K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this the right way to do it?
why would one need a letter of intent? i never used one?
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-26 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long does it take to get a second interview date?

Did you get the automatic response from the embassy? At least if you got that, you know it is in the "queue". I would say email again till you get a response. Good luck!

Got the response yesterday!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-29 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long does it take to get a second interview date?
My fiance went on her first interview in Lagos on the 20th.. She was told to bring more proof and reschedule via email.. The email was sent on the 20th with no response to date.. How long does it usually take to get a second interview date via email or is there a faster way to get a second date???
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-26 22:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello Everyone
this is also my second go at it!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-30 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee and Rebtel calling card

I understand what you mean, I use rebtel also, the name of the person shows and duration, not the number...
What I did is to print the account page, displaying the number and the name of person associated with the number, then highlight it for easy identification. Then put this print out in front of the printed call records, which you have also highlighted your finace's call history....
Good luck....

this is what i did also.. i went to contact page of rebtel and highlighted my fiances name where it shows her original number.. i then also highlighted the rebtel number on my att bill for additional proof

Edited by naijaboy, 02 October 2011 - 10:27 PM.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-10-02 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence

They definitely think your marriage is fake. So, they'll probably send your petition back to USCIS for a review which could really take any amount of time. Sucks for you!

<_< insensitive
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-10-15 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance did not get visa b/c of insufficient evidence
this thread is intense and scary.. my fiances second interview is in December.. They didn't deny her on the first interview they just asked her to bring more proof.. I hope that's a good sign..OP im so sorry for whats happening to you.. I know the pain your feeling right now.. Good luck to you and your fiance!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-10-15 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDifference of Age
how old are you and how old is she?
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-10-22 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSending Documents.
I used fed ex on 3 different occasions.. She got the package delivered to her home
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Dont feel Depressed, I went through the same thing.

On August 22nd, 2011 my fiance appeared for his K-1 visa interview and was told he does not have enough evidence to show that our relationship was true and as such could not be given a visa. He was told to go get phone card records and more pictures, I cried that day like something had fallen apart in my life. That same evening, I emailed the Lagos embassy telling them that I provided over 100 pages of mt ATT call records and the consular said that was not enough, so they scheduled another interview for November 1st, 2011.

I contacted my call card company and asked for my call records from them and they provided me with 18 pages of transactions. My fiance took that to the embassy today, his appointment was for 1pm and he said he spent about 5 mins and the consular took his passport from him, came back about 1 min later and said "welcome to the United States, please pick up your visa next week"

First I would say that this is serious favor from God and no where but I would like to encourage you and let you know that your approval is on the way, God is faithful and he will see both of you through. I would keep saying a prayer for you and not to worry, all will be well. Keep on praying and trusting the Lord.

wow! this is so awesome and encouraging! Thank u for this post :thumbs: congrats!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-01 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!
Thanks for all the support and recommendations guys! i did like u guys said and dug through my digital cam and found like over 20 more pics to use!!! I also will create a album telling a story as suggested instead of giving them a stack of pics.. Also i will have my whole family write notarized letters as suggested.. My question is should i attach a copy of each of my family members ID/drivers license as proof its them writing the letters?? I just wish i didn't send that FedEx package on Monday.. I wish i would have waited.. It cost me $150.00 i guess i will be spending another $150 but its more than worth it
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-23 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Hi, I wanna know how long you have been together? I had a suggestion to you. I made a collage where all of our pics we put it together with corresponding dates he visited me with those tickets and hotel receipt. Our first chat and some couple of money he send to me in the collage. I named it with our Name and put our Love Story. The one who interviewed me like it and things work well. It is approved and i am already with him now and married. Just dont lost hope and prayer works. Good luck.

I have known her since 1999 I lived in Nigeria for a year when I was 15-16 years old and I lived in her home.. We are family friends.. My mom has known her parents since 1986... I got back in contact with her last year around April 2010 and we kicked things off from there
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-23 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

MARRIAGE FOR IMMIGRATION PURPOSES ONLY and your case is being returned to the approved DHS office im really dissapointed and so dont know what to do do u have any advice for me

im honestly not sure what that denial means.. i feel your pain.. :( this journey is emotionally draining... i hope others on this forum can help!.. I think u should create a new Topic explaining your situation that way others can help u!

Edited by naijaboy, 22 September 2011 - 10:19 PM.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Also, any chance of YOU being at interview? It would not hurt, and it could help!!!!!!

