USCIS Service CentersVSC Updated their processing times page, and it's not pretty

Hire more people and improve ur services. As simple as that. And if USCIS doesn't have enough money to hire more people (which I highly doubt) then raise the fee ... Personally, I wouldn't mind paying $100 or $200 more if that means I get my visa within 3 months instead of 7 or more. So somebody please explain to me why they don't do it?

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-24 12:06:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Updated their processing times page, and it's not pretty
*** HUGS***
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 21:29:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Updated their processing times page, and it's not pretty
Seriously though, these conflicting reports constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. They need to get it together. 5 months is already too long a time for approval and anything longer is simply unfair.

I'll be watching. and refreshing. and praying. AND DRINKING.
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 21:06:00
USCIS Service CentersVSC Updated their processing times page, and it's not pretty

It's a glitch. One user had a Congressman call and confirm. I was going over something with the attorney I used for this process (unrelated issue to processing time) but they also checked and confirmed via telephone. It is 5 months estimated processing time for I-129F. December I-129F approvals have remained relatively consistent with one even occurring today. If you look at the number approved based on VJ timelines (including those that received RFEs), more than half for the month have been processed in some way. If we could average just 2 approvals a day for the next two weeks, VSC would be just about through the December submissions (at least those for which users created timelines). There is absolutely nothing to indicate that such a significant slow down would be possible right now. All the data from the past indicates that this is the time of the year adjudication often accelerates for both service centers.

That congressman who called and confirm should run for president!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 20:45:00
USCIS Service Centersvsc shut down?
Lets Stay positive folks!!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 15:21:00
USCIS Service CentersVermont processing time??
I have a feeling....that May's going to be a good month....that may's going to be a good good month....feeling

***Trying to stay positive***

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-30 09:37:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS updated the processing volumes and trend
Just checked and its back to the 5 month rule!!!!! :dance:
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-30 23:30:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS updated the processing volumes and trend
As usual, we keep trying to decipher the VSC stats. As far as they approve my petition soon I am good.
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-30 09:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)near to 16 weeks ------on Ap what next?
My fiance and I are approaching week 20. Still no word. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-11 14:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anybody undergoing AP in at the London Embassy?

Hey everyone, 


Please share your stories here and lets encourage each other. My fiance and I filed the K1 Fiance visa at the US embassy in london and was placed in AP because they wanted to us to provide more information to verify his identity. We sent all the docs we could get, and have been waiting since November 14th 2012. Needless to say, its been a very painful process but we are people of faith and we are hoping for a turn around very soon. 


Please share your stories so we learn and encourage each other. 



MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 18:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Did we wait in AP all this time for nothing?! Please help - what does this mean?!

Just go to > contact us > submit comments online

...or else you can write a letter...the address is under the 'write the whitehouse' link...


My Fiance's petition is at the embassy in london too. They asked for some travel docs that he doesnt have anymore. We sent a letter explaining that but sent everything else they asked for . We have been waiting since November and its 6 months now. I hope this gets resolved quickly because it is such a draining process. 

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 18:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit

lets keep the faith alive as we all wit for this painful process to be over. 



MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 18:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)anti-fraud unit
No one knows what anything in AP means. It seems like we just play the guessing game until something good comes out. Wishing you the best in everything! Hopefully its rectified soon.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-14 21:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Trying to find a way out of AP PLEASE HELP US!!!
People need to be more sympathetic and understanding when responding to AP questions. I have been in AP for 5 months now and everyday has felt like hell. Yes I call, yes I email , yes I pray....but all I can do is wait. However, I dont need someone being brash with me about it. All you can do is stay positive. It is not easy, I deal with it every day and it is a very sensitive topic. People should be aware of that. We all come here to get answers and or support. No need to tear each other down.

What gets me by is the thought of our future when all this is over....spending every day with the one I love. That carries me through. Knowing that while it may seem like forever, it will be over ONE day, and everyday, I am closer to that process.

If you cant post respectfully and or empathetically, then dont post at all.

BTW, what is the difference between a mandatory AP and an Internal AP?


Edited by MissAAA, 11 April 2013 - 02:36 PM.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-11 14:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is there a legal time frame for a Embassy to return a case to the USCIS?

thats really good to know! thanks!

I do not know if there is any law limiting the amount of time the embassy can hold on to a case. However, you can file a Writ of Mandamus in Federal Court to try and get your case sent back. I filed a Writ of Mandamus to get out of AP and it worked and I even got my NOIR in record time.


I did not use an attorney. I filed the Writ myself. It took a lot of research on the internet but I was able to go to the Federal Courthouse in my city and get the paperwork. I asked that the filing fee be waived and asked the Court to appoint me an attorney. The judge waived the filing fee and said he would see about an attorney if the case went to court. You would be suing the head of the Department of State. My case never made it to court as the embassy hurried up and finished my case. I am sure they would send your case back rather than go through the expense of fighting you in court.


