Middle East and North AfricaCert Of Nationality

I am the petitioner and I am a born USC but i heard or saw that my passport and The Cert. of Nationality are two different things and i may need one to get married in morocco

Your passport is enough and you will need a certified/original copy of your birth certificate. If you are flying into Casa I suggest yo make sure your flight gets in early enough so that you can stop by the Consulate to get your 2 documents needed from them which will cost you $100. That is what Abdul and I did.... That way you have that out of the way and don't have to worry about goig back to casa....... I believe I sent you a copy of the instructions....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-18 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaFlying AA and Iberia
AAAWWW shoot Courtney I went thtrough Madrid the last time I went...... But can't really recall any of the details :0/ But I do remember it was super easy :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-03 22:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblrms checking status on the USCIS website
Ok..... So it's not just me.... I have tried on 2 differenty computers... LOL...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-03 22:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaProblrms checking status on the USCIS website
Hey all.... Just wondering if anyone else is having issues veiwing their status on the USCIS website..... I keep getting an error message that the page can't be veiwed :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-03 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaVideo Chat connection Probems

Hi there. For about the last two weeks my fiance who lives in Rabat has had a hell of a time getting a video connection established. This is how we have always communicated. Once in a while it will work for about 20min and then completely freeze up. He is able to connect to the internet and we can type thru messages but for over a year we havnt had any trouble with video chat before. Loading pages seems to be taking longer or him. He doesnt have any virus' and has called the ISP and they tell him that they will look into it....only God knows if that is really happening. IS anybody else experiencing this or know anthing about what may be goin on? Thanks

My husband lives in Fes and we have been having the same issues... Although today was a very good connection day.... I don't know if it is from his side or my side or the video chat we are using.... It is very nerve racking though...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-15 22:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Well the fiance visa I dont consider appropriate for morocco because it can lead to pre-marital affairs which are prohibited in islam,Most muslims when they use the fiance visa, get married privately-islamically(meaning they fulfill all islamic requirements(which is: the man and woman-the woman's guardian and two witnesses) even though all marriages must be conducted in the courts to be valid on moroccan soil(there is some disagreement in islam about does the marriage contract in islam have to be officially registered) I feel the the same way you do,moroccans have treated me good(yes better then my own family) in the usa and good in Morocco.

I pray for you and your husband's success and that you both succeed....ameeeen

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-10 17:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Exactly inside the consulate they have these moroccan employee/translator who will ask questions that are simply outlandish and down right none of their business.

I guess feel they must ask questions that will compel moroccans to tell the truth, usually(not always) in morocco lighter people don't marry darker people.

A friend of mine's wife was questioned extensively about his criminal past and then she was denied ,and also was told her fiance(at that time)was a bad man.

As you know there really is no such thing as "ENGAGEMENT" in Islam... With that being said you would think the K-1 would be the hardest to get going through any Muslim country.... Our intention was to go for the CR-1 in the first place but were urged by others to go for the K-1 I really think I should have stuck to my gut instinct and followed my original plan.....

My husbands father is much darker than I am as is a few other of his family members... I don't see why it would be a factor at all, I saw many people in Morocco who look like me and many thought I was from there until I opened my mouth..... They should not sterotype or put everyone all in one box....

The y asked him about my father and he told the truth... He told they what I told him maybe there little background check didn't show that my father was an artist, but that would be because he didn't make a living at it.... My father was murdered when I was a little girl and all I remember of him is that he was a very good artist as is all his brothers and he liked to play tennis..... How do they expect people to know the answer to questions even the petitioner doesn't know.....
I am not very close to my family at all..... alot americans are not I know very little about them and quite frankly don't care to more than what I know of them.... My husband and his family make me feel more loved and cared for than my own.... One way or another we will be together... Whether it be here in the states or in Morocco......
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-09 09:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

I think they ask a lot of questions in different ways when they suspect a person has "rehearsed" answers or studied for the interview. Not saying this is the case with your fiance. It just came to mind when you said questions to intentionally confuse him.

