IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhy?

WHY, does things like this not happen with CSC,.,.,but other places, it is nothing but grief!


USCIS, please even the work loads between Service Centers, 29 day approvals, at CSC, and over 200 days at TSC!


What is right about that??

raven52MalePhilippines2014-10-18 00:29:00
PhilippinesWhat IS NEEDED?????
THANKS, HANK.,,.,.,GREAT INFO!!!!!!!!!!! Raven
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-05 23:39:00
PhilippinesWhat IS NEEDED?????
Thank you in advance, for any comments.,.,.helpful info..,.,. What is needed to get the medical---Interview process started, the I-797 Notice of Approval, with my fiance being assigned an """"A"""" number..,.,.,or the lettter from NVC.,.,with an MNL number attached to it.,.,.what am I looking for to start the process of my fiance begining her medical/interview???
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-05 21:41:00
PhilippinesHow do I know???
Our petition has been sent from NVC to Manila, know when the consulate receives it??? Medical is Thursday-

How do I know when the consulate in Manila recieves our petition??? Her medical is scheduled this Thursday-Friday! Left NVC 1-7-13!!! Andy thoughts opinions, appreciated!

raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-13 23:04:00
PhilippinesWill Hep "B" positve test get a "NO" in the Philippines??
Sorry for asking the same question 2 times, but no adequate responces the first time, is there not a health type of questionaire, asking what you have had, and not had? I am sure all Hep's are asked about, and with her excellent documentation, she would have to be truthful as no one should ever not tell the truth in this process. The medical is Thursday, and my nerves ""are shot"".,.,.,,.thanks for the opinion, any thing else you have to add, please do so, you seem very intelligent!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-14 20:41:00
PhilippinesWill Hep "B" positve test get a "NO" in the Philippines??
My fiance was diagnosised with Hep B the last week of july, she has been under the care of a blood/specialist in this field, and has been on the best medication avaliable for over six months. She has had a new blood test about the condition in October, and after the doctor see the report, it is near non-detactable levels, another blood test was done late December and the levels are even lower. She has all of her records showing the vast decline in the viris being nearly non-detactable, and a "Permit to Travel" (was the title to the letterhead) from the specialist, saying the patient listed has made great progress, and shows near non-detactable levels of the virus, and after the blood work in December.,.,.,.,she has more positive office notes sign by Dr. Ortiz.

Her medical is this coming Thursday-Friday, and I am very un-sure of what to expect., any and all comments, welcomed.., and thank you in advance for any comments!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-13 22:14:00
PhilippinesI am""Devastated"""
What is the usually percent of the time, that the culture comes back negative..,.,any ideas, or opinions!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-17 15:27:00
PhilippinesI am""Devastated"""
My fiance went for her physical at St. Luke's yesterday, and I wake up to the message "it is bad news, one doctor sees nothing wrong, and another one looks and says it is suspicious for TB, so she must go back next week for the aputum test, then we wait for 2 months for the results!!!
Does anyone know or have a guess of what percentage of the time, these tests prove to negative, as my fiance is only 29! Thoughts and opinions for a very "beaten down person" !!!!!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-17 14:50:00
PhilippinesDoes Anyone Know, or Have a Guess???
Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate people like you!!! Last week, I sent my fiance to an independent lab, and got a chest x-ray, and had it read by a But, this waiting is very stressful, after 6 and 1/2 months of waiting!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-15 21:41:00
PhilippinesDoes Anyone Know, or Have a Guess???
Does anyone know what the percentage of people that take a K 1 visa physical at St. Lukes Medical, IS TURNED DOWN, can I have some guesses or maybe someone has a factual number. The reason I ask is my fiance is traveling to Manila today, her medical is Thursday and Friday! Opinions, or a very knowledgable gues would be appreciated, as I am "walking the floor, wringing my hands" at this time!!!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-15 20:06:00
PhilippinesPlease, I need advice bad, in God's name and his help!
I have been told that +95% of sputum tests come back "negative".,.,.,,,,just forgot to add this.,..,my fiance and me are "crushed"!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-23 22:08:00
PhilippinesPlease, I need advice bad, in God's name and his help!
My fiance went to St. Luke's "last week" for medical, first day all was fine until x-ray, two doctors say is fine, and one say "something suspicious" so she had to go back to St. Luke's this week for the 3 days of "sputum" collection! She is only 29 years old, no symptoms, and I dod not think she has any TB! She is there today and goes back one more day, tomorrow for final collection of "sputum"!!!

