National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I just spoke with the NVC because I was curious as to how this I-864 thing works. She told me that they just send out instructions on it now so as long as you know they have your payment, I don't see any reason to wait on it-go ahead and download it and send it now as opposed to later. She also said it was ok for us to use the I-864EZ as long as we qualify for it, which we do-I'll bet some more of you could use that form as well. Anyway, just wanted to let you know!


I will be using I-864EZ as well. However, didn't the operator say we need the coversheet that they will generate? I know it's just instructions as told from other members but I still think there will be some sort of cover sheet needed.

Oh she didn't mention that. I suppose she just assumed I would wait until I receive the packet anyway. Which is actually what we're going to do since our 2006 taxes are still not completed by the IRS. You're probably right though-best to wait for the packet.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-17 09:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I just spoke with the NVC because I was curious as to how this I-864 thing works. She told me that they just send out instructions on it now so as long as you know they have your payment, I don't see any reason to wait on it-go ahead and download it and send it now as opposed to later. She also said it was ok for us to use the I-864EZ as long as we qualify for it, which we do-I'll bet some more of you could use that form as well. Anyway, just wanted to let you know!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-17 09:07:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
What's going on everyone? I called the NVC this morning and their automated response told me that they generated the IV bill yesterday (oh joy!) So will the automated thingy not mention what's going on with the I-864? Does anyone know if there's a way to track a cashier's check? Thanks!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-17 08:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I just got our answer from the NVC. They answered the second e-mail, not the first. The one I sent on 2 July. Anyway, moving right along!!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-12 13:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Vylex, have they not yet responded to your choice of agent e-mail? I sent our second e-mail attempt one day before you sent yours.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-11 10:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Yeah I called them yesterday and that's when she told me that it's 5-10 business days to answer e-mails. I said so what should we do since it seems this e-mail thing is not working and she suggested sending in a letter. I don't know-I guess we could do that. And actually Javier has received his DS-whatever packet in the mail. I just don't trust him to fill it out correctly. This is such a pain! Thanks!!!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-11 10:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
Ok question. I went ahead and sent in the I-864 fee-they will be receiving it right about now-ish. So I'm assuming they will plan on generating the I-864 on Monday. My question is what else do they normally generate at the same time as the I-864? I ask this because they still have NOT responded to our choice of agent e-mails and I'm concerned about where they will be sending whatever else they want to generate on Monday.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-11 10:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I just called the NVC and the lady told me that it's 5-10 business days for them to respond to e-mails and our first e-mail from June 21 must have gotten "lost." :blink: So I ask what my other options are and she says we can just send a letter. None of this would be an issue if I were able to forge my husband's signature but it's too complicated lol!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-10 09:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I still haven't received a response from the first or second e-mails. When I still haven't heard anything on Tuesday I guess I will call them again and see what they suggest.

Heina, this may be a stupid question but I have to ask just to make sure...

Did you send the DS3032 email from the Beneficiary's email or the Petitioner's email?

I sent it from the beneficiary's e-mail. And no, we still haven't heard anything! Tomorrow it will be 5 business days from our second e-mail attempt so I will call the NVC and be like ok what do we do now lol.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-09 09:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I still haven't received a response from the first or second e-mails. When I still haven't heard anything on Tuesday I guess I will call them again and see what they suggest.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-06 09:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
No they still haven't responded to us. I re-sent the e-mail yesterday so hopefully we'll hear something by the end of the week.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-03 08:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

We actually aren't in a hurry. I just did it that way to save money. My husband doesn't know how to download anything so I would have had to actually send him by courier the copy of the DS-3032 that I received, have him sign it and send it by courier back to me (so he didn't screw anything up), then I would have to courier it to the NVC. That's a lot of money that I thought we might be able to save by e-mailing it.

This morning the NVC told me that they are supposed to answer those e-mails within 5 business days and if we hadn't received any response we needed to send it again. So I'm just going to send it again. Hopefully it works this time-if not I guess we have to go the expensive route.

