K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!

I had:

passport stamps
Plane ticket receipt
pictures of us in St Lucia, including my daughter and SO
Receipt from apartment
Receipt from daughter's school
HUGE phone bills
Phone card receipts
Oh and a copy of my St Lucia driver's license

I have a positive outlook on this but also am thinking I will get an RFE for something. I cut off International calling from my phone (bill was out of control!) so for future proof I have set him up with an e-mail account and we have written each other a few letters. I only use a calling card now so it is hard to say who I am calling only that I am using the card. We wrote each other letters 2 weeks ago and neither have received.. St Lucian mail is iffy! :-)

I guess if I dont have enough proof of relationship both my mom, aunt and his mother and friends will write affidavits. It will just set us back a week or so. In the long run the week or too will be nothing.

Good luck and speedy NOA2s to all!!


Irie Irie Irie


Edited by IrieCat, 31 January 2008 - 12:26 PM.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-01-31 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SMASHROX @ Jan 31 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Susie - I think the date on the notice is what you use (at least that is what I would use). Now for good news...I called the 1800 to check the status of my money order this morning...

"Money order Rxxxxx was presented for payment on January 30, 2008." YAY! Come on NOA1...get here already!

hey! Congrats! Bet you will have a great day now... I am sure it will come in the mail today!!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-01-31 07:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Jan 29 2008, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
AHHH just checked, and my check was finally cashed!!! smile.gif SOOO happy, after all this hehehehe now what site do i sign up at to track it ohmy.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-01-29 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SMASHROX @ Jan 28 2008, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Jan 28 2008, 05:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone ... January filer here! :-)

I have a question... I got my NOA1 last week and logged into the USCIS website. I signed up for the e-mail updates... Do they e-mail you when they touch it or do you just have to check the "last updated" date on the web? I got my NOA1 in the mail on Thursday but the "last updated" date is Friday but I didnt get an e-mail. Have I been touched? (that sounds so funny!) :-)

Thanks for the help!


Cat - It sounds like what you have described might be, in fact, a "touch". i don't think you get an email for "touches". Hopefully some of the more experienced VJers out there can confirm. I am glad to see it took you nearly 13 days to receive NOA1. I am still patiently waiting for mine (10 days and counting....) and my money order still has not been cashed. I was starting to wonder if something got lost. I guess I will save the panicking if I don't receive it this week.

Who else out there is still waiting on NOA1?

I was getting anxious about the NOA1 ... and it took a while for my check to go through as my account is at a little credit union in Maine and it takes forever for checks to get cashed, got the NOA1 in the mail the day after check showed cleared in my account.. Also I think MLK Day slowed things for a minute too! I am sure you will get yours anyday!! :-) VT is supposed to be good!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-01-28 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
Hello Everyone ... January filer here! :-)

I have a question... I got my NOA1 last week and logged into the USCIS website. I signed up for the e-mail updates... Do they e-mail you when they touch it or do you just have to check the "last updated" date on the web? I got my NOA1 in the mail on Thursday but the "last updated" date is Friday but I didnt get an e-mail. Have I been touched? (that sounds so funny!) :-)

Thanks for the help!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-01-28 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportstouch but not NOA2
You could get several "touches" before you can an NOA2.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2010-01-14 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnother Touch
Hey I got another touch today!! Yippee............once last week and then another one today!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-13 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Hi All,

