Middle East and North AfricaDo your men feel intimidated because of your success?
Thanks ladies. I have forward this conversation to my friends.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-29 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo your men feel intimidated because of your success?
Success doesn't necessarily mean you have a bank load. What I am talking about is a Career, house, education etc.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-28 16:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo your men feel intimidated because of your success?
I hear you on the cooking and cleaning.

My husband can't stand not to be working. He likes working so much he has 2

I can only speak from my experience for the past 3 weeks since my fiance has been here so I don't know if my opinion counts or not!

I don't see that he has been intimidated or not willing to help with the household. In fact, I see just the opposite. He is dying waiting for his SS number (which should arrive today or tomorrow) so that he can be employed shortly. He has gone to restaurants, gas stations, computer stores, etc. asking them if they need help. So far, none of them will take his application or consider him without his SS card. Two places have said he can start working once he has his SS number.

All he talks about is about the day he will be able to provide for everything we need.

In the meantime, he has turned my house upside down in the best way possible! He has reorganized everything in cupboards, cleaned and arranged things in my garage so I can actually fit my car into it, has fixed every major and minor thing possible in the house, has cleaned the house, did laundry all day yesterday, washes the dishes, takes out the trash, fixed my computer, fixed my door, and I'm sure I'm forgetting other things he has done when I am at work! Oh, AND HE COOKS! Delicious food I might add!

I might just have to keep him at home. :P

So far, my experience has shown that he wants to do everything he can and is willing to 'work' at home while he is waiting to work outside the home.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-28 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo your men feel intimidated because of your success?
After speaking with a few friends of mine that have married men from other countries, I find it to be very interesting that their men have become intimidated by what their wives had before marriage and are not very interested in helping the household here. I find this very disturbing. Is this a red flag or just being intimidated?

Do any of your men feel intimidated by your success and money? Do they feel that they don't need to do because you had your stuff before marriage?
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-28 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaHAPPY NEW YEAR
Happy New years to all.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-31 10:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat if you donnot like your SO's country...
I dont think I would live in Morocco also but I would go back for short visits. I get along with my husbands family. I will so they have some customs/traditions that I dont quite understand but hey.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-30 20:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
Peezy, thanks so much for posting this topic. It has been very very informative and I think productive.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-10 15:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
Do you have reference material for us to read that talks about that? Interesting.

Something that didn't seem to come up, so far. Under Islamic law, a Muslim cannot inherit from a non-Muslim and a non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim, nt even if they're married to each other. So in Muslim countries, this may be a consideration for mixed couples to reseach.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 20:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
Thanks for the link.

Now I have a questions from the link?

"These two conditions rule out regular fixed return life insurance because the value of the policy is the outcome of investment premiums at a compounded rate of interest, (while variable - return life is permissible if the funds are invested in the Shari'ah approved stocks or mutual funds). "

What are Shari'ah approved stocks and mutual funds? I thought interest/dividens are forbidden.

I think people define wills differently. 2/3 of a Muslim's estate is supposed to be dispensed according to Islamic inheritance laws. The other 1/3 is up to their choosing. Sunni thought is usually that it can only go to someone not already inheriting. Shia allow for this 1/3 to go to a person/people already inheriting. Or, they can let the entire estate be divided up according to Islamic inheritance laws. So a will in the sense that they are choosing what goes where, no. But there is this 1/3 to account for and that is often done in a will. In the United States, if a Muslim wants to follow Islamic inheritance laws, a will is absolutely necessary, because otherwise it will follow state laws, and this will obviously be different.

Women do inherit less according ot Islamic law, but male relatives are expected to take care of women. Now, in an imperfect world where this does not always happen, it does seem unfair that a woman's share is less.

There are different opinions on life insurance. Obviously, life insurance did not exist in the time of the Prophet, so these are ONLY opinions based on interpretation. Islamonline has something on the different views http://www.islamonli...d=1119503543412 Recently I have been reading more and more about Islamic insurance that is becoming more commmonly available, including life insurance. The islamic insurances are usually referred to as "takaful".

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
Henia, Thanks for the information. I greatly appreciate it.

