Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Feb 4 2008, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oíme Nydia. Por qué no agrega los requisitos para el matricidio en USA para que sepan cuando vengan? Ej.: registro civil de nacimiento y la cantidad de días que tienen para casarse. Es que ud. sabe más del caso y muchos preguntan por esa infomación.



De veras que si, esperame la busco. Gracias por recordarme Diana, jiji desde esta manana ando aqui pegada armando esta informacion pero voy a mirar ahorita.

Sam y NydiaFemaleColombia2008-02-04 15:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1

Al presentar la solicitud de ajuste en nuestra situacion de K1 debemos tener en cuenta al enviar los documentos lo siguiente:

Si los envia por United Postal Service (USPS), es esta la direccion:

P.O. Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

Si lo envia por un correo privado (no USPS):

427 S. LaSalle - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60605-1029

Despues que la oficina de USCIS en Chicago recibe nuestro paquete de ajuste, y completan la primera fase, nuestro caso se remitira a una oficina local de la CEI, donde nos entrevistaran para la residencia permanente, o tambien podran ser trasferidos directamente al CSC segun el caso. Antes de esto, la oficina de USCIS nos enviara comunicados para presentarnos a la biometria, en donde nos tomaran las huellas dactilares y la foto con la que quedaremos en nuestra residencia, y tambien nos enviaran citacion para nuestra entrevista si fuere necesario.

Cuales son las formas o formularios a llenar?

1. G-325a. Información Biografica para el extranjero, variando con su nuevo estado de casado(a). Esta forma contiene 4 hojas con igual informacion, lo unico que varia es el pie de pagina, que es para archivos diferentes, pero hay que llenar todas las cuatro.

2. I-864. Demuestra que el inmigrante tiene el apoyo financiero de su conyugue y no es probable convertirse en una carga pública.

3. I-485. Solicitud para registrar la residencia permanente o ajustar el estatus migratorio.

4. I-765. Este formulario nos permite obtener una autorizacion para empleo, mientras nos sale nuestra residencia.

5. I-131. Esta forma es para quienes queremos salir del pais o dar un viaje junto con nuestra pareja a otros sitios fuera de USA. Solo podemos hacerlo cuando hayamos recibido el permiso.

Las formas pueden ser llenadas en computador o a mano. Asegúrese de firmar y fechar todo según sea necesario. Siempre debe verificar las formas actuales en

Como armo mi paquete de Ajuste?

A continuacion enumero lo que se debe incluir dentro de nuestro paquete a enviar (todos los documentos deben ser en ingles):

1. Pago como lo exige el USCIS. Asegúrese de incluir el pago de la I-485 y la biometría. Utilice un money order para que pueda realizar el seguimiento del pago. Si es cheque personal está permitido, pero podra tardar un poco mas para su verificacion con el banco emisor, esto se reflejara en su extracto bancario. El valor de la solicitud es de $1010 dolares, esto incluye el costo de la I-131 y I-765 (sin necesidad de pagar por ellas mientras nuestra solicitud I-485 se encuentra pendiente). Verifique que su pago sea de la siguiente manera:

a. El cheque o money order debe ser de un banco dentro de los Estados Unidos y se paga en dolares.
b. El cheque o money order se debe hacer a nombre de: U.S. Department of Homeland Security (no se debe utilizar abreviaturas como "USDHS" o "DHS"), a menos que:
c. Si usted reside en Guam, debe ir anombre de Treasurer, Guam.
d. Si usted reside en las islas virgenes, debe ir a nombre de Commissioner of Finance of the Virgin Islands.
e. Si usted reside fuera de Guam y de las Islas Virgenes, pongase en contacto con el consulado de EE.UU. más cercano para obtener instrucciones sobre la forma de pago.

2. Cover Letter. Debe incluir una descripción de todo lo que ira en la peticion (I-485), una tabla de contenidos (la lista de todo lo que va en el paquete). Si necesita más espacio para explicar su caso, adjunte una hoja separada. Asegúrese de firmar y fechar la carta.

Ejemplo de Cover Letter:

Av. Rochester 2984
Naples, NY. 34549

USCIS P.O. Box 805887 Chicago, IL 60680-4120 (si es enviado por USPS)

• Application Type: K-1 visa holder Adjustment for Status
• Petitioner: LUISA SANCHEZ
• A# 12-123-1234
• SS #: 778394009 (si lo tiene)
• Spouse (US citizen): Clark Kent
• I-94 Number: 8988773998
• Visa number: 00039949

To whom it may concern,

Enclosed find my Form I-485 to register permanent residence (with affidavit of support I-864). Also Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, and supporting documents; and Form I-130 to apply for a Travel Document, reentry permit. My eligibility is based on admission as the fiancé of a U.S. citizen and subsequent marriage within 90 days of entry.

