Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (Chiney*Eyes @ Sep 18 2009, 11:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ooo and Jaws..YES mi mema yuh coaxing of K..she too funny..


I noticed K kept asking me if she chould pass gas here...I kept saying of course ..and then she'll do it and say excuse me..

so after me tired of hearing her ask..i said why r u asking all of a sudden did someone say to ask? she said yes Ms. Nieves!!!!!!! and that she should go out when she i'm like ####### she's 4 wah u want her fi do..i need to talk to her

THEn....i asked ...mommy do me and u match? ####### is she said ms nieves said me and christopher don't match...i'm like is this f-ing teacher teaching my child COLORS in PPL? we NEED to talk

WOW! The teacher said they don't match! OMG I would be pissed! Please tell me what kind of explaination she gives you!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-18 10:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (*SunRay* @ Sep 18 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, I'm thinking about having a New Years/1 Year Anniversary Party this year, but I want to include a theme. Any ideas?

Mi need fi start planning from now. unsure.gif

I like to pick a color, and go overboard with it. But really all I plan are birthday parties! rofl.gif
It could still work though... GOLD AND BLACK ... somthing new years evey...

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-18 10:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Sep 18 2009, 11:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
show dem irie LOL..
i always laugh when i hear the stories bout what american women will do to men when they come here??? are u serious??? are these things really happening or just some man exaggerating cuz he don't like that he doesn't have as much freedom as he would like???

Really; like what rofl.gif -- mi wah hear rofl.gif

Thankfully no one in St Lucia told Louis and bad american woman stories. His family and friends like me, they are my family and friends now.
Louis has all the freedom he wants...
Funny some ladies in his fam asked when I would make him cut his dreads... I was like no0pb.gif he better not cut anything! They couldn't beleive it. I love him for who he is, why would I want to change him.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-18 10:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Some of us Yankees are wonderful too.... biggrin.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-18 09:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 28 2009, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
general question though: how long does weed stay in your system?

30 days or more... depends on your metabolism and weight... it can store in fat cells... wacko.gif

I dont want to get in trouble here.. but FOR INSTANCE.... Louis who has pretty much 0% body fat... if he were to smoke on thursday he could pass a pee test the following Tuesday... just for instance though. whistling.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 14:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
general question though: how long does weed stay in your system?

THC (the drug in marijuana) is stored in your fat cells. It all depends on how much, how often it is smoked and also how much body fat a person has. Excersizing can actually release the drug into the system and you could have not smoked for months... run around the island and test positive! Someone with no body fat with test negative within a short time (3 - 5 days) after smoking.
It really is a game of russian roulette and people shouldnt play with their relationship for it!!!
If your hair is tested it would be bad! Drugs stay there forever! This would give many MANY people no chance in HE** of getting a visa!
No amount of drinking water will flush your system of THC!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 28 2009, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my heart literally sank reading this:


Oh my!

I am so confused! Is it drugs, is it an overstay, is it that they didnt think it is a bonafide marriage.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that christian/secular argument is so controversial
some ppl take it too far
i heard an argument that you shouldn't do yoga because some of those positions have double meanings
now i saw the person's line of reasoning but i think its pushing it

smile.gif Yoga and meditation go hand in hand.. Yoga was meant to strech the muscles because meditating can go on for hours and you have to be able to sit in 1 place!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 12:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (MsSheka @ Aug 28 2009, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aug 20 marked three years for me and franky

Congrats! Thats wonderful! Soon you will be here with him!!

and we both forgot sad.gif lol

OOPS! I didnt scroll far enough! Well at least you BOTH forgot. And noone got pissed at the other.

not wedding anniversary yunno
boyfreind/girlfreind anniversary
i really hate those words, my skin crawled typing them

Well thats not so bad. I mean I REMEMBER the 1st time I kissed Louis (cause it ended pretty funny), but I couldnt tell you the date. I have no idea the day we decided to get married. I can't ever remember that stuff.

