IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Telephone
QUOTE (Shamim @ Jan 24 2008, 03:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What's going on with with NVC telephone line? Now I can't even here the updates from automated service. When I press 1 to hear english, spanish comes first, and then the english voice says"all operators are still busy now and you will transferred back to our automated system ' and the line cuts off mad.gif . Anyone out there has similar experience?

It happens because of the call volume. Try at 7:30 AM in the morning or after 11:45 PM. The volume is low early in the morning and late at night
dshah00MaleIndia2008-01-24 16:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslating Immigration documents from Spanish to English

I somewhat agree with the other poster that in the case of any doubt, use a certified translation (although this can be expensive)....good luck!!!!

Depends on where you go. I got my birth certificate translated by a certified (but not court certified) translator and paid $65 a page; the court certified translator who did my marriage certificate charged $40.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-09-19 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslating Immigration documents from Spanish to English
I would recommend just go ahead and get it certified translated. You'll probably eventually need that anyway. To save yourself some time and money, go to a court certified translator-that's what the MVA required for my marriage certificate, and you can pretty much bet that will be good for most everyone else, so you can use and re-use that translation.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-09-18 11:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 TOUCHED while at NVC!!!!!!!!!!
Just curious...why are you still checking that nearly 2 months after you were approved?
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-09-26 16:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill waiting for the NOA2 for my wife
Our NOA-1 (I-130 in Vermont) was September 11. So we haven't been waiting as long. But what disturbs me is that the processing date hasn't changed from like February 5 in such a long time. Seems like they're just stuck and there's nothing happening at all. My timeline says we will be approved sometime in March, 2007-yikes!! :wacko:
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-11-10 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVermont SC..
First thing I would do would be to confirm that they cashed the check or money order. Call your bank or the number on your money order receipt. If they have, give them a couple more days, and then call.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-11-29 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied
And I have no incentive to say all this other than helping Summer. I'm not getting paid to advertise for Laurel-on the contrary, we paid quite a good deal in legal fees for her services, which were all worth it even DESPITE us not getting the desired results. She does her absolute best with what is given her, I find her to be very warm, personable, and understanding, as well as trustworthy. What more can you ask from an attorney?
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-11 13:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied

While Laurel Scott is an experienced immigration attorney, her specialty is filing for waivers through the Mexican consulate.

Laurel's specialty is waivers in general, not only waivers from Mexico. From attending her chat every week now for over a year, having her take me places where NOBODY else knows to go (including Advisory Opinion-land, MTR, AO with the CDC, etc), and recommending several individuals to her for a VARIETY of issues (such as citizenship) and watching their questions get answered, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would trust Laurel with ANY aspect of immigration. She has clients from all over the US and all over the world, not just Mexico. I'm not just saying this-it's 100% true. Along with a specialty in Waivers comes a large knowledge base about causes for inadmissibility, and remedies, which I think is very relevant to Summer's issue!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-11 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied
Her web site's not working for me-I don't know why. This has never happened before. Is it working for you?
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-11 11:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied
Seriously, Summer, at least go to Laurel's chat. I'm telling you, I would trust her with anything-she specializes in these kinds of cases. And she is very accessible. If you feel like you don't want to wait, go to her web site-it's
Click on Consultation, and it will give you instructions as to how to do have to pay a little bit for it ($35 when I did it) but it's worth it, and in this case time is of the essence. Laurel will answer your e-mails. She's been our attorney for over a year, and she's always very prompt to answer. She will tell you if there's any legal options to explore, and also she will not hesitate to tell you if this is the end of the road. Let me know if I can help you get in contact with her.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-11 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures...denied
Summer, :( I don't even know what to say. Every time I hear something like this (although I believe I've never heard anything quite this sad) my heart aches for that person, remembering the feelings that I felt the times we've been dealt various blows by immigration. Even with a deportation and a subsequent unwaiverable 3 year ban, I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I do know what it's like to cry yourself to sleep and spend your days like a zombie though. Please just do your best to keep on living for right now, take it minute by minute, nourish yourself, and get plenty of rest. The shock is going to take a long long time to wear off. Take a good couple of weeks to sort through this and figure out what you want to do. I know my first thoughts whenever things like this happened were never what I ended up doing. We don't know each other, but I can relate to what you're feeling. If you want to talk to me, please just let me know. Another thing I would suggest would be going to Laurel Scott's chat room (she is our attorney, and the best that I know of as far as knowledge and experience dealing with various immigration "offenses" and problems). The chat room is free and it's on Wednesday at 11 am Central time at
If there are any options available to you, she will know.

