K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUg... is this really going to take 7 months??

No. It's because we have new members! :energetic:

Yes maybe but I remember it say if you a new member it good if you look for answer before you ask... maybe i wrong but i want to be understand of this so i read everything rather than be nurse from a bottle. If i dont do this then i will never educate myself but this is how i was teached in school. just me i think

Rather than being rude, when most of us are already under a lot of stress, you could choose which threads not to read?
Seems to me the "read" or "not read" road goes both ways.
craigandkymFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-11 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do while waiting for NOA2?

1. Take an underwater basket weaving class at night school.
2. Iron your underwear and socks.
3. Teach cats to walk a tight wire.
4. Watch championship bowling on TV then talk to all your co-workers about it constantly.
5. Read War and Peace, backwards.
6. Learn every dialect of the Chinese language.
7. Sing the Batman theme incessantly wherever you go.
8. Embroider your name on every stitch of clothing you own.
9. Try to start conversations with as many 1-800 operators as you can per day.
10. Write a book on 101 things to do while waiting on NOA2.

You are freaking brilliant (and oddly funny....I like you!!)

craigandkymFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!!
Oh my gosh!! I am so very happy for you!!! I can't wait to read all about your experience, my own UK guy just got his packet 3 in hand and I am so anxious to hear about what lies ahead for him!!


Many, Many Congrats again!!

~Kim :energetic:
craigandkymFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-20 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent advice needed

Hey all,
I'm in my home country for 2 days and dealing with all of the documents as much as I can. I'm getting a police certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs but I dont know if I will have to legalize it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Heard different stories and really dont know.
Please please help!

I don't know - are you in Bulgaria? I do know that it cost 15 leva for us to legalize a different document at their Ministry of Foreign Affairs - we dropped off our document on one day (there was a lady there who sold us the necessary stamps) and then we came back the next morning to pick it up. If you're in Sofia and you can go there now, I would do it, since it's only 15 leva and it would be a big hassle if you were supposed to do it and didn't!

Sorry - I wish I knew more. I doubt that you need it to be legalized - I think just translated, but I get conflicting stories, too, and I'm planning to get everything legalized, just to be safe.
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-06 06:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~

I just briefly skimmed through all 5+ pages of this thread, and I've gotta say all you folks who try to give relationship advice and your opinions on what a 15-year old should be doing with her life should be ashamed of yourselves! That's obviously not why the OP came her and posted her questions. She wanted advice on how to get a visa, not lectures on what she should be doing in her personal life!

Ok, let's play this game. You then should 'be ashamed for giving us advice and giving your opinions of what a vj poster should be doing.' Not to mention you're sat here judging us for being well as freely admitting you're judging us based on a 'brief skim' of the posts.

But that's ok, eh? ;)

The bottom line is, this is a community of people, not a paid immigration help desk. We're going to interject personal opinion..cos let's face it, this site is based on opinion. Other than one outburst on this thread, everyone here has been very respectful. No one's flaming the OP or anything like that....I see a bunch of people trying to enlighten someone that this may not be as easy as she may think. And I think that's pretty great.

Cos if she goes away from this and it forces her to think of how she can best protect herself during and after this process, then it was all worth it. You see it as judgement...I see it as well-meaning food for thought from people who know the process and the ramifications just that much better...and are trying to point out very important issues that the OP needs to address.

After awhile all your efforts to save the girl from the big bad visa process will be in vain and your longwinded comments will be just for your entertainment purpose alone. Not that I disagree with your motivation to inspire or enlighten - but you come across as brash and ready for an argument then patch it up with by saying you're not categorizing or chastising her.

She finds a moment in the madness to set the record straight with a defensive tone and you basically knock her down again by telling her not to "lash out in a strop" and "if you didnt want your personal life commented on then dont bring it up." It was a verbal knock down and listen to what I have to say masked with artificial empathy for her situation. Why then are you so ready to attack when someone like JamesT opposes the majority who took it upon themselves to lecture her? It appears you are all posting for eachother but addressing the post to Hibara.

Speaking of posting for your entertainment, as far as I can tell, your only post directed to Hibrara has been something like, "You go, girl."