Rog reminds me every day how he had to stalk me to get my phone number and he starts showing off saying look at us now(married with kids yes.gif )

The 1st time Louis and I kissed. He threw up! I was mortified, and laughing at him at the same time! He mixed a couple different drinks and he really isnt a big drinker...
He also thinks I am a "gaje" (spelling??) (witch) becuase I TOLD him he was marrying me! And VOILA! LOL...
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 12:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 12:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aug 20 marked three years for me and franky

Congrats! Thats wonderful! Soon you will be here with him!!

and we both forgot sad.gif lol

OOPS! I didnt scroll far enough! Well at least you BOTH forgot. And noone got pissed at the other.

not wedding anniversary yunno
boyfreind/girlfreind anniversary
i really hate those words, my skin crawled typing them

Well thats not so bad. I mean I REMEMBER the 1st time I kissed Louis (cause it ended pretty funny), but I couldnt tell you the date. I have no idea the day we decided to get married. I can't ever remember that stuff.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 12:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 28 2009, 01:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aug 20 marked three years for me and franky

Congrats! Thats wonderful! Soon you will be here with him!!

and we both forgot sad.gif lol

OOPS! I didnt scroll far enough! Well at least you BOTH forgot. And noone got pissed at the other.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 12:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 01:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aug 20 marked three years for me and franky

Congrats! Thats wonderful! Soon you will be here with him!!

and we both forgot sad.gif lol

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 12:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Hotlegz @ Aug 28 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MsSheka @ Aug 28 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 28 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

laaaaaaaaaaaaydieeeeees you're violating tos!!!

OH LAWD innocent.gif ah wah do dem people yah??? unsure.gif unsure.gif

ppl just affi be careful wah an how dem ask things..its a reality in JA and should be known..mi sure nuff ppl proly tink it legal...BOAL..

It amazes me that people think its legal! They ask Louis all the time... "Well, its legal there isnt it"... I like to see them on the next episode of "Locked up Abroad!". And then the US Embassy is going to give people a break because of where they are from... HAHAHA!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 11:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Listening to Pandora... UB40 .. RED RED WIIIIINNNNNEEE.. Love this song. I have my headset on and singing so loud. I probably sound like a deaf hound dog!! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 11:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 28 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 28 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Aug 28 2009, 10:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 28 2009, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am ignoring you and Jermaine today Philly!

Ok ok I will give yuh a blye for the weekend and nothing but MJ to celebrate his BD today. But Monday yuh get yuh Daily dose of FEVA as the Dr. Reccommends

THANK YOU!!!! So how about you put up an MJ video since his B-day is tomorrow. We can have a MJ tribute today.

JG what a cruel punishment for your kids. I would have been doing a lot more than rolling my eyes at you if I were them. LOL!

Teenagers.....they roll their eyes at me pretty much no matter what I do.

This morning on the way to work, I played it again. Then, I got in the mood to play only songs that had the word "candy" in the song or title on my iPod:

The Candy Man....Sammy Davis, Jr.
Hard Candy.....Counting Crows
Candy Shop....50 Cent
Sex and Candy.....Marcy Playground
Sweet Transvestite.....Tim Curry

All I heard was 6,000+ songs on your iPod and you know EXACTLY which ones have the word "candy" in them. WTH????????

Great song! I Love Sex & Candy (That song too)!! And of course anything Rocky Horror!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Hey! Good Morning!

It is another cool and sunny morning here. I love these mornings...with my hot coffee in hand! smile.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-28 07:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 27 2009, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wish I were on the west coast!!

Me too! heart.gif yes.gif

One of these days I am going to bring Louis out to WA to see my dad's place and I REALLY REALLY wanna drive down to CA. I want to go to Big Sur and the Santa Lucia mountains... they look like St Lucia's mountains. I have only ever been to SFO airport!
SFO looks like my dream place to live... Wish I could make such a big jump... need $$ for that though...

QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 27 2009, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Imanni & Tierra would have a blast together! biggrin.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 27 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 27 2009, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Who wants to come? It's FREE!


