Middle East and North Africacustoms
Its immigration that you speak to not customs...... they take the brown envelope and check its contents then after they have issed you will I-94 they will forward it to USCIS.....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-27 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II
why start a new topic after the old one was locked....
Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-25 13:50:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
I never said you did say that.... but other have done......

Once again, yahoo groups are not to be discussed here if you are only wanted to insult people from them.

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 15:59:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences

No one, as far as I know, has asked that it or said it should be enforcible. However, TOS here states information transmitted confidentially should not be posted here. The fact that this information was part of a private transmission and shared here is at very least in poor taste. This has been brought to light and people can think of it what they will.

Then it would be down to the people involved to report the violation of TOS here... but it is still not a reason to say that you cant quote from yahoo groups.... this is misleading and if new members read this they might get the wrong idea...
Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 15:50:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences

I specfically said I didn't think Ewok should be bothered having to monitor such things.

Why would Captain Ewok have to monitor it when its only enforcible between members of that group..

How is anybody here ment to know if your yahoo group has a confidentuality clause or not...

Thats down to you guy's no one here...

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 15:24:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
Good to here that its not public....

but you cant post in here saying its against the rule to post from yahoo groups in general because that is not the case....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 15:20:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
Yes I know this.... but I was asking if ths was a new rule about not posting because at no time in the thread was it said you cant post anything that was said in confidence or with an expectation of confidentiality... all I read was you cant post here from yahoo groups and yahoo groups are public and therefore not confidential..

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 15:12:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
well as most of us post thing taken from othe sites I cant see how you could have a rule that says you cant quote from other sites or groups.... there is not a day goes by where but we read quotes from other visa sites and yahoo groups and USCIS website... but yeh its not a good idea to post quotes from somewhere else that you now are going to cause trouble and she should not do that..


Edited by Kezzie, 30 October 2006 - 02:59 PM.

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 14:58:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
so its not a VJ rule.... it just one you made up...

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 14:49:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
I did not know there was a VJ rule about not quoting from other places..... where is this rule written?

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-30 14:38:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences

No, but on several occasions you seem to have been opposed to things that many people consider personal decisions such as this one.

There is nothing in my faith that classifies this as fobidden or disliked. :no:

Veiled Princess are you a true example of your faith.... unable to express your own opinion and base all your decisions on your religion???

Does that mean that if its not classified in your faith no matter what it is its ok by you????
Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-29 22:25:00
Middle East and North Africamore on age differences
I could never date anyone who was old enough to be my father nor would I date anyone who I am old enought to be their mother....

10 years older or younger would be about my limit...

I feel uncomfortable when I am faced with a couple where the man is like 50 and the girl is 18.... and same when the woman is 50 and the guy is 18... just does not feel right to me...

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-29 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaRace mixing is gross and abnormal
I am amazed that the whole ME/NA forum has not been closed down all you guys seem to do is have major insulting compatitions... moving from one post to the next....

It realy does drag the whole of VJ into the Gutter and makes non member think everyone here like to act like a b!tch....

Not very welcoming I must say....
Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-31 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaRace mixing is gross and abnormal
OH boy!!!!! szsz you do like to stir the sh!t dont you....

God it stinks in here..... wish we could let the smell out..

Kez/JWolfMale02006-10-31 14:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING
Wow its so good to see you girls at at your usual standard.... topics are closed and you just move it on to the next and continue as if nothing should change....

You amaze me....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-11-01 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow old were you
16 years old the first time

42 years old this time

Kez/JWolfMale02006-11-01 16:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaCulture VS Islam
THe original celebration held in December was to celebrate the mid-winter it has been celebrated for 1000's of years all over europe, when christianity came about the church decided to make christmas at the same time as the mid-winter pagen celebration to try to stop people celebrating a non-christian event.

So IMO if you choose to celebrate in a non-christian way with a tree and lights and gifts then you are only following the original mid-winter celebrations... if christians and other religions choose to take offence that is there problem....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-12-08 08:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs

but I do get tired of hearing from muslin people around where I live that it is their task in life to educate and change everyone to the muslim faith.... "the one true path"... Put it down to the fact that the media shows terror from muslims over terror from other places and people but I just feel that with a religion that openly encourages the death and destruction of all thing from the west it is not suprizing that most people have a fear of muslims and I think it will take more than a few adds on buses to ally those fears....


