IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian moving to US - I-130 DoS stage

Hi all,


Today we checked the USCIS case status - and it's been changed to "Post Decision Activity" - very excited as it looks like our petition has been approved.


The notice reads: 


Is there a step-by-step guide for the process at this point? If I've read everything correctly, we would be going through the Montreal embassy. I'd like to have everything ready to go asap so we can speed this stage up as fast as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated! smile.png



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-10 17:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC filing from abroad - Looking for tips and advice


Hi Kaelabelle, 


Thanks for your response! I've been living overseas for 2 1/2 years and must admit, I have not filed my 2012 or 2013 US taxes. I've only filed my Australian taxes. I found it difficult to file my OZ taxes in the US since the tax cycles are different. Is this something I should do asap? April is the deadline so I presume I can try and get them done.


I do have some savings in the US that can show I have fund above the US poverty line. Do you think showing a bank statement of this would help?


Also for domicile, I have a mortgage in the US under my name and my US voting registration in NY is still active. Would these be helpful?


Yes, I believe that you need to get your US taxes filed ASAP.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-10 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I qualify for expedite under financial loss?

I'm not sure what USCIS means by financial loss but here is my situation:

I'm taking graduate classes at a University and have two more classes left including my thesis. I got divorced last year and kept our two years old son with me and since then I don't have time to do my school work because I also work full time. As a result, if I don't finish my program in the next 12 months I will be kicked out of school after spending nearly $40,000 on tutions and fees. I really need my wife here to help with chords, my son, and free some of my time to be able to finish my thesis. Not to mention, I also have migraine headaches and when I get them I can't rest because I don't have anyone to watch my son.

I'm asking because like I said I'm not sure what considers extreme financial loss.


Sorry, no.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 17:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I listen to Tier 2, or is there another way?

Gosh, I do wonder how I was approved then! Hmmm.


You say potaoe, I say pototto...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-15 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPCC - Gujarat India

No you dont need a letter from NVC about PCC. You need to get it so that you can send it in to NVC. Somebody dont know what they are talking about and it needs to be an original. When you go for your PCC you tell them why you need it. I know for certain you dont need any letter from NVC I dont know how your country works about getting it.


Yup, sounds like another lawyer/agent making money off of innocent people.  OP, you can do this all by yourself if you use VJ along the way.  You see here you are now asking for advice and your wife's agent doesn;t know what the heck they are doing.  Save your money and save it yourself.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-13 16:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures420 check for I-130 package

Can we send any check to USCIS? We have First Hawaiian Bank check book.


Yes you can.  I used my FHB personal checking account to pay our fees.  It's another way to prove payment.  You can log into your FHB account on-line to see that the check has been cashed and deposited.  Here is the link to the USCIS site with instructions for payment:


I guess you're in Guam.  I know FHB has branches there.


Aloha from Hawaii,


Good Luck and God Bless


David Olsten

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-07-18 19:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCertified Copy of Marriage Certificate

I would suggest submitting the ORIGINAL along with a photo copy.  Remember to ask for the original document back when you are interviewed.  Worst case scenario is you have to wait for months after your spouse arrives in US for an original to arrive from S Africa?  My wife and I got 5 "originals" of each and every document from the Philippine government to avoid the problem you are now encountering.

Edited by David & Zoila, 12 August 2014 - 08:07 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-12 20:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I tell my wife to leave her JOB

I guess this is not a question i should be asking but i just wanted to share and see if anyone has have this problem. Well my wife will be coming up soon for her interview in the Dominican Republic next month. We where having this talk about when she should leave her job. Yes i would love to have my Wife my love of my life here with me. But at the same time you never know what will happen at the interview. I feel very strong about us and our relationship and the many times i have visit that country sense 2009 over 15 times. But my question to all is should i tell her to let her job know
now that she is putting in her notice or just wait? My wife work in Punta Cana and have a good job. Her job told her if she put in her notice she has to work 15 days in order to received her money she save with the company. I do not want her to lose her money and i don't want her to tell her job at this time she is planning on leaving soon, but because they told her if she was to leave they can not guarantee her job back. Yes i do want my wife here with me as soon as the interview if done. But i guess i waited this long i can wait 3 weeks to a month for her to come to the USA.