May God bless you and this nightmare be over for you soon. If you have any questions email me.


MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-24 23:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Status Updated Date on CEAC.STATE.GOV
My fiance has been under AP since nov in the london consulate and his case was updated april 18th, without any inquiry.

I CHOOSE to believe this a good sign! :innocent:
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 10:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Hear me ROAR! 


We've been under AP for 14 months! I have written letters and emails, visited the embassy in london twice and called incessant times. No avail. You can imagine the pain/anger/hurt/frustration we've been going through. 


It gets worse. 


After his first interview on Nov 5, 2012, the CO held on to his passport and asked him to submit additional documents so she can issue the visa. Documents sent, the passport was not returned with or without visa. We had to request the passport so he could travel for christmas in Africa as we'd planned. 


We since returned the passport in January 2013.....and they've held on to the passport since then. He had another interview in October visa, and the passport was not returned. 


In the interim, the company he works for lost most of their contracts and had to downsize....and you know how it goes. Now he is looking for a new job and he needs his passport which has his UK residence permit stamped on it for work! Without which he has been able to find a job. 


We have since requested the return of the passport....before christmas and no response. So he is in essence passport less and visa less. He cant travel, he cant work, he cant enroll for a new masters program that he wants to....we're literally screwed in every angle! 


I have written, called and wailed....all to no avail. How can the US embassy hold on to someone's passport with a wanton disregard for the person's needs/interests and uses of the passport, (which in the first place was not issued by them?)


At this point I am thinking of withdrawing the entire application and relocating to be with we can be together and continue our lives. Any advice as to how I can do that? 


This is beyond me. The immigration lawyers I have met with are dumbfounded. 


I need to a) Get his passport back so he can work/travel/go back to school and b) withdraw the fiance application so we can explore other options. 


Worried Annie. 

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 10:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Get a lawyer and inform them you are going to file a writ of mandamus. Since you don't even want the visa nymore just try to file it a quickly as possible.  They will have to decide one way or another to give back the passport. If they decide in your favor, ya! you win, bring him here, if not live happily ever after in a land far away from the DOS, DHS and their insanity. 


 Yeah I think I am going to have to do that immediately. Thanks. 

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-15 10:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Hear me ROAR! 


We've been under AP for 14 months! I have written letters and emails, visited the embassy in london twice and called incessant times. No avail. You can imagine the pain/anger/hurt/frustration we've been going through. 


It gets worse. 


After his first interview on Nov 5, 2012, the CO held on to his passport and asked him to submit additional documents so she can issue the visa. Documents sent, the passport was not returned with or without visa. We had to request the passport so he could travel for christmas in Africa as we'd planned. 


We since returned the passport in January 2013.....and they've held on to the passport since then. He had another interview in October visa, and the passport was not returned. 


In the interim, the company he works for lost most of their contracts and had to downsize....and you know how it goes. Now he is looking for a new job and he needs his passport which has his UK residence permit stamped on it for work! Without which he has been able to find a job. 


We have since requested the return of the passport....before christmas and no response. So he is in essence passport less and visa less. He cant travel, he cant work, he cant enroll for a new masters program that he wants to....we're literally screwed in every angle! 


I have written, called and wailed....all to no avail. How can the US embassy hold on to someone's passport with a wanton disregard for the person's needs/interests and uses of the passport, (which in the first place was not issued by them?)


At this point I am thinking of withdrawing the entire application and relocating to be with we can be together and continue our lives. Any advice as to how I can do that? 


This is beyond me. The immigration lawyers I have met with are dumbfounded. 


I need to a) Get his passport back so he can work/travel/go back to school and b) withdraw the fiance application so we can explore other options. 


Worried Annie. 

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 10:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Holding on to passport while in AP

Hear me ROAR! 


We've been under AP for 14 months! I have written letters and emails, visited the embassy in london twice and called incessant times. No avail. You can imagine the pain/anger/hurt/frustration we've been going through. 


It gets worse. 


After his first interview on Nov 5, 2012, the CO held on to his passport and asked him to submit additional documents so she can issue the visa. Documents sent, the passport was not returned with or without visa. We had to request the passport so he could travel for christmas in Africa as we'd planned. 


We since returned the passport in January 2013.....and they've held on to the passport since then. He had another interview in October visa, and the passport was not returned. 


In the interim, the company he works for lost most of their contracts and had to downsize....and you know how it goes. Now he is looking for a new job and he needs his passport which has his UK residence permit stamped on it for work! Without which he has been able to find a job. 


We have since requested the return of the passport....before christmas and no response. So he is in essence passport less and visa less. He cant travel, he cant work, he cant enroll for a new masters program that he wants to....we're literally screwed in every angle! 


