Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

congrats sunny!! :lol:

:unsure: Finesse you know you not suppose to drink and breast feed...... Put the bottle down. :rofl:

Lady C.... go ah yuh bed... :bonk:

jesus you people are boring.i just read through 3 days in 10 minutes. nuhbody ave drama?

It has been slow going in here, but we don't need no damn drama... lol We love peace up in here.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 22:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

thats true.. draw the ppl in first..
i love my sistren!!

girl ray was gonna be like jody on baby boy.. selling clothes and all the women buying from him cuz he so cute LOL

I'd have to beat a b*%&$ down. :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 16:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

babay..that is why roger had to wait till he was working cuz the soccer channel that he need is the PLATNIUM package on every service that ive researched.. um sorry :whistle:
direct tv ive noticed has ALOT of great promotions right now.. :star:
he needs a cell too sunny, been looking at att for internet,cable and phone, but will have to check verizon too

At&T service sucks out here where I live. I love Verizon serice.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 15:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

i don't blame ray ONE DANG BIT.. let alone i don't know how to cook i just am not an entreprenuer..i like being a worker bee LOL
roger has so many dreams of self employment, he wants to own a club and a restaurant but he see's saving is not easy here, and he don't have no SUGA MAMA!!! :rofl:

Don't get me started with the self employment thing. We have discussions about that all the time, and each time I tell his but that can come in time, but not right away. He wanted to sell clothes from his trunk. LMAO :bonk:

okay so should it be $12 then since delivering?? or is that asking too much??

I would make it $10.. Once he get's established he can go up a dollar or so.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 15:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Quana, I'd buy it for $10!

Yup. Turns out on eBay you can search based on distance from a zip code. I've done that a few times & no one near my zip code is selling a phone that could be mine.

Craigslist lists per city, so I was only looking at the Houston (and suburbs) posts.

I think I will try the having someone else call. But I only have 1 coworker who I'd ask to do that & he's been out for days. Hopefully he'll be back tomorrow & the #1 suspect will be around and I can have him call her while I go chat to her. That way, if she answers: BUSTED. If someone else answers, she'll drop off my suspects list & I'll quit investigating.

Sounds like a plan. I hope she didn't do anything crazy like that though. That would be awful.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 15:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

last survey..

hubby has been told that he's a great cook, so even tho he doesn't really LIKE to cook much, he's thinking bout selling some food at my job, maybe once every two weeks..JA soon come!!
so do you think $10 is enough for 2 pieces curry chicken, plantain, cabbage and rice and peas?? is that not enough?? one of the places here charge $7 and the other $15
but he is delivering it?? should it be more?

Jamaican food is expensive period. I think $10 is great because you can buy a long pack of chicken legs and thighs for about $6, cabbage is cheap and so is plantain. I think that's a fair price for lunch and delivery. He could really make a lot of money doing that. I asked Ray to do that before and he told me hell naw.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 15:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
DW: I hope your closing date doesn't change and you guys can move it on in there.

Nat: Hope you feel better dear.

Always: Why are people nasty when they really need you. I can't understand that on at all.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 15:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25! that hubby got a J O B.. now i will agree to some REAL C A B L E..our uhhh "service" is just basic and he need the soccer channel, since the world cup is bout to commence..
taking a poll, whats better satellite or cable?? any good company's?? i really don't like TWC..will be back for some opinions.

I use to have Comcast until recently. I now have Verizon Fios and it's great. Tons of channels and my internet and phone all come on the same bill.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Where is JG? I haven't seen her around lately?
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 14:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Dens Wifey, that's great to have a closing date set! I can already hear the keys jengling in your hand.

DaDa, how's the job search coming? I think it's exciting to move to a new place.

JQ Smiley Queen, I read Steven your story from yesterday and he started talking about how he doesn't know of any parks or have any friends who could set out the picnic supplies. :bonk: I told him there are many other things he can do.

I know most people would've given up by now, but I decided to investigate one more (last?) time on my stolen phone.