Maybe I can bring my son too!!! yes.gif

Oh I just opened this I LOVE LOVE LOVE these guys. wish I were on the west coast!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 19:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! irie u crazy.. i will have to teach my girls that too.. they were in a self defense class for a while but when they go to daddy's house and he don't take them it wastes my money.. heck .. baby daddy's can't live w/ them and can't live w/out them..

im glad she built up the coverage.. i remember those days on the bike and going down unchartered sidewalk LOL.. i would be soo scared..

This has turned into a HUGE event! She cannot get the big smile off her face. She has me out here taking pictures and everything! She came back again saying "wooooo hooooooooo" and high fiving me! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Oh Gosh! And Tierra finally got the nerve to ride down the road! Well I am sitting on the front porch. I have taught her to KICK EM IN THE ####### and scream her lungs out! I said it even hurts when you kick a woman there too!

Oh she came back exhilerated! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 16:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
how cute.. i bet she can't wait to travel on that once forbidden road LOL

Actually, she wont go. She doesnt think it safe. She came in... She said she was scared. "I have never been down the sidewalk on my own"... "I think I will have a snack 1st".
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 16:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Ok, my daughter just took her bike outside... we have a parking lot out back she can ride around in. So I tell her she can ride down the street and back on her own now. HER EYES LIT UP! Like I gave her a million dollars... she said "wooooooowwwwwwww". LOL ... Oh the little things!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 16:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Aug 27 2009, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speakin' of Dad's ... mine just called! What a changed man, wish they could all be that way. We didnt speak for about 15 years... then when I turned 21 we hung out at the same club. Now we are good friends. Like I said before he sent Louis and I some money for anniversary. Now I just get a box from him... homemade jelly! YUM! He is such a good cook... and ladies... they used to call him the "white Jamaican" back when he lived here in Maine. He can coooook some Jamaican food. All the guys loved him cause they could get the good home cookin' from Tom! LOL
Well the jelly... WA Blackberry and Ginger, blackberry and maple and then this one Tomatoe preserves... it has allspice, clove OH IT IS SO GOOD!!! He picked all the blackberries himself up where he lives in Washington State!

That is so nice Irie, I love that you were able to repair your relationship you are so blessed! star_smile.gif

We connect through the love of Rum!! LOL... Just teasing...sorta!
Actually we like alot of the same things, reggae, Jamaica...any thing caribbean really. We have a strange love of grocery stores! hahah.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 16:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Speakin' of Dad's ... mine just called! What a changed man, wish they could all be that way. We didnt speak for about 15 years... then when I turned 21 we hung out at the same club. Now we are good friends. Like I said before he sent Louis and I some money for anniversary. Now I just get a box from him... homemade jelly! YUM! He is such a good cook... and ladies... they used to call him the "white Jamaican" back when he lived here in Maine. He can coooook some Jamaican food. All the guys loved him cause they could get the good home cookin' from Tom! LOL
Well the jelly... WA Blackberry and Ginger, blackberry and maple and then this one Tomatoe preserves... it has allspice, clove OH IT IS SO GOOD!!! He picked all the blackberries himself up where he lives in Washington State!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 15:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man! You know I wish Tierra's father could hold a damn job down!! UGH!!! that 52 a week could feed his daughter, shoes, clothing... lots of things! He went to school to be a motorcycle mechanic. now he is going to go back to be a NURSE??? #######! he was working for the city on pest control...I NEVER SAW A DIME... claim he got laid off. I think he is a GIANT LIAR and his wife covers for him.
I do like her, but I know she just goes along with his stoopid stories. She put Tierra on her eye/dental from work. SHE works 3 jobs... SHE pays for everything! I dont know why she isnt just sick of it. Thank God for her though... Tierra needs her eyes and teeth checked so we are making a small step. Tierra is already crying about the dentist! Last time she needed a filling.. it was pure H3LL for her! Poor thing, I havent even made an appt yet!
Anyhoo... I dont think T's stepmom should be the one paying for everything. Her father is going to loose his DL. You do not wanna Eff with Maine when it comes to Child support. He hasn't paid in almost 2 years. And when he did it was only about 6 months. If he came in this state he would be a goner! smile.gif

this negro got a job girl.. he jus buying his time until court meanwhile his kids need things.. now im not gonna lie.. he was like this when we were married.. he only cares about house note, car note, and utilities.. every thing else nuh matter.. kids got 1 pair of shoes SO WHAT, no food inna house, ramen noodles good.. i mean his way of thinking did get us thru hard times and he is very sensible but heck BOTH of us make good money now, we're not 21 anymore, our kids don't HAVE to go without.. he say they dont NEED this and they don't NEED that.. plenty of kids go without.. my answer.. those ain't my dyam kids..

