PhilippinesI-130 petition: Do we need NSO marriage certificate?

You really need the marriage certificate from NSO because the embassy and immigration will be needing the one with the Barcode. You can request from you local civil registry to help you and expedite you marriage certificate copy fom NSO.

Oh gee. NSO seems to take eons to make the electronic scans of new registrations :unsure:

Sigh. I am planning to expedite our copy. I hope it will really be done in 1-2 months. I don't want to be separated from him again for such a long time.

Thanks for answering, kennypal!
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2012-06-14 10:57:00
PhilippinesI-130 petition: Do we need NSO marriage certificate?
We are getting married in Manila soon. And, we hope to file for the petition as soon as possible.

Annoyingly, NSO takes months to process marriage certificates. Can we send a local civil registrar-certified marriage certificate with the petition?
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2012-06-14 10:47:00
PhilippinesMailing to the Philippines
USPS works. But in the Philippines, it goes through Philpost

I have sent 10 holiday cards last month... Only 3 got to their destination.

Never send through Philpost.
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-29 18:19:00
PhilippinesHelp with spousal visa answers...

Maybe I can get to her to rent a box then. I think I mentioned it before and she said where she gets it there is no PO Box to rent. Ah ok about the school. Maybe she had less years because of where she lives? I'll try to see if she maybe gave me the wrong dates.

Yeah, since I met her I noticed alot of her and her family aren't sure what to do about alot of things. I don't hold it against them though. I'm sure if they lived in Manila they would likely understand this stuff better. Still it does make it a bit frustrating when being so far apart and you can't really talk in detail about how things work. And I don't own a cell phone so the only way we talk is by skype or facbeook.

Upon advice from a few months back I bought airline tickets today. I arrive in Manila at 11:55pm on Feb 28th. But at 9:30am on the 1st I have an appointment at the embassy. Hopefully the lines aren't to and leaving the manila airport or I might end up going to the appointment with barley any sleep.

Is the USEM appointment for the affidavit? Be there at 9, if you can. My husband (then fiance) spent almost 2 hours there even if he came at 12 pm for a 12:30 appointment. He didn't really get seen at 12:30... He was just asked to queue along with the other folks they have let inside.

Ask your wife when she started Grade 1 then ask when she graduated from grade school. Same thing for 1st year then 4th year high school. I am not sure how verbose your wife is with English but it will help to be more descriptive with the way you ask your questions.

You have to stress to her that she needs to help you with finding stuff out, like getting a solid, reliable address. You shouldn't allow very sensitive mail such as this kind of mail to fall into the wrong hands.

I figured all the Philippines stuff while my husband did all US-related research. This complex, long process has to be done by both of you.

Edited by ivyanddan, 28 January 2013 - 07:42 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-28 19:40:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Nope wasn't banned. The last we heard from Darren their baby was born... so I guess he is busy be a new dad now.

I see. It was quite interesting to read his "replies" then. Maybe you ought to send a "poke" haha

Looks like this thread has gone back to calm waters now
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-29 18:07:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I believe LM's comment about the Philippines had to do with the fact we're in the PI forum. As was mentioned earlier, there are some forums with a really disproportionate number of certain age-gap relationships. PI, RUB-- older men, younger women, many really large gaps. Much higher than average. MENA-- really high number of older female/younger male relationships with large age gaps. Much higher than average. Sp the eternal question is always why.

Anyone who rules out the possibility of love in at least some of the relationships is silly. Anyone who rules out fraud in some is silly. Anyone who rules out mutual benefits of age versus economics is silly. My guess is a combination of the three and whatever other factors there are, probably not equally weighted with all the possibilities forms some relationships while others stick to one category.

The thing is... Not everyone who sees relationships with a huge age gap think the way you do.

Most of the time, as has been so exemplified by earlier posts in this very long thread, people assume "oh, she's after his money" or "gee, it's just for sex"... Not even considering the idea that they might actually be in love.

Trying to simplify such a complex ideal as love & companionship will always lead to an understatement of what it is really about. And that is what most of the posters on here have been guilty of.

I miss Darren :crying: He coulda got this sucker shut down weeks ago...

Was he banned? I used to be active early last year so i'm now out of the loop

You realize that is a marketing tool by the international dating services to get gullible, lonely American men to believe that if they marry a Filipina, she'll never leave him, right? Because it is pure BS.

We met on a dating website. It wasn't a site strategically geared for meeting Filipinas.

But, I do find myself disturbed with sites that do that as a marketing tool.

