K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
If someone does not respect someone else's culture, it's a strong likelihood that person shall not truly respect any culture. The disrespectful individual shall continue to disrespect in the East or West, North and South: considering that a majority of the world's population does not respect i.e. value all other life, we'll continue to see all sorts of disrespect. Haha, try telling a disrespectful person to have some more respect, that's comical. Respect is not the same thing as liking. I can respect every culture, yet have preferences for certain ones. Perhaps this is to what you were referring roi_aggie, that if one does not like certain traits of another culture e.g. sin sot, it would be preferrable to choose a more compatible culture.

Another point is that some Thai women do wish to become Westernized, just as I had wished to become more 'Thai-like' while living there. I did not abandon my Western/Traditional American values, rather I assimilated Thai ones. My fiancee has had a great interest in Western culture, long before she ever met a westerner none alone visited a Western country. Your point, roi_aggie, is well made that it is irresponsible to force anything, such as one's culture, on anyone else, but I don't see any wrong in those who are actively interested in learning and becoming more Western.

kreng jai (??????) could be translated as considerate or respectful, but might be better understood as deference; humble submission. Often I noticed Thai practice kreng jai out of fear of losing face, fear of offence, etc. It has been only the most graceful Thai who did so from true humility.

These are interesting and enjoyable conversations for me as well, because they make explicit that which is continually operating implicitly i.e. one's values, principles, and one's personal meaning of all things. This sort of self-examination allows for compassionately honest appraisal rather than righteous judgement.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-22 13:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
My friends had both been admitted to Ramkhamhaeng Hospital in Bangkok; one for a baterial infection in his leg, the other for food poisoning from bad shrimp. Both said the care was adequate and they're both still with us! I agree that the medical care at some of those hospitals is just as good as in Western countries. Most of the highly qualified Thai doctors work there, because they were making so little under the 30-Baht health scheme at public hospitals.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-21 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
My health insurance also covers vaccinations and I was intending to do the same, so I am also interested in any information others have.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-21 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Also, are you sure you can attend the interview?

I never said the petitioner could attend the interview. What you said is accurate, the American petitioner is allowed inside the embassy, but shall not sit during the interview.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-19 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
raptorea1, Generally the details would better be placed on the I-129F itself, section 18; "Have you and your fiance(e) met in the last two years?" You can attach a separate sheet giving as much detail as you would like, though I would discourage writing much longer than a page for that. I spent about 4 paragraphs giving somewhat of a timeline, detailing each precise date and duration of visit, which were corroborated by our passport stamps and other documentary evidence. Others have answered the question in two lines and that was sufficient for them.

The fiances' letters of intent can be very short and sweet, such as the example on here on VJ. I used that as a model on which to base my own, however we did not state much more than "We shall marry on arrival to America"; dated and signed, done.

I believe it is from this perspective your attorney is advising you to shorten it. I doubt what you have sent already shall cause any complications. You must still send another fiance letter of intent to your fiancee shortly before her interview. If you shorten that one as recommended, it might better serve you.

All the best,

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-18 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

You have repeatedly expressed discontent over your fiancee working at McDonalds. There is absolutely nothing wrong with some back-breaking work. I would be much happier for my fiancee to be doing that, then just sitting at home living off someone else's income. And as tough as it is, it's still probably easier than working in the rice fields. I found it a big enough challenge just walking in the rice fields!

This situation is not permanent. Perhaps another 5 months at most? Seems like a mountain is being made of a mole hill. Also regarding your fiancee's employment opportunities, perhaps she could consider further education once she arrives in America. This would certainly be empowering for her and could lead to all sorts of opportunities.

Finally regarding all things asian food, check out H-Mart on Route 40! The filipino teachers here in the city flock there on a weekly basis. They do have Thai products and reasonable substitutes.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-16 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Most work in the fields but her sister(teacher) and brother in law(government figure in the province) have pretty good jobs.

Relative to working in fields, these job certainly do earn a significantly higher salary. But just to give you an idea of what a Thai teacher generally earns, after 7 years and a Master's degree, my fiancee only makes about 11,000 Baht a month teaching. That's compared to the 40,000 Baht a month I earned as a professor after only four years and just a Bachelor's. She also works double the hours that I did.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-15 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
QUOTE (symbiosis @ Nov 13 2008, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I realize this subject has probably been covered numerous times before, but I can't seem to find specific references:

Can someone tell me what the deal is with a temporary EAD work permit (90 days). Is this automatic for K-1 visa holder upon U.S. entry? If not, what are the restrictions, or which specific POEs do it? The latter could make a difference on my fiance's flight arrangements.