I'll bet she's still reading these posts. She's awfully young. Does anyone have practical advice for her? She wants to be with her boyfriend and his family. She wants to finish high school. Her home life is not helping, and she's naturally leaning toward people who are promising to care for her. Why? Because she's young and clearly needs a support net that her parents aren't giving to her. But --- she may be trading her youth and freedom for that support. That may well be what she needs to survive, but if there is any way she could have that support without the lifelong commitment, I'll bet she and her boyfriend and his family would all be thrilled to know about it. So far, a family-based visa like K-1 or the CR-1 is the only way she sees to be in the States permanently. Maybe she does need to get married. But it is a HUGE decision and she deserves some warnings about the consequences. Immigration officers are going to raise their eyebrows just as we do - they're human, too. It would be great if there could be some more posts that suggest ways she could get a visa to be in the States without marriage. This is a family-immigration site, but maybe people who have had experience researching other visas could make some suggestions. She seems to think that student visas are out of the question. Are they really? They seem so ideal... visa and studying wrapped into one package!
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-06 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~

I just briefly skimmed through all 5+ pages of this thread, and I've gotta say all you folks who try to give relationship advice and your opinions on what a 15-year old should be doing with her life should be ashamed of yourselves! That's obviously not why the OP came her and posted her questions. She wanted advice on how to get a visa, not lectures on what she should be doing in her personal life!

Ok, let's play this game. You then should 'be ashamed for giving us advice and giving your opinions of what a vj poster should be doing.' Not to mention you're sat here judging us for being well as freely admitting you're judging us based on a 'brief skim' of the posts.

But that's ok, eh? ;)

The bottom line is, this is a community of people, not a paid immigration help desk. We're going to interject personal opinion..cos let's face it, this site is based on opinion. Other than one outburst on this thread, everyone here has been very respectful. No one's flaming the OP or anything like that....I see a bunch of people trying to enlighten someone that this may not be as easy as she may think. And I think that's pretty great.

Cos if she goes away from this and it forces her to think of how she can best protect herself during and after this process, then it was all worth it. You see it as judgement...I see it as well-meaning food for thought from people who know the process and the ramifications just that much better...and are trying to point out very important issues that the OP needs to address.

:thumbs: :)
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-06 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~
Hibrara ((I know you're out there)),

Relax. Please come back. Many of us kinda like you. No one here knows your full situation, but there are many who do have some wise words for you, both about your visa paths and your choices. You don't have to take the advice of strangers, but please realize that most people here are giving it because they have seen people make devastating mistakes and they want to be sure that you have some warning before you make these big decisions. Most of us remember being a teenager; one of the things I most remember is the kind of cocky feeling that I knew best. It's a biological part of you at this age that helped coin the phrase "crazy teenagers." You sound like you've had some big growing-up experiences, but that doesn't change the fact that your brain still has some maturing to do over the next few years. I promise you that as the years go by, you'll start to have a whole new appreciation for the life-lessons that others can teach you. In the meantime, you'll do yourself a service by respecting the fact that your hormones ARE affecting your behavior, and by taking your youth and inexperience into serious SERIOUS account when you make plans that will shape the course of your life.

People on this forum and in the real world are going to question your choices because they see potential problems for you. Not because they hate you or wish you evil. Stomping out because you don't like what you hear isn't much proof of your maturity. It's a hard fact that you are going to have to defend your unorthodox choices - maybe not to us, but certainly to immigration officers, employers, landlords, etc., so you might as well make sure that you feel good and strong doing that defending. If you find yourself feeling easily upset, defensive, or angry about it, you might ask yourself why.

Now, my piece of specific advice: try as hard as you can to get your high school diploma while you are still in Australia. I understand that it's very hard, but it will only get harder and along with remaining NOT PREGNANT it should be one of your TOP priorities right now. It would be a great sign of your fiance's maturity and of his interest in your long-term well-being if it were one of his top priorities for you, too. If he makes so much money, maybe he can help you settle somewhere for the school year next year so that you can go to class and get some studying done? You seem bright enough, and I'm sure you could do it, but it will be exponentially harder to do while you're in the States. All that history you've learned throughout school? All those "important historical figures?" Pretty much useless for the American GED. You'll have to learn the US version of things, and a lot more US history. Math problems get solved differently. Papers have a different structure. Science labs have their own methods. Believe me - each country in this world has a TOTALLY different idea of what high school graduates should know. You might as well cash in on all the time you've spent in Australian schools and get through this important milestone before you get to the States.

If you have specific questions about a CR1 visa, go to the forum on this site specifically for that - you'll find lots of information just by reading through others' posts.

