Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Ladies I need to get some health insurance QUICK! I am going to be 35 in a couple weeks and I need to make Tierra a big sister! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 14:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Nat ... Epidural is like novacane from the waist down.

Bunz... my carbon footprint is "much smaller than average" about 5.85 tons ... national average is 7.5 tons per year.
I think its because I don't commute to work.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 14:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Sep 28 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
let's talk about global warming
are you ppl decreasing your carbon footprint
i hope so


Good question! I am going to calculate mine! smile.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 14:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Oh my goodness, JG and Mrs P I really hope the vibes start changing for you both.
I am getting teary just reading all these posts... So sorry you are having bad days.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 13:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Sep 28 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
mrs p..
"don't worry
bout a ting..
cuz every lil thing..
gonna be alright.."

girl i sing this esp when i really don't believe it..
praying for u honey..

Oh I agree! I have sang that song crying...many a times!!

Mrs. P... just think, it will all be over soon. Take a deep breath. You have everything in order... IT WILL BE GREAT!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (JaEnglishGirl @ Sep 28 2009, 10:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dammit, I need a break.....

Can someone please hire me to do their wedding photos in Jamaica??

Hell, even a renewal of vows......

One of my co-workers (the pathological liar) decided to mess with me on FB.

She commented that I never get my hair done, I'm smelly and my husband is suspect rofl.gif

Funniest thing is, me and another co-worker have a running joke where she tells me my husband is gay and I tell her she's a swinger, so this broad decided to run with that.
Came in this morning and apologized to all my co-workers for being smelly (they were like HUH???) and for not getting my hair done.
So she runs crying to the dentist and says I'm talking about her. Told her that since the post on FB is not about me, we BOTH must be paranoid.

Told her to stay out of my way and I'll stay out of hers.

Not into the kiddie stuff, she's 21 and the drama is NON STOP......

Since she's been here (3 months)

Her boyfriend got shot
His neighbour got shot and his mom went to CVS and bought needle and thread and stitched him up
Her brother had a fight with her father and hit her father so hard that his kidneys failed
She met a football player who sent her $1000 and a diamond ring
etc etc etc

Stopped listening to her stories months ago...

WOW! I assume the Dentist is your boss.... did he say anything? Can everyone else in the office see she is wacko?
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 09:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Good Morning Everyone.

Hope you all had a nice weekend.

Sus - feel better.... where in NH?

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-28 08:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (Islandwoman @ Sep 25 2009, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 25 2009, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning ladies! Its 3:20am!!! sad.gif my baby is sick AGAIN! This sucks.
She is supposed to go camping tonight with the girlscouts but I cannot send her if she is going to make the other girls sick! Poor kid... she is going to be so mad.

That "Afro Puffs" song - I sang all the time when I was pregnant! I always had dreams that Tierra was going to come out with Afro Puffs (yes poni tail holders and all!! LOL) so that song was Tierra's theme song in my belly !! When she came out so white - I was startled! hahahah!

Ugh again....poor lil babe. On the plus side it's going to be cold for camping tonight!!

She is so mad... dr's appt at 11:30. She actually is perky now... but sounds terrible.
She doesnt care about the cold camping... and I wasnt going so I dont care! LOL
I may drop her in the morning so she can do tomorrow and tomorrow night. We will see what the Doc says... fingers crossed!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-25 08:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Thanks Nat.

Did the invite say anything about dress code?
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-25 07:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Oh thanks Bunz.. I think there will be a trip to the dr's today. Sounds like a bad chest cold.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-25 06:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Nat .. what time is the wedding? Is it a church wedding or somewhere else... Did the invite say anything?

I would say day wedding the button up and Khakis would be fine.
Evening, Church ... maybe a suit.

I have been to a black tie wedding where all the guys wore tuxes...It all depends on the wedding.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-25 02:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Morning ladies! Its 3:20am!!! sad.gif my baby is sick AGAIN! This sucks.
She is supposed to go camping tonight with the girlscouts but I cannot send her if she is going to make the other girls sick! Poor kid... she is going to be so mad.

That "Afro Puffs" song - I sang all the time when I was pregnant! I always had dreams that Tierra was going to come out with Afro Puffs (yes poni tail holders and all!! LOL) so that song was Tierra's theme song in my belly !! When she came out so white - I was startled! hahahah!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-25 02:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Sep 24 2009, 03:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i like to eat eat eat epples and banenes
i like to oat oat oat opples and banonos..