Don't resign your job, buy airplane tickets, sell property, burn any bridges, etc...until you have the visa IN HAND.  If she has to stay at her job for 15 days after receiving her visa to get her severance then she should just WAIT.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-20 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresalmost done , but .

hi , my wife's grandmother is gonna be my cosponsor but she only make 17000 USD , is our case gonna be  accepted ? if not pleaaaaaase give me a solution , i only need to pass this step to join my wife .




David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-08-26 18:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview


J-1 is not a normal visitor's visa, it's a non-immigrant workers visa that is sponsored by the Chinese government. It has it's on rules and regulations compared to other visitor visas.  I wish it was as easy as just adjusting a status, unfortunately it's not. My wife has had several colleagues go through the same process. It's a long, complicated process but we are in the final stretch now. 


Thanks for the kind words. 


Sorry to hear that. I learned somehting new.  Zoila and I will be praying for you both.  God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-09 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview


Two Year Rule applies to ANY immigration visa. You have to meet the 2 year home requirement before you can be awarded an US immigration visa. Marriage to a US citizen does not waive the 2 years. 

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately the overstay would not have been forgiven. In order to get an Immigrant VISA, a J-1 holder has to fulfill the 2 year home requirement, before issued a immigrant visa. Marrying a US citizen does not waive that requirement. I sure wish it did!  


Wait. So if she stayed in US after marrying you here she HAD to return to China?  Why?  This is news to me.  I have read over and over agin about people coming here on visitor visa's and getting married and staying.  Just adjusting status.  Am I wrong on this? 


Any way good luck and GOD BLESS

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJ-1 VISA, Re-schedule interview



My wife and I were married in November 2012 in the US. My wife is from China and was in the US on a J-1 VISA. She returned to China December 2012, due to her J-1 VISA expiring. As soon as she returned, we started the immigration paperwork. After countless forms and fees, she was finally scheduled an immigration interview at the US Consulate in Guangzhou on Dec 24, 2013. During her interview, it noted that she had not yet met her 2 year home requirement. We were already aware of the 2 year home requirement, but decided to try our chances anyway. 


Now that the 2 year mark is approaching, we would like to go ahead and re-schedule the interview. However, the US Consulate will not schedule the interview until the 2 years has been met. My concern is how long it will take to schedule the interview. If the 2 years is met on Dec 31st of this year, it may be a few months before an interview is re-scheduled. Has anyone had this situation before? How long did to take get an interview scheduled? How long does it usually take for the visa to be processed after the interview? 


Any advice or suggestions is GREATLY appreciated! 





Sorry this happened to you but may I ask why didn't she just stay in USA once you were married?  Overstay would have been forgiven because of marriage to US citizen, would it not?  Well hindsight is 20/20 I guess.  Looks like you will just have to wait for the first possible interview date.  God Bless


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-08 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

I told Janice to stop posting as she wasn't posting an accurate accounting due to her english not being the best.  However.. the words here are upsetting her so I'm stopping in to clear a few things up. 


1. I wasn't aware I had a child for years, when I contacted the mother when she was pregnant to ask if it was mine, and again after I had heard the child bore a resemblance to me, both times she denied the child being mine. I was young and stupid and believed her until years later when I got a notice from the county letting me know that I owed child support in arrears and I could contest it with a blood test(which turned out positive).  I've never actually been out of the hole with child support. It's not easy to get out either when they compound the interest MONTHLY.  I still can't believe that's even legal.  Yet I see it happen every month on the bill.