Contents Include:

- Payment in the amount of $ 1010 fee (money order o cheque segun lo que envies, lo colocas aqui)

- Packet 1:
1. Form I-485.
2. Birth certificates for petitioner.
3. Original certified translation of Petitioner’s birth certificate
4. Copy of petitioner’s passport
5. Copy of K1 visa and I-94
6. Original Marriage certificate
7. Copy of I-797, NOA- Approval for I-129F
8. Form I-131 Application for Travel Document, with 2 passport photos.
9. I-693A Vaccination Supplemental
10. G-325A with 2 passport photos

- Packet 2:
1. I-864 Affidavit of Support from (spouse)
2. Recent pay stubs
3. 2007 Federal Income Tax Return
4. W-2 forms (2005 and 2006)

- Packet 3:
1. I-765 Employment Authorization
2. Copy of I-94 front and back
3. Two passport photos.

“Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered original documents, and I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an immigration or consular official at a later date”.


February 23/ 2008


3. Formulario I-485: Petición para Familiar Extranjero. En nuestros casos somos nosotros las o los fiances que nos casamos, somos quienes tenemos que llenar esta informacion.

4. Copia del pasaporte de la o del extranjero conyuge. Es nuestro pasaporte, debemos fotocopiar todas las paginas que contengan los sellos de entraddas y salidas de inmigracion, y la primera y ultima hoja de nuestros datos. Importante tambien sacar copia de la visa k1 de nuestro pasaporte.

5. Titular de la K-1 Visa: presentar una copia de NOA2 "Aprobación" de la I-129F

6. Dos Copias de la I-94 (partes delantera y trasera), una para adjuntar a la I-485 y otra para la I-765.

7. Una copia del registro civil, y adjunto a esta la debida traduccion al ingles de este registro.

8. Una copia certificada de su acta de matrimonio.

9. Dos fotos tipo pasaporte (véase especificación) de nosotros los conyugues extranjeros. Escriba el nombre completo en la parte trasera. Coloque en una bolsa de plástico y grapela a la G-325a.

10. G-325A (cuatro páginas) llenadas, fechadas y firmadas.

11. I-693A, este es un suplemento de nuestras vacunas. Como nosotros entramos con visa K1 no debemos presentar un examen medico completo. Para validar esta forma, se debe presentar ante un civil surgeon o un medico civil, quien nos pedira el suplemento de vacunas DS-3025 que nos dieron junto con la radiografia, los precios de estos medicos varian dependiendo del estado. (Algunas personas han presentado solo la DS-3025 y no les han requerido el suplemento. Es recomendable hacerlo pues no sabemos a ciencia cierta porque a unos si, y a otros no). En esta pagina de USCIS estan los medicos civiles (buscar el estado) para hacer el traspaso de la informacion, click aqui, y hay otros que a medida que se desarrolle el tema iremos conociendo.

12. I-864, Affidavit of Support para el ciudadano americano (ver aquí los límites de pobreza). Incluya con esta forma:
A. DECLARACIONES DE RENTA EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS (Form 1040) y CERTIFICADO DE SALARIO E IMPUESTOS (Form W-2), fotocopias de los tres últimos años.
B. SALARIOS DEVENGADOS. (Earning Statements, pay slips). Comprobantes originales de la empresa, mostrando el salario devengado en su empleo durante el último año.
C. CARTA de TRABAJO. Que indique donde trabaja, el cargo exacto que desempeña, el sueldo que devenga y el tiempo que lleva en la compañia.

13. I-765, Solicitud de Autorización de Empleo, si desea trabajar mientras su solicitud es procesada. Aqui se debe agregar dos fotos tipo pasaporte adjuntarlas en una bolsa, y graparlas al documento, y una copia de la I-94 (lado y lado).

14. I-131, Solicitud de Documento de Viaje, si usted necesita viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos mientras su solicitud es procesada. Tambien dos fotografias tipo pasaporte, adjuntarlas en una bolsa, y graparlas al documento.


Mantenga los archivos originales en la misma descripcion de la cover letter, por si la USCIS necesita un RFE o sea solicitud de prueba. Esto tambien lo necesitara para el dia de la entrevista.

Esto ha sido elaborado y dedicado para aquellas hoy esposas(os) que todavia no sabemos hablar ingles, y necesitamos ayudar a nuestros conyuges americanos a llenar y entender estos documentos.