Passsssssss di dutchie pon di lef hand ago BUNNNNNNNNNNNNN

Now you have a song in my head... that wont leave for a few. LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 14:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 24 2009, 03:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dancehallquana @ Sep 24 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i like to eat eat eat epples and banenes
i like to oat oat oat opples and banonos..

are you on drugs?

The silly, happy luuurve drug! smile.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 14:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Sep 24 2009, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm having a blonde moment

So you are brilliant at the moment? Cause that's what all my moments are! devil.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 14:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Someone please help me with breaking down this first name...I have a meeting with this person at 3pm and I've been trying since Monday to pronounce it


Teera kul kitti pong... Break it down in syllables (I can't even spell syllables!)

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 14:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
I Love my MIL too. I feel bad I cannot understand her over the phone very well. She did tell me "if that boy picks on my daughter, you let me know". She is so sweet and funny. I wish we could get her here NOW!
She and Louis would watch WWE together.. she still watches.... yells at the TV!! LOL
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 12:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Jawi, I would feel upset as well. I never take mine off, unless my finger gets all swollen for some reason and then I feel naked.
Louis takes his off for work sometimes. He got it caught on something once and hurt his finger. But otherwise it is on even in sleep.

However, don't dwell on it. You know he loves you. Don't let that sit on your mind. Its just a ring, he can't just leave his heart sitting on the nightstand.... he carries your love everywhere.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 08:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)
Morning ladies!

Sorry, Acrow, for your family's loss.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-24 07:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part 19)

I was just reading this, but I would have to go over it a few times. I don't get it 100%
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-23 19:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (mstee @ Sep 3 2009, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Sep 3 2009, 12:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm so proud of myself
i ordered a salad for lunch today star_smile.gif

I love salad! What kind of dressing?

Oh i have been craving ceaser salad... and that reminds me. TIERRA ATE SALAD AT DINNER LAST NIGHT! She was so proud of herself. And not just like a leaf either. A whole pile of leafs!!! She actually said it was the best dinner ever. Chicken, applesauce and salad.... NOT BAD!

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 11:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Finesse, I dont think you are being cruel. Obviously, his life is not ruined. Other kids are taking the bus. He MUST understand that $20 a week is alot of money to be wasting. Maybe when he asks you for something let him know it either the city bus - or something else he may want or need. Like no new sneakers or something else he HAS to have...
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 10:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 3 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 3 2009, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 3 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
KK mad.gif

WAIT....sumtin is wrong FINESSE naw chat

i am pissed off right now..

my son is the most difficult child in the world...

he rides the bus to school and discovered that his bus this year is one of those short busses (you know the one that everyone calls the retard bus) so now he is refusing to ride it...

yesterday he took his money and took the city bus to school..

today he wanted me to give him a ride and i said no because his school is out of the way and i would be late for work..

i told him he better take that short bus to school and shut up about it....i am not giving him any money to take the city bus either

as i was leaving he told me he hated me....

OMG that poor kid. I am sorry but the short bus made me giggle. How old is he?
I always tell Tierra she is "short bus special" I know its mean, but us parents have to have our own inside jokes sometimes.

For real - he needs to buck up and deal with it. How far is school... tell him to ride his bike!

he is 12. bike ride not really doable....35+ blocks on a busy street..

the boy seriously thinks the world revolves around him....he is in for a rude awakening..

Oh thats a tough age... he is more aware of joke..
Tierra would just think it was a "cute little bus"
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 10:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 3 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
KK mad.gif

WAIT....sumtin is wrong FINESSE naw chat

i am pissed off right now..

my son is the most difficult child in the world...

he rides the bus to school and discovered that his bus this year is one of those short busses (you know the one that everyone calls the retard bus) so now he is refusing to ride it...

yesterday he took his money and took the city bus to school..

today he wanted me to give him a ride and i said no because his school is out of the way and i would be late for work..

i told him he better take that short bus to school and shut up about it....i am not giving him any money to take the city bus either

as i was leaving he told me he hated me....

OMG that poor kid. I am sorry but the short bus made me giggle. How old is he?
I always tell Tierra she is "short bus special" I know its mean, but us parents have to have our own inside jokes sometimes.

For real - he needs to buck up and deal with it. How far is school... tell him to ride his bike!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 09:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Sep 3 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i had some roasted cashews last week
even though alot of dem did bun up i sooo enjoyed it

I love fresh roasted cashews... Louis and his uncle would roast them in his yard. I ate so many one day my lips pealed for a week. I don't think they were all the way roasted.... but yummmmmmy!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (*JG* @ Sep 3 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 3 2009, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
DAMN...DAMN...DAMN tu baxide cho...mi jus drap mi 3 conch fritters on the floor bawlllllllllllllllllin

God made dirt...dirt can't hurt. Just blow 'em off like Bunz said!

