K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa denied!
I am so sad to hear this, Tracy. I can't offer much concrete advice like some of the other very informed and helpful members can in terms of what to do next from an administration standpoint, but I can offer my sympathy for your situation. Casa is SO difficult, sometimes so arbitrary, and it seems to make no sense in how they determine their rulings. People with tons of evidence like yourself get denied, others with little evidence sail on through. Where is the consistency?? As our own interview draws closer in a few weeks, I am so keenly aware of the anxiety that our Moroccan fiances feel about having to go to Casablanca, feeling like it is a firing squad. You know, there is a mission statement that the U.S. govt has issued concerning visa applicants, and when I find my copy I am going to post it here. In a nutshell, it says that all visa applicants will be treated with respect and dignity, each application will be thoughtfully and objectively reviewed, and if a denial is issued, it will be clearly explained and with compassion. In my opinion, the officials in Casablanca need to be reminded of this, because it seems that too many of their actions go contrary to that statement!!
I wish I had more words of comfort or advice for you, but knowledge is power, so learn all you can about what you have to do next, and start right away to do whatever is necessary to move your case forward. I wish you and Nabil all the best, and hope that the strength of your love will be the power that is needed to overcome your disappointment. Stay strong, and I hope you get some answers very soon!!

All the best,
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-12 10:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa Interview

Im very sorry to hear of your misfortune...are u sure there is something your not forgetting that could be a possible reason for denial? Did he recieve a 221? i am not sure about DCF thru Morocco, but maybe this isnt a flat out denial, you may be able to fight it. dont give up until u have tried...maybe the lawyer will bring u some uplifting of luck

Wanted to say yup i am still around ashraf's papers are now on there way to amman.But as i hear this will take just as long as it did here to finnish.So that means we are only half done.I will be going to jordan to see him again at the end of march.It's been 6 months since we were last together.I am just hoping all will go well with the embassy as all did with the uscis and the nvc.Wishing all good luck in the journy.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-02-07 13:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaVISA APPROVED
Wow no interview can we all get that lucky congrats!!!
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-26 21:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Saturday!
Yup it is saterday! And i have a house full of my daughter's little friends. Wow i am just not used to that many little people lol.So i guess my goal for the day besides not missing ashraf will be to survive with all the little ones.In a way watching them all play yesterday and hearing them all laugh was kind of refreshing.Always nice to see how kids see the world through there eyes.Hope all have a great saterday!
windancerFemaleJordan2006-05-06 08:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday Everyone
Wow thats so sad to hear .Always sad to hear when a child has died but worse when you knew them :( Sorry for your sadness he sounded like a great little boy
windancerFemaleJordan2006-05-13 10:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMassouna & Ali's Interview Countdown Thread!!!
Best of luck i am sure all will go great :thumbs:
windancerFemaleJordan2006-05-09 14:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Thursday
good luck to your husband amal i am sure all will go well!!

Jean i know the feeling.But ya know what cry girl it can be good.Hell i did that yesterday and then layed in bed and eat some things i am sure i will hate myself for later lol Hang tough.Sometimes i feel like i get like that everey few days but then i see ashraf and all thew sadness and stress passes.Its his sweet face that makes me know that things will be ok in the end.