Yes, you can do that. You should mention that you already mailed the choice of agent email before. Or if you have saved the choice of agent email on the "sent" folder, I would forward that email to NVC and write down the info again. I still think you will get the reply of your Ist email any day.

Heck it's awful all this mailing back and forth... My IV bill was generated 2 weeks ago tomorrow - but the UK mail strike means it's in a backlog somewhere (hopefully !)

about time the NVC sorted this awful system out so it can be done on line or by visa card.

This email system for agents forms is a bit slack security wise actually and i am surprised we get away with it... we should be able to phone for a case PIN number after answering lots of security questions - then using the PIN number we could fill in the agent forms etc on a secured site in real time and pay the visa fees instantly by credit card... no mail no nothing... this is taking me weeks and weeks and is so risky....

There's one problem with that makes too much sense. It would never fly.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-02 10:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
We actually aren't in a hurry. I just did it that way to save money. My husband doesn't know how to download anything so I would have had to actually send him by courier the copy of the DS-3032 that I received, have him sign it and send it by courier back to me (so he didn't screw anything up), then I would have to courier it to the NVC. That's a lot of money that I thought we might be able to save by e-mailing it.

This morning the NVC told me that they are supposed to answer those e-mails within 5 business days and if we hadn't received any response we needed to send it again. So I'm just going to send it again. Hopefully it works this time-if not I guess we have to go the expensive route.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-07-02 09:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

I am relaxed. I'm not in any hurry whatsoever. I know we can't get a Visa until August, 2008 so I'm just about as relaxed as I can be. I was just interested because I feel like I should wait until they confirm the agent before I send in the I-864 bill. That way I can be sure the rest of the stuff gets sent to me. So in the meantime I'm just sitting on the I-864 bill. That was all. Thanks for your help.

Why did you say you can not get a visa until August 2008? Or did you mean August 2007? You send I-864 once it is generated. I-864 is generated after NVC takes care of the AOS Fee Bill. So I-864 does not depend on the choice of agent acceptance.

Our ban is up in August, 2008. And anyway, for IR-1 first interviews in Juarez it takes about a year from when the Consulate receives it. So yeah that's still about August, 2008 (we planned it that way). As for what I meant by I-864 and all that-I want to make sure they get sent to me as the agent. That's why I want to make sure the agent is selected and confirmed before I mail in the I-864 fee so that when that is generated it will be sent to me.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-06-28 10:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent

i only just got mine, see my timeline, its pretty normal

yes it varies a lot with their workload - i got mine in 3 days and my fax re change of address was 4 days - but carolyn's fax re change of address has been 7 and counting

All these emails are handled by a little old lady called Edna and her cat is sick at the moment - she has to keep taking mornings off to take it to the vet's surgery

I hear that the cat is much improved and she should be back at work full time soon...

Ha! That's funny-thanks!!
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-06-28 09:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I E-Mailed the Choice of Agent
I am relaxed. I'm not in any hurry whatsoever. I know we can't get a Visa until August, 2008 so I'm just about as relaxed as I can be. I was just interested because I feel like I should wait until they confirm the agent before I send in the I-864 bill. That way I can be sure the rest of the stuff gets sent to me. So in the meantime I'm just sitting on the I-864 bill. That was all. Thanks for your help.
TraviesaFemaleGuatemala2007-06-27 09:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa denied

Not so fast yah'll !! Let's admit it. She barely knows who this man is that professing he loves her. One visit for 2-weeks and she sold on marriage. I know because I did something similiar; but I went to see my green card opportunist twice there in his home country Nigeria......LOL

The truth of the matter is that you really don't know this man; but you do hear and understand the word that he's saying to you which is that he loves you so-so much. Now your blinded by his words because you lone to have someone that loves you.

