K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do I disclose that my Fiance overstayed?

I need some help, but my story is a little long:


My Fiance moved here in Sept 2012, and was here as a visitor.  She told the CBP that she would only be staying for 2 weeks, but ended up staying a little less than a year.  A lawyer advised that we would need a I-94 to get the ball rolling on any documentation, so she advised us to return to Canada and pretend that her trip here didn't happen, so we intended to get a I-94 with the story that she had only been in the US for 2 months instead of the 11 she had been.  We drove to Vancouver and expected a quick return with the I-94, but unfortunately the CBP stopped us and long story short, she was refused at the border under 212(a)(7)(A)(i)(I), and we had to return to Canada.  What followed was the worst 3 days of my life, I had to drive her back to her parents home in Alberta, and I had to return to USA without her.  Now I am working on getting her back here ASAP, and my question is this:


When do I disclose that information?


The CBP officer told us that we should have no problem in getting a K-1, and that was the best route to take.  I'm filling out the I-129F and all the documents that go with it according the very helpful guide on this website, but I'm afraid that if I do include this information in the packet that it will hurt our chances of getting approved, but that if I don't include it, it will hurt our chances when she goes to interview at the embassy.


Also, are there any extra steps I need to take, aside from the ones to listed on the guide, because another lawyer told me that I would have to file a I-212, even though it specifically states that I would not have to because we were merely refused entry into USA and were not removed by the Government.  Suffice to say, I won't be using either of those lawyers again.


So sorry this is happening to you both.  Here's my two cents:  ALWAYS tell the truth...NEVER overstay.


Aloha Ke Akua


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-09-26 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A - outdated form :(

I just realized that we submitted an expired form in our package.  Well mine says expired 2012 at the top and my fiance's says expired 2015 at the top (not sure how we managed this... must have had both downloaded from a while back).  They are exactly identical, every line and space.  I just happened to be looking through a copy of our package and noticed this.


Do you think our petition will get sent back?



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-10 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)

Ah.. my fiance is the same. He does not like paperwork at all. I have to keep telling him what to do and what to send me. He still ends up FedEx all the document to me so that I can go over it and tell him what is missing. He missed out his I-134 after all that reminder I gave him. He does make an effort in mailing the I-134 to me again so that I can get it in time for the interview. 


If he really wants to marry you, he will do it no matter what the uphill battle is. 


Best of luck with your remaining paperwork for the interview, whatever choices you made. Only you know what is best for you.


I hate paperwork too but I LOVE my wife and I completed everything as soon as it was permitted to do so...


Somethings wrong with this guy, that's all I have to say.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-13 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)


If he started a new job partway through 2012, that would explain the low income. My husband's tax return for 2012 probably shows something like $16k or less because he started work in July that year.

OP hasn't replied in a while so I assume she is collecting her thoughts. I think she needs to calm down and speak candidly with her fiancé about his behaviour before making a final decision.


Yeah...his behavior, or lack thereof... I have a feeling there is WAY more to this story than we are being told.  I mean I stayed up night and day filling out forms, FedExing envelopes, calling my spouse constantly making sure she gor everything she needed on her end.  We got it done, TOGETHER.  There is something wrong woith this guy.  What it is I cannot say but somethings fishy...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-10 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)

You sure he really makes so much more money now.  Could he by lying?  Could he be embarrased that he still does not make above the poverty line?  I thinks there is something wrong here and it's on his end.  Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen to me.

Edited by David & Zoila, 10 January 2014 - 06:12 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-10 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI had enough with the petitioner, i want to cancel the petition (merged)

hi everyone! Can someone help me here....
My boyfriend only have his 2012 w2 and tax return but its only 6 thousand so we cant use it because its below poverty level.... But last 2013 he made almost 20+++ but we don't have his 2013 tax return yet.... We only have his Pay Lists that states how much did he earn on his regular job for 2013 and firecheck list since its his 2nd job.....

2nd, his dad is our co sponsor but he provide us us his affidavit of support, how much he had at the bank and 2012 tax return..... no employment letter or w2 or paystubs......

What should I do? Is this okay now or not really? please help!


Sounds like you picked a real winner.  If I were you I would move on. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-10 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBackground check? What it is this exactly?