Edited by ivyanddan, 28 January 2013 - 08:12 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-28 20:08:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Oh, I think my marriage is better than yours simply because it wasn't YOU that married my wife ;)

Your wife isn't as lucky as me.

Say what? ;)

( :luv: lovestruck)

There's really no need to feel defensive about anyone's relationship here. No one here is qualified to judge the validity of the marriage. People are just curious why there's such a high number of older men with younger Filipina wives. The men here are choosing younger wives because they can. The younger women are open to marrying men much older than they are because economic opportunities are more important to them than age compatibility. If that makes you uncomfortable, just wait until you hear it from family and friends.

Just backreading... Hmmm, I am disappointed that I cannot say this isn't true. There are some people who probably think that is what they require of their partners.

But, you ought not to limit it to Filipinas. Come on now.

Also, you shouldn't generalize it for all marriages between older foreign man and younger Filipino woman... You can't be THAT jaded. :no:

Edited by ivyanddan, 24 January 2013 - 08:42 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-24 20:36:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

There is no better example of manipulative behavior than people attacking marriages.

Never allow them to put you on the defensive about something that they have no right to judge in the first place. Because once they put you on the defensive, they've already won their little manipulative game.

"My marriage is more valid than your marriage because ours was based on purity, whereas yours was defiled by the grotesque obscentity of wanting to improve your life."

"We, on the other hand, sacrificed ourselves upon a temple of altruism. To show humanity our selflessness, our giant intellect in marrying for the purpose of making ourselves worse off, thereby entering Heaven on a higher plane. You are surely going to Hell for your vile behvavior." This is the reducto ad absurdem version of what they are trying to imply.

And all of the denial about what they are doing - "Oh, I'm not judging you or trying to put you on the defensive... I'm just curious, and want you to justify to me, his most Royal Majesty The King, why you are getting married to this unqualified object."

When you see a woman trying to shame you choosing one younger and more beautiful than her - get right in her face. You bet. What, you think I'm stupid? I should take someone like you with an attitude instead of one younger and more beautiful without one? I'm not a retard.

How about the old "you just want one that is submissive." It's all about taking the smile off your face. The instant you get defensive, they've exercised power over you. They can take any
My preferred policy is to get right in their face and relish what they want me to be defensive about. Yes, I absolutely do want to have sex with a 19 year old instead of a 50-something. That's why playboy centerfolds are 19 instead of 50-something. Deal with it. You don't even find them in their 30's. But they want you to get defensive about what is clearly the preference of men worldwide. You just won the Olympics and they want to say "all you wanted was a gold medal". Look at you and your trophy wife.

Well yeah as a matter of fact. Look at you and your old hag.

This is offensive to a lot of women. Even if I'm the "Filipina with the 19 year old body"... However, you are entitled to marry whoever you want. Whether it's for love, sex or just having someone to show off. As long as it's consensual.

Yet even in those circumstances some still believe that their relationship is more appropriate than another couple's. Bizarre!

Such judgments if they are ever appropriate should come on a case by case basis. I have no problem if someone meets Janet and I and thinks that we are bad people - they'd be wrong, but I have no problem if someone comes to such a conclusion. But to judge strangers based on a generic datapoint will never work for me.

We can't ever be held responsible for wanting other people to not be so close minded. But, we really can't change everyone's perspective... I guess you have to choose your battles. If it is just a comment that doesn't relly affect your job and your family life, just let it slide.

Americans and other cultures, too, should lighten up with the idea of age being such a huge issue. You know what should be the issue? The fact that one's perspective of what is an appropriate relationship is a product of your own very limited field of experience and beliefs.

An older man who married someone way younger than him is not necessarily a creep. What about those guys who are around my age who dates only Asians? How about those that date only African Americans? Or those relationships between a Caucasian man and a non-Caucasian woman (African, Asian, Hispanic, etc) who are in the same age but are being frowned upon?

Those are such superficial reasons for judging other people's relationships... Skin color, age, ethnicity... You really think your relationship is better just because you're the same age, the same ethnicity, the same skin color? Hmmm... Well, that line of thinking reminds us so much of World War I, hmmmmm

Edited by ivyanddan, 24 January 2013 - 08:34 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-24 20:29:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Dave, the reaction or curiosity over a 20-something woman from the Philippines marrying a man nearly twice her age is because people wonder if she had instead been born and raised in America, would she have even considered dating a man that much older? If you have a daughter, would you be so accepting of her running off to a different country to marry a man nearly twice her age? I think most sane fathers would be at least wondering why she would do that when there are other more age-compatible men.