My ex husband professed that he loved me so-so much also, he was convincing enough for me that I all the sudden lost the importance of letting him proof his love; I became his biggest sponsor sending money to Nigeria for him and this man was a doctor there, but none the less I just had to prove to him that I had his back and that in me he would find a very supportive woman.
Well Ha ha, to my dismay; this man took my money when I sent it let me run the show while he was still in Nigeria and once getting here I was still in charge until we married; that's when everything changed. He started being at odds with me in any situation he could, he became argumentitive, and just plain nasty towards me. He tried to say that my kids where trying to fight him and just all kinds of plain lies. It didn't matter to him that he was making things up tho; because in his mind all he needed from me was to get him into America.( Guess he felt his work credintials could carry him the rest of the way. )

There have been too many on here that have sponsored men on here only to have them cut up so so bad that you just want to be rid of them ( which by the way is there plott; to get you to ask them to leave so that can run to the homeless shelter and immigration and tell how you brought them here and kicked them out.
Please keep in mind that once there here and you put them out all they have to prove is that they married you in good faith. And by you putting them out and divorcing them kinda helps support what ever lie the choose to make up to secure their visa on there own without you.

You have to understand the history of Nigeria, they live to survive, they are constantly getting over on each other in that Country and wouldn't blink twice at using any American to get what they want ( A U.S. Greencard ) I liken my ex-husband to a farytale concerning a tortise; and you will see; whenever your husbands get caught in a lie they will laugh, I guess you have to hear the fairytale to totally understand me.

My ex-husband is still here in the state inspite of all the letters I wrote and proof I sent, he's somewhere slithering around in this country and totally neglects his own son, I imagine him working in the mental field somewhere in a little town trying to tap into the mind of the psych doc in order to gain more understanding of Americans. My husband was a real piece of work. He loved me so so much while he was there in Nigeria ( I now know it was all a lie. ) Then accused me of being abrusive towards him in spite all I had done to get him here and for him while he was here. He took and took and took, then he left all the while accusing me; the women that was so good to him of being abrusive.

The I-360 is something that all third world countries know about and they use it for directions just as they follow the directions on other immigration forms. Our laws as they stand now allows these third world parties to have a great atvantage on the American sponsor. American sponsors have lost their homes and jobs behind lies that their alien spouse's have accused them of.

Because lonely men and women can now use the internet it only helps these people in the third world countries with dreams of coming here to achieve their goals.

I challenge you to take a good look at yourself and your alien spouse, do you think that you'd be able to catch such a man here in you hometown ? For the people that have traveled over to Africa they seen first hand that African women are just like us here in America, they go to the beauty shops and alot of them are in shape they have their matching garments on and some are beautiful women. Just ask yourself why does he want me so bad. Please, be honest with yourself. I used to type in this room about meeting his real wife or girlfriend who came over while I was there but he introduced her to me as his friends girlfriend. I think she wanted to see me first hand to gauge me for herself as to if he would stay with me or leave me as planned........LOL

Do your homework read about when Nigeria was ruled by the Britts. Read what they had to say concerning that Country. Alot of information was not available online when I went thru the immigration process like it is now. There have been too many women and men that have brong people from the third world here to America only for them to purposely cause problems within the relationship so that they can flew that relationship once you have done everything the feel that they need you to do for them.

Buyer be ware!!!

Idocare or Idontcare,
I read your postings that you post when women are heartbroken over their fiancees denials. And you leave nothing but negativity. Its clearly evident that your bitter. Im not supporting what your ex husband did, but you should not I repeat should not leave negativity on ones forum. Im a woman too. Which woman has not been screwed by a man. You give advice like "If you love your man so much, why dont you move back to Nigeria" Why didnt you follow your own advice. Why is that women like you on this website cry SCAM when the significant others screw them? Please look. Everyone situation is different."You have to understand the history of Nigeria, they live to survive, they are constantly getting over on each other in that Country and wouldn't blink twice at using any American to get what they want ( A U.S. Greencard )" You are not even Nigerian so what do you know about our culture? Please dont let ignorance and your misguidance blind you. Your husband left you with your son, your bitter, and you want to stereotype Nigerians because of your mishaps. Please read over your post and make sure you profread before submitting.
All the best
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-01-11 12:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa denied
Hey Girl,
Its just unbelievable how the CO at the consulate can deny couples for unjustified reasons. Its crazy!!!!!Girl keep your head up. I share your frustration. Make sure to follow-up with your senators office as soon as possible.Please dont forget to pray to God for guidance. Has anyone in the month of December 2009-present get their visa approved? Its seems not. If so what are you guys secret.The CO's at the Lagos Consulate are playing Russian Roulette with inncocent couples.Its just not fair. This is just ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-01-09 02:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPacket 3

I got just the e-mail too and I sent them an e-mail asking the same question. They replied and said the e-mail is all they send, with the attachments of course.

