K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level

Yes, USC petitioners can use assets to offset any shortcomings in their income. However, I was speaking of the visa applicant, which would be the beneficiary applying for the K-1 visa in London. He is the one making the posts here on VJ.

Hmm - that's interesting - I've never seen that mentioned before. I wonder how successful people are at claiming they are not a public charge using their own bank account...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-28 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level
London does consider the petitioners assets, but going by the OP's information, that she is a student, working part time and lives with her parents, my guess is there are not a lot of assets to claim.

The reason your USC fiance (and possible co-sponsor) have to fill out the I134 paperwork is so that they can prove they can support you if you can't/do not get a job; the government wants to make sure you don't come over here and live off of the system. My guess is that you would have an incredibly hard time getting approved for welfare or any benefits. Here is a link to the USCIS website. It includes both the I134 and instructions:
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level
I think it's $18,387 or something like that. If she makes less than that then she will need a co-sponsor. Her I-129f will not be rejected, because they do not ask for financial information at that stage. You will bring the I-134 (affidavit of support) with you to the interview...and I'm not sure if you will be rejected at the interview if you do not have a co-sponsor - or if they will ask you for more information showing you have a co-sponsor.

IF you get past the interview w/out problem - it will be a problem for AOS (Adjustment of Status) and you will be denied at that level.

So, I suggest, make it easy on yourself and find a co-sponsor :):)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level
Not unless she is supporting them, which, I'm guessing she is not if she is a student and working part-time. However, she might be able to ask her mother to co-sponsor you. If she does, and her mother is supporting her and her sister - then the family size minimum requirement for poverty level would be 4 people (the mother, the two daughters and you).

*not sure why I read it as mother and not "parents" as you actually stated. Sooo - it would be 5...or however many people are in the house + 1 (you) to meet poverty guideline requirements.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level

That is the link to figure out how much she needs to be earning.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarrying a Studient/Poverty Level
Sounds like she should be looking for a co-sponsor.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVJ predicted adjudication times
As others mentioned, there are a lot of factors that go into it. Mine changed almost weekly, I think mostly due to people updating their own timelines.

That being said - my NOA2 came right smack dab in the middle of the VJ timeline prediction.

Good luck :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anybody called DOS today?
Thanks - finally got through. The last time I called they actually had a recording saying, "please stay on the line" - the first two times it jsut rang and rang - it's odd not to have a recording at least telling you there will be a wait. Next time I call I will surely call int he morning!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anybody called DOS today?
Yep, still waiting - London seems so slooooooow!! Lol I hope it's this week. His medical is next Tuesday, so, if not this week it'd be nice if they logged it next week so we will be considered "interview ready" and can get a date already!! Lol
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anybody called DOS today?
Great link!!! Thanks!! I usually call in the early morning - that must be why - I'm just about to skype with Allan and was getting curious to see if London had logged our packet 3
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 14:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anybody called DOS today?
Just wondering if they are closed due to damage of the hurricane - I have called twice and it just keeps ringing and ringing...I waited about 3 minutes one time...every other time I have called it gets answered right away, so I wasn't sure if this was normal and just to hang on the line, or if they might be closed?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about medical in London...
Nich-Nick: Yep, still going by that - was just confused with the info online!! Thanks for clearing it up for me! :)

Wishin-n-hopin: That's the one he is going to as well, I'd love the directions :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about medical in London...
My fiance has his interview in exactly one week!! But, I have a question.

On the website (http://photos.state....ical_letter.pdf) it states to bring your passport, a passport photo, medical questionnaire and your vaccination records, However, on the phone making the appointment the woman told my fiance to make sure to bring his UK police certificate. I didn't see that listed on the website. So, my question is, is there anything else that is not listed that you should bring to the medical with you???
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-30 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat interview dates are being given?
Thank you to both of you :)

We put November 5th (of course everything that has been planned is flexible if it needs to be changed) as our interview date when we returned our packet in mid-August. So, hopefully that will help!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-03 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat interview dates are being given?
Is there a way to tell what interview dates are being issued for a certain embassy? Maybe something like Igor's list or something?

We are going through London, and I was just curious to know what type of dates they are giving out. I saw one timeline that said Oct 3rd was given a few days ago, but about a week ago I saw Oct 27th handed out. Let me guess - like many other aspects of this process - there is no rhyme or reason!? Lol

Thaaaaanks ;)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-03 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 Questions
Thanks guys. Anxiously awaiting for the congresswoman to call us back with an update.