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for K-1 Visa Question


Yes just for our i-129f i was sent two copies and one took a loooong time to come but came around the same time as the second set of documents. i know Fedex can be expensive but I was thinking of using them so I am sure it wont be lost and then sure it will be there ASAP


Yes after the Philippines Post Office lost our first package I sent the next one via FedEx.  It went thru much smoother and if I understand correctly FedEx handles the package all the way to delivery in Philippines anyway...  Us Postal System is great but like I said once the package lands in Manila it is turned over to the Philippines postal system which is obviously a mess.


Mele Kalikimaka

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-11 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for K-1 Visa Question

bettypentier44 thanks for all the help!


Thanks I will keep that in mind when preparing them and sending them out to him!!


We have first hand knowledge of the US Post Office losing a complete set of original signed documents.  You see once the USPS package lands in Manila it is out of the hands of the United States Postal Service .  So they are no longer responsible for it.  I tracked the package to Manila and was informed by the Philippines Postal system that the package had arrived and was available for pickup.  Of course they neglected to mention at which post office in the Philippines the package was waiting at so we were never able to track it down.  Three months later the package was returned to us in the US as undeliverable.  So always have complete extra sets.  Our sure came in handy. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-11 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for K-1 Visa Question

Hello. I had a question! We finally got our NOA2 and so we were reading up on what to do next. I am confused on one thing though. My fiancee says I need to send him both forms i-134 and i-864, do we need to send both of those to him just for the interview? I thought it was only the i-134 but would like to know for sure!! Thanks for any help!


I would send him ORGIGNALS of each and every form you have filled out with ORIGINAL SIGNATURES.  This was if he is asked for any forms he will have them in hand.  The flat rate envelopes fit many sheets of paper so send everything you have BUT keep originals for yourself also in case the package you send him is lost in transit.  YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANU SETS!


Good Luck and God Bless


Aloha and Merry Christmas

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-11 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Sealed Envelope Arrived Damaged (pics, what to do)

So I originally posted that my envelope arrived damaged, but have been reading that some consulates send envelopes with the corner open so that officers at airport can tell its just papers, before the USA POE officers have to open it. I was wondering if any of you received a k-1 post interview packet with the corner cut-out like mine? Is it normal? What should we do?




No that does not appear to be normal.  Ours had a corner cut off of the manila emvelope.  There is no way you could pull any documents out of the envelope.  If your is that badly damages I would go to the embassy and ask them what to do ASAP.  Good luck

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-17 17:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)


I hear you Brother, any denial sucks.


It's infantile to assume that a second pass guarantees an approval, it doesn't.


My ideology that K1s should be eliminated doesn't hang on my Wife's approval of a CR1 (though I understand that's a low hanging fruit for some folks to pick). It's based on measuring pros and cons and how it seems to me that USC are more easily taken by K1.




Gowan, oh wise one, 


(I gave you a reputation point for this one and a few more.)


I would agree with you on several points.  It is "MY BELIEF" that both persons are showing more comittment when they get married vs a fiance visa.  Both to each other as well as the CO in the embassy where they will be interviewed. 


I gotta tell you.  I fell head over heels in love with my Filipina in less than two months.  But I had not mentioned marriage until I met her in person and had spent a few days with her.  Then after looking into her eyes, watching how she looked at me and just seeing how much she loved me I popped the question.  Then 4 days later we were married in a beautiful ceremony and a great party afterwords.  I WOULD NOT have married her before seeing her, touching her, holding her hand and looking into those beautiful brown eyes.  Oh I know it sounds mushy but's real.


Gowan,  I can't even begin to imagine how many K-1's come here, don't get married for one reason or another and then just stay.  We hear about over-stays all the time do we not? 


We have millions of illegals here already.  Why give scammers (most are not scammers I would guess) the opportunity to cross our borders only to stay and never go home.  And if anyone disagrees with me you haven't read a paper or watched the nightly news for some time now.

Edited by David & Zoila, 16 January 2014 - 05:52 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)

Tell him you'll move to Nigeria to be with him.  See what happens.


