Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
I am planning to go back sometime in october or november..... It is very frustrating :0( We just want to be able to start our lives together.... Our's was sent back pretty quick from what I can tell..... I did hear that the vermont center will still work with you after your app has expired.... Insha'allah that will happen for us..... I too hope all goes well for everyone here and I pray we are all reunited with our loved ones soon.....

My birthday is in november.... It would be awesome to get some great news for my birthday :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-06 03:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "sent back to USCIS for review" thread
My fiance is in Fes. He had his interview April 26,2010. Our application was sent back for further review. Contacted the Senator not much help there. Was told it could take 120 days or more form the date (july 12) which the service center (vermont) received it before we hear anything but by then the application will have expired. Was told I should gather all my evidence, get all my friends and family and his friends and family to write statesments and send it all to the service center along with a rebuttle letter. I aslo was told just go back and marry there and File the CR-1..... The whole process is nuts...... His sister and brother went through the same process with no problems but they both married nonmuslim white americans ( sisters hubby converted just to marry her, but doesn't practice) and he only knew her for a couple of months.... We decided to go with both suggestions Hopefully the first will work and we won't have to spend the money for me to go back ( I have already been twice in the last 10 months)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-06 02:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying in Morocco

To marry Islamiclly you only need 2 whitnesess and a person who is knowledgeable of the Quran... No imam is needed

You also have to have a walimah... to announce your marriage to the community
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-11 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying in Morocco
To marry Ilamiclly you only need 2 whitnesess and a person who is knowledgeable of the Quran... No imam is needed
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-11 14:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1

Congrats on getting married! ^_^ You're going to be a beautiful Moroccan bride! :D

Thank you :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-04-02 14:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1

Since you will be getting married soon (congratulations), you will want to change your "filed for" from K1 to CR-1 on your display.

As for evidence, you would submit photos of the two of you together, phone records, emails, chat logs, etc. After you return home after, add your wife to things that you are able to add her to. For example, insurance policies, authorized user on your credit card, etc. I've seen it posted here the USCIS will not expect newly married couples who live in different countries to have established a residence or a joint bank account (forgot who posted that).

Thank you to everyone for your info.... We filed for th K-1 and it was sent back then our case was closed because the dates expired... Whatever that means... Anyhoo... Rather than apply for the K-1 again we decided to Marry here and go for the CR-1... When I get home and file I will change our status...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-03-31 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about CR-1
I am here in Morocco going through the process to marry here. I would like to know what I need to when the process is done here and I return home????? I was reading the guide here on VJ and saw something about evidence..... What if you don't have the evidence listed???? I mean if a person has never been tothe states how would he/she be on a lease or have a bank account??? What other type of evidence can I send????? Thanks in advance for any info .....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-03-31 16:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaDELTA SAYS MOROCCO IS PART OF EUROPE?!!!


I thought this would be the right place to post this thread NORTH AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST about flying to MOROCCO which is in North AFRICA! I will be flying Delta to JFK and Royal Air Maroc from JFK to Casa. The ticket is the same booked with Delta,so I know that my bags will be checked all the way through going to Morocco. I have heard that Delta considers Morocco as "Europe" and not Africa so the 2 free checked bags for international flights does not apply but only 1!! I looked at some travel websites discussing of this issue with Delta and actually argue about it when they check their bags in saying Morocco is in Africa not Europe and that the 2 checked bags free should apply. Anyone with a recent experience is this true? I thought I would try Visa Journey for advice since so many of you have traveled between the U.S. and Morocco multiply times AND recently.

Thanks Team.

I have flown to Morocco twice with delta and always got 2 in the last year and a half and was allowed 2 free checked bags both times
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-03-29 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?
Why can't you just buy something nice for who ever it is that you are buying for???? I treat my Moroccan family just like my american family.... If I see something I think someone will like or need then I buy it....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-20 23:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

WOW.... People get pretty catty up in here.... LOL..... Moroccans are more materialistic than anyone else..... We are all people and all people like and want to have nice things........I don't beleive they want to be americans.... I mean really what is so great about us?????? They just want the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families.... Just like everyone else in the world.... In general some pretty bad opinons of Moroccans have been thrown out and it makes me wonder why those with such opinions would choose to marry.... I have had nothing but Awesome experiences whith my hubby's family...... They have treated me better than my own family.....