I think people give age too much credit. It's like they think who is more gullible... The older man with the mid-life crisis or the young, relatively inexperienced twenty-something woman...

For me, i have had some experience with men of my age or two to three years near my age... Enough to know it is difficult to find a man who I can hold a great conversation with and make life plans with.

It just so happened that the man I finally meet and realized I wanted to marry was an American two years older than me. He is definitely a lot more mature about relationships and his career than Filipino men my age. I am not dissing Filipino men at all. I am not even dissing older men.

But, I am just so happy I didn't rule out meeting a non-Filipino man who is my age when I was dating :)

Edited by ivyanddan, 24 January 2013 - 08:19 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-24 20:12:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

As to my slightly off-color personal story - well in the name of total disclosure I should mention that it was a female friend with whom I had the exchange. Nonetheless she had crossed the line several times in commenting about my Filipina gf and it seemed justifiable to snap back. But yes, the greater implication (that essentially I was buying a girl) is offensive. I asked my friend whether she could imagine any other reason for our relationship. Since she knows me I assumed she would do the right thing and say "well I am sure it's because you are a nice, kind person, mature, responsible, good father, etc." Instead she repled that she believed there could be no other reason other than money and/or green card. At that point I played the Johnson-card. The comment worked and there have been no other negative references to my gf since.

Davenjanet, one of the things you can learn in this forum is that only the few who have experienced being judged superficially as you have been will understand why you said what you said.

I am sure my husband would have easily said something rude back to anyone who would say rude comments about our relationship. When we weren't married yet, I'd personally feel uncomfortable, wondering if people were thinking I was just his Asian fling. But, that easily passed... I no longer care.

I think there are women who marry for money and for the immigration privileges as many as there are women who actually marry for love.

Age, citizenship, have kids or not, divorced or widowed, etc... These are all factors that any woman (or man) consider when they find a partner. Who cares if another person thinks you're making a mistake or you're being a nasty creep? You know what's the real deal between you and your partner... And that's what we all ought to spend most of our energy on.

Edited by ivyanddan, 21 January 2013 - 07:54 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-21 19:52:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Sometimes God has plans in people's lives that are totally different from the plans we have. Life is an adventure, full of twists and turns that you dont expect. But I used to tell myself that I cant put God in a box and set self-imposed limitations on what he can or cannot do. I had forgotten that, until after I met my wife.

Thank you for sharing this, Brijo. It is so refreshing to read what you shared. :) I remember you from before when you posted your wife was joining the military.

I never meant to leave the country of my birth, my career and my life as I knew it for almost 3 decades... for another person. I never expected going online that one night would lead me to meet the most amazing person in the world. ;)

You don't ever chose who to fall in love with. It honestly would never matter that much to me if this amazing person turned out to be 20 plus years older.

Edited by ivyanddan, 20 January 2013 - 07:33 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-20 19:32:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
I'm younger by a couple of years.

I dislike what this question implies. But, I cannot fault the person who posted it either.

Every person has a reason for marrying who they want to marry... whether it's for companionship, sex, money, or love.

As long as it's consensual, as long as it doesn't violate human rights... Marrying someone way younger or way older is nobody's business but the couple's
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-20 09:54:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
i'm 27. he's 29.

this stereotype with western guys and asian women sucks, but we really can't deny that even asians (pinoys for that matter) have this bias too.

it is offensive. but i know for a fact some girls do it.

my fiance used to tell me to let go of his hand when we're in public. cause he didn't want others to think i'm a bargirl. i just tell him that i don't dress skimpily enough to be one.

and i have a rock on my ring finger. that ought to tell them who i am. :)
ivyanddanFemaleJapan2012-01-15 12:30:00
PhilippinesStarting our journey....

Thanks for your help...I had no clue where to start and now I do...Greatly appreciated!

When you marry in the Philippines, make sure to bring one of the triplicates (or quadriplicate?) that you sign as a marriage contract/certificate back with you to the US. This is so you can enroll her in DEERS. Also, tell your fiancee to look into how she can expedite the NSO processing of your Marriage cert once you guys get married. She should ask her town/city hall or wherever you guys are getting married.

Also, schedule yourself for an Affidavit in Lieu of Certificate to Marry at the USEM. Check out their website :)

Also, if you have any other questions, use Google custom search on the upper right side of every page. This forum has been online for quite a while so, some questions you may have now have already been asked. :)

SOFA stamps, by the way, only apply to members of military bases OCONUS and their dependents. This is how I am able to be with my husband now. He is assigned OCONUS. I believe this doesn't apply to the situation you have in mind since you're headed for Florida.