May God, our Comforter and Counselor, draw you close to his side. His will is good and perfect. Take comfort in knowing that your life is in His hands, and "no power of Hell or scheme of man" can ever change that. The words of the song "I am a sheep" always help me in difficult times: When the wind blows, He is my shelter, and when I'm lost and alone, He rescues me, and when the lion comes, He is my victory, constantly watching over me..."
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-11 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you think?
Oh I thought everyone knew our story... :( Well here it is in timeline format to make it all easier to understand:

Sometime in mid-90's: Javier is a teenager and does a few experimentations with cocaine

Sometime in 2000: Javier comes illegally to the US

October 1, 2002: I meet Javier at work while at college

April 1, 2003: Javier is arrested because of raid on restaurant

May 1, 2003: Javier is deported to Mexico with a 10 year ban

February 14, 2005: We get engaged

July xx, 2005: I file I-129F for Javier

August 8, 2005: Javier finds some men attempting to bring a powdered substance onto the farm property where he lives and works. Having seen police officers identify substances by tasting, he tastes the substance and recognizes it as cocaine. He makes the men leave so they won't attempt to sell to any of his 3 younger siblings or the various younger children who also live on the property.

November, 2005: Thanksgiving week-Javier's medical. He admits to the experimentations as a teenager, as well as the tasting incident. The following Monday is his interview. We were prepared to file the I-601 and I-212 waivers. Javier is denied due to "drug addiction." There is no waiver available. He must remain "drug free" for 3 years.

December, 2005: We file Advisory Opinion with the Department of State to allow them the opportunity to fix their mistake.

May, 2006: We find out they have not received our Advisory Opinion, we re-send.

August 16, 2006: Javier and I get married.

August 31, 2006: DOS requests another copy of the Advisory Opinion.

September 1, 2006: One day later, they deny the Advisory Opinion.

September 11, 2006: NOA1 for I-130.

So his interview has to be after August 8, 2008. We decided to file the I-130 so that when he does get a Visa, it will be IR-1. We decided not to pursue anymore action against DOS for their mistake. In the meantime he has to do "re-hab" for a drug problem that he doesn't have. If Comprehensive Immigration Reform is passed with the Family Unity section, we'll be able to file his I-212 early (before the interview) and then just go to the interview and pay the $2,000 or whatever and get his visa. If it is not passed, we have to file the I-601 and I-212 waivers in August, 2008 and wait for them to be approved before he can get a Visa (currently taking like 10 months in Juarez).
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-19 13:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you think?
Alrighty I'll wait then. That's what I thought was going to be the answer.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-19 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you think?
According to my timeline our I-130 would be processed around December 11. It suggests that if this day has passed more than 10 days I should consider calling VSC. So Thursday will be 10 days. Should I call or is it too early? (btw, we're not in a huge rush since we have a ban anyway, but still)
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-19 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstill no NOA2

Anyhow, I read in another thread that maybe you should make them touch your file. Someone sent in another copy of their marriage certificate along with a letter stating that they think they "forgot" to include it the first time. After it was sent it, their file was touched and an approval came shortly after. It's worth a shot.

I wouldn't recommend trying this until it's really been a long time-ie, until we're outside of the processing dates listed by Vermont. Not only is this maneuver sneaky, it also takes time away from them processing other cases. Not to mention if we all start doing it, they're sure to catch on.

Oh yeah, and it's also dishonest...

i dont think this is dishonest or sneaky at all or is slowing down other cases! maybe you are one of the lucky ones who got their NOA2 fast. i'm waiting since august and when people from october are getting approved than i dont understand the working method VSC is using. there is nothing wrong about sending them a letter. they either put it aside or open my case to add the letter. BTW the processing times for I130 at VSC are still at march 12... nothing changed for a few weeks. i dont want to wait until they are maybe processing august officially - this could be next year around this time. maybe you can wait no matter how long, i cant.

No, I've been waiting since September 11. And technically longer than that since we filed our I-129F, ohhh way back in July, 2005. Of course that didn't work so now here we are again... But anyway, this process requires patience. That's a lesson not easily learned but valuable once you have learned it. And YES to send something saying you "forgot" to send it the first time, knowing full well you did send it IS sneaky, it's also DISHONEST and it takes them time to go find your case and needlessly put the new material in there, thereby taking away from other cases. If you can live with that because you're too self-concerned to wait it out, be my guest. I couldn't and won't. I can wait a few months. What's a few months compared to a lifetime? Not much really.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-19 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstill no NOA2

Anyhow, I read in another thread that maybe you should make them touch your file. Someone sent in another copy of their marriage certificate along with a letter stating that they think they "forgot" to include it the first time. After it was sent it, their file was touched and an approval came shortly after. It's worth a shot.