I do have a question of my own, I know some consulates do not require form DS-230. I did not get that form attached to the e-mail from the consulate so I’m assuming Lagos does not require that.

Is this correct?

Im assuming that you can download the form DS-230 from either this website,, or the Lagos Consulate website. What I did was a yahoo search and I typed in form DS-230. I hope this is helpful? All the best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-08 20:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSecond interview error!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is soooo Goood :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: Praise the Lord!!!!! Miriam girl I cant tell you how happy I am for you. Me and you suffered from the same fate a we triumphed. I will never forget all the times we encouraged each other to fight for the ones we love. Im so happy for you girl :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: I will never forget our friendhip.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-03 18:30:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanvisa not ready

My fiance went to the consulate as instructed to pick up his visa and unable to pick up after 6hrs of long wait. They did not have his packet together. They were asking ridiculous questions like, Oh did you submit your police report. Evidently they have misplaced it and has delayed him picking up his visa since he was approved February 16th. Today is March 12th you will think they will have everything ready for him.... Very unhappy with them at this point. Very disorganized and ineffecient. The sad thing is they are so non chalant about the whole situation.

I am so glad i did not purchase his ticket.

Hey Girl,
Long time!! Wow I can believe that since February your fiancee has not picked up his visa by now. Whats up with that? Well Im not surprised and your not the only one. My fiancee was supposed to pick up his visa March 2nd. They said it wasnt ready and that he should pick it March 5. He went there that Friday and can you believe it still wasnt ready? Well he waited and waited and by the time he went back the place was closed. So long story short he picked up the visa March 8. Hopefully he should be here first week in April. With all that we went through, now they want to delay delay us. Not fair :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: I will be waiting to hear good news on Monday. Take care girlfriend.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-12 21:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLAGOS - VISA DENIED UNTIL.....(RFE)

Thanks to all!!!

My fiance was approved today. They say the 3rd times a charm.

We are ecstatic!!!

Congratulations HoneyHummingbird!!!! Wonderful News!!! I know your happy. That Lagos Consulate knows how to stress couples out. It pays off to be patient. Revel in it and enjoy. All the best Girl
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-11 20:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLAGOS - VISA DENIED UNTIL.....(RFE)

We have decided to show them the original emails.

We truly love each other and we are eager to show them we had/have nothing to hide.

Unfortunately for us, a little guilt and embarassment cost us our approval today. If we could do it all over again we would have submitted the emails unmarked.

Im so sorry to hear about you and your fiancee not getting the approval today. The same thing happened to me and my fiancee. We blocked out calling each other husband and wife. Were you issued a 221g or did they deny you? My fiancee goes back February 22 to bring copies of all the visa pages on my passport to prove that I have not visited Nigeria since 1985. I hope everything works out for you two. All the best
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-01-27 22:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPinch me... Reaffirmed after 2 year denial wait
Afrilaskan Queen,
Congratulations on your reaffirmed petitions :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: . You were one of the first people on this site who encouraged me to fight when my fiancee was denied the first time. Im very happy for you. Please, Please whatever you do be there for his initial interview. I know its a hassle, but that Lagos Consulate is ridiculous. You are courageous and brave. All the best with the rest of you and your husband's visa journey. Cant wait to hear the good news. Keep us posted.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-07 19:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Approved in Ghana
Congratulations and best wishes to you and your fiancee. All the best
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-15 13:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproval Recieved 3/16/2010
Congratulations!!! Good luck with your visa interview. All the best
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-21 03:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVISA APPROVED ...... IN HAND ..............
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-02-05 14:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview tomorrow Johannesburg
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-25 18:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview tomorrow Johannesburg
Goodluck tomorrow on your visa interview. All the best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-03-22 21:03:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHome At Last
My Dear Ghana Princess,
My dear sister Im so happy for you girl!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: I know that you are enjoying. I wish you and your soon to be husband all the best. Its so good to be in love. And guess what: My fiancee is in Doha, Qatar as we speak. I will pick him up from the airport 4/3/2010 @4:35pm EST. Cant wait too excited and anxious exactly one year later. Love ya girlfriend.
One and only Nwanyioma
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-04-02 18:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried almost 5 years!
God Bless you and your husband and your family. Congratulations!!! All the Best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-04-02 19:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAP after Visa Approved