My fiance tried to call the embassy today - stayed on the phone for 15 min (at 1 pound/minute) on hold - then was disconnected!! UGH! So, before we try to get an email "code" from them again, we are going to see what she can come up with.

It is hard to just wait - as you all know -without being able to do something! And the thought that they might have actually lost our stuff is just icing on the frustration cake!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-07 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2 Questions
So, I have two different questions.

1) My fiance went for his medical in London yesterday. Because he has moved around so much, and has had extended stays in "high risk" countries, he had to have extra blood work. The doctor had him make another appointment for the 27th to get the results, and if there are no problems, he will give my fiance 3 immunizations that are needed. The doctor said that this will not delay our "interview ready" status - but I'm not so sure. Has anybody gone through this? Will he send the results from yesterday to the embassy and then follow up on the 27th? Or does he wait to send it all together - which would - indeed - affect our readiness date.

2) Also London has not logged our case yet. When I called DOS they told us if they do not have it logged in the next few days to email the embassy to figure out what is going on. What does this mean? Do they actually, in real life, lose packets!??! This is such important information - I can't believe they'd be so careless! We have delivery confirmation & signature! So I know it's in that building somewhere. I immediately (out of frustration) called my congresswoman and she said she would email them today - again - has anybody gone through this? Will this add even more time on our wait?

I'm feeling very frustrated at the moment. I thought after getting the NOA2 it got easier - but it seems much harder to deal with b/c of all of the unknowns!!!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-07 10:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTransferring money...what's the best way visa wise?
Gary and Alla - thank you!! I was unsure if it was high-fraud country specific, or, if it pertained to all K1 visas. I just knew that somebody had mentioned it might look like he was paying me for the visa - which he's not!!! I just wanted to make sure I asked, and did things the right way :) :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-24 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTransferring money...what's the best way visa wise?
So, I know I've read on here to be careful about wiring money from the beneficiary to the petitioner during the visa process, as it will cause red what is the best way for my fiance to get his funds moved to my account? We want to have a shared bank account, however, my bank said if he brought it all over in pounds it could take 3-4 weeks for them to process it if it was a large amount. So, they suggested he wire it right before the move.

Thoughts, suggestions or ideas on what the best way to do this is without causing a huge red flag would be great :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-24 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespackage 3 london
I sent in the last 3 years of tax transcripts. I also included my last 3 pay stubs (although many will say that the most recent one is okay b/c it will have year to date...I just felt better safe than sorry).

If you have a tax transcript you do not need the 1040 or W2, b/c the tax transcript is so detailed, proves everything and is directly from the IRS.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-27 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespackage 3 london
Sign them both - they both need to be originals.

I posted the same about when to pay and the response I got was pay whenever you want, but, before the interview. We are planning on paying for our visa on the day we receive the interview date (packet 4).

Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-08-26 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost have a K1, but now, an employer wants to sponsor?
Thank you for the advice - I knew somebody would have a better answer than mine - which was just "you can't do that!" lol - and he wasn't taking that!

Rebecca Jo - yes, he has a very high security clearance in a very specialized field...However, even if we have to wait, I'm pretty sure the company will hold the spot for him. I just wanted to have an answer to his question! And no - we will NOT abandon the K1 process - we've gone through too much and come too far! Lol

Thank you all! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-30 18:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost have a K1, but now, an employer wants to sponsor?
Just finished talking to my fiance. We are waiting for the interview letter for the K1.

He has contacted a head hunter to help start looking for jobs in the area (really, we were just trying to plan ahead b/c we are aware that work authorization can/will take at least 90 days after we are married). ANYWAY...his head hunter contacted a company, who is interested in hiring him, however, they had a question.

Once he has entered on a K1 and is married - can they sponsor him with a work visa? Or does he have to go through AOS and wait for the work authorization?

I have no idea if this is a possibility, but, I'm thinking not. I just don't know why. Any thoughts?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-09-30 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does K-1 interview scheduling work?