Good luck -- really.
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-03-06 06:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresKind of complicated story.. ideas appreciated~
At the moment, I'm a 15 year old Australian girl engaged to a 20 year old US citizen. I'll be turning 16 on the 13th of April, and I'm wondering how I can go about getting a visa to be able to live with him. When I turn 16, I'll be legal in my country, and also in his state. To get married we'll need consent from my parents, which is no problem, as they've already agreed. I know it sounds controversial, but I'm really worried about which visa path I take, because I don't want to screw anything up for myself and not be able to come over to the US.

Also, my father said he called the American consulate here and said that since I have no work experience and no skills, I don't have a much of a chance of attaining any visa. I'm actually curious to know if this is true or if he's lying to me. Sorry to be so dramatic, I'm just kind of in a pickle here. Advice/suggestions very welcome!

Additionally, if anyone knows about the total fees they've had to pay and how long it took them, that kind of information would be really great too.

Hibara, I'm sure several people have told you that this is a really young age to get married AND move to the other side of the world. Please read the immigrant experiences of people who have come to the USA in the "moving here and your new life in America" part of this forum. You are going to change a LOT over the next years, and while there is every chance that this guy will still be right for you when you are a few years older, there is also every chance that you'll have a whole different idea of who and where you want to be. If you can wait a couple of years, your application process will be easier and you'll know yourself a lot better. If you must be together now, perhaps the thing to do will be to pursue a visa that allows you to be in the USA without making a lifetime commitment quite yet. You probably cannot get an immigrant visa without getting married or engaged, but there are some ways you could visit the USA on a nonimmigrant visa, sometimes for quite a long time. An immigrant visa of any sort will take from several months to a year to apply for and receive. Non-immigrant visas are generally cheaper and faster to get. Here are the options that I see for you, depending on what your finances are (and perhaps others on this forum, especially those with Australian experience, will have some great tips, too):

You can just go for a long visit if you have a new, machine-readable Australian passport. You do not need a visa if you plan to stay in the USA for less than 90 days.

You can try to get a student visa and study in the USA. There are several different types of student visas, depending on how much/what kind of studying you are doing. Have you finished high school? You could look into exchange programs with US high schools or you could consider studying at a US college or university. The cost of tuition will be more expensive than if you are a permanent US resident, but you may be able to find scholarship money or grants to help fund your studies.

You can get married in Australia and then pursue what is called a CR1 (immigrant) visa

You can apply for a K1 (fiancee) visa and then get married in the USA within three months of arrival

You can apply for a B-2 visa (a non-immigrant visitor visa) to stay for a visit of more than 90 days, but probably less than 6 months. This may be an option if you want to study something as a part-time student just a few hours a week.

Edited by malka, 27 February 2007 - 04:18 AM.

malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-02-27 04:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! I have to cancel my wedding !!! ???

I'm so sorry this is happening to you. The delay in Washington might be that not you but someone with a similar name has gotten in some sort of trouble before. It's so hard to make plans only to have them shattered, but what can you do but wait. I wish for you that it's speedy so you can make that wedding date after all.


you know what my dad said today?

No problem, if you dont get it soon enough, you can get married in NOVEMBER, when all of the family will be able to come.

That means if I get approved lets say March 17, my wedding plans will be long-canceled, and all of my family won't be able to make it to the wedding until november.
Hooray .. and they hold my international passport in hostage ... means I wouldn't see clara for almost a year unless she came here again but thats hard considering her families situation (remember her dad got shot in september?). Talk about cruelty :(

The thing is I may now get a marriage without all of my family :\ And If I get married between april and june my brother won't make it due university & exams.
then he may also have to retake exams in August or September if he doesnt pass them all ...

Alexander - there should be some way of finding out what the hold-up is. Definitely have Clara contact her congressperson/people and have them start an inquiry. Squeak that wheel. It can't hurt. But your Western European ancestry really isn't going to make a difference.