I wouldn't recommend trying this until it's really been a long time-ie, until we're outside of the processing dates listed by Vermont. Not only is this maneuver sneaky, it also takes time away from them processing other cases. Not to mention if we all start doing it, they're sure to catch on.

Oh yeah, and it's also dishonest...
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-12-19 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about NOA1-vermont..dechiffering...
I'm also still waiting in Vermont. We had NOA1 on September 11, then touched on September 12, and nothing since then...
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-01-12 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved Finally
:dance: :dance: for you!!!!

:unsure: :crying: for us... :(
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-01-19 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines, VJ'S, USCIS ,Vermont's

Congressional inquiry is where you contact the constituent services office of your Representative or Senator(s) and they file an inquiry with USCIS as to the status of your case. It is NOT a request to expedite, as someone mentioned. It is simply the best way to get the most information about your case possible-they will often be more willing to speak with the Congress people than with you.

I'm that someone,you can quote me...i have no problem beeing corrected..for the best info...But i said that because i have seen some that have also requested to expedite their maybe they do both..But ultimately...if digg more deep, in short, i just wonder why we can not communicate more freely with USCIS, without being necessary to ask Senators for help...if they say we can contact them...that's so contradictory...I can speak for myself and give the arguments..i don't need to ask another God to do it for ok...just a thought...maybe too naive

I don't know what happened why you didn't get the K-1..sorry for that!!!...i also understand that it's a very tiring figure out, to imagine a lot because there is the silence on the other side..for now, i consider i still have a little bit of passion to try to understand a bit words might be important...even if we make mistakes...!!!...

If you want to do it yourself, more power to you. I've already been through this entire process for a K-1 that we didn't get so I'm a little familiar with the way things work with these people. I would never waste my time making an inquiry on behalf of myself. Let the elected officials do what I'm paying them to do...

Heine i have answered you, see here in bold, the other day...i don't think you noticed...the reply stuff, i'm not good at it...with the quotes and all...sorry!

I saw your answer, but I didn't see any question to answer so I just let it go. Is there anything you want me to answer?
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-01-22 13:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines, VJ'S, USCIS ,Vermont's
Ok so just for fun I called USCIS and talked to their Customer Service. I asked her if there was anything wrong with our case or any particular reason that it hadn't been processed yet. She came back and told me (surprise, surprise) they're still working on cases from March 12. I said that since the date had been March 12 for several months, does that mean they are making no progress, and she said it depends on how many cases were received that day. She also said every case is done differently and that's why some may be approved faster than others. Her final words to me were that normally we're supposed to give them 180 days (I think that's where I got my 6 month idea) to process these cases. So friends, my thoughts to you is to wait the 6 months from your last touch and then do a Congressional inquiry. These phone calls are thoroughly pointless.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-01-22 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimelines, VJ'S, USCIS ,Vermont's

What the hell is going on with Vermont? their timeline has been stuck on March 12 since Nov! Ridiculous. At this rate my wife won't be here until 2008. Is there anyone who has done the congressional inquiry? what does one need to do? I'm interested in doing this, can this be done by email, snail mail, phone call?

Be careful about doing a Congressional inquiry "too early." You may be turned down. I always recommend waiting until you have gone 6 months with no touches or anything. That is our plan. Then start with your Senators. Each of your Senators should have a web site. Look on the web site and find the part that talks about "constituent services." From there, you can print off a privacy release form and follow their directions for sending in the privacy release form and your request. Make sure you include your case number and VERY specific instructions as to what you want them to do. Tell them you have not been touched in 6 months and you would really appreciate information as to why your case is stuck. That if there's a problem you want the opportunity to fix it. The Senator themself does not do casework, it is done by a completely separate office. They each have their own preferences, one allowed me to fax in my stuff and the other required snail mail. They will contact the Congressional liaison with USCIS and inquire into your case.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-01-22 09:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs this normal
Why were the forms sent seperately? If they were sent as a result of a RFE did the lawyer send that RFE letter also? Are you sure the lawyer mailed the documents when he/she said they did? I have never know them to acknowledge every piece of paper. I know they do acknowledge the RFE if they are sent back.