I went to Craigslist and found that 15 minutes after I realized my phone was missing, someone posted that they had a black G1 for sale that was missing a charger. The missing a charger part is crucial because most people with a phone would have a charger for it, unless the phone was STOLEN.

I texted the person asking if they still have the phone for sale, but didn't get a response. I almost want to go to my #1 suspect and call the # from Craigslist to see if she answers, but that might cause too much drama @ work.

Let someone else call the number. Is the phone that's being sold in the same city/state?

:dance: Go Steven :dance: :dance: :dance: he just wants the best for you Nat he is so nice!!! :thumbs:

Watch this yall!/video/video.php?v=1199574106292

OMG, I started laughing as soon as it came on. I remember seeing that a while ago and it was funny as heck. She was throwing him all over the place.

I know! I wanted to see it, too.

I think we may be short. She's not sharing.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 14:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
JQ smiley BOOM.. LOL

I couldn't hear a lot of the video because my music was up, but I didn't expect it to end like that.

Where is your fight? Did it get on youtube yet? lol
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 13:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Sorry to hear about that MrsTee. That's awful and that girl is so young to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. My moms friend has cervical cancer and she's not doing that good. I hope it's early enough to where the doctors can treat it. (F)

Posted ImagePosted Image

JQ, you need to take a early lunch break since your mouth is watering like so. LOL
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hey Dills I bought my kids tickets for WWF

Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Time: 6:45 pm

$137 for 3 tickets I know hubby wont want to go!!!!

Hey Sunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im lost Q what you saying :help:

WWE is coming to the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore and I saw front row floor seats for $750 for 2. :rofl: I wish I would, but for those folks who are BIG fans of WWE that might be nice.

Good morning!!

Is it me, or does the beginning of the week always feel hectic & the end of the week feel relaxed?

It's just to opposite for me. Fridays are the worst. It's when folks realize stuff needs to be done the following week and wait until Friday to tell you that they need shyt.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 11:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

He is a great kisser although he doesn't like to kiss much. :bonk:

Ray always says did you not get enough kisses when you were small. :rofl:

AWWWW I missed

1. DaDa,
2. dancehallquana,
3. Eric_Jew Nug
4. two :ph34r: :ph34r:

that would have been me... I didn't realize I wasn't signed in until I tried to post. lol What's up girl.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 10:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Go Ray… Whoo dat man be putting it down he gets lunch served ta him with a smile….LOL

Good Morning All….

Question when you first kissed yuh mate could he kiss or did you have to work with him?

Quana yuh hush mi knoa yuh answa already…. LOL

Hey DaDa... He only gets that about 1 to 2 times a week. I guess I feel bad for him because he got our airlines tix so I don't want him to have to buy lunch. Why do I feel bad for him? I must be insane.

He could kiss...

Edited by *SunRay*, 25 March 2010 - 07:59 AM.

*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 07:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

yea you can boil them again to reheat them
or you can slice them and fry them
<homer simpson voice> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....dumpliiiiiings</homer simpson voice>
:crying: :wacko: i gave in and ate rice today :crying: :crying: now you got me wanting dumplings

I didn't know you were on a rice strike Bunz....
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 07:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Good Morning Yardies!

After all of the feedback about dumplings yesterday, I looked at them and they had turned gray from the water so I had to make you know what instead. :rofl: When I got to his job, he opened the container and didn't say a word. It was his lunch time and the food was hot so he sat in the car and ate it. :wacko: He's special...


Good News Jess... How is his mom doing?
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-25 07:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Mi friend said yes they are still good the next day but yuh might have to boil dem again as long as yuh not leave dem sitting in water.

OMG, so I was getting ready to go reboil them suckers and carry them to his job. What do I do now.... :blink: :unsure: :huh: :o
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 21:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:wow: Check this out :blink:

In this latest iPhone ad Family Travels, Apple is pimping an app that "can turn off the lights". The app is called Schlage Link, the same little utility that was featured in Apple's "12 Apps of Christmas" holiday spot as "an app that can light up the tree".