Yes.... I understand this... But if you ask a person about someones parents and you are told blah, blah, blah about her mother and then told her father passed away when she was a little girl why come back later in the interveiw and ask what her father did for a living????? I don't even know what my father did for a living.... But it confused him because he didn't understnad why the question was asked after he already said he died so he told them what he rembered me telling him about my father and that was that he was an artist..... It really is not fair because they may know more about my parents than I do and then ask him questions about them.... How would he know if I don't know?????? The whole process is nuts.... :bonk:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-09 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Actually, people get married all the time because of visa denial. How many ladies on MENA have gotten married to their fiance after their K1 was denied? Plenty! Thus, I'm sure that the DOS takes this into consideration as well. Hence, the denial becomes the basis for the marriage. A few years ago, it seemed like anyone who was denied and did a CR1 was approved quickly. However, it now seems like CR1s are being arbitrarily denied if it is the 2nd petition following a K1. Somehow, if DOS suspects fraud the first time they're not too quick to change their mind now.

And Shayma, a huge red flag against your case isn't your race - it might new a questionable factor in your relationship. However, it's that your husband has two siblings who received visas. You two might have a true relationship, but to DOS this is a clear sign of familial fraud.

I would like to beleive my race and religon were not factors in our being denied..... And I do realize the fact that he has 2 siblings here may have something to do with it as well.... My issue is why didn't my sister in-law have a problem when their petition came through the subject of her "finace" having been married to her brothers wife had not been questioned.... Neither was the fact that her husband took shahada only to marry her... Why weren't these things red flags for them??????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-09 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

I guess the question was meant to emphasize the hardship of separation, but couples simply have to go through it ,as I was told many years ago for myself.Getting married through the govt was hard and is harder now. Most of my people through out the years got their visas, the only ones who didnt were ones who didnt correspond with govt when told to,and Most problems arose with the scrutiny of the usa consulate. when I first applied in 2001 the fiance visa was really the FASTEST friend had his wife in america in 3 months time. Luckily the K3 visa had just came out ,so I wasnt to far away.

The K-1 process was very fast for my brother in-law and sister in-law Who both married White nonmuslims who were once married to each other..... They had no problems at all.... They communicated less then my husband and I prior to their filing and their vist was shorter than mine.... My husband was asked questions like why he wanted to marry a black woman.... And I feel he was asked certian questions to intentially confuse him.... Like being asked waht my father did for a living after he told them my father died more than 20 years ago....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 23:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Yes that sounds really sad,May Allah make it easy for both of you(ameen)I dont know why the usa consulate is so hard on people.I like your spirit and perseverance I have a friend who was denied due to financial reasons(he's now searching for a sponsor) As for morocco it is hard to adjust to. Have you consulted your local congressman or senator for a letter of recommendation?

Yes I have contacted my congressman and he was no help at all... His inqury didn't get any more info than I got myself....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 23:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

If I have offended anyone here I'm sorry.All I was looking for was examples of how people cope with denials.Thanks for your comments

But why do you ask the question????? How would anyone deal with being apart from their signifigant other????? Why do you need to know????? How did the folks you have helped deal with it??? I am sure some were denied or had long periods of time being apart just like the rest of us :huh:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

This dude? I hope your english improves before your immigration appointment.

How do you know it was not the petitioner who made this comment????? DUDE is a very common word in the states.... Bart Simpson uses it all the time :P
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 22:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

This question really should make couples make a back up plan.Just in case they dont get the visa.
It isnt promised and it shouldnt be the reason marriage is based on.

Only someone who's intentions are not sincere would the relationship be based on a visa.... This would be with anyone seeking a visa not just Moroccans...... And honestly I think in most cases it is easier from someone to come here rather than an american go to whatever country especially "3rd world" countries..... A back up plan is needed because you don't know if you will get the visa or not.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

I think terminating the relationship is horrible for a married man/woman it is horrendous, as for people intending to marry then it is equally as shock as well because you'll find the innocent moroccan family not knowing the realities of the visa process be totally distraught when their daughter/SON is abandoned all because the visa was denied.