Un abrazo

Sam y NydiaFemaleColombia2008-02-04 15:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1
Hola Como estan? Yo por aqui posteando este nuevo topic en espanol a peticion de varias personas que necesitamos mirar nuestro ajuste de estatus luego de casarnos con nuestros amores entrando con VISA K1.

Como siempre, esperando que todos nuestros colaboradores colombianos que nos han ayudado en COLOMBIANOS EN VISA K1 nos den una mano para este nuevo topic.

Agradecida y ante todo fortalecida, vamos con este tema con todas las de la ley... yyyy SUBIENDOOO!!!!


Sam y NydiaFemaleColombia2008-02-04 12:27:00
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Feb 17 2009, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (marymoon @ Feb 14 2009, 03:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Totalmente de acuerdo, la gente piensa ke uno aqui en el solar tiene un arbolito de dolares, a mi solo me saludan en el msn para preguntarme cuanto vale esto y lo otro y a proponer negocios ficticios y yo les digo que lo siento mucho... pero que yo me la paso trabajando y que no tengo tiempo para ir a buscarles las mercancias que preguntan. Pero nunca me han llamado a preguntarme como estoy ni me preguntan eso por el msn. Es mas yo nunca en Colombia les mereci llamada o saludo. Para mi matrimonio mi abuela estuvo aki visitandome y solo la llamaban a pedirle esto y lo otro, y pues ella con las ganas de darles todo lo ke pedian nos hizo ir a todo lado, pero a la hora de pagar la asistencia en el aeropuerto por ser de la tercera edad y el sobrepeso en las maletas... como dice el dicho "Todos sacaron la maleta" y nadie dijo yo. Por otro lado, yo aqui la lleve al medico porque mis jefes me la revisaron, radiografia, inyecciones, drogas etc ...todo gratis, entre esos medicamentos le recetaron uno de por vida que es una toma al mes y mientras estuvo aki se le dio la droga y cuando la mande pa' Bogota les recomende que se la siguieran dando, la semana pasada me llamaron y me dijeron que cada pepa costaba 200mil ke la averiguara aqui a ver si la conseguia mas barata y pues yo le pregunte a la enfermera jefe en mi trabajo y ella de muy buena voluntad me dijo ke no sabia, pero que ella me podia dar muestras gratis y me dio tres, entonces yo llame a decirles que habia conseguido la droga gratis y que era justo que ellas pagaran el correo expreso porque las pepas son caras.

Y me respondieron "Hay ud no debio recibir eso y ademas aqui no tenemos para correos" mad.gif

Entonces con esa gente toca como decia la chimoltrufia "Eso que ni que"

Eso cuando las llamen a joderl@s por plata mandel@s pa' la mismisimma Mi&#>@... que trabajen asi como un@ tambien se ganaba la vida en Colombia. Y sobretodo si quieren tener un detalle con alguien piensen si esa persona haria lo mismo por uds.

Mary, me hizo acordar de mi mamá que es prácticamente la única que responde bien con mi tia-abuela (mi abuela murió hace 2 años). Pero de 7 hijos que que tuvo mi abuela, mi mamá es la que responde. ¿Por qué? porque mis tíos y primos se hacen los atembados y miran para otro lado, como tienen la hermana que vive en los EE.UU. ellos piensan que no se tienen que meter la mano al bolsillo. Y todo igualito como usted dice, cada vez que había que llevar a mi abuela al doctor, mi mamá mandaba para los exámenes, para el taxi, para la droga y de vez en cuando aparecía un tío dizque con ramo de granadillas a visitarla. ¿qué tal?! laughing.gif La abuelita bien enferma y llegan con una bolsa de fruta... pssssssss.

Y haga como yo, cada vez que les da por preguntar cuánto vale algo les doy el link de Wal-Mart, Target ó Best Buy y mija, con eso se quedan calladiiiiiiiiiitos. Sobre todo porque les digo, vale eso más el envío de la tienda a mi casa, más el envío desde Denver a Medellín. Santo Remedio.

