Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa aproved today.
Wonderful News!!! Congratulations!!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-03-03 16:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanTraveking to Ghana while pregnant
Enjoy your vacation. I wouldnt drink the water.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-02-21 18:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanClothing African style
Forgot to mention that laces back home in Nigeria are very beautiful and less expensive then the ones here. I made sure my husband brings some from Nigeria. Nice bright colors
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-02-21 18:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanClothing African style

Being a bit bored today I was thinking about clothing for an event 2 years off. We are talking about a week long thing. The typical Nigerian event, we will be dressed as a couple , as a family group and so on. I am looking for sources of cloth, jewelry and headgear. I know we will get some of this in country but looking at the fabrics and all is always so nice I thought I would throw it out here. Feel free to add pictures of yourselves. Show off what you have.

to get it started here are 2 sites

Aarons International


Definitely check out youtube. If Im not mistaken your husband is igbo? Anyways if you a nice gele (hair tie) go to you tube and type in segun gele.Hes the BOMB. Im going to use him for my traditional wedding here. Also DebbyNSeyi has a nice asowebi (uniform) check it out on her page
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-02-21 18:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDo you consider your marriage a success after all the wait, the paperwork, and the long distance relationship?
My husband (then fiancee) came here April 4th,2010 last year and I want to say after all the struggles, waiting for the petition to be approved and getting the visa it was well worth it. I feel that our long distance relationship made for us not to take each other for granted. My husband is in Nigeria right now (I miss him terribly, he will be back in a few weeks) I look forward to spending the rest of my life with him. Im not often on visajourney as much because of the horrible scam stories (its very disheartening to read), but what I will advisa for you and your partner to do is pray and stay close to God. Because with him anything and everything is possible.
Take care,
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-03-23 20:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI was hoping this wouldn't happen...

Yep I call every week on my day off! :) it's become quite the routine. :lol:

Sorry about your hubby being placed on AP. I pray for a speedy AP for you two.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-03-25 19:55:00
Africa: Sub-Saharan2nd Interview

We were denied. Evans is going to email me the papers. Evans believes that it was our age difference. Hmmm, I knew that would happen. Its ok for men to be older but women, its a difference story. Depends how much older. Does anyone have an idea of which way is better to go? Should we appeal or should I just try to go back this summer and marry him? Any and all ideas will help. We will appreciate any suggestions. The ex husband thing was a stall tactic and was very unfair. Thanks again :help:

Im so sorry to hear about your denial. See if you can get your states senator/congressman involved so they can do a congressional inquiry on your behalf. All the best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-04-17 23:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThank you GOD // Nigeria
Congratulations and Good luck with your fiancees interview!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-05-16 16:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSharing our good news
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-06-03 18:43:00
Africa: Sub-Saharan2nd interview arrival time
Good luck on your interview.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-08-31 20:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur son is here!!!
Congratulations!! The baby is tooo cute!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-08-29 20:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved in Accra
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-08-29 20:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWE ARE APPROVED!!
Congratulations!!! I know its a good feeling
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-09-17 18:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSharing some red flags

I see these red flags and remind myself that these are not exclusive to men from African countries. They can apply to any foreign spouse from any country.

I hope that what I am about to say does not take away from what those of you who are going through this are expressing.

Sometimes I feel that as women, we take on our nurturing role more strongly than any other role. We want to take care of our men, of the people around us and we forget about what is good for us. When it comes to the red flags that people have posted I cringe a little. There are so many times in this forum when I read something that the female USC says about her SO and I think "RED for the hills" but the truth is that when you are in the middle of this process there is nothing that anyone can say to make you stop it.

On many forums here on VJ there are countless couples complaining about the length of the process, that we have the right to love who we want, that US government has no place in our relationships, the cost is too much, the paperwork is atrocious, why do I need to prove my relationship etc etc. At times people use the process to excuse some of the behaviors they see from their SOs and that once they are together all that will go away and they will live happily ever after.

We all think we are in love and our SO is our soulmate and all that other lovey dovey stuff that we do not want to listen to our been-there-done-that sisters about the truth.

I think thats important to remember that we all need to be honest with ourselves about our relationships and our roles in them.

And sometimes, despite everything, some relationships just don't work out, red flags or not.