The immigration visa process has to be overhauled tremendously,FOR TRUE COUPLES WITH SINCERE INTENTIONS

My husband and I didn't get the K-1 and were never told why.... We weren't even told we were denied... Just told our case needed further review and then closed because the dates expired.... We have since Married and have now started the CR-1 process...... For me if it were that easy just to pick up and move there I would... But it's not... And I think it is safe to say that is the fact for most americans going through this process..... My husband is suffering from depression now and it breaks my heart to see him this way..... I have not seen a real smile from him since I was in Morocco earlier this year.... He has said he doesn't even care about the visa anymore he just wants me to be with him.... But because of my daughter I can't just pick up and move..... Those who just give up were never sincere...... Or maybe they just can't handle the stresses of this process and the easy way out is to walk away..... As for me I trully love my husband and he loves me so we are in it for the long haul even thou we both are hurting..... While we wait for his next interview I will start the process to gain permission from the courts to take my daughter and figure out all the stuff for for school and such just in case we don't get the visa....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-08 22:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???
Why do you ask such a question????? Why are you here??? are you going through the visa process??????????..... Your profile says you have 11 years experience with Morocco.... What exactlly does that mean?????
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-12-04 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCr1 denied in Casa
WOW!!!! I am sooooo shocked and feel so bad to hear this.... I was really rooting for you and hoping for a good out come for you... This news from you is very discouraging :0( I am so sorry... I just don't know what to say :0(
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-02-01 17:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Process
Honestly it's all a freaking ####### shoot.... My brother inlaws wife is not muslim and they fight all the time now about Islam..... She calls herself a christian but she doesn't practice her faith but they have issues about x-mas, her having a dog, his paying zakat, the list goes on..... and the Jerry Spring madness... ( my husbands sister's husband and his brothers wife were once married to each other) Sister inlaws hubby converted just to marry her... But he doesn't practice islam... My husband wanted to marry a muslim woman who was loved him for him and he found me... but we have all the issues... His brother and sister marry for god knows why has all kinds of craziness... I mean really there is so much more but would take too much time to type here and they have no problems...... So not fair..... Actually a lawyer told me it may be because of them that we are having the issues we are having... Still it is not fair... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-02-18 01:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Process

Hi everyone,

I've been seeing a significant amount of comments about the K-1 process that I thought were strange and posed interesting questions. For example, I've seen several people mention that they had the feeling their case was already decided even before the interview occurred and that they felt like the CO's were unnecessarily hard on them during the interview. Because these are potential situations that we all face (and more selfishly, because I wanted peace of mind for myself in Youssef's and my own case), I asked my immigration attorney. Here are some things that he shared with me that I wanted to share with the group. I hope some of this information is useful to you! Here are some nuggets of information that the attorney imparted to me:

* Often, couples will petition for the K-1 visa and literally submit the mandatory documents and proofs, and send one or two small pieces of evidence in support of the authenticity of the relationship. It's incredibly important to submit as many different kinds of evidence as possible (i.e. phone records, emails, screen captures of facebook conversations between couple and relationship status, facebook interactions between each partner and significant other's friends/family, IM and Skype logs, photos of you together that show a date within the past two years, evidence of travel to visit the beneficiary fiance(e), videos--uploaded to a website and easily accessible by internet, and notarized affidavits from friends and family). The lawyer said you don't have to submit every single piece you have, because the CO actually has to read every single thing you submit and you don't want to frustrate them by overwhelming them since this can slow your process significantly. It's important, however, to include significant events and show time span across your evidence. Interactions with friends and family/affidavits/public relationship status postings are important because if your relationship were not legitimate you probably wouldn't be sharing about your relationship publicly. When USCIS gives you an RFE during the NOA processes, it's really important that you supply them with enough evidence to prove beyond any question that your relationship is legitimate, and not just send one individual piece of evidence to answer the concern. Also, he said that while you're in NOA phase they're basically looking at the legitimacy of your relationship from the petitioner's standpoint. They want to see that you're not being paid to bring someone over, in other words. That's why if you can provide several first hand testimonials on your behalf from American friends and family, it'll be very helpful.

* When the officers are going through your paperwork during NOA, they're basically marking a checklist of questions that need to be answered before they're satisfied of the relationship's authenticity on the petitioner's side. Don't misunderstand, they're still looking at whether the relationship seems legit from the beneficiary side, too. But the most important part of that will come during the interview. So if there are several questions or red flags that still need to be addressed or things about your relationship that seem suspect to the CO reviewing your file during NOA, these will be marked in red on the outline that accompanies your file to the consulate in the beneficiary's country (in our case, Morocco) for further probing during the interview--this is why some people have long, grueling, brutal interviews... because the CO has a list of things that look suspicious in your case sitting in front of them, and their protocol is to assume the relationship is fraudulent until proven beyond any doubt that it's legit. If the USCIS officer reviewing during NOA doesn't see anything that makes him suspicious about the relationship then that's when you generally will have very short interviews that seem more like a formality than anything else.