2. I was paying on my child support and had 2 seasonal jobs(taxi in the winter and roofing in the summer), which was going fine until I had a roofing job go south at the end of the season and when I went back to drive some friend of the guy doing the schedule for the taxi company had weaseled his way into my hours. My license was pulled once I missed a few payments which made getting a job who has done driving for a living hard. I've never had a higher education either, which also made things difficult.  I later on got a job in another state working for a friend that owned a roofing company, i worked there for over a year and he had one of the guys pick me up for work every day. He lost a few workers and needed me to get a drivers license, I'd been paying steadily(and over the required amount) all year and talked to my case worker about getting it back as I needed it to keep employment. She said I'd need to pay 5,000 to get it back, my grandmother had passed away not too long before and I knew I'd have about 3,000 coming and countered with that, she said no, and I ended up jobless and moved back to my hometown again. I did work cash jobs for awhile as it was all I could get as the economy was hurting, I know.. I applied everywhere. Only when I was to the point of being homeless and straight up told my caseworker that I would be homeless soon and that I could get any number of jobs with my license, did she relent and give it back. I've been driving taxi again and paying ever since(again.. over the amount I owe every month). Who knew.. means to work and get to work = paying child support.


3. Taxes.. totally my fault, and I doubt I even owe that much as I've not made that much during the years I didn't file. I'm bad with paperwork, and I moved around alot, lost some paperwork, and didn't have the money anyways as I've been in a state of recovery for the most part ever since they first yanked my license.  I guess I more or less felt that everything was so messed up for so long that it just didn't even matter anymore, so I just stopped bothering.


4. I saw someone going on and on about the lack of pictures and what it must mean about me. I'm just not that big into them and it never occurred to me, I've never really taken them, never really owned a camera. I collect other keepsakes to remind me of people/places, sometimes an interesting rock, or something I bought at a place I went with someone. 


5. If anyone needs to troll or spout more insults, please direct it to me in PM and leave janice's thread out of it. If you want to be constructive, then by all means do so. 


I believe that most posters here have been constructive.  Perhaps not the way you would like to see it but....  Some, including myself have been a little more upfront with your fiance than others have. I explained to her that I do not know you and that I really could not be sure but come on now, anyone reading this post so far is pretty sure something is fishy here.   I can see why you want her to stay away now because things are not looking so great for you.  Come on now, is it possible that you are being selfish here?  Don't you think you should clear up all of the mess you have already created before bringing the woman you love into this?  Do you really think it is fair to bring her here at this point?  Other posters have warned you and your fiance against getting into this at this point. Whether you can even qualify is in doubt at this point so I would also suggest you get your act together before you bring the love of your life here.  The timing is just not right.  If you can't support your own kid why would the US allow you to bring in someone else?  I mean any NVC clerk is going to ask the same questions and you must have answers for them.  Good luck and be honest with yourself and your love. 


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-01 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

He has been paying like $300 a month for a few years now. Like I said he did a mistake back then and that girl cheated about the kid isn't his. It is simply not his issue. He has no idea about the kid till he is a couple of years old.
It is the compound interest from the child support that makes him reach that amount. He is still paying monthly now. We only have tax issues now