I am from Maine as well. I live in Saco and work in Portland at Maine Medical Center. I think its great to have this thread. Thanks!! Nice to know there are others close by going through the same horrible hurry up and wait process.
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-16 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsANYONE FROM MAINE
Good idea Chelle. I was happy to find another person from Maine here, and it would be great to know others. At work so I can't write much now, I will later.'s things?
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2008-09-29 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSecond Thoughts
I have never had second thoughts about him or about our relationship, and he says he never has any second thoughts either. Fears...yes. Sometimes I wonder how long I can take hurting all the time becasue I miss him so much, but what's the alternative? Not having him at all is not an option. There are other fears too, fear about him finding work here that he won't hate, fears about how will handle the culture change long-term, fears about how we will handle situations with the kids (mine...not his). I don't think of these fears as second thoughts though. There is a difference. I am absolutely sure about how we are together, all that other stuff is just bumps in the road. I wonder if sometimes people confuse fears with second thoughts?
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-01-09 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho wants to join my angry rant thread?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 3 2009, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just to clarify and not to say your friend was telling you untruths, but Canadians go through exactly the same process as everyone else. Being a Canadian makes no difference - we are still aliens and treated that way. We are still required to jump through all the same hoops as any other foreigner. If it were as easy as showing a marriage license all of us would have gone that route, but we too do the K-1 and the CR-1s to be with our loved ones. We wait, too. As Rebeccajo so ably said, there will come a time when all of this will be part of your 'history' and will fade as you discover and create your new life together.

My friend was actually talking about an American moving to Canada and only needing a marriage license. She wanted to know why it was so hard to move to the U.S. if it is so easy for a U.S. citizen to go to Canada. I don't believe it is that easy though, it can't be. I live in a border town, and there are so many couples around here that cross back and forth, I am thinking maybe this person was talking more about dual citizenship or working in Canada or something. I don't believe you can just get married to a Canadian citizen and immediately immigrate to Canada without having to do some sort of application or paperwork.
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-03 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho wants to join my angry rant thread?
I forgot to mention the ones about how these internet things never work out and always end badly. Then there was the conversation with a co-worker the other day. She met someone who married a Canadian and all they had to do, according to this person, is show the marriage certificate. So why do I have to do all these other things she asked. Because this is not Canada I replied, we have our own rules. It's close enough in her opinion, and why is it so different. 2 words: Homeland Security. What does that have to do with it? World Trade Center, The Pentagon, 9-11? He's from England after all, not some foreign place, was her response to that, he's not from one of the places involved in 9/11. It boggles my mind that because someone is from an English speaking country we are friends with, they are not seen as foreign, except by the people who matter, the Government. I pointed out he is not American and she said well we used to be from England so what is the big deal?

One of the bad things about life, is that no matter how awful you think things are for you, there are always others who have it worse. It saddens me to hear of people waiting years, and all the beurocratic nonsense that goes on sometimes. It also terrifies me because although sometimes you can identify the reason someone gets held up, no matter how ridiculous the reason like the fact they have Muslim name, often there is no reason at all. It could happen to any one of us. Most of the time it seems the Government is all about rules and codes and procedures, but this VISA stuff seems so random and based on chance. It's the luck of the draw who's desk your file ends up on and what they do with it.

There has to be a better way.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-03 08:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho wants to join my angry rant thread?
Thanks guys.

I don't get upset with anyone asking questions, I just get so angry at the situation,a nd I hate being angry, it is the emotion I dislike the most. So when something makes me angry I get even angrier at the fact it is making me angry!! mad.gif This thing consumes me, my thoughts, and if there is a moment I am not thinking about it, someone will ask me something and bring it up. The dissapointment is horrible, every time I check my e-mail, every time I check the website, and now, every time I go to the mailbox. I dream about this, I think about it so much, I don't know what I will do with my time when this is over.

The thing with not filing sooner is that it makes me think it's just my luck. Matt is a good man, and he always does his best to do what he thinks is right for us. It's just bad luck that he lost his job anyway, thus making his decision to stay in England longer moot. There is no way we could have predicted that happening. It's a regret though for me, I regret not insisting on filing sooner.

I am glad for this site, no person can imagine what this is like if they have not been through it. To have your life on hold, and to be just waiting. What it is like to be an adult, free to marry, used to making decisions for yourself, and have your life in a complete strangers hands. And to have absolutely no control over it. I have never felt so powerless as this journey makes me.

Thanks for listening everyone. heart.gif
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-02 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho wants to join my angry rant thread?
QUOTE (uscandual @ May 2 2009, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You might want to see this ditty I wrote a little while ago. It might cheer you up a bit. Though probably not for long.

