Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Sep 8 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hope you feel better soon Cat rose.gif

I've had a bottle of Wray & Nephew in my kitchen since last January wacko.gif

I opened it and tried to make rum cream once headbonk.gif it was horrible blush.gif

Not quite sure what to do with it now... wish I could send you an open container laughing.gif


aw, thanks. I know I could get it at a liquor store... but I dont even know where there is one around here these days. In Maine you can by booze at the grocery store and 7-11... they just dont have a good selection. The only liquor store I go to is the one off the turrnpike in NH (tax free) when I am going to boston or something! LOL

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 17:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (sus @ Sep 8 2009, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 8 2009, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have a question for you ladies. I have been sick since Thursday... sinuses... but nothing is working. In St Lucia we would mix strong rum, lemon and honey. Any idea a rum here that would be anything like that. I cannot get wray & nephew around here. sad.gif
Who has some wonderful home remedies? I am taking a multi-vitamin with 1200mgs of C.

Get a Neti Pot, or they sell a thing by Ayr in the stores called a nasal saline wash - use it several times a day - also add zinc to your vitamin C.

Yes! I have used the neti pot today already. Zinc is in there too! Damn these germs. I was sooooo good last year. This will be the ONLY time I get sick this season!!!

QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Sep 8 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 8 2009, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Have a question for you ladies. I have been sick since Thursday... sinuses... but nothing is working. In St Lucia we would mix strong rum, lemon and honey. Any idea a rum here that would be anything like that. I cannot get wray & nephew around here. sad.gif
Who has some wonderful home remedies? I am taking a multi-vitamin with 1200mgs of C.

I generally find that NyQuil works very well for me.

If you drink orange juice, I recommend adding cayenne pepper to it. That is the miracle herb for your internal health.

will try the pepper. I will go get some OJ. smile.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 17:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Have a question for you ladies. I have been sick since Thursday... sinuses... but nothing is working. In St Lucia we would mix strong rum, lemon and honey. Any idea a rum here that would be anything like that. I cannot get wray & nephew around here. sad.gif
Who has some wonderful home remedies? I am taking a multi-vitamin with 1200mgs of C.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 16:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
I didnt tell Louis he was going to have to get nekkid! I figured it would just irritate and get him annoyed before he even got there.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (Marlita @ Sep 8 2009, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 8 2009, 12:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 8 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tap chat bout giving birth....mek mi regret mi sexy weekend

u it fi guh....(((((((((sending)))))))))) ++++++++++++++ vibes....TEST +++++++++++++ rofl.gif

Ladies; I know they say you forget everything after all the pain is gone, but I remember every thing about the day I had my son and I mean everything from the day I was admitted until the day I left. I even remember what I wore, what I ate, we had a party in my room since I was there so long.

I agree Lawny... I remember EVERYTHING! Will never forget any of it... Good and Bad!

Really?!! I hope I dont remember all the bad stuff. I am already starting to forget my horrible miserable time in JA the other month. That trip made me never want to return, but now that I am feeling better, I am thinking.....hmmmmm...i can do another trip back to JA. But I am def going to stay in an AI>>>>>no if ands or buts about it. And by the way...I am quite terrified of birth.

When I say bad I dont really mean the pain so much. Although, I was in labor for 24 hours and in the end the pain sucked... BUT when I think of the bad... Her dad treated me like $hit, told me to stop crying... blah blah... Oh and he had to leave to go to his parole officer!!
Thank Jah for Louis.... and I can't wait to have a baby with him.. it will be happy from beginning to end.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 15:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 8 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tap chat bout giving birth....mek mi regret mi sexy weekend

u it fi guh....(((((((((sending)))))))))) ++++++++++++++ vibes....TEST +++++++++++++ rofl.gif

Ladies; I know they say you forget everything after all the pain is gone, but I remember every thing about the day I had my son and I mean everything from the day I was admitted until the day I left. I even remember what I wore, what I ate, we had a party in my room since I was there so long.

I agree Lawny... I remember EVERYTHING! Will never forget any of it... Good and Bad!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 14:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (Marlita @ Sep 8 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
star_smile.gif Hello Everyone,

Oh man, I have no idea what is going on here in VJ Yardie land. Not sure if many of the folks here even remember me. I wanted to come in an say hello....and catch up on the gossip of course, haha!!