* Things that make the officers suspicious might include: significant age difference (particularly if it's the female who's older and outside of child-baring years), significant differences in attractiveness--I know this seems harsh, but the reality is that particularly in "high fraud posts" it's easy to understand that if the non USC party is very attractive and the USC partner is pretty homely that it might be a possible fraud attempt. This alone won't be a factor, but if it's paired with a large age difference, disabilities, previous marriages/children, etc., then it's a suspicion point. Disabilities are another one because a disabled petitioner might seem like an easier target if the beneficiary partner were in fact trying to trick the USC petitioner into thinking the relationship was legit. They also look at previous marriages and children. All the above factors are things that could be construed to make an easy target by just showing a little attention to someone who may not get much attention elsewhere. Again, I know it's harsh, but it's a reality that this is possible. The marriage/children thing is big in Arabic countries because divorce is frowned upon and, I'm sure, for other reasons as well. Other red flags might be multiple K-1 attempts or applications in previous relationships by either party or multiple failed attempts by beneficiary party to enter the US on other long-term visas. Think of it as relationship profiling. Once the officer is confident that the USC doesn't have an ulterior motive, the next thing to rule out is the possibility that the USC is being misguided or tricked by the beneficiary party. So if you have red flags in your case, it's best to minimize the possibility of the officer being suspicious from the very beginning by making sure you include enough of the various types of relationship proof.

* The next big hurdle is proving that you're in a relationship that has a chance of lasting. So especially if you're from different cultural or religious backgrounds, you need to be able to show not only that you've talked about these differences, but how you handle misaligned beliefs and behaviors as they arise. For example, you need to be able to show that you can communicate effectively--this one's particularly big if your native languages are not the same. It also helps to show that you're actively working on improving your communication (maybe by taking language courses in the other partner's language). It's also important to show the officer reviewing your case that you are willing to be open-minded about your cultural and religious differences and that you're able to deal effectively with the differences or that you have discussed how to handle them (i.e. raising children, dealing with finances, family matters, religion, etc.). Basically, they're trying to protect the USC from getting into a situation that's supposed to (ideally) be a lifetime commitment before the person really understands the added difficulty of an intercultural marriage (since marriage is difficult enough even when you come from the same backgrounds).

Again, I know some of this is a bit harsh to read, but this came straight from the attorney. And I wanted to put the info to everyone here with hopes that it might help some of you better prepare throughout the process. Best of luck to you all!

Aswesome info and thanks for sharing.... There is another situation that seems to be the norm with Casa... And that is folks not actually be denied, but being told their case requires further review and is then sent back to the states and then allowed to expire at which point you are sent a nice letter stating your case has expired and has been closed and you are welcome to file again.... This happen to us and many, many, many other couples... Our g221 had other checked and when I tried to find out what that meant I got the run around... That was 2 years ago... WOW time flies.... I have since gone back and we married there.. Trying for the CR-1 this time around... Did everything you mentioned... I hope this time everything works out.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-02-18 01:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaGeez Louise.
I am sure that it is not only Moroccans doing this..... Lots of different people all over the world are wanting to come to the states and are willing to do what they have to get here.... Some americans go into it knowingly and some just don't pay attention to the signs..... Some men/women are being treated badly by their american spouse..... My brother-in-laws american nonmuslim wife and her children were very nasty to him.... He wasn't allowed to speak with his family and friends for over a year when he first came and her kids to this day are very disrespectful to him....She has cleaned up her act a little, to the best of her ability as she is bipolar but that was only after he threatened to leave her... I am an AA muslim and her children were not very nice to me when I went to visit them....I am not saying the fraud doesn't happen but folks are making it sound like almost all cases out of Morocco are fraud.... Idiots, liars and cheaters come in all forms, in every race and culture..... Folks need to pay attention to the signs they are given... My husbands family doesn't ask me for anything... They are the kindest and most loving people I have ever met in my life.... They treat me better and make me feel more loved than my own family.... My husband and I are both suffering from depression (although he doesn't think so) with this distance between us... At this point neither one of even care about the stupid visa we just want to be together whether it be here or there..... But because I have a 15 year old daughter who's father is not muslim and lives to make my life more difficult he will never agree to her leaving the country especially since she took shahada this past Ramadan :0/ if we don't get it I guess I will have to petition the courts for permission to take her....