¿O qué tal cuando saben que uno va y dicen "me trae un DVD y cuando llegue arreglamos?" Arreglamos? Siii como no, y yo me chupo el dedo. whistling.gif

Ahí les dejo esa inquietud... rofl.gif


mE HAS hecho reir con eso....exactamente lo que me pasa ami...tendre que hacer lo mismo, darles el link mas los costos de envio, buena idea!! anotate 5 puntos!!! lo pondre en accion rofl.gif rofl.gif

sereiamente es que le ven la cara a uno de ricachon o que???!!!!
Mayra&JuanKFemaleColombia2009-02-26 15:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Balkans United - Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovinia, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
QUOTE (BabyBlueSusie @ Sep 24 2008, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (katelyn84 @ Sep 23 2008, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BabyBlueSusie @ Sep 18 2008, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (katelyn84 @ Sep 16 2008, 10:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi again! So, I've booked a ticket to go visit him in December in Tirana! I am really excited but am wondering what I should expect when I get over there... are Americans well received? Any advice for meeting his family? Anything you have to tell me about the country, the people, what to expect would be soooo appreciated! My mom is going crazy about thinking that I will be away for the holidays and I am trying to curb her fears about a country she knows nothing about... and my own too I guess! Thanks!

That is very exciting! I wouldn't worry at all. I had a wonderful time while I was there and my husband's family was nothing but WONDERFUL to me.

There is definitely a lot of curiosity about Americans and what it's like in America. They will probably ask you questions that you have no idea how to answer. That might sound weird, but they expect you to know EVERYTHING about America. They will be like 'How much would this house cost in America?' or 'How much does a police officer make in America?' or any random questions about something they heard through the grape vine. Once someone asked me 'Do they have better clubs in NY or LA?'. I was like 'Uhhh, I have never been to LA'. They just looked at me weird lol. I don't think that many people realize just how large the USA is. I can't really think of other questions right now, but I felt a little stupid at times, because they expect you to know everything, and the chances of that are very slim lol.

I don't know what you look like, but I stood out like a sore thumb in Tirana. I was starred at the entire time I was there, because I don't look anything like an Albanian woman. I am pale with freckles, very soft round features on my face (not Albanian at all), and most Albanian woman dress in a very feminine way, with high heels and lots of makeup - - - not me at all lol. So that could be one thing, it's very homogenous there so they will know an outsider immediately when they see you. Don't be afraid though, especially if you are in Tirana, I would say that there is nothing to be afraid of.

I don't know how much you have travelled, but Albania was a very different experience for me. I mean, they don't have the greatest infrastructure, so you will see things that you are most likely not used to. Like for example, the Albanian stop light a.k.a. a police officer standing in the middle of an intersection waving a sign and directing traffic. Also, there will be garbage all over the place, and people walking with cows or donkeys right on the side of the highway. And oh my god, there are always people darting across the highway on foot! I still can't get over this, and have never seen anything like it. I mean old people or families running across the highway and jumping over the median to get to the other side. VERY DANGEROUS! lol You will see young kids selling cigarettes on the street and might encounter a bathroom that has just a hole in the floor. The roads can be very rocky and are often times not paved, even near the city center.

Those are the 'quirks' I would say, but despite them all, I love it there and cannot wait to go back. The people who you will meet through your fiance will be so sweet and accepting. They will kiss you on both of your cheeks and show you the utmost hospitality. My husband's uncle and his wife gave us their bed when we slept in their house for a night!! This is something that I can say for sure would never happen in America, and sadly I wouldn't have ever even thought to do this for someone other than my mother or grandmother. I think the general idea is that if you are the fiance of someone in their family, then you are their family too. Same thing goes for friends, I would say.

Have fun, you will have a wonderful trip! Make sure to go see the beach, even if it's not hot enough to go swimming!

Did you and your husband ever discuss you living in Albania instead of him living in the US? I ask because Bled has his own company in Albania and is building a house currently for him and his brother and I think the chances of him giving up his life there to come to America with me may be slim. Could you ever see yourself living there?

We never really discussed it much, because when I met him and while we were dating, he lived in Italy...we discussed the idea of me moving to Italy quite often, but with me beginning grad school, it just made more sense for him to come here...I would still consider living in Italy in the future, but I don't think I would want to live full time in Albania...everyday life is just much less convenient there...We are definitely interested in getting a summer home or condo there, and taking many extended vacations, but as far as permanently living there, I don't see that happening...The decision is yours though, Adriano doesn't have a company in Albania, but is going to try to start one here in America once he gets enough experience with American style's a different situation, but you have to see how you feel when you go there.