Good luck!

Edited by ivyanddan, 20 January 2013 - 07:42 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-20 19:39:00
PhilippinesDFA Passport Troubles
Anything minor in a major certificate is still major. Whoever prepared your marriage certificate for you guys should have just followed her name on the birth certificate to the very last letter.

Mistakes such as that cost us a couple of days after our wedding. My wedding coordinator messed it up, so I literally had to go to all of the signatories again and again. Three times.

I'm not sure if they can really help, but perhaps you can ask your wife to contact the main NSO office in Quezon City? They might be able to help you with the inconsistencies in the marriage certificate

Unfortunately, you really have to figure out how to fix all this so she can have a passport.

Edited by ivyanddan, 20 January 2013 - 08:11 PM.

ivyanddanFemaleJapan2013-01-20 20:09:00
Philippinesbothering thoughts for medical exam at SLEC

>>thank you sis for sharing! did your husband said yes when he was asked if he's smoking? This really bothers me coz i read somewhere that SLEC's giving a hard time to those who revealed that they're smoking

yes, he did admit he's a smoker.

Admitting that you are a smoker does not have an effect of whether you have to do the sputum test. The sputum test is based on the x-ray result..

this is correct.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-17 23:58:00
Philippinesbothering thoughts for medical exam at SLEC
my husband did the medical exam at SLEC last year.
he was a moderate smoker but he passed the physical exam without any problems.
as far as i know, the people who undergo the sputum test are those with previous respiratory health issues (tuberculosis or primary TB).

in Filipino layman's term: "merong tama ang baga" o "merong linya sa baga"... as would appear on your chest xray.

Edited by gelaigurl05, 17 September 2012 - 09:53 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-17 21:52:00
you will submit a ds-230 form for yourself and your baby should have his/her own ds-230 as well.
yes, you need to get your baby a passport ASAP because all applicants/derivatives, regardless of age, needs a valid passport as a requirement for visa/travel abroad.
hope this helps.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-17 22:55:00
PhilippinesUseful TIp for Everbody
thanks for the heads-up. in the future, i'll go on a thursday. :thumbs:
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 08:19:00
PhilippinesSt Luke's Exam
people line up outside St Luke's as early as 4:30 AM.
some of our members who already had their medical say it's less crowded during the middle of the week. so i would suggest to come on a Thursday.

Edited by gelaigurl05, 18 September 2012 - 10:12 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-18 22:11:00
PhilippinesLetter from the Embassy during AP HELP/ADVICE
what is your category and priority date?
what was the last transaction that you did with NVC?
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-17 21:56:00
you will have to do CRBA for the baby.
the baby doesn't need a visa and need not be included in your petition.
goodluck :thumbs:
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-21 20:46:00
PhilippinesAdministrative Processing due to No Criminal Backround, how long will this take?
i believe this has something to do with his NBI Clearance.
usually, if one doesn't have any criminal record, NO RECORD ON FILE is written on the NBI Clearance.
otherwise, NO CRIMINAL BACKGROUND is written, that's why he is put under AP.

the Embassy will have to double check his records with NBI.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-19 21:44:00
PhilippinesShould minors (7 & 2 year old) also go to the interview?
my hubby (applicant) with our 3 kids (his derivatives: aged 7,5,4) were all present during their F2B interview at the US Embassy.

all applicants (and derivatives), regardless of age, must be present during the Embassy interview.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-25 20:19:00
PhilippinesHow long will it take to receive the visa after we get approve?
my family was interviewed (F2B) last year Sept 30 (Friday) and we got the passports with visa on Oct 4 (Tuesday). :thumbs:
we had them delivered in Las Pinas.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-09-19 20:32:00
PhilippinesPossible Questions on Interview
it would be helpful if you bring an NSO copy of your marriage certificate and death certificate of your husband.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-02 20:31:00
PhilippinesWork clearance

Will the US and Philippine immigrations ask or require clearance from my employer?

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-05 20:12:00
PhilippinesParents Of US Citizen CFO

Will they have to wait in line at the CFO. Should they still arrive early to make sure they get it or can they just go to the CFO anytime during opening hours to register and get the stamp?