Also, how long does it typically take to get a permanent(?) work permit?

From my understanding, it is not automatic. It may be given at POE at the discretion of the immigration officer. It cannot hurt to ask for one from the officer, though he or she may still say 'no.'

In a FAQ on this site it says that JFK seems to be one of the few still issuing temporary EADs but that even there it is not every time. I am not certain how current that information is, because some recent posters have mentioned receiving them without even asking (cannot remember the POE's).

You may apply for the EAD at the same time as applying for Adjustment of Status (AOS), which shall be after legally marrying. It seems to take anyway from three to six months to be processed and issued.

I have wondered also what shall my wife do for three months+ while I am working. Perhaps volunteer somewhere, or find a hobby. I am not too concerned, however I do not want her to become bored.

All the best,
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-13 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
QUOTE (toma1 @ Nov 11 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
10 baht could be VERY REASONABLE under the circumstances you mention... though it would also depend on the cash payment and--to a lesser extent--on the ring.

toma1, just the 10 Baht and nothing more. No cash payment. Of course I shall but my fiancee engagement and wedding rings, but the parents really aren't looking for anything else.

Like HYENA, I bought the tractor for dad because it was obviously an enormous help. He is 54 years old now and since he was a boy, he would till the fields with a buffalo. He's getting tired of that and I don't blame him at all. He is so proud of his new tractor and he even rents it out to neighbors.

I think many of us posters on this thread are able to discern between being taken advantage of and genuinely helping others. When we see how grateful they are, it only affirms our choice to give where we can. I have spoken with my fiancee several times and once she is here, we will probably send about $1500 a year to the parents. As HYENA pointed out, this can be equal to an entire year's income for many. It would be a pleasure to give to mom and dad.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-11 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
My future mother-in-law asked for 10 Baht gold (about $3,500). I found her request to be quite reasonable. Besides buying a push tractor for dad ($1,700), they have never asked for anything else. I have been with their daughter for over four years. She is now 29 years old, never been married, never had children and has earned a Master's degree. During the first year or so of dating, she strongly objected to her daughter having relations with a man outside of marriage. Mom has stated on several occasions, she just wishes for us to be married "to do the right thing." I strongly respect her position and that is how come we've gone ahead with the K-1. After marrying here in America, we plan to return to Thailand for a big ceremony in their village.

I quite like the in-laws and feel blessed that they are such honest, hard-working people. Perhaps that is how come their daughter turned out to be a fine lady as well. I do not have much difficulty talking with them in Thai, unless they start speaking northern dialect, which they have the tendency to lapse into, especially after a little moonshine.

In closing, my best friend's father told me as a boy "Look at the mother; however she is, so shall the daughter become." With the acknowledged exception, I feel there's deep wisdom to that.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-11 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Kang Lang and toma1,

Thank you very much. Your responses are invaluable. I shall have her contact the amphur office.

jer 08 Congratulations!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-09 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
I have already posted this in the Consulate section, but thought it couldn't hurt to place in the Thai thread as well. For anyone who has already gone through the interview, Packet 3 Checklist asks for:

Verification of Unmarried Status: Required if you have not registered a previous marriage

Does this mean some form of verification is needed only if one was formerly married but never registered or does it mean that all single applicants, who have never married, must bring some form of proof?

If it is only required for those who have been married, but never registered, then it does not apply to us.

If it is required of all single applicants, how would one go about obtaining this documented proof?

Thank you for any clarification.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-09 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
I lived and worked in Thailand on a Non-Immigrant B work visa with accompanying work permit. I was employed by a Thai university that would handle everything for me each year. All I did was pay about 5,000 Baht and go to the immigration office to show my face.

After three years of living and working there, I was eligible to apply for a resident visa. In the end I did not because I was planning on returning to America after my fourth year.

If you wish to find out more please go here:
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-05 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

From my understanding, both you and your fiancee will be required to have updated letters of intent to marry dated from about this present time and addressed to the US Consulate in Bangkok.

