K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWondering????

What happened to your K1, is it dead. Any USC or LPR can be a co-sponsor, as long as they meet the income requirement.

After his interview our petition was sent back for furthere reveiw. When it was received here in the states it was closed because the dates expired.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-01 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWondering????
As Salaamu Alaykum,
Happy New Year to everyone I pray we all are reunited with our loved ones in this new year....

I have a question I hope someone will be able to answer. I will be going to Morocco to legally marry there. I will be staying for about 3 months. I am wondering if it is ok to prepare all of our papers for CR-1 and then send them back to the states to have someone send them in for me???? Or do I have to wait until I return to the states????? Also I was recently laid off my hubby has 2 siblings here in the states both have received their 10 year green cards. Can they and their spouses be listed as sponsers????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-01 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf we marry in his country (Morocco) will this change or affect the 129F process

Ok, here's how it works.

An approval for an I-129F petition is valid for four months. The reason is so that the consulate isn't forced to hold onto the approved petition indefinitely waiting for the beneficiary to apply for the visa. However, if the consulate knows that the beneficiary is pursuing the visa application then they have the authority to automatically extend the validity of the approved petition, in four month increments. They'll usually do this up to a year, if needed.

Now, when the consulate denies a visa then they send the petition back to USCIS with a recommendation that the approval be revoked. USCIS has two options. They can choose to readjudicate the petition based on the consulate's recommendations, or they can choose not to readjudicate it and simply allow it to expire on it's own.

In your case, the service center chose not to readjudicate the petition, and they just let it expire.

Thanks for the info :star: I think in our case we should have applied for the CR-1 to begin with...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-25 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf we marry in his country (Morocco) will this change or affect the 129F process

can you explain more the dates expiring. did the dates of you papers expire because it took uscis too long to approve? What dates are you referencing. thank you for the information.

I wish I could explain... But the truth is I don't really understand it myself.... He had his interview April 27th... Our petition arrived back in the states July 12th.... I received a letter in September wich stated our case had been closed because the dates expired.....I'm sorry I wish I could be a little more informative.... My personal opinion is the CR-1 is better.... And the time frame seems to vary from case to case for both the K-1 and CR-1
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-25 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf we marry in his country (Morocco) will this change or affect the 129F process

This process takes so long. We are considering marrying in his country because we want this so very much. If we do this before we hear about our 129 application will it change anything? Will we have to file something different? Will it expedite the process or just complicate the matter?

I'm not sure how long the proces takes and from what I have learned from this site everyones experience is different.(even deifferent from country to country) I do know that if you have filled the k-1 already and then get married you will have to start over and you do NOT get your money back... We filed the k-1 and it was sent back for further review.... We were then told our case was closed because the dates expired and we were free to file again.... Now we are going to marry in Morocco and file for the cr-1.... In my opionion we should have done it this way in the first place and had we done so he would be here by now.....I filed our k-1 in dec of 2009..... Morocco is very difficult :wacko:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-24 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i wait or get marry instead.

You definetly need to know why you were denied... and work from there. Getting married in Morocco is not a guarantee to an approval, it really it just a matter of what you want.

This is true.... It is what I wanted to do in the first place.... There is no such thing as engagement in Islam... But we followed the advice of his brother and sister because they said it would be faster.... Oh how wrong they were...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-01 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i wait or get marry instead.

that comment is hard to overcome. The only way to overcome that one, is to go to the embassy with your fiance. Sending your fiance to the embassy alone without you is a 50/50 chance of approval. (some embassies just straight out deny the visa.) It has been said here many times, many many, many times. ALWAYS PLAN TO GO TO THE EMBASSY WITH YOUR FIANCE. The fiance gets nervous going by themselves. It is a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR hurdle. EVERYTHING rests on that interview. It sounds like you not being there, plus the fiance may have missed some important questions, Like name, where you live, family members, when it was filed, There are basic questions the officer looks at in the packet including birthdays. Your fiance may have missed some really key information. I hate to say this, but you may want to look at your relationship. Your fiance may not know you or love you as much as you think they do. the consulate questions are extremely easy. ASK YOUR FIANCE EXACTLY WHAT QUESTIONS WERE ASKED and the ANSWERS GIVEN. Something went very wrong during the interview. The consulate officer heard something which raised a red flag. IT is said say nothing more then what you need to. BUT ALSO Elaborate when necessary. (WHEN,WHERE, WHO, Which DAY, How Long questions only give simple answers.) (HOW, WHY, WHAT questions need elaboration with careful thought plus expression in answering.)

getting married will NOT solve your problem. It WILL make it worse. The consulate officer will want more proof of evidence verified by the USCIS. Get as much as you can, phone calls, chat logs, photos, etc. Then at the next interview PLAN ON BEING THERE. Some countries are hard. But more and more consulates are denying visas when the US Spenser for the fiance is not present. Beat of luck....