Living full time in Albania? I don't think so. It's a nice place to visit but depending on your fiance and his family, your individual freedoms could be compromised quite a bit. I got tired of hanging out on the farm all day and one day snuck into shkodra by turned out to be a bit scandalous....running around town without my fiance. All I did was go to the internet cafe, get a pizza and have some ice cream but it didn't go over very well. Some say foreigners alone run the risk of being kidnapped or at the very least mugged, but I consider myself to be a smart traveler so I didn't have that fear, but my fiance's family did. If you have a car and good income and your fiance or husband comes from an 'open minded' family, then you might consider moving there. If he's from one of the villages where water and electric come and go depending on the time of day or night, you are in a for a big surprise. When it's cold, it's really cold and most of the homes only heat one room in the winter-->wood stove. Plan to sleep under 10 blankets into the morning. If it's the dead of summer, you will sweat, really sweat and the only relief you will find is the AC in a downtown hotel. Now, so as not the sound completed spoiled and jaded, Albanians are some of the most hospitable, accommodating and friendly people I have ever met and I've traveled to 10 or more countries in my lifetime. I think Susie said it, I'm not sure, but the family will love you like they love their Albanian son. People will probably stare at you and no matter who you visit, you'll be offered coffee, candies or chocolates and sometimes gifts of hand knitted booties. The smallest gifts will be cherished. It seemed to me that the streets were filled with music and I loved the sounds and rhythms, even if I didn't understand a word. Learn some Albanian, it will help a great deal because they talk A LOT and you will find yourself left out of a lot of conversations if you can't speak some basic Albanian. Many of the women there will be sporting their finest european fashions, imagine high heeled leather boots sloshing through the muddy roads and streets of a balkan village; you'll be scratching your head. I saw donkeys, trash, wild dogs and cats and too many sheep to count. Women in the villages work in the fields like slaves and men gathered in the city centers playing billiards or cards, domino or drinking coffees, while the women work in the home from sun up to sun down. Tirana is a bit more progressive, of course there are fewer farms there so they don't necessarily live off the land. Go to the "Venue" for some interesting night life and just walk around to see a city bustling, constant horn honking and life, it's very exciting. I loved my visits there, but after 4-5 months I felt my sanity slowly slipping away. It's a whole different way of life. Be as gracious a house guest as you can and help with the chores when they let you. You can make your own decision about moving there after you visit, but don't make a rash decision, visit MANY times.

U.S. WendyFemaleAlbania2009-11-15 15:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Roundtrip flight from Frankfurt to Detroit

Great tips/thoughts everyone, thanks. We actually thought about getting her to London and then flying from there... David's brother can see that she gets on the plane in London.

We welcome any other ideas.....


Hi - no giant pearls from me here, but I fly through Frankfurt a lot and for some reason I often find my best price on But I'm usually flying from Dulles, not Detroit. Anyway, it's a thought.
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-02-23 05:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Romanian passport-renewal nightmare!

So....he got his sister to go to the office in Romania today and they said that he CAN use power-of-attorney to register the marriage. So we will try it and hopefully it will work!

I hope it goes well. :)
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-03 02:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Romanian passport-renewal nightmare!

Unfortunately....the website DOES say that you have to come in person but we didn't think that was accurate because when he called the first time they had said that we could use the power-of-attorney. We are going to get his sister to call and find out what they will actually accept in Romania. Hopefully we can bypass the embassy altogether. Thanks for the info that the Bulgarian embassy is not much different. That actually does make me feel a little better. I guess I always had this idea that embassies were supposed to be on the side of their fellow citizens and be really helpful. When I was in Italy, I heard of a few different stories about Americans who had really good experiences with the American embassy in Italy.

My husband and I are now joking that he might be able to get American citizenship and an American passport before he will be able to get his Romanian one renewed! :wacko:

You're welcome. It's a shame, but some countries have evil, lazy, wretched staff in their embassies. The Bulgarian embassy in DC's website posted incorrect information. They just never bothered to update it. AND they gave me incorrect info when I called. Several times. On several topics that they really should have known about! Had I followed their advice, I could well be paying some hefty fines or even in a Bulgarian jail right now. They actually had me weeping in rage and despair at one point. But their foreign ministry website was much better and although my fiance breaks into a cold sweat every time we need to deal with an office or ministry here in Bulgaria, they are always SO NICE and absolutely helpful. So by all means, bypass that embassy if you can!
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-02 02:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Romanian passport-renewal nightmare!

I just wanted to vent for a moment about how frustrated I am about how difficult it is to get my husband's Romanian passport renewed (it expired last January.) Originally we sent paperwork to his sister to renew it for us, but were not able to do it because the power-of-attorney allowing her to do it for him was notarized, but did not have an apostille on it (apparently this is a stamp that you can get from the Secretary of State so that a notarized document can be recognized in other countries. Paul thought that the notary stamp was the same thing as the apostille.) So then we sent the passport to the Romanian embassy to be renewed (and were told it would take about six months) but they sent all the forms and documents back WITH NO EXPLANATION. When he called them, it turns out we have to register ourselves as married in Romania before he can renew his passport. The lady told him that he could do a power-of-attorney for that as well and get his sister to do it. Then he called back yesterday to ask a different question and another woman told him a power-of-attorney cannot be done to register a marriage. Supposedly he has to go to D.C. to register our marriage!!! When he explained that we had been told otherwise, she said that maybe he wasn't talking to the consular section the first time.

