K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and POE
Hello All, We finally have our interview date of 06/14. My fiance is almost 6 months pregnant so the wonderful people at the consulate in Brazil gave us a little help with the date so she would not have to fly deep into her pregnancy. I have a couple of questions concerning the flight to the POE. I have traveled extensively and remember a few times where I have had to literally go from one terminal to the other to catch a connecting flight. I was wondering if anyone ever had this happen during a fiance's flight to the POE? If so, was there any grief while traveling to the POE under a K1. Her layovers are in Paramaribo, Aruba and then Miami. All very short layovers so I am hoping not too much distance between gates. I know-alot of layovers but the ticket was irresistable! Only 16 hours travel time and $670 from Brazil to Washington DC. I paid $560 for a flight from Belem to Rio :). Okay, now for a second question, I will be meeting her at the airport in Washington DC. Will it be possible for me to obtain a gate pass so I can escort her through customs? Thank you all so much for the time and any information you can provide. Best of luck to you all
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 PLANE TICKET SHOUKD BE 2WAY?..OR 1WAY?
I have been researching ticket prices for the last few days. Sometimes the round trip tickets are cheaper. So far the one way has been the cheapest Ive seen. Out of all the sites, has had the best prices. Good Luck
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-03 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Timeline

We got our NOA2 approval on May 31 (never got an email though) and so I waited the usual 3 days before contacting NVC to see if they have gotten it. And both times I have called they have said "Please give us 14 days before it gets into our system."

Most people's timelines show that they get their new case number 3 days after... And it's usually out the door a couple days after that...

Am I missing something? Or have the wait times at NVC now increased?


Hello, Of course they are going to say "Allow 14 days". They do not want an overload in calls. I would say a week to 9 days is usually the norm for NVC to assign the new number. This is from what I have seen and heard over the past 7 months. The good thing is that once NVC as the case and issues a number it is usually out of the door in no time. Our case was sent electronically to the Consulate. Smile, you are very very close to completion :)
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 155

Is she doing it from the link:

What browser is she using, does it meet the minimum requirements listed on that page?

I'm using the latest IE and Acrobat Reader X.

I just mentioned that she try to use another computer. I was thinking the same thing--Compatibility issue. I will find out. Thanks for the reply
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 155

All, My fiance is having a problem printing the Form 156 (barcoded for) with the OMB expiration of 05/31/2011. However she can print the form 156 that has the earlier OMB expiration of 09/30/2010. Has anyone dealt with this issue? If so, how was it resolved? Thanks for the help

Sorry about the typo--Title should read Form 156

When did she try it. I believe it works now, they fixed something on the site on Friday I believe, cause I couldn't print it either but now I can. So ask her to try it again.

PS: You are talking about DS-156 right?

Yes, she has tried all morning. Still no luck
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 155
All, My fiance is having a problem printing the Form 156 (barcoded for) with the OMB expiration of 05/31/2011. However she can print the form 156 that has the earlier OMB expiration of 09/30/2010. Has anyone dealt with this issue? If so, how was it resolved? Thanks for the help

Edited by W&M, 05 June 2011 - 03:52 PM.

W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

Congratulations Wally on easing your/her nerves. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy. Not too much more time before she will be delivering. :thumbs:
We will keep in touch via email and hopefully one day we can meet together and the girls can talk and we can eat..!!!
I am sure everything will go just fine.
Boa Sorte e Parabens...!!!!!
John and Mari

Thanks John for all of the great information. We are doing the budget for her week in Rio. She has so many conflicting prices. This is the info she has obtained from the girls in Rio;

Citibank fee-R$665.00
Medical------R$320.00 This is 220 for medical plus 100.00 for blood work
Courier------us$50.00 She will be waiting for the visa in Rio

Does this sound very accurate?

Yes, we will definitely meet, Pitt is not far at all.
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

In many cases - 2hours to clear CBP and catch a connecting flight could be pushing the envelope of comfort (meaning, not much/any time for lollygagging). For example in very large airports and especially those that separate their international and domestic connections by different concourses. Most airlines take this into consideration when scheduling flights as well.

There must have been so few VJers who have used Aruba that it's not on our list of POE Reviews but judging by the very small size of the airport itself - I can't imagine there being an issue with time there. In all likelihood it will be a breeze. (There are only 8 total gates in the entire facility.)