I don't know much about this process as I am new to it all.... But I do know that the fiance is not allowed in for the interview... You can go up there andwait outside but that is as far as you are gonna get.... I was there when My fiance went for his interview and it didn't matter.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-01 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i wait or get marry instead.

Its truth that i have to stay in morocco at least one month before get all documents ready to get marry? have you had any dificulties with this? what about the documents we should get from us embassy in casa, have you got those already? sorry to ask you many questions but this is frustraring to me. :wacko:

The 2 documents you get from the consulate were the easy part... LOL We went to the consulate straight from the airport.... Each document cost $50. My stay this time around is going to be 3 months.... Because of how much my husband works it took us some time to get all the documents needed.... But we got all and have submitted them we have been waiting about 3 weeks to hear back from the courts..... From what I have heard the time needed to marry here varies.... I talked to someone before who siad it only took themm a week and person I spoke to said 2 weeks and another said a month..... You are told it can take anywhere from a few days to a month or more.... Insha'allah we will hear back soon because I leane in 6 weeks... A lawyer told me I should try to stay 6 months but that is too much time to be away from work so we are hoping a 3 month stay will help us through this provess.... The whole process is frustrating to me.... But I am determined to have my sweetie home with me as soon as possible :0) I wish you the best and I hope I was of some help to you :)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-01 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i wait or get marry instead.
Really I think it's just luck of the draw....Same thing happen to us.... My congress man was no help.... We only have a 6 year age difference ( I am older) we are both muslim.... He has a sister and a brother who went through the same process, their petitions were filed within weeks of one another neither of their spouses are muslim (sisters husband converted only to marry her doesn't practice at all) and wildest part of it all is that their spouses were once married to each other....some say this may be why we were denied.... We comunicated longer than they did (his siter only communicated with her husband for about 2 months before he filed his k-1) It could be because I'm black.... Who the heck knows..... We decided to file for the CR-1 rather than try for the k-1 again.... Insha'allah with mor evidence under our belts and my 3 visits totalling 5 months in less than 2 years will help us out this time around...

I personally think you should marry in Morocco... It was what I wanted to do in the first place but he wanted to follow the advice of his brother and sister....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-29 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa time expired

hi everybody
first after all I'm Morocco person and i got K1 VISA on February 3 /2011
my question is :
it is possible if i got ticket plan on 25 may ? as i wanna finish my diploma on may and my visa will expired on AUGUST 01/2011
do i still can fly on may 25 or i wont have much to marry there ,?
i would plz to you guys to take time to answer my urgently question
thank you

The processof getting married in the states is not as complicated as getting married in Morocco. I you are not planning on having a wedding you can marry at the court in a matter of a few days
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-15 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefiling of K1 in Morocco

It doesn’t matter whether the second petition to be for the same person or different. If you are filing the second petition in less than two years from the approval of the previous or if it is more than two petitions in your life time, you have to have a waiver letter. This works for K-1 petition. The instruction read like this, you can find it on I-129f instruction section 2:

“If you have filed two or more K-1 visa petitions at any time in the past or previously had a K-1 visa petition approved within two years prior to the filing of this petition, you MUST apply for a waiver. To request for a waiver you MUST submit a written request with this petition accompanied by documentation of your claim to the waiver”

I hope it is clear.

Good luck.