Couldn't have said it better Zee Bee. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-05-07 12:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSharing some red flags
I must say that this is a very interesting topic. Widely recognized especially in the Africa Sub-Saharan forum. Before I begin, I would like to express my dearest sympathy to those who have put in much effort to save their marriages despite the fact that they were possibly scammed. We talk about the "red flags" and I want to ask the women out there why we tend ignore the "signs" of being scammed? Could it be that we're to "naive"? I say this because I know of a lady that I met on this site. She was African-American lady the same age as my mother. Im 27 and she's 48. Her then fiancee was 32-33. We became very close because her man was yoruba and so was mine. She was also in the process for filing a k1 visa. We confided in each other. I took her as a mother. She will complain to me on how the guys wife sent her a text message telling her to leave her husband alone,they were never intimate, he only called her when he needed money, she will send money to him in Nigeria, and when she will go to visit the money was unaccounted for, she never met any of his relatives, only his close friends, and many more things.I could tell that she really loved this guy and she made plans for him to join her in the US to possibly start a future together. But what was painful is that she spent so much money and he never went to any of his k1 visa interviews! How can she not possibly know that she was not being scammed? How could I tell her if she has already made up her mind to continue to be used? I had so much respect for this lady, but I never knew that some people can be so blind and naive. I feel for the women who has devoted so much time in this immigration process emotionally, mentally, and physically, only to be used and betrayed at the end. But can we as women accept some of the blame for being used?
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-05-06 16:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWedding Jamz
old skool
Nana Acheampong Na Anka Ebeye Den
Absolutely love this song!!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-10-27 00:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWedding Jamz
Oh there are many many african good songs:

Daddy Lumba- Menya mpo
Tosin Martin- Olo mi
PSquare- I love you, Possibility
2Face- African Queen
Bracket- Yori Yori
Infact just too much. Enjoy your wedding planning!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-03-15 18:40:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK1 Visa denied in Lagos after 8 months of AP!
Debbi and Seyi,
Im so so sorry to hear about your visa denial. Honestly I know how you feel because I was once in your shoes when I received the tragic news that my fiancee visa was denied initially. But one thing that I will tell you is to not give up and fight for the one you love. I know that your discouraged and frustrated as I would be, but please call your Senator/Congressman with assistance in your case. When my fiancee was initially denied, I was very skeptical about calling them, but you wouldnt believe how much of a help they were to me. Your situation is very unfortunate. Please keep your head up and trust and believe that everything will work out for the best. Take care Debbie.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-24 18:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy Baby is finally here from Lagos!!
fantastic news. congratulations
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-12-19 00:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat's love got to do with it.

I encourage all of you that may of found love thru the internet or thru a friend and your spouse is overseas to be very critical of your relationship/fiance/marriage. I personally know of women and men who have married men/women and only seen them in person once for about 2-weeks or less. I can tell you that most of those people aren't married any more to these people.Do some research, spend some time in their culture being with them and their friends/ family before opening the door to citizenship to them in your culture. Take some time and read the old blogs on this site, all of this advice will help u make a sound decision on love and the visa attraction that you will provide them.

Welcome back. Still scorned after so many years. Why so miserable? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2012-03-21 20:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hi everyone!!

I tend to lurk more than post these days.

We're doing well, working towards my PhD and hubby is getting his second masters. Work is also good and we are having a baby at the end of August :)

Congratulations!! All the Best and safe delivery.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-03-29 17:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3

Hi Everyone!

Happy Birthday to M-E !!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Happy Birthday Boaz
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-02-25 01:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVJ members(USC and Beneficiaries) vs Lagos Consulate

This popped up in my "recent topics" which is why I'm gunna respond.

I agree that it's unfair that the US government is the one that "decides" who we're allowed to be with, BUT I don't think it's fair to say that they should let it slide because they're the "gateway" to the US. Once they're in, they're in so it's a big risk on their shoulders if they let someone dodgy in. I know I personally would feel bad if I find out that I let someone through like in "Enlighted One's" case.

I think the best measure would be to alter the immigration laws. So rather than a denial in more ambiguous cases, they should simply put them on probation and make it harder to get LPR.