You will also be required to send your fiancee additional proof of ongoing relationship, which may include more photos, telephone bills, stamped envelopes and correspondence, etc.

There would be no need for additional proof of having met within the last two years, as that has already been established during the initial adjudication of the I-129f.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-11-01 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
There are a couple of pieces from my years in Bangkok that I would like for my fiancee to ship over before she emigrates.

Have any of you had successful experience moving furniture or other large items from Thailand to USA?

The pieces are probably a total weight and demensions of 50 kilo (110 lbs) and 1.5 meters (59") X 1 meter (39") X 0.5 (20"). If the cost were around 7,000 Baht ($200), I would not hesitate to do it. If it were significantly more, I would probably just keep the pieces at the in-laws house.

Thank you for any information or advice.

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-26 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
I've heard all sorts of stories about HM the King Bhumibol. Once I heard that he would fly to New York City to play his saxophone in little night clubs. He loves jazz and has composed several original numbers. He has played with Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and other legends. He had a royal radio station where he would occasionaly DJ and take requests from callers who had no clue they were talking to the King.

I've heard about the King showing up in remote villages and speaking with poor farmers, asking how he could help them improve their crop yields and profits. Again some had no clue with whom they were talking.

Once the King was concerned about the sea gates that control the flood waters coursing through and around Bangkok, which was the Venice of the Far East. He went down to the station in the middle of the night to find the watchman asleep at his post. He woke him and chastised him for neglecting such an important duty.

The King holds a dear place in all Thai hearts (he can calm hot poltical tensions when things truly turn ugly, as I certainly hope they do not in this current crisis).


Long Live the King!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-19 18:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Section 13.
A woman of Thai nationality who marries an alien and may acquire the nationality of her husband according to the nationality law of her husband, shall, if she desires to renounce Thai nationality, make a declaration of her intention before the competent official according to the form and in the manner prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

It does not state that she is required to renounce Thai nationality, rather if she so desires to, this is how.

A Thai man/woman may enter and leave the US on a US Passport, and enter and leave Thailand on a Thai Passport with no problems at all.

The King of Thailand is dual national, having been born in Mass. USA while his father studied there.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-19 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
I might tell her to do so shortly after the New Year, thank you for the prompt reply

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-18 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Does anyone know if the Police Department in Bangkok will conduct the criminal background check before my fiancee receives the notice from the US Consulate? I have read that the checks are being delayed upto a month, and if we could do it sooner, I would just as soon go ahead.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-18 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

This website confirms dual nationality is allowed. It clearly states that citizenship in a country is distinct from nationality. A foreign spouse may choose to become a U.S. citizen and still retain citizenship in their home country. Your SO can enter and leave the U.S. with a U.S. passport and enter and leave Thailand on a Thai passport.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-15 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
Devkpaik, thanks for the reply. We probably have well over 500 conversations, so I might randomly pick a dozen or so just as examples.

She has mailed all the signed paperwork from her side in Thailand, and once it arrives, I'll be sending the I-129F. This feels slightly surreal, and of course I am so excited.

All the rest who are still in the process, all the best to you

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-07 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
I am waiting for my fiancee's package to send off the I-129F. I have gathered proof of having met during the past two years, including visas, boarding passes, hotel recipes, photos, etc.

I have a question regarding proof of ongoing relationship. We have tons of Instant Messages from over years of conversing. About how many of these should I include? 5, 10, 30? Also, though there aren't any incriminating conversations, most of them are talking about boring everyday things. Is this appropriate for what they want?

Thanks for any feedback

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-06 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy the U.S.?
Our reasons are very much like several of the others posted here. I had been living in her country for three years when we met. I spent another year and a half there while we were dating, but ultimately came back to America to study for a Master's degree and earn a higher income.

Now that I am here and almost finished the Master's degree, I still have a two year committment to my employer. That would mean us waiting two more years (it's been nearly three years already) living apart. We have been willing to separate thus far, but we're ready to be together again, so she's coming here.

We may return to live part or full time in Thailand later but for now USA!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-04 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAttorney for K-1 application
If you feel you can do it on your own, and if you have the time and patience, then by all means I suggest doing it yourself. You are going to hear a lot of opinions about this issue, however when it's all said and done it comes to personal preference.
Good luck.