Next time you see one trying to preach to you, tell them you are not interested. We are tired of people of other religion trying to go to church eventhough you already said you are not interested. They even called us on Sunday morning at 7 AM. Chances are you get people who tries to invite you to church more often than muslim trying to take you to mosque in US.

But, we do not ask every Christian I know (or every ordinary Christian) to be responsible for the child molester who happens to be a priests.

Btw, if you think the religion (not the people) teaches to destroy anything from the West, it just show how much (or little) you know about the religion.

Ignorance, on either sides, is not an excuse

Well as I am not christian I do not expect them to take responsibility for child molester priests.... but if a Priest was to start preaching about child molesting then yes the followers of that religion would be blamed as well...

I am not an ignorant person and I admit I know very little about the muslim faith other than the very interesting thing I have learned from here... but I do know that when I see a muslim leader condeming all westeners and jews to death then I do see it as religion teaching that to its people.... and as I very realy see muslim people speaking out against the things being taught by these Muslim leaders am I so wrong to then belive that they must belive this too...

Kez/JWolfMale02006-12-20 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs
You really found that funny, Kezzie?  That's really too bad. I thought more highly of you. It's something that I would have expected from Charles.

Sorry if you are disapointed in me I just had this immage someone sitting trying to invent paper explosives.... of course any explosive is not a good thing...

I am not a rasist and I have visited middle east countries and yes there are some very nice muslim people out there.... I left my religion because I would not condone what was happening in my home country all in the name of religion and I openly spoke out against it and still do... I have discussed with other muslim people why it is they will not speak out about the teachings of their muslim leaders and the answer that I get is that is it is written in the holy book and the imams teach it then it is the word of god and it is not their place to question it.... I am not american and I do not agree with what is being done in other countries by the American government... but I do get tired of hearing from muslin people around where I live that it is their task in life to educate and change everyone to the muslim faith.... "the one true path"... Put it down to the fact that the media shows terror from muslims over terror from other places and people but I just feel that with a religion that openly encourages the death and destruction of all thing from the west it is not suprizing that most people have a fear of muslims and I think it will take more than a few adds on buses to ally those fears....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-12-20 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs
As far as I can tell English is still the language of the USA....

May be Americans should go to Muslim countries and place adds on their buses and then we can dispell Muslims fears that we are going to kill them all too.... may be thats the answer to the world's porblems we do not have enough things on the side of our buses to dispel fears....

Kez/JWolfMale02006-12-20 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAds hope to dispel fears of Muslims and Arabs
OMG paper explosives...... now that was funny :lol: :lol: :lol:

as for the writing on the bus.... well if it was in a country where that language was spoken then fine but its in america and as far as I know we dont speak that language here... so why do I need to see it on a bus...

Funny how all the talk is about how wrong it is to blame muslim people for the acts of terrorisim that have happened in the US and other countries.... but as the people were muslim who did it and they continue to call for the murder of US and British people then I have no sympathy for muslims until the ordinary musilms stand up and stop the terror that is being done in the name of their religion....

Flame away...

Kez/JWolfMale02006-12-20 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
good question???
Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 16:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....


then how did they get here if they didn't come from there?

Who said I was FROM Palestine anyway? My great grandfather and grandfather were. I said I'm Palestinian, and I am. Keep your voluntary immigrant stories out of this. We didn't leave voluntarily, we were pushed out. There's a difference. Think of it as if China finally gave up Tibet so the Dali Lama could go home. Much more like that than Europeans escaping Europe on their own. Lots of you went to Palestine, btw.

You are no more Palestinian than I am Greman.... My Great Grandfather was driven out of Gremany so dont start your ###### on me... you are american of palestinian desent... that is all nothing more...

And as far as I am aware there is nothing stopping you moving to Palestine at this time if you feel so close to that culture.... then you will be an American in Palestine... wont that be fun.


i've looked and i can't find a gremany on the map.

:lol: :lol: It was a test to see how well you were reading my posts....


it really threw me when you said greman. for some reason, i first thought it said gremlin. :lol:

Oh.... there a good Idea... I could apply for a Gremlin passport :whistle: then I could move to a bit of land and put up a fence and call it Gremlinstine.... :lol: :lol: Just think there could then be people 100 years from now that will live in America and claim to be Gremlins.....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 15:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....


then how did they get here if they didn't come from there?

