K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescalling uscis
The lack of communication is a constant source of frustration for many many people who are going through the Visa process. Personally I had to wait 60 days for my case to even show up on their site. I signed up for email and text messages and did get those as soon as my status changed on their website. It will do you no good to call them before the 5-6 months is completed. They will not tell you anything about your case. Just one day, you'll wake up and get a text/email giving you a notification that something has happened to your case. Until then, I recommend to stop checking their website, stop calling them and just find a way to kill your time while you are waiting.

My suggestion would be to look forward at the rest of the journey and focus on the things that you can have control over like getting your documents in order, how to document your ongoing relationship, order your tax transcripts for your affidavit of support (mine took about a month to get to me and now that it is tax season they might take longer after you request them) letter from your employer etc. anything to get you ready for the next steps AFTER USCIS.

I can remember many days hanging up the phone in tears from frustration and realizing all I could do is wait. Just remember, each day that passes is one day closer to getting news on your case.

Oh and by the way, my case never showed that it was touched.

Chin up and Good Luck!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 02 February 2012 - 02:16 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-02-02 14:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinal K-1 Prep
I sent mine all loosely arranged behind a coversheet. I used a paperclip to adhere the photos I sent with it. I did have an RFE but not because of lost papers or lack of binder!

Think about them having to sort through many applications. If they have to have them loose leaf, then what a pain it will be for them to take it out of the binder and page protectors that you have put them in.

I recommend not paper punching them and putting them in a binder. Just add a coversheet for organization sake, thow it in the envelope and send it off!

Good Luck! :)

Edited by worth_the_wait, 01 February 2012 - 04:17 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-02-01 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's new posting for Military Orders - change of address
I hope that this information on USCIS's website will help answer your questions! https://egov.uscis.g...i/go?action=coa

From the sounds of it, no worries! :)
Good Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere we Live and Where to send
Yes, that is the correct address to use. They receive the petitions there but then they forward them to the appropriate Service Center for processing

and No you don't have to wait to settle down to file. USCIS offers ways to inform them of an address change. https://egov.uscis.g...i/go?action=coa

If your parent's address in NY is your permanent address then you again are correct in using it for this purpose. Again, you can always inform USCIS of your address change when you get one.

Sounds like you have a great handle on what to do! :)

Hope this helps!
Good Luck!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 08 March 2012 - 09:02 AM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp required... Packet 3.5
You are welcome! and I wish you the best of luck! :)
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-07 16:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp required... Packet 3.5
I honestly would not send them and strongly encourage you to wait and take them with you at the time of your interview. There have been cases where documents have been lost and I would really hate to see that happen to you which could cause a delay while you have to go and get orignal documents again. That is strictly my opinion though. You should do what you think is best and gives you comfort. My fiance had no issue not sending them and waiting for the interview.

Edited by worth_the_wait, 07 March 2012 - 03:58 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-07 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp required... Packet 3.5
My fiance signed all of them except for the DS 156k. He also did NOT send his supporting documents (birth certificate and police certificate) when he sent it back. He only sent the forms. He hand delievered the other documents with him to his interview.
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-07 09:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long after you send it ??
Although I filed at the VSC, my RFE took the entire 6 weeks that they gave me to process it. :( Like the previous poster said, these things are really hard to tell because they are so case specific.

Edited by worth_the_wait, 09 March 2012 - 03:42 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-09 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)

1. Copies of all airline boarding passes, train passes, itineraries, hotel receipts, passport stamps (make sure you can read the dates on the stamps), and other documentary evidence that you have met within the last two years. You may want to highlight or place post-it notes indicating the dates and locations on the copies (to make the adjudication easier) for the person reviewing your file.

^ When they say copies of all airline boarding passes - should I only include the ones of me leaving my country, then arriving at hers? And also the ones of me coming back to my country? Because I have many more from the other places we visited. Went to New York and Vegas etc. I mean, they only want proof of us meeting right? Visiting each others country. They also say train passes... I have a couple train tickets.. doesn't really prove anything, no names on it lol. I better head down to the local library and scan all photo copy all this stuff.