girl i know all bout that dentist trip.. steph first time, she need so much work it traumatized her.. i try and make sure we go every 6 mnths now to catch those problems..

t's stepmom must REALLY love him.. mi cyaan manage

I think they were made for each other! I think she works so much to stay away from him. She cannot have kids so its them and the dogs....
I am sure he told her things about me ... but now that we talk, she knows I am ok too.

QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man! You know I wish Tierra's father could hold a damn job down!! UGH!!! that 52 a week could feed his daughter, shoes, clothing... lots of things! He went to school to be a motorcycle mechanic. now he is going to go back to be a NURSE??? #######! he was working for the city on pest control...I NEVER SAW A DIME... claim he got laid off. I think he is a GIANT LIAR and his wife covers for him.
I do like her, but I know she just goes along with his stoopid stories. She put Tierra on her eye/dental from work. SHE works 3 jobs... SHE pays for everything! I dont know why she isnt just sick of it. Thank God for her though... Tierra needs her eyes and teeth checked so we are making a small step. Tierra is already crying about the dentist! Last time she needed a filling.. it was pure H3LL for her! Poor thing, I havent even made an appt yet!
Anyhoo... I dont think T's stepmom should be the one paying for everything. Her father is going to loose his DL. You do not wanna Eff with Maine when it comes to Child support. He hasn't paid in almost 2 years. And when he did it was only about 6 months. If he came in this state he would be a goner! smile.gif

this negro got a job girl.. he jus buying his time until court meanwhile his kids need things.. now im not gonna lie.. he was like this when we were married.. he only cares about house note, car note, and utilities.. every thing else nuh matter.. kids got 1 pair of shoes SO WHAT, no food inna house, ramen noodles good.. i mean his way of thinking did get us thru hard times and he is very sensible but heck BOTH of us make good money now, we're not 21 anymore, our kids don't HAVE to go without.. he say they dont NEED this and they don't NEED that.. plenty of kids go without.. my answer.. those ain't my dyam kids..

girl i know all bout that dentist trip.. steph first time, she need so much work it traumatized her.. i try and make sure we go every 6 mnths now to catch those problems..

t's stepmom must REALLY love him.. mi cyaan manage

I think they were made for each other! I think she works so much to stay away from him. She cannot have kids so its them and the dogs....
I am sure he told her things about me ... but now that we talk, she knows I am ok too.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 15:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Man! You know I wish Tierra's father could hold a damn job down!! UGH!!! that 52 a week could feed his daughter, shoes, clothing... lots of things! He went to school to be a motorcycle mechanic. now he is going to go back to be a NURSE??? #######! he was working for the city on pest control...I NEVER SAW A DIME... claim he got laid off. I think he is a GIANT LIAR and his wife covers for him.
I do like her, but I know she just goes along with his stoopid stories. She put Tierra on her eye/dental from work. SHE works 3 jobs... SHE pays for everything! I dont know why she isnt just sick of it. Thank God for her though... Tierra needs her eyes and teeth checked so we are making a small step. Tierra is already crying about the dentist! Last time she needed a filling.. it was pure H3LL for her! Poor thing, I havent even made an appt yet!
Anyhoo... I dont think T's stepmom should be the one paying for everything. Her father is going to loose his DL. You do not wanna Eff with Maine when it comes to Child support. He hasn't paid in almost 2 years. And when he did it was only about 6 months. If he came in this state he would be a goner! smile.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 14:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah.. but i thought of just taking him to the local clinic as they would probably be cheaper..
i haven't added him to my ins yet cuz i ASSUMED he needed a ssn but i need to call and check..
i can't file until next mnth so just like me to wait till the last min..i am such a procrastinator..