Good luck

Hi friends,

Just wanted to know if this is normal.My attourney had sent the ds230 forms and the affidavit of support papers about 2 weeks ago,now when i check on the automated voice machine is says that they recieved the biographic details but are still waiting for the AOS papers.
does nvc process these papers seperately and enter AOS after they review them or they acknowledge they immediately???
please clear this doubt of mine,

thank in advance


frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-09-08 15:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProofs????
If I am not mistaken all of the documents in which you deal with the United States Goverment in this immigration process has to have an English translation. I would make a copy of everything you have. DO NOT SEND original documents unless they ask for them because you will not get them back.

Good Luck,

As for the proof I am sure they will ask for this information at the interview.

Does anyone knows if you need to show proof of your relationships for CR1 interview in Colombia? They dont ask for any in the instructions...
Other question, do I have to translate everything to English or its ok the ones in Spanish,,,,
And, to what documents do I have to take photocopies, if I have all the originals,
Im sorry I have so many questions,,,
I would really appreciate your help... =)

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-09-14 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC assigned Casenumber BUT
oh I see...and I was totally confused by this response *lol* :lol: . Well that is a good thing. I also think it is not usual to get the case # assigned just 3 days after receiving the NOA2, or am I wrong? :blink:

Greets Isabel

Edited by Isabel, 24 June 2006 - 03:42 PM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-24 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC assigned Casenumber BUT
Hey guys,

NVC assigned a case number in four days ?! wow thats special isnt it? The automated system said that allow 6 to 8 weeks for the benificiary to receive a notice. What does that mean??? Do I have to wait so long until they finally mail out the AOS fee bill and the choice of agent :blink:

thanks in advance

Edited by Isabel, 23 June 2006 - 05:01 PM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-23 17:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresafter NVC processing
Hi there,

I know I am asking alot currently, sorry for that. I just checked the homepage of the German Consulate and there is nothing stated what happens after NVC sends the completed case (CR1) to the embassy. Do I still get a so called Packet 3 and all that? And if so...what is included?

Greets Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-25 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS pay stub question and Iraq question

He should have leave and earnings statements (LES).

His income is still income while in Iraq. It's just not taxed. So his pay is still 'income'.

ah ok, well for some reason he didnt mention that....ok he doesnt know much about the visa stuff. Thanks very much :)

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-25 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS pay stub question and Iraq question
Hi guys,

as stated in the AOS Checklist we may add the most recent 6 pay stubs and employment letter and the last three copies of federal tax return.

So DO we NEED to obtain the last six paystubs? and all that? He is working for the US Army and he gets paied automatically every two weeks. Also he has been 1 year in Iraq and the money he got there he couldnt add to the federal tax income, so that year is far under the limit. So how to deal with that? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-25 14:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill Waiting for I-130 Approval
our NOA1 was 02/28/02 and we got approved on 06/14/06. But Sometimes I think they really have no order to proceed you can see. We also went through Vermont.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-26 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAOS and DS 230 notarized?
hi guys,

i have two questions.

1. Do we still need to notarize the AOS?

2. I completed the DS230 form on my computer and printed it this a mistake? Should I fill it out by hand?

Thanks in Advance
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-27 01:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf Posted Processing Dates Are Correct ...

:help: On March 1st, when my I-130 arrived at the Vermont Center, the USCIS website said that the VSC was processing applications from December 5, 2005.

Today, four months later, the USCIS website says that the VSC is processing applications from December 24, 2005.

That means that it has taken the VSC FOUR MONTHS to move NINETEEN DAYS FORWARD.

At this rate, it will be about EIGHT - NINE months MORE (four months has already passed) just to get my NOA2.

There is just no rhyme and reason here. People who filed before me have been approved, people who filed after me have been approved. There is no way to check on your actual status. Just a generic answer that your application is "being processed". If I have to wait 30 days after the posted "processing date", it will be almost a year from NOW (with 4 months having already passed) before I can even inquire as to the status of my application! This is crazy.

Is no one else frustrated by the system? I'm already married to my Canadian husband. We followed all the rules. He went back to Canada to wait for this visa, which they said should take until June. We called our Congressman. We turned in everything on time. Neither of us have any criminal history or any reason why a security check would be a problem. I just don't get it. What do they do? Divy the cases up among them, and a few workers actually do work and get applications processed while the others sit around and do nothing all day (thus some are approved and others go nowhere)? Talk about inefficiency and poor customer service.

I was diagnosed with MS this month and have been extremely sick and in excrutiating pain. I just want my husband here with me.

I know the new rules messed everything up, but I'm not applying for a finace visa, I'm applying for an I-130. We were already married when we applied. My application shouldn't be held up because there are new rules for I-129s.