Anyway, does anyone know what the real deal is with registering marriage in Romania? Do you really have to appear at the embassy in person?

I don't know. It seems strange that you need to register a marriage in order to get his passport renewed. Can you get the apostille? I hate to bash otherwise lovely countries, but I do know that if the Romanian embassy is even a little bit as miserable and incompetent as the Bulgarian embassy in DC, you're in for a lot of breathtaking lies, ignorance, and all-around grief. In my experience, it is much better to find out the law in the country - for instance, if your husband's sister can talk to the Romanian foreign ministry and discover what the laws are for registering foreign marriages, you'll probably get far more reliable information than the embassy will give you. If you do have to go to DC, be sure you have a specific appointment with someone at the embassy and CONFIRM it the day before.
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-01 02:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Chestita Baba Marta!

Yes, I know I'm a day late (F)

I wish you health, happiness, luck, prosperity....In case anyone else is wondering what this is all about:

Chestita Baba Marta! Lots of luck and happiness to you, too! :)
This is such a sweet tradition here... I love seeing all the little kids decked out with their martinitsa collections!
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-03 02:57:00
Asia: East and PacificCalling from the States to Australia
oh thats cool to know
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-16 19:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German vjs! A little help with birth certificate
i used my international birth certificate for everything , even naturalization and never had a problem.
JemmiFemaleGermany2012-10-24 14:08:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!

ja das mit dem standesamt berlin stimmt und mit den bis zu 2 jahren wartezeit auch, aber dass man nicht persoenlich kommen muss ist mir neu. mir wurde erst vor ein paar wochen in washington d.c. gesagt man muss erscheinen. na ja , ist egal weil wir nen pass machen lassen zur gleichen zeit.

das mit der frage ob die ehe registriert ist weiss ich auch nicht. meine tochter hat ja das baby bekommen und die ist nicht mal verheiratet, und auch nicht in deutschland registriert. ich hab das offen gelassen und werd die leutchen dann fragen wenn ich dort bin.

namensrecht ist auch so ein ding. hab ich keinen blasasen schimmer, aber werd ich auch klaeren wenn wir dort sind.
ansonsten kannst du denen eine e-mail schicken und fragen. ich hab denen auch schon 3 geschickt und bekam sofort innerhalb von 1 stunde antwort wenn es unter der woche war.
JemmiFemaleGermany2012-11-11 16:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
ja da musst du persoenlich hin mit kind und mann. wir muessen auch das 8 wochen alte baby mitschleppen. so sind die halt auf der botschaft. viel glueck
JemmiFemaleGermany2012-11-11 02:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
halloechen du :-)

ja dein kind hat automatisch deutsche staatsbuergerschaft. du musst aber auf die deutsche botschaft in der usa und die geburt anmelden. dann bekommst du einen deutschen pass fuer das kleine . geh mal auf die seite der deutschen botschaft unter geburt eines kindes im ausland. dort findest du was du mitbringen musst und was zu tun ist. wir machen das gerade mit meinem enkelkind. ich habe der botschaft eine email geschickt weil ich es auch nicht wusste und die haben mir dann zurueckgeschrieben was meine tochter alles bringen muss.
viel glueck, wird schon klappen.
lieben gruss eva
JemmiFemaleGermany2012-11-05 15:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)German people...rührt euch!!
Herzlich Willkommen Diath, wo werdet ihr denn hier in den USA stationiert sein? Viel Glueck bei deinem Visa Prozess. Wenn du Hilfe brauchst bist du hier bei VisaJourney an der richtigen Stelle.
Nochmal Herzlich Willkommen hier :)
JemmiFemaleGermany2011-10-17 02:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americatravel to Brazil always has the cheapest flights from the us to Brasil
Ty & NandaMale02011-09-04 07:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCheaper Airfare???
Ty & NandaMale02011-10-03 10:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti expediting

This is something i have been struggling about, it is cleart on the USCIS website that Haiti beneficiary have their case expedited. Hwoever when my wife and i called to ensure we obtain it, there were acting like they are not aware of this decision on the website and they asked us to provide supporting documents related to our expedite request. So we made a request under pregnancy as my wife currently having some complications during her pregnancy. We faxed some documents and a note that her doctor gave her. 2 days after, officer Mina, responsible for expedite called my wife and saying that he wants to approve our request but to ask our doctor to send a normal letter not just a note. So my wife contacted the hospital and asked them to fax her medical information to immigration last thursday. So we are waiting for today and tomorrow to see what the officer will say this time and if our request is approved.
I would suggest that u made a request and do not expect your case to be automatically expedited at USCIS website pretends it.