No it's not possible I just returned from Lagos 3 weeks ago and my job won't give me more time off.. I stayed for the whole month of august and was there 2 weeks in October
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Cheer Up ! Ive been to same situation while having interview at US Embassy in Moscow. I was the only girl who got the slip for denial, so to say, out of other 20 girls being interviewed that day. I think you can imagine my feelings. I was down and out...we thought this is the end bcuz we had no will no power to be apart. Officer asked to mail some more finantial papers...we did...and they didnt like them. They asked for something different...we sent them again...SO we were asked to send informtion 3 times...and they made us keep waiting and waiting without saying if my visa is going to be approved or not. And the papers which they requested were NOT even in the list of requered documenets ... we were IN shock. Officer said: YES,I know it's not requested BUT we want to look at this and this and this.
After 3 weeks of unbearable waiting I got my visa with DHL guy! SO You didnt get a denial you just need to work on this process a LIL more! Please dont give up.
I'm here now with my future husband in Chicago in our nice house, we are preparing for wedding...omg..I'm so happy..I'm like in haven when next to him. Dont give up, give your fiancee a chance to feel the same feeling forever.
Good Luck!

Thanks! Congrats to u!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Do Not give up..I was asked the very same questions when I did mine 3 months ago and was told to come back with call records and more pics...I did as they asked and on my second interview the very same day your fiance did hers..I was approved..they hardly looked at the stuff..So pleeeeease do not loose hope it will work out!

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

my fiance was denied today too at the nairobi, consulate im so freaked out and cant believe people can really be this mean

Sorry to hear that... What was the reason given?
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Hello Naijaboy,
Welcome to VJ. I wish you had asked questions before the interview...anyways your case has only been delayed. So many valid points have been raised already. Why did you send back the required documentation so early without waiting to be rescheduled for the 2nd interview? If its going to take 7weeks like you suggested then you will have to give her your rebtel account info so she can print out the call records for those 7weeks plus. Unless you plan to fedex another package when the time comes. Also get letters of support from family members since the OC was not too comfortable with the pics presented which basically had no family members or friends. With Lagos more is better.
Best of Luck

Thanks for the reply! what do u mean by letters of support? i guess i sent everything right away out of anxiety, sadness and disappointment

You may be down at the moment but you are not out.

If they want further evidence above that which already seems overwelming, then just give it to them. It's their ball so let them dictate the game we play, however frustrating.

One thing you wrote which must resonate with us all, "Its like someone has our lives in their hands" This is something which sits uncomfortable with me about the whole procedure. I just tell myself that their task is to root out sham applicants, those who petition for financial gain only. Them being nasty and rude to your partner achieves nothing however.

You have not been denied! the speed with which you collected and responded to their querie convinces me that you will succeed.

Thanks for this! and thanks to everyone in this thread! u guys have made me feel better about the situation! wow! :D :)

Good weren't denied, they just request more information

bad news...the visa is the easy part

:huh: uh oh!

As I read your description of what you planed and provided I am thinking,, that is just what I have submited.

Is Nigeria that hard to please?

Our interview should be in 3 weeks.

I hear Nigeria is the hardest place to get a visa due to the high fraud rate

As I read your description of what you planed and provided I am thinking,, that is just what I have submited.

Is Nigeria that hard to please?

Our interview should be in 3 weeks.

I hear Nigeria is the hardest place to get a visa due to the high fraud rate

As I read your description of what you planed and provided I am thinking,, that is just what I have submited.

Is Nigeria that hard to please?

Our interview should be in 3 weeks.

I hear Nigeria is the hardest place to get a visa due to the high fraud rate
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

F1 or K1 Visa?

So you have gone through this process once at this Consulate with an ex wife?

fixed it! yes i did back in 2005 but had help from a friend that handled most of it for me.. This time im doing it with no assistance
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Hey Naijaboy,

Be happy & dont be depressed because she is lucky to have another chance. This same case happened to someone I heard of. She got to the embassy another time and the same consular officer that interviewed her said why she brought new evidences ..... ? Imagine that ! :blush: And the consular later said the evidences she brought the first day was enough to get visa... At last, he gave her the visa.

So, prepare all the requested evidences and try again... YOU ARE NOT YET DENIED.

Best of luck

B-) B-)

F1 or K1 Visa?

So you have gone through this process once at this Consulate with an ex wife?

K1 i put F1 on my profile on accident.. still trying to figure out how to change it :blush:
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Yes, its not uncommon for non married couples to wear uniforms (but the majority are married). Anyways in YOUR case, you want to stay away from those kind of pics, because like you said "no need to arouse any suspicion". This is Lagos...Everything people do or say or dont do or say is suspicious to them...Keep the pictures for now my dear....Listen to your wife to be... :-)

Thanks i will!
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

Yes, she is right. Stay away from those kind of pics where you guys are in uniform, though not always the case married couples are the ones that usually wear matching outfits. What you previously stated sounds good enough to have sent back to them....

ok Thanks! my cousin said that it was ok to use them because non married couples do where uniforms at parties and so on.. but my fiance had a bad feeling about it.. no need to arouse any suspicion from the interviewer
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!

AwWw...See you didnt even waist time to send them right back the information they are looking for.....You guys will be fine...
This is the time to put your whole trust in God because he is the one really in total control....He is a faithful God and WILL get you guys through this.