Sorry for going on and on..... Just bothers me when a group are all put into one box...

Insha'allah Allah will make this process easy for those who are honestly in love and are married or want to be married to who ever they are gong through this process with......Ameen :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-10-17 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
We were hoping not to get denied but we were:0/ His interview was april 26th got there just a few days before with hopes he would come home with me.... He was had the interview and was told he would get a call 2 days later he was asked to come back and he was given this letter stating he was not eligable for the reason checked "below" all that was checked was other with no explination. since I was there I tried contcting the consulate and got no where. When I got home I contacted my Senator he was told our app was sent back for further review. The service center got our application back on july 12 and I was told it could take up to 120 days or more before we hear anything but by then our application would have expired. Sometimes the Vermont center will work with you even after your application has expired.... Insha'allah this will happen for us but if not I am preparing myself to go back so we can legally marry there. I spoke with someone who said the same thing happened to her... She went back right away and they married there in morocco and 4 months later her hubby was in the states with her.... I really should have followed my first instinct and filed for the CR-1 but at the advice of others we did the K-1 his brother and sister went through the K-1 process with no problems..... This whole process is driving me nuts..... But in the end it is well worth it :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-08 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdminstrative Reveiw Reasons? Any postive experiences?
Our K-1 was sent back for review.... But upon arriving back in the states our case was closed because the dates had expired.... So we had to start all over.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-10-11 09:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaAPPROVED!!!! So excited :D

Helloooo everyone and hope to find u all well :D Imad's interview in Casa was this morning. He called me at 8:05am to tell me he got approved!!! He couldn't give me details yet but he will this evening when he comes on skype. He goes Wednesday to pick up his visa. SOOOOOOOOO happy right now. I cried and laughed at the same time I was excited.. Good luck to everyone else with upcoming interviews and just be yourself and relax while your there. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Congrats to you!!!! So happy to hear your happy news :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-10-16 10:03:00
Middle East and North Africais this an issue?
No 2 cases are the same.... Someone could be denied for something where it is over looked for someone else.... My husband has a sister and a brother here in the states and their spouses were once married to each other :wow: :huh:

The whole process is nuts!!!!!!
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-10-31 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca consular
LOL oh yes.... Getting married in Morocco is the craziest course of events I have ever seen..... It took us 2 1/2 months to complete the process..... I told my husband no one would ever get married in the states if the process was that complicated.... LOL.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-10-23 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca consular

:angry: I have been doing my best to understand this so confusing process hoping to read and not feel so lost when I call DOS they consistently say in AP but today spoke with a lady that said it's not AP but was sent back I posted a copy of what my fiance received his last contact with the embassy and I have contacted the congressman and awaiting response, but we are in limbo because we love each other and I am not wealthy and travel back to him is serious do we marry or wait for the response from USCIS our petition expires 11/18/12 it will be a year and half I have not been near him it's wearing on us we have our ups and downs but mostly ups we complete each other our connection is undeniable just to get through all of this madness, I am curious does anyone know the Consular name the blond lady? as I would love to pursue other avenues we both need to do something to process this rejection I have more options than him as far as voicing concerns, to people who might listen. we understand our mistakes and seek to remedy them I have also applied for the Fioa I mean everything and anything I can do within financial limits as I am currently on unemployment we do have a very substantial sponsor any advice or support appreciated.

This process is enough to drive a person insane!!!!!!!! My husband and filed for the K-1 in Dec of 2009. He had his interview in May of 2010 (I was there when he went for his interview) They gave him the white sheet with other checked..... Because I was there at the time I tried to get some answers but no one at the consulate would talk to me.... When I got back home I contacted my congressman his office was not able to get anymore info than I was. When our app expired we got a letter stating that it had expired and we could reapply

Now because I too am a muslimah I wanted to get married from the begining but we opted to listen to the advice of others and do the K-1. I returned to Morocco this year which was my third trip. We are now waiting to hear from the consulate as to when his interview will be....