We have waited patientely for 6 and 1/2 months, and now this.,.,.,how heart breaking.,.,she is cruched, and I feel I do not have a heart to beat, it is just gone from my body!

Can anyone with any knowledge, wheather it is what you read here, or actual experience.,.,.,.,PLEASE tell me what we can expect the next thing to happen in this process.,.,(one doctor, against two) what is the least amount of time can we expect this to take, and what is the worst case senerio?? God bless you al that experience this terrible ordeal! Please, all who read this, PLEASE post something if you have any knowledge. She did say something about another x-ray Friday, the last day.,.,.,.,I just do not know what to think or what to do.,.,PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-23 21:54:00
PhilippinesComments, Opinions, Knowledge, Please Help!
To Pigmonk! Sorry for my over sight, and yes I do have so much fustration.,.,I need to settle down.,.,and just go through the process, again sorry my friend! Have you ever seen this culture come back in less than 2 months.,.,.,.. I have heard of them being called in 6 weeks sometimes, with a negative result.,.,..,again sorry my friend!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-26 21:08:00
PhilippinesComments, Opinions, Knowledge, Please Help!
To pigmonk, you missed the part where the smear was ""negative""!!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-26 19:18:00
PhilippinesComments, Opinions, Knowledge, Please Help!
My fiance recently had her x-ray at St. Luke's and 1st doctor say ok, then 2nd doctor say ok, then 3rd doctor say "suspicious", so she had to go back the next week for 3 days of sputum tests. Then on 3rd day after 3 sputum tests were conducted, she had her evaluation. She was told ""THE SMEAR IS NEGATIVE""", but to call back March 27, that is over 2 months.,.,do not understand that.,.,is smear is "negative" isn't it likely the culture will come back negative also? And why more than 2 months?
I have read much information, saying +95% of sputum tests come back negative, and sometimes they call you after only 6-7 weeks when "negative" and sometimes they call you in 4-5 weeks if test is "positive".,.,.,.,I am so lost, do not know what to expect.,. we are at their mercy! My fiance is now back in Cebu, working, and I will go there to be with her during this tewrrible wait! Pleease. fellow VJers, offer me some opinions, and what might or might not happen with this test!!!! Thank you all for comments offered in advance!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-01-26 16:43:00
PhilippinesIs this True??? The "culture" at St. Luke's!!!!!
Last month my fiance and I were "floored" when she was going through the medical and all was fine, until the x-ray, 2 doctors say fine, and the last one say "suspicious!!!" So we know that this starts the un-believable journey of 8-9 weeks, (after dealing with VSC for 6 and 1/2 months)!
- Her "smear" was negative!
- She is almost through her 2nd week after the 3 day culture exam!
- Is it true, or has anyone read that if you get by the No. 3-6 weeks, that more than likely the test will be "normal"
- If she is called by St. Luke's during that period of 3-6 weeks.,.,.it is "bad news, usually!"
- Has anyone ever been called "early" telling them to come in to the hospital, and their test is OK?
- She was told to call back March 27th at 9:00 a.m, which is almost 9 weeks!
- If she is found to be "normal" will the hospital schedule her interview at the embassy, or does she have to do it?
PLEASE, MY FRIENDS, any comments that can be offered would be so much appreciated, at this point.,.,.,.as me and my fiance are going through "hades" at this time after our "adventure" with VSC! Please offer your guidance!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-02-07 04:35:00
PhilippinesJust one simple question?????
I just have a simple question, and it is, "Is it true that when going through the 8 week culture procedure at St. Luke's Medical, is weeks 3-6 the most critical
weeks in the process???? Opinions, and knowledgeable answers would really be appreciated! We are about to start week "6" next week.,.,.,and it is the longest 6 to 8 weeks, of my life! Thank you in advance for any comments!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-02-27 19:45:00
Philippines8 week culture test again!
If test results comes back from culture test after the 8 week wait, (POSITIVE) and my fiance goes through the 6 months of medication, does she then have to do the 8 week culture AGAIN???
raven52MalePhilippines2013-02-01 22:11:00
PhilippinesSeminar in Cebu.,.,???
Excuse me, but I thought that the Seminar was an 8 hour thing, and began at 8 A. M. in the morning..., but this says only 2 to 5 p.m..,,. I am confused, please help!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-20 12:56:00
PhilippinesSeminar in Cebu.,.,???
Would someone tell me what documents and how many copies of each that is needed for the 8 hour Seminar in Cebu for K 1 visa.,., and the cost.,.,.thank you in advance for your help, fellow VJ members!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-20 11:37:00
PhilippinesTime of start of Cebu CFO???
A great answer and explanation, Chris and Lyn.,.,.my best to you.,.,..,good luck on your journey! Thank you so much!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-20 21:00:00
PhilippinesTime of start of Cebu CFO???
I have a similar question asked here, but I am somewhat confused by one of the links provided by a fellow VJer..,..I appreciate their info..,. but I will ask,
1. What time does the CFO seminar for the stamp on your visa, start in Cebu? I have seen 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 5 days a week.
2. But many has told me that it is 8 hours and starts at 8:00 a.m..,., what is correct?
3. What would be the suggested time to be there before they let people into the building.,., as it says they only take the first 12 for K 1 CFO!

