Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)received 221g, what to do?

hi! i receive 221g today..... two of the requirement were 2012 tax returns and w2....
here's my question: My fiance didn't earn that much in 2012, so his tax return is below poverty level. Do you think his incoming 2013 tax return which he actually made it above poverty level will help us? or im i still in trouble with 2012 tax returns


I just have to ask you one question. 


Do you think it a wise decision to move to the US to live with someone who earns below the poverty level? 


(It looks like you are coming on a K-1 VISA.  That means you will not be allowed to work until you have gotten married, and received work authorization.  It could take 3-6 months or more after you arrive.)


I am not judging you, I am simply posing a reasonable question.


I wish you the best.  God Bless

Edited by David & Zoila, 14 January 2014 - 03:39 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-14 15:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)No Objection J-1 Waiver... VERY Confused! PLEASE HELP!!!

I understand your pain, man this really bites! I bet you wish you could reach through the phone and choke somebody! Based on my limited knowledge on the subject though and how you are being treated i would say its time to lawyer up. protest6wz.gif


A lawyer will just make things worse.  His wife needs to call. Sorry.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-12-19 19:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 Visa: In Review. Some questions...


Figured that out as well. Since I talked to both someone at the embassy as well as someone at the DOS Visa help line, and specifically told both exactly what I was going. i.e. Going to the NIV CEAC page, putting in the location, as well as the AA#, and getting "No Status". And neither told me I should go to the IV page, and put in the MNL# (Manila Number) since it 'switched' over to the Immigration Visa at this point (or being processed as both).


That information I found out in this thread, and I must say this site, as well as the people on it have been far more helpful. Without both, would be clueless. Kuddos and thanks.


You're very welcome.  Glad you found this site because it saved me from going insane while I waited to pick up my wife in Manila.  If I had depended on the government we would still be in the process.  Just remember, there is light in the tunnel.


God Bless both of you

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-21 18:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 Visa: In Review. Some questions...

You hit it on your fourth post.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-21 13:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 Visa: In Review. Some questions...


No. The Officer told her nothing really, just to wait. Then she was called to a window 2-3 times, each time nothing was said to her. She was looked at, then they looked at the screen. Then she was told to go sit again and would be called. After a long wait, she was called once more and told that he visa was "In Review". And had to be sent to Washington. Pretty much it.


Needless to say, she called me crying. Thus prompting my call to both the Embassy and DOS. Which they really did not know what was going on. Except that the DOS guy said they should have never told her the "In Review" and left her hanging. Which made me laugh because he didn't clarify exactly what was going on either.


Many of the telephone persons have no idea what is going on.  Most just answer based on written scripts.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-21 13:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 Visa: In Review. Some questions...

Be sure you pull down the IV menu choice and also put in not the AA number but the other case number, which for Thailand starts with BNK. 


I made this mistake today! 


Good suggestion

On Oct 29, my fiance completed her interview at the embassy in Manila. At which point she was told that her visa was 'In Review'. I have a few questions and concerns:


Is this "Administrative Processing"?


They kept her passport, is that normal?


I checked the CEAC site, and entered the AA#, at which point a page pops up saying "No Status". Is that normal as well? I would assume it would say "Administrative Processing" if that were the case.


I have called both the Embassy help line as well as DOS and could not really get any answers from either. Any help would be appreciated as to what exactly may or may not be going on, because a bit in the dark here.






Keep calling the embassy till you get someone who cares.

Edited by David & Zoila, 21 November 2013 - 01:01 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-21 13:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.


Because he had to get a I-94 non-immigrant waiver just to be able to visit the U.S which expired in June 2013. Due to his criminal record. I believe it was because he had two assault charges on his record. One in 1994 for which he had a $500.00 fine and one in 1997 for which it says 1 day jail &(Time served 1 day) & $35 fine & probation 15 months & prohibited firearms,ammunition or explosive substances for


When I spoke to a lawyer she said he will most likely require the waiver but will not know until the visa interview??


Something that happened 17 years ago REALLY?? I can't wait anymore. I had to send my son to stay with my sister because I am to depressed to care for him:( I am just existing and not living without my husband here.


With all the love in my heart I would suggest you get some counseling immediately.  If you are so depressed that you cannot care for your son you could be in grave danger.  You need to talk to a professional ASAP.


Good luck and God Bless


Aloha Ke Akua

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-28 11:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601 HELP! At NVC stage awaiting interview.

Why are you sure your husband will be denied?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-01-27 18:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Humanitarian Visa DENIED!! Help please!!

DUI is illegal drug consumption.


Again, not the posters point.  Alcohol is not illegal in the US.


I am out now.  Have a nice day.  Bye Bye...


God Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-09 12:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Humanitarian Visa DENIED!! Help please!!

I've never understood immigration law's stringent treatment of past drug users, but then on the other hand people who abuse alcohol are considered fine. A great example of this is Justin Bieber. Just was arrested for a DUI and driving with an expired license but nothing is considered wrong. I realize he's a celebrity and all, but how is a DUI not treated the same as a drug charge, even a minor one like those the OP listed.


Simple answer:  Alcohol is LEGAL.  Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc. are ILLEGAL in this country.  Not too difficult to comprehend the big difference there.



Excess use of alcohol and driving is illegal.


War against drugs?


Looking for logic in an illogical process?




Not the point here.  Poster is talking about immigration law and people being barred from entering the US due to illegal drug convictions.  Not DUI convictions.  Seems logical to me.  Sure alcohol is a drug but it is a legal drug.  Maybe some day marijuana may  be legal in all 50 states but I wouldn't hold your breath if I was you. And even if that happens the FEDS have to agree.  Not in our lifetimes.

Edited by David & Zoila, 09 May 2014 - 12:35 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-09 12:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Humanitarian Visa DENIED!! Help please!!

I've never understood immigration law's stringent treatment of past drug users, but then on the other hand people who abuse alcohol are considered fine. A great example of this is Justin Bieber. Just was arrested for a DUI and driving with an expired license but nothing is considered wrong. I realize he's a celebrity and all, but how is a DUI not treated the same as a drug charge, even a minor one like those the OP listed. 


Simple answer:  Alcohol is LEGAL.  Marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc. are ILLEGAL in this country.  Not too difficult to comprehend the big difference there.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-09 12:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Humanitarian Visa DENIED!! Help please!!

"London embassy they denied him at his interview because of 2 charges of marijuana when he was 19 and 20 years old, Both were for less than 1 gram and he just got a 55 GBP fine and was sent home, no jail time for both. Along with the 2 charges of marijuana he has some other thing called a caution for drunk and disorderly on the streets and one other dumb thing but I forgot."


First of all I would like to say I feel so sorry for you that this is happening.  Secondly I would disagree with the first reply that you gt that prayer alone will solve your problems.  While I do believe in prayer you also have to act to get positive results.  I am sorry to say but with multiple convictions as you mentioned above and more than one denial already I think it is highly unlikely that he will ever be approved to enter the US.  One marijuana conviction perhaps he has a chance but two plus the drunk and disorderly and the other unknown charge (it would help if we knew what that charge was) make it unlikely. 


Hate to say it but sounds like your best bet is to pack up and head off to his homeland and start a new life there before the two of you lose hope and you break up.  Sure you may have to go back to school for a year or so but is that not better than the three of you breaking up and losing each other for good?


God Bless,  David

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-05-06 12:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)deported with a lifetime ban on reentry

That is exactly the problem, (1) people are too quick to judge. I agree with Boiler, we don't know the particular circumstances in this case. I saw something like this in the news not too long ago. They are coming up with the tiniest excuses now a days to (2) deport LPR's, even something as stupid as getting on the citizen line at the airport. Our justice system is not only broken, but corrupted, and it's always (3) the minorities that pay the price.


A lot of people like to talk smack and what they don't realize is that karma is a b!tch. I may not be a religious person anymore, but "Don't judge, lest ye be judged," and "let he who is free from sin, cast the first stone" are two examples that I still firmly believe in. I first hand know that those that like to judge others always pay the price of their transgressions.


(4) That said convicted for "drug trafficking" in and of itself might have been simply him getting caught with a certain amount marijuana or something. Many states have these ridiculous possession laws that the tiniest amounts could get you a drug trafficking charge, but I'm not going to get into that.


(5) I also don't want anyone to get me started on these are illegal "drugs" argument and the whole "war on drugs" BS. What about legal drugs like alcohol, I'm sure everyone on here drinks, but hey since it's legal no one can judge you or deport you if you own a liquor store, OH THE IRONY!


(6) Did you know that alcohol is responsible for more deaths and crimes than other drugs combined? Probably not. Yet if he would have owned a liquor store and sold alcohol to a minor, he would have only faced a simple misdemeanor, may be even a fine. Understanding the irony here? I hope so.


I'm not trying to justify anyone's actions, but I cannot and neither should anyone else judge a person they don't even know, and more so, the untold circumstances surrounding his case. People are too quick to judge, humiliate, denigrate, and a whole bunch of other words, and that is exactly what is wrong with this world today.


He may pay for his actions by never being able to see the US again or what have you, but I think I know who is going to pay more. I will say this again and mark my words, (7) that karma is a b!tch and no one here is free from any guilt, everybody lies, and everybody's got a skeleton or two in their closets. On that note, rant over, and good day!