Attached Files

windancerFemaleJordan2006-05-18 13:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaAli got the visa !!!!!
congradulations LB way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: May your future be a happy one
windancerFemaleJordan2006-05-18 13:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood luck Hachemi & Meriem
best of luck :thumbs:
windancerFemaleJordan2006-06-30 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Wanted to say hi to all and that yup back again in the usa.The hardest thing as always was to say goodbye once again.And that the interview date is in january seems i will have to make one more trip to jordan.I miss him bad as always.But i am thankfull to god for being able to be with him again.We cryed together when we found out the date was so far off.He also was thinking about all the ones like us who have to be apart so long.But as i see it we seem to get stronger with all the things the visa process throws at us.I went to petra this trip and omg it was breath taking.Then i went to mount nebo that as well was something to remember itself.The weather there was great not to hot like the last time i was there lol.I also feel for the ones who can't fly all the time to the ones they love and miss.But as always one should keep the faith and hold on tight.I wish all the best of luck on there hard visajourneys.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-04-15 09:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Hello all!Just wanted to say hello from jordan.Good to see my husband but th bad news is we got our interview date for january 25th 2007 :crying: But what can we say at least it is a date.This is a bad thing but we just keep hangin on.Guess i will be back here again in october.Hope all is well with everyone
windancerFemaleJordan2006-04-09 13:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Omg now i am really stressing to read a date 9 months away why is this like this now?So not fair for all of us>Now i am afraid to see what date we get if we ever get one :( :( :( :( :(
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-26 17:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Omg Help!!!!!!!!!!!What is going on ????????Why can't i get the next dam packet from the embassy????not even the lawyer got it yet.We are so stressing :( What the hell do i do now??Do i go there and get it myself??Will they even give it to me when i am there.Omg god can anyone help me in this question??
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-26 17:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Well andrea as i see all think that is to long so maybe there was a mistake.I hope it will not be that long.Makes me wonder how far off ours will be.Hang in there still your almost done.As for me hell i am just happy right now that the lawyer will get ashraf's dam packet for him.Waiting just for that was stressfull.She told ashraf not to worry about the interview date.We don't know what that means but we hope it means something good.Right now i am just to excited about seeing mih in a few more days.Hope all here on Vj are doing well.

Well andrea as i see all think that is to long so maybe there was a mistake.I hope it will not be that long.Makes me wonder how far off ours will be.Hang in there still your almost done.As for me hell i am just happy right now that the lawyer will get ashraf's dam packet for him.Waiting just for that was stressfull.She told ashraf not to worry about the interview date.We don't know what that means but we hope it means something good.Right now i am just to excited about seeing mih in a few more days.Hope all here on Vj are doing well.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-19 16:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Well Angel we both tryed to call but not luck.Tomarrow he will call the lawyer to see if she can get the packet for us.Talking to ashraf now and he has a dam cold again lol.But he is just as upset with the embassy as we all are.

windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-15 15:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Ty Angel!Things with ashraf and i are great but we seem to be having a problem getting the packet from the embassy.I e-mail and they terll me they sent it and it's well over a month now.I will be going back to jordan 14 days but so not sure if i go to the embassy will they give me the dam packet lol.This has been a hard road as all know but things like this make it worse when your papers are at the embassy and you can't move on to the next step.I even tryed calling them and was on hold for ever but still got n one.Any advice would be so helpfull.But yup we are still hanging on.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-15 15:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Good to see some of the same people that were here before.And yup i am still waiting like the rest.The thing that has me upset it that our papers are at the embassy now and it's been a month and no dam packet yet.I keep getting e-mails from them saying they sent it and the days they did.I am thinking this is all bull.Thank god i will be going back to jordan on the 29th can't stand to be away from him any each week passes it feels so does my strength as i know it's the same for many.Ashraf and i try to keep eachother going but dam this is the hardest thing i have ever done in my life oh well besides give birth with not drugs lol now nothing beats that lol.Well just wantewd to say yup still here like the rest.I hope all are well
windancerFemaleJordan2006-03-13 12:50:00
Yup great news baby girl again ty for sharing that with me.It's about time something good happens to one of the good spiritual sisters!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: And remember just breath easy if not know i am breathing for ya.Love ya girl best of luck.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-07-25 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaWindancer (Vernonica and Ashraf's) Interview
ty to all yup ,we are crazy about it it has been so long and its hard to belive its almost done and we will soon be together again.My heart is filled with great joy.So hang in the the rest who are waiting seems good things are happening with the visas!!!!!!!!!!!
windancerFemaleJordan2006-08-07 07:12:00
many thanks to all you starting to freak out but holding on as best i can i will be on vj tomarrow night after i get out of work and as soon he calls me i will let all know how it is going.Mayny thanks to my great friend andrea for always being there for me even in the times i thought i wasn't going to make it.Because of you girl and us sticking together we made it!!!!! well i am hoping i made it anyway lol god willing anyway.To all the others all i can say is just keep on going then end will come soon for all.
windancerFemaleJordan2006-08-15 11:40:00
Middle East and North Africatired of the amman embassy
she just tells us that the sponcers aren't good enough for her
windancerFemaleJordan2007-02-25 15:55:00
Middle East and North Africatired of the amman embassy
Seems it has been forever that i started this visa journey with my husband and seems the one witch at the amman embassy is doing all she can to try and stop us.It's going on 2 years now and almost a year since i have seen my husband last in jordan.And how she is able to stop us is simple she can say no to the sponcers even if they are good.We sent her a sponcer that makes 80 thousand a year and again she said no.That just goes to show us that one wentch on pms all the time can change your lives forever.We are now doing another sponcer and i bet even if we find a rich one this b**ch will say no.I hate to use that word but after years of this it tends to kill ones spirit.It makes me sick to see what they not only do to me but to many many others.I wonder how that woman can sleep with herself at night.I am not even sure how to feel about any of this anymore not when your future depends on an evil woman that holds your future in her hands and it seems to make her feel she has great power.After all this now it also seems my husband and i have changed in many ways.I used to see things as if there is a will there is a way and he used to think god put us together that he can't keep us apart forever.But i see we both don't feel these things anymore.i stopped going on Vj because it was hard for me to see others that may have gone threw what ashraf and i have and we are still going threw.It's hard to go on in life when the man that holds your heart lives in another part of the world.So in a way its like i am the living dead just walking threw life because i have to.I just hope god ends all this pain soon.I knew we had to be strong doing this visa but i never in my thoughts ever knew it would be this hard or this painfull.I just hope no one else has to go threw all that ashraf and i keep going threw.And if anyone is well may god keep you strong because i know i have no more strength left :( But ashraf will forever be the air i breath and the earth i walk on just maybe it's not our destiny to breath and walk together.
windancerFemaleJordan2007-02-25 15:06:00
Middle East and North Africacan't believe it's over
I started this journey in july of 2005.And went threw the amman embassy in jordan.We heard bad stories of this one woman there that no matter what proof you had she made your life a living hell.Well i can confirm this to be true.When my husband went for his interview she had him in there for 2 hours pounding the questions to him.He was denied for sponcer reasons but was sworn in before he left.And she smiled a devel smile as she did so as if to make his pain of being so close hit harder.We did sponcer after sponcer.Even once she denied us again because the sponcer was two dollars under what he was to make in a year.We didn't give up.I even sent an e-mail to this woman telling her she will not do to us what she had done to so many.IN the end he got the visa and she made him spend even more money and time getting new things we already did.She even waitied 2 weeks 2 tell him the visa was there for him.He will be here on tuesday and it doesn't see real to me.We won we think but in the end did we really win?Along the way we lost in real.We lost ourselves each of us went into deep depression and in the end it turned out to be a fight due to pride almost a war in a way.Now when he comes it won't be as it was when we first started this hard journey we are now differant people that need to get to know eachother all over again.We did realize that one thing didn't change and that was the fact the love was still there deep inside lost in blood and tears and way to many sleepless nights.I haven't been on this site in almost a year but was shocked to see that the support for one another isn't the same as when i was on. I can in a way understand this since i have passed such a hard road.But when i was on threw all my tears there was always others there for me to listen to all i cryed over and thats what this site is really about not who knows more about the visa thing than another.It's about pulling together with people who are going threw the same things as you to feel your not alone in this.For those who have been waiting what feels like a lifetime i understand and can feel for you but if your love is real you will finish your journey.And for those who are having there case sent back the the usa were there is love there is always a way.And if you really believe in that love you will be together in the end as ashraf and i will be in a few more days.Stand together everyone be kind to eachother you all are passing the same feeling in one way or another and may each of you always walk in the light.
windancerFemaleJordan2007-11-04 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Application Approved! NOA2!
This morning Johan and I were woken up by my father calling for us outside my bedroom door. "I have some good news." He said and then tells us our application has been approved and that our notice had come in the mail. I was like: "What?!" and we both scrambled out of bed, hugged each other to death and went to marvel at that wonderful piece of paper XD <3 ! ! ! We are both very happy and relieved, now all that's left i the interview :]