Well here's my gossip. Evan and I are doing great. He's been here almost a YEAR this coming October. I CANNOT believe ho fast time flies. We are also expecting....twins!! kicking.gif We celebrated our first anniversary here last month and now we are preparing to be new parents. Not sure who else is in the VJ yardie wata but would love to hear about it.

I've been relaxing at home since being laid off back in Feb. Got a GREAT job offer last week, but had to decline it due to the twins on the way and not wanting to take up more than I can handle right now. So i am just looking for part time work. Evan's been working since Jan and is also looking for something better so thats helped us out alot. Other than that, I am usually home and BORED OUT OF MY MIND!!! How are you ladies!!??

Glad to hear you are doing great! COngrats on the twins!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 14:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Hey all! Hope you had a good weekend. Just stopping by to say hi... I feel like #######!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-08 11:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Sep 3 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Sep 3 2009, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are so crazy JAP, are you going to incorporate exercise into your pregnancy?

I was gonna do the horizontal mambo in November, does that count? laughing.gif

No serious, ya'll need to kick me off here every afternoon about 4 Pacific Time and tell me to go ride the stationary bike! good.gif

I was walking but it's been too damn hot lately

I actually lost fat when I was pregnant. The day I had Tierra I weighed the same as the day I found out. I walked so much... but I guess that is because Her father took my car and would never come home and we had a dog I walked a million times a day just to get out of the house!

What ever happened to that stray? Did he ever come back?

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 16:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Philly.....a 22 lb snapper? How much did that set you back!? I can't ever find any and last time I did it was 15.99 a pound!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
I do agree with Dada and Philly when it comes to the disrespectful words. If Tierra said HATE she would get smacked. But that is a bad word in our house so we dont even use it. If the eyes roll, feet stomp or I get nasty faces.. then she is in for it. She pushes it sometimes and regrets it later. I am tough when it comes to certain things. I try to teach her lessons, like when she feels bad about something or her feelings are hurt I tell her she needs to toughen up but always remember that feeling and never make someone else feel that way.
But I also want her to be a happy kid. If she wanted to take lunch every day then I would say No, I cannot afford that. But we sat and discussed the days she wanted to bring lunch. I cannot tell her to eat a taco when I myself would not eat one... nor would I eat a raison bagel! I want to make sure she has the right nutrition to be focusing on school. She cannot make it from 7:30 - 3:30 on a couple grapes.
Now I don't always stick to my guns on certain issues but I am not always a big ole softie either... I let Nana handle that part. wink.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 11:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 20 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 20 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do it! It doesnt hurt... just like your ears, just takes a bit more care.
When I got it done when I was young I had 2 holes on 1 side. They use an ear peircing gun! Now there are stronger laws... This last time they used a peircing needle.. so I guess it did hurt a bit more than your ears.. but it was cleaner and healed faster.

True, it's hot for a few minutes but not bad other than that. After it heals all the way, you can leave it out & put it back in any time you feel like it. At least that's what I do....I can have it out for a year (or longer) & then decide to wear it one day & it takes a little manipulating but it's easy enough to get back in.

QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 20 2009, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 20 2009, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I heard of people who were at restaurants and snuck away to the bathroom.

You gotta let the man sit on the toilet, you sit on top and bounce, ride, slide, glide whateva you gotta do! innocent.gif

Ewwwww! I already have issues with public restrooms so I think that is one place you'd never find me doing it. Not unless we had 20 seat liners covering every possible surface we could potentially touch in there. I work in building management & see how NASTY people are in public restrooms!

Wow Ells... my 2 holes healed up so fast. I lost the studs (in bed no less) and never got others and they closed within a week.
Even now if I leave mine out for a couple hours it is hard to get it back in.

LOL @ the public toilet.. I picture the cleaning of the stall before any action!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 14:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 20 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 20 2009, 10:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 20 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 20 2009, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
more than anything else princess i wish you a healthy baby
i love boys but i hope you get your heart's desire for a girl

okay mi tek back di moon rofl.gif

yes, healthy happy baby is most important....

Irie, the night this baby was conceived I asked him if it happened and it is a girl could we name her after his mother...