So if you applied for a K-1 and it expired and you then apply for the CR-1 this does not apply... This is my understanding.... I know of some one with same situation as me... K-1 was sent back then it expired within months she went back and they married there she came back and filed the CR-1 and did not need a waiver....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-05 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRefiling of K1 in Morocco
Many of dealing with the Moroccan Consulate never received a reason for denial or even were told were were denied. 3 days after my husbands interview he was asked to come back and then was give a refusal letter with other checked as the reason. I was there in Morocco at the time of his interview and when I contacted the consulate I was told our petition had not be denied but sent back for further review but upon arriving back to the states our case had been closed due to the dates expiring. I did everything I could contacted mt Senator and all that but ended up nowhere :0( I went back the following year which was this year and we married there. Now we are going through the CR-1 process.... I don't know if it will be any better or faster but because we are muslim it is important to us that we be married.... I wish you the best of luck :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-03 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures

We definelty did not get married, we wanted too but i didnt bring all the correct paperwork before i left, :( His mom wanted me to experience the tradition, so she had a party for us, that was all. My fiance and his sister did talk to the adoul first, but because i didnt have everything, we couldnt get married.

It is a long tedious process to marry in Morocco... It took us a little over 2 months..... So much running around... It was nuts... So glad that part is over..
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-06 00:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures
Almost all my pics have henna, even the ones before we married..... People get henna for different reasons not just marriage.....

First off.... There is no such thing as "ENGAGEMENT" in Islam so if your guy is muslim you should know these things......

These "PARTIES" are watered down versions of a "MOROCCAN" wedding as there really is no celebration like this in Islam.... there is no wedding ceramony.... The couple signs thier contract with the Imam or Adoul and then have a "WALIMAH" which is a feast that they invite the muslim community to to announce thier union... if one were following Islamic standards.....

And if Islamic steps were not taken to "MARRY" you then you were not married....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-05 23:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures
Both my sister in-law and brother inlaw had a party like this and submitted the pics and got their visa's
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-05 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about pictures
There is no problem with sending these pics.... If you don't have a marriage contract from an Adoul then it will simply be thought of as an engagement party..... A large majority of folks who go through the visa process with Moroccans have these parties....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-05 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221 G
There is no one way to get approved through Morocco.... Every case is different and treated as such.......Everyone needs to remember that really your life is in the hands of another human being..... Whether or not your relationship is real is their preception.... You may catch your interviewer on a bad day...... Really they have no way of knowing what is trully in someones heart.... all we can do is present our case the best we can and pray we get the visa..... this process is very easy for some and very difficult for others and none of us really have any control as to which group we fall into...

I am very happy for those of you who have received your visas and for those like me who are having a hard time I pray allah will make it easy for us and allow us to be with our loved ones soon... Ameen
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-09 00:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures221 G

My fiance went for his interview this morning in Casablanca, Morocco. He was asked a bunch of questions about my daughter and the lady was frustrated because he could not tell her the name of my daughters last boyfriend. She barely looked at the pictures he provided and would not look at any other proof of our relationship. He was given a form 221G. I contacted the consulate and the lady told me that she cannot give me a reason for the denial of visa. I then sent an email asking for a reason and they just told me that I would have to contact USCIS in 8 to 10 weeks. Has anyone ever gone through this before and is there anything that I can do? I just feel so lost right now!

This is a very common occurance in Morocco, regardless of age, religon, race or gender...... Folks going through Morocc may as well be on another planet, they sure treat us like we are. this whole process is nuts....... We got the same thing with the "OTHER" box checked.... Got the congressman involved and all that only for them to close our case due to the "EXPIRATION" of the dates and a nice letter letting us know that we were more than welcome to reapply..... Morocco is such a high fruad country and the questions they expect folks to know the answer to is crazy sometimes..... I mean if your daughter is an adult how do they know you even know her boyfriends name??????? I mean really our adult children only let us know what they want us to know..... I, myself can't afford to go the lawyer route, so I went back and we married there..... I stayed 3 months during that visit which was my 3rd all my visits total 5 months.... We are holping it's all good this time around.... If we don't get it this time then I guess I will be moving to Morocco.... In my opinion I don't think it really makes a difference is you have a lawyer or not... There are some who used lawyers and still had a difficult time and there are some who didn't use a lawyer and it was a breeze... It's just the luck of the draw...... I really am sorry this happen to you.... I hope you are able to get things figured out and go the route that is easiest and best for you :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-02 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

My husbands father is DARKER than I am as is many of his family members..... His family are not the type of people who discriminate or think of anyone as being better or more beautiful or what have you because of their skin color...... And upon meeting my husband I DID question why he didn't want marry a woman from his COUNTRY.... not that it is any of your business.....

And my husband is not from the Middle East.... He is from Morocco and cinsiders himself to be African....