I just realized there is a type o in my post.... I meant to say that MOROCCAS ARE NO MORE materialistic than anyone else :)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-11 17:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

Dude, are you freakin kidding me? If I went to Morocco with no gifts for my inlaws, they'd smile in my face, sure, then they'd be trying to get some of my hair to do bad spells on me. PUH-LEASE. Moroccans can be more materialistic than Americans, if not for any other reason than they WANT to be Americans. Spare us all the preachy #######- we are people who have actually been there.

WOW.... People get pretty catty up in here.... LOL..... Moroccans are more materialistic than anyone else..... We are all people and all people like and want to have nice things........I don't beleive they want to be americans.... I mean really what is so great about us?????? They just want the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families.... Just like everyone else in the world.... In general some pretty bad opinons of Moroccans have been thrown out and it makes me wonder why those with such opinions would choose to marry.... I have had nothing but Awesome experiences whith my hubby's family...... They have treated me better than my own family.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-11 14:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?

Again thank you for the ideas! Sounds like American brands even in health/beauty products are popular to bring! I will forsure bring a few extra bottles of secret deodrant! Since it says "Made in the U.S.A. on it! lol! Even our Crest toothpaste, huh! Simple but same goes for when Moroccan visitors come here and give simple gifts of things like the moroccan tea,soap,etc...!!

Yep.... We have stuff they can't get just like they have stuff we can't get.... But please keep in mind that a big reason some snack foods we have are not sold in Morocco because off what they are made of.... Doritos for instance and some other cheesy snacks are made with stuff that muslims are not supposed to consume..... I think Doritos changed their formula but I'm not sure.... Anyhoo checking to make sure snacks are kosher would be a good idea... Avoid gummy snacks/candy and things made with marshmallow..... Unless of course they are halal/kosher....

Edited by ABDULnTAHLISHA, 09 January 2011 - 12:14 AM.

TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-09 00:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat goods to bring back to morocco from U.S.?
My hubbys nephews are into the same things teenagers here are into so I buy from american eagle areopotsle (sp) hollister.... Shoes, jeans, tees.... As for his sisters.... They like secret deodrant.... crest toothpaste.. mouthwash, advil, cold medicine, dial bar soap (the clear one)as far as snacks his family are not big on eating premade stuff... They make everything... LOL For the little ones I take undies socks and board games that dont require you to speak english.... candyland, memory I also take movies

hope I was helpful
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-01-03 00:41:00
Middle East and North Africawill this affect us????

Like Vietnam, all flags are "red" in Morocco. :innocent:

All I really mean by that is it's a tough consulate. Having siblings who both immigrated through fiancee or spousal visas always has a potential to cause problems at a tough consulate. The fact that the petitioners used to be married to each other probably raises the level of suspicion by a factor of 10. Any consular officer who was doing their job in Casa (or HCMC, Vietnam, as well) would immediately suspect that the petitioners divorced so that they could help the Moroccan siblings immigrate.

That said, even if they have proof that a sibling immigrated through fraud, it's cause only for suspicion, and not in itself a reason to deny a visa. I saw a similar case with a beneficiary in the Philippines, and their visa was denied because apparently the beneficiary's sister had stung a US citizen to get a green card. Their first visa application was denied, but they succeeded on the second try. Persistence pays off in the end.

Nobody can petition for a niece. An adopted child must be adopted via the Hague Adoption Convention, or be an orphan at the time it's adopted, or must have been in the physical and legal custody of the adoptive parent for two years when the petition is filed. There is a different process for each type of adopted child. The likelihood of them being able to adopt their niece and help her immigrate is close to zero. If they can't do it, then it can't hurt your case.

Thanks a bunch for the info :0) You have put my mind at ease (where thats was concerned)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-13 22:25:00
Middle East and North Africawill this affect us????
Hello everyone :0)

I will be filing for the CR-1 visa upon my return home in june and a situation has come up that I think my serve ar a problem for us... We filed for the the K-1 and our petion was sent back forfurther review and then closed because the dates had expired... I was told here on VJ that a few things concerning us could be possible red flags... One of which being that my husband has a brother and a sister who cameto the states via the K-1 and the fact that thier spuose were once married to each other :0/

Anyhoo now my sister inlaw is trying to bring their neice over to the states (she is 8 years old) She wants me to help her find out how she can does this. I am reluctant to help her out because I think it might hurt our petition..... She has been talking to their sister ( childs mother ) and her husband about adopting her... I am wondering if that is even possible due to that fact that her husband only converted to Islam to marry her... He doesn't practice Islam at all except for fasting for Ramadan and not eating pork... He took his shahada over video chat with her so he has nothing from a mosque saying he is muslim he has never even been to a mosque...

Does anyone have any info to offer on such a situation???? Could this potentially hurt our case????