I agree.  That might be a good acid test.  Be very careful.  My wife suggested that I just move to the Philippines several times because it would be so much faster and easier.  That kind of put me at ease.  We are here in Hawaii now and both agree that one day we will return to the Philippines and build a nice home and possibly live there in retirement.  Well at least during the least hot months of the year.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)

  Just because some people don't get a green light on a K1 interview, either because they didn't have their act together or ran into a psycho CO   is not a good reason to do away with that class of visa.  Don't blame the type of visa on your failure to get it.    Second passes usually are successfull no matter what the second attempt if for K1 or CR1   


Well, I for one am so grateful that we did not have to go through a "second pass".  That really would have sucked!

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)


I think K1s should be abolished in it's entirety but OP needs to go back a second time before getting married if possible. But yes a proper CR1 and it's accompanying traditional requirements with precursor visits will frustrate many would be scammers (not all of them).


USC are not allowed in interviews but like you said she should be there. I was outside, my Wife took my passports in (US and Nigeria), CO leafed through every single page with a smile on her face. Per my Wife after that the interview took on an even more positive note.


One additional red flag.  If the beneficiary is asking for money for emergency surgeries, sick family members, more money for documents, living expenses, etc...get the hell out!  Run as fast as you can.  Sure the majority of persons living in third world countries like Nigeria, Philippines, etc are needy and many are destitute and literally hungry.  But you must remember, they got along before you came into the picture so if all of a sudden there is this huge need for money you have to be suspicious.


One Filipina that I communicated with prior to meeting my wife on-line I found out was using a Philippines web site that was devoted to excuses, lies, ways to get out of things.  I wish I could remember the site name because it was kind of shocking.  I mean if you had to make up a lie for anything you could go to this site and find hundreds of scenarios to cover your #######.  It was kind of shocking.  The actual purpose of the web site was to find excuses for everything from A to Z.  I am sure Nigeria has web sites similar to this as do probably most countries.


Let the buyer beware...



Edited by David & Zoila, 16 January 2014 - 01:00 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied visitor visa - considering K-1 (Nigeria)

there is no rule that says you need to visit anymore than one time. I get what Janice&Micah is saying but i also know how much of a drag it is to delay an already long process. I would start the process right away... sure it would help but you meet the requirements with a single visit (i hope you have some good pics at least)! during the process, you could plan your additional trips which will strengthen your case for your interview date. 


You can't "start the process right away."  You must meet in person before you start any process whatsoever.  And yes, as the previous poster said Nigeria is a high fraud country so meeting just once for a week or two might not be enough.  Note I said "might not be."  It could be that one visit would do it...depends on the American Consul that does the interview on that fateful day in the embassy.  Is he/she in a good mood or had a rough night?  Does the CO believe you? 


If I were you this is what "I WOULD DO."  I would go to Nigeria and visit him for a while.  Make sure that this love is real. (That's what I did.  It only took a few minutes to know that my finace at the time really loved me just by looking into her eyes.  I proposed 3 days later and we were wed 4 days later in a beautiful ceremony.)  If you believe the love is real then I would get married in Nigeria, come back to US and proceed with the CR-1 route.  (I know there will be many that might argue this but in my humble opinion getting married shows perhaps a more serious committment on the part of both parties involved.)  Then I would go to Nigeria at least one more time maybe two more times, take tons of pictures, don't forget the wedding photos from the first trip, save all airline receipts, boarding passes, hotel receipts, family photos, etc...  If at all possible I would be in Nigeria when your spouse goes for the interview.  Not sure if Nigeria lets spouses into the  embassy interview but I WOULD BE THERE IRREGARDLESS.  Even if not allowed into the embassy for the interview process I would provide my spouse with my passport so he could take it into the interview.  Make sure your spouse shows the consular staff your passport and that he tells them that you are there, outside the embassy waiting.  I have heard of some countries where this has happened and the embassy has the beneficiary go outside to get their spouse and then allows them to come in to be interviewed also.


Now remember, many people are going to argue some of these points.  I am just telling you what worked for us and these are merely suggestions.  This is what I would do if I were in your situation.


I wish you both the best of luck but most importantly,  GOD BLESS



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to Remarry - Texas Divorce Definition Help?