So we got the girl name covered... if it's a boy we have lots of deciding to do yes.gif

We will do the same thing. Tierra's name is Tierra Catherine ... after myself, but also her grandmother's name is Catherine.
Louis' mom's name is Rosana Della Noel... so many pretty names to chose from! My mom's name is Belle so I would love to fit all kinds of names in there... If Louis and I have a girl she is going to have the longest name! LOL Kaya Bella Rose Noel or some other combo...
Louis doesn't have a middle name so if we have a boy his middle name will be Louis but we havent decided on a 1st name yet. I like Judah but Judah Louis doesnt have a "flow"....

All this name stuff and no baby on the way! I cannot wait really but we have to have some more financial stability 1st.

My grandma(on my dad's side) was Catherine too.. My daughter is Kayana (K - yah - nuh) and my niece is Siyah Lee - Lee was my mom's middle name. The names you have are pretty

Cool! My Dad's middle name is Lee. Kayana and Siyah are very pretty names. Jeesh now I guess if we have a boy I should get my Dad's name in there too. Wow... Our children will have around 10 names each! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 14:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 20 2009, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but irie.. i don't like the starter piercing..its soo big.. i want a small lil diamond barely protruding my skin.. oh well, guess u gotta start somewhere..

im out early today ladies..later

my starter was small! If it is done with a peircing needle then they can get it smaller. Check out a reputable tattoo parlour that does peircings...

Oh and I changed my starter within a week... it healed fast. now I have an assortment of little tiny studs

Edited by IrieCat, 20 August 2009 - 02:11 PM.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 20 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 20 2009, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I heard of people who were at restaurants and snuck away to the bathroom.

You gotta let the man sit on the toilet, you sit on top and bounce, ride, slide, glide whateva you gotta do! innocent.gif

Oh man I would be afraid the toilet would break.. back in my crazier days (dating a Jamaican too) we broke a sink off the wall! LOL!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 14:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 20 2009, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 20 2009, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hear you....

This doesnt have anything to do with sex... but I love to be different. When I was younger I had crazy hair.. nose peirced (before everyone else did) twice! started getting a couple tats.
So 2 years ago I really thought I was getting to mainstream... got my nosed peirced again, 5th tattoo and got me a grown up funky hair do... I was so happy! I have to be creative or I go crazy! I have recently been painting up a storm and I love it! I cannot get stuck in a rut.

I wanna get my nose pierced

Do it! It doesnt hurt... just like your ears, just takes a bit more care.
When I got it done when I was young I had 2 holes on 1 side. They use an ear peircing gun! Now there are stronger laws... This last time they used a peircing needle.. so I guess it did hurt a bit more than your ears.. but it was cleaner and healed faster.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 20 2009, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 20 2009, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Quana, that sort of story makes me upset (the football one). I'd def call the parks & find out if it's true that you need RESERVATIONS to play in the park.

Ells, whispering woke you up?? I guess we all have strange things that wake us. I can sleep through a lot of stuff, but if my phone vibrates on the nightstand, that'll wake me.

QUOTE (sus @ Aug 20 2009, 12:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 20 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's how I feel about it too. And that's why I never really go into great detail. Just don't want someone to get the idea in their head that it would be worth pursuing. But then again, I've said it before & I mean it....except in extreme circumstances (i.e. REALLY teeny ya-know-what or the opposite), sex is pretty much the same no matter who you do it with. So if you've had one, you won't have anything much different with another so just stick to yours & leave mine alone!

I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disagree with that statement whistling.gif devil.gif

Um.... not that I would know first hand.... but I 100% agree with Sus on her disagreement with that statement.

Oh yes, I meant to comment on your incident too Quana! I think it's total BS! Especially since there were other groups on the field playing. I doubt the frisbee groups got a permit or anything & any kind of running around on a field is bound to tear it up so those were pointless justifications for messing with those guys. I've been with groups subject to harrassment a time or two & in almost every case, it has been an instance where someone was just power tripping with their little bit of authority. I'd report it too.

Yes, Nat, whispering woke me up. I really am just a very light sleeper often times to my detriment. I need quiet & dark to sleep well. Sucks to be me!

Granted there have been partners who have a slight edge over others but usually sex is pretty run-of-the-mill. There are only so many ways to do it & so on & so forth. Eventually, even the relationships that start out spicy tend to fizzle at least a little bit. Sex is's the intimacy that really matters. Just my opinion.

