Middle East and North AfricaSunday in MENA
Happy Sunday everyone!! Hope you all have a relaxing day or can do something fun. It's my baby's birthday today and he's spending it away from me of course............oh well such is life.
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-12 09:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Sounds like alot of fun! I'll try to join in.......never used the chat room on here yet, but always willing to help give support to anyone in need. Its in my nature (I'm a nurse)

QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Oct 13 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well join us tommorrow and start partying early! Ya'll know the MENA girls know how to rock the chat room!

A few things to know coming in...... (we have several slumber party virgins in da house wink.gif )

Be careful of the pineapple juice on the floor.
Arrows zinging and guinea pigs squealing.....these are normal occurences.
Watch out the the one they call 'Amal'....she likes to steal undergarments and run around the room with them!

Debka lessons at 8:30pm
Kelly's famous Maglooba recipe at 9pm


babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-13 21:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday is finally here!
What's got u feeling that way?? I hate days like that!! I seem to be having them more & more lately.......

QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Oct 17 2008, 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm going for a walk around the building. Work will just have to do without me for a few minutes. I need to clear my head. Taking my phone with me...if ya have my number use it.

i dont really want to punch the building, my hand would super hurt from that. so what do i do next? scream? shout to the heavens? maybe write a poem...wont hurt so bad.

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-17 18:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday is finally here!
Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you all have a great day!!

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-17 05:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
I love the fall!! We are in full bloom here in Maine as well, but haven't taken any pictures yet. I've been working way too much....UGHHHHH!!

I like my coffee with creamer too......could NEVER drink it black.....YUCK!!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend.

QUOTE (star_dragon @ Oct 19 2008, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ohh..yes, I took some fallie pics last weekend and posted them on my's one from the park by my house

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-19 14:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaCock a doodle dooo it's Monday in MENA
Hey Staashi if u find out what the baby's heart rate is u can take a guess what the baby is. I work in labor and delivery and it is thought by many experts that a baby's heart beat that is higher (160's & up) is a girl and a heart beat that is slower (140's & lower) is a boy. Its not an exact science, but.......
Congrats on the baby & good luck!!

QUOTE (Staashi @ Oct 20 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! Well, drats - no news on baby's sex. The silly receptionist at the Drs office told me a month ago that this was the purpose of todays' appt. The dr did do an U/S and the baby is well - legs and arms moving and a good heartbeat. Also, my health is good. So, I can't complain.

I just felt bad because my hubby took time off of work for this, which turned out not to be necessary.

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-20 22:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCock a doodle dooo it's Monday in MENA
Hi All I hope everyone is having a wonderful monday!! I spent the day sleeping after working a 12 hour night shift...........yippeee!!

Sweet peach I believe the drivers license thing varies from state to state. I just recently went to get a license with my new name on it and they are requiring more documents in my state, but I think its federal thing even. Your husband will need some documentation of his address or you (yourself as his wife) may have to fill out an affidatif stating that is his new address. He can also use his passport as proof of who he is. Your best bet is too look online for the dmv in your state......Goodluck!

The car rental should be covered by the others issurance, that is if it was the other drivers fault. They cannot legally leave you without a vehicle and put you out like that unless your husband was at fault. It sounds like it was the other drivers fault so I would contact your insurance company or the other driver's insurance company. They are famous for playing games like this because they are hoping you will not look into it or put up a fight. Don't let them get away with that.....they need to give you a rental till your car is fixed or you have another one.

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Oct 20 2008, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sweet_peach @ Oct 20 2008, 06:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Monday everyone. biggrin.gif

My habibi made it here with little issues. His flight from Amman was about 30 minutes late. Didnt have a single issue in immigrations. He said they didnt ask him anything at all. He said the officer was very nice and stamped his passport with a work stamp before he could even ask. kicking.gif

Does anyone know if he can get his liecense now or does he have to wait untile he gets his SS#??

congrats!!!! where was his POE? not sure about the drivers license thing

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-10-20 15:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
Happy Sunday to all!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-09 13:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
Hi All......Happy Saturday!! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-08 09:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday already? *yawn*
Good Morning All!! Hope your Saturday is a good one.......
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-15 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
Hmmmm......well I certaintly meant no disrespect to anyone. I just thought the post was started to make people laugh and compare situations they have gone through or noticed changed in their lives since becoming involved with their mena SO. Thanks for the clarification.

QUOTE (Staashi @ Nov 16 2008, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Nov 16 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I totally agree with you Turia! However, I will say this "platy" guy really has no business making assumptions and starting stuff he knows nothing about. After all, the title of this post is "you know you're in a MENA relationship when...."

Ummmmm, I'm not trying to start anything, and I'm not defending Platy because he can stick up for himself, but what he did point out does have some validity around here, you might just not have been around that long to have read it or noticed it yet.