If it is proof of your ongoing relationship, include it. It will only help you in the long run. They want proof that you met, but it also must be convincing that it has been an ongoing relationship as well. Take the advise of the person who told you about printing your pictures out and do something similar with your travel evidences and do make notes on those copies saying what they were for. I also included pages from my passport that showed the Visas I had gotten for my trips for good measure.

I also wanted to say one more thing about your name. You will want to use the one that is on your documents and you will want that name to be consistent throughout. I know of one person right now who is going thru a potential Visa denial because they used a different name on their application than what was on their official documents (birth certificate, ID and Passport) So even though you aren't being asked to submit those yet, they will eventually ask for them and if they aren't consistent you could find yourself in a mess. You pointed this out first, you know it is or could be problem for you so I would use the next 6 months (while waiting for your petition to be approved) to get it corrected.

Good Luck.
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 08:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)
I think the Cover letter is a good way to identify what is in your packet and makes the forms and information easier to digest at USCIS. I personally used it as a way to double check myself and make sure that I had included everything I listed in the Cover Letter so I didn't accidentally leave something out.

Yes, if your name is still your old name on your birth certificate you'll either have to supply them with the documentation of you legally chainging your name OR go have your name changed on your Birth Certificate. You will HAVE to have your birth certificate when you go for your interview at the Embassy so you have time to get the document changed. It is really how you want to personally move forward.

I would recommend starting with the Cover Letter and working your way down from there. The forms that are required to have your signature, it will have to be your original signature not a photo copied or printed one so YES you will need to mail those to your Fiancee to include in her packet.

I also recommend following the directions as closely as possible and not question them for WHY because it could cost you time and delay your petition in the end.

Also, the process is NOT easy. It is very difficult and very long. You should prepare yourself to have patience while your petition works it way through the ranks of the Government Agencies who have to process it.

Good Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-07 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChanging Jobs Midstream just prior to NOA2
Hello Soty,

I changed jobs before I received my NOA2. That did not cause me any problems. I just provided a letter from my current employer and any paystubs that I recieved between the time my employment began until a month before my fiance's interview. You are required to have the past 3 years tax returns or tax transcripts with you in support of the I-134. This will show your past employer as well as how much you made that year. I don't see any harm in obtaining a letter from your past employer stating the dates that you worked for them and what your salary was, for good measure but I dont' think that is a requirement. You could also draft a statement to include with your form explaining the change of employers. Do what makes you feel the most confident.

Good Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-13 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 packae - two questions

Hello all,

First Question:

The very first trip I took to see my fiance in China we did not take any pictures of us together. I know that sounds strange. Why the heck would you not take any pictures together? We just had so much fun we did not even really think about it. I have my plane tickets, some ticket stubs to an amusement park, and five written statements from my fiances friends and family stating they met me. I did take a second trip to China just recently (I have plenty of evidence for meeting this trip) and we did take plenty of pictures this time so I will include that in my evidence for meeting in the last two years. Do you think it is worth it to include the evidence I have for my fist visit even though I have no pictures or is my evidence simple not strong enough and I should just leave it out.

I can only give you my opinion. I would encourage you to add any evidences of both of your trips to your fiance. This can only help you in establishing a real and bonafide relationship. The fact that you went to see her twice could really help your case.

Second Question:

With my K1 visa petition package do I need to put all of my items held together by some specific method other than placing them in a large envelop? Can I just place the items in a large shipping envelope in the same order as listed on my cover sheet and this will be ok? Any suggestions?

Again, my opinion and what worked for me was just putting it into a shipping envelope unbound. I did however put any photographs into a baggie to make sure they were kept together and waterproofed. I also attached our passport photos with a small paper clip to each of our G-325A's respectively. That is what I did and I had not problems.