Edited by malka, 16 February 2007 - 12:19 PM.

malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-02-16 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many of you used a lawyer to help you
Wow, thank you guys so much for your quick responses. Lots of support here. I wish I would have found this site before I sent off the paperwork. According to the K-1 flowchart I should have made copies of everything. And I didnt. I can reproduce most of it but not the money order itself. UGH.
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-06 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many of you used a lawyer to help you
Thank you you guys for the quick responses. Now I feel better. I have another question, the NOA1 after that what happens? Will they send more paperwork to be filled out before they approve us. I read posts about them needing info about you financial situation. UGH! I hope not. NO more paperwork. Can someone specify?? Pleassse.

omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-05 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many of you used a lawyer to help you
Im just curious as to how many of you used a lawyer. I didnt and now im wondering if I should have. I sent off the paperwork in Feb. and recieved the letter stating they received our petition. Now, we are just waiting for the next step. Im just worried that they could send it back if we didnt do it right. Also, what is NOA1 or NOA2. Ive seen that posted a few times and was curious. As you can see, im new here.

Thanks :no: :no:
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-05 06:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% above Poverty Line?

I have a question. I have three daughters and only claim two on my taxes each year. All three of my girls live with me. Do I still count all of my girls, myself and my fiance? I plan on using a co-sponsor. But im a bit nervous because I really havent made that much in the last 2 yrs because I was a full time student and working part-time so my tax returns look really pathetic. My aunt who will co-sponsor makes about 50,000 a yr. How should I go about filling out the forms because ill have to do that REAL soon.

I believe you would have to count each of your girls, because for the purposes of the Affidavit of Support, the CO's are looking for the size of your actual household...who is living with you. Are you not claiming your third daughter because she is older(making her own money) and thereby not your dependent as far as IRS is concerned?

If you use your aunt as co-sponsor, then I believe the total income (yours and your aunt's) would be looked at vis a vis the # of people in the total # in the household. (You + 3 daughters + fiance + aunt + uncle? + anyone else in aunt's household?)

As far as filling out the forms, two sets of I-134 forms are to be filled out. One with your financials, and the other with your aunt's.

Good luck!


Wow, thank you so much. Well I dont claim one of my daughters because I let her father do so. So I will make sure to add all of my girls. My aunt makes about 50,000. I have about $7,000 in savings. And even though my last two years of taxes have been under $10,000, I make about $27,000 right now at my part time job. Im looking for full time right now though. Needless to say, I was on a tight budget for a few yrs. because I wanted to finish school.

Anyway, so all together that would make a household of 7. My aunt claims my cousin even though hes away at college. Do you think that will be ok? Im so nervous about this next step because I got a letter saying that my fiance will recieve his packet within a week. So ill have to gather all the financial stuff together. Im assuming I have to fill out the I-134 forms (2 including my aunt filling out hers) but why do you have to fill out the I-184 later? That one is like 17 pages long. Very overwhelming.

Also my aunt doesnt live with me. She has her own home. Will that be a problem.
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-21 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% above Poverty Line?
I have a question. I have three daughters and only claim two on my taxes each year. All three of my girls live with me. Do I still count all of my girls, myself and my fiance? I plan on using a co-sponsor. But im a bit nervous because I really havent made that much in the last 2 yrs because I was a full time student and working part-time so my tax returns look really pathetic. My aunt who will co-sponsor makes about 50,000 a yr. How should I go about filling out the forms because ill have to do that REAL soon.
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% above Poverty Line?
Im curious about this subject as well.
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-04-20 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI want this to be over soo soon
And I thought I was all alone...
omeysgirlFemaleAustralia2007-05-15 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of how we met

well il guess ill place it in the other format and place the header as, Circumstances under how we met, or is that title too long?

I don't think so. I think being as thourough as possible is the best bet. The longer the better.
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-02 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of how we met

the have the sample lette for the intent to marry but not for how we met, i was just wondering if the format i placed is good enough.

I used the same format of all the other letters. I just wrote the explanation in the body. No RFE yet, so...
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-02 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of how we met

Im doing the letter of how me me, the onyl thing is that i dont know how to organize it,

should i just place

the date,

Continuation of I-129F question 18.
Circumstances under how we met

place responce here


is it good or do i ned to place so address or etc.

sorry for the questios i just want things to go good =]

There is a sample letter under the guides section, here is the link:;page=k1guide

Good luck!!!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-02 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee visa... wants to go home
There are so many opinions on this subject, but I just want to add that when I was in Ghana for three and a half months, as soon as I got back to the US I wanted to go back. I was miserable here and I lived here for 21 years!!!

It's a very hard adjustment to make coming from a different country, especially if you only know a few people here. I think two weeks is not enough time to deal with the culture shock. When I first got to Ghana, I too wanted to come back home, but I used my support system there to deal with my homesickness and culture shock.