Who knew VSC would be so on time? We got it nearing the end of June. Almost the same time we sent it out in January!
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-06-20 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJOHAN GOT HIS VISA
Thank you so much everyone! It's been a stressing process, I'm just glad it's over, well ALMOST we still have to apply for permanent residency, but still...this is a landmark indeed. I hope the rest of you who are going through this, soon have your own happy ending to this visa journey :]
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-10-10 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJOHAN GOT HIS VISA
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-10-09 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
We just got our application approval today in the mail!!! We were so shocked and happy at the same time x] !!!! Now all that's left is the interview! and then...THE WEDDING <3

All the best of luck to those who are still waiting!
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-06-20 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Hello all,

I haven't been on here for months lol so I just wanted to let you all know, I'm alive and well lol x] but Johan and I are still patiently waiting for some movement and updates on our application. Hopefully we will get our NOA2 by the end of June, if not I will be contacting VSC about our pending petition. Best of luck to the rest of you.

Edited by Samu and JoJo, 29 April 2011 - 11:57 PM.

Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-04-29 23:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!

Make sure you update your timeline with the notice date from your NOA1. Not the date you received it!

January 26th :]

Also thank you everyone <3 I hope VSC keeps moving things along.
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-01-31 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Just an update :] I got my official receipt in the mail today for the K-1 Visa Petition! 8D
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-01-31 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2011 Filers!!!
Good luck to everyone! I see a lot of diverse filers here x] which is awesome, any Swedes? I see Finland 8D I went there last summer with Johan, it's a beautiful country and last year was the record high in summer temperatures lol even a Maynard like me was sweating. *cough straying off topic* anyways I hope things go well for everyone. I'm prepared for the wait though. The good thing about VJ is it prepares you for both the worst and best based on the posts from everyone. I sent my petition out this past Friday. I just got my acceptance confirmation e-mail today that it was forwarded to VSC. :]
Samu and JoJoFemaleSweden2011-01-27 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaI130 K-3
QUOTE (zilla @ Jun 20 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm a morrocan married to an american in december 2007, the emmigration received our papers in May 29th we have I130 K-3 can someone tell me how long it takes to get the call for the interview ,i miss my husband so much and i cant wait to be with him

Some of that depends on where you filed your papers.....Vermont or California. It is never possible to say how long it will be but I can tell you my case and maybe that will help. I filed on Nov 14th 2007 with Vermont. I filed a I-130 K-3 and the I-129F. I am currently being processed but have not heard anything for some time and no end in sight. So for me it has been 7 months and still maybe 1 to 2 months left before I see the end. If you have any questions feel free to write.
JhatchMaleBulgaria2008-06-20 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCall me a Pessimist..
I was so happy when we got the NOA2 ... it came much quicker than I thought it would so it was a complete surprise. We are in the AOS status now and if I think too far ahead I get completely stressed out. It is very overwhelming to stand back and look at the big picture. I try to take it all one step at a time. Each little step is something to look forward too. I always like to have something to look forward to.
Don't worry too much about the medical. The stress alone can be too much to handle and can really get you down. THINK POSITIVE and you will get through it all. I am not a paperwork kinda person, not very organized or technical... if I can do it, anyone can! :-)
Tomorrow is Louis' Biometrics appointment and the next thing I have to look forward to is a 2nd income in this house! :-) LOL