Thanks for your replies in advanced =)

Hope that helps! Best of Luck to you!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-04-12 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance with Kids?
I have 2 kids and also wanted to be very transparent about it but the paperwork didn't ask for my details until it came down to the Affidavit of Support. That is when and where I listed them.

That's it. The reason is because the USC isn't petitioning for themselves, they are petitioning for the Foreign Fiance. So the USC's children are a non issue until it comes down to if you can financially support the foreign fiance or not.

Best of Luck to your friend!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 13 April 2012 - 02:35 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-04-13 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa - RFE hard copy today
I received an RFE because I sent in the wrong document (Divorce Petition instead of Final Divorce Decree) and I can tell you that this small mistake cost me 2 months. 1 week to get the RFE letter, 1 week for them to recieve my response and the entire 6 weeks for them to finally approve my petition.

I was like you, before I got the RFE letter I was so very nervous and started 2nd guessing myself as to what I missed, overlooked or forgot. Even though you could still get another RFE try to relax and be confident that you have fulfilled this specific requirement. :thumbs:

One step at a time and at this point, you are definately one step closer! :yes:

Good Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-04-18 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAP after interview of K-1 Visa
Keep your chin up Mohsin and Poonwattie! Stay positive and focused! You can beat this! I hope you have enjoyed your time together!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2011-11-29 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAP after interview of K-1 Visa
Oh My Goodness! I am just reading about this unfortunate situation. Have you got another person for cosponsor? It would seem to me that it would solely depend on that individual's Affidavit of Support. I HOPE that you can get this cleared up soonest! InshALLAH! Oh and fire your attorney!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2011-11-28 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
My experience with USCIS is that the website isn't very up to date and the last thing they do is send a message stating what is going on. I signed up for both text messages and email notifications and would receive the text message a few minutes before the email notification.

I received my NOA1 approximately 5 days after I sent in my petition. I too would highly recommend giving them a call and checking on your case. Be sure to get your Case # from them so you can track it online too. I would think that them having cashed your check is a good sign that things are well on their way but best to call and be 100% sure!

No worries and best of luck.

Edited by worth_the_wait, 14 June 2012 - 09:07 AM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-06-14 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime from NVC sending petition to consulate, to receiving packet?
My experience was that once I received my NOA2 it was almost exactly 3 weeks until we received Packet 3.5. I did however call the NVC 1 week after NOA2. They told me if it had left to the Embassy and they also gave me my Case# which is what they will use to track it at the Embassy level.

I hope this helps! Like others have suggested, you should really give the NVC a call. They are super nice and helpful!

Good Luck!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 18 April 2012 - 02:47 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-04-18 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Vaccines for mid-20s male
I actually did a lot of research on this topic yesterday becasue I was wondering the same thing. Here is what I discovered: that gives you a breakdown of the immunizations needed for adults.

I also had a question about the immunizations that are a series of 2 or 3 shots. I found this to be very helpful from USCIS Q&A section: (

"Q. Certain vaccine series can only be completed with multiple visits to the civil surgeon. Am I required to complete the entire series before the civil surgeon can sign the Form I-693?
A. You are only required to receive a single dose of each vaccine when you visit the civil surgeon. You are encouraged to follow up with your private health care provider to complete the series. Once you have received the single dose appropriate at the time, the civil surgeon can sign and certify the Form I-693."

Hope this helps!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 13 October 2011 - 02:13 PM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2011-10-13 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 packet 3.5 submitted, two weeks passed still no interview date, when to contact?
You just hit two weeks, so it should be coming soon. For us it was in our 3rd week but was actually pretty close to being exactly 4 weeks from sending the packet to recieving the interview letter.

Hope this helps! A little more patience, you are almost there!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-09-27 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Needed K1 Visa
He should go back home and show that he can be trusted with a Visa to the USA and that he will follow directions and do what he is supposed to do. This will give him credibility when he goes to apply for another Visa. Have him go back home and then if he wants to come back he should file for a different type of Visa.