My decision to withdraw is final.  I've spoken to my fiancee and he is in agreement. But I have a few questions:


1. Will USCIS send me the original packet back, and will I have to wait for it before I can re-file?  The reason I'm asking is because my Fiancee's Letter of Intent and his G-325A are in that packet, and those are originals with original signatures.  If I don't wait for them to send the packet back with those original documents, he will have to redo them and DHL them to me again from the Dominican Republic. (His Letter of Intent is OK because he has never been married)


2.  OR willl he have to re-do his Letter of Intent and his G-325A anyway, and re-date to conform to the new date that I will be putting on my letter and forms.


Thanks Again


I would have him complete new original letters with the new dates and have him get them to you ASAP.  I don't think you will have to wait for your original packet to get back to you even it ever does.


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFree to Remarry - Texas Divorce Definition Help?

Was unable to contact USCIS telephonically, but on the side of caution, I have written a Withdrawal Letter and will overnight it to the TSC tomorrow.


Better to loose the filing fee now, than to get all the way to the Consulate in Santo Domingo if it makes it that far before someone discovers the error, and get a Denial.


I wrote an explanation for my withdrawal and informed that I will be refiling after the Texas Law Requirement of 30 days has passed.  


Live and Learn!!!


After all of these people started going off I believe you came up with the best possible resolution.  Err on the side of caution.  Like you say you wouldn't want this to come back and bite you in the a*s months from now.  Might as well just lose a few weeks instead of months of lost sleep and stress. 


Good decision me thinks...


Good luck and God Bless both of you.

Edited by David & Zoila, 04 March 2014 - 05:36 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-04 17:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs evidence of a relationship beyond 2 years helpful? +


My packet 3 clearly states my petitioner is welcome at the embassy on the date of my interview. (Bogota Embassy)


Bogota and Thailand different rules.  Fiance/spouse is rarely allowed into interview with interviewee in Thailand.

Edited by David & Zoila, 07 March 2014 - 10:49 AM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-07 10:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAn uncomfortable question - can a K1 take more than two years?

The UK one might be me!
As much as I'm loath to admit my stupidity I was led on by my ex for a few years believing that she'd filed for my K1.
To be honest, if I hadn't been blinded by what I thought at the time was love then the clues were there all along.
I filled in all the forms myself, sent them over to her along with the money to file.
I then sat back to wait patiently believing that it was all going forward while sending almost all the money I earned over to her, getting myself into some horrendous debt.
A year or so after I thought the petition had been filed she told me that the visa centre had contacted her to tell her that the petition was all set to go forward apart from one little problem. She had warrants against her from the state where she grew up for writing multiple bad cheques. Once she clears those then the petition would go forward.
So I borrowed money from my parents to get the warrants cleared and started looking forward to the end being in sight.
Then we split up and after a few shouty phone calls in which she admitted that she had never actually divorced her husband as she'd told me she had she also sent me a photo of the petition forms I'd sent her well over a year before saying she'd never sent them in and that the money I'd sent for the warrants had "made sure she had a great birthday party"

I was as much at fault for the break up as she was but that, and a couple of other incidents, was the final straw.

I've always prided myself that I'm reasonably intelligent but I was fooled just as easily as anyone.
If I'd looked at things closer then I should have seen through it immediately but I didn't think I had any reason to be suspicious.

Now, thanks to the stupidity of youth and infatuation I'm left with problems that will affect me for life, including debts that now over 5 years later I'm still trying to clear.

Just a cautionary tale for anyone who might be blindingly believing someone without looking closely.
Remember, this process is important to both partners in a relationship, so both should be fully involved.




Wow, that really sucks!  It was very brave of you to tell your story.  A girl I know waited for over 2 years for her "fiance" in Boston to file K-1 papers.  What I don't understand is he only visited her once in the beginning of their relationship.  He kept in constant touch with her supporting her for over two years.  He bought her all kinds of stuff and paid for her to attend college for two years.  She "mis-appropriated" money he sent her on more than one occasion telling him so he would send her more money so she could pay her on and on and on.  She eventually got pregnant from her Filipino boyfriend, who ironically she met at the college her fiance was sending her to. (That sucks huh?)  She had the nerve to ask her fiance if he would accept her and the baby on way...  He finally declined and stopped supposrting her.  I never could understand why he kept supporting her all that time if he really never intended on bringing her to the US.  Co-dependency of some kind?



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-12 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam

What time line?