Thanks for the help!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-20 14:23:00
PhilippinesCFO, in Cebu HELP! Am very confused!
Darrell are you some sort of "police" on this site, I barely know how to turn on a computer, and I just click on the box "Start a new Topic".,., I find your comments somewhat rude to someone who doe not ""HAVE YOUR IMMENSE" knowledge of all things and a master of the computer web sites.,,.,.,by the way, thanks for the help!

NOW I SEE all about Darrell.,.,.,China! Says it all!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-30 17:11:00
PhilippinesCFO, in Cebu HELP! Am very confused!
Thank you for your answer! I notice there is a place for a 2" by 2" passport type picture, does she need to take that with her, or do they take her picture at the CFO in Cebu? I cannot find anywhere it says who gets the picture, but says "is required" comments are surely welcomed!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-30 15:20:00
PhilippinesCFO, in Cebu HELP! Am very confused!
I have a similar question here already, but the more I read the more confusing this gets. I printed the registration form for my fiancé! What is "Immigrant Data Summary" is that something that comes with the visa.,.,.,or another document that needs to be downloaded, and I also see one site says 40 slots in Cebu on a first come first served, another says 12 slots, from two members here, and two different web sites that I have seen! Am so confused! Please help!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-30 15:03:00
PhilippinesCFO, in Cebu HELP! Am very confused!
Would someone please give me the link to the CFO Seminar that is in Cebu.,.,especially the address and what is needed for the Seminar. Does anyone have any idea of what time my fiancé should get in line as they only take 12 per day! Your help and comments are appreciated!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-30 13:45:00
PhilippinesFinally, after 9 of the longest weeks of my life!!!!!
She was "coached" on what to expect, as far as procedures, what to expect when she gets there, etc,.,. nothing about possible questions.,,.as our documentation speaks for itself.,,..,.I want to thank you for your well worded opinion! God's speed to you if you are in some form of the process..,.,..
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-27 21:13:00
PhilippinesFinally, after 9 of the longest weeks of my life!!!!!
Things were going so well for my fiancé from Cebu, and me, until the medical! I had an independent x=ray done before my fiance went to St. Luke's, for the medical..,.,.the first two doctors said, fine, fine and the 3rd said "suspicious" that started the 9 week ordeal of the "sputum" testing, getting the specimen, and then, the "Gosh awful wait, hoping the phone does not ring!

Finally our time came for the results and my fiancé was of course "negative" we now have only her pregnancy test, and immunizations next week April 3. She will then carry the medical results to the interview the next day at 7:00 a.m.! I sure hope none of my fellow VJers, has to ever go through this ridiculous testing,
as when her sputum was put under a microscope after the speciman was gathered for 3 days of testing, it was seen as negative! then 8 and 1/2 weeks more of just waiting, after 6 and a half months of the Vermont service center. I would wish this on no-one!