Ground Floor Map
First Floor (Passenger area) map


To clear CBP, she'll really simply need to present her passport (which will contain her visa) and hand over the 'do-not-open' brown envelope - there may/may-not be much interaction between her and the CBP officer.

Now Miami on the other hand, will be a stark contrast to the postage stamp of an airport in Aruba. Busy - everyone in a hurry and hard to find someone to help. What I've seen some members do is prepare a sheet of paper with a few key phrases (both in English and in their fiancé's native language) that she can point to when asking for assistance.

Things like:

I need assistance - my English is not so good, can you help me with (Where I need to go? What should I do? I'm pregnant, may I board first? etc etc and include "Can you call my fiance - he speaks English so he can help?) Or things of that nature. Seems to have worked for may folks in your position.

If she's never traveled before (or it's been limited) - you could go over the basics with her. Travel safety - don't lose the passport, how boarding passes work, how to make a phone call (a US cell phone might help) etc. Another international travel subject would be customs - she'll need to fill out a customs form (not sure if that would occur for Aruba or Miami - am guessing Miami - usually done on the flight itself. Source for this)

Just a few thoughts for the nervous dad/fiance.. :star:

Otto, just received info from Aruba. Requested flight number and full name. Airport attendant will be at the gate. Thanks so much for the information.
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

In many cases - 2hours to clear CBP and catch a connecting flight could be pushing the envelope of comfort (meaning, not much/any time for lollygagging). For example in very large airports and especially those that separate their international and domestic connections by different concourses. Most airlines take this into consideration when scheduling flights as well.

There must have been so few VJers who have used Aruba that it's not on our list of POE Reviews but judging by the very small size of the airport itself - I can't imagine there being an issue with time there. In all likelihood it will be a breeze. (There are only 8 total gates in the entire facility.)

Ground Floor Map
First Floor (Passenger area) map


To clear CBP, she'll really simply need to present her passport (which will contain her visa) and hand over the 'do-not-open' brown envelope - there may/may-not be much interaction between her and the CBP officer.

Now Miami on the other hand, will be a stark contrast to the postage stamp of an airport in Aruba. Busy - everyone in a hurry and hard to find someone to help. What I've seen some members do is prepare a sheet of paper with a few key phrases (both in English and in their fiancé's native language) that she can point to when asking for assistance.

Things like:

I need assistance - my English is not so good, can you help me with (Where I need to go? What should I do? I'm pregnant, may I board first? etc etc and include "Can you call my fiance - he speaks English so he can help?) Or things of that nature. Seems to have worked for may folks in your position.

If she's never traveled before (or it's been limited) - you could go over the basics with her. Travel safety - don't lose the passport, how boarding passes work, how to make a phone call (a US cell phone might help) etc. Another international travel subject would be customs - she'll need to fill out a customs form (not sure if that would occur for Aruba or Miami - am guessing Miami - usually done on the flight itself. Source for this)

Just a few thoughts for the nervous dad/fiance.. :star:

Thank you for the much respected detailed information. Yes, there is definitely a degree of discomfort. I have been imagining the worst case scenario so the detailed information you provided is a much needed breath of fresh air. As for the prior post, am I uninformed--Absolutely! I will be the first to admit I have no idea of the operations in Aruba. Although Aruba might deal with this everyday, I do not. My post was strictly requesting information and although you may have been trying to assure me that they know the process, "it will be fine" is not always the best answer. Thank you again for the reply, best of luck to you.
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

good lord, the poe deals with immigration and foreign nationals every day of the week... the are equipped to handle it and don't need any explanations as they have dealt with it a hundreds of times before

You should read the post before replying. Has nothing to do with foriegn nationals doing thier job. Has to do with trying to get my fiance who speaks little english and is late in pregnancy through an airport she knows nothing about and through a process she has never been. All in a 2 hour window and still able to catch her connecting flight. Was only asking for help from people who know the process in Aruba. Have you been through the process in Aruba? If not, find another topic to unload your useless smartass remarks

Edited by W&M, 05 June 2011 - 12:12 AM.

W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-05 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

The bags will have to be claimed at POE then through customs. Then they will be rechecked and proceed to destination from there. I haven't heard of any way around this. It is a security issue. It is good that you contacted the airlines. Request passenger assistance due to her being late in pregnancy and someone will meet her at gate with a wheelchair and she will get a ride instead of walking and they will assist her with bags I am sure of that. But she will have to claim them and go through customs prior to rechecking them. Miami will only be a connection, bags will continue on from Aruba. You are probably wise to worry a little about the 2 hour timeframe. But, I think she will be fine. Aruba isn't going to be as busy as Miami or LAX.