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 13 December 2011 - 03:15 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

I have heard that if a Middle East Man marries a dark skinned girl she should question fraud cause why would he want to marry her. :whistle:

My husbands father is DARKER than I am as is many of his family members..... His family are not the type of people who discriminate or think of anyone as being better or more beautiful or what have you because of their skin color...... And upon meeting my husband I DID question why he didn't want marry a woman from his COUNTRY.... not that it is any of your business.....

Edited by ABDULnSHAYMA, 13 December 2011 - 03:07 PM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

I didn't see the post about being beaten or kidnapped; I must not have read that one.
Your statements seem like a lot of generalizations about levels of religion and religious practices, which comes across to me as ironic b/c you jumped into the convo on here when you felt Moroccan men were being generalized.

I have seen Moroccan men being generalized alot on this site... Some of us need to keep an open mind and remember there are always exceptions.... Folks get duped dealing with men/women form other countries as well... It just seems that floks here tend to jump all over MENA men.... I guess I just get in my feelings because my husband is Moroccan....

I haven't had a bad experience at all with my Moroccan husband I visit with his sister and brother who live here in the states as often as I can and they vist with me as well.... My husband is one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life and his friends and family make me feel more loved and cared for than my own.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

OMG your comments are getting worse! lol So, either a Muslim will marry a Christian if it is fraud (better call ICE on your brother-in-law) or it is because they are going to burn in Hell.....

WOW... Not what I was saying at all.. But we can only go by our own inturpitation on the information given.... Marriage a huge where Islam is concerned..... It is half our deen... This is why I would question why a muslim man would want to marry a non-christian woman... Especially those who don't even care to learn anything about their husbands religion.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

Where is anyone painting Moroccan men as violent???
A single woman staying with a man she is meeting for the first time, in a foreign country, should be careful and take necessary precautions. Add onto that she just learned he's been dishonest to her - either by omission or blatantly - and all warnings to be careful and safe are pretty appropriate.
While it may not be common place in MENA countries, it is perfectly acceptable from an Islamic standpoint, for a Muslim man to marry a Christian or Jewish woman.

Someone did mention something about being beaten or kidknapped.... And I know it is acceptable for a muslim man to marry a woman of the book (shristian or jew) I am muslim, don't need a lesson on that..... However it is better if a muslim man married a muslim woman..... I know pleanty of muslim men who are married to non-muslim women. My brother in-law being one.... I am just saying folks should question it.... I mean with all that a person has to go through... things get more complicated when you throw religon in the mix... But then again most of those who marry non-muslim women don't really practice their faith anyway so in those cases I guess it doesn't really matter.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application

Collectively everyone is just saying be careful not necessarily from violence but scams as well. In the end she is a grown woman and noone can make those decisions for her. We don't know the gentleman and we are speaking in general terms of the things that unfortunately do happen to Americans both Muslim and non-Muslim. We do wish her the best outcome and it's not us he will have the interview with that will be his battle to overcome with the consulate.

Side note not everyone from MENA countries are Muslim ultimately everyone has to be careful regardless of religion.

This is true... But I am just saying... In my opinion any Muslim man from a muslim country looking to marry a non-Muslim woman he met online would be a red flag... But this is just my opinion :whistle:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresprevious application
WOW..... It really is sad how most are painting a picture of Moroccan men being Violent.... I agree with everyone in advising Courtney that she should be careful and do her homework... I myself advised her of this before she even booked her trip.... The truth of the matter is we don't know all the details of the situation.... I mean even in normal circumstances some hide previous relationships for whatever reason.... But for everyone to just jump to the conclusion that this person is not sincere in his feelings for her is wrong....I have learned in my communicating with Courtney that she is in no hurry to get married, with that being said she should just go with her original plan of taking it as slow as she wants to and keep her eyes open...... If he trully loves her he will wait as long as it takes......

On a side note any NON-MUSLIM woman should question why a MUSLIM man wants to marry her especially those from a MUSLIM country.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-13 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied under section 221(g)

How do I file this petition? I went to the courts, and they told me I would have to have an open court case in order to talk to a judge. Is there a specific form that I need to ask for? Thank you so much for your advice =)

Im not sure how you would do it in your state, but here in Maryland it is done in family court, and we have legal aid here who can assist with filling the paperwork. Because my ex and I have joint custody it is a modification of our court order. Someone in the courts should be able to direct you as to how and what you need to petition the courts. I wish you the best....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-24 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied under section 221(g)

I'm sorry but that is absolutely NOT true !