Thanks! we will pray hard about it! Also we have pics of us in the same traditional outfits.. Is that a good idea to send those type of pics or will they now use it against us and ask if we are already married? My fiance says not to use those pics because mostly married couple dress alike in Nigeria
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!
Thanks guys! i sent the info that same day through fedex.. I sent about 100 pages of 6 months of phone records from ATT and rebtel... I high lighted all the calls every page had calls! I also only found 12 pics with me, her and others in them.. it seemed that we mostly took pics of just ourselves together.. I also found old i love u? why haven't u called me all day emails and i sent those as well.. :(
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDepressed and sick! Fiance Visa denied/ request more info... this is too much on us!!!!
Hi guys,

This journey of mine has been long! I expected it to come to an end on Sept 20 but it didnt.. i feel empty and im tired!!!!!!

I filed for a fiance visa last Nov. 2010 She lives in Lagos and she had a rough time getting her approval packet in the mail.. Finally i emailed the consulate office and they emailed the package along with a interview date of Sept 20th 2011... we thought we were soooo prepared.. I had everything ready from pics, to emails, chat logs, money gram receipts of over $5,000 worth of transactions of cash i sent her over the past year and cards.. I also had the affidavit of support with tax info, work info and a bank statement.. I had my itinerary from October of 2010 and July 2011 from the times i came to visit her.. copies of my passport stamped as proof of the visit. i filed a fiance visa for my ex wife through the Abuja office in 2005 and i sent her a copy of the divorce papers just in case that would be a issue. we google on info on the interview process and read through this forum several times! Well Sept 20th came and she called me after the interview and stated she did not get the visa.. she stated that the interviewer was very nasty to her.. he asked her why aren't we getting married in Nigeria? why wait to get married in America? she answered that my family is in America and we wanted to have the wedding in America. He also asked her why haven't we done a introduction ceremony? He looked at the pics and asked why weren't other people in the pics? we didn't realize that they wanted to see other people in the pics.. At the end of the day he told her that she didn't have enough proof.. He asked her for more pics, pics that told a story, pics with us and other people in it.. he also asked for telephone records.. we use a online calling card service called rebtel that gives me an American number to dial that connects me to Nigeria.. that is the only record on the phone bill.. I hope that is enough.. I printed out rebtel call log and my ATT bill.. It shows i call her like 5 times a day.. He told her to send a email requesting for another interview that.. He said it may take over 7 weeks to schedule another date.. im so tired and sad... Its like someone has our lives in their hands.. This is the hardest thing ever... I wouldn't advise anyone to go through such a thing.. Love is something! The things we do for love!! I feel helpless

Edited by naijaboy, 22 September 2011 - 11:59 AM.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-09-22 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBury them in paperwork ???
court? what was he filing? i have a lot of paper work for my fiance's interview coming up
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-16 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChat logs Skype emails

I copied and pasted my skype logs into MS word and highlighted all of our phone calls. It still showed the date and times for all of our correspondence, so I hope that will be sufficient.

i used print screen and copied it to windows paint and printed it out
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-17 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview tommorrow
i pray all went well
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-19 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP ME PLS. K1 visa denied. Sending back to DOH for reason: Immigration purpose. should i wait or fill cr-1.
any details? what went on during the interview? what country was it in?
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-19 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance(e) Visa
sorry for this.. I hope someone will give some advise soon
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-22 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview- Should I give my fiance more records?
yes u should especially if they are communication records
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-24 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing for Interview-Phone records?
my fiance did not get her visa because she did not bring any phone records
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-22 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of relationship - Skype, Viber, Whatsapp
click on history(SKYPE) and screen capture/print the call log

Edited by naijaboy, 24 November 2011 - 12:26 PM.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-24 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd interview experience
my fiances second interview is next week in Lagos.. im so nervous for her
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-11-29 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSadFace :-(
sorry to hear that! hopefully someone at the office they asked him to submit those items to will let him know how to get another interview date
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-01 00:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLAGOS INTERVIEW DATE
email takes a little over 10 days for a reply from lagos.. it will come soon
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-01 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa interview

she did. i just scanned my i134 and letter of employement and the CO accepted copies for that. CO needed police clearance from qatar for her tho.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-02 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa interview
hope ur fiance showed up
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-01 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of chest x-ray at point of entry??

No, that's not needed - they don;t have doctors at POE. She can have CD disc in her carry-on luggage.

naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-07 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCopy of chest x-ray at point of entry??
My fiancé says that her visa pick up letter states that she needs to have a chest X-ray with her at the USA point of entry.. What's this about and whats the reason? All she was given is a cd disc of the chest X-ray she has no X-ray film.. Does she need the actual film or will cd disc be ok? Thanks
naijaboyMaleNigeria2011-12-07 15:44:00