Now, the interview, her documentation is very good, and she has been thoroughly coached by an expert!

Can anyone tell me if there is a known percentage rate of women of K 1 petitions that are approved.,.is it a number like 80%.,., or something better or worse.,.,we have been through ""heck"".,,.,., now we need this to come to an end! Please, opinions, and comments are asked for, thanks in advance, such a long journey! I hope it never happens to YOU!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-03-27 18:58:00
PhilippinesVISA ISSUED How to track? Help please!
Thanks iheshart,
We could not get any of the numbers to work.,.,.now, we go to the US Embassy web site, and see the words """"YOUR PASSPORT IS STILL WITH POST''''''.,.,,does that mean it is still in Manila? Maybe that is why none of the numbers we put in for 2GO to track are not there because it has not been shipped from Embassy to 2 GO yet?!?!?!??
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-10 23:22:00
PhilippinesVISA ISSUED How to track? Help please!
Thanks iheshart,
We cannot get any numbers to go through the tracking site you gave us.,.,but the site comes right up.,.,, she only has a copy of her passport, and the first two numbers are xx.,,.,due to security I am sure and what is UID or case number's., what are these numbers and where do we find them? Thanks to all for the help!

Thanks iheshart,
We cannot get any numbers to go through the tracking site you gave us.,.,but the site comes right up.,.,, she only has a copy of her passport, and the first two numbers are xx.,,.,due to security I am sure and what is UID or case number's., what are these numbers and where do we find them? Thanks to all for the help!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-10 23:13:00
PhilippinesVISA ISSUED How to track? Help please!
My fiancé's interview was approved, and on April 4, according to the US Embassy web-site her Visa was issued April 5, one week ago. Is there a web site you can track the flow of the visa/passport with 2GO, I think I have seen one listed on this site.,...,we have been well over 9 months since we filed a K 1.,.,and any help, comments, how long will it take for visa to get here from Manila, she lives in Compestela, Cebu, thank you in advance for any comments!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-10 22:07:00
PhilippinesHelp with 2GO courier service, Please!
The 5-8 days,.,.,I use are actual working days, Monday through Friday.,.,.,.,WHICH is accurate!!! Raven!
thanks, Hank.,.,,.you have provided so much information for me.,.,

The reason my fiancé is still working as she is putting two younger sisters through school! She takes a lot of responsibility.,., and great pride in her work! I am proud of her for working like this until the visa arrives! SO., that is the reason she is still working!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-06 20:06:00
PhilippinesHelp with 2GO courier service, Please!
redvelvet, thank you so much, yes her father is there, and two sisters, are there, I will contact her immediately.,.,.,do you think the timeline of 5-8 days is right for the delivery of the packet? Raven
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-05 18:52:00
PhilippinesHelp with 2GO courier service, Please!
Great answer.,.,thank you so much! Raven!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-05 18:46:00
PhilippinesHelp with 2GO courier service, Please!
After 280 days my fiancé finally got to the interview (hope none of you ever have to wait out the ridiculous "9 weeks of waiting for a stupid test) if someone has TB,., you can find out in 24 hours, if you want to!

Anyway.,,.now that she has passed her interview as of April was asked 5 simple questions, looked at some pictures, "passed".,., very easy! Now they kept her passport.,., and within 5-8 days it should be delivered to her in Compestela, Cebu!

My question is this, she works about 10-12 minutes from where she lives, and she works crazy shifts at a Resort, (front desk) it is my understanding that 2GO will text her.,., but what if she is working????? I have also, been told, that 2GO will only deliver to the address info. in the passport! Please, any and all suggestions are appreciated, as I will go there next week, to being her back, to the USA, but I am so worried as how to get the packet from the embassy from 2GO.,.,, if anyone has some advice please offer it.,.,.,and does anyone know how to contact 2GO for the Compestela, Cebu area, as I have also been told that you can ask them to keep it at there office, and you can pick it up there.,.,.,

Does anyone have any contact information to contact 2GO??? Thanks for the help, please!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-05 18:13:00
PhilippinesALERT!!! If you are going to Manila for an interview!!!
Your dis-tasteful remarks to OP, are not well received, I was just trying to be helpful, I am sorry I am not an expert like you, on this site, so.,...YOU have a great day today!
The Raven! (what is a light year?) Can you define without the internet, I doubt it!!! It is very rude to act like you are better or smarter than someone else!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-17 05:43:00
PhilippinesALERT!!! If you are going to Manila for an interview!!!
Beware, if you are going to Manila for your interview in the near future! My fiancé got her visa April 16th, finally after over 9 and 1/2 months.,(over 6 months with VSC, failed x-ray, sputum fiasco came back negative over 9 weeks, visa sent to Cebu and was 4 days before delivering visa) Yes we have had our share of delays, as I am sure many of us on this site have.