From what I have observed no 2 cases are treated the same..... The process goes very smoothly for some and is completely insane for others... More than likely they will hold on to your case and allow it to expire... So you will need to decide how you will reapply. Getting married there does not mean that you will have any better success.... I think where some of us mess up is trying to get through this like our relationships are normal... like your loved one is here.... In reality we should be going that extra mile because our realtionship has to look legit on paper.... And if anyones life is like mine it is a pretty boring read LOL....
I really wouldn't waste time trying to deal with this K-1 anymore... You will get your letter that it has expired a few weeks after the expiration date. Start to work on the issues they found with this app and work on going to see him again. And try to be working again soon... I was unemployeed for a while myself.... But now I am working at a good job and I also have looked into jobs for my husband upon his arrival, and I let them know about all of this....

Praying Allah will bless you with success in this process.... Insha'allah we both will be with our husbands soon :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-10-23 10:23:00
Middle East and North Africainterview documents

for those who already had an interview experience(especially casablanca embassy ), or have information about it , please i have a question:
do we need " complete copy of birth certificate"( NOUSKHA KAMILA MEN 3A9D ALIZDIAD)?
thank you

My husband was not asked for his birth certificate at the interview.... I front loaded our application.Sent the green one with translation at the begining...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-28 10:34:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage

Hawai, yum.
i have been looking, looking, looking everywhere for Hawai here in the US, and have had no luck finding it. I want to find some so bad for my husband's birthday party next month!

Hawai is only available in Morocco and Spain :crying: :crying:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-20 10:18:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage

How's the Pepsi ?

Pepsi???? I never saw pepsi in Morocco..... Not that I was looking for it....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-19 16:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Date : 29 january

Ok but I thought they may ask for more staff even it was sent when was filing for K1. You may be right but just in case they will ask for more proof is better to have them again on the Interview then being sorry. I was just trying to be more helpful and give some advice to be more prepared. So wishing good luck to everyone in their VisaJourney...

We front loaded ours at the beginning... My husband didn;'t take anything to the interview exceot for his passport, my 2011 tax return and our sponsor doc's
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-06 03:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur experience...

You stated above your income was okay with new job, but 2011 was below and they requested a sponsor.....

This is what always confuses me about the guidelines and previous tax years. I didnt have any of the last three years of taxes to offer as I hadnt worked the 12 years previous as I was a stay home mom before my divorce.

I used assets to qualify for three, but had only started working part time 2 weeks prior to his interview and was approved.

I hope someone here, can possibly shed some light on this, as it leaves me clueless as to why you needed a sponsor due to your 2011 tax year, when I had never worked for years before applying.

Anyways, im so happy for you once agin.Posted Image

Perhaps it was your assests that helped you out as I have no assests... I had been laid off in 2009 and was not in a real hurry to get back to work. used the time to go to morocco and to go to school..... If they said your assests put you where you need to be then I guess working doesn't matter if you have the assests to back you up...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-07 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur experience...

Thank you so much for posting this :) It is very valuable to those of us still waiting :) Congrats on the approval :dance:

If our experience can help anyone we are happy to share....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-07 12:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur experience...
Hello everyone....
I have been asked to post a description of my husbands CR-1 inteview experience, There is not a whole lot to say... The day was a bit nerve racking for the both of us and some details have been lost amongst the chaos....

My husband said he was interviewed by a woman (sorry no description) he said she was nicer than the woman who interviewed him for the K-1.... He was asked questions about

1. my children their name, ages and birthdates and how far away my older children live from me
2. My job, where, I work, how long I have worked there, How much I am paid and how long it takes me to get to work.
3. How many times I have visited him and length of each stay
4. Why I did not visit him last year
5. My parents names, where they live and work
6. My ex husbands name, how long we were married, when we divorced

So far these are the only questions my husband remembers being asked... I kinda comes to him here and there... LOL..