I would suggest the same thing for your cousin. If it is her relationship that she is unhappy with, that's another ordeal, but if it is just her adjustment to her new environment, her partner should assist her in getting acclamated.

All the best!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-02 11:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you VSC!
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! I hope mine is coming soon!!!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-05 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC----No Record of receiving
Congrats! You must be so excited... I am!!! :goofy:
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-06 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 interview tomorrow - fingers crossed!
Good Luck. I'm excited for you... let us know the results!!! :yes:
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-02-28 01:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI just got my NOA2
So Wonderful! Congrats! That's awesome! I hope the rest of the process goes just as quick for you. :goofy:

VSC please work for me!!!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-06 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHED!!!!

For people who called USCIS to check their status and talked to an actually person, did that give you another touch? I guess I'm asking if when you talk to someone on the phone, does that mean they touch your file?
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-07 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOUCHED!!!!
oh yeah! I got touched today too... I hope that's a sign for more to come soon!!!!!!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-07 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved!!!!!! NOA2! :)
WOW! That was lightening fast. CONGRATS!!!

I hope you get to breeze through the rest of the process!!

VCS rocks!
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-07 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches

I really did search this site for info- but the word "touch" is used in so many posts, I didn't get anywhere.

I have two quick questions:
1. Do "touches" always go to your e-mail when they occur? ( or do you have to check the USCIS site?)

2. Is there a way to view a log of touches, or is it only the most recent date on the USCIS website?

Thanks so much (F)


Can you tell me HOW you find out if your case file has been "touched"?

I am eternally grateful!

If you check your status from your account at USCIS and it says last updated, say 3/9/07 and tomorrow the date is different, 3/13/07, then your file has been touch. The most recent date is the last time your file was touched.

Hope I explained that clearly.
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-12 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouches
from what I know, touches are just the updated date of your file. It means that someone actually physically "touched" your file. They don't always email you unless they change the status, usually the NOA2.

I don't know of a log of touches.
GhanaLoveFemaleGhana2007-03-12 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresif my fiance doesn't want a green card?
Couple thoughts...I think a wedding in Mexico will be your best bet. TALK to the local Migracion office about your Permiso...some people say it takes 3 weeks, the one in Michoacan is going to give us ours the same day as long as we have everything (all documents) together and correct. Have your family down for the wedding and then at a later time, work on getting a visitor's visa for him to come up with you.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-05-18 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFINALLY GOT RFE, I AM SO MAD
For all the pictures we submitted with our K-1, I made a color photocopy on a full sheet of paper and wrote in all the information you indicated (names, date, etc) on the blank space of the page. Turning the picture over might prove to be too much work for them :P . Actually, we made color copies of everything, right down to boarding passes and wrote descriptive information on all the pages...highlight the dates and things on the boarding passes. This was last year when I filed and they were satisfied with that.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2006-09-22 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLets get this party started
Just wanted to put something here so when I click on the link there is something
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-28 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about privacy
I would call them to change you address just incase they need to get in touch with you for other things and you dont want you parents to know whats going on.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-29 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about privacy
why not notify them of the address change?
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-29 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPrenup...?
my mother and I had a discussion about this.

You do what you have to do is all I can say, but I would suggest that you talk about this with your fiance especially if she or he is leaving allot behind to come here.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-29 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview visa denied
Zenobia, I sent you an Private Message (PM) Please call me.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-31 21:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview visa denied
Zenobia, if you get an answer besides a boilerplace answer please let me know who you talked to.

Rebecca, thanks for the number you gave me and there are no new entries.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview visa denied
Wow this is scary for a minute i thought this was my post (everything was the same in cludining were we live). We turned in the certificate on the 18th and still have not heard anything.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificate
Stace, it is from age of 16 on.

For the OP, please get started now on getting the police certificates because some places take 2 months or so. If you cant get the police certs by the time of your interview I would suggest that you reschedule or face the dreadded 221(g) then you wait and wait and wait some more. I am speaking from experience.

Good luck.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-02-04 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresName changed by deed poll. Problem??
I would say file under your new name and provide the Deed poll showing that your name was legally changed at some point. They may ask if other surnames have been used if so put your birth name and a copy of the deed poll.

I hope that helps.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-02-14 19:10:00