I am hoping to speak to someone at the airport on Monday and explain the situation. Thanks for the reassurance. I am sure if the airport can assist we will be fine. Lets hope they are as hospitable as they sund on the website :help: . I called Miami today and they are the ones who let me know about Aruba being the POE. Very helpful in that aspect. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope I can gain some ground with the Airport personnel in Aruba. Thanks again John
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

Also Wally,
We leave monday and our POE is JFK. I will email you with what transpires for us before the weekend.

Sounds good, Very happy for you both. If Malena's POE was Miami I had planned on meeting her there and flying back to DC with her. I had no idea that Aruba would be her POE. It is the 2 hour layover time that I am concerned with. As you know she is pregnant and will have at least 2 bags--Am hoping the bags go through to DC. I also wrote the airline and explained our situation. I have asked for a little assistance to put her on the right path. I am sure you are excited :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs: . Safe travels to you both
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed

Ask John (another one from Pittsburgh who just flew back with his fiance from Brazil). Here is the link to his profile John's Profile
He has been super helpful with answering questions for me. Maybe he can describe the process better for you, but maybe not specifically for Aruba, but the general process. I have heard some people say it took 30 minutes and in busier airports I have heard longer.
I do know that she will talk with an immigration officer who will take the sealed envelope and process some information.. etc... then she will get her luggage and go through customs and after that she will recheck her bags and head to the gate for the next leg.
I hope he can help you.. I think he will shed some light on it.
Good Luck,

Will contact him now, Thanks John
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAruba POE information needed
Hello again, Just posted a topic earlier on POE process. Between now and then I found out that since my fiance changes planes in Aruba, this will be the POE for the USA. Does anyone have any information which would help prepare and help her be as organized as possible, she only has a 2 hour layover in Aruba. Hind site is 20/20, If I had thought for a second that she would need to go through immigration in Aruba, I would have reserved a different flight. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone

Edited by W&M, 04 June 2011 - 05:59 PM.

W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-04 17:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid the I-134 Form Expire? [edited title]

I just had this argument with my fiance. She was so nervous because I had just sent the form to her and our interview is on the 14th of June. Anyway, the OMB number is simply a version release/expiration date but has nothing to do with the validity of the content. Until a new version is released and there has been sufficient time to replace the expired form, the older form is still active. No worries :)

One more thing, I doubt if the consulate will let you know when they receive your case, I am sure they already have it as most cases are sent electronically. They emailed my fiance with an interview date then told her that our case was received 3 days after arriving at NVC. One thing is for sure, you are very very very close to being together :)
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-01 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid the I-134 Form Expire? [edited title]

Fill out that one, keep it just incase. Wait for the new one to be released. If it doesnt come out by your interview, they have to accept that recently expired one. I think that makes sense.

I just had this argument with my fiance. She was so nervous because I had just sent the form to her and our interview is on the 14th of June. Anyway, the OMB number is simply a version release/expiration date but has nothing to do with the validity of the content. Until a new version is released and there has been sufficient time to replace the expired form, the older form is still active. No worries :)
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-01 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial support

Not sure if this is any help. I pulled this off of the IRS website. Maybe this is why they are requiring proof. Good luck :)

You cannot file exempt.

You are not exempt because of being retired or on social security.

You may be exempt because of having relatively little income (other than social security).

If the total of your interest income is more than $9350 if 64 or younger or $10,750 if 65 or older, then you must file and must report the interest income.
If you decide to file (for whatever reason), then you must report your interest income.
If someone else can claim you as a dependent and the total of your interest income is more than $950, then you must file and must report the interest income.
If either (a) the interest income is $950 or less, or (b) no one else can claim you and the interest income is $9350 or less if 64 or younger or $10750 or less if 65 or older, then you have the option not to file, but you do not have the option to file without reporting the interest.
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-07 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial support
Why would he not be required to file a tax return?
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-07 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStay in country during process
I would see about getting married here and applying for a adjustment of status. I am sorry I do not have the expertise you require but I would definitely see about marrying here.
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-08 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresupgraded forms ds156
Absolutley, Thanks for the heads up
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-07 23:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance cannot recieve postal mail

My fiance lives on a ranch that does not receive postal mail. What the people of this ranch usually do is travel to the nearest town and pickup mail from friends or family. Now, I know a number of forms required in the K-1 Visa application require that I supply USCIS with my fiance's current home address.