I have to take my stepson next week for a shot. Thank GOD it will be free because the school district that we are in has a shot clinic every first Friday of the month. Otherwise I would have to take him to the clinic as well and I am sure it would not be cheap.

That is 1 good thing. Tierra shots were all $5. Maine pays for children's shots..

Yes $400 is crazy! And that was ME ONLY! I work for a small company. Everyone there has a spouse to cover them except me! When I had Tierra they were paying 100% of insurance. Then after 9/11 the company lost so much money and stopped paying for it all. It has just gotten worse since then. I try to explain to Louis... no insurance... no baby! He doesnt get how much it costs just to HAVE the baby... let alone raise it. I really struggle sometimes and laugh when the US Govt says I can raise a family of 8!! HAHAHAHA ... where? I would love for them to tell me where I need to live to accomplish this!

puh lease.. its hard to do these 4.. this is my first OFFICIAL school year of doing it alone, uniforms, supplies, school fees.. ex hasnt been able to contribute yet he says, but everybody want their money now.. my hats off to single moms FOR REAL, i am feeling it now.. i have been praying for a miracle..

I am praying right along with you.. usually in the car... praying it lasts another 3 weeks or so! LOL
I know someday we will be ok and I wont stress so much about bills. I will be so happy on that day!

This is why I am so thankful for family.. my mom bought Tierra school clothing. We got all the school supplies a couple months back.. $1 bins at Wal-Mart! Woo hoo! My dad sent a little cash for Anniversary gift. Somehow we scrape by each month! "every little thing is gonna be alright" I am always singing that song!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 14:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah.. but i thought of just taking him to the local clinic as they would probably be cheaper..
i haven't added him to my ins yet cuz i ASSUMED he needed a ssn but i need to call and check..
i can't file until next mnth so just like me to wait till the last min..i am such a procrastinator..

I have to take my stepson next week for a shot. Thank GOD it will be free because the school district that we are in has a shot clinic every first Friday of the month. Otherwise I would have to take him to the clinic as well and I am sure it would not be cheap.

That is 1 good thing. Tierra shots were all $5. Maine pays for children's shots..

Yes $400 is crazy! And that was ME ONLY! I work for a small company. Everyone there has a spouse to cover them except me! When I had Tierra they were paying 100% of insurance. Then after 9/11 the company lost so much money and stopped paying for it all. It has just gotten worse since then. I try to explain to Louis... no insurance... no baby! He doesnt get how much it costs just to HAVE the baby... let alone raise it. I really struggle sometimes and laugh when the US Govt says I can raise a family of 8!! HAHAHAHA ... where? I would love for them to tell me where I need to live to accomplish this!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 14:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yeah.. but i thought of just taking him to the local clinic as they would probably be cheaper..
i haven't added him to my ins yet cuz i ASSUMED he needed a ssn but i need to call and check..
i can't file until next mnth so just like me to wait till the last min..i am such a procrastinator..

I so wanted to take him to the clinic. They wanted $100 also! I am telling, Maine is not cheap! crying.gif
I dont have insurance, my company cut our hours and pay and couldnt afford it anymore... $400 a month! So now I just pray to get back to full pay and more hours!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 13:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 27 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh and THANKS JG for the info back then... saved me stress and money! It was so hard to find a civil surgeon.. no one even knew what they were when I called around.
Then trying to find a clinic or Dr to give Louis a shot??? OMG! No one wanted to give it to him. I finally called my own dr and begged them! Cost more than $100 for that damn thing!

oh no.. don't scare me..i thing roger needs 3 shots unsure.gif

I really think it is just MAINE! Dr's don't want to take patients that are new. "we can give the 2nd shot if we didn't do the 1st"
And the civil surgeon thing.. holy #######! I guess people don't ask about that stuff here too much. I wonder though.. we have SO MANY immigrants here now, someone must know something! OH... we made it through. I am sure you will to. Do you have a regular Dr?