If your fiance is telling you the truth about the child that is "not his" I would be very surprised.  In the US it is very easy to get a DNA test. He could have easily proven years ago that this child is not his.  He surely would have done this simple test if he had any doubt about this child being his.  And if he has not had the child tested then he is also negligent.  Sorry but I don't trust anyone who abandons their own child....under any circumstances.    Why any woman would trust such a failure of a father I could never understand but I am sorry it is abundantly clear that you are blinded by love and cannot or will not listen to any of the warnings and/or advice almost everyone here is giving you.  Most people are so afraid to tell it like it is but I bet lots of people will read this, stand up and shout YES!  You need to wake up and smell the coffee.  The person you have described so far sounds like a liar, a tax cheat, a possible soon-to-be felon for evading income taxes and the worst possible thing is a dead beat dad.  (Read up on killer American Gangster Al Capone. The police could never catch Capone killing anyone but they did catch him being a tax cheat and locked him up in prison where he died)  I am not saying that your fiance is all of these things because I do not know him but if this was a movie everyone watching would know what the outcome of the movie is halfway through.  The poor immigrant fiance would come to the US, work 70 or 80 hours a week, while the man who doesn't care about his own child sits at home and drinks beer, probably gets the new wife pregnant and also ignores his new children.  I know earlier you mentioned you love him for his character?  What character??  I am sorry but I just don't see it.   And the point you make about him noy knowing about the child until he is a couple of years old...what does that have to do with anything?  If I found out I had a child that was 10 years old or whatever age I would surely want to be part of MY child's life.  I would step up to the plate and BE A MAN.  I would not run away from my own child. Oh and by the way.  Have you done the math on the 300 dollars a month that he "claims" to be paying?  My calculation is that will take  66.666 months for him to pay off.  Interesting that it works out to the sign of the devil... Of course that does not include the interest and penalties that are accruing each and every month.  You are probably looking at this taking 10 or more years for him, I mean for the two of you to pay it off.  Not the best way to enter into a new marriage taking up half of his debt.  If I were you I would do a background check on this guy.  I am not a gambling man but I would guess he owes other people money and he is running from them also.  It's pretty easy to do a background check and is relatively inexpensive to do.  You can find out how many debts he really has, how much back child support he really owes, how many bankruptcies he has filed, how much he owes in back taxes, how little money he really has.  You might find out his TRUE CHARACTER.  I'm sorry but I am a professional investigator and if this guy doesn't turn out to be a low life I will be the most surprised person in the world.  This whole scenario sounds like a Lifetime movie to me.  I just wish you could see what you are getting yourself into.  I guess it's true, Love is blind. In spite of all the advice you have gotten it is clear you will not even stand back and look at this so I wish you the best of luck.  You yourself made a statement in your initial post.  You said: "I worry day and night about this and I am still holding onto our I-129F forms and haven't started filing yet. We are planning to get married next year once my visa gets approved.  Can our fellow VJ-er help me with my case or anyone that has the same case with me?"  Read and re-read that statement you made.  Please trust in your instincts.  Listen to your mind not your heart.  Use your women's intuition, your common sense and also listen to all the people here who believe that you are in for a world of disappointment.  Receive all the advice you are getting.  Take a step back and look at this again.  I am sorry and I mean no offense but I just feel like this has to be said.  Trust me, I hope I am totally wrong but I am 99% certain that I am correct on this one. 

Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-31 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

If he were to file 3 years taxes now, how heavy would the penalty be? Does it need to be above poverty line for 3 years taxes too? For I-864.
I guess we have no choice but to file 3 years taxes. Will it affect us if he owes 20k on child support?
By the way, he is not married. He just did something wrong when he was young. I am not gonna bring the issue up because I am only looking for solve it.
Issues are already there


As I understand it US Citizens are required to file taxes every year EVEN IF THEY DON'T OWE ANY TAXES.  And not only the last three years. He might have to go back and file for more years.  When was the last time he filed taxes?  I hate to rain on your parade but I think you are in for a world of hurt if you come to the US for this "man". As another VJ'er said, Wake up and smell the coffee.  I mean are you going to come to the US to support this guy who has not supported his own child?  I think you should trust those instincts that have caused you to delay in filing your forms. I tink you know deep down inside that something is not right here.  Like I said earlier, I hope I am wrong but there are just so many red flags here.  Trust your instincts.  Good luck

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-28 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy case, need help

I'm sorry and I don't mean any offense but it sounds to me like you are considering marrying a dead beat dad.  My guess is he is working for cash (which by the way is a violation of United States Tax Code and possibly a felony punishable by prison.)  I also find it very odd that only 1 picture was taken in 6 months. Could this be because he does not want to document the relationship he has with you? If I were you I would ask myself if I want to marry someone who is hiding from the law by working for cash so he does not have to pay child support.  What makes you think he won't do something similar to you in the future?  And why did he not bring you to the US on a fiance visa and/or why did he not propose marriage until you had returned to your home country?  More questions.  How will he provide for you and your children if you have any if he is not reporting his income, paying social security and contributing to a retirement fund for your golden years together?  Do you understand that if he ever intends to work a legitimate job ever again the child support people will certainly catch up with him and the amount he owes will continue to go up and up and will never be discharged even in the event of him filing bankruptcy?   And do you really want to marry a dead beat dad, if that's what he is?  If he owes 20,000 he has not paid for a long time.  If nothing else is that not morally wrong?  Is there anything worse than a parent who fails to take care of their child?  I would say it is a blessing that you have not filed those papers yet. I think you already have your own suspicions and your own doubts and you have not filed because of these.  Maybe you need to listen to your instincts?  Sorry, and I hope I am wrong but something smells fishy here.  In any event I wish you the best.  And again I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else, I am just looking at this from the outside and well....???