Remember, this might be the MENA forum, but people from allover VJ read this forum because it has been widely known that although the MENA ladies can be super tight, they are also the greatest flame throwers against their own. In essence, people on this board can be their own worst enemies. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing to seek comfort amongst those who might have some experience as to what you're going through. Platy didn't have to make any assumptions, because for so long the ladies in this forum have laid it all on the table and shown their cards to all of VJ. The things he brought up are well known around these parts because women have shared them or taken those characteristics upon themselves. It might not be true for all MENA ladies, but for a few they are. Just pay attention, you'll see. good.gif

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-16 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
I totally agree with you Turia! However, I will say this "platy" guy really has no business making assumptions and starting stuff he knows nothing about. After all, the title of this post is "you know you're in a MENA relationship when...."

QUOTE (Turia @ Nov 16 2008, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WOW I can't beleive that this has turned into such a bashing. This is suppossed to be fun, not a bashing! Why can't we all just get along?

Sorry i needed to say that.

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-16 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs the romance gone?
They call that "Hall Sex".......

QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Nov 11 2008, 09:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The first year of the marriage you have mad passionate love making at least once a day.
The second year of the marriage you cut down some, but still have mad passionate love making 3 or 4 times a week.
By the fifth year it has cut down to a forgetable quicky about once every week or two.
By the tenth year it is a "F*#@ you" as you pass each other in the hall. tongue.gif

But seriously, I felt the same way at first. But then i started seeing the little things he would do. Things like he could see on my face that I didn't feel good, so he would massage my neck. Or when he could see how tired I was, but he wasn't. He would say "let's go to bed", even though he couldn't sleep yet. Or just when he could see I was on the verge of tears, and he would stop what he was doing just to hold me.

Let's just say that I would take these romantic gestures any day over a card.

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-11 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas in MENA in the USA
Tamara you should look into ur local human society. When we got our cat spayed I called there and they gave me a credit towards the procedure. I only ended up paying $20.00. I'm sure it varies from state to state, but definately worth looking into. Just thought I'd mention that.

QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Nov 19 2008, 01:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
from the vet it was going to be nearly $200... i will definitely have to look into other places!!!!

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-19 10:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas in MENA in the USA
Wow.....what a GREAT idea!! I love it!! We always put our tree up the day of Thanksgiving too when we get home from my parents house. Sounds like alot of fun at your house!!

QUOTE (Nawal @ Nov 19 2008, 12:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif Decorating our home for many reasons. It's my hubby's birthday and my father and some of our family still celebrate Christmas. Cooking traditional foods plus a little mix of the ME! Our family is a mix of Muslim/Jewish/Christian so there is great respect and observance on all sides. A melting pot we are! star_smile.gif

We just got our new prelit xmas tree (Its SO cute!) and I can't wait to have it up and decorated. We will do it on Thanksgiving Day with our guests! We are hosting Thanksgiving this year at our new home and have many people coming. Everyone was instructed to bring a decoration for the tree (handmade is wonderful too!). We are also having a "desert night" that evening and invited our friends/neighbors around the area and they too were told about our tree many of them offered to bring something as well! I can't wait...should be so fun!! kicking.gif biggrin.gif

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-19 10:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Wednesday!
Good Morning All!! Its freezing here in Maine as well, but what do we expect its NOVEMBER?? lol. I'm off from work today and don't plan on doing much of anything. Happy Wednesday everyone........

Can I just add that Igor's list is making me day i'm up the next day i'm down!!

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-19 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Hey did anyone see the immigration story on 60 mins?? Its crazy what the damn government gets away with!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-23 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Happy Sunday to all. Hope everyone's having a good one!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-23 16:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts Monday!!!!!
Hi all........hope everyone had or is having a good Monday. I just got home from working a twelve hour shift.....yuck!! Nothing much else going on................
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-11-24 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaIbrahim's K3 interview results
That's awesome news Jackie! Glad to hear it all went well.........He'll be back home before you know it!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-01 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Happy Wednesday everyone!! Hope its a good one...........I'm off today, but have a little guy home from school sick.

By the way 12 is a good age for girls just wait till 14 hits............OMG its quite a ride. I never know from one day to the next what kind of drama is gonna unfold and the interest in boys hits high gear at this point. The birth control thing I think its totally backwards...........My thinking is you should take a pill when you WANT to have a baby, not the other way around. Invented by a man I'm sure??
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-03 11:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Friday!!!
Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope you all have a great weekend!!

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-05 19:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Thanks Jj.....I actually do feel kind of bad for getting upset with him today. I'm trying to imagine how I would feel if I had to leave my family for an unspecified amount of time and had no idea when I would see them again. However, its only because I'm missing him so much lately. I'm anxious to start our life together and its been 9 months since we've been together. Things have been really great between us until we talked about this today. We are both very stubborn!

sad.gif headbonk.gif mad.gif sad.gif
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 20:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Thanks to all of you who tried to answer my question or at least let me know you had no idea. I guess I'm getting irritated and impatient with the waiting and wanted to know if its justified or not......

Those of you who have your significant others with you how long did they wait to come to the U.S.A? My husband and I got into a spat over this today and I'm wondering if I got irritated for nothing? He tells me once he gets his visa he might not want to come for at least a month (maybe even longer) so he can spend time with his friends & family. Am I just being selfish for wanting him to come as soon as he can?? I realize he's leaving his family & the only place he's ever known as his home, but..........
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 19:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Can someone PLEASE answer my question?? If i need to post it in a different forum let me know.....I just figured since most of you are much further along in the process than least a few of you might know. Thanks
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 13:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
I hate being sick too Jackie.......who the hell has the time?? I know I sure don't..............I work full-time and four have four kids so if I'm sick NOTHING gets done!! LOL.