Good luck!

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-02 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho wants to join my angry rant thread?
When will Matt finally be home? Don't know.

When is the wedding? After all, many people have to get time off work, arrange flights etc. Don't know.

You haven't even made any arraingements yet? Nope. Can't.

How can you have a wedding with your family if you can't even plan it? Don't know.

Well do you think he will be here by summer? I DON'T KNOW !

How many more hours of tears do I have ahead of me? Does anyone know.

So tired of the questions, I know many of you must get the same ones. I know there isn't anything I can do about it. I think I need to be banned from this website, because every time I check Igor's list and see all the approvals on petitions that were filed after mine, or I see people get approved in just weeks, I want to scream, throw things, and cry. Yes, I know it has only been 110 days. Yes, I know other people often wait longer. We have a very straightforward petition as far as I know. I can't think of any reason for a denial, but every day with no website update, no touch, no RFE, just an eternity. I don't know how so many of us do this and remain sane. All that BS about petitions being approved in the order they are recieved makes me want to throw up. It just makes no sense...

How do I not get angry with him for not filing sooner? He wanted to stay and work and save money....but he lost his job anyway, and if we had applied when we originally discussed, he would probably be here by now. I have to be one of the most impatient people in the world, I don' think I hate anything more than waiting. I know there are people that hate it as much as I do you do it?
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-02 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIgors List
VJ Igor's list contains all apps for the past year, the Berkely one does not cover as many months, it covers the processing time frame which is 6 months right now. This is why you are closer to the top on Berkeley's.
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-17 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThere is Hope
I almost didn't check the mail today because of the sick feeling I get and the tears I get in my eyes every time I go to an empty mailbox. The last month has been hell with VSC barely moving, as I dont have to tell you guys. But.....IT WAS THERE!!!! NOA2, Approved!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

This wait is the hardest thing I have been through and seeing people that applied after me get approved nearly killed me, but hang in there guys. One more step is done, the longest wait is over for us, and I am so happy. Thank-you all so much for your support. heart.gif

Edited by Sherri and Matt, 01 June 2009 - 07:47 PM.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-06-01 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow much money you spend on your wedding just curios
We are still planning but have spent nothing so far. We have so blessed by friends and family "gifting" us with things for our wedding. We are going to do a legal ceremony as soon as he gets here to get the AOS out of the way. The formal wedding/rececption is 10/10/09. Here is what we have so far:

Venue : Free
One of the docs I work for offered his home with formal garden for the ceremony and a big red barn for the reception. So we are going with the whole fall harvest thing, think pumpkins, candy apples, corn stalks and hay.

Cake : Free, gift from my friend and co-worker Jen.
Pictures : Free, being done by friend and co-worker Kerry.
Flowers : Free so far, bouquet a gift from friend and co-worker Jessica. Not going to do many flowers at all.
Food : Free so far, friends are doing pot luck dishes, we are having 2 barbeque grills going, Jen's husband is going to deep fry 2 turkeys and Peter (the doc who owns the house) REALLY wants to buy a pig and do a hog roast. I told him go for it, not saying I'm eating it, but I'm sure the guests will.
Some decorations : Free, Jessica is going to get a load of pumpkins, hay and corn from her parents farm.
Invitations : Free, gift from the maid of honor (probably more because I don't really care about how fancy they are but she does yes.gif )
Tables and chairs : Free, Jen's husband is a fire fighter and the maintenance guy for a church and we are borrowing them.

We do have to buy all our clothing, and a lot of decorations. I want a ton of white lights in the rafters in the barn, etc. Not sure of total cost yet but I want to keep it under 1,000. We are not doing a honeymoon, we did our big trip together when I went to Europe in April for 2 weeks with him. It is far more important to us to have a smaller, simpler affair with the people who really care about us, then a big elaborate thing filled with people we haven't seen for years. All of these people have been by my side through this journey and they are so happy for us, that they all want to do something to make sure we have a special day.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-06-15 06:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember, 25th
(sorry about the double post, had IPS drive error...)