Wow! How insightful of a comment! Super obvious yet often overlooked. One person will say, "Yes, please do retain an attorney." While another will comment, "It's so easy to apply on your own, it's a waste of money." Neither is wrong. It is just their preferences. As Devkpaik noted, your available time and comfort of preparing everything are two critical factors that shall help you decide.

If not for a site like VJ, I might not be so confident to do it on my own. If not for the invaluable insight of members along with the Visa Guides, I likely would have been confused and/or have made several mistakes.

Whatever your choice, all the best to you.

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2008-10-21 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat does this mean?
All the best. You two are a beautiful couple!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-13 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPlane tickets required at interview?
Though it's a closed topic already, I concur. Do not purchase any airline tickets until the visa is in hand. I am contemplating not purchasing the wedding rings till then either!

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-16 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew 2009 guidlines !!!!!!
You do not need to wait for your tax return. So long as you have letters from your current employers stating your salary and position (part or full-time), you are just fine.

Your fiancée cannot act as a co-sponsor.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-15 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew 2009 guidlines !!!!!!
Get a part-time job that will supplement your main income.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-15 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew 2009 guidlines !!!!!!
That is also the minimum amount. Often they wish to see some number above minimum income amount. In my opinion, a co-sponsor would be advised.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-15 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent to VSC
From this day onward until the interview collect evidence of an ongiong relationship. These include emails, chat logs, phone bills, envelopes and letters sent, evidence of further trips to see each other including planes tickets, boarding passes, photos, hotel recipes, etc.

When the interview comes, the officer shall ask your fiancé to see evidence of your continued relationship after you sent the I-129F. These shall help satisfy that requirement.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-17 17:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage-based Green Cards
USA is a great nation that does attract millions of people. Though people may come for the benefits economic and social mobility, it is our principles that stand out. Has the operation of these principles dimmed over the past forty years? Without a doubt, we have seen the corrosive effect of political expediency as well as the deleterious effect of negative media on our country, however the founding principles are still always available to us.

It started in the Declaration of Indepedence with the line, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Here is the principle that all humans are equal not due to some secular authority, but by birth. This acknowledges the divine right of the ruled, in contrast to divine right of the ruler. This concept reemerges in the Constitution as well as during Lincoln's Gettysburg Address where he states, "this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government : of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

It is interesting to note to all secularists that although our government was strongly against a state supported religion i.e. theocracy, our Founding Fathers were deeply spiritual, and intuitively if not rationally knew the difference. All 50 of our States' Constitutions reference God as supreme sovereign, by whom all earthly rights are bestowed. Even the Free thinkers [non-religious secularists] who signed the Constitution, respected and accepted this principle.

America is not a saint. Like all countries, we look out for ourselves first, yet we have contributed more to the relief of human suffering than any other nation. Refridgeration, telegraph, radio, television, electricity, computer, automotive and aviation industries, on and on all emerged from America, spreading across the world, providing a higher standard of living for all. Although Alexander Flemming was British, it was the US Government's interest in saving GI's lives during World War II that brought penicillin into the light, again saving untold millions of lives. Though the media has hardly given it attention, President George W. Bush has done more for African people than anyone, including all the wonderful work being done by the Gate's Foundation.

God Bless America!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-19 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressend thru regular mail or FedEx?
All the very best salman1. As the others said, USPS is a fine choice, especially when you send certified, to ensure delivery. Next thing to look for is an image of your canceled bank check (can't do with money orders) online if your bank offers that service. By examining the back of your canceled check, you can usually find a number. It will have 3 letters before it, which vary depending on whether you filed at the California or Vermont Service Center. Please do fill in the timeline information on this website by going to the Time line link at the top of this page.


You can take that number from the back of the check and by going to you can register an online account and track your petition. Two things to look for online, "Date Updated" which is what several refer to as a 'touch.' This is when someone's petition has been moved, whether it's to box it up after it has been receieved, or to unbox it several months later, shortly before it is reviewed and accepted (this step is called NOA2). Touches sometimes occur, sometimes they never occur for folks, so they're not so reliable. Also you can see if your case is "Received and Pending" or "Approval notice sent" or "Request for additional information" (RFE), which usually indicates an error or something missing. No big deal, just send the things in and your case usually is done within a few weeks of their receiving it.