Are you quoting Barney?

LOL! We never watched that in my house... ugh! I have been saying that since I was a little kid. Got it from another friend.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 09:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
DAMN...DAMN...DAMN tu baxide cho...mi jus drap mi 3 conch fritters on the floor bawlllllllllllllllllin

God made dirt...dirt can't hurt. Just blow 'em off like Bunz said!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 08:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Morning Everyone! Fall is in the air here in Maine, it is chilly in the mornings... but good sleeping weather. smile.gif

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-03 07:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (Bunzarelli @ Sep 2 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

YAYAYAYAYA! So Happy for you Bunz! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 16:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (NatPatBen @ Sep 2 2009, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Reminds me of Rita Marley's autobiography, No Woman No Cry. While she was pregnant, Bob got two other women pregnant. Three kids, three mothers, within months of each other. I was surprised, reading that book, at her lack of anger.

I can top about 6 kids all girls all born in the same month 5 different mothers 3 in the same hospital same time....NASTINESS hood fi drap aff

YIKES, sounds like a Springer or Maury show!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 12:20:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (sus @ Sep 2 2009, 12:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J2A?oasis @ Sep 2 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww, I want identical twins soooo bad since I'll be starting all over. But if not then I definitely want to try for back to back 9mo. apart and with my history of delivering prematurely it'll probably be more like 6-8mo. apart.

LOL - I was just reading a deposition summary the other day - the man had two kids, age 17, from a previous relationship - I am thinking Oh, he had twins..... Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Nope - One Bday in Sept, one in Dec whistling.gif

Yeah, Louis has a brother the same age!! His father is always asking him why he hasn't spread his seed around yet. How can he be his son and not have children!???
I would like twins too. Louis is getting 1 pregnancy outta me... so if I have 2 at once..... he will be happy!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (yankeesgirl79 @ Sep 2 2009, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 2 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sooo... SunRay asked if I had heard from Marlita. And I hadn't, we never really chatted that much but she was a regular poster back when I was a noob... anyhow for those of you that know her, I just found her blog again and she is pregnant with TWINS! Great news for her!!!

YAY for Marlita......ohhhhh she is gonna be a busy lady with 2 but at least she has her hubby by her side to be able to help her.....lord knows that will be a huge help.....i cant wait for richard to be here to help me out......but YAY I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR HER! it must be something in the wata that all these jamerican twins are conceived LOL......

do you have a link to her blog cat???

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 11:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
Sooo... SunRay asked if I had heard from Marlita. And I hadn't, we never really chatted that much but she was a regular poster back when I was a noob... anyhow for those of you that know her, I just found her blog again and she is pregnant with TWINS! Great news for her!!!
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 11:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (phillyfashionista @ Sep 2 2009, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 2 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 2 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 1 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to leave you with this story... a friend of mine and her 7 year old son...

"On the ride home tonight, Reid said to me: "Mom are you tired of having your periods?", to which I replied, "Um, well, yes I am". He then said, "You should try that thing that lets you have only 4 periods a year". After... calmly explaining to my seven year old boy that unfortunately the "seasonique" pill isn't for me due to my advanced age and my high blood pressure, I promptly came home and threw out our TV."

this is too funny!! but the story reminds me of my husband......he is always telling me things that he has "learned" from watching tv....and i'm like baby you can't believe everything you see on tv

and he wants to order ####### off of bout some luxurious sheets and we can make 3 easy payments....ha!

rofl.gif That's funny! Louis beleives alot of ####### on TV too.

I am rolling over here this is hilarious! My Hubby so wants to get those Sham WOW he is a mechanic and he thinks they will be the greatest additional to his tool box rofl.gif drying a wet sweater with one roll of the Sham WOW ummm I don't think so LOL

We don't have SHAMWOW but something similar... GROSS! It stinks like mildew and I am always having to bleach it or something. Only thing its 1/2 way good for is drying the car after you wash it.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 09:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 2 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RoxcieJoe @ Sep 2 2009, 08:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
offtopic45vn.gif offtopic45vn.gif

When I first join VJ, I was glad for the topics that were being discussed about the support your SO or husband would need once he has join you here in the US. I believe in returning what was offered to me. My husband has been here 2 weeks now, so I will share a lilttle what I have experienced.

1. As far as supporting your husband at his interview, I found that if you the wife is there, the interviews can be alot less stressful for the husband. This is a life changing event, and being there with him, shows your support to the person who will be interviewing you. But, again this is a personal choice.