Edited by frndly1, 09 January 2007 - 07:22 PM.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 19:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
My husband had a hard time discussing that topic also. I think most people do.

I am not sure why because there are only 2 things (that I know of) that are certain you are born and you die.

I have had 2 co workers families that have been confronted with a member of their family will leave them (die, due to cancer) in less than a year and their family member can no longer work. I makes you stop and think.

Shortly after Mohammed came to America, I lost a co-worker in a car accident. I asked Mohammed that IF that had happened to him where would he want to be buried. He said 'Jordan of course'. He said to leave those details to his male relatives here. And, no, it was not a subject he wanted to discuss any further.

Jackie (F)

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 19:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?

How don't they? I don't mean this to sound challenging (cannot convey tone), but I am curious what you mean.

From my understanding they dont believe in life insurance or create wills. I do understand that those that can buy property and it gets passed on (not equally).

Can you give me some examples of how Islamic protect their families for the future?

I am trying to gain knowledge. I can only go by what someone tells me or what I may have read in passing.

I know some Americans dont plan for the future.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 19:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
disturbed is the wrong word I guess more shocked is a better word to use.

I guess I am disturbed about that they dont think about the love ones they leave behind and they don't really look out for the future (I am not saying all). I am totally a babe as it comes to learning about Islam and the Muslim way of life. Yes I discussed allot with him husband before he came here but there are things that are discussed once you are trying to live as husband and wife.

I had a discussion with a friend of mine last night about what our husbands wanted done with their bodies if they should pass. Her comment was if he doesnt want insurance to send his body back home then he will be burried where I see fit. Then I asked her but what about his wishes. She said that if she had to pay he would be buried here. Interesting.

My husband wants to go back to Morocco also, therefore I asked about insurance and he his comment was very distrubing to me. I am trying to learn what is the custom for Islamic burial. Can someone point me to the guidelines.


I am trying to some goals and afairs together and these are some things that I need to discuss.

What is it that is disturbing, and what do you want to know exactly?

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 19:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
I guess I am disturbed about that they dont think about the love ones they leave behind and they don't really look out for the future (I am not saying all). I am totally a babe as it comes to learning about Islam and the Muslim way of life. Yes I discussed allot with him husband before he came here but there are things that are discussed once you are trying to live as husband and wife.

I had a discussion with a friend of mine last night about what our husbands wanted done with their bodies if they should pass. Her comment was if he doesnt want insurance to send his body back home then he will be burried where I see fit. Then I asked her but what about his wishes. She said that if she had to pay he would be buried here. Interesting.

My husband wants to go back to Morocco also, therefore I asked about insurance and he his comment was very distrubing to me. I am trying to learn what is the custom for Islamic burial. Can someone point me to the guidelines.


I am trying to some goals and afairs together and these are some things that I need to discuss.

What is it that is disturbing, and what do you want to know exactly?

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
I had a discussion with a friend of mine last night about what our husbands wanted done with their bodies if they should pass. Her comment was if he doesnt want insurance to send his body back home then he will be burried where I see fit. Then I asked her but what about his wishes. She said that if she had to pay he would be buried here. Interesting.

My husband wants to go back to Morocco also, therefore I asked about insurance and he his comment was very distrubing to me. I am trying to learn what is the custom for Islamic burial. Can someone point me to the guidelines.


I am trying to some goals and afairs together and these are some things that I need to discuss.

Edited by frndly1, 09 January 2007 - 06:39 PM.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaInheritence---islamic or not?
Interesting topic. I am surprised that allot more people have not even talked about this stuff in passing. I have seen so many families that have not talked about and then something happened and they are total lost.

I don't want my stuff bottled up in probate if I can help it.