Edited by Sherri and Matt, 21 June 2009 - 07:01 PM.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-06-21 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember, 25th
Don't pay any attention to the party line. They post the estimated processing times to limit the number of service calls they get. If you call to ask them about your case, they won't look into for you until you are over that processing date. So anyone that applied after Nov. 25 they just say 'sorry we are processing from Nov. 25". That way they only have to actually do some work for people that applied before that date. Plenty of people get approvals on apps filed way after estimated processing dates, including me.
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-06-21 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 Vermont K-1 Filers
I went crazy too waiting for ours. Every time I checked Igor's list and saw apps filed after ours geting approved, I nearly cried. I did the whole checking the e-mail a hundred times a day thing, and going to the mailbox with hope, only to be dissapointed day after day. I thought about not coming to VJ and checking Igor's for awhile because it made me so angry and worried. For the record, the website still says recieved and pending for ours, and actually it's in London right now. That website fails.

So, I get it guys, it sucks so bad. It's terrible to feel this helpless and so out of control of something that means so much to you. To have your life in the hands of strangers. There does not seem to be much rhyme or reason to things. Nothing I say can make you feel better. I still have a bit of advice though. Don't listent to the canned responses. The 6 months processing thing is just a standard reply. Just because they say they are doing November, well, we all know that isn't true. Dozens of people that filed after Nov are approved already. They just say that because of the whole 6 month standard, cover their @$$, canned response. They hope it keeps too many people from bugging them. Bottom line: you never know when you are going to get the best news of your life in the mailbox. It could be today. It does NOT mean you all have to wait 2 more months.

NatPatBen, I just have to tell you that I think happy thoughts for you a lot. You filed weeks before I did, you have to be as frustrated as I was, yet I see you say such positive things to people every day.
Thank-you for being so supportive. I am so looking forward to the day you post your approval! rose.gif
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-06-16 06:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 Vermont K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Peet @ May 17 2009, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mstamiz2much @ May 17 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (longdistancelover @ May 17 2009, 03:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (firdaus @ May 16 2009, 04:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kayj @ May 16 2009, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
VJ family, just wanted to let you know that I got my approval in the mail today!!! God is good. For everyone still waiting, ur approval is on the way!!

congrats kicking.gif .....did u get a email or an update online or did it just come in the mail????

Congrats! very happy for you. i wish i could be as optimistic-"For everyone still waiting, ur approval is on the way!" im starting to feel like i will be an involuntary member of the over-6months-waiting club. this waiting is putting a strain on us...........

Same here longdistancelover.. same here... sad.gif

Im in the 1/14 NOA1 file somewhere...

And another 1/14 NOA1 file owner here.

Starting to believe they forgot about us unsure.gif

They forgot us too! Maybe 1/12 are in the same closet?

I was P!$$3d off that we did not file sooner. Now I'm thinking I should have waited another week or 2 considering how many people at the end of the month have approvals already. mad.gif
(Happy for you all but you have no idea how frustrating it is to see those approvals for petitions filed after ours) I hate this and I want it over. I want to breathe again.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-05-17 08:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary '09 Vermont K-1 Filers
I'm finally joining one of these lists!! kicking.gif

Filed I-129F 01/06/09.
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-01-06 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG WE GOT IT WE GOT IT
There really are no words Sara, except that I am so happy for you!
Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-08-31 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC AP for the UK!
There actually is not a tendency for UK filers to be stuck in AP. In fact, the opposite is true. UK filers tend to fly right through the process. AP is quite common for some of the high fraud countries, but the UK is low fraud so most people have no problems. I don't know if something has changed lately. Check out the UK forum and the 2009 interview thread. If UK filers are tending to get AP now, it's news to most of us.

I wish you all the best, and I hope time flies by for you.

Edited by Sherri and Matt, 26 August 2009 - 05:30 AM.