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-02-01 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Jun 6 2008, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we were approved! sooo excited heheheheh smile.gif He said it was pretty easy and they didn't even ask him so show the proof and pics and stuff, and the guy started talking about his job there (he works with printer inks at fuji films )and got all interested in it hehe Thanks so much you guys for the help and support ! smile.gif <3<3

YAY! Congratulations!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-06-06 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Jun 5 2008, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
by this time tomorrow I'll know if Paul passed his interview! ah!! Finally here and i'm so nervous for him, he's hardly nervous at all and doesn't think about it much , I wont be able to sleep! lol I just wanna here good news when I wake up tomorrow! So anxious. Tomorrow we will get plane tickets also if all goes well. It's a lot cheaper for wed so he will be coming on the 18th , *fingers crossed* ahhhh I have to keep myself busy now so I stop thinking about it!!

Good Luck! EVerything will go fine. Louis wasn't nervous at all and passed in a breeze!!!
He was polite and friendly and I ithink that goes along way... that and he had all his $hit together! wink.gif

I couldn't sleep either - my apartment has never been cleaner .. and when he called to tell me he got the visa I was so excited my 6 year old told me to "calm down for pete's sake" ... smarta$$!!!

My fingers are crossed for you and prayers for low ticket prices as well!! good.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-06-05 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
Hello everyone! I haven't been on in a while but I just wanted to let you all know that Louis was granted his visa this morning in Barbados! My hunnie will be here in 3 weeks or so!! YAY!

And congratulations to EVERYONE ... I see so many approvals have come through!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-05-27 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
YAYAYAY! Louis just got an e-mail from the consulate in Barbados! His interview is May 27th!
I am so happy!

So now we will really celebrate when I see him Thrusday!! wooooo!!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-04-14 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (KitEEgirl @ Apr 14 2008, 02:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
See what having my SO 5,000 miles away does to me?! I'm going to the hair salon tonight to do something drastic smile.gif

I hope he still likes me when he gets back smile.gif

I'm your quiet, dorky engineer, with, long plain, light brown hair... I'm going to layer and highlight it tonight.. Well here goes nothing. I'll either be unbelievably depressed tonight or pleasantly surprised... wish me luck!

I am sure it will look great and not as drastic as you think! I have had RED, Blue and many colors in between! :-) I had the big 80's bleached thing going on in HS. Well now I just have light on top and dark underneath.. its is my "grown up funky" LOL!
Never let your hair get you depressed - it always grows back!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-04-14 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
I had this nice little ceromy planned in my head. my only dream has been to get married on the beach. now that I have realized we need $1010 in 3 months after he gets here for AOS .....

My aunt is a JOP and we will get married on the beach at sunset (in august hopefully) and then all my friends and I will go out and have some fun. I just want to celebrate his being here and the start of our long lives together. Nothing is as important as us being together. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!!!!

I will see him in 7 days and I cannot contain myself. I cannot wait to be in Paradise with my Du Du! (patois for my darling).

Yay! we will all be so happy soon!!!

Oh and a year down the road or so we will have a Rasta ceremony in St LUcia... that should be wonderful!

Edited by IrieCat, 11 April 2008 - 08:53 PM.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-04-11 20:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsjanuary filers!
QUOTE (SusieLuvsPaul @ Apr 9 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
quick question you guys!
for the Affidavit of Support form, where exactly can I get it notarized exactly I think I read somewhere you can at a bank? could I just bring it to my bank? or would have to go some special place?
Wanted to do this all Friday so if I could get responses soon it would be great smile.gif

The bank would work, and if it is your bank they probably wont charge.
Call them and check, otherwise just look up Notary Public in the phone book.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2008-04-09 19:19:00