I would like to know what that list of reasons to expedite are? and good luck to you. I hope you are able to be by her side before the baby comes,that would be so wonderful and thank you for responding.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-01-08 10:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti expediting

called this morning and they are no longer offering to expedite petitions because of the natural disaster (earthquake) :( I called this morning. She gave me a list of reason to expedite but none applied to me. :huh: I told the customer service rep about what I read on the website. But I guess since it's been two years now they no longer offer expediting.

That was depressing to hear and I was so hopeful that they were still getting help. Anyway, that's what happens when they think nobody is looking..but we are and that's unprofessional to not update such an important issue. Our loved ones are still having hard times over there. Anyway wait we shall and pray we will! Thanks for checking it out.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-01-08 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti expediting

i filed the I-129f in October (i am in my 3rd month of waiting) and i am still waiting, so i am assuming there are no more expedites for haiti...even though the website still says they are expediting.

i know many members say that USCIS doesn't update their website very often, so i am assuming that is what is happening here.

if anyone hears differently, though, i would LOVE to know, so that i can call and request an expedite as well!!!!

Thanks and after reading post here, I guess they just failed to update.That update was from March last year so,I guess they think it's all better in Haiti now(NOT!).
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-01-08 10:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti expediting
I know there was a post on expediting petitions from Haiti and recently another Haiti flyer and myself read on USCIS that this is still in effect. What I wanted to know was anyone petition expedited any faster for them or the same 5+ months to receive NOA2 and Interview that everyone else has?
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-01-02 23:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti portal

Hey mani0118,

Good luck trying to heat up the Haiti Portal, I can't even get info on fun things to do in Haiti that are exciting. No one has any suggestions. Crazy right?


How long you gonna be there cause my Birthday party in March and I will be there on Feb 26th Carrafou and Jacmel. check with DJ Bertin for all the parties ..He know about them all!Last time I was in Haiti was October to November and we partied everyday until I burnt out lol. So, be careful what you ask for cause you will get it.
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-02-10 00:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHaiti portal

I love our portal, but it's very cold guys, let's try to heat it up, and also help others by updating our timelines...and although you're done with your process it would be nice to still keep in touch so you can help others...this site is great and our little haiti portal is not many so let's try to make it pressure lol :thumbs: :dance:

I agree we need to stay regular with our post and thus far I noticed my timeline changed dates from april 19the to april 8th wandering and hoping this is accurate and it keeps going down!!I will stay connected and let you guys know or if someone already got past this point (NOA2) let me know how accurate the timeline was for you?
princessmiaaFemaleHaiti2012-02-03 17:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaChecklist: Ciudad Juarez we have everything?
You are good to go babe...
NkemzoMaleSierra Leone2013-10-11 00:20:00
ChinaK1 Visa got approved today, Thank you all VJ'ers

Congratulation!! but honestly am very greatful to this Vjer's without this site most of us will not make it.Visa in hand since october 23 will soon join my fiancee...idea9dv.gif idea9dv.gif

NkemzoMaleSierra Leone2013-11-07 05:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Swedish Birth Certificate?

Finland doesn't issue birth certificates either, instead you need an "extract from the population information system", or utdrag ur befolkningsdatasystemet. I wonder if it's the same in Sweden?

Yes, it is the same thing in Sweden. You need a "personbevis" , but a specific one. As opposed to the regular personbevis it cannot be downloaded or ordered online. Call the tax authority (Skatteverket) at 020?567 000 and ask for a personbevis in English for the US Embassy. It needs to be stamped and signed by Skatteverket. They know which kind it is. A good idea is to ask for a couple of extra ones (I needed one for the AOS application). You will get it in the mail in a few days.

Good luck with your visa journey!
olleMaleSweden2012-05-03 19:31:00
Asia: SouthTax Return

My wife's interview is on Dec 20 in Mumbai. I'm confused about the tax returns. I've electronic copies of my tax returns on my computer so those are not signed. Do I need the signed copies of the tax returns? I already sent tax listing(from IRS) to NVC but just to be on the safe side I wanted to send my tax returns to my wife so she can bring that with her at the interview. Do they ask for tax returns or just tax listing is enough?

dshah00MaleIndia10/29/2007 7:26
Asia: SouthCR-1 Visa Approved
Hi All,

My wife's visa was approved kicking.gif today(12/20/2007) @ Mumbai consulate. Below are some details regarding her interview.