Who said I was FROM Palestine anyway? My great grandfather and grandfather were. I said I'm Palestinian, and I am. Keep your voluntary immigrant stories out of this. We didn't leave voluntarily, we were pushed out. There's a difference. Think of it as if China finally gave up Tibet so the Dali Lama could go home. Much more like that than Europeans escaping Europe on their own. Lots of you went to Palestine, btw.

You are no more Palestinian than I am Greman.... My Great Grandfather was driven out of Gremany so dont start your ###### on me... you are american of palestinian desent... that is all nothing more...

And as far as I am aware there is nothing stopping you moving to Palestine at this time if you feel so close to that culture.... then you will be an American in Palestine... wont that be fun.


i've looked and i can't find a gremany on the map.

:lol: :lol: It was a test to see how well you were reading my posts....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....


then how did they get here if they didn't come from there?

Who said I was FROM Palestine anyway? My great grandfather and grandfather were. I said I'm Palestinian, and I am. Keep your voluntary immigrant stories out of this. We didn't leave voluntarily, we were pushed out. There's a difference. Think of it as if China finally gave up Tibet so the Dali Lama could go home. Much more like that than Europeans escaping Europe on their own. Lots of you went to Palestine, btw.

You are no more Palestinian than I am Greman.... My Great Grandfather was driven out of Gremany so dont start your ###### on me... you are american of palestinian desent... that is all nothing more...

And as far as I am aware there is nothing stopping you moving to Palestine at this time if you feel so close to that culture.... then you will be an American in Palestine... wont that be fun.

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 14:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
Their ancestors may have come from there... but they were born and raised here in America... that makes them American... same if I have children thay would be born here in the USA that would make them American... yes there Mother would be Scottish but they would be American... and if they had children of their own in years to come they to would be american and so on and so on.... they could not claim a british passport they would have no right to live and work in the UK and would not be classed as being Scottish/British....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 14:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
I have met many many people here in America that claim to be from all sorts of places.... just because there great great great grandfather came from there....

Well I am sorry but the perfect answer was given to a lady on a flight to dublin by the cabinstaff... the passanger was claiming because her grandfather came from dublin she was Irish and therefore she was Irish..... the cabin staff asked her if she held a Irish passport.. the lady said NO... she was then told very politly that if she had no irish passport then she was not Irish....

So may be the answer here is if you have or qualify for a passport from palastine the you are from palistine if you have a passport from America then you come from the USA...

My husbands family came from Russia and yes they are Jews does he claim to be from Russia NO he is 100% American.. I was born and brought up and lived my life in Scotland until 2005 so as far as I am concered I am Scottish...

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-08 14:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis will probably get moved but...
Go to the city office where your marriage was registered they can give you certified copies for a fee...

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-17 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaFather Kills Daughter; Doubted Virginity
How any father could do that to his own child is beyond reason... he should be shot..

Kez/JWolfMale02007-01-25 09:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaFrustrated!!!
If your life here in america will be so bad because of the stupid americans then why dont you move to the ME/NA... they seem to hate americans as much as SOME americans fear people from ME/NA..

There is good and bad on both sides... yes the bomb comment was stupid... when I hear stupid comments about me or where I am from I just think to myself "wow how dumb can a person be" and then forget it...

If you look hard enough you will find discrimination everywhere you look... if you want to be a victim then let it bother you if you dont want to be a victim then let it go and move on...

Kez/JWolfMale02007-02-22 23:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaA Broken Journey
You need to get out and get out now....... I lived with my ex for 15 years and yes I wore my bruises with smiles too... the beatings became a regular thing and I got very good at appearing happy and full of life, but with every blow that struck me a little bit more was dying inside....

It all ended the day my ex took a baseball bat to me and if it was not for my 13 year old son going to a phonebox and calling the police I would have been dead.... I spent 3 months in hospital (6 weeks in ICU) 12 lots of surgery to fix metal rods to my legs and hips and 100's of hours of physical therapy just to get me on my feet...

That was in 1994.... I am still having surgey to fix things in my legs and I know that I will be in a wheelchair in the future....