Anyhoo.... I started this new job in September and thought we would not need a sponsor because my income is over the guidelines, but I found out that because my income from 2011 was below we would need a sponsor, this was a few days before the interview that I found out about this.. So his sister who lives in the states said she would be his sponsor. So her husband sent me all her doc's, but I was like I think we need from both because you are married and file taxes together, but her husband said no just her info will be fine. So I emailed a copy to the Consulate and also to my husband to print and take with him to the interview. When his interview was done he was told he needed the original signed page for the I-846.... Just so happens his sister had arrived in casa that same day at 9:20 am... So my husband had to go to the airport to pick her up go to print the page needed have her sign it then take it back to the consulate.... So that gets done... But 30 min into the long train ride back to Fes he gets a call from the Consulate saying that they now need his sisters husbands info :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: So I call her husband tell him what we need and send him the $$$ to express mail it to Morocco ($126 DHL) % days later I get the email that our case was approved and my husband can pick up his visa the next wed afternoon :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Finally done with the craziness ALHAMDULILLAH!!!!!!!
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-01-07 10:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould we apply for K1 now or wait a year?

get married in Morocco? i think she has to convert into Islam for that purpose, or use her baptism.

She does not have to be muslim to marry him in Morocco... Nor does she have to show anything of her having been baptized, but she may not like the way she is described in her marriage contract if she is not muslim. I know of plenty of women who married Moroccan men in Morocco and were not muslim nor did they have to show anything saying they had been baptized.... I am Muslim but I have noting on paper stating I am muslim so when my husband and I got married the Adoul said I had to take a "muslim" name or they would say I was a christian in our contract... I know of someone who said she was described as a "spinster" in her marriage contract becasue she was not Muslim.... Being a muslim is not a requirment for a woman to marry a Moroccan MAN .....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2012-12-28 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage -help plz-
It's the luck of the draw in Morocco.... It took us 2 1/2 months!!!!!! :blink: :blink:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-02-07 17:43:00
Middle East and North Africano biometrics before receiving working card.. is this normal?

AAAAWWWW... I'm sorry... Yea I know how it is. I lost my job shortly after Abdul arrived. He is now working pt but only aking $8 per hr...He is really stressing about it. I start a job at Target next week... Insha'allah we will both find something that pays a little better soon...Praying all goes well for you..

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-06-12 18:18:00
Middle East and North Africano biometrics before receiving working card.. is this normal?

Gosh Nicky your hubby has been here for a min.... I don't know what my DH would have done if he had to go that long without working the 6 weeks before he got a job was way too much for him... Praying everything gets done quickly for you...

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2013-06-11 18:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

It has been returned to be reviewed by yet another official. They will either reaffirm the petition without contact or send you a NOID ( notice of intent to deny) which will give you 30 days to respond with reasons why their reasons are wrong. You shouldn't wait , pretend like you know the NOID is coming and gather things that proves the strength of your relationship and have it a response ( rebuttal ) ready in case a NOID actually does arrive. If you are lucky you won't need it.

Our K-1 was sent back for "further review" But upon it beinging received in the states I received a letter stating our case had been closed because the dates expired and we were more than welcome to file again :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-15 18:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

I really don't think the age factor is as big a deal with the consulate as other factors. I am 9 years older than my husband and I know of one case in which the woman was 60 and her fiance was almost 30! Several here, which the age gap is larger than mine and also my own case got quick approvals recently....I had two vists of which was 2 weeks at a time over a three year relationship and was approved....both cases including my own made enough income to support the significant case the man has family in the USA and the consulate was aware and was not a big issue for them....both the other cases the ladies had traveled to Morocco 5-7 times and filed the
K-1 all three of us ladies had been married before.....and all three have children from our past marriages, but all 3 are white and my husbnad too agreed that most Arabic especially Moroccans are not attracted to black women and the consulate may be passing this very same judgement against you both.....I would mention the other siblings and the relationships cause this may be your problem and I am sure they are aware of info on these other siblings.....I know you both have fought hard to be together and I wish you the best. Can you go there and talk to the consulate?Arrange fora private meeting and air it all out and let them see how much you love one another?


How can I arrange a private meeting??? Whenever I call I get the runaround and am told I can only ask questions via email and when I do that I get very vauge answers :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-21 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I??????

"T" I agree with you 100% ... I thought of this also in our situation I hate to pull the race card but this is crazy how they were approved! I don't see how that would not raise some eyebrows! I just got a letter from my senetor a few days ago asking about our case but it's too late now it's closed! I called his office back but got the message service ... I can"t wait to talk with them!!! Why now after the fact they are checking? :angry:

I really didn't want to pull the race card either but really they have given me no choice
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-21 07:38:00