2. Having unlimited time for your SO or husband once he has arrived here. I find that they do feel like they are fish out of the water, but the man in them will not allow them to tell you that. So, you must have alot of patient and you must spend alot of time with them.

3. Those of you who are in school and have kids may find this to be a balancing act.

4. Everyone may have some type of adjustment issues, but they may not be the same as your fellow VJ. Borden seems to be the biggest issue of all.

borden? wha dis mean?

I think she meant boredom. smile.gif

Guess I was late.....

Edited by IrieCat, 02 September 2009 - 09:29 AM.

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 09:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
talking about commericals -- my son knows all the jingles to the freecreditreport commericals

LOL! Tierra wants the Snuggie, and the mop that "can go around the legs of the table" and anything else she might think is "totally cheap"!! She used to be obsessed with those infomercials.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 2 2009, 09:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 1 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have to leave you with this story... a friend of mine and her 7 year old son...

"On the ride home tonight, Reid said to me: "Mom are you tired of having your periods?", to which I replied, "Um, well, yes I am". He then said, "You should try that thing that lets you have only 4 periods a year". After... calmly explaining to my seven year old boy that unfortunately the "seasonique" pill isn't for me due to my advanced age and my high blood pressure, I promptly came home and threw out our TV."

this is too funny!! but the story reminds me of my husband......he is always telling me things that he has "learned" from watching tv....and i'm like baby you can't believe everything you see on tv

and he wants to order ####### off of bout some luxurious sheets and we can make 3 easy payments....ha!

rofl.gif That's funny! Louis beleives alot of ####### on TV too.
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 09:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (sus @ Sep 2 2009, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning all!

IrieCat, Rachel Ray has done a bunch of stuff with lunch box ideas for picky eaters - Some are here: http://www.rachaelra...sults.php?kID=5

Morning everyone! Thanks Sus, I will check it out. I think I am going to see if I can find something she can bring a warm lunch in. It will only be about 5 times out of the month. Hopefully she will just end up wanting school lunch all the time. I have to start putting my foot down... :-)

Hope everyone is having a nice morning! :-)

IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-02 07:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
QUOTE (mstee @ Sep 1 2009, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (finesse @ Sep 1 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (IrieCat @ Sep 1 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I need some suggestions... Tierra has decided she wants me to send her with lunch somedays. Days when she doesnt like anything on the school menu. Now here is the issue.... SHE IS SO FREAKIN' PICKY. You couldn't tell by looking at a picture of her but she does not eat a variety of food.
She doesnt want pb&j. No cheese, no meats really. (I may be able to sneak a salami & mayo once in a while).
She likes bread... And I cannot send her to school with a mayo sandwich!! She wont eat ANY veggies!!! So fruit it is, but there must be something else.
Can anyone give me an idea? She can eat meat if she wants, I don't tell her no. But there isnt much she likes.

Fruit Salad and crackers!! LOL

how bout egg salad sandwich? tuna sandwich? or a bag of peanuts...honey roasted kind?

granola bars, fruit snacks, lunchables (that are appealing to her), granola, raisins, egg salad, yogurt (freeze the night before), pasta salad

Maybe you have to make the food look appealing

Fruit snacks.. yes. Got those. She doesnt eat eggs, yogurt, cold pasta or granola! LOL I am telling you.. its tough. I wont give her the lunchables. They are SOOOO full of ####### and then she doesnt eat 1/2 of it anyhow.

I think we got it covered tonight at the grocery store. grapes, pineapple, peaches and oranges and mango. Tuna & Mayo. Wheat Thins and some all natural fruit snacks. She likes the "smooshed fruit" and thats got nothing in it but fruit. She got a couple not so good things. those orange cheese crackers and oreo dippers but thats it for junk. We will see how it goes. She will eat school lunch when she thinks its something she likes. She is actually more likely to try something when the other kids at school are eating it. I just hope her pallette changes as she grows and she starts to like veggies more.
I got myself some asparagus and brussell sprouts... all kinds of good green stuff! wink.gif
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-01 20:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies at Home and a Farrin (part18)
I have to leave you with this story... a friend of mine and her 7 year old son...

"On the ride home tonight, Reid said to me: "Mom are you tired of having your periods?", to which I replied, "Um, well, yes I am". He then said, "You should try that thing that lets you have only 4 periods a year". After... calmly explaining to my seven year old boy that unfortunately the "seasonique" pill isn't for me due to my advanced age and my high blood pressure, I promptly came home and threw out our TV."
IrieCatFemaleSaint Lucia2009-09-01 20:07:00