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Oh and THANKS JG for the info back then... saved me stress and money! It was so hard to find a civil surgeon.. no one even knew what they were when I called around.
Then trying to find a clinic or Dr to give Louis a shot??? OMG! No one wanted to give it to him. I finally called my own dr and begged them! Cost more than $100 for that damn thing!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 27 2009, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have an AOS question.....

Did you just send in the shot record that you got from when they went to the embassy or did you send it to a civil surgeon and put on the I-693?

Thanks for your help guys.

I just sent in the shot records, one from SLU, the one with added shots at the Embassy and the one here for when he got the 2nd chicken pox vaccine. I thought I would have to do the civil surgeon thing and was freaking out because it was going to cost me $400 up here!! So I think it was JG who told me to just send what I have, not spend the money, unless I really needed to. Its all in English so no need to spend the $$$ if not neccesary!

Thanks Irie...this is exactly what I am going to do then. So you really sent in 3 shot records?

Yep! I color copied them - they looked nice. The one from St Lucia almost looked like a report card I would get when I was a kid. It had dates and shots. Then the one from the embassy (they attached a note to it saying he needed to get an addition CP vaccine) and then the one from my Dr, who gave him the vaccine. I think I attached them together with a simple explanation of what they were.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 13:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 27 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have an AOS question.....

Did you just send in the shot record that you got from when they went to the embassy or did you send it to a civil surgeon and put on the I-693?

Thanks for your help guys.

I just sent in the shot records, one from SLU, the one with added shots at the Embassy and the one here for when he got the 2nd chicken pox vaccine. I thought I would have to do the civil surgeon thing and was freaking out because it was going to cost me $400 up here!! So I think it was JG who told me to just send what I have, not spend the money, unless I really needed to. Its all in English so no need to spend the $$$ if not neccesary!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 13:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (sus @ Aug 27 2009, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Me tooooooooo! A paid one prefferably, and free to me! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 09:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 27 2009, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 27 2009, 08:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 26 2009, 05:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i hate hate hate grocery shopping!! b4 roger came.. i would just snatch something for the fast food cuz we really only eat dinner being at work and school.. UGHH.. but i am very appreciative to be saving money w/ food in the house!
i just wish somebody had a service where u told them what u wanted and then they deliver it to ur house.. i would SOOOO be down w/ that..

I spent about an hour yesterday going through the recipies I want to cook. I made a list of what I needed to go get. And, I whizzed around the grocery store last night. Hopefully, I will get some cooking done today.

q - try peapod...i think they deliver for many grocery stores....and you actually end up spending less because you are not in the store just picking up whatever..

I thought about peapod too.. but they dont do TX. sad.gif
There must be some service though... just GOOGLE "grocery delivery in ______, TX"
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 09:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Good Morning!
Congrats Regal!!

Hope you all have a great day! It is cool, sunny and a beeeeutiful morning here. smile.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-27 08:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Aug 26 2009, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shemmy @ Aug 26 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Aug 26 2009, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 25 2009, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess it sounds easy to just eat less and work out!!!!

Some women at work are doing weight watcher...but when I have a lot of work I like to eat whatever I have a taste for.

Afternoon Everyone,

KK, that's what I LOVE about can eat whatever you have a taste for...just in moderation. I started a WW@ work program in June 2009. I am proud to say I've lost 20lbs since I started. (That's even with my vacation to JA!!) I did WW about 20 years ago and it didn't work for up until this June I just kept writing it off! However, my co-workers kept I tried it and it actually works! I pretty much killed my poor thyroid from years of fad diets and yo-yoing weight. I can see myself sticking to WW b/c I never really feel deprived of having something I'm craving. Anyway just my $.02...but for anyone looking for a healthy way to lose weight...I would HIGHLY recommend it! biggrin.gif

Congrats Gill kicking.gif I've joined WW a few times but never commit the program though.

Tonks Shems! It's the tracking part that gets me! But at the end of the day I realize I like knowing everything I put in my mouth!