I have written, called and wailed....all to no avail. How can the US embassy hold on to someone's passport with a wanton disregard for the person's needs/interests and uses of the passport, (which in the first place was not issued by them?)


At this point I am thinking of withdrawing the entire application and relocating to be with we can be together and continue our lives. Any advice as to how I can do that? 


This is beyond me. The immigration lawyers I have met with are dumbfounded. 


I need to a) Get his passport back so he can work/travel/go back to school and b) withdraw the fiance application so we can explore other options. 


Worried Annie. 

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-14 10:36:00
United KingdomK-1 visa. Almost 3 months waiting, anyone want to share their experiences?
Hugs to everyone.

I applied early February and the wait is killing me. I check my phone and email obsessively each day. I tell myself each day is getting closer to us finally being together. We've missed birthdays, valentines and now my law school graduation next month :-(

But try looking at the bright side of things, you'll have the rest of your lives to spend valentines and birthdays together. Also my married sister keeps telling me to "enjoy sleeping in the middle of the bed". Whatever that means.

And skype is your friend! We sleep on skype, eat on skype, I am typing this right now, he is doing the dishes on skype and I am watching him. lol! its not great but it reduces the loneliness.

We are in this together!!!!

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 08:56:00
United KingdomWhat Vaccinations are needed to be done before the medical Exam?
Great Feedback. Thanks Guys!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-12 12:38:00
United KingdomWhat Vaccinations are needed to be done before the medical Exam?

Tetanus is the T in a Tdap/Td shot. The shots are explained more in the first post in that link I gave you.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 18:08:00
United KingdomWhat Vaccinations are needed to be done before the medical Exam?
Great. MMr, Tdap/Td, Tetanus it is. I'm sure he can get them from his GP.

Thanks Guys!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 10:27:00
United KingdomWhat Vaccinations are needed to be done before the medical Exam?
We're trying to get everything down so that when our approval comes, we'll be ready to go. Can anyone post a link on what vaccinations my honey needs so he can give his GP and be up to date? He, like most men, cant remember the last time he took a shot so we have to start afresh and we want to make sure we have everything ready before the medical exams.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 09:15:00
United KingdomI -134 form
I dont think that should be a problem. Its like Nich- Nick said, its close enough!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-14 13:43:00
United KingdomI had my interview today.....

Ok. 4 days late but here it is. My interview write up.

I was lucky enough to have my fiance fly over to be with me for my interview. We left Cardiff on the 4am megabus to London Victoria. We left the house at 2:45am. A long day ahead! After managing to catch a little sleep on the bus on the way to London we arrived at 8:10am. Concerned about the rush hour on the tube (I was almost late to my medical due to the rush hour crowds on the tube at Victoria) we got a taxi to the Embassy. It wasnt too far on the tube so I knew a taxi wouldnt be too expensive. It was £8. A fair price.

Upon arriving at the Embassy we walked to Goulds Chemists to check in our electrical goods. We checked in 1 phone, 2 ipods, 2 sets of earphones, a usb stick, an ipad all for £3 total. They give you a raffle ticket for when you claim it back when youre done. There is a small cafe next to Goulds where we grabbed some toast and a drink to wait until 9am before joining the queue. We'd previously arranged with the embassy via email to have my fiance put on the entry list at the embassy. We called them and had a code given to us which we then put in an email and was told everything was sorted for us. Upon checking in at the first point outside the embassy, we found that Ian, my fiance, was not on the list!!! Nightmare! The officer tried calling the immigration branch around 10 times but with no answer. He suggested I go in without Ian and ask inside if he could come in but we werent happy with that incase they said no and he was stuck outside for the day. We went back to Goulds where they have laptops and printers rigged up for the various surrounding embassies for people to print forgotten documents. We paid £6 for 15 minutes of internet to print out Ians confirmation email from the embassy with the code on it. £6 is very steep but needs must. Goulds must make a lot of money off the embassies!! The officer went inside with the printed email and we were given the all clear for Ian to come inside. Phew.