I think everyone woman should learn about the Islamic Law as it pertains to Inheritence. I am learning about it and I am very shocked at some of the things I am learning and trying to comprehend it.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-09 18:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNoura and Said are getting married tomorrow!
Wishing you the best.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-31 10:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaPros and Cons o Traveling with a "Western" passport
I didnt have a problem either however I think the next time I go I will show my Gov't ID, things seems to work allot faster with it.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-12-30 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
Can we speak english or is this a system error?

mar7aba ..ana mahmoud men falasteen ..awal she ya eli bt7ki 3an 7alek falastenih .. enti ath bati eli enek ma bt3rafi 3an falasteen wla she .thanyan marati bt3ref 3an falasteen akthar menk ..b3deen men treeket 7kyek .. embayen 3leek ma zorti falasteen wla elk ay 7da fi falasteen .. liano law ana kont m7lek .kont tameet 7ali fi jorah wi est7eet eni a7ki 3an 7ali falasteeni.. ba3deen mesh kol alnas wa7ad ...ana ma bkrah alyhood kolhom ..liano fi almlee7 wi al3atel ween ma kona falasteen wa fi kol al3alam.ba3deen kabel la tektbi ay shi ..e3rafi sho katabti.. mshan t3rafi keef alnas ra7 etjawbek.. lianek bt7ki ma 7keet shi wa enti 7keeti al7aki .eli a3ta lanas eli mwjodeen yjawbook bna2a 3la alakher la tekhzeena allah ykhleeki li ana falasteenyeh wa elna alsharaf enkon falasteenyeh... Mahmoud alfalasteeni men jenin

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-01-08 12:42:00
Middle East and North Africamy life is all over the place!
I say go for it. Sorry ladies, but dont let a man deny you of goals, dreams and apportunities. I am sure everything will work out for you and your fiance. Have fun seeing another part of the world.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-02-13 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy Update
Amal, My prayers are with you and your family. I hope things work out fo your.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2007-03-14 10:33:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
[quote name='chiquita' date='Apr 13 2006, 08:41 PM' post='127777']
[ I am sure we have all heard that if a govermenatal agency does not spend it allotted funds given to them in the year, they will be cut the following year. This is wrong but hey, what can we do but try to get the message across to our reps.


I for one work for DHS and we dont have money. We didnt even get appraisal awards last year because they barely had enough money to pay salaries. I have prepared budgets before for the Army and it is true, if an agency ask for money and dont spend it they will not be so lucky in the following year.

I can believe and see how they are understaffed. Heck if they pay me what I am making in the states I will go over there and help them with your all cases :-).

Edited by frndly1, 15 April 2006 - 10:35 PM.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-04-15 22:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
Update: We have not been touched since July 10th but we found out we have an interview at the end of September. ( this ####### is almost over yeah)

[quote name='Bosco' post='347922' date='Aug 1 2006, 03:50 PM']
updated Henia's upcoming wedding, Andrea's reunion and Sarah and Othman's AOS approval.

Recent Reunifications:
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 8th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited June 16th!!!
kml_36 (Morocco, K-1) Reunited June 22nd!!!
Allison & Samir (esperando, Syria, K-1) Reunited June 24th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Sarah and Hicham 8/2/06
Omid 8/3/06
Chiquita 8/9/06
Meriem Setif and Hachemi 8/12/06
Salwa and Mark ???????
Andrea and Faisal (Ainfante) 8/24/06

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)

Upcoming Marriages:
Henia 9/6/06

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Morac (Morac, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Approved June 28th
Jenn & Wadi(jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 7/26!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Approved July 25th

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Interview Sept 2?th

Waiting on AOS:
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 5th

Edited by frndly1, 18 August 2006 - 06:20 AM.

frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-08-18 06:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA DENIED 2ND TIME!!!
[quote name='chiquita' post='243706' date='Jun 10 2006, 08:51 AM'][quote name='angelk96' post='243010' date='Jun 9 2006, 07:36 PM']
[quote name='chiquita' post='242983' date='Jun 9 2006, 06:18 PM']
[quote name='szsz' post='242896' date='Jun 9 2006, 06:19 PM']
You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, chiquita. There's no need to insult people who have done nothing to hurt you. If you want to fight, fight to win, not to alienate.[/quote]

Thanks for you concern, I really do appreciate it.

We do know why they were denied. The CO does not believe the husband loves the wife.

I am not trying to insult anyone. It gets frustrating when the same questions keep being asked. Did he say anything wrong? I can only He said he loves his wife and wants to be with her. He was hoping the bus he was on would just crash and kill him when he was on his way home from the consulate. My husband feels he is in exile. For what? Because there is an age difference.