They can go there as long as it's during the designated day and time for US immigrants:
Mon, Wed and Thur 10am-12nn
Tue and Fri 2pm-4pm

Since they are not required to attend the seminar, just be there an hour early.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-06 00:06:00
PhilippinesParents Of US Citizen CFO

Do they have to take any classes because of age or do they just have to register that they are leaving the country

They are exempted from the seminar. They will just have to register then submit the PDOS form and other required documents to the CFO officer.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-05 21:31:00
PhilippinesParents Of US Citizen CFO
they can go to CFO after they receive their passport with visa. that will be easier for them. :innocent:
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-04 21:56:00
PhilippinesShort-term rentals near USEM

Thank you! Sounds like most of the stuff can get done going the hotel route. The amount of things to get done sounds a bit overwhelming so I thought maybe it would make some sense but I will have to re-think it.

Save your money. You'll need it more once she gets there in the US. :thumbs:

Edited by apple21, 05 October 2012 - 10:27 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-05 22:26:00
PhilippinesShort-term rentals near USEM
No need to rent a condo/apartment.

Applying or renewing passport at DFA will take only a few hours. She can also do this at DFA in SM Megamall instead of going all the way to DFA Macapagal. There's also an option for the passport to be delivered to her home so she won't have to go back to DFA.

Medical at SLEC is only 2 days so she can stay at a hotel for 3 days max. This should be done 1-2 weeks AHEAD of your embassy interview.

Interview is only a few hours so she can do an overnight check-in at a hotel near the embassy.

PDOS at CFO can also be done within the day, no need for hotel.

Edited by apple21, 05 October 2012 - 10:12 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-05 22:10:00
PhilippinesPassport for son

If both parents are abroad:

Affidavit of Support and Consent (ASC) executed by either parent indicating the name of the traveling companion (authenticated by the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate General). If minor is illegitimate, mother should execute the ASC.
Special Power of Attorney (SPA) with an attached photocopy of either parent?s valid passport (authenticated by the nearest Philippine Embassy or Consulate General) authorizing a representative in assisting the child to apply for a passport. If minor is illegitimate, mother should execute the SPA.
Original and photocopy of DSWD Clearance
There is no need to secure a DSWD Clearance if the minor traveling abroad has parents who are in the Foreign Service or living abroad or are immigrants, provided he / she is holding a valid pass such as a dependent?s visa / pass / identification card or permanent resident visa / pass / identification card which serves as proof that he / she is living with parents abroad.
Proper ID of the duly authorized representative (Please refer to List of Acceptable IDs)

the grandfather should have an SPA executed by the child's mother.

Edited by apple21, 07 October 2012 - 08:55 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-07 20:54:00
PhilippinesPassport for son
the "father" assisting is actually the child's grandfather?
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-07 20:45:00
PhilippinesPassport for son
Is the child illegitimate?
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-07 20:29:00
The handwritten signature says "Ona Burton"? Is that it? If yes, it doesn't have an effect on the names that appear on her other documents. It's just a signature. A signature can be of any form, it doesn't have to be your full name.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-09 01:57:00
If you're both using a Blackberry you can register to Smart's BBM ONLY prepaid plan for 100pesos/30days. Unlimited BBM access. Globe doesn't have this kind of plan for their prepaid subscribers but it is available for their postpaid users (100pesos/30days).

I'm just not sure how much a Blackberry data plan would cost in the US.
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-07 00:26:00
I have a Blackberry that I register to Smart's BB MONTH BIS (599pesos/30days) and my hubby uses a Samsung (with unlimited Tmobile data plan around $80/month) and we use WhatsApp to exchange unlimited messages and pics. :thumbs:

Edited by apple21, 07 October 2012 - 12:12 AM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-07 00:12:00
PhilippinesWhats after the Interview?

can i do that CFO thing before the interview? or its only after the interview?

You can do it after you receive your passport with visa.

when will the embassy send me the packet i need? after the interview too?

You will receive the packet together with your passport and visa.

Good luck. :thumbs:
apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-12 06:14:00
PhilippinesNeed repeated vaccines done at St Lukes?
SLEC conducts their own check-ups and they get to decide what shots to give you. It's standard procedure for them.
You could have saved money if your fiancee and daughter just waited for the medical instead of getting shots from their local physician.
All the shots that SLEC will give (regardless of how many because it varies from person-to-person) are already INCLUDED in the medical fee so no need to pay separately for each shot.

Hope this helps. Good luck. :innocent:

Edited by apple21, 12 October 2012 - 09:09 PM.

apple21FemalePhilippines2012-10-12 21:08:00