Marraige has little bearing on parental rights of either parent. It can complicate matters if the child is born to a married female where the father is not the biological father, but that is quickly corrected via paternity. Regardless, the OP stated that the biological father is listed on the birth certificate so even that is a moot point.

UMMMMM it is true depending on where you live....... My daughter once had a situation where her daughters father would not bring her home... we called the police and were told that because the child was born out of wedlock and there was no custody order no a visitation order in place that there was nothing they could do... They have equal rights...... We live in maryland....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-24 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied under section 221(g)

I don't know of any state where a grant of sole physical and legal custody results in the loss of the non-custodial parent's rights. After my last divorce I got sole physical and legal custody of my daughter, but her mother still had parental rights. The courts made it clear that she would not lose those rights unless they were revoked by the court or she willfully gave them up, both of which are very rare. I did need my ex-wife's permission to get my daughter a passport.

In California I was granted Sole custody of my son.... IDK if his father pissed the judge off or what, but I was awarded sole custody of my son with visitaion under my discrestion.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-23 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied under section 221(g)
The fathers does have rights.... In cases of children born out of wedlock really neither parent has rights.... This is why one needs to go to court to obtain a custody order in these cases. You can petition the courts for permission to travel with your child...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-23 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied under section 221(g)

My fiance had his second interview today. The visa was denied. The CO told him that it was because of my son and the proof of a bonafide relationship. (The CO didnt even look at the proof that we sent and she asked questions about my brothers father and my mothers occupation. Two things we never talked about so he didnt know the answers) She told him that because my sons father still has rights to him this would cause a problem with the visa. In the state of GA my sons biological father has no rights because we were never married. My son was not legitimized, but since his bio father signed the birth certificate they claim he has rights. I cant get my sons passport because of this. The deadbeat doesnt pay child support, he was abusive toward myself and my son, he does drugs, and he NEVER contacts me to see my son. Of course he blames me, and says that I wont let him see him. He gets to be with whomever he wants to be with, go where ever he wants to go, and do what he wants to do, but I cant do anything. He is still controlling my life!! I want a family! My fiance has spent more time and done more for my son over the past year then his bio father has ever done for him! As far as our relationship goes...yes, Ive only been to Morocco once, but money and reliable child care (since I cant take my son with me),and my job, keeps me from going again. I am far from a gullable person, and I do not fall for BS...I know all about the fraudulent marriage stuff...but I know in my heart that this man is NOT doing this. I have never seen such a sincere man. He is there for me whenever I need him! He has sent myself and my son gifts, he even sent me money one time when I had some unexpected expenses. He is very well educated, and his family is not poor. He doesnt even want to come here! He wanted myself and my son to live in Morocco, but since I cant get my sons passport, we cant go. I contacted the USCIS, and the senate today after the interview. I dont know what else to do. I love this man!! Please help!!!

I am sorry to hear that you are going through this..... You can petition the courts for permission to take your son to Morocco. I am planning to do the same thing here in Maryland.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-22 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much time do you get to purchase a ticket for your fiances interview?
We got ours about 6 weeks before.... 6 more days :)

But we are waiting to get his ticket when he gets his visa....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-12 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 & Question

Just a quick question. My Fiancee and I applied for a K-1 Visa and it was approved. As the K-1 states you cannot be legally married, but what if you are married in a religious ceremony where, to make the marriage legal, a civil union must be performed aside from the said religious ceremony. In said country, a religious ceremony is not considered a legal marriage without being married by a judge or state official.

So with this said, there would be no problems in relation with the K-1 VISA considering that by the letter of the law, we are still not legally married and are engaged by all definitions of the law by both that country and US Law.

Comments? Opinions? Clarification?

Thank you very much!

The US does not recognize "religous" marriages.... If a couple was not legally married then the are not married... You should have no issues with K-1 visa..
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-13 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMinor Information! Stressseeeedddd

I will let everyone know as soon as I do :P We just have to keep reading and comparing.. We just want the faster/easier route if there is one. If it becomes a mess, so be it, but hopefully it won't be.