Schlage Link is a free download in the App Store. It can control several Schlage home devices including a module for lights, entry door locks, thermostats and in home video cameras. Both from near and from afar. (watch video after break)


The minor downside of this fantastical concept, is that your iPhone must be paired with a specific Z-Wave home automation module which requires a $12.99 monthly service plan and purchasing the Schlage LiNK Starter Kit for $299. That's just for starters.

If that speed bump doesn't slow you down, then you may be in for a seriously geeky treat. The idea of controlling key functions at home from your phone while on the road would even manage to get a young geek in training highly stimulated.

:blink: ok, I've had enough.... That's a damn mess.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 21:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Is anyone planning to watch the "fly Girls" new reality show?
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Yes me too I'm looking for the app right now, stand by I will tell you if it works LOL

What you come up? Did you scare everybody and turn the lights out in the house? lol
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 19:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Sunny, those boiled dumplings you can take them split them down the middle and fry them in cooking oil the next morning....and they are actually tasty,thats about the only way i will eat a dumpling, buy A that is what they do when its leftovers :)

I'll save one then and try that. I'm always up for new ideas. That was the next thing I had planned to try was fried dumplings... I don't eat the boiled dumplings either.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 19:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
OK, so now you can turn your lights out at home using your iPhone. That's a bit much, but I just saw a commerical and the couple was in the car going on vacation and forgot to turn out the lights in the house. She goes to her iphone and there was a button to turn out the lights. WTH! If they make the one that cooks your dinner, I'll get mine turned back on even though the phone service sucks. :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 18:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Good day!!!! I see we started a Part25 and im just now getting here on page 14. WOW.
Hope everyone is well. Yesterday i checked status of package i sent off. Fedex site shows where it was delivered Monday & it also showed who signed for it. So now i must wait, i guess. Hopefully everything is processed in a timely matter and not in a delayed way.
Take care all until i forward back

Hey Mo... Seems like the AOS process is moving pretty quickly, so I hope yours does the same. The hardest part for me was watching the thousand dollars sit in the bank until it finally disappeared. :crying: :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 18:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

im telling unless u pay me sunny Posted Image

:crying: yuh nah right tee...
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 18:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

WOW! I don't check in for a week and you all go and change the house and put in new windows and stuff. It's a wonder y'all did not change the locks and I could still get in (sign in). Woosah!

What brought on this change? Is it more user-friendly? It will take some getting used to.
Anyway, Where are my manners. Good Evening All, how's everyone doing? Still looking for a high school for my daughter and foster daughter, they both want to be in drama.

Hey girl... The new changes took some getting use to. Goodluck on finding a school for the girls.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 17:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
I'm taking Ray leftovers to work tonight and I'm going to reboil those dumplings and act like I had to knead more dough. :rofl: I hope ya'll don't get me in trouble. LMAO I wonder if he'll be able to tell. He said his dinner last night was the bomb... :thumbs: I'm trying to get down with the get down....
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 17:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

:P You laughing, I am SOOOO for real.... IM headed to his Abuela house to spend the night cuz I cant deal with this mierda

:rofl: I figured that out....
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 17:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

my grandmother would cuss us out sunny.. we was scared not to go get her cigarettes.. i know that wasn't the right thing to do tho

My grandmother cussed like a sailor..... She grew up in the hood and she was Ghetto FAB do you hear me. We would have to warn her before she would go out on our deck because she would talk to herself and cuss all day long. She beat up this man in her building that had one leg in a wheelchair because she said he tried to touch her butt. She said I punched him in his back and his little half of leg went up in the air. It was the way she said it. RIP Jaybird.... I got a lot of crazy folks in my family that's for sure.

I'm heading home... Chat with ya'll in a few.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Hubby leaves his out in the pot overnight & eats them next day...he's never been sick & still alive to tell about it. I stopped putting his food away for him so now if he falls asleep on the couch at 9:00 & still hasn't done it, it stays there & he'll be the only one eating those leftovers.