Don't let him stay illegally. My husband, used to be fiance, is here with me and we did get married. However, our marriage didn't give him the right to work and drive and all those things that he needs to do until we apply for our Adjustment of Status. Until he gets his green card he is having to stay at home bored out of his mind. So trust me. Tell him to go home and do things the right way.

Good Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-10-31 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal

we r not thinkin to hire lawyer yet.but after sh talk embassy and my passport arive with any document or with out .we r just goin to take lawyer opinion wat thy say about it.

Salam Brother,

This has happened to a few other individuals here on VJ. From what I know, she has got to get a job and prove that she can support you when you arrive. She has to meet the minimum requirement. However, even after that you will face a period of AP, how long is dependant specifically on your case. There are no two ways around these issues. That stands true for the K-1 Visa.

If you do go ahead and get married, you are absolutely right, it can and probably will take 1 - 2 years or perhaps even a little longer to get a Visa if you gauge on how long others Visa's have taken for their husbands.

The real question is what is more feasible for you and your loved one to accomplish? That is a decision that is between you and her that none of us can help you answer.

Best of Luck to you!

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2013-03-13 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk 1 visa refusal
BE PATIENT and wait for specific guideance from them. Take it step by step and try to do exactly what they request.

Best of Luck!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2013-02-27 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa help - Pakistan consulate
You are very welcome. Good Luck to your friend!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa help - Pakistan consulate

Yes, meet all those requirements (citizen, income, free to marry).
No law breaking, no immigration law violations, no previous marriages. -clean background

Would the 2nd visit, and recent chat/call/email logs be good enough to prove continued relationship?

Yes, and everything else that they do together. Skype history, greeting cards, photos of the gifts he has given her with explanations included on them. ANYTHING that could support an ongoing bonafide relationship will only help their case.

What is "name checks"? What do they do? or check exactly? Do they if his name is actually his real name?

Because Pakistan is listed at a T Country where terrorism activities are ongoing, anyone applying for a visa undergoes name checks. They basically submit the applicants name to a database that is a combined effort with DHS, FBI, etc. They check to see if the person has been engaged in anything illegal, unlawful or otherwise categorized as terror activity. This is only for the Applicant of the Visa. Because of this they can take anywhere from 2 weeks to six months or longer depending on the name and any potential hits that they have to investigate further. You can read more about what those exactly are here: http://travel.state....index_4353.html It is actually called Administrative Processing. Although there are some who don't seem to require these and I am not entirely sure why. It really is on a case by case basis.
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa help - Pakistan consulate
So the basic requirements of a K-1 Visa are as follows:
  • You must be a U.S. citizen.
  • You have met your Fiancee in person within the previous two years.
  • Both you and your Fiancee are legally free to marry.
  • You meet certain minimum income requirement.
  • Your Fiancee does not have a criminal record.
  • Your Fiancee has not violated U.S. immigration laws
US Embassy in Islamabad is pretty tough on its applicants. Although I don't have personal experience with how they would handle an arranged marriage, I can say that it certainly helps that they have indeed met, had an engagement party and have continued the relationship to date. All evidences that they can provide to support this would be very beneficial.

I hope this helps your friend!
Good Luck!

Edited by worth_the_wait, 08 March 2012 - 09:32 AM.

worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-03-08 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconfusion 2 interviews dates
If I were you, I would go by the date that is on the Letter from the Embassy. That letter you will need to bring with you to get you entry into the Embassy so the date on it is very important.
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2012-11-08 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
In my RFE notification they said that you should allow them 14 days to process your response. If it has been longer than that there has been no update on your status then I would give them a call.
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2011-09-23 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
OK so I am a victim of an RFE too. So please pay attention! :)

I mistakenly sent in my Divorce Petition instead of my Divorce Decree. So they sent me an RFE for the Divorce Decree. I totally overlooked that!!! Pay attention to your forms and be sure you are sending the correct version of it!

Hope this helps someone!
worth_the_waitFemalePakistan2011-09-09 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.