Ells, maybe you should get a book on the Kama Sutra.. then you will have exhausting (yet awesome sex) and you will be so tired NOTHING will wake you up.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 20 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's how I feel about it too. And that's why I never really go into great detail. Just don't want someone to get the idea in their head that it would be worth pursuing. But then again, I've said it before & I mean it....except in extreme circumstances (i.e. REALLY teeny ya-know-what or the opposite), sex is pretty much the same no matter who you do it with. So if you've had one, you won't have anything much different with another so just stick to yours & leave mine alone!

I cannot agree with you on this.. now I have had some "make me cry mind blowing sex" with a couple men and others are just "eh, so-so". Sex is not the same with everyone (at least for me) ... and its not always the size of the tool that matters! wink.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 13:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Aug 20 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellsinlove @ Aug 19 2009, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, one day, we took a little trip to the river to whistling.gif & after it was over, mister tells me one of those nasty crayfish had latched on to his 'seed bag'! I freaked out & laughed my a$$ off at the same time!! He didn't tell me right then cause he knew how I feel about them.

LMAO!!!! Dats what I'm saying!!! I would've been out of there if anything touched me!!!

I went to a river with Louis (and Tierra - no sexy times) ... just sitting on this rock and I am like what is that pinching me??? I thought the rock was sharp or something. I look down and there are a million crayfish biting my butt! They must have been like "what is this large thing sitting on our house"... Tierra freaked and would not step back in the river.... it was so nice and cool too.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
dada... twins... 1 of each would be perfect! My mother had a twin brother and Louis has 3 or 4 sets of twins in his fam... so we just might be able to pull it off!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 20 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Aug 20 2009, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
more than anything else princess i wish you a healthy baby
i love boys but i hope you get your heart's desire for a girl

okay mi tek back di moon rofl.gif

yes, healthy happy baby is most important....

Irie, the night this baby was conceived I asked him if it happened and it is a girl could we name her after his mother...

So we got the girl name covered... if it's a boy we have lots of deciding to do yes.gif

We will do the same thing. Tierra's name is Tierra Catherine ... after myself, but also her grandmother's name is Catherine.
Louis' mom's name is Rosana Della Noel... so many pretty names to chose from! My mom's name is Belle so I would love to fit all kinds of names in there... If Louis and I have a girl she is going to have the longest name! LOL Kaya Bella Rose Noel or some other combo...
Louis doesn't have a middle name so if we have a boy his middle name will be Louis but we havent decided on a 1st name yet. I like Judah but Judah Louis doesnt have a "flow"....

All this name stuff and no baby on the way! I cannot wait really but we have to have some more financial stability 1st.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 09:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (JAPrincess @ Aug 20 2009, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning Yardies!!!!! biggrin.gif

Today is the day I find out

Think BABY GIRL will ya??

YAY! I cannot wait to hear! Do you have names picked out? I am not even prego and we have names picked out! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 09:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Yes Jawi sounds pretty adventerous! Wahoo! I dont think I could do in stalls... but have in 1 person bathroom! LOL
When I think about all the crazy stuff I did.. I get all proud!! hahaha!!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 09:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 20 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sus @ Aug 20 2009, 05:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning all! I have to actually go in to work today cray5ol.gif

The past two nights, I have had BIZARRE dreams that woke me up - so not like me!

Happy Day today, Jawi!!


last night i had a dream that there was a strange man living in my basement for months and i didn't know and when i finally went down there, he had about 100 rabbits with him....the rabbits were everywhere...

LOL... maybe the bunnies came from all the sex talk yesterday!

I woke Tierra up this morning and she was still 1/2 asleep... she says "mom I dont want to be flattened out"!!! SHe always says some weird stuff when I wake her up in the morning.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 09:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 20 2009, 09:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 19 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you NEVER did the beach either??? omg.. what did we do on these trips??? sightsee????????????

Well I have toured the house, car , the changing room at the falls and this deserted lane in between bushes but neva de wata. Umm I have to go back just to find out. Of course wid someone else though. I hear cuz the water makes you light he can pick you up and do all types of things. I always wanted to try standing up so I guess that would be my chance...

DaDa ... girl you have to try the water! tongue.gif

I was such a bad girl in school ... and living in DC in my 20's I did some crazy (fun) stuff. I think though as I get older I get more conservative. I really need to get back to my "freak" LOL!!!
I don't know how to say it ... I just feel "too old" for craziness. Sometimes I just want to let loose and act a fool like I used to... not a fool in a bad way... just had sooooo much fun.