I have not sent the initial application: i will send it by the end of the month. So im guessing it would get process in few months... I would like to know what kind of test wouls she get done....cray5ol.gifsleep.png


Probably urine.  Trouble is she needs to be honest at her medical exam, if she lies and is caught she might be banned from ever entering or remaining in the US.  Admit it and she possibly faces a 1 year ban.  My advice, Never lie on any forms or interviews.  Omitting information is also considered lying.  Marijuana is illegal by Federal Law.


Good luck. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-14 15:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam


Edited by David & Zoila, 14 March 2014 - 03:20 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-14 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1/IR-1 Visa or K3 Visa - we are both living out of USA



I have read a lot of informations about CR1/IR1 and K3 Visas, but I have still some questions.


Here are the facts:

- my wife has USA and Croatian citizenship (has US passport)

- we live together in Croatia (Europe)

- she is working in Croatia, I am working in Slovenia (Slovenian citizenship)

- we are married less than 2 years

- we want to move to the USA where her 14 years old son (from first marriage) lives, and her aunt lives.



Now as I understanding:


1. option:

- I can apply for K3 visa (I-130 and I129F)

- to work in USA I must immediately apply (when I'll be there) for I-485 and then for I-765 ?




2. option:

- I can apply for CR1/IR-1 visa ( I-130 and I-864 )




=> Here I have question about filling form I-864 - Affidavit of Support. Because my wife (my sponsor) is not working in the USA but here in Croatia where we are living, what we have to do? Fill this form with incomes from Croatia or what? Or the sponsor should be some one else (like her aunt)?


=> In my case...which is better and faster...apply for K3 (with I-129F form) or IR1 visa (just I-130)?




PS> sorry for a little bit longer post and for my grammar mistakes:)


The IR-1 visa sounds like the best for you, however you must have been married for a MINIMUM of 2 years.  If you wait until you have been legally married for 2 years then file for IR-1 you will be allowed to work in the USA technically upon landing.  There are advantages to the IR-1 over the CR-1.  See guides at the top of the home page.  Good luck and God Bless.


David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-06 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow should I file my taxes?


I had a similar situation. I went ahead and kept the "1" on my W-4. The truth is, you can claim whatever you want on your employer's W-4 forms, what really matters is that when it comes time to actually file your taxes is that you report the information accurately. The less you withhold from your paycheck typically means that you will be more likely to receive a return. (Other factors can affect whether or not you receive a return). Subsequently, because I filed my taxes for the year I was married as "married filing joint," to help satisfy the conditions of evidence needed for the visa process, I obtained from my spouse a power of attorney for the purposes of doing our taxes. (If you decide to do the same make sure you have the POA translated) My suggestion is that you go to a tax professional this year when you choose to file, to ensure taxes are done properly and call them ahead, explain the situation and determine what paperwork to take with you so that you can file in your spouse's absence.



With all due respect I think you got this part backwards???  Or is it me?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-16 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

David & zoila thank you!!! ! didn't realize this topic would be contested like it's been. I'm just trying to help people. I'm sure people get approved without their spouse there but why would you take a chance? I don'tuunderstand that line of thinking.


You are 100% right.  It almost certainly helps to have your spouce/fiance present unless of course the relationship is not real and each person answers differently.  But of course if your relationship is real and you tell the truth it is easy.  It's so much easier to tell the truth.  Some people just have nothing better to do than to be arguementative.


Mele Kalikimaka

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-17 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

I don't know I'm just going on my experience. For us it made all the difference.


BethAnn and Omar,


Yes, and I for one appreciate you sharing your experience.  You will always have people saying this that and the other thing.  People will disagree and say things that make no sense at all in relation to what you have said.  Just ignore them.  I agree with you.  In most cases having the fiance/spouse present at the embassy is almost alway an advantage, even where embassies do not allow the other in.  I have read dozens of reviews and many have said that even in countries where the spouse is not allowed in they have taken the partners passport in to prove that they are outside.  I cannot imagine how this could be a  detriment to anyone.  But of course you will always have those that just like to hear themselves/ see themselves talk. (No specific poster named)  Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience.  God bless both of you.


Aloha Ke Akua


Mele Kalikimaka

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-17 17:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview


Doesn't make a hill of difference --- you are either trying to scam the system or you are not. If the beneficiary is organized she will be out of there in 20 minutes .