The security screening was fine. Just like at the airport. We went round the side of the building, up the stairs to see a lady at the desk where I showed her my appointment letter and she gave us our number to look out for. I was I916. We managed to find a place to sit and get comfy whilst we watched the screen and waited. There were around 300 people also waiting. Busy! Ian used the snack bar at the rear of the room and bought a water and a kitkat that were £1.80 in total. After around 30 minutes we were called to window 14 to hand in my documents. Birth cert and copy, I134 and supporting forms (1040 and Ians dads letter of employment), police cert and copy and my divorce papers and copy. He also took my passport which I'll get back with my visa. All my forms were correct and present and we were given a pink form for the courier should we be successful. We went and sat back down. It was 10am. After another hour and 15 minutes we were called to window 15 for the interview. I was soooo nervous!! We had a nice white guy, around late thirties. Friendly but not overly. He said that looking at our folder, we go to a lot of sports games. Lol. Most of our photos we submitted were of us at various games. He asked me did I like American sports? What was my favourite baseball team? I said the Yankees and he jokingly said "visa apporoved!" and close the folder. Lol. He then went on to ask how we met and the timeline of how the relationship progressed. The Officer asked Ian a few questions about the I134 and about Ians current working situation. Ians Dad is supporting me and Ian had just lost his job due to needing time off to help me move. He also asked was Ians Dad aware that I may not be able to work for upto 6 months. He already knew and is fine with it. The officer said he was satisfied enough with our relationship to issue the visa. He then congratulated us and told us where to pay for the courier. We thanked him and left on a high! Big relief! We paid the £15 and are waiting on my visa to be delivered. Bank holiday weekend has delayed it but thats fine as Im not booked on a flight out until May 16th. By the time we got back to Goulds to pick up our electricals, It was 11:30am. In and out in 2 and a half hours. Not too bad.

Its been an experience and we still have a long way to go but the first hurdle is now over and we can concentrate on packing up my house and handing in my notice at work.

:dance: :dance:

Love. every. detail! :-)
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-11 16:16:00
United KingdomI had my interview today.....

** Does happy dance ***

When you get the time, please give us the juicy details about every 5 mins leading to the approval.


Nevermind, just saw that you already did.

Congrats again!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-11 16:11:00
United KingdomDoes a co-sponsor for an I-134 need to order tax transcripts as well or only the petitioner?
Great! Thanks
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 15:28:00
United KingdomDoes a co-sponsor for an I-134 need to order tax transcripts as well or only the petitioner?
I'm ordering my tax transcripts this weekend in anticipation of my approval and we are using a co-sponsor for the I-134 because I'm virtually income-less due to my 3 years of Law school ( I graduate in 6 weeks :D :yes: :thumbs: :dance: ). I was wondering if the co-sponsor needs to order tax transcripts as well. Also, what documents does the co-sponsor have to provide?

I appreciate your help in advance.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 08:27:00
United KingdomAnother I-134 Question
Yeah, my current situation wont permit me to do that. Else that would've been my first choice.

Edited by MissAAA, 23 April 2012 - 08:39 AM.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-23 08:34:00
United KingdomAnother I-134 Question

As with any form, she can write in the first blank of #8--See additional page

then at the end of the I-134 attach a page headed with

I-134, Question #8 additional information where she sorta duplicates the headings and lists all the people she needs to.

Problem solved. Thanks!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-22 14:54:00
United KingdomAnother I-134 Question

I assume the income is hers and not that of her "fully employed" husband?

Yes the income is hers.

Added emphasis on the employed husband was to show that the children are dependent on him as well so she is not the bread winner of the entire clan. If that accounts for anything ....
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-22 14:51:00
United KingdomAnother I-134 Question
Hello fellow sojourners.

Quick, basic but confusing question.

I will need a co-sponsor but she has 4 kids and a fully employed husband. I'm guessing that means she has 5 dependents? well the I-134 only provides for 3 dependents. How does she go about filing I-134 then.

I intend to have her write a letter of intent to co-sponsor which will go into detail about her income and kids. I know its not necessary , but I need to satisfy my slowly developing OCD, thanks to USCIS :-)

I posted this question it in the general K-1 forum but I figured I'll need some UK Specific answers.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-22 11:27:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!
just read your review and all I can say is wow! "What does her brother do for a living?" Hell, I dont even know what MY brother does for a living half time lol

Good to know.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 15:49:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!

Nich-Nick is female/USC. A guy wouldn't write such long-winded posts. I talk waaaay too much. :whistle:
Thank you for the compliment. Glad I can help.

HAHAHAHA okay Sister girl! I just realized that I always read your pseudonym as Nick-Nick not Nich-Nick, hence the wrong pronoun. B-)


MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-18 15:39:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!!!


Nich-nick is amazing for all london applicants :D :D :D

I have my interview a week tomorrow :wacko:

yes he is! congrats in advance!!!

Hi everyone :) Just off the plane and back in the house but I wanted to say that Jessica and I got approved at 9.30 this morning :D

Thank you all for your help, especially Nich-Nick. A full write up will be done in due course.

Good luck to everyone still going through the process :)

congrats!!!!!!!! :yes: :dance: :thumbs:
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 18:34:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.

Now all the hassle seems worth it if our experiences can help at least one other person avoid the same pitfalls. Yay! :-)

Oh Yeah its worth it!
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-16 18:57:00
United KingdomImmunizations for k1 visa.
I just posted some questions about this very topic today and was already thinking maybe he should wait till he gets here to take the shots but after your experience, thats definitely not an option.

Hope you find somewhere cheaper to get it done.

MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-10 22:02:00
United KingdomTDAP SHOT
MissAAAFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-27 09:38:00