I am the beneficiary


We met online through a game in December 2010.


We started dating in Feb 2011. I travel to U.S in Aug 2012 and live with him till Jan 2013 (6 months)


I have a couple of family dinner with him like thanksgiving, christmas and stuff but we only ever take 1 photo!! Didn't think photos are all that important as long as we are together.


We got engaged through phone calls in Feb 2013 shortly after I left U.S.


I am back in my home country to continue schooling and now we decided that I move to U.S. and live with him.


A few problems with us:


- My fiance is working a cash job. His pay is not trackable and he doesn't file taxes. He has a child support. His son doesnt stay with him but he owes child support like $20k. How are we going to do our I-134 Affidavit of Support?


- We only ever took 1 picture when we are living together for 6 months. How do I proof our relationship?


- What are our chances?


I worry day and night about this and I am still holding onto our I-129F forms and haven't started filing yet. We are planning to get married next year once my visa gets approved.


Can our fellow VJ-er help me with my case or anyone that has the same case with me?



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-05-28 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got scammed the biggest scam of my life

Thanks all for your responses. I have already told her about K1 and the need to marry in the US and not her country. She is blaming it on her brothers (she is from a village) and how they won't let her go alone. I told her that it's impossible for me to go to her country even for one week. She simply ended the relationship and said good luck in your life. We fought a lot before this but she would always go nutts and call me 100 times a day until we get back together. Now after she got the visa it seems it's the opposite.


At this point, I have made up my mind and I don't want her anymore. My main concern is that she would use the visa to come to the USA and live with her sister illegally. If I tell the embassy there, would they call her back and revoke the visa??


I'm sorry this is happening to you.  Has anyone even considered that she has already flown to the US to meet and be with her sister? And who cares about over staying when you plotted for 2 years to get on a plane to join your sister in US?  She might already be here and will likely NEVER GET caught or deported.  Or she could just have second thoughts...the CFO class in the Philippijnes almost changed my wife's mind about coming here. They teach Filipina's that it is very common for Americans in particular to sell their wives into sexual slavery, etc... I mean they are teaching stuff from the 1920's.  She could just be scared.  Hard to say if she won't talk to you but I agree with 95% of the posters cannot get married, and then bring her here.  Good luck and God speed, Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-12 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrong Affidavit of Support


Thanks, my fiance is busy filling out the forms and getting them signed ready to post this afternoon, I know that doesn't leave much time but we can only hope it gets here by Saturday at the latest. I'll have him scan the forms and send those to me too just in case.
Wish I could enjoy the wait until my interview instead of panicking that we wont have everything done on time... men are hopeless with paperwork.... dead.gif


Men are hopeless with paperwork!?  Thats kind of sexist don't you think? Just kidding.  You're probably right. I made a typo on one of our forms and it set us back by about one month. I kicked myself in the a*s I don't know how many times for that.  If  not for that mistake my beautiful wife would already be here with me in the US.  But interview is now set for earlu July.  I kinda think things happen for a reason....maybe it wasn't just my carelessness after all?  hahahaha  Good luck, God Bless.... Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-17 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa financial

I guess it is tru, love is blind.  If you don't make enough money to support yourself and your fiance what are you doing? I don't mean to sound mean but since your fiance will most likely not be allowed to work how will you support him/her?  And once your fiance is here how will you eat, pay rent, etc???  I know this sounds impossible but perhaps you should hold off on the process until you are sure you can make enough money to surive together.  Again, I don't mean any harm but are you really thinking this through?  I know if someone told me this I would be kind of upset because I love my spouse so much and I could not bare another minute without her but...  Anyway I wish you luck, I will pray for you both.  I know you will make it work if you so desire.  God Bless.  Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-06-17 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 expedite

First I would not have posted the question if I have no knowledge of the process. I am aware that it is bigamy to marry someone else while you are still married. Your answers and questions are condescending. I was told this site is a friendly site. As far as the answer to your question we already spent almost $5000 into the annulment and I dont want to get into the detail of where we are at in the annulment process. I will just have my lawyer handle my petition and answer my questions. I posted an honest questions and I don't need anyone lecturing me about the whole process like I am stupid.