Oh yes you have opened up a can of worms so I will just comment once:  You are so wrong about everything you say here.  

1. I didn't judge anyone.  A federal court of the United States of America already did that and he was found guilty.

2. I would like to see ONE CASE that you could show all of us of someone being deported for getting into the wrong line.  Of course the charge can be only for getting in the wrong line like you stated.

3.  We are not talking about minorities here.  LPR's are not a minority group the last I checked...

4.  If ANYONE is caught with ANY AMOUNT of marijuana in a state where it is illegal it is still illegal.  As a matter of fact Federal law still finds marijuana illegal in all 50 states.  Doesn't matter what you think about it. It's the law.

5.  You don't want to get into the illegal drugs conversation?  Isn't that what this is all about.  And by the way, who ever said it was marijuana, could have been methamphetamine???  But I suppose you think that should be legal also???

6.  Alcohol has nothing do with this criminals deportation.

7.  I have no skeletons in my closet so speak for yourself.  I do not use illegal drugs or alcohol in any shape or form so don't put me in with your group.  I'm sure there are many other members here on VJ that also do not have any skeletons.


That's it for me.  I am out... good day and God Bless you Ian H.



David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-17 16:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)deported with a lifetime ban on reentry

Hi everyone, my brother was deported back in Jan. 2014. He was convicted of  a aggravated felony for drug trafficking. he was detained by ICE for about 10 mnts and i had tried to vacate the case, (with no success) . my question now is, is there any way i can bring him back to the states? he is married and his wife is a USC with 2 USC kids. He was LPR since 1994. He applied for his citizenship back in 1999 and 2005 but failed the exam both times. When he as detained i hired a lawyer and wasted nearly $25K but at the end he was deported. SO what are his next options.  Please guys if anyone out there knows anything about this please let me know thank you


So there is justice after all?  With all due respect I am sure many Americans are happy that he has been deported.  To be convicted of such a serious crime there should be deportation.  Might I suggest he is fortunate that he was only detained for 10 months?  Had he been a US citizen he might have been imprisoned for 20+ years at the expense of the US government.(That's you and me)  Perhaps his wife and family will be better off and safer with this drug dealing criminal out of the country.  It's too bad but I have ZERO sympathy for drugs dealers.  I have witnessed first hand how these scumbags have destroyed family after family.  This deportation will undoubtedly save many families from the evils of drugs.  Of course, I'm sure as with 90% of the criminals accused of drug dealing he is innocent.


Good luck to your family.  And I will pray for hiswife and children that they live happy and safe lives. 

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-10-17 12:06:00

English only sorry.  GOD Bless

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2013-11-19 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americami I13 fue aprobada ahora qeu sigue?


Hi she was asking if we could give her some guidelines for her approved I-130 for her daughter who is in her native country her husband primary petitioner which was transferred to the NVC  


I wasn't trying to be disrespectful but I don't speak Spanish.  Just trying to help someone who is asking a question.  I imagine she will get some responses but if she could get someone to translate to English for her I would imagine she will get lots more help.  Perhaps you could suggest that to her?

Edited by David & Zoila, 05 March 2014 - 04:47 PM.

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 16:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americami I13 fue aprobada ahora qeu sigue?

Buenas tardes soy nueva en esto, por ende no se si lo haga muy bien pero tengo varias dudas que pues quizás me ayuden a responderlas. mi caso:soy casada con un ciudadano americano, pero tengo un hijo en Colombia el niño es menor de edad. mi esposo lo pidió a el a través de la forma I-130, esta forma ya fue aprobada y el día 12 de febrero de este año recibimos la carta de aprobación diciendo que ellos vana  remitir la aprobación al NVC, pero mi pregunta que debo hacer? ahora. en la carta me dicen que espere a que el NVC se ponga en contacto conmigo. cuanto tarda todo esto. estoy desesperada pues el niño es muy pequeño necesita de mi. alguien que por favor me pueda orientar. gracias. 


With all due respect: English please?

David & ZoilaMalePhilippines2014-03-05 16:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Nederlanders!
Nah I am not even close. I am in Hawaii. Not to many dutchies here. specially not on Maui.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-03-19 14:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
we schreven in het engels omdat sommige van onze SOs hier ook mee lazen en reageerde en zij alleen engels spreken.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-06-18 11:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Jun 9 2008, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I should be on your neighbor rock in about 3-4 months I think, so I might drop by some time ^^

And i will probably hop to your rock from time to time as well. Think i will get some jewelry partys to do there. And ofcourse when i need my shopping fix ;-)
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-06-14 13:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (darkhorse @ May 31 2008, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey peeps!