Thanks :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-05-13 21:36:00
Middle East and North Africadenial
THis happened to us last year... I did everything I could followed all advice given and still nothing.... Contacted the consulate ( I was there in Morocco at the time) and still nothing... Contacted the Senator and nothing.... It all seems to be a ####### shoot... No 2 case are the same.... I returned to Morocco this year and we married there.. Insah'allah our CR-1 will be approved... I hoping he will be able to come to the states by spring of next year... Otherwise I will have to move there.... I wish you luck.... Insha'allah you and your sweetheart will be with you soon :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-07-16 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage during Ramadan
We just married in Fez back in may.... It took us 2 and a half months :0( Seems loike this whole process is a ####### shoot and no 2 cases are alike.. Insha'allah you will be able to get everything done within the 3 weeks... Make sure you have all your documents and plenty of copies... And stay on top of it... Take no days off until it is complete... Good luck :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-07-19 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
Where you're from:Maryland, USA
SO's name:Abderrazzak
Where they are from in Morocco:
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2010-08-07 21:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
Iam sorry to see u go. Your advise has been a huge help... Are u on fb???? pm and let me know
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-23 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
well she never said her house was nasty.... just said books and toys were not picked up..this doesn't mean your house is dirty.... If it does then most folks would be in danger of child welfare coming in and taking their kids.... you took something as simple as someone asking for advice as to how to get her hubby to help out more around the house and made it something really bad
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-22 00:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue

I've been following this thread and really don't think that any of us have the right to tell Sarah how to spend her money and what to buy or not buy. The truth of the matter is she works very very hard to give her and her family a nice life and if she wants to forgo insurance to pay for a maid and or buy a decent car then she should. Its not up to us to tell her otherwise. I and many of us understand how some of these men are totally spoiled and hopefully something will make him change his ways. But if he follows Islam, which I don't know if he does or not. He can't tell her what to do with HER money, she earns it, its hers. He is the one that is supposed to pay the bills not her, so if she decides she wants a maid, then I say go for!

Yep, Yep... That's right I totally agree :0) THey are totally SPOILED by everyone woman related to them.... LOL It's crazy... It is their culture and has nothing to do with Islam... If these men trully follow Islam they wouldn't behave this way.... Like I said before even the Prophet Muhammed (saw) helped out around the house and he had more than one wife and servants...... It is not ok to be lazy or treat your wife like your slave in Islam.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-21 22:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue

After living through Ramadan in Singapura, I had a totally new aspect on just what an Imam/Muallah could influence. It's not as if I just throw it out there, but I get it - it sure seems that way, yes? I rarely give my backstory, I'm a verra private person about who I am, what my upbringing is, what my religious views are. So, kudos to you for noticing my posting pattern about this - I don't do it to be flippant, at all.

My apologies, but thanks for reading, noticing the pattern.

I still stick by my original posit - you got's a broken Muslim Spouse? Time to get to the Mosque, have a talk. The Imam there will be more culturally sensitive to your situation than almost ANYONE ELSE you bring your problem (to ), can swiftly tell you (and yer spouse) what to do to effect a positive change.

I've seen it happen, in communities where I've lived. Does it work for everyone? HECK NO... <EOM>

I am not thatfamilar with Darnell's posts.... However he has a point..... Far too many women mary muslim men not knowing much about Islam or just beleiving what their fiances/husbands tell them... I went through it prior to my taking shahada I dated a tunisian american for 8 years I (like a dummy) beleived all the silliness that spued from his mouth.... But then I started studying about Islam with some women from the local Masjid and found that most he had told me were variations of Islama mix of his own ideals and Tunisian culture.... Needless to say after taking shahada we started to grow apart and eventually broke up.. Now I am married to a Moroccan man whom I love to death :0) But he gets all caught up in his culture and most born muslims from foreign mix thheir culture with Islam... I am learning things about Islam everyday and I am glad I am married to a man who is open to learning how some things he grew up beleiving were part of Islam are not... From an Islamic point of view Squeaky's husband is totally wrong... My advice to any woman who is engaged/married to any muslim man is to learn about TRUE ISLAM.... Know where you stand Islamically and call your man out when he is in the wrong....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-20 21:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCombating the "yo mama don't live here" issue
He needs to just get off his butt and help out!!!! In my opinion it doesn't matter what country he is from because I am sure there are plenty of american men who do the same.... If the shoe were on the other foot he would expect you to have that house clean his dinner cooked and his child tken care of so because he is not working he needs to make sure those things are done... Moroccan men tend to be spoiled by then wimen in their families.. But he needs to know that you are not his mother or his sister or his maid nor are you his slave.... You are his wife therefore it is his obligation to take care of you. Now because he is not able to work outside of the house for now taking care of you means taking care of the house..... I have had this discussion many times with my husband.. I let him know I am not a super woman, I'm not his momma or his sister nor his maid or slave.... And as along as I have to work outside of the house and pay bills with the money I make he has to help out around the house....