Cool your jets man!  The guy is trying to help you.  Take a pill.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-07 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if the k-1 visa fails? :(

Guess what if God leads me there...and my children they guess what he will protect...Again Vax DO NOT cure or prevent they actually spread. Besides if everyone in the US is vaxed then why are people so worried about the unvaxed, let's use our heads and think. The unvaxed are more at risk to be infected by those vaxed.


OMG!!!  As John Stossel would say....."Give me a break!"


GOD gave us minds.  Let's use them, shall we?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-12 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if the k-1 visa fails? :(

I hope he does not get the visa.  I don't want my children to get one of these deadly diseases.  What is it with people?  I mean MORAL purposes?  How about the moral dilemma if you come to US and turns out you have an infectious disease?  And say one child or several fall ill and even one of them dies? Does anyone have any moral objection to that?  Get real, vaccines SAVE LIVES EVERY DAY in this world.  Sure once in a while a person has an allergic reaction and yes once in a while someone dies but the numbers are miniscule as compared to the non-vaccinated population...sorry but the anti-vacinnation people don't care about anyone but themselves. They are selfish and self centered.


I apologize.  I should not have said that I hope he does not get the visa.  I honestly did not mean that.  What I should have said was I hope he gets the immunizations so he will not suffer any infectious diseases.  God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-19 03:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if the k-1 visa fails? :(

Just to clarify...If people in America are immunized then how can a unimmunized person infect anyone?!?! They can't...It has been well documented that Autism is directly linked to immunizations, and that immunized people infect the unimmunized. OP I would encourage you to pray and however God answers you remain faithful to Him. If you both choose to not immunize and get approved I would be very interesting in hearing the update. My fiance and I have been discussing this very thing because by faith we are also counciled not to inject our bodies with chemical whether it is a dead or weakened strain. God be with ye!


With all due respect the news reports and studies over the past few years have disproven the immunization/autism link.  Google some stats on immunizations and see how many thousands of lives have been saved since the advent of modern time and immunizations.  I say this with all the kindness and love in my heart. Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-19 03:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if the k-1 visa fails? :(


Thank you for posting that link! It gave us so much hope:) He too is doing it for moral reasons. Really, thank you:)

I hope he does not get the visa.  I don't want my children to get one of these deadly diseases.  What is it with people?  I mean MORAL purposes?  How about the moral dilemma if you come to US and turns out you have an infectious disease?  And say one child or several fall ill and even one of them dies? Does anyone have any moral objection to that?  Get real, vaccines SAVE LIVES EVERY DAY in this world.  Sure once in a while a person has an allergic reaction and yes once in a while someone dies but the numbers are miniscule as compared to the non-vaccinated population...sorry but the anti-vacinnation people don't care about anyone but themselves. They are selfish and self centered.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-07-19 02:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG325-A and Letter of intent form question

When I file for my k-1 Visa, my significant other and I will have to fill out and sign the g325 form. She lives overseas and I heard that the form must be in original form. Will we be able to have her print it, sign it, scan it, and send it through email? will this work? same goes to the letter of intent. How did you guys do it? If she has to send it through mail, that would take a long time. And would I be able to sign it for her?

Cannot fax or email forms.  MUST BE ORIGINAL WITH ORIGINAL SIGNATURE.  I would never try signing on behalf of my spouse or fiance.  You are only asking for trouble.  If discovered you could be accused of VISA FRAUD, is it worth it?  You fiance or spouse could be banned from ever entering the US period.   


P.S.  Have her sign extra copies of each and every form you will be submitting on her behalf.  I am assuming you are her assigned representative?  This way if the first one you send in has an error it can be corrected on an already signed form and sent in by you, the authorized rep.


Good's best to be patient and wait for the ORIGINAL FORMS


Aloha Ke Akua

Edited by David & Zoila, 14 August 2013 - 03:14 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-14 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForeign marriage after obtaining the K1 visa?