My parents are both citizens from the US and Romania. My father is planning on filing taxes.

Thank you very much, I wish you the best of luck as well and hope you succeed on your path :)))

There is no fast or easy route when dealing with Morocco.... What works for 1 couple may not work for another... What was an issue for one couple may not be for another... The whole process is enough to drive you mad..... Anyhoo... I wish you the best.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-12 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Help

I finally received my NOA2 and I am preparing the documents i will need to send my fiance. I am trying to fill out the I-134 and I want to make sure everything is correct and I have all my supporting documents to go with it. I receive monthly child support via the courts. Do I need to include proof of this when preparing the I-134? Do I add this to my annual income?

yes you should sis :)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-02-18 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 applied, stuck with one Q
My husband had applied for the visa lottery a couple of years before we met..... I don't know if it effected our K-1 or not, I never bothered to find out why it was sent back.... And my husband was never asked about it at the K-1 interview or the CR-1 interview...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-03 08:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest $30 I've ever spent :0)
Found this site called just answer..... It is a site for legal advice.... I asked my question and got a very simple and clear answer.... It has not fixed my problem but the answer I received has somehow eased my mind :0)Please see below the web page didn't copy the way it really should look. I tried adding it as an attachment but the file was too big


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Ask an Immigration Law Question, Get an Answer ASAP! In april of this year my fiance had his interview for the k-1 Status: Finished
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Asked by you on Friday, September 24, 2010 2:33 AM EST

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In april of this year my fiance had his interview for the k-1 visa in Casablanca, Morocco. Interviewer took our album of pics and told him he would receive a call in a few days. 3 days later he was called and asked to come back to the consulate at that time he was given a form which stated he was not elegiable for the visa and "OTHER" was checked as the reason. I was in Morocco at the time so I called the consulate but was told I needed to inquire by email so I did. I received a reply which stated our petition had been sent back to the states for further review. A few days ago I received the message below. I nned to know what does it mean and how should we proceed. Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity On July 12, 2010, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX. For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations. If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. *Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Check Processing Times. *** Please do not respond to this e-mail message. Sincerely, The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

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State/Country relating to question: Maryland

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I contacted my Senator and USCIS

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From Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.Friday, September 24, 2010 2:41 AM EST
Unfortunately, it could mean any number of things, from basically them thinking that your relationship is not real or him being a terrorist or having terrorist ties or you being a danger to him if you have something negative in your background or it could be that he has something else in his background that they don't like. These are just examples I am giving. The problem is that you won't know until they finish reviewing the file. You will have an opportunity to respond then they do. I wish I could tell you how long it will take, but most of those types of cases take awhile because they are outside of the normal processing times. Contacting your Senator was a good move. If they haven't been too helpful, you can try contacting one of your U.S. Representatives as well. Hiring an attorney most likely will not push it along, but it may be a good idea for when the time comes to respond.

Another thing you could do is withdraw the K-1, go there, marry him and file for the K-3 process. The problem with that is that since you don't know why they are giving him a problem with the K-1, it may also be a problem with a K-3. So really the only thing you can do at this moment in time is wait or push your Senator or Representatives.

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Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.
Attorney At Law
Admitted in Florida -

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You repliedFriday, September 24, 2010 2:50 AM EST
:0) Going back to marry was what I was planning to do. Actually it was what I wanted to do in the first place but was advised to go with th k-1. He has a brother and sister who both went through the k-1 process a couple of years ago but they both married white non-muslims (I am african-american and muslim) I was told I should have not worn my scarf in our pics do you think this had any thing to do with it? Expert
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From Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.Friday, September 24, 2010 2:52 AM EST
Unfortunately, there is no way to know until they come back with a response and like I said, if you try to withdraw the K-1 and marry and do the K-3 instead, there is no guarantee that you will not run into the same problem. Please let me know if you have any additional questions and please do not forget to click accept. Thank you.

Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.
Attorney At Law
Admitted in Florida -

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You repliedFriday, September 24, 2010 2:56 AM EST
just 1 more question.... After the review is complete will they let me know what the problem was/is ? Expert
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From Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.Friday, September 24, 2010 2:57 AM EST
Of course. That's why you are waiting. IF they deny, they have to let know why so that you can respond or appeal the decision. So they will let you know what the problem was IF they deny.

Guillermo J. Senmartin, Esq.
Attorney At Law
Admitted in Florida -

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TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-09-24 02:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Culture?