Remind him that even the Prohet Muhammad (saw) helped out around the house... So he needs to get off his butt and help you out.... Especially during Ramadan...
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-20 00:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco flights! Please help!
I have always found great deals on
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-08-31 23:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco

cant u cant a copy of ur passport notarized here? in America

Nope... Has to be from the consulate in casa
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 23:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco

I stand corrected. It was $30 when I did it last year. Even then, I thought it seemed like a lot for a stamp on a piece of paper that takes 30 seconds. :angry:

As for the medical, I meant to add that.... even though he didn't do a real exam, he did send me for a pregancy test. They drew blood for that. :o

We $100 at the consulate for 2 documents 1 was the notarized copy of my passport and I can't remember what the second was
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco

I have been curious about this same thing! myself and my love have ran back and forth with what visa we want to do and whatnot... we are engaged but had wanted to do CR-1 but Dec will be my first trip to morocco and i dont think we will have alot of evidence. so now thinking about the K-1 visa even though it takes longer. i would love to get married in morocco originally but without the correct information and proof i dont want to mess up and get denied!! my fiance' is from taza so would it be different than any of the other towns/cities in Morocco?? and if we do the k-1 visa and get married here, would we be able to go back to morocco and have a service as well?

good luck with everything!! are you planning on doing the long traditional moroccan wedding?! they are beautiful!

You could do everything just right and still get sent back/denied in casa...... I really think there is a whole separate rule book for Morocco and it's BLANK!!!!!! LOL So any and everything goes and any and everything can happen :0) Prepare yourself for a wild roller coaster ride.... And you sure better be sure it is what you want before you start investing your time and money in it because your patience will be tested....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 22:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco
Every city has their own way of doing stuff. Abdul went back and forth to the court like a million times... I went a couple of times but got tired of the nonsense I don't have the patience for the mess that goes on there. If the were in america someone would get cursed out..... The doctor I went to preformed a brief exam and a sonogram.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 13:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarry in morocco
The fee is now $50
I still have my copy of the instructions from the consulate if you want I will scan it and send it you
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 13:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Weddings...
OOOPSY :0) Here's the link :0) Contract.pdf
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 21:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Weddings...

thanks guys! like i said i have no clue where to even begin!! i want to respect his faith and do things correctly for him and i think he is sheltered in thinking he has to do everything i say as to a "good husband" but its not like that. i truly want to do things correctly for the both of us. i was a history major in school and love learning and obtaining information about other countries, cultures and religions and want to respect all of the above. so an "engagement party" would be the best route to take (maybe) as far as having something in morocco before he comes over with his K-1 visa? and the wedding here in the US would need to be done in a manner that the islam faith accepts the marriage correct? like i said i am new to this and want to learn as much as possible. in Dec me and abedine are sitting down together to talk more about it and explain things better in person so that we both know and are on the same page. thanks again guys for your help!

To make your marriage valid Islamically all you have to do is have the Imam at your local Mosque marry is which is simply completing your marriage contract. I have included a link for an example of an Islamic marriage contract. You can do this once you receive your marriage license. Some will do it with out it... None here in Maryland where I live, will so you can just make a call to find out. You don't have to have the walimah right away either, but you should ask the Imam when you should.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-23 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTwo Weddings...

Hi guys!!! myself and my fiance' from Morocco will be planning our wedding in december when i go to visit him! i was just curious how it worked if he comes on a k-1 visa to wed here is it possible to go back to morocco to get married as well so that his family and friends can be a part as well? ive never wanted to get married so i know nothing of this but i am overwhelmed with love and want to be with him the rest of my life!! im not a religious person by no means so dont really care about that part though he is a devoted muslim. he says he doesnt care, he will do whatever i want so i would like to have a small wedding here with a moroccan theme and then go back to morocco to have one with his family as well but dont know how that works within the political aspect and religious aspect. :help:

much love to you guys :-)

There really isn't such a thing as a wedding in Islam. The Moroccan wedding is a cultural thing has nothing to do with Islam. The so called "ENGAGEMENT" parties most folks have is basically a watered down version of a Moroccan wedding (without the contract) as there is no such thing as engagement in Islam. After doing all the contract stuff we are supposed to have a Walimah (dinner/feast) and invite muslims in the area to announce the marriage. So unless you all plan on completing a marriage contract with an adoul while you are there this wedding you are planning is really what everyone is calling an engagement party and really shouldn't hurt you. My husband and I had one But our petition was sent back my brother in-law and sister-law had theirs on the same day sent in all the pics and both got their K-1 visa.
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 22:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan KHOBZ bread recipe needed

Yep, I watched her video's too, but my husband says she tries to add to much of the american ways to her cooking and she doesn't stay traditional with her spices that they use in Morocco. But I still watch them LOL.

