasions but not even a single picture together though I have few pictures with his family as his mother came multiple times. 

Is this issue gonna affect our case? We already submitted a waiver from his doctor with the I129F application?

Also I am a Doctor recently graduated and pursuing my career in States, does any of the listed things can affect our case?

Thank You so much...


You will NEVER get a visa without having met face to face within two years prior to the submission of any documents.

Edited by David & Zoila, 18 March 2014 - 01:55 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-18 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in April 1st NOA recieved yesterday

If I was your father in law and I was spending "five figures" for a "wedding" I would be really pissed off if I found out I was only paying for a "party" after all.  You better start thinking about your father in law in this, not only the "boss".

Edited by David & Zoila, 29 May 2014 - 01:54 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-29 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWedding in April 1st NOA recieved yesterday

Thanks for your advice and best wishes. Really appreciate both :-)

The last thing i want to do is go over there without the K1 in hand and have some sort of ceremony that can be seen as an official wedding. I am only ever doing this once so i want to do it right!

Ive read that there is an expidite process? There are certain circumstances though. Financial loss... I.e. My fiance(the petitioner losing financially). I stand to loose a few thousand(nothing worth crying about) but her father is shelling out 5 figures!! Thats what is really worring me.

we applied in april, wedding in november engaged since december. Theres a fair amount of money being paid out, for the wedding. Has anyone come across this before?


Not grounds for an expedite.  The government didn't tell father in law to plan and pay for wedding yet.  You would be much safer post poning the affair until you have the documents in hand.  Just saying.  Good luck and God Bless.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-28 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime to know each other

I WANT to go visit two more times after the I-129F is filed just to expedite the situation, But does the CO officer really care if those two visits are AFTER or before the petition is filed? It seems like it wouldn't matter as long as we were working on our relationship and toward marriage?


I think you'll be fine visiting after filing.  Being at the interview could be key here...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-09-24 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime to know each other

I have a question concerning this whole K-1 Visa process. We will have known each other for about 2 ½ months, and met once. We talk every day, and I am documenting all conversations since August 30,(we met in person between the 15th and the 20 of August). We are very good about making sure we talk about plans for our future etc, with purpose, though we did that in Bogota, in chat.  The reason I bring this up, is I noticed, on the time lines, that from NOA 1 to Embassy approval, for Bogota, is about 6 months, which I didn't know it would be that fast! That will give us about 9 months total of knowing each other..Do they question, or has anybody had any issues with only knowing each other a couple  of months before filing? is this a big issue for them, or a red flag?


Not sure about your country but Philippines..."Met" my wife on-line and chatted for 2 months.  Went to meet her in person after 2 months, proposed after 4 days, married her after 3 more days.  Filed for CR-1 once we got the wedding contract from government.  8 months passed while we waited for interview...I attended interview with her (allowed in Philippines) and 12 days later we flew to US together.  I don't see a problem with 9 months.  And as far as the age difference goes the CO had questions fer me because my youngest son was older than my new wife.  Had I not been at the interview I am not sure how it would have gone.  The co asked me more questions than my spouse.  Age difference? I am 37 years older than my spouse.  That might be a red flag in your country and it might have been for us in Philippines but me being at the interview I really believe made the difference.  If you can attend her interview with her it might be a good idea.  Even if you have to wait outside the embassy while she gets interviewed, in which case she can acrry your passport into the interview with her to show that you are outside supporting her.  I have heard that this has helped some.


God Bless you both,


Aloha,  David

28 years, from one of the OP's other topics. That, combined with getting married after knowing each other for only a very short amount of time, are two significant red flags that you may need to overcome.


This was not an issue for my spouse and I.  I was 57 and she was 20 at the time of the interview.  But perhaps my being there with her at the interview helped???

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-09-24 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho believes in miracles?

Well, I officially do believe in miracles and there IS fairness in life:)


For those who remembers my story, I went through CSC center, got approved without any RFEs. Details here:http://www.visajourn...aijan-k1/page-7

Then interview went fine but we were denied for some reason. Details here:http://www.visajourn...ent-help/page-9


We were advised that docs will be sent back to US and USCIS will review the denial reason in 120 days. I made a decision not to wait and go ahead and fly to Azerbaijan to marry my fiancee and apply for a Spouse Visa. I got all documents ready, the only thing we were waiting for was marriage certificate. The problem I had was that In order for me to get married here, in Baku, i need a paper from US that i have never been married before and eligible to get married right now. I had gotten that paper and had it notarized and everything but i forgot it at home when I was flying from US to Azerbaijan. My step-dad mailed it to me here, but it got lost on the way here. As a result we missed our registration date, which was Sep. 27th, as they needed that paper. Since we missed that registered date, we had to wait another Month to get a new date. Well I found a way how to do it without waiting a month. My step-dad overnighted new needed document and i got it this morning. We took the document and rushed to the translation center where they would translate and certify needed doc. and then we would be on our way to get married.Right before we walk in to the translation center, Kristina gets a phone call as we walk and suddenly stops and becomes WHITE. It scared everything out of me as I thought somebody passed away or something. and then she states: "Visa got approved!" then I become White too. They said they reviewed our case and decided to approve her fiancee visa. If they called 2 hrs later we would be married and Fiancee visa would be expired.

We already sent a passport to Us Embassy in Georgia and they said it will take them 10 days to provide a k-1 visa. I will be returning to US with my baby. We cannot believe this! Everything happens for a reason. If I didn't forget that document when I was traveling to Azerbaijan, it would have been too late and we would have to wait forever before we meet again.