So please please dont kid yourself.... if he has beat you once he WILL do it again.... get out and stay out....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-05-31 13:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS approved

Kez/JWolfMale02007-06-19 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaPosting personal pics as avatar/signature
We have a friend who posted photos of himself and his family on his own website... someone took a photo of him and posted it on a list of sex offenders.... he found out about it when he had bricks thrown through his windows and someone slashed he tyres on his car.... he ended up having to get the police to issue a public statement to say he had never been investigated or charged with any sexual offences.... it took 2 years for him to sort it all out and they had to move home and change there kids schools....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-06-27 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe women that marry mena men?

How many MENA women go to other forums to post? I would guess more people come here to MENA to jump into threads rather than the other way around. I know most of us don't even go to OT let alone other regional forums.

MANY there are many MENA ppl in OT.... :lol: where have you been, on top of also being in OT :D

Yeah, haven't been to OT in months, and never plan to go back. This is my point, most do not go anywhere but MENA, and none go to other regional forums to jump in on the convos.

Do you have a problem with people coming to this forum and posting in peoples convos????

Kez/JWolfMale02007-08-10 14:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe were involved in a wreck this morning.
OMG.... I hope you are both ok...

Kez/JWolfMale02007-08-22 07:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hadith is not islam!

Hi I just want to add my thoughts here on the hadith.

The Quran is the final word of God. It is infact the bible before it was corrupted by the jews as prophesised in the bible ITSELF! but people dont seem to realise that, as Islam seems to alienated from christianity and Judaism.

Why is it so alienated. The reason is because most 95% or more muslims follow the books called the hadith (supposidly the sayings and actions of the prophet muhammed some 2 hundred years after his passing). Where infact it is not that, the way the hadith were put togather was asking people about stories heard from there fathers and their fathers etc and their fathers etc supposidly what the prophet Muhammed had said.
The Quran has wonderful scientific facts such as the earth being round, life originating in water, the balance of the universe and so forth. The hadith has science such as drink camels urine for health and stuff.

My point here is the hadith is corrupted, it has nothing to do with Islam and should not be followed but maybe used in CAREFUL ways for some historical use.
It is NOT from GOD and was never intended by God for us to follow.
All the abuse and bad behaviour i.e barbaric punishments and bad treatment of women i.e covering them up from head to toe in a ninja suit and beating them by muslims originates from this book called the hadith. In my opinion it is far from God.

A muslim should follow the quran alone as it is perfect, there are no contradictions as in the hadith, it gives absolute 100% equal rights to women in every way and there is no barbaric punishment in there.

Adiel (Mireya's hubby)

Thank you very much for your presceptive. Much appreciated. But the reality is... this is an immmigration board. And as it seems posting opinion, esp in areas like religion where so many disagree will only get you pissed on (sorry) I would not waste my time with it.

I hope they bring it on.

Are you trying to prove that you are a total fcuking a$$hole?? please dont we know you use the fact you are English as an excuse for being rude and are proud of the fact you dont give a damn... do the rest of us from the UK a big favor.. crawl back under whatever stone you came out from this morning....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-08-13 17:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday
QUOTE (dawnnhatem @ Sep 25 2007, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Niagaenola @ Sep 25 2007, 08:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Birthday to you both..... Its a wonderful day to be born on....


Happy Birthday to You too!

Kez/JWolfMale02007-09-25 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you both..... Its a wonderful day to be born on....

Kez/JWolfMale02007-09-25 08:32:00
Middle East and North Africashipping them back and you are pregnant
Only thing I will say is..... to stay in a bad relationship because of a child or children is a very bad thing to do... it will have a very negative effect on the child and that is worse than them not know their father... sorry but all this stay together for the child because you are being a bad person to deprive the child of its father is just #######...

If the man only samples the goods at home then there is no problems, if the man like to sample everyone else's goods then the man is a problem...

Kez/JWolfMale02007-10-24 22:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy you got Married/engaged to your spouse/fiance?!!!
I have known my Husband all my life.... Our mother became Pen Friends (through a post war School Pen Friend Club) when they were 12 years old, I spent every other summer with him, He was at my 1st wedding. I never thought about him in any other way (more like a cousin). I came over to spend some time with his family to recover from major surgery in Feb 2005 and well by March 2005 something happened (still not sure what) but we were in Love.... We took advice from a Family member who is a Federal Judge and got married and filed for AOS... the rest is history....

Would I do it all over again.... maybe, maybe not.... I miss my children and my beuatiful Grand daughter but I love my husband and I love living here in the US...

Kez/JWolfMale02007-10-30 14:09:00