If I had known what I know now, I would not have married my husband. I have known him for 5 years and we've been married 3 1/2 years. He had an affair 9 months into our marriage for two weeks (they talked and kissed-no sex-I actually talked to the woman) and another one this past June for 6 weeks (he says no sex). Both affairs arose (according to him) because of my reaction to him sending money home.

The first time he sent $100 to his brother. That isn't a huge amount of money but at the time, I was working 2 jobs in order to pay our bills-we were behind on rent and the car payment. I was soooooooooo angry and he got angry right back saying I hate his family. I called my mom and cried to her. He said that I should not have told her and it should be between the two of us. So, taking his own advice (joking) he sought out another woman to talk to.

This past June, he sought out another woman after an argument about money again. He sent $700 home. He wasn't helping with any of the monthly bills (part of his defense of not paying bills was he didn't like the place we were staying in :huh:) . I got very angry again and told him that I was done with our marriage. He asked if he could stay that night and I told him that since he didn't like this place and it wasn't worth it to him to pay for it then why would he want to stay? He left. He didn't talk to me for about 3 days. He continued to stay in a hotel (paying $50/night + food - I saw the hotel bills). He was willing to pay a lot more money to stay in a hotel than to help me pay the monthly bills. He has done very well for himself financially since he's been in the U.S., but still can't help. He has helped for months at a time but if his family needs money, then it is up to me to pay all the bills.

It was during that time that he found another woman. The day after we moved into a house that he wanted to live in and we made a financial agreement, he told me about her.

As soon as I found out about both women, he stopped seeing and calling them.

As strange as it sounds, I know he loves me but I will be the first to agree that love doesn't equal cheating. I believe he loves me the best way he can. It's not the kind of love that I deserve though. I've met with an attorney and know what I need to do.

I just want others to realize what can happen, or at least what happened to me.

I know two of his sisters are being cheated on my their husbands. My feeling from him is that his cheating wasn't that big of a deal.

I'd love to hear any thoughts by other members who are familiar with the Moroccan culture and MENA culture in general and how cheating is viewed. I know what Islam says about cheating, however, my experience has been that Islam and the culture in general don't always coincide.

Wow.... I am so sorry to hear of what you have gone through..... There are bad men an women in evry culture.... Before I met my Moroccan hubby I dated a Tunisian for 8 years.... He dumped me for a 19 year old and her trust fund :0( 3 weeks (after he married her) later he was calling me telling me how miseable he was and that he made a mistake.... Before that he had cheated on me with her bestfriend and who knows who before her....People cheat for different reason but whatever the reason it's wrong..... As a muslim he should always take care of his wifes needs first... It is his obligation.... 9 months in and he had an affair I would have sent him packing.... Back to Morocco.... Personally this would have made me question his reasons for marrying me...... When my hubby gets here I expect him to help out ( and he is aware of my expectations)..... I don't mind helping his family because they are my family too, however our household needs have to be met first......

I can't tell you what you should do but me personally would walk away.... There are too many things going around to play this game with him..... Not to mention all the crazies in the world.....

IDK if you are muslim.... But I am and Islam says I am to be treated like a gift from God..... I will accept nothing less and neither should you....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-09-24 22:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread

How is everything going with you guys? Anything new? Hope things work out without having to refile!!

Monica :)

Still have not heard anything :0/ The plan still is to legally marry in Morocco and file the CR-1.... Insha'allah this will all happen around November
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-23 21:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
I am planning to go back sometime in october or november..... It is very frustrating :0( We just want to be able to start our lives together.... Our's was sent back pretty quick from what I can tell..... I did hear that the vermont center will still work with you after your app has expired.... Insha'allah that will happen for us..... I too hope all goes well for everyone here and I pray we are all reunited with our loved ones soon.....

My birthday is in november.... It would be awesome to get some great news for my birthday :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-06 03:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
I am planning to go back sometime in october or november..... It is very frustrating :0( We just want to be able to start our lives together.... Our's was sent back pretty quick from what I can tell..... I did hear that the vermont center will still work with you after your app has expired.... Insha'allah that will happen for us..... I too hope all goes well for everyone here and I pray we are all reunited with our loved ones soon.....

My birthday is in november.... It would be awesome to get some great news for my birthday :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-06 03:09:00