I'm just so frustrated. :crying:

:blink: :o :wacko: :unsure: :angry: :hehe: :help: :help:

:huh: hy there. Dont worry. My NOA1 date was february 28. and I already got approved. I dont think that the processing dates are very accurate (at least not with the I-130) they jump for and backward all the time (at Vermont :))

So far I cant complain about the system....sure our K3 is delayed as many others as well but we got at least the approval of our I-130. So far it went smooth...hopefully goes on like that.
But it do suck that you have to wait sooo long to be together with your love even though you are already married.

I. :thumbs:

In our relationship I am the one with the autoimmune disease but there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry. Try to be you might know any psychological stress affects the disease as well and makes it worse.
I. :thumbs:
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-27 01:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230

okay as previously mentioned my wife lives in the UK on LLR....

On Q.14 on the DS230, it asks for wifes address.. I know that this should be her US address.. but what do I put for Spouse's occupation ?, becuase her employment in the UK..

Hm we put in my current address in Germany. Cos I am not in the US right now.

Lg Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-25 07:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow are the chances to be in the US by september?
thanks for the fast responses :). We were told that the visa would be approved no later than June (K3) and my hubby is actually getting really impatient. So I guess it all depends on the NVC. We are using the shortcuts. I have seen people going through NVC process within 50 days. Guess they just got really lucky, since that doesnt seems to be the usual amount of time (what I saw around here). Before we started I actually set my birthday (end of august) as the latest date to be back in the states. So it is kinda disappointing. Maybe a miracle will happen and the MSC will start moving again :)

In August I dont have my flat anymore and cos I am staying at a friends house I cant work either anymore. That is so freaking stupid. He is working two jobs over there and I am sitting here in Germany waiting for the day to fly. But I guess there are many people in the same situation :unsure:

I hope for all of us that they eventually get their a@@es moving :protest:

all the best isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 04:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow are the chances to be in the US by september?
Hi guys,

I already have the case # assigned at NVC and the waiting time for an interview in Germany is about 3 weeks. Do I still receive a packet 3 when filing for a CR1?

SO how are the chances to be in the states by september? Any guesses?

Thanks in advance
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-27 17:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresobtain vistor visa while I-130 at NVC

Well the VWP is an option whereas a B-2 visa is not an option. But if the CO does any checking at POE he or she will see you in the computer via your passport number anyhow.

true...visitor visa would be stupid *lol*. What if I travel on the VWP? I used it back in February to may to visit my hubby. I have one strong tie to Germany and that is the Approval notice of the I-130.


I just called Customer's and Border Protection in the US and was told the following(btw he was a really friendly man):

- do NOT come over until you have the stamp in your passport and received the package from the embassy they gonna give you a whole bunch of problems at the POE

- let your husband call the US embassy in Germany to tell them to speed up the progress (hm i dont know why but ok....he says because he is in the military that would be an option)

- since we have already filed in February he said that the embassy can do something about it.

So ok....I will let him call the embassy.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 13:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresobtain vistor visa while I-130 at NVC
true...visitor visa would be stupid *lol*. What if I travel on the VWP? I used it back in February to may to visit my hubby. I have one strong tie to Germany and that is the Approval notice of the I-130.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresobtain vistor visa while I-130 at NVC
Hi guys,

I bet this question had been asked so many times.....well however I dont find the answers i sorry about asking again :P

Ok since I dont have a flat and a job by the end of july anymore I was wondering if I could get a visitor visa to stay at our house in the US till the interview is scheduled in Frankfurt. I mean what am I supposed to do? The problem is that I dont have any ties to Germany anymore (well no flat no job) so #######??? I dont wanna take the risk entering on the VWP cos I would of course stay as long as possible (so 89 days. I mean what do they think? I am going through all the goddamn procedure and got approved and then I wanna enter the US to stay there illegally??? Huh??? Doesnt sound realistic to me.

Any advice is appreciated.
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 13:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWas your application "touched" right before it was approved?

Just wondering, because mine arrived at VSC on 03/01/06, was touched on 03/04/06 (3 days later) and has not been touched since. That is why I wonder if it has been misplaced or lost.

I didnt have a touch before the approval.
I. :thumbs:
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-27 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnew Affidavit of support
hi there,
thank you very much for this information. I did know that the 1099 form lists different incomes than the W2's. But thats it. So now I know.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-07 18:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnew Affidavit of support
Hi guys,

do I really need to obtain the form 1099 for the AOS?? And if so, how do I get this form? Isnt it enough to just have the most recent tax transcript and W2???

Thanks Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-07 12:24:00