"Nwanyioma" said that Enlighted wouldn't have said what she did if her guy hadn't been a #### but the comment can equally be reversed. if you found out your situation ended up like hers you would be upset and pissed that you were used and abused for a greencard. For that reason it needs to be harder to get a greencard. It should be simple, if you don't remain with your spouse then leave the US. If you're naturalised then fine, stay if it doesn't work out, but make it 5 years to get naturalised. If you're an LPR and it ends in divorce, go home. If you're abused, go home. It's pretty simple. Maybe set a timeframe like MUST remain together for a minimum of 5 years. I don't know many people that can "fake" a relationship for 5 years.

I gave up a lot to come to the US but I would go home in a heartbeat if it turned out my husband abused me, or whatever. It's hard to express exactly what I think without writing a huge post but basically it's this:

- "flag" those relationships you're not 100% sure off
- deny the relationship you ARE sure are dodgy (proof of lies or whatever)
- in the flagged relationships make the AOS harder to obtain, or the ROC. Keep track of them. Visit randomly to inspect their residence.

This allows loved ones to be together but if it doesn't work out then the USC is protected and so is the US government.

Vanessa & Tony,
The quoations you placed before and after my name was unnecessary. You use those quoations to quote what I say/said. But thats FYI. In other words Im tired and tired of hearing the I got scammed stories. So because one person got scammed does that mean everyone has to pay for ones mistake? No absolutely not. Forget about scamming. Im talking about abuse of power. Its so easy for one to judge and look down towards others who have been denied or placed on AP and their not even in the same situation.How can you possibly see what we see or feel what we feel. Im not saying that they should give everyone that comes in for a visa, but be fair and not be rude and judgemental. People here in the states get scammed all the time. Being ripped off its a scam, being cheated on is a scam and you name it. How does that pertain to those trying to obtain a visa for their loved ones? We are all adults and its the responsibility of that adult to determine the validity of their relationship. If I found out I was "scammed" yeah it would hurt but I wouldnt be bitter about it, blame the Lagos Consulate and rain on someones parade like others on this website do because there SO scammed them. Its not me.Its not my style and Im sorry to say this:Its life!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-02-18 16:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVJ members(USC and Beneficiaries) vs Lagos Consulate

You are possibly seeing more denials because of the increasing number of complaints filed of fraud. About 40% of these VJ relationships end up in those categories.
Yes, I am sure it is frustrating, but imagine how frustrated the people are doing their job to find out that they have been defrauded. That they trusted the person they interviewed and sent them to America only to find out that they mentally abused, used, and abandoned their US wife. These people have a difficult job to do.

this is just going to be a fact that US petitioners have to accept when they petition someone from a high fraudulent country.

Again..I have not once seen a woman openly say. Wow he was denied...I wonder what they seen in him that I did not. Most do not know their bennie anymore then what they are told along with a brief visit. So consulate have to trust our oppinions which continue to be proven wrong.

Not to diminish the pain, frustration, and hurt you are feeling, but I continue to stand up for these people just trying to do their job. Difficult one at best.

Enlighten one,
You are very courageous for sharing your story for how your husband scammed you. With that being said let me ask you a question: If you were to be in our shoes (that is your husband is issued a 221g or is denied and he didnt scam you) will you have posted what you posted today? I strongly doubt that. I personally dont think that its up to the CO's to determine if your SO is a possible scammer.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-02-18 15:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVJ members(USC and Beneficiaries) vs Lagos Consulate
Hello VJ Members,
I find it very disturbing that each time I come on this website, Im seeing more denials and 221g being issued at the Lagos Consulate which I think is becoming ridiculous :angry: :angry: :angry: . And to be honest its quite disheartening and very frustrating. Im really tempted to start some type of petition/complaint against the Lagos Consulate because all of this has got to stop. The reason why these CO's at the Lagos Consulate are playing "God" with our lives/future to be with our SO is because I dont think we (especially the USC petitioners) arent making any formal complaints. whicg they are using to their advantage to frustrate couples. Granted Lagos Consulate is famous for being known to be a "High Fraud Consulate" but dont you think that its insulting for our own American citizens to judge us and the ones we love "scammers"? Something needs to be done about this and fast.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-02-18 01:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Endings In Sub Sarahan
Wow Happy Beginnings!!! Congratulations to you ladies that are expecting their bundle of joys.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2011-11-30 23:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Endings In Sub Sarahan
Cheers to more happy beginnings and never sad endings!!!! Its good to read encouraging post despite all the negativity from other posts. My lovely husband has been here in a little over 2 months and we are enjoying each other. We have our little bickering here and there but we are definitely getting used to each other. As each day goes by, we love each other more and more everyday. Looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him and each other.
With that be said readers and posters of happy ending, please dont let members misfortunes or mishaps spoil your joy. Enjoy married life and revel in it. I say cheers to married life, happy beginnings and wonderful irreplaceable memories.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-05-29 04:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThink carefully before you marry a Nigerian, I regret doing so!