I am a canadian citizen who has been dating a us citizen for over 5 years and we are looking to get married in September 2011. I was told by the us customs at the detroit border that we are to apply for K1 fiancee visa and get married within 90 days after getting the K1. Approximately how long does it take to process the K1 and get the actual visa.
I also saw posts about applying for an I 130, is this before or after the k1?

If anyone knows about other steps I might have to take before that. I have over a year to get this done right and would like to have all my ducks in a row ...
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Research the processing times and visa timelines for people in your situation. (i.e. Canadian request, etc.) This will give you the best idea of what to expect.
CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2010-07-11 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.

I guess this is a question that will linger on forever if it is not properly addressed. Marriage differs from culture to culture and from religion to religion.
I assume the only way to do this is let everyone from different region or state what they know about marriage and being married:

In Nigeria, I know there are three forms of marriage in the south. ( By south I mean the predominately Christian area)
1. The Introduction ceremony/Traditional marriage
2. The registry
3. The church.

I have always assumed that the first one is non-legal and not recognized in the United States.
This is the process of both families coming together to approve and bless the marriage.
This is usually followed by the registry and finally the Church wedding.

The question is if K-1 is pending, can number 1 be performed and notified the embassy during the interview that there was a non-legal ceremony. This to me will remove the notion that the relationship is fake or non existence. (I might be wrong but can anyone please throw some light into this?).

Right now I am in a similar situation where the family of my fiancée wants me to perform number #1 for them to formally bless the relationship since they know too well that there is no way for them to be present in the states during the legal wedding.

Please those who are knowledgeable and kind enough should enlighten me.

Dr. K

It really depends on the embassy and whether or not the marriage is considered legal. AFAIK, in no way are you able to do this if the marriage is considered legal in Nigeria. I've heard stories that even when the marriage is only ceremonial, the embassy may reject this. However, in my case (Jakarta) they said it was fine, and their website was very specific about what you could and could not do. For example, in Indonesia if you're moslem, then your marriage is already considered legal and therefore cannot do this. Otherwise, you can do it as long as you do not register the marriage with the government, as you would need to do for a spousal visa.

If the "registry" is a government thing, then my guess would be you can't go that far.

My final advice is to get the information from the embassy about what you are allowed to do. You will get varying recommendations from people here.

Edited by Copperblade, 08 March 2010 - 04:06 PM.

CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2010-03-08 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.
QUOTE (jundp @ Jul 26 2007, 04:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
July filer too smile.gif

I'd like to add here that a WEDDING and a LEGAL MARRIAGE are two very different things. So if someone is wanting to do a religious ceremony in their SO's country, they need to check the legalities of it. USCIS clearly tells us that a non-legal religious ceremony is ok, as long is it is not legal in the country in which it takes place.

Good thread, Lisa. Maybe people will read it?

Info on Indonesia:

The US Embassy in Indonesia just confirmed to me this is ok by email. I did not anticipate they would say that it is ok. I do not think it is ok in Indonesia if you have a Muslim wedding, because I think it is automatically a legal marriage. (You can check their site.)

Edited by Copperblade, 24 June 2009 - 09:49 AM.

CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2009-06-24 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.
QUOTE (bszoom42 @ Aug 23 2007, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DVE7 @ Aug 23 2007, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can someone else confirm that this is true? Specifically, I want to confirm that it's OK to have a religious ceremony in my boyfriend's country - with my friends/family from the US present - and then apply for the K-1 to get married legally in the US? Are there any links (to the USCIS website or elsewhere) that would confirm this? This is exactly what we want to do, but I want to be sure it's possible before starting to make plans. Thanks!

I highly doubt you will find links from USCIS explicitly condoning this. You need to be very careful with this, as this is a slippery slope, and the burden of proof lies with the visa applicant, not the consular officials.

Yeah, I would like a confirmation on this. Having the religious wedding in her country is EXACTLY what we wanted from the beginning. But after speaking with a couple of lawyers it sounded like if you call it a marriage, it doesn't matter if it's legal or not, you won't get approved at the interview. One lawyer said just make sure you don't call it a wedding or say you are married. The other one got all preachy about being married in front of God and it being dishonest to say we weren't really married at the interview. Bleh. Whatever.