It's funny... some people that know me (mostly people I work with) think I am so quiet, sweet and innocent! Then you ask my best friends and they will tell you I am the outgoing, social one!

Girl don’t loose your freak side. When you daughter not’s home just go crazy every once in a while therefore you'll have Louis wondering what you will get into next...LOL

I'm the opposite e when I was young I was more conservative and now with me being older I'm like hmm I wonder if I..... will I ........

I hear you....

This doesnt have anything to do with sex... but I love to be different. When I was younger I had crazy hair.. nose peirced (before everyone else did) twice! started getting a couple tats.
So 2 years ago I really thought I was getting to mainstream... got my nosed peirced again, 5th tattoo and got me a grown up funky hair do... I was so happy! I have to be creative or I go crazy! I have recently been painting up a storm and I love it! I cannot get stuck in a rut.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 08:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Good Morning!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-20 05:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (my2rmylife @ Aug 19 2009, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (sus @ Aug 19 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (solsoeur @ Aug 19 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Special wave to Shemmy and CONGRATULATIONS TO QUANA had to go back and read about the elopement.
Hi Island
Waving at Dillon
Oh and Hi Sus I hope DJ is feeling better.

Hi Sol, long time no see - DJ is grumpy, which is a sure sign he is better - cause he gets mushy when he's really sick headbonk.gif How are things with you?

Irie - what part of St. Lucia do you want to build a guest house in? (and my reservation is already booked!)

Well I would like to be near Castries, Gros Islet side.. I like the action. I think Louis would rather be in the Vieux Fort area... Atlantic side. Either way SLU is small. You can drive around the island in 4 hours... and that is stopping at bars and such along the way!

We would do the whole Lucian package... guest house, cook food, have a bar/shop... all that!

well at least you already have guests ....cause you know all of us are going to be visiting

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 19:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (sus @ Aug 19 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (solsoeur @ Aug 19 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Special wave to Shemmy and CONGRATULATIONS TO QUANA had to go back and read about the elopement.
Hi Island
Waving at Dillon
Oh and Hi Sus I hope DJ is feeling better.

Hi Sol, long time no see - DJ is grumpy, which is a sure sign he is better - cause he gets mushy when he's really sick headbonk.gif How are things with you?

Irie - what part of St. Lucia do you want to build a guest house in? (and my reservation is already booked!)

Well I would like to be near Castries, Gros Islet side.. I like the action. I think Louis would rather be in the Vieux Fort area... Atlantic side. Either way SLU is small. You can drive around the island in 4 hours... and that is stopping at bars and such along the way!

We would do the whole Lucian package... guest house, cook food, have a bar/shop... all that!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 19 2009, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even when I was in St Lucia for 6 months and working.. I was more fun! I think I am nicer in the Caribbean! ;-)

Speaking of buying a house in Jamaica... my father tells me he has land in the BAHAMAS.. Why did I not know this? So he says he is signing it over to me so that I can sell it and start building a guesthouse in St LUcia (Louis and I's dream). I guess the land isnt worth much but it is a start! Man, i hope he was drinking when he told me that!

That is so nice, you are so blessed! I hope its true for you guys

Thanks! I hope its true too! My dad has made many promises in the past... some get followed through... others not so much. It would be great though! I love my dad... but don't let him start drinking rum and making promises! :-)

QUOTE (my2rmylife @ Aug 19 2009, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ladies i am having a crazy week first my future mil has a stroke from her pressure and now my father who has high blood pressure falls back and lost consciousness for a few mins and when he comes to wnats to know why we are all yelling .. i tell you ladies please pray for my family

Prayers going out for you... hope your family feels better soon!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 17:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (solsoeur @ Aug 19 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Shemmy @ Aug 19 2009, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (solsoeur @ Aug 19 2009, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Special wave to Shemmy and CONGRATULATIONS TO QUANA had to go back and read about the elopement.
Hi Island
Waving at Dillon
Oh and Hi Sus I hope DJ is feeling better.

Hey, how are you? Going back to the yard anytime soon?