As others recommended you can keep busy by assembling further documents, such as your tax returns (3 years is a rule of thumb that varies by US Consulate. You can order free tax transcripts from or calling) further proof of your relationship, which should include a lot from the time you send the petition until the time of your fiancée's interview. Include things like phone bills, letters, emails, and any proof of visiting each other again, like plane tickets, hotel receipts, etc.

Also in the meantime, enjoy our message board. We are a large family from around the entire world. We have loved ones on every continent (any in Antarctica?) who in some way or another, choose to live in America.


ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-19 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdrug test
Even hair samples are usually only effective for several months afterward, not years. There is a high probability that those conducting the medical exam could not prove you have used drugs. So the choice is yours to be honest and risk from a three year to lifetime ban, or lie in which the best of circumstances, you'd be admitted and the worst, you'd be found out and banned for life.

Ah, choices.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-19 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan K1 be denied?
Just follow the Guide for K-1 at the top of this page. If you have been together in the past two years and can prove that with boarding passes, tickets, visa stamps in passports, photographs together, hotel receipts, etc. (not all necessary but the more, the better), then you can confidently apply.

Your fiancé would need to earn at least $18,000 a year and both of you must be eligible to marry (single or divorced).

Nothing to fear so long as you fulfill all the requirements that are listed in the Guides section. So please read them and if you still have questions, search the archive of this forum. Otherwise feel free to ask here.

All the best
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-02-24 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA problem with applying visa & green card
Gary lives up to his signature again.


ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-01 13:12:00
From what I have read from others, yes it does. The common advice is to build an extra strong case with as much evidence as you are able to gather. At least one more visit would be highly advised, along with sworn statements from relatives, such as yours and his parents. Emails, telephone logs, any shared bills, etc. would all be recommended as well.

All the best!
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-01 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbankrupsy during k1visa
Unless there is something unique to China, there is no credit check or consideration of liabilities in the process. If your income meets the guidelines they do not check credit or what your monthly payments are.

This may not be entirely accurate. A Thailand poster, Daboyz, said that the US Consulate in Bangkok was aware of an IRS lien and initially denied his wife the visa on account of that lien bringing his annual salary to below 125% of the poverty line. He never disclosed this at any point, but somehow, obviously through a search, they found this.

I would definitely research this further. Wish you all the very best. I am confident that if you are determined enough, you and your beautiful Chinese fiancée shall be together in America.

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-01 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of ongoing relationship
You may wish to save all conversations, emails, etc. however you likely don't need to print and bring all of them to the interview. It is commonly recommended to bring a good sample of conversations. For example you could bring 4 conversations from every month between when you filed I-129F till the interview (where they may be asked for). Same goes for emails and other evidence. Now if you want to double this and bring 8 from each month, so be it. But it shall be unlikely that you would need to produce every single one, given the amount you have been saving. Keep saving since they will want to see ongoing relationship between the petition filing and the interview date. Some folks encourage a visit during that time if possible, just to show ongoing relationship.
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-01 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you file an I-129F petition if your fiance is already here?
Would the OP legally be allowed to marry the beneficiary now, then file for adjustment?
ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-01 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion 18
Here is mine:

I, one luck guy, and the sweetest lady first met on Blank, 2004 in Disney. I was a traveling salesman and she was a siren. Sweetie was visiting her brother in Epcott Center when we first became acquainted. We maintained a relationship over the next two years while I lived in Disney and during the subsequent two years I have been in America.

On Blank, 2007, I returned to Disney to spend time Sweetie until Blank, 2007.

During the month of Blank 2007, Sweetie came to America to try clam chowder. I went to visit her in the Magic Kingdom over the weekend of Blank 7 to 9. Sweetie visited me in Neverland during the weekend of Blank 14 through 16.

I returned to Disney from Blank, 2008 until Blank, 2008 to ask for Sweetie's hand in marriage. She accepted and our intention is to wed once she is able to come to America.

Obviously I replaced details with substitutes. I tried to establish the original meeting, as well as having fulfilled the requirement of having met within the past two years. Some folks talk of presenting a timeline for the interview, would something like this suffice, I wonder?

ThaitoUSAMaleThailand2009-03-02 12:06:00