The way it works in Indonesia is you must get married religiously first, and then register that marriage with the government. That would indicate to me that unless you register with the government, you're not technically married yet.
CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2009-06-22 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 22 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a VERY old thread, people, so I wouldn't get too upset about what's posted here. (original topic posted almost two years ago.)

QUOTE (Copperblade @ Jun 22 2009, 02:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The hardest thing for me to accept was the fact there was no recognized status/application for people planning to be married in another country.

There is. It's called a spousal visa.

You can only apply for that after you are married. So if you are planning on getting married (i.e. a fiance) in another country, there is currently nothing you can apply for. At least that's what I was told by more than one lawyer.

Edited by Copperblade, 22 June 2009 - 11:02 AM.

CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2009-06-22 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.
Tsk. tsk. Everyone is so judgemental. Some people also have biological constraints in which to work. You can't have kids for the "next 60 or so years"

Anyway, I wouldn't begrudge a single legitimate (i.e. really want to be married) couple for taking a short cut. In my opinion it is their right to be together, and it's just a case of sour grapes to be upset about it. Of course, I'd never want to risk attempting something like that myself.

Edited by Copperblade, 22 June 2009 - 09:35 AM.

CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2009-06-22 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo, you CANNOT file a I-129F and marry while waiting.
The hardest thing for me to accept was the fact there was no recognized status/application for people planning to be married in another country. Before I knew better, I thought for sure there must be some kind of application I can start on which says that she's my fiance, but we'll be marrying somewhere else, and so we should be able to interview.

I also thought about just doing the religious ceremony in her country, but I was advised not to do that by a lawyer who said that it's risky because if you actually call it a marriage, it doesn't matter if it's legal or not--they'll deny you.
CopperbladeMaleIndonesia2009-06-22 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Am I to understand that your fiancée may have another man? The first Thai woman I dated I had met only 3 weeks after first arriving for the first year. I was fresh out of college and was teaching freshman Remedial English. My girlfriend was a friend of my friend's date. We both came along as backup but ended up hooking up. I should have known better when she said "I do not mind if I am not the only one, I just want to be number one for you." I said "You're one and only!" and she giggled in response. Ironically, she ended up studying at my university three years later, and my jaw dropped when I first saw her standing there in the typical black and white Thai university uniform. I do not regret my relationship with her though, because she certainly introduced me to Bangkok along with Thai language, culture, cuisine, etc. If this does appear to be the case with you, I wish you all the best and hope you can find a trustworthy Thai lady.

If anyone is interested in meeting a few Thai ladies, my fiancée knows several in her village. Some speak English well while a couple hardly speak a word. One is a teacher and another a nurse. Let me know if you have a friend who would want to give it a try.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-05-10 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
I have been checking the embassy's website, waiting to see the updated list and search for our case on there.


ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-05-06 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
Until recently, people were waiting about 10 days from sending back Packet 3 and receiving Packet 4. Now there are several people waiting over a month; we've been waiting about 3 weeks already. Our original plan has been for my fiancée to travel to America in the beginning of July to be wed at the end of the month. We're a bit concerned whether we can still accomplish this.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-05-06 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 3 (2009 Thai thread restarted)
My fiancée is an English teacher, so if anyone wishes to contact her please let me know. She graduated university the same year as me, in 2002, with a degree in English. She has since gone back and earned a Master's in Applied Linguistics. Although I am a native speaker and an English major, she knows more about grammar theory and language acquisition than me.

Of course she still has a lot more to learn, but we have an excellent method. I will give her a new vocabulary word and since she already knows a fair amount, I will give her several synonyms as well as provide several exemplary sentences. She then begins to use these new words until she owns them. She loves learning English, so it's a joy studying with her. In return she teaches me a wealth of Thai language.

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-05-02 19:30:00