I believe your topic title is against TOS as it specifically and negatively singles out a group of people, Nigerians in this case.

Your story does not read like you were scammed for a GC but like you chose to marry a man with red flags who has no integrity

and is a cheater and a big jerk.  Happens here in the good old USA all the time, nothing exclusively Nigerian about it.

He could have divorced you and ROC'ed without you but he remained with you and you ROC'ed him through it all,

knowing he fell off the turnip wagon many times. No, he will not be deported for cheating.

When we risk taking chances with someone who shows his true colors, then we have to be big enough

to be accountable for our own choices and not "warn" people of an entire country of people. It goes without saying that there are 

good and bad apples in every country, race and ethnicity, nationality. 
I can tell you that nobody reading your 'warning' will end their relationship, because everyone thinks their 

marriage will last a lifetime.
No one can take thousands of dollars of your money over the years unless you allow it and go with the flow right along with it.
Your friends who  also have cheating Nigerian men chose to stay with them after the first offense...why do I ask myself ?!

Why stay with a serial cheater ?
Why do some women put up with so much ####### ? 
Why would your friend not call the authorities when her man did the romance scam in front of her and the kids ? WTH ?
She didn't do anything about it immediately did she ? So why stay with him and cry about it later ?


Your FIL advises you that if you want a lasting marriage then you should have closed your eye to it.
That is a village mentality and an entitlement thinking which is more common in some African cultures

because the women are shamed for divorcing and often can not provide for themselves or their kids alone so they do close their eyes

to it. The modern city woman will not put up with it, there are exceptions to the rule of course.
I hope some day all women will discover their self worth and separate themselves from this nonsense.


Rather than telling people to run it would be more beneficial to tell them to investigate their potential partners at the beginning 

of meeting them and not after being married already. That goes for all internet romances, home and abroad.

People leave digital tracks and trails all the time trolling the net.
It is not hard to find someone on dating sites at all.

You can send someone you trust ( church affiliated pastor, missionary, trusted friend etc. ) directly to his house unannounced and see what 

pops up, anyone can keep up a pretense for a 2 week visit....except your ignorant ex ( I hope he is an ex now ) couldn't even pull that off.
Been there, done that and have the T-shirt many years ago and was successful in discovering real evidence and ended the relationship.
But no one will "run" having read that your marriage failed.


Last but not least, I truly am sorry that it didn't work out for you, I truly am.
 We all must be accountable to our choices and decisions in life and regain our beauty and happiness through the consequences

and knowing the future will be better with better choices and setting higher standards for ourselves. 

That is when real growth happens within ourselves and then we can truly move on and share our story with others who ask us for 


We must become fruit inspectors and look deeper than the charm that is on display.






Wow perfectly spoken in words. Not all Nigerians are scammers. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME!!!!

We as women have to hold accountability and endure consequences. May sound harsh but its true.


NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2014-08-17 15:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What did you use to do the mailing
Hy guys
I wanted to know what company or service you used or use to mail the petitions from NVC back to them and how fast that was and how expensive and save?

Greets Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-15 11:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Getting bounced off the call line - advice pls!

you need to enter EAC as well....EAC means 322. So that means you enter the full receipt number 322 + digits

Greets Isabel

Edited by Isabel, 19 June 2006 - 02:23 PM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-19 14:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Cover letters for NVC required?


Would it be useful to create cover sheets for all the mail we will send to the NVC? Or should we just use the documents they provide, without creating any additional documents / cover sheets?


hy there,

Have you read James shortcuts yet? ;) You will find them in this forum. On every cover sheet is the barcode for your case. So you should either create them yourself with the shortcuts or use the cover sheets they provide. Additional cover sheets are not really required.