Sherri and MattFemaleEngland2009-08-26 05:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Steph1973 @ Jan 15 2008, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Jan 15 2008, 08:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AnewKINDofFEELIN @ Jan 15 2008, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jan 14 2008, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Monogaz also got an approval.
Click here for the October filer thread smile.gif

I don't even want to see the October filers thread. It will only make me more depressed. I hate VSC.

I stay away is so depressing.....good for them but sucks for us......VSC is hosed mad.gif

Got our medical exam date today-February 2nd!!! Can any UK people tell me whether your fiance's needed to bring their vaccination records to the medical? The embassy website says fiance visa people don't have to, but the medical people are saying yes. Any insight would be helpful.

Hi Steph-

my fiance just this minute got back from his medical in London. He asked the doctor about his vaccinations, and the doctor told him that the vaccinations aren't for the K-1 visa, they're for adjusting status later on. So although the vaccinations aren't necessary for the K-1 visa, you'll have to get them (or show proof of them) for the AOS part of the process. If you don't have all the necessary vaccinations yet, you can get your GP to do them (usually for free), have them print out a copy of the vaccinations that were done, have the doctor sign and stamp it, and then it's ready for the adjustment of status part of the process. Hope that helps!
CourtneyFemaleEngland2008-01-15 09:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Dec 20 2007, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlene @ Dec 20 2007, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey....I am a May filer...still waiting...filed first week of RFE....I was transfered from CSC to VSC in Oct. and now seem to be in a black hole....congressman called and they said it could be several more months...congressman said all they can do is inquire for you ....they can not influence them to work on we WAIT!!!!!!!!

That is seriously crazy! Have you filed a complaint with the ombudsman?

Charlene: I remember when you first told us that you'd been transferred, but I can't remember why they transferred you. Do you know why? I've thought about you, but I couldn't remember your name so I'm glad you reposted while I was paying attention... I think out of all of us, you've got the worst case so far- having your case transferred to a different service center restarts your wait- and you'd already been waiting about 5 months... That's unforgivable, and completely wrong!
CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-20 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (MKCT @ Dec 18 2007, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashleyandjonoz @ Dec 18 2007, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rae_and_scott @ Dec 19 2007, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MKCT @ Dec 18 2007, 05:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashleyandjonoz @ Dec 18 2007, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Dec 19 2007, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
867.5309 whistling.gif

oddly enough, this song just played at my work!

Song!? What song??? unsure.gif blink.gif

And we thought you got the joke, Mirla! wink.gif
Those numbers are from a cheesey 80's song. laughing.gif

haha laughing.gif


Oh really??? Hahahaha! Silly me! headbonk.gif

CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-18 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (janaus @ Dec 14 2007, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Arrta @ Dec 14 2007, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
as of today, Dec 13, we are approved.

Congratulations kicking.gif

Hang in there amrsnowangel

Janaus- I think yours was in the same pile as mine....and I'm betting today or early next week for your approval! whistling.gif
CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-14 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Dec 14 2007, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks so much ric.....I know in my heart of hearts that you and me and virgil are when one of us goes the rest are in that same crate......and will follow soon.......oh please please VSC hear us plead we need to know that we have been approved............Come on......come on ....come on....... let us have a Merry Christmas present now jest.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

I believe yours is next Lora... I'll keep praying for you.... rose.gif
CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-14 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Am happy to report that we were approved today! Now moving from one waiting room to the next!
CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-13 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview Approved !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How wonderful!! Congratulations, and may all the days ahead be happy ones. happy.gif
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2009-11-24 07:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow to pass the time?
You can also start indexing all of the data you'll need to have compiled for the interview: copies of phone bills, chat logs, emails, photographs, forms, etc. Imagine having all of that organized and ready to go once you get your interview date. By that time you ought to be feeling like a cat on a hot tin roof, so doing it now while you are relatively calm could be a good diversion. happy.gif
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2009-11-22 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED!!! OMG!!!
Congratulations!! Best of luck to you both. smile.gif
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2009-12-29 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA APPROVED!!!
Oh, Happy Day!!! Congratulations!! Hope that blonde takes a L-O-N-G vacation, like into February!!!! rofl.gif (Our interview will be on 1/28/10, insha'allah.)