Now she has a physical address (because they have SKY-TV and electricity) - which might suffice for a technical "home address."

But for the purposes of her receiving her packets once the K-1 is approved, she will be out of luck. Is there some way around this? Can I specify in my K-1 Application to send her materials to a specific address? Or should I risk providing an incorrect home address in efforts to get her materials to another mailing address?


I would check with the embassy and see if they email any updates/information. If forms or documents need to be sent, maybe they can send these in a pdf file. I am sure the embassy is aware of the postal problems and the proper remedy for this. I hope you are able to resolve this issue. Best of luck to you
W&MMaleBrazil2011-06-13 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview today
Sounds like after you submit the requested documentation that they will send his passaport back with the Visa issued inside , Good Luck!
Ty & NandaMale02011-04-11 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime to get passport back from Consulate in Rio after K1 interview?
We recived ours in less than a week , without paying extra for shipping.. This was also to a small city in Bahia
Ty & NandaMale02011-04-19 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBinding the I-129F to send it in
I used a legal sized folder out of my work's office supply closet , two holes punched in the top of each page and 6 months later recieved my NOA2 2 months after that k-1 visa was approved
Ty & NandaMale02011-04-20 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE / english not so good
My Fiancé will be entering the United states May 4th at about 1 am , POE is Dulles International , I ( the U.S Citizen) will not be with her but will be at the airport waiting. I have 1 real concern and that is that My fiancé is Brasilian and we speak Spanish to each other as it was my first language , her command of the English language is not that strong and add in the nervousness she will most likely have will make it even harder for her if she asked a bunch of questions in English . My question is has anyone had a fiancé come through on her own without speaking English excellent? How did it go? Any insight is greatly appreciated
Ty & NandaMale02011-04-29 09:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe date on I-129

Hi princessmia
I must say that as a VJ person who filed for my fiance your are better off doing it on your own. I was lucky to find this website right before we filed and my fiance is here now. Lawyers can help but sometimes they don't know what they are doing. If you take your time to read through all the information and ask a lot of questions you will be just fine. Take all your paperwork and file by yourself.

good luck

I was feeling that way too because we started to do it ourselves but listening to other people who never been in this situation told us it would be faster to use a lawyer so thats what we did and now that money gone and we have to start from the bottom. The good thing is that we have cpoies of all our paperwork and I could just send the filing fee and paperwork now. Per advice today I contacted USCIS and there is no information on either of us that they could locate so, I am sending our paperwork off on Friday October 28th and hopefully it will not take 9 more months. Thank you all for your advice, I really needed confirmation on what to do.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-10-24 23:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe date on I-129

I personally wouldn't even waste my time or the money to track down the lawyer. Call USCIS to even see if the lawyer even sent in your paperwork. If not than do it yourself the bad to that is you already wasted 9 months which like the poster above said your man could have been by your side already or just about to have his interview. When you go in October just take some more pictures it wouldn't hurt as well as the letter of intent which he need to sign as well as the 325A which is his biographic information go to the USCIS website and search 129F instructions and hit the floor running.

I have all those papers and I have downloaded blank sheets from online just was wandering what to do now cause i don't know if the lawyer sent the information at all. I will contact USCIS to see if we have a status or not and thank you so much for you advice, we have been really stressed out over this.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-10-23 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe date on I-129

You need to find out what is going on with the case through the lawyer. You need the case number and information.

Your going on 9 months and don't know anything of the case. It should of been approved around 6 months and been at the embassy by now waiting for interview.

If you have copys of everything why have you not called NVC or USCIS about the case yourself to follow up on things?? That is another option to do, get on the ball and get going with things. Its not going to just go by itself.

princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-10-23 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe date on I-129
Hello all I am new to JV and needed some help on this issue.Met my fiance in 2008 and he is Haitian. However because of PAP issues we decided to vacation and meet over in Dominican Republic. I have been there in 2010 and 2011 and now he is back in his country and I'm going there Oct.31 2011. We started our process in February 2011 with a Immigration Attorney but had since been in limited contact with him. We sent copies of our pictures, all receipts, copies of passports to show we have been together and well just everything, but never heard anything more for months. now it is going into a new year soon and I wanted to know will we have to do our paper work all over again because we have heard nothing from the lawyer except that we need to send more proof with pictures and that was in September. I am having a bad feeling about the lawyer and wanted to know since I have copies of all the paperwork, would it be best to pursue another lawyer or just go it on our own? Can I still use all the paperwork we have? or will we have to take new pictures, and change the dates on the forms? How many pictures is enough because we sent 10 and can someone recommend a good lawyer in Maryland because we were using a lawyer in New York which is far from me and harder to tract down. Confused..My fiance wants us to get married in Haiti but I really feel its better to do it in the US but this is getting frustrating for us both.HELP!
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-10-23 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!