My fiance went to go pick up his visa after waiting a month from his interview, as they advised. When he went they gave him his passport back, without a visa and said they will call him in a couple of weeks that it needed to be administrative process. I don't understand he was approved...what is going on? I tried calling the embassy and nobody would talk to me. Has anyone else had this? How can they approve and then take it away?

Congratulations on your visa approval. Im so sorry to hear about the delay. A ghanian sister on here by the name of effieb went through the same exact ordeal sometime last month. Send her an email as she should advise you on what you should do next. Good luck and all the best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-04-17 00:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved!

Pman had his second interview on yesterday and was APPROVED! We are elated! He had the 'Asian Lady' again. This time, however, there were no questions, nor requests for additional evidence. She simply thanked him for his patience and endurance during the process and congratulated him :blink: . Then, she gave him instructions on how and when to pick up his visa. So nine months after it began, our CR-1 visa journey is over-- just like that! :dance:

Thanks to everyone for posting your experiences and inquiries. I learned a lot and gained tons of inspiration. Special thanks to Nwanyioma, David's Wife, Egbosimbas, Effieb, etc. for helping me to maintain the little sanity I have left. Without VJ and the gang, the journey would have been much harder if not impossible.

All the best to everyone. As we continue on the journey that is life, I look forward to reading more good news from people overcoming seemingly impossible odds in pursuit of love. :luv:

Pman's wife
Congratulations!!!!!!! Im so happy for you girl :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: I look forward to seeing you guys very soon. Its is well my dear. Take care and rest.Pman will be with you soon!!!! Love ya girl
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-04-28 14:59:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanvisa granted after 3rd interview in Lagos
Many Congratulations!!! Lagos Consulate is not easy. You conquered and prevailed. Take care.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-06-24 23:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCONGRATS TO GHANA!
Ghana played a good game on Friday. So sad that they lost. I was rooting for them all the way :( :( :( :(
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-07-04 01:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCONGRATS TO GHANA!
Rooting for Ghana all the way!!!! Since Nigeria is no longer in thte tournament
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-06-27 02:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI'm Next

Never would I imagine that I would be on VJ sharing what I'm about to say. For those of you who know me, you know that for the most part, I've always had good things to say about my husband. Long story short .... it's been almost 2 weeks since my husband of 4 years walked out on me and our 2 month old child. No good byes, no warning, not even an argument between the two of us. He received his Citizenship less than 2 months ago. And .... he left the country. Please keep me and my entire family in your prayers.

Im so sorry to hear about your situation. You and your child will be in my prayers
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-06-14 16:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved
Many Congratulations!!!
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-07-09 19:54:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhow long for interview - Lagos

If you contact the Department of State instead of emailing them, don't you need the letter/email that says you have an interview on a certain date? I thought you were suppose to print out the letter/email and take it with you to the interview.

Thanks for all your replies :).

Sorry for the late reply CeCe. You can contact the Department of State by telephone at 202-663-1225 press 1 and then 0. Make sure that you have your NVC case number so they can assist you. I hope this was helpful.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-07-29 18:21:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhow long for interview - Lagos
You can also contact the Department of State to get your interview date. All the Best.
NwanyiomaFemaleNigeria2010-07-15 20:28:00