Just wanted to check in again and say HI to everyone.
I really start missing hanging out with Dutch speaking people. Ofcourse I talk to my family on the phone at least once a week, but I just really miss actually hanging out with people that speak Dutch.
Did anyone else feel like this after they lived in the States for a while?
I tried to find people here in Florida but that didn't really work out well. There were some really really old people (in their 70's) that I found that live about 2 hrs from Panama City. But that is not what I was looking for.

I talked about it with my husband and we would like it a lot if there were Dutch-American couples that would like to hang out at the Gulf of mexico for vacation and maybe visit us for a little bit. You are welcome to stay with us instead of staying at a hotel. PM me if you want. I am not working yet, so I have a lot of free time on my hands.


i also miss to speak dutch. Sometimes I get lucky and get a Dutch tourist in the store and I can talk story for a bit, but yeah not much Dutchies on Maui
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-06-05 21:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Apr 30 2008, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are you sighing because of the summer break coming up or because it still takes a couple of weeks before it's there? lol

Unfortunately we don't have a next visit planned.. we would love to be together atm but the tickets are getting too expensive atm, we rather save the money instead at the moment. I think the first time we will see each other again will be in october or maybe even november... it kinda depends when I get the visa and when my sister delivers her baby (she got pregnant and her due date is somewhere at the ending of october so maybe I will wait with going until I saw her baby).

Hope everything with the visa will go smoothly for you guys.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-05-02 11:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Apr 30 2008, 09:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah thats cool.. I was like reading the news about the vog and was like 'oh my, I hope I wont get breathing troubles' lol... Michelle didn't feel so well because of the heat that came along with it.

Yeah been reading about you setting up your own business, that's pretty cool! I hope it will all work out nicely for you biggrin.gif

How's the hub and son doing anyways?

they are doing good. Almost summer break a few more weeks. -sigh-
do you guys have a next visit planned?
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-04-30 12:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (imtay @ Apr 29 2008, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just preparing myself ahead of time... How did you guys move your stuff to the US? Did you employ a movers to do the same? Or ship it to your addy in the states? If so could anyone recommend how to go about the same?

I only took some personal items and stuff for my son, so I shipped everything by tpg. I sended it by sea mail. Took forever and except for 1 box everything came the way I had sent it. If you only going to sent small stuff do it by tpg and if you have the money I would do it by air mail.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-04-30 00:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
QUOTE (JeroenAndMichelle @ Apr 29 2008, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jackybeertje @ Apr 28 2008, 12:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Jeroen, good to see you here as well ;-)
Good to see some new faces on here, it has been quiet for a while.

Hi Jacky.. that has been a while since i last talked to you, didn't know you were also registered here.
How's things lately? Did you also have probs on your rock with that nasty vog coming from Kilauea last week? Even tho you're a bit more downwind, I don't know for sure if you had it there also.

Yeah we have the vog here as well, but it doesn't really bother me.
I have been kind of busy with building my busyness and work. O yeah and hubby and kid ;-)
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-04-30 00:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi Jeroen, good to see you here as well ;-)
Good to see some new faces on here, it has been quiet for a while.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2008-04-27 17:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-12-17 12:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
goodluck with your medical.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-12-10 01:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
haha can you get Andrew a good payed job?
No I know a better idea, you guys need to move here. Doesn't Ed love to surf?
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-11-27 13:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
I am doing ok, busy working. How are you girl, long time no see on msn.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-11-25 14:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
congratz. that is great news.
gl with the job hunt.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-10-17 12:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
they will get it for you
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-10-04 08:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
edi yeah work is still great. Loving almost every moment of it ;-)
gratz on the EAD hopefully your AOS get aproved soon too.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-27 12:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
aloha mark,

great hearing from you. Good to hear you guys are doing great.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-26 19:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
I miss you on msn.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-26 12:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
welcome in our little corner.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-15 11:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
most of us are in the us already and some of us have our greencards already. It has been kind of quiet lately.
Let me know if your insurance pays for the vaccins.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-07 01:13:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi marieke; i don't remember how much it was. Your vaccination record will help, that will proof that you don't need to many vaccins. You need to go to a special doctor in a'dam whom is assigned by the consulate and insurance doesn't cover that as far as I know.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-09-04 03:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
My new job is great. But i am real tired in the evening. Not used to working full-time. But I totaly love it.

Nathan and I got our greencards in the mail today :-)
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-08-31 00:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
with the I-134 you file for the k-1 visa she doesn't have to prove yet that she makes 125% of the poverty thing. But it will all say in the papers.
That part comes after marriage when you file for AOS. Then it will be $17,112 a year that she has to make. And after you get married and she doesn't make the requirements then you can take a co sponsor.
jackybeertjeFemaleNetherlands2007-08-22 00:21:00