Congrats on the paperwork!! Even if it was delayed, you are now on your journey!! Good Luck :star:

Thank you and I am truly excited!! :D
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-04 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!

Sorry to hear about the delay. If all information still goes through your lawyer make sure you get the NOA2 for later use, or your own personal file.

..and congrats on filing - hope you have a smooth journey :)

Thank you and I do plan on keeping copies of everything just because if the ruff start with the lawyer! :bonk: :bonk: and you mention Later use of the NOA2? why would I need it? sorry if I'm a little lost..
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-04 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!

yes I am glad also to hear paperwork is sent out. Are you sticking with the lawyer for the rest of the journey?

He gave us no real reason why the paper work was sitting there other then they needed more proof and was waiting on us but trust me that email or letter asking all of that never came.At this point we are finishing with the lawyer since he has already got paid for the job.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-04 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!

Glad to hear your paper work is now in order. Are ypu filing a K1 or CR1?


Im filing a K-1 and yes I was mad but we just sucked it up and got over it so just waiting is better now we know then all that waiting time we didn't.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-04 23:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeahhhh!! finally sent!
I finally caught up with the paperwork that was originally supposed to have been sent back in February,2011 by a lawyer, well now I find out that the petition was sent November 25,2011. I know I could have did better but at this point I am just happy that USCIS has the paperwork and now we are officially on our journey and now we wait however, I have a question on the embassy in PAP and how long they take to with interview and medical appointments? picture is me in Haiti!
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-03 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling of Solitude in a K-1 Engagement
:yes: :yes: Scafidi454,
I just recently came back from a two week visit with my fiance and each time we are together, it has gotten harder on both of us to be apart.What this community does for me is keep me excited about our future together and how we will be together forever, this is but a moment in time that will pass. The lonely nights are hard but as long as I hear his voice everyday before I go to bed, I feel his presence and sleep peacefully. I am going back to visit him for my Birthday and maybe I will stay a month. This process will not stop what you feel for each other and don't listen to other people because misery as you know loves company and you love who you love so trust in yourself and what you feel.

princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-04 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRight Amount
Thank you all this was very helpful and Thank God I wont need a sponsor according to the guidelines for 2011
Family of 4-27,937,
Family of 5-32,712,
Family of 6-37,487
add 4,775 for each added person
Just in case it comes up again Thanks guys

did you try google?

yes I did thank you so much Google did it for me!!
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-17 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRight Amount

You'll need 125% of the published poverty guidelines for a household of 5 (you, your 3 children plus your fiance). This is $32,712.

Here is the link to the publication:

Where did you come up with this figure? According to the I-864 download it's much more than that for a household size of 5...

I tried to use the link you gave bjut it would not come up , is there another?
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-17 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRight Amount

Hey sweetie don't worry about that ok the guidelines on the previous post can really help you and REMEMBER IF YOU CAN NOT DO IT YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU DON'T MAKE THAT MUCH YOU CAN ALWAYS USE A COSPONSOR OK. God bless!

Thank you and I make about that for me and my children and him so I hope your calculations is right and thank you
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-17 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRight Amount
Hello to you all and this morning I am having some stress concerning money. I have 3 children and wanted to know how much money would I have to make in order to bring my fiance here. I know that its 18,000 per year for two but would it have to be 18,000 for two more plus 9,000 for the extra? not sure how to calculate it. So, if you know how this works please let me know. I really don't need this extra stress on tip of everything else.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-17 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long does it take to get NOA1?
I was told the same thing about the Holidays and it makes sense because this is when a lot goes on the mail. I sent mines on November 25, right after turkey day and have not got anything back nor have they cashed the check just hold on and like everyone said, this is nothing for the months that lie ahead.. :whistle:
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2011-12-17 15:13:00