I will create the cover sheets and the barcodes as well as soon as I know my case number. :yes: and I hope that will speed up the progress :dance:

Greets Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-17 19:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR1 Shortcut question
you are welcome :)

We all have questions over and over again and often we over read things.

greets Isabel
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 10:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR1 Shortcut question

Quick question regarding the creation of the AOS Fee Bill -- specifically, it's about creating the barcode to paste into the MS Word document....

The shortcut does not specify what the "Data to encode" should be. The default setting isjust "12345678912" --- please tell me what this number should be or if it should be changed at all????

Thank You!!!!


Including the letters that preface the numeric values???

Thank You!!!

of course, your case number is not just *numbers* :D the full case number included the 3 letters at the beginning...and hey it is written in the shortcuts. :thumbs:

.... you can generate a barcode on your own and paste it in the horizontal box that asks for the barcode strip. Go to http://www.idautomat...earservlet.html. Type in the case number under "Data to encode." .....


Edited by Isabel, 28 June 2006 - 05:02 AM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-28 04:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS bill and e-mail of Choice of Agent

Is there is a way to find out when AOS bill was cashed? Will automated response system will be updated? Or maybe I need to talk to live operator at NVC?
Another question: how soon usually comes response if Choice of Agent was accepted after e-mail was sent to NVC?

Thank you.

ups posted double

Edited by Isabel, 06 July 2006 - 02:42 PM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-06 14:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS bill and e-mail of Choice of Agent

Is there is a way to find out when AOS bill was cashed? Will automated response system will be updated? Or maybe I need to talk to live operator at NVC?
Another question: how soon usually comes response if Choice of Agent was accepted after e-mail was sent to NVC?

Thank you.


Edited by Isabel, 06 July 2006 - 02:42 PM.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-06 14:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOS bill and e-mail of Choice of Agent

Is there is a way to find out when AOS bill was cashed? Will automated response system will be updated? Or maybe I need to talk to live operator at NVC?
Another question: how soon usually comes response if Choice of Agent was accepted after e-mail was sent to NVC?

Thank you.

hi there fellow:). I am in the same both. You need to talk to a life person in order to check on the AOS fee bill, and usually the next monday they generate the Affidavit of support (you need to check back with an operator as well)--just if you use the shortcuts, though. And as far as the email response of the NVC goes....most people receive answers within 2 up to 7 days.

Godd luck for your further journey :thumbs:
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-06 14:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Expedite process at NVC
Hi guys,

does anyone know if you can actually expedite the process of an I130 at the NVC anyhow? My hubby has orders that he had to move to the US right after our marriage. Now I was told from NVC that he might wanna fax these orders to expedite the process? Is that a misinformation?? Did she get something wrong? I am confused.

Thanks anyway
Isabel :huh:
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-11 15:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864EZ form

For I-864EZ form do I need a cover letter sent along with the form? Beside coversheet with barcode?

Thank you.

HI :),
I did prepare the whole package and I did include a cover letter, just to make sure everything is sorted. (I also put the casenumber on it.)

Good luck :thumbs:
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-12 16:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Question 32 of Form DS-156 - Appropriate Answer
My Fiance put "pending visa approval..Yes..."
This lets the interviewer know that you are not jumping the gun by asssuming you will be approved, but it does state that should she be approved she plans to work so as not to be a burdon upon anyone.
Good Luck
DavidEvgeniyaMaleRussia2007-07-13 18:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)tax transcript

I called the IRS asking for my tax transcript. I guess there are more than one type. Do I need the filing transcripts or the income ones? Thanks.


I had the IRS send me tax transcripts and I don't recall the person asking me to choose between two options. Did you talk to someone on the phone or did you go through the automated phone system?

I actually talked to a live operator, and told them I needed my Tax transcripts for immigration purposes for the last three years and that was it. No other questions were asked.

Hmmm... by "filing" do you mean "nonfiling?" And by "income" do you mean the W-2s? Because unless you have a very odd situation, you are probably looking for "return transcripts."
malkaNot TellingBulgaria2007-02-23 09:08:00