I am just looking for laws to help them. I know they exist because I have read them. I was hoping someone had done some research lately and my have had the links handy.

I think a lot of the questions being asked are purely innocent. I know I am not knowledgeable in this matter and maybe some others are not also. I think a lot of brainstorming as to why some people get denied their visas goes on here. I am pretty sure it's because they only want to help. We can only speculated as to what happen. I sincerely hope you find the information you are seeking. We got a 221g for lack of information and i know the feeling I felt was helplessness at that time.


[quote name='iceyspots' post='243044' date='Jun 9 2006, 07:59 PM'][quote name='chiquita' post='242808' date='Jun 9 2006, 05:31 PM']
[quote name='frndly1' post='242631' date='Jun 9 2006, 04:20 PM']
Does any one know if the husband may have said something to trigger this CO's deision?

I feel for this person.[/quote]

What does that matter? This case was reaffirimed by USCIS for DOS to take action on, yet they gave the infamous 221g letter with nothing marked and verbably saying she doesn't beleive he loves his wife after being married for more than 2 years. If that is not abuse of power, I sure don't know what is. The CO is to be VERY clear in why they will not issue a visa in the case of immigrants. Yet Casa has a history for not following the laws.

I don't understand why the ppl here don't get it...why does it have to be that the couple did something wrong??????????? I know in our case and most of the denied cases the couples did nothing wrong. The problem is the CO....age difference....denied!!! Period! Case sent back to USCIS.

This is the same problem I ran into last year when I first shared what happened to us. Everyone figured we did something wrong and those who were issued visas did the right thing. I guess most will never understand until it happens to them. I am so glad there is a group to go to for support, cuz it isn't here.

Nobody thought Goldenheart's fiancé said anything wrong either, but he did. Sometimes people say strange things under pressure or coercion. They really do ask a lot of questions and just wait for you to slip up on something then they eat you alive with it. It's unfortunate but true.

What did GH fiancee say that was wrong? Did i miss that part?

GH fiancee mentioned the religious ceremony the next day AFTER he was put in jail.

COERCION (forcing of somebody to do something: the use of force or threats to make somebody do something against his or her will) IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!

[quote name='szsz' post='243054' date='Jun 9 2006, 08:05 PM']((((( Oh, honey))))), I'm 53 and my husband's 32, so if Casa discriminates on the basis of age, this will affect me too. Half of my family is married to immigrants, but none of us have the same circumstances or story to tell. I moved to Colorado to work for a relative's law firm and even she had to hire a lawyer to help with her husband's immigration issues!

We all care, or we wouldn't respond. The bottom line is, the process (using the word loosely) is bewildering to most of us. We're trying to be logical where logic doesn't count. You're probably beyond the realm of logic, so it all sounds like _______ to you. Please try to take it as it's meant, concern and caring for a process (using the word loosely) where we all feel powerless and somewhat abused :bonk: but we don't have to feel alone.[/quote]

I understand what you are saying. I never meant to imply that no one cared.

i am not beildered or beyond logic at all. That happened last year when we were first denied. I have since had our case reaffirnmed and feel very positive about it.

I am just trying to get the law and guidelines to help this couple. We are not powerless in this situation. At least i don't feel that way. I fought back and I won.

[quote name='Isabel' post='243159' date='Jun 9 2006, 08:55 PM']HI chiquita,

well I just read the messages here and hm what to say. Im sorry for what happened.
But to be realistic, were you in part at the interview? Or how can you tell what she said? How she reacted, if she might said something strange...that was a red flag? How can you know? Maybe she/he doesnt know it either. And if they already got denied another visa it is imaginable that the next interview would be harder as well...cos they need to convince the officer now that they indeed love each other etc.

Just to ask, why couldnt they repeal the first denial of the K3? That might have been a better choice instead of going further and trying to get the immigration visa? Sure finally they wanna get that but first off shoudlnt they try to get an approval for the K3?

Maybe im misinformed here, but that would be my try, cos for me it would be a red flag, why they just went on and went for the immigration visa.