Yes I swore I was never going back and you know what happened? I got the bug I am going to have to buy me a house in JA cause everytime I say I am never going back I end up going back....there is a certain brown eyed rasta that has me yearning to return to Ja so Nov I'll be in Ja once again.

Oh I feel you on the brown eyed rasta! Yummmmie!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 17:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dillon @ Aug 19 2009, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even when I was in St Lucia for 6 months and working.. I was more fun! I think I am nicer in the Caribbean! ;-)

Speaking of buying a house in Jamaica... my father tells me he has land in the BAHAMAS.. Why did I not know this? So he says he is signing it over to me so that I can sell it and start building a guesthouse in St LUcia (Louis and I's dream). I guess the land isnt worth much but it is a start! Man, i hope he was drinking when he told me that!

Hope you meant WASN'T drinking.

oops, yes... WASN"T DRINKING

QUOTE (Shemmy @ Aug 19 2009, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Even when I was in St Lucia for 6 months and working.. I was more fun! I think I am nicer in the Caribbean! ;-)

Speaking of buying a house in Jamaica... my father tells me he has land in the BAHAMAS.. Why did I not know this? So he says he is signing it over to me so that I can sell it and start building a guesthouse in St LUcia (Louis and I's dream). I guess the land isnt worth much but it is a start! Man, i hope he was drinking when he told me that!

That is great. Can we visit?

Heck ya!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 17:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
Even when I was in St Lucia for 6 months and working.. I was more fun! I think I am nicer in the Caribbean! ;-)

Speaking of buying a house in Jamaica... my father tells me he has land in the BAHAMAS.. Why did I not know this? So he says he is signing it over to me so that I can sell it and start building a guesthouse in St LUcia (Louis and I's dream). I guess the land isnt worth much but it is a start! Man, i hope he was drinking when he told me that!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 16:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 19 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 19 2009, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 19 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep..that was me....the person trying to talk my friends out of skipping school.

In elementary school, I was the one who wouldn't respond to people who talked to me after the teacher said "no talking." laughing.gif

My school was a private, Christian one & they gave "Fruit of the Spirit" awards each year. I got the self-control award 3 years in a row. If only I could recapture that control & apply it towards working out. headbonk.gif

my oldest is like that too.. i told ya'll she took her own friends' names for talking when the teacher was out


kk, nat and taylor rofl.gif

I had a recent experience where it was not fun doing something i felt was wrong. My friend and her crazy mother wanted to show me the place where she is getting married this summer. there was a wedding reception going on when we got there. Do you know they had me walking through these people wedding reception. I was like..u guys this is sooo wrong...she is just point out this and that...I saw the door and rush towards it. Of course they made fun of me the rest of the day. But I had the feeling of being caught and wanted to avoid it at all possibility.

Question: Do you talk about your sex life with your friends/family?

i think that is wrong too kk.. i remember when i went to ja.. we stayed at sunset beach and was having a great time at the swimup bar pool..this couple were getting married and everybody got outta the pool and started heckling them.. "ALRIGHT, GOOD LUCK.. U GO GIRL" i was soooo embarrassed... yes dara i was.. i didn't want those ppl to remember their wedding like that..

and yes i DID talk bout my sex life to CERTAIN friends (3 or 4), but dara knows that i feel when I reached a certain level of intimacy those things became more sacred..
but i have nothing against ppl that DO or DON'T.. i don't think there is a wrong or right when it comes to that..

I would have been embarassed if poeple were yelling too. I think that is pretty rude. I tend to get embarassed when people make a scene.
But if they just walked through, looked at the room, and didnt make a scene. I wouldnt have had a problem with it. Especially if there were alot of people at the reception.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 16:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 19 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you NEVER did the beach either??? omg.. what did we do on these trips??? sightsee????????????

Well I have toured the house, car , the changing room at the falls and this deserted lane in between bushes but neva de wata. Umm I have to go back just to find out. Of course wid someone else though. I hear cuz the water makes you light he can pick you up and do all types of things. I always wanted to try standing up so I guess that would be my chance...

DaDa ... girl you have to try the water! tongue.gif

I was such a bad girl in school ... and living in DC in my 20's I did some crazy (fun) stuff. I think though as I get older I get more conservative. I really need to get back to my "freak" LOL!!!
I don't know how to say it ... I just feel "too old" for craziness. Sometimes I just want to let loose and act a fool like I used to... not a fool in a bad way... just had sooooo much fun.