Hello all.


Thanks for your help, as always.


I have a question regarding this issue. My fiance and I want to get married in the foregn country for it to be recorded for local purposes here. Is it possible to have the marriage recorded in a foreign country after obtaining the K1 visa and still have no problem arriving in the US?




Simple answer: NO

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-15 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you really need employment letter for I-134

I included pay stubbs, w-2's and employment letter.  I can't figure out why anyone would not include the employment letter, unless you are hoping to give the VISA people a reason to send you an RFE or to deny your applicationa all together.  I would recommend including the letter.  The letter states that you are currently can't hurt.  Just sayin'.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-26 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

You are right. but what can we do. We have all given her advice. The bottom line is she chooses to still go ahead. So we can only wish her the best with everything.

I totally agree with you there.


I agree wholeheartedly with you.  We are in agreement.  Yeah, I love it!!


Have a great day,


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 13:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

We are here to help her not bash her. Pls make positive contributions?




I am not "bashing" her.  I am wishing her and her fiance the best of luck.  I honestly hope that they will live happily ever after.  Don't you?  And sometimes pointing out the obvious, even if it is negative in nature can be helpful.  For example when a parent tells their toddler, "Don't put that fork in that electric socket."  Or if a parent warns of the danger of playing in the street.... I could go on and on but I want to focus on the OP here whom I hope lives in peaceful harmony forever with her future husband.  I am 100% serious about that.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

Thank you for your comments and non-advice. But I've already decided what to do.
Clearly you didn't take your time to read through it. My fiancé was NEVER married to his baby momma. You may want to re-read to get the facts straight before you start bashing me for my actions.

I wish you all the luck in the world.  Your fiance is blameless.  He is not responsible for anything.  This would imply that this whole "I forgot I was married" thing is your fault becuase you never asked him.   I hope you live together in peaceful happiness forever.


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-04 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

Thank you. What's funny though is there are plenty of people who forget their anniversaries and even birthdays. Not necessarily the same thing but along the lines of it some similarity

If there were other instances he "forgot" then I would definitely have to rethink this union. But this is the only thing that's cause this much of a fuss between us. I can't change the past either so now we are just gonna try to make the most of it.


Oh come on now...forgetting your anniversary date and forgetting that you have ever been married are comparing apples to oranges.....give me a break!?  I think I just threw up a little.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-04 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

He has his daughter because at the time he and his baby momma split he had better means of taking care of her. And the divorce was not with the baby momma but someone before her. So when I met him he told me about the baby momma only and I was under the assumption she was the only one he was serious.

And yes I too asked why he kept the baby but he explained it.


I see, so it's all YOUR fault.  You should have asked him all possible questions????

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-04 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

According to my fiancé when I inquired about his previous relationships it was only the one with his baby momma. He says he didn't recall that marriage because there was no celebration. They only signed the paperwork. Trust me, I've been giving him hell about this already. I'm born and raised in America so when we were filing the paperwork, I asked him about previous marriage. I'm gonna give him benefit of the doubt that he assumed I asked about most recent relationship?! I have no idea. But that's his explanation to me.

So that's his story and he's sticking to it?  I, for one, don't believe him for a second.  I don't believe ANYONE could forget a marriage, ceremony or not.  He doesn't remember marrying his babies momma??  I guess the old adage is true:  There's a sucker born every true.


Sorry, but you are crazy if you trust this guy.  And I don't mean that in a mean or derogatory way.  I say it with all the kindness and love in my heart.


By the way, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn....interested???  lol


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-04 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancé forgot he was married before!

It's always easier to remember the truth.  Good luck to you.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-08-27 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?

i think its better to have your fiance send a copy of his passport cuz it proves that he's a US citizen and it would be considered primary evidence of having met within the last two years (because of the visa stamps and etc).  also the passport will cover him in case you guys get a uscis adjudicator that prefers original birth certificates instead of copy of birth certificate.  you guys should also keep a copy of all your paperwork in your file in case USCIS or NVC or the embassy loses any of your paperwork, you can just make a quick copy and send it in right away.  if they lose it it's still on you two to provide them with the lost paper work.