Can I ask a?? I filed for a K3 visa in july, but didn't send my I129f in until the end of question is should I expect to get a noa2 on the date I sent the I130 or I129f in? I didn't know you could send them in together until after the fact and I never got my hard copy of my noa1......I had to call them and get the receipt number. I've only seen one approval of K3 visa this month so far!! There seem to be wayyyy more k1 visa's that are being approved, especially at vsc......Oh well "such is life" & the waiting game continues!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 09:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Happy Sunday To All!!

Sorry to hear your not feeling well Jackie....... crying.gif
Hopefully it will be just a 24 hour bug and won't hang on for days

I just woke up not to long ago and I look outside and its snowing!! I love the first snow......its soooo pretty. I'll be bitching about the snow and how much I hate it in March, but right now I'm loving it!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!

smile.gif heart.gif smile.gif heart.gif smile.gif
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it already Tuesday?
Happy Tuesday all......Glad to hear ur feeling better Jackie! Hope you all have a good one.
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-09 21:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdolilah Visa approved
Whooo Hoooo!! That's awesome news!!
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-10 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Happy Thursday everyone!! I'm soooo glad the weekend is almost here. Work has been crazy busy......I think everyone's trying to deliver their babies before X-mas. We've had over 150 deliveries since the beginning of the month......whew that's alot of diapers!!

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-11 20:26:00
Middle East and North's Sunday...
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Dec 14 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (babynursetobe @ Dec 14 2008, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do u know that JJ?? I've noticed others saying that before, but I never understood that. Can someone explain?? Thanks

u can go to MY CONTROLS and it shows how many posts you have

Thanks I appreciate that...........always learning something new everyday..........especially on here!!
smile.gif heart.gif smile.gif
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 12:42:00
Middle East and North's Sunday...
How do u know that JJ?? I've noticed others saying that before, but I never understood that. Can someone explain?? Thanks

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 11:12:00
Middle East and North's Sunday...
Awwwww...........that's sweet!! Nice to have good friends...............
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 10:13:00
Middle East and North's Sunday...
Good morning all....Happy Sunday!! I've been having withdrawals the past two days......been without power due to the ice storm that hit new england and couldn't use my computer......UGHHH!! However, life is good today the power is back on and so is the heat!! YIPPEEE!!

Congrats on the laptop Terrie......that's a great present! Enjoy............ smile.gif

What sort of suprise JJ do u care to share??
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 09:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Terrie!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day..........

babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 09:13:00
Middle East and North Africalong lay
Too Funny!!

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-14 09:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday Thread
Happy Tuesday everyone!! Just got home from a 12 hour shift......we're supposed to get snow tonight too after dealing with the ice storm last week! Amal you can have it Love the new pic of the baby sara.....she's absolutely adorable!! Almost looks like she's in a sea of snow not bubbles.......
babynursetobeFemaleNigeria2008-12-16 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Oct 11 2007, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's 2 so far today from CSC smile.gif

C'mon VSC!!!!!

Hmm. Where do you find that info, if someone hasn't posted they've been approved? I'm still new at this unsure.gif
CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-10-11 11:14:00
Middle East and North Africa15 Days and No FRE Letter To Be Found....

I feel for you!

I think USCIS has managed to find an even slower form of mail transportation than the US postal service.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Please, don't give up... I don't have anything wise or clever to say to you, I just want you to know I'm thinking of you!!

CourtneyFemaleEngland2007-12-14 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa denied!
I am so sad to hear this, Tracy. I can't offer much concrete advice like some of the other very informed and helpful members can in terms of what to do next from an administration standpoint, but I can offer my sympathy for your situation. Casa is SO difficult, sometimes so arbitrary, and it seems to make no sense in how they determine their rulings. People with tons of evidence like yourself get denied, others with little evidence sail on through. Where is the consistency?? As our own interview draws closer in a few weeks, I am so keenly aware of the anxiety that our Moroccan fiances feel about having to go to Casablanca, feeling like it is a firing squad. You know, there is a mission statement that the U.S. govt has issued concerning visa applicants, and when I find my copy I am going to post it here. In a nutshell, it says that all visa applicants will be treated with respect and dignity, each application will be thoughtfully and objectively reviewed, and if a denial is issued, it will be clearly explained and with compassion. In my opinion, the officials in Casablanca need to be reminded of this, because it seems that too many of their actions go contrary to that statement!!
I wish I had more words of comfort or advice for you, but knowledge is power, so learn all you can about what you have to do next, and start right away to do whatever is necessary to move your case forward. I wish you and Nabil all the best, and hope that the strength of your love will be the power that is needed to overcome your disappointment. Stay strong, and I hope you get some answers very soon!!

All the best,
Beth wa SalimFemaleMorocco2010-01-12 10:29:00