They talked more abiout their experiences working in call centers more than the interview. It's nice that people think that it has something to do with it ... like what you wear to the embassy. It really doesn't.


Wow, I'd be willing to bet ten thousand pesos that no one has ever been out of the embassy in 20 minutes with an approval in hand.  That's just not true.  And I disagree, having the spouse/fiance there can show a suspicious CO that perhaps this is a bonafide marriage/relationship.


But of course you are entitled to your opinion on that. But as far as the 20 minute statement goes you should not make others think this is possible because I just don't believe it is.


Mele Kalikimaka


Edited by David & Zoila, 16 December 2013 - 02:35 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-16 14:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

Just wanted to let ya'll know that the CO specifically asked where I was and then called me into my husband's interview in Kingston Jamaica. My husband couldn't remember the exact date of my last trip and the CO told me that he was concerned. I told him I've been to see my husband 14 times since we met and then he asked how many times since we were married... I told him 8. He also asked me for dates of our most recent photos.

So my advice?? Go with your spouse to the interview!!! Because if any questionscome up tthere will be an opportunity to address them if you are there. They will ask where you are and will probably want to meet you. Especially for countries where there are significant cases of fraud.

I hope this helps. Not sure we would have gotten the visa if I hadn't been there.



I agree.  I attended the interview with my wife in the Philippines.  Had I not been there I highly doubt that the CO would have approved the VISA. I am 57 and my wife at the time of the interview was 19.  The CO asked me more questions than she did my wife.  The CO said to me: "So your oldest son is 32?  And your new wife is 19?"  I replied in the affirmative and she said, "Congratulations madam, your VISA is approved."  Sweet words for sure.  Had I not been there I am almost certain my wife would have been put in AP but she was not.


Mele Kalikimaka

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-16 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

It's difficult for some people to get time off work, or pay for the air fare, etc.  


Yeah but being there, if allowed can make all the difference in the world.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-16 14:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSLEC Advance Medical - No Interview Letter?

Upon receipt of my docs, nvc still had to review them..ours took 2-3days for case complete and another 2 days before the case left the nvc building. You should keep calling and ask for any updates with regards to your case.

Thanks for this, David! I called St. lukes just now and the guard told me i need to have the appointment letter, then i told him we dont have it yet, he then asked if i have a case number and i said yes, and he said ok i can have my medical in advance since i already have a case number. He also gave me instructions like when and what time they open. I got his name and took note of the date and time. smile.png


I would suggest calling one more time before you fly to Manila.   Again get the name and note the date and time of the call and who you spoke to.  You should be okay as long as you bring document/s that have the case number on them as well as the names of the persons who told you you could come.  The guards are usually pretty nice as long as you are nice to them.  A smile goes a long way there.


Good luck and most importantly,


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-02-03 19:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSLEC Advance Medical - No Interview Letter?

Hi sportymom! smile.png nvc didnt send us an interview letter since we were expedited, they just sent the case directly to manila and told us to do the scheduling with the embassy. I have read that applicants can do the medical in advance even without the interview letter, they just have to present a letter from the nvc with the case number. I just want to know if the letter that they meant is the same as what i have here on hand.


I called St Lukes in Manila before my wife had the interview letter in hand.  We then set up her medical and she was allowed to take it.  Call St Lukes and make sure you get the name of the person you spoke to and confirm with them if you can go ahead and schedule the appointment early.  Make sure they tell you exactly what you need to bring...note their name, the dat and the time that you called.  If the guards outside gie you a hard time refer to the notes you kept and they will most likely let you in.  But of course as we know there are no guarantees in this process.


Good luck and


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-02-03 16:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG I couldnt get my IR1 visa today :(

You lknow I think the problem here is that your husband OWES taxes because if he was getting a refund why would he wiat until April 15?  That just doesn't make sense to me.  And you're right.  A cheap lawyer is a cheap lawyer.  There is a reason they don;t charge as much as other lawyers.  It's because they suck, generally.  The guy your husband hired is probably not even an immigration attorney.  Not sure about what your husband is thinking but if I was you I'd be pretty pissed at him right now.


Good luck and GOD BLESS

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 12:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG I couldnt get my IR1 visa today :(

On my 221g they are asking IRS transcripts for 2012 not for 2013, so is that ok I print for 2012 and i get only W2 form for 2013?