All the best to you as you finally unite your little family. smile.gif

Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2009-12-29 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVAL APPROVAL APPROVAL
Oh, happy day for you!! I found that waiting for the NOA2 was the worst part of this process so far. I was SO grumpy and jumpy waiting to get that approval that I am sure I bordered on manic! :wacko: LOL Now you can settle in and await your packet and interview date. Enjoy letting out that long breath of air you've been holding.... :blink:

BTW, I am curious why you have a "very poor" consular review on your timeline. Casa will receive your petition only now that you have gotten your NOA2...the consulate has had nothing to do with the process thus far. I know you are probably frustrated with the amount of time it took to get your NOA2 (we filed AFTER you did and were lucky enough to get ours back in November), but be careful about criticizing the consulate for things that were not within their control. There are stories about COs who peruse the VJ profiles, and you don't want to anger the visa gods needlessly. But insha'allah, things will go more smoothly for you from here on out, and we wish you much luck throughout the remainder of your journey. And once again, congrats on the NOA2.....

Edited by Beth wa Salim, 07 January 2010 - 05:44 PM.

Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-07 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhy is my case taking so long!!!!! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!

good luck to all that deserve it

What the heck does this mean??? Don't we all deserve it?? And who decides who does and who doesn't? yeeesh....
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-06 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview tomorrow

Dude -- good luck, si man. You can sweat less in the knowledge that her country isn't Ecuador.

Or Morocco......LOL

All kidding aside, best of luck to both of you.
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-12 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, this is not good news.
[quote name='Wis-Can' date='Jan 14 2010, 03:43 PM' post='3630668']
Being from Canada I think I can help you understand why alot wait till so close to their interview date. Travel. Canada is a big country and USCIS has decided that only 4 doctors (I think we're still at 4) in the entire country and do these medicals. One in BC, One in Ontario and Two in Montreal. The cost alone to travel and the time involved. Myself, I scheduled a week in Montreal so that I could have the medical on Monday and to give them time to get it completed and interview on Friday. It was a 14 hour drive one way, plus hotel and meals, the medical. I know alot of people say, "but you knew it was going to cost $$ getting into this" and yes I agree. But everyone wants to save where they can because who knows once you get to the US, get married, file AOS, etc if you will get a job right away. Ideally if it was closer it would be best to have the medical a few weeks out to address such issues as the OP has posted. [quote]

Thanks for the clarification, Wis-Can. I completely understand the logistics now. I think that's terrible to have only 4 docs in the whole country!!! I guess that we are fortunate in that Morocco is not nearly that big, and although Salim had to travel by train for 5 hours (one-way) to get to Casablanca for the medical, it still does not compare to your 14 hour trip. I am sure others in Canada may have had it even worse given their far-flung locales....

Anyway, :ot2: I sincerely wish the best to the OP and his fiancee'. Hope that the interview goes ahead anyway and this turns out simply to be a minor "speed bump" along their journey.
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-14 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWell, this is not good news.
Difficult news to receive the day before the interview.....I will say a prayer for you both that this turns out to be nothing more than a benign (harmless) cyst or something else of little significance. I work for a physician and we see things all the time like this; a good percentage of the time they end up being nothing to worry about. I will send positive thoughts your way for a good report.....

On a more "clerical" note, isn't something like this a good reason for folks to try to get their medical scheduled a few weeks ahead of the interview? I thought that in general you shouldn't try to schedule the medical the day before or the same day as the interview. (although I realize that the OP may have had extenuating circumstances for needing to do it this way....) Maybe this situation reminds that it is best to have it done and out of the way ahead of time so that no stressful "surprises" crop up......

However, the bottom line is that I truly hope things turn out ok for your fiancee'. Hang in there.
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-14 13:42:00