Depending on where someone lives those ingredients are not so easy to get that is why she does it the way she does... To make it easier and when you are able to get it, it is crazy exspensive unless you bring it back with you....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-22 13:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan KHOBZ bread recipe needed

That might be a good thing. I really like my husbands parents. And I LOVE their moroccan food. However, his dad tried to make for me 'american hamburgers' and it was terrible. Just terrible. :blush: I guess it's the thought that counts, right? :thumbs:

As for the bread....I've tried the same thing and mine doesn't come out right either. :bonk: Let us know if you find the solution.

Yeah I guess you are right... Mexican food is my fav and about a month into my visit the cravings were insane :0) We went some where for pizza... The worst pizza I ever had....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-21 11:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan KHOBZ bread recipe needed
You know I have tried making some things that my hubby would like. He is not here yet but I thought I would try. My sister in-law who is here in the states tried to teach me how to make the bread but mines never turns out like hers... LOL... At this point I have given up. We have 3 Moroccan restaurants in our area so when he is missing the foods from home we can go there :0) LOL Also it Occured to me... I have visited Morocco 3 times my last visit was 3 moths long and not once did anyone try to make anything I would have at home... LOL I was craving tacos like crazy lol and all I got was some nasty Mc Donalds... Try cooking with Alia she is on facebook and she has a website. She also has a book but there is no recipe for bread in it but maybe you can send her a message and she can give you some pointers :0)
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-09-20 16:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh now we are applying for IR-1/ CR-1 so ???
The time it takes varies.... It took us about 2 1/2 months..... Court employees were on strike like every other day :0/
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-15 23:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh now we are applying for IR-1/ CR-1 so ???
when you go to the courts you should be able to get certified copies with the courts seal on it... Here where I live the seal is a big gold sticker that looks kinda like a star. We got married in Fes and had no problem.....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-14 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh now we are applying for IR-1/ CR-1 so ???

I am sorry but i wanted to get maried when I went to Morocco and did take a certified copy of my divorce and they told me I needed original. Here in texas, they will never give me original. Copy i had was original signatures but copy of the divorce decree with again, original signatures and they didn't accept it, Is it fair, correct????

You need the certified copy that you get from the courts... I ordered 2 cost me $12 each
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-14 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaOh now we are applying for IR-1/ CR-1 so ???

Hello guys thank you for your help, we really appreciate it and i would like to know more about all the documents that my fiancée needs to bring with her from USA, to get married here in Morocco ?
so please if u know something help us with it THANK YOU SO MUCH

If this is who I think it is I beleive I sent her a copy of the instructions that received at the consulate when I was there earlier this year....

She will need original copies of her birth certificate I would tell her to order 2 copies to take with her. If she were married before she will need a certified copy of her divorce I would also order 2copies of it. We were married in Fes I don't know if the process is different in your city.... But I needed a letter from my employer and copies of my pay stubs. I also took copies of my bank statements. you will need at least 4 passport pics of each of you I think even more you will need to have all her documents translated. and we had to make a bunch of copies... I think we put together like 10 packets.... She will also have to see a doctor there in Morocco.... there was a bunch of stuff that I am not sure of only because of the language barriers and I didn't always go with Abdul... It was alot of going back and forth from this office to that office.... If you want I can pm you his email and you can send him a message and ask him more about it.... If you need me to send another copy of the instructions from the consulate let me know..
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-13 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCert Of Nationality

I am the petitioner and I am a born USC but i heard or saw that my passport and The Cert. of Nationality are two different things and i may need one to get married in morocco

Your passport is enough and you will need a certified/original copy of your birth certificate. If you are flying into Casa I suggest yo make sure your flight gets in early enough so that you can stop by the Consulate to get your 2 documents needed from them which will cost you $100. That is what Abdul and I did.... That way you have that out of the way and don't have to worry about goig back to casa....... I believe I sent you a copy of the instructions....
TahlishaFemaleMorocco2011-11-18 18:37:00