NO.  As I recall didn't you say that he did not make enough money in 2012 so that won't work.  He needs to file his 2013 taxes NOW and get the transcripts to you ASAP! 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG I couldnt get my IR1 visa today :(

Yes your agent was right, this is the place where i was today, and it takes 14 days to get this certificate.

You know i just talked to my hubby, he doesnt want to file his 2013 tax until the April, how do you think does consulate accept the online printed copy version of IRS transcripts or they accept only the originals ordered from IRS?

And can he get his transcripts for 2013 without filing his w2 tax ?


If you want to use his 2013 income he MUST FILE his taxes.  The W-2 is worthless.  You must give them exactly what they are asking for.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-04 17:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspousal visa, do we need to hire an attorney? or can we do it by ourselves?

thankyou so much.. well i have a problem my fiance kendrick, has been unemployed when he went here for a vacation.. and i dont know what income we can show the embassy but were getting his dad as our co sponsor.. any suggestion?


I think you may have many problems.  With your fiance being currently unemployed?  Also if I am not mistaken I believe the Philippines is not very fond of sponsors but you might need to look into that further.  If your fiance is not making and cannot prove that he is making above the minimum income requirements I would certainly not waste my time on an attorney because he will not be able to bring you to US if that is the case.  It sounds to me like the two of you have a lot of work to do.  I think he needs to get responsible and get back to the US and get a solid job, making well above the poverty minimum.  I think he will have to do this for at least two years before he will be allowed to bring you to the US.  He needs to get a job in the US.  Prove income then file.  In the meantime you can do the DNA testing, etc...and overcome the other obstacles that seem to be in your way.


Good Luck 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-06 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspousal visa, do we need to hire an attorney? or can we do it by ourselves?


That's actually not true for the IR-1/CR-1, the two year meeting requirement. I mean, obviously it helps greatly, but unlike the K-1 where you HAVE to have met within the past 2 years, it's not a fixed requirement for each and every IR-1/CR-1 case without a waiver.


I stand corrected.  I guess I just wanted to keep visiting my wife in the Philippines as often as possible!!  Hahaha, she's here now!  Thanks for the correction though.



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-06 12:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspousal visa, do we need to hire an attorney? or can we do it by ourselves?

You've mentioned on your other post that you were denied K1, what was the denial for? That way people could give you a better advice if you'll need a lawyer or just do it on your own.



Oh this is different story then. need to provide all the information to get any answers.  I saw some of your problems you are facing on your other posts including paternity may need more help than you can get here. 


IMHO: If I were you I would want this guy to come and marry me in the Philippines.  He is going to have to come visit you BEFORE he files any papers anyways. (You have to meet in person within 2 years prior to the filing of any petition) Will he commit to marrying you this time?


Just saying...

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 16:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspousal visa, do we need to hire an attorney? or can we do it by ourselves?


Click in the tab above labeled GUIDES.  Follow the guides therin and you will be fine.  If you have any questions along the way just ask.  Visa Journey answered all the questions we had I my wife got her approval in Manila 8 months from the day that I applied for her CR-1.  We are together now and it was worth the wait.


God Bless


To make things easier just click on this link:  http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspousal visa, do we need to hire an attorney? or can we do it by ourselves?

hey guys, do we need to hire and attorney to process all the documents for spousal visa or can we do it by ourselves? i just went to an attorney and just for processing and preparing the papers itself will cost us almost $1800 and its too much for us excluded all the visa fees etc. can anyone share their experiences hot to prepare the spousal visa papers? thanks in advance.


Click in the tab above labeled GUIDES.  Follow the guides therin and you will be fine.  If you have any questions along the way just ask.  Visa Journey answered all the questions we had I my wife got her approval in Manila 8 months from the day that I applied for her CR-1.  We are together now and it was worth the wait.


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian moving to US - I-130 DoS stage

Hi all,


Today we checked the USCIS case status - and it's been changed to "Post Decision Activity" - very excited as it looks like our petition has been approved.


The notice reads: 


Is there a step-by-step guide for the process at this point? If I've read everything correctly, we would be going through the Montreal embassy. I'd like to have everything ready to go asap so we can speed this stage up as fast as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated! smile.png



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-10 17:26:00