One of my BFs uses WW and it works for her. One of these days I think I will try it with her. She does the points thing.. and when she stays on track.. she loses. She had lost 40lbs... then quit smoking... BOOM 40lbs are back!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-26 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Aug 26 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 26 2009, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Aug 26 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 26 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 26 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like reading you say..mi husband good.gif

i like saying it!!!

what do ur child/children call ur SO, what will his kids call u??

we talked about this when we first got serious and we both agreed we didn't want anything too formal so we agreed the first name would be fine.. the judge that officiated our ceremony talked w/ us at length b4 marrying us and that was one of the topics.. he said that the children if they are not callling him daddy YET (he insisted they would eventually, which ive seen kids do, but i don't think mine will)
then they should call him mr roger or mr g.. he says it is respectful and i woudn't want mykids to call me myfirst name.. HECK NO!!!

i enjoyed the judge's talk, but we still have them call him roger, i could be mama quana? but that still sound silly.. we just like the informal way. i think he get respect from his actions not his name blush.gif ???

I agree that was a tricky one. My boys call Ken...'Ken' or 'Steppy' (although I hear them call him 'Dad' to their friends luv.gif and KJ calls me 'Mama too or two' get the drift! laughing.gif


I think "steppy" is so cute! If I could get it to stick Tierra would call Louis that! I saw you wrote that somewhere before and told Tierra about it... she used it like twice and forgot about it sad.gif

Yeah Catty,

I know the boys go back and forth! However, I always TRY to refer to Ken as Steppy. "Where's Steppy? What did Steppy say...." It's tough though b/c who knew he was going to be their Stepdad when we first started dating???

I have to say ... in a VERY NON-Bit$%y kinda way... LOL
I hate "Catty" ... that is what they call Tierra's granmother (her dad's mom") hahaha.
Call me ANYTHING else.... PLEASE! star_smile.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-26 14:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Forever Young @ Aug 26 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 26 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 26 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like reading you say..mi husband good.gif

i like saying it!!!

what do ur child/children call ur SO, what will his kids call u??

we talked about this when we first got serious and we both agreed we didn't want anything too formal so we agreed the first name would be fine.. the judge that officiated our ceremony talked w/ us at length b4 marrying us and that was one of the topics.. he said that the children if they are not callling him daddy YET (he insisted they would eventually, which ive seen kids do, but i don't think mine will)
then they should call him mr roger or mr g.. he says it is respectful and i woudn't want mykids to call me myfirst name.. HECK NO!!!

i enjoyed the judge's talk, but we still have them call him roger, i could be mama quana? but that still sound silly.. we just like the informal way. i think he get respect from his actions not his name blush.gif ???

I agree that was a tricky one. My boys call Ken...'Ken' or 'Steppy' (although I hear them call him 'Dad' to their friends luv.gif and KJ calls me 'Mama too or two' get the drift! laughing.gif


I think "steppy" is so cute! If I could get it to stick Tierra would call Louis that! I saw you wrote that somewhere before and told Tierra about it... she used it like twice and forgot about it sad.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-26 13:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 26 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 26 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like reading you say..mi husband good.gif

i like saying it!!!

what do ur child/children call ur SO, what will his kids call u??

we talked about this when we first got serious and we both agreed we didn't want anything too formal so we agreed the first name would be fine.. the judge that officiated our ceremony talked w/ us at length b4 marrying us and that was one of the topics.. he said that the children if they are not callling him daddy YET (he insisted they would eventually, which ive seen kids do, but i don't think mine will)
then they should call him mr roger or mr g.. he says it is respectful and i woudn't want mykids to call me myfirst name.. HECK NO!!!

i enjoyed the judge's talk, but we still have them call him roger, i could be mama quana? but that still sound silly.. we just like the informal way. i think he get respect from his actions not his name blush.gif ???

Tierra just calls Louis... Louis. MR. Louis would make me laugh! I know its respectful, but I must say it isnt much of a Yankee thing. It sounds too formal and Tierra and Louis are family!! I think eventually she MAY call him Dad, but she is so in love with her own daddy right now it isnt going to happen right away. Maybe when she is older and realizes he is an A$$!!!! LOL

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-26 13:22:00