6:45 AM: Showed up at the consulate
7:30 AM: Finger printing and document submission

Waiting... whistling.gif

11:00 AM: She was called at the window
11:05 AM: Approved

Below are the questions she was asked.

1) What is your husband's name?
2) What does he do?
3) How did you meet?
4) What do you do?

First three questions were asked by an american lady and the forth question was asked by an indian lady. They didn't ask for any proof or anything else.

She picked up her passport from VFS at 5:00 PM.

The interview was smooth.

Hope this helps...
dshah00MaleIndia12/20/2007 9:35
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Ok everybody Im about to go pick up my new whip ...lata
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 15:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Your new name is Posted Image MRZ STACKS :rofl:

Im so happy for you May God Bless your home.

And God will bless you for the effort with your stepson, you are an amazing woman. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thank You JQ..only you can find a smiley face for this....
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 15:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!


They tried to really give us a hard time; we were in there for an hour!!!!!!!!


:dance: :dance: CONGRATS ShaNette:dance: :dance:

:dance: :dance: GARFIELD GOT THE JOB :dance: :dance:

Edited by LadyC, 04 May 2010 - 02:29 PM.

LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Thanks Dens and Always...whooo we needed a bigger car badly. Now we all have room to fit
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Afternoon Ladies I forgot to tell you all my happy news...I bought a new ride I will pick it up today :dance: . 2008 Dodge Caravan SE. We needed it bad I had a 2006 KIA Rio and we all could not fit in it anymore. My kids say I look like a soccer mom driving it :rofl:
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 12:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Hi ladyc,

I will be glad when i am at the point you two ladies are, you and dens wifey but unfortunately im not, with my SO, i really dont post anything about my journey anymore publicly, but trust me im with yall in spirit with your ups and downs.

I almost dare to say im bored,sitting at home but when i try to get out and shop and do things like normal folks im so tired all i can think of is home so i need to make this last week worth it :)

JaHoney everything will work it self out. Dont try to do too much too soon. I know I beg for days off but if im home to long I get bored out of my mind.
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Hi JaHoney I hope you are enjoying your time at home. I was off for 2 days but I could use a few more days
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 09:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Morning Honey! VJ has slowed up a bit. I was on earlier but I don't think you were on here yet...the mornings tend to be a little slow. How are things going with you. I'm jelly that you at home from work until next week. Can we switch places please? :rofl: Well have a great day!

Morning Lady C! Awww, lil Jaheim. I'm so glad they found his bag. How is he adjusting so far in his short time here?

Dills prayers are going up for your dad!

Hey Dens he is doing really good but yesterday afternoon me and G had to go out so we left him at home with my daughter and he threw a tantrum from hell. He tried to hit her with a Wooden Fish I have and threw a book at her. I had to give him the clinch teeth talk over the phone. Other than that is all good. I told him not to behave like that at my girlfriends house today because she has a little baby and he will wake him up.
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 09:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Morning Yardies....

ShaNette Good Luck on you interview today :thumbs:

Well today is Jaheim's first day staying with my friend I told him not to cry but I know he will. This morning I had to get ready and pack his lunch and snacks and make him breakfast. Shoots with all the rushing I forgot to put on my Mascarra....Cho. Well this will take some getting use to

Edited by LadyC, 04 May 2010 - 08:27 AM.

LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-04 08:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Remind you have a house? Or would it be where you have to move to that complex?

Good luck, G!

My CVS had the little boxes of Wheat Thins for a $1 which I got free with coupon. But, we didn't have the fig newtons. Booooooo!!!!!

JG the complex is for Seniors
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-03 17:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Good Afternoon Ladies..Well the Bag finally showed up. As per Air J someone else took the bag by mistake and returned it last night. Well thank god we have everything.

On another note G and I were off today so I he called the guy for the interview and asked if he could come in today. Well he did and G had his interview please pray for him to get this job. Thanks Ladies (L)

dills~ (F)(F)(F)(F)

hey ladies- just checking in
i am devestated- i went for checkup today and i lost the baby
i have to have D&C on monday
ive had to hold it together all day so im going to go cry

Jus I'm so sorry about your loss (((HUGS)))

Aww Dills (((hugs))) to you. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad but I’m so happy you are able to go and be with him for a while. Stay strong even though it’s easier said than done. I’ll be praying for your strength..

Dills sorry to hear about your dad. Please enjoy the time you have left with him. (((HUGS)))
LadyCFemaleJamaica2010-05-03 17:13:00