Here is how you get to the individual embassy pages. Just click on the first letter of the country you're looking for :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-19 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does K-1 interview scheduling work?
Follow the instructions given to you by people who have gone through your embassy. All embassies are a bit different. For example, I think in Canada, you call and book your appointment. In London, you wait for the embassy to issue you a date by letter. So, those who have gone through your embassy will know best. Also, each embassy has their own forum on here - it might be worth posting to that forum as well. :) Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-19 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am confused....
Call NVC to see if they have received it yet. If they have, they will also be able to tell you when they sent it to your consulate.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-23 05:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAFFADAVIT OF SUPPORT (LONDON)
A fiance visa is a K1.

You will need to supply a I-134 affidavit of support at the interview.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-22 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving Blanks?
Typically, if you cannot fit an answer in a box, you would attach an extra piece of paper, label it clearly, such as "Question 3" (or whatever it is) and then put the answer, in the order they ask for on the original form. On the 129f form in the box, you can state: "Please see attached"

I did this for a few questions, however, I'm not sure if the same holds true for the name - perhaps somebody else will chime in :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-23 06:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLeaving Blanks?
This is how I answered the questions regarding names on the I-129f:

7) Other names used: none
9) names of prior spoucse: none dates marriages ended: n/a

On the G-325A
Current Husband or wife: None
Former Husband or wife: None (I left the rest of that question blank, but somebody above stated that others have gotten RFE's for that - so if you feel more comfortable, put N/A for the rest).

I think those are the only questions regarding names on those two forms. :) I ordered a book for about $30 from amazon to supplement the guides on this site. I tend to use this site more than the book, but there are answers to questions such as "why n/a vs none" and other interesting information about the process. It also gives sample guides all the way through the process (including AOS).
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-23 05:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting my Fiance in UK
I visited my fiance twice while our I-129f was pending.

The first time was a bit harder than the second - but I think that's b/c of the guy who was at customs. He asked about my job, my fiances job, how much money I had with me, how long I was staying, how we met, when we planned to marry etc (pretty much making sure I was leaving the country in the 1 week period I stated). After answering his questions, I showed him my return flight itinerary and he let me through.

The second time was a breeze! I had prepared SO much for it - I brought letters from my employer, a copy of my lease, a copy of the I-129f (just in case they wanted to see ties)...the woman was very cheery, she asked me who I was going to see, I told her, she said "Welcome back to the UK, enjoy your stay" and let me through w/out even looking at my return flight info!!

It's easy-peasy! :) ...although - I'll tell you I was majorly stressed the first time...just the unknown!

BTW - no visa needed when visiting the UK. I believe when A came over from Scotland he needed to do some kind of form...ETS or something - I can't remember the exact abbreviation - but if you are going there - just have your ticket, passport and get on your flight :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-26 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling your Congressman?
GringoD - Your welcome! I'm glad you liked it - I was a bit nervous to post my experience as it is out of the norm - and I know some people might have found my first contact unnecessary. The reason I did it was b/c it had been 3 months and I just needed to do something other than wait that felt proactive. I forgot to mention, she called me to congratulate me on my NOA2 before I even got the text!! Lol I got the text from USCIS about 10 minutes after her call. This is who I contacted: U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree (D) for Maine's 1st Congressional District. When I was looking for somebody to contact I googled: Congressman + my city + Maine. I've heard of others using senators - but she was able to do the trick, and was always quick to respond. Eventually we used email for communicating. I never went more than 12 hours of waiting for her to reply to my contact.

Stefan y Karen: The release forms were on my congresswoman's website. I had to search a little bit for them, but finally found a section on her page dealing with immigration. In that section, there was a link saying something like, "If you need my help assisting you with immigration related issues, please click"

Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling your Congressman?
I've contacted my congresswoman several times.

1st time: About 3 months into the process. I wrote her to tell her that I had started the process, I gave her some background about myself and my fiance, and told her that I was not expecting to need her help, but if so, I wanted her to know who I was and what was going on in my life. I also signed and sent the release form for her to contact other people on my behalf, with my letter. Within 3 days of mailing this to her she called me and we chatted quickly. She thanked me for my letter, explained the process a bit, and told me she would be happy to help if we needed her.

2nd time: The embassy had our packet 3 for 4+ weeks and had not logged it. I was concerned it was lost. She emailed the London embassy (they have congressional email) and magically the next day my packet was logged.

3rd time: We had been marked interview ready for 4 weeks with no interview being assigned. DOS kept telling me that London had everything - come to find out - while we were marked ready, they had misplaced our medical report (they said they didn't receive it, but again, magically, it was found 2 days after the inquiry...which was 3 weeks after it was sent).