Well Ray said he can't eat them the next day, so the next time I make them I'll only make about 3. He leaves his food on the stove too except for fish. OMG, when I typed fish I realized that I left the fish in the oven for two damn days.... Please don't let him open the oven... :rofl: My head not right.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Well he keeps saying he'll stop cuz he isnt really addicted to them and he doesnt smoke around me but its the mere thought of smoking that erks me.. And i was gonna give him some but nevermind

lol... :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 16:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

YOU DID NOT!!! bwoy that was SWEET! sunny, u sure u not puerto rican lol.. girl i know that man wanted to DIE when that little girl opened her mouth.. :rofl: :rofl: lawd mi belly hawt..
he did sunny..and when he dropped them back off he told me he wanna meet with me.. he was not like this when we were married, i know i sound naive but he wasn't.. i feel like this break up has really ruined him.. i can't let him ruin my husband's security and trust in me w/ his foolishness tho..imma have to get tre/sunny/mrstee/dillon/nique/rashida on him if he keeps it up :bonk: :rofl:

girl, he had milkshake in his face, head and on the driver side window. His daughter was in the back seat in shock. A 5 year old. You know they tell exactly what they see and don't think nothing of it....

When he told you he loved you, you should have said I love Roger boo boo..
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 16:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

I've been around. I have stuck my head in here and there. I'm trying to pull of this move. My mom is being so difficult and giving me a hard time because she doens't want me to go but I keep telling her to get over it. Just think of it like this you will always have somewhere to visit..LOL

Aww, she's going to miss you DaDa. You know how moms can be. Once you make the move, she'll be the first one down there.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

Sunny you are so bad!!! :thumbs:

We use to hise my mothers cigarettes and she would get so made she was ready to fight us. :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
Okay, so are the JA style boiled dumping good the next day. Can somebody ask their husbands. If I had know that, I would have only made 3 damn dumplings instead of 8. Sheesh..... I don't knead dough because I love to do it. My hubby is sick inna im head.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

ok..those that are familiar w/ the the baby daddy drama.. remember i thought it would end after he got married??? NO SAH.. yesterday he picked up the kids.. him and wifey was on honeymoon all spring break so he didn't get the kids this past wkend and wanted to see them..
WHYYYYY when he came back he mouthed I love you as he left?? :wacko: :wacko:

Oh no he didn't. I remember this guy I was dating a long time ago had a daughter that was about 5. One day we went to pick her up and I sat in the care. When she got in the car, she said Shelly daddy kissed mommy. I threw my milkshake upside his head and we had plans to go out, but had to go straight home. :rofl:

all u drag race fans!! I LOOOVVVVEEEEE jujube.. oohh i want him/her to take it SOOOO bad..
tatiana is pretty but clueless to style and raven i love too, but not as much as jujube
im glad jessica went home last night

okay. back to work

I like jujubee too. I love when she did the Kimora Lee look. I do not like Tyra for some reason.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

cama- but close enough lol... ok hubby and I are arguing because apparently he started smoking Blacks and I dont agree with it. And Im pissed off abt it cuz I DONT DO SMOKERS. What do I do?

thanks :thumbs: See, I learned something today.

Black and Milds are the worst. I can't stand the smell of those things. Hopefully, he will stop smoking them if you tell him that you don't like them. If not, break up the packs long enough and at $5 a pack he'll stop.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!
double post

Edited by *SunRay*, 24 March 2010 - 03:32 PM.

*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

who dis??? :blink:

sunny, i thought u was puerto rican?? lol.. KIDDING WOOOWWWIIIIEEEEEE

Sometimes when I go to this area called Langley Park in MD, the guys be talking to be in Spanish. I be like no, mi no speak espanial (sp). When I was in Cancun the same thing happened. I wish I knew how to speak it because I would mess with then big time.
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin, Part 25!

awwww, well we'll keep it to a minimum :lol:

No, no, no...Keep it up. It's actually educational. I've always wanted to learn spanish. I took it in high school and didn't learn a lick of spanish because I was too busy being grown. One guy taught me Vamos a la coma and I learned it meant let's go to bed. :rofl:
*SunRay*FemaleJamaica2010-03-24 15:28:00