No I was not part of the interview. why would I need to be there to help this couple? Their case was reaffrimed by USCIS and sent back to DOS for action. That means issue the visa. But in this case the CO said she just cant believe the husband loves her. How does her believe system enter into this judgement? The relationship was proved and now USCIS was asking DOS to issue the visa. Plain and simple.

A k3 (non immigrant)visa is no longer valid once the CO denies it. It not our choice it is the law.

In oder to even file for a K3 one has to file for the I-130 Immigrant first. Once a K3 is denied the DOS and USCIS thereafter only uses the I-130 Immigrant to review.

I am hoping you understand now. All I was hoping to get was the law and guidelines for them.


Hi chiquit,
thats why I asked you :P. Well Im familir to the process of applying for a K3 since I do it myself, you know. I was just wondering why they cant repeal the K3 denial, thats all.

And as mentioned before, we can give you hints and a few thoughts but we are no legal attourneys. So obviously you know more about that law than we do, so why are you not just looking for professional help? That is my best advice.

Oh and I wanted to know if you were apart at that interview because you seemed to know every single thing and so on. But honestly You cant know everything that is a fact. What people say and what they do are two seperate things. That is a fact as well.

Good look
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-10 13:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA DENIED 2ND TIME!!!
HI chiquita,

well I just read the messages here and hm what to say. Im sorry for what happened.
But to be realistic, were you in part at the interview? Or how can you tell what she said? How she reacted, if she might said something strange...that was a red flag? How can you know? Maybe she/he doesnt know it either. And if they already got denied another visa it is imaginable that the next interview would be harder as well...cos they need to convince the officer now that they indeed love each other etc.

Just to ask, why couldnt they repeal the first denial of the K3? That might have been a better choice instead of going further and trying to get the immigration visa? Sure finally they wanna get that but first off shoudlnt they try to get an approval for the K3?

Maybe im misinformed here, but that would be my try, cos for me it would be a red flag, why they just went on and went for the immigration visa.

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-09 19:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy I love my husband
I love him just because he is the way he is.


*the greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return*

IsabelFemaleGermany2006-06-30 17:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaYAHOO
yea...stupid yahoo...i couldnt chat with my hubby as well. hmpf
IsabelFemaleGermany2006-07-23 01:20:00
Middle East and North Africamuslim marriage tips

for us, it doesn't matter what anyone else says..respect is the first and foremost thing to make the relationship work. Muslim or non-Muslim... if you have total respect for each other the rest will follow naturally... at least it does for us.. :)

I can understand that, but obeying him at all times?? Always making sure you smell good? He doesn't want to see "ugly in you"??? If I had to constantly worry about how I smelled or looked around my husband, I'd go nuts and would probably reconsider why I married him in the first place. I love the fact that I can lay around in my pjs with him in his and not care if my hair is messy and he doesn't care if his is messy.

Also, why does the woman have to do all the cooking and cleaning of the home and many other tasks?? What does the man do? Work and then come home to a servant wife? I just don't like the sound of that. I understand respect but a woman doesn't have to be a perfectly obedient, good looking, good smelling servant to be respectful.

My husband helps me cook 95% of the time (the other 5% I tell him to leave the kitchen cos I want to surprise him with a meal). When he doesn't help cook, he cleans up the kitchen and does the dishes if I have cooked. If he does the cooking by himself, I clean up the kitchen and do the dishes. Well, I say that, but to be honest, 99% of the time, we always do the dishes together and clean the kitchen together. He helps clean up the bedroom and tidy up the condo. I believe marriage is two people working together.. helping each other.. not expecting things from each other. When you start to expect, you set yourself up for disappointment. You should do the best you can together. Is that wrong?

I'm not trying to start an argument, I'm just uneducated in the ways of muslim marriages and don't understand why it seems that women are servants while husbands are masters.