So, my congresswoman was very helpful - and as soon as my fiance is here and we are married - we will be sending her a thank you card for all of her help.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-01 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Packet 3
I agree with calling the embassy when in doubt :) These forums are wonderful - and when you post in the UK forum there are people there with a lot of experience and knowledge who can answer almost anything. I always posted my questions there...but, my fiance felt more comfortable getting his answers from the embassy (if they were big questions that could possibly impact the visa negatively). He called the embassy for maybe 2-3 different questions. The people there were always very polite and answered his questions. All of the answers, except for one, were the exact same thing that I found out on these forums. But for him, it was better to hear it from the embassy, more "official" I guess.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-06 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFelony Conviction & Probation
OP = Original Poster
RFE = Request for Further Evidence
USC = United States Citizen

cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-06 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTransferring money from my fiance a bad idea?
Would you consider it your income? If it were me, I would not. It's her income, just in the same account. Be careful, if you claim it as income - it could look like she's paying you for the visa. Perhaps, if you'd like to use it as proof of an on-going relationship (as in you have a joint account) you could get bank statements or proof of deposit. I know that is not too big of a problem for those from the UK - hopefully somebody Russia will come along with that answer.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 04:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere do we start!
One of my friends from the UK went the marriage/CR1 route - and they were approved in 7 months...also, when you go the marriage route, you will receive your right to work right away with the visa. If I could go back and do it all over again - we would have chosen the marriage route vs the fiance route. The best advice I can give: research both and make the best decision for your situation. It sounds like you have plenty of time - due to being in the military - so even if the spousal visa took longer - you'd be okay. :) Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-06 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Processing in Vermont
I was a March filer - and I received my NOA2 at the end of July.

As somebody stated before, don't put much stock in the timelines. There are probably many different reasons for the delay, such as: vacation time, sick time, some background checks take longer than others, slow workers etc...I think waiting for the NOA2 was the hardest part of this process for me. And when I was processed - CSC was going MUCH faster than VSC - it was so frustrating to see that CSC was approving petitions in 2 months!! But, it happens.

If you have waited 5 months give USCIS a call. A friend did this and she was told to call back in 30 more days. She ended up asking her congresswoman to get involved, she did, and they heard something 3 weeks later.

Good luck - I feel your pain!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-27 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFood Stamps

Where do you get $8.70 being the lowest hourly wage in the US? The federal minimum is only $7.25, and different states have different wage laws based on several different factors. For example, some states pay tip earners and students less. There is also such a thing as being an independent contractor, which means minimums do not even apply because independent contractors are not subject to the laws and benefits of being an employee. $8.70 is NOT the lowest amount someone can earn per hour in the US.

Good point! Plus, the OP said they are brining home about $1000. After taxes and insurance etc - that could very well be likely even if they maid $8.70. It sounds like they know they will need a sponsor - they are just wondering about the legalities of having assistance while applying for a K1.

Now, I may be 110% wrong, but from what I've read on here, people have had food stamps for their children while applying for the K1 before. So, I'm assuming as the USC you can apply for it - I think the government is most worried about the beneficiary - and that they will not receive any type of assistance. I'm hoping that somebody with more knowledge comes along and can answer the original question for you :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-06 04:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHas anyone successfully expedited a petition?
Good luck on expediting the case, however, I would be shocked if they granted it.

I cannot wait to have children with my fiance, but, because I it would be a financial hardship as well as emotionally hard to not have him around while pregnant, we took precautions to make sure it didn't happen; we also spoke about what would happen if I were to "accidently" get pregnant i.e. financial support, more visits, etc. I'm sure there are many other women in my shoes. So, if they were to expedite your case, they would have to then expedite all cases like this - which I don't think they would do.

Just a thought to consider :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-20 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Job for Beneficiary after K1 Visa Approved, before Entering the USA
I asked a similar questions months back. Many people warned me about pulling my fiances K1 visa and then him getting a work visa as it would look like he was trying to enter the country anyway possible! Not sure if that's true, but enough people said it, and it made sense to me, so I accepted it. We decided that once he's here, if the job is really a "big deal" if we are upfront with them about it - they might be willing to hold it for the three months it might take to get his EAD...we're going on the thought that it's just as hard for them to find a good match for their company as it is for us to find companies welike to work for...

Good luck on your choice!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 06:22:00