It's funny... some people that know me (mostly people I work with) think I am so quiet, sweet and innocent! Then you ask my best friends and they will tell you I am the outgoing, social one!

i can tell that u HAD a wild side.. u do look real quiet now, but something about ur smile or ur eyes that look so devilish LOL i don't know..

haha! You know when I am in SLU or on vacation anywhere I am so different. Louis notices for sure.
Give me some rum and some good music and I will dance all night!

Man I need a vacation! I cannot wait to go to St Lucia!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 15:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 19 2009, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Aug 19 2009, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (^KK^ @ Aug 19 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep..that was me....the person trying to talk my friends out of skipping school.

In elementary school, I was the one who wouldn't respond to people who talked to me after the teacher said "no talking." laughing.gif

My school was a private, Christian one & they gave "Fruit of the Spirit" awards each year. I got the self-control award 3 years in a row. If only I could recapture that control & apply it towards working out. headbonk.gif

my oldest is like that too.. i told ya'll she took her own friends' names for talking when the teacher was out


kk, nat and taylor rofl.gif

I had a recent experience where it was not fun doing something i felt was wrong. My friend and her crazy mother wanted to show me the place where she is getting married this summer. there was a wedding reception going on when we got there. Do you know they had me walking through these people wedding reception. I was like..u guys this is sooo wrong...she is just point out this and that...I saw the door and rush towards it. Of course they made fun of me the rest of the day. But I had the feeling of being caught and wanted to avoid it at all possibility.

Question: Do you talk about your sex life with your friends/family?

I must admit I do talk about sex and my relationship stuff with my close girlfriends. Louis doesnt mind, it doesnt bother him. I dont talk about it with family though. ew!

About the wedding reception crash. As long as you didnt do anything crazy I dont think it is that big of a deal. Its not like you stood in line at the buffett with your "big bag"...
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 15:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (DaDa @ Aug 19 2009, 04:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Aug 19 2009, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you NEVER did the beach either??? omg.. what did we do on these trips??? sightsee????????????

Well I have toured the house, car , the changing room at the falls and this deserted lane in between bushes but neva de wata. Umm I have to go back just to find out. Of course wid someone else though. I hear cuz the water makes you light he can pick you up and do all types of things. I always wanted to try standing up so I guess that would be my chance...

DaDa ... girl you have to try the water! tongue.gif

I was such a bad girl in school ... and living in DC in my 20's I did some crazy (fun) stuff. I think though as I get older I get more conservative. I really need to get back to my "freak" LOL!!!
I don't know how to say it ... I just feel "too old" for craziness. Sometimes I just want to let loose and act a fool like I used to... not a fool in a bad way... just had sooooo much fun.

It's funny... some people that know me (mostly people I work with) think I am so quiet, sweet and innocent! Then you ask my best friends and they will tell you I am the outgoing, social one!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 15:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Aug 19 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Forever Young, Bunz, JA O,1 Luv , Irie, JG, SG, Ms Tee ((( Waving) ))

Hi! biggrin.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 13:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 19 2009, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Cat, I think I pretty much won the lottery already today.......I just renewed my license plates online in about 2 minutes with NO issues. First time ever I have done it online without cussing the computer, calling someone, or ending up stomping into the DMV all pissed off after trying. It was almost too easy today!

Wow! I had issues renewing mine this year. But its never too bad here. Another plus for living in small towns...
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 11:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Aug 19 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Aug 19 2009, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning! Happy Hump Day!
Hope you all have a great day... I am sooooooo tired this morning, its going to be 2 rounds on the coffee I think.
I cannot wait for the week, I LIVE for weekends.
I think I will by a lottery ticket this morning.. I never do, but I have been having some dreams that make me think I should... wish me luck. :-)

I bought one this morning. 265 million is calling my name.

Yes! I got one too! FINGERS CROSSED!!! and toes and everything else too!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 11:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part17)
QUOTE (finesse @ Aug 19 2009, 10:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mstee @ Aug 19 2009, 09:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Aug 19 2009, 10:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not until tomorrow. I wish it was today...gosh! I can't focus at work.

Im SO happy for you Jawi!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif I wouldn't be able to focus either!

That little guy is funny! When I click on it though I get a "scuba diving in Phuket" website!??
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-08-19 09:28:00