I would also suggest you apply for an original birth certificate and bring it along with you on the interview.


Aloha Ke Akua


Interesting. Thank you for the info. I was reading somewhere, it says must be original and not scanned ones especially for letter intent of marry. But, I guess was wrong.


No, I think this is bad advice.  I would NEVER try to use a scanned document in place of a required ORIGINAL document.  I might be wrong but I think it is bad advice to suggest that you should send scanned documents.  Maybe I am wrong, but why take any chances???


Aloha Ke Akua

Edited by David & Zoila, 05 September 2013 - 06:00 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


Yes its fine to have a scanned copy of the I-129F petition for your personal records.  That is what I did, I did not make a printed copy.  Two copies are not needed.  


I made two copies and it's a good thing I did because one packet got lost in the mail.  It was a lot easier to make the two copies initially than it would have been to have to reassemble all the documents again.  Just saying...  can never count of mail between US and Philippines, that's for sure.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


You're welcome.


Her username Ni-ing&Ice. Yup, we already have a lot screenshots of Skype,idea9dv.gif . But, I will use it as for ongoing relationship in my K-1 visa interview. But, it does not harm to front-loading your I-129F with many supporting documents to make you feel safe.


Yes, since I am the one that keep all records like pictures, emails, etc, I am actually gave him advised how to ensemble our I-129F. He just followed what I wantluv.gif , . He was a bit resistant about VJ website though because he works in government agency and for him the valid information has to be from official government website only.


Anyway, just keep posted for anything. And good luck!rose.gif


Wow, I also work for the government and I tell you what....thank God for VJ...the government sucks at providing information.  If it were not for VJ I am quite sure that I would not have gotten my wife here in the US in 8 months to the day from our initial application.  If I had relied on the government I am sure we would not be together yet.  Just saying...GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS you both.


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


What is an ID page? Is it the page in the passport that has your picture on it?... 


I copied every page of my passport, including the front cover and back, inside and out.  They know how many pages are in a passport so they had no questions about my passport and the stamps therin. 


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


Here's my suggestion.  Make two copies of everything you are turning in. (2 complete sets of the entire package. Cover page an all)  Your fiance mails you one COMPLETE SET (just in case he cannot make it to the interview) and he keeps ONE COMPLETE SET.(In case yours gets lost in mail, etc... 


Also I learned the hard way, fill out and SIGN ORIGINAL SET OF DOCUMENTS leaving the date blank.  This way if something gets lost, needs to be changed in the event of an RFE or misplaced by USCIS or NVC a "NEW ORIGINAL" can be sent out quickly from the person closest to the US offices....


As far as I am concerned you cannot have too many copies.  Just my thoughts...


Aloha Ke Akua

Oh and by the way.  One complete set was lost by the Philippines Post office so the back up set came in very handy.  I would never again mail anything via Post Office from US because once it hits Philippines the US Post Office has nothing to do with it.  I subsequently used FedEx and no problems.  Always get a tracking number and follow the package/envelope.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe are sending our I-129f package tomorrow and we need HELP?


My fiance' and I have prepared everything that we need to send our I-129f package tomorrow. I have read from 

Step-by-Step Guide on How to File for a K-1 Visa that we need to make TWO copies of the entire package before we send it in. Why is that? Is it okay if my fiance' just scan the paper works he filled in and email them to me instead of printing out the entire package?... what about our photos that he sent.. should he print 2 copies also?   



Here's my suggestion.  Make two copies of everything you are turning in. (2 complete sets of the entire package. Cover page an all)  Your fiance mails you one COMPLETE SET (just in case he cannot make it to the interview) and he keeps ONE COMPLETE SET.(In case yours gets lost in mail, etc... 


Also I learned the hard way, fill out and SIGN ORIGINAL SET OF DOCUMENTS leaving the date blank.  This way if something gets lost, needs to be changed in the event of an RFE or misplaced by USCIS or NVC a "NEW ORIGINAL" can be sent out quickly from the person closest to the US offices....


As far as I am concerned you cannot have too many copies.  Just my thoughts...


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-05 17:38:00