But, we almost made a terrible mistake, during her interview, the US embassy kept her original NSO, we were getting ready for CFO, with our visa company, and they told us a copy of the NSO would not work with the CFO people. So, another delay of days, getting a new NSO (we got two copies this time), so my friends, I just wanted to alert you that are going to the interview, check your paper work very closely before you go to the CFO, do not make the mistake we almost made! God Bless, and good luck to all! Maybe this is accurate, it may help some of you! The Raven.
raven52MalePhilippines2013-04-17 04:22:00
PhilippinesMy Gosh! This Sputum Ordeal with St. Luke's!!!
My fiance took physical the 3rd week in Jan. 1st doctor, ok.,.,2nd doctor, ok,.,,.3rd doctor says "supicious".,., so this triggers the "Sputum Ordeal" of more than 8 weeks, after a 6 and 1/2 month ordeal with VSC! The last week of Jan. she had sputum test 3 days in a rwo, then consultation, and the "smear" was negative, that was Jan 25! She was informed to call back March 27, that is well over the 8 week time for the test results to come back!
I have read everything I can find, but who I trust are the people on this sight for sound thinking and objective, informative suggestions.,.,.,I sure hope to hear from some of my friends here at!
Have read, "that if smear is negative +95% of the time the test is negative"
Also, "never call between weeks 3-6 as "you will always be found positive"
Also, "the test results are always back to St. Luke"s after 7 weeks, BUT they never call the person!"
Also, "hope you do not get a phone call between weeks 3-5, as it has been found positive, and must start medication then, but she lives in Cebu, how can she do this in Manila evey day???
Does anyone have any opinions or experiences with finding out the results before my fiance was told to call back March 27, over 2 months after the testing was finished????? PLEASE, SOME OPINIONS AND SUGGESTIONS, GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!!
raven52MalePhilippines2013-02-01 05:10:00
PhilippinesNext thing is MEDICAL

I MISSED this!  By all means, get an independent x-ray and reading, to take to the medical, THIS WOULD BE FOR A COMPARISON, for the "suspicious" doctor, as he would have something to compare to!

raven52MalePhilippines2013-05-27 00:49:00
PhilippinesNext thing is MEDICAL

My fiance had an "independent" x-ray it was negative, and the first two doctors who looked at her x-ray during the medical said, "fine" the last one said suspicious!  THAT triggers the sputum "farce" of 2 and 1/2 months!  I have been told that on certain weeks that these "paid off" doctors are told to send 30 to 50% of the applicants for the sputum "farce"  


After her 3 day culture came back negative, that should have been it!  But, then we were subjected to the 8 and 1/2 more weeks of seeing if the culture will grow.  So, you really sweat out the weeks 4-6. as this is the time that the culture will develope.,.,.but it does in about 1%that comes back positive.  THIS IS A PHILIPPINE RACKET TO KEEP PHILIPPINE PEOPLE WORKING!


So, you call the clinic when they say, "IF THEY DO NOT CONTACT YOU FIRST" after the 8 and 1/2 weeks, and they will give you the results.  After you go through the "farce" and all is ok.,.,.you can expect to "breeze through the rest of the medical and the interview was 5 questions for my fiance, and out the door!  Was it worth it, YES, but that was the longest nearly 3 months I ever spent.  JUST hope you are not on one of the weeks like my fiance went to the medical, and the very last doctor said "suspicious" what is suspicious is the crooked way that St. Luke's runs it medical for visa applicants!  Hope no one ever has to endure what we did with this "sputum farce!"

raven52MalePhilippines2013-05-27 00:40:00