If someone could perhaps explain it more clearly, I might be able to see why things are the way they are.
xjennyinstereoxFemaleCanada2006-11-26 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaTotally frustrated
Yikes!! Sorry about the pregnancy statement. I guess when you said, "My g-ma even had the nerve to suggest that the only reason I am with this man and going to marry him is because I am pregnant. In addition, a friend says that the rumor is that I "got knocked up while I was there in November." This is not even close to being true.".....didn't pay close enough attention to the blue part, sorry. :blush:
Anyhoo, keep your head up!!!
U.S. WendyFemaleAlbania2007-02-18 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaTotally frustrated
Ditto over here. I am really ashamed of the behavior of SOME of my family. It's incredible....I really thought of my family as 'forward-thinking' only to find that they, too, buy into the mass media BS about other cultures/ethnicities. I went to visit my fiance and my mother thought I'd get kidnapped over there and sold into slavery/prostitution. I'm sure it happens and there are some pretty savvy and evil people out there perpetuating just that type of thing, but I had to my family members think I'm a total idiot? Give me a little credit!! I basically had to tell anyone who made negative comments that they won't be welcome in our lives (friends and family alike). I'm sure once my fiance gets here they will feel differently, having met him (because he is wonderful, caring, proud and doesn't want a single thing from me, other than my love and hand in marriage).....however, why should I just forgive them for all their negative statements and lack of support throughout this process? I pray a lot about it. The bottom line is, it's YOUR life. Do what makes you happy. If your family comes around, great....if not, don't allow them to infect your relationship. Good luck!! P>S>-Babies are GREAT; congrats!!! :thumbs: I want one soon!!!
U.S. WendyFemaleAlbania2007-02-18 20:37:00
Very, very interesting.
My fiance and I were denied just last week, 4/12 with the explanation:
221G-Recommendation for Revocation and the CO told my fiance that he was just doing this for immigration benefit.
The CO was also the Assistant Chief Consular Office, so the chances of him admitting he was 'wrong' are slim to none.
I really made a BIG stink and contacted every government official I could think of to stop my petition return.....appealed to Chief Consul of the Embassy all the way up to President Bush and, in between, names of any high-level official in Foreign Affairs, NVC, USCIS to no avail. I begged and pleaded for a chance to submit evidence AND quoted their own policies and memorandums to them!!! We were ignored. The Embassy was h*ll-bent on getting our petition our of their offices and headed back to the U.S. They were successful.
So, now what?
Hire an attorney?
Wait it out until we get the NOID?
Cancel the petition and re-file?
When is someone going to put a stop to this madness?

I'm headed over the Albania to see my fiance in 10 days

Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated.
U.S. WendyFemaleAlbania2007-04-19 17:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly '08 filers
Noi is here -- safe and happy. We spent a couple of days in NYC before arriving back in Maryland. However, she had a horrible experience in immigration with rude staff at JFK. Absolutely refused to issue a temporary EAD (woman said she was too busy. Noi said she spent two hours eating and joking with a fellow immigration official). Also, I believe there was a document (?) that Noi should have been issued and wasn't.

As a USC, is there a USCIS number I can call to complain?
symbiosisMaleThailand2009-01-20 09:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest of luck Morocco4ever
best wishes and prayers are sent your way.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-28 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved in Casa!!
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaInviting FI's family over for wedding
Thanks Boiler
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-02-01 00:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaInviting FI's family over for wedding
Thanks all that have responded.

Honey, we will get married if he gets here before the wedding date.

Amanda, thanks please let me know how it works and Congrats on your reunion.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaInviting FI's family over for wedding
Thanks Zyggy, my finace's sister will not have any relatives here except for her brother if Casa will ever get off their @@@ and process the paperwork :-) (nice Casa nice Casa). We I guess we will just go with plan A and go back there to get married and send them the video of the wedding. hmph
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 15:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaInviting FI's family over for wedding
Does anyone know of the procedure to invite FI's family over for wedding?

Should the fI do it or the sponsor do the inviting? (I know I should get the Fiance over here first. :-) )

Can I send the invite in English?

Is it hard for a single woman with kids get a toursit visa if she leaves her kids there in Morocco?
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-01-30 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaAngel and Anmar
Angel wish you and yours the best.
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-02-01 07:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd the results are...
I agree with Angel why have your husband go thru this stuff if they knew they were going to "soft deny" him?
frndly1Not TellingMorocco2006-02-01 18:38:00