We think one of the reason they reviewed our case again is that I went to US Embassy in Baku and asked their help to get a new document that I am not married. So US Consular in Baku talked to me personally. Maybe they have centralized system where they saw that I am planning to get married. I have no idea. that is the only explanation.


Well, there is my short but super happy story.

I wish luck to everyone and thanks to VJ again for all the help and advises!!!

I wish patience and love to everyone!!!!


Yes WE believe in miricles.  They happen more often than most would like to admit.  GOD BLESS the two of you.  And thank God.


David & Zoila



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-09-30 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Got an Interview Date!!

I know I said a couple of days ago that I wasn't going to call or email for another week, but today I said I'll give them ONE last call, and to my Surprise, I was told that our interview date had been scheduled!!!! Wooohooo!??

As I expected, it's in November, but no problem, at least we have a date.??


Congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-03 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F "Proof" Pictures Submission - Format?

Good afternoon, all!

We are about to finally finish our I-129F and I have attached our 57 or so pictures with double sided tape to white paper, then labeled the pictures clearly with names of all in the pictures, what is happening in the picture and where the picture was taken. I also put a heading at the top of the page and wrote my (petiitoner's) name and that it is I-129F. This way it's easier to see which ones go together; ie "Family retreat" etc.


I did this because I read it on visajourney somewhere, but I've now read that others have submitted the pictures in a clear plastic bag.


Can I leave my pictures as they are or should I change the format? Thoughts? Thanks in advance!


5 or 6 photos is enough. Don't give them more than they need.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-06 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED



Yipee!!!  Yeehaah!  God Bless you both.


David & Zoila

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview


J-1 is not a normal visitor's visa, it's a non-immigrant workers visa that is sponsored by the Chinese government. It has it's on rules and regulations compared to other visitor visas.  I wish it was as easy as just adjusting a status, unfortunately it's not. My wife has had several colleagues go through the same process. It's a long, complicated process but we are in the final stretch now. 


Thanks for the kind words. 


Sorry to hear that. I learned somehting new.  Zoila and I will be praying for you both.  God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-09 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview


Two Year Rule applies to ANY immigration visa. You have to meet the 2 year home requirement before you can be awarded an US immigration visa. Marriage to a US citizen does not waive the 2 years. 

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the overstay would not have been forgiven. In order to get an Immigrant VISA, a J-1 holder has to fulfill the 2 year home requirement, before issued a immigrant visa. Marrying a US citizen does not waive that requirement. I sure wish it did!  


Wait. So if she stayed in US after marrying you here she HAD to return to China?  Why?  This is news to me.  I have read over and over agin about people coming here on visitor visa's and getting married and staying.  Just adjusting status.  Am I wrong on this? 


Any way good luck and GOD BLESS

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview



My wife and I were married in November 2012 in the US. My wife is from China and was in the US on a J-1 VISA. She returned to China December 2012, due to her J-1 VISA expiring. As soon as she returned, we started the immigration paperwork. After countless forms and fees, she was finally scheduled an immigration interview at the US Consulate in Guangzhou on Dec 24, 2013. During her interview, it noted that she had not yet met her 2 year home requirement. We were already aware of the 2 year home requirement, but decided to try our chances anyway. 


Now that the 2 year mark is approaching, we would like to go ahead and re-schedule the interview. However, the US Consulate will not schedule the interview until the 2 years has been met. My concern is how long it will take to schedule the interview. If the 2 years is met on Dec 31st of this year, it may be a few months before an interview is re-scheduled. Has anyone had this situation before? How long did to take get an interview scheduled? How long does it usually take for the visa to be processed after the interview? 


Any advice or suggestions is GREATLY appreciated! 





Sorry this happened to you but may I ask why didn't she just stay in USA once you were married?  Overstay would have been forgiven because of marriage to US citizen, would it not?  Well hindsight is 20/20 I guess.  Looks like you will just have to wait for the first possible interview date.  God Bless


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE

I didn't send pictures thinking we just need it for his interview lol I hope that's all they're asking for umm it's just nerve wrecking but on the bright side they at least looked into my file it's been not even 4 months since I filed ... I live in dallas and my case is here in TSC so I should get that letter in a day day or 3 lol .. Honestly I wish I knew about vj I think I wouldn't get a RFE if I knew about this site it's wonderful so many people sharing info and advices thank you for replying and ure right every case is DIFERENT .. I'll see what they need and of course I'll send it ASAP to them so I can get that noa2 thank u again


Take a ddep breath.  Yoi will find out what is missing, if anything when you get the mail.  In the mean time there is nothing you can do.  I'm sorry this is happening to you.  It happened to me also because I entered a date incorrectly by just one day.  It added a few weeks to our journey but in the end we made it.  All things happen for a reason.  We usually can't see that at the time but most likely you will look back on this in years to come and realize that there was a reason.  Good Luck and God Bless.


P.S.  Prayer helped calm me as I waited.  It can't hurt.


David & Zoila

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me for sending back RFE.

Hello, I need all your advices.
Last sep/20 my finance got rfe by email. Sep/26 he got hard copy of rfe. Then sep/30 he signed and kept in mail box. The mail man came and got it. But we did not have tracking number..Until now we did not hear any update infos from uscis...
So now do you think he should ask post office to check where was doc or we will call uscis to request other rfe.
Thanks for any advices...


If you just let the mailman pick up the envelope at your house you must not have sent it Certified/Registered Return Receipt Requested.  Now you have no proof that you even mailed the letter.  If I were you I would make another document and take it to the Post Office and mail it properly so you will get a receipt that it was delivered.  But that's just me.  I would NEVER send anything to them regarding my future life without a proof of delivery.  Good luck and


God Bless


David & Zoila

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 13:42:00