United KingdomWaiting for interview scheduling
I just emailed the embassy last week to move our date up - they moved it up by two weeks. It took a $16 phone call to the embassy (from USA) to get a code, but, the best $16 I've ever spent! Hang in there - and just so you know, DOS (I never called NVC) gave me some wrong information a few there may still be hope for November! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-21 05:33:00
United KingdomQuestion for those from Scotland :)
Great, thanks guys :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-26 13:14:00
United KingdomQuestion for those from Scotland :)
I asked this question in another poster's thread, so, I thought I might make it it's own thread in hopes that those from Scotland might see it and guide me!

Where does the police certificate from? We have ours from ACPO - but somebody mentioned that those coming from Scotland might need a different one. Is this true?

When I searched the internet for an answer, another immigration site had people saying that they were turned away for having the ACPOS certificate (covering Scotland only) and needed a ACPO certificate, which did, indeed, include Scotland. I'm just a bit confused...and it's only 2 weeks from our interview - so feeling a bit anxious that we need to get something else in a short period of time.

Any help is appreciated :)

Does anybody who has been to the embassy and was approved for a K1 visa know the right answer?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-23 09:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy timescales
As I'm sure you know, all times are different, but, mine took about a week (6 days) for NVC to mail it to London and for London to log it (I'm not exactly sure when it got to the embassy). And then it took 4 days for A to get notice of packet three after it was logged.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-28 05:18:00
United KingdomHow do I know when the US Embassy received my pack
You can call DOS to check up on it. I did - they are able to tell you when packet 3 has been LOGGED not received - for example, we had signature confirmation, so we knew it got there on a certain date - but it wasn't logged for almost 3 weeks after the day it was signed for. So don't freak - I know it's hard! DOS can also tell you when your medical results have been logged and when you are marked "interview ready".

The number: 1-202-663-1225
Don't listen to the prompts, just type in: 1,4,2,3,2,0
Have your case number ready - they will need it.

I called from Skype as there were many times I waited 15-20 minutes on hold before speaking to a person (it all depends on the day you call) and have a limited amount of daytime minutes on my cell plan :)

So, in short, if you didn't get signature confirmation - there is no way to verify they *received* it until it's logged...I don't think - I could stand corrected ;)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-31 16:14:00
United KingdomChecklist for Interview
Ooops! Sorry, I didn't realize it was a CR-1!! :)

And thank you, yes, I hope the interview fast and easy!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-30 19:03:00
United KingdomChecklist for Interview
Nich-Nick provided me with a great list of things to bring to the interview a week or so's the link to that post:


And, GOOD LUCK!!!! We have our interview a week from tomorrow and I'm anxious already!!!

For some reason you have to scroll up in that link a bit :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-30 12:07:00
United KingdomInterview Questions??
Thanks Mrs GH!! :) I"m sure it will be fine too - I just like to plan and have control - so this process has been extra hard for me! Lol I'm a super type A personality!

My UK love - gooooooood luck!! Friday! :) I'll be looking for your review! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 16:21:00
United KingdomInterview Questions??
Perfect, thanks for that link!!

I'm all stressed about the interview, but my fiance is not. So I thought if I could come up with some questions they might ask I'm give him a bit of a pop-quiz tonight via skype! Lol
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 11:41:00
United KingdomInterview Questions??
What type of questions do they ask at the London embassy for the interview?

Has anybody interviewed recently that remembers? Thanks :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 09:52:00
United KingdomQuestion about Goulds
Wishin - I just got word that Allan went into Glasgow, to the snappy snaps, to get his US sized ones today!! PHEW! One less thing to worry about - but thanks for the suggestion :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-04 15:19:00
United KingdomQuestion about Goulds
Great info! Thank you!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-03 13:12:00
United KingdomQuestion about Goulds
Thanks - I'll let him know!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 16:22:00
United KingdomQuestion about Goulds
Is there a US sized passport photobooth available here? I thought I read somewhere there was - but I can't seem to find it now!

Also - has anybody had any trouble leaving stuff and it not being there when you are finished with the interview? It's pretty safe, right?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-02 11:53:00
United KingdomAnother question...
Ah - thanks for the clarification Nich-Nick! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 10:13:00
United KingdomAnother question...
So, after speaking to my fiance again - he said that the original woman (not the interviewer) gave him a white packet with the medical results in it and told him to not open it, and to hold on to it, b/c he will need it for immigration once he gets to his POE. Ummmm aren't they supposed to MAIL that to him with his passport? Is that going to mess anything up?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 07:38:00
United KingdomWell...
Well, I read the "required documents" section on the embassy page - I guess I either did not click the link that gives you the detailed information, or, did and somehow overlooked that detail. I feel like I read that site a million times this summer - so I'm not sure how I missed it. Thanks for pointing it out - it makes me feel better that it is something we missed/could have prevented vs being out of left field.

Allan has already gone to New Scotland Yard and will have a courier service pick up the prints tomorrow and delivered to Australia, where they will process another report, and courier it back to him. Hopefully it won't take too painfully long.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 11:44:00
United KingdomWell...
Not sure - the fingerprint website said it could take up to 40 days to process??? Uuuuuugh.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 10:13:00
United KingdomWell...
So, I have more information now. The CO wants him to get a Australian Bi-Fingerprints Certificate. He has an appointment with the New Scotland Yard Metro Police at 2. They have said that the fingerprints go directly from them back to the embassy - does anybody know if this is true? Can they run the fingerprint check for Australia that is needed?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 07:52:00
United KingdomWell...
It's not a yes yet.

The CO did not accept his police record from Australia. Which is strange as we got the one that covered the whole of Australia and Allan even double checked that we had the correct one with the embassy about 2 weeks ago.

So, he's on his way to have his fingerprints at a specified place by the embassy - then has to figure out if they are picked up by the courier service and returned to the embassy or if they need to go somewhere else first then picked up by the embassy.

I guess my question is - once the embassy receives the results from the fingerprints - how long until he gets his visa? The CO said everything else was fine...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 07:18:00
United KingdomSending in additional information after interview...
Just wondering if anybody was asked to send in additional information at the interview before they got their visa?

We are still waiting for the fingerprint check from Australia - I'm assuming we'll get it back next week sometime. Then, apparently Allan has to call the courier service the embassy indicated to come pick up the paper work and deliver it to the embassy with his passport.

Once they have his passport and the fingerprint check - how long does it take to process it and for them to send his visa & passport back to him via courier??

Anybody with any experience sending additional info to the London embassy??
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-10 17:31:00
United KingdomInterview on Monday
Sorry guys!! It went well - except we did not have the correct police certificate from Australia - he needed the one with fingerprints. So, the guy said he would be approved, except we need that paperwork. Allan went to Scotland Yard and got his prints done that day, and sent them to Australia on Tuesday. They should have been delivered today. So, as soon as they are processed and sent back - he will have the courier pick them up and deliver them to the embassy.

So, as soon as that is done - he will be here! I'm hoping it's a quick turn around at the embassy - I know they can sit on paperwork for awhile...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-10 17:35:00
United KingdomInterview on Monday
Thank you everybody. His interview should've started about 15 minutes ago (I woke naturally at 3:55...before it my timefor some reason)...But, I know he probably has a long wait ahead of him before actually speaking to somebody.

qwerty1974 - I will post as much info he gives me...hopefully it will be enough for a proper review. :) Sometimes there is no telling with him how much he'll share when! Lol Right after the medical I didn't get much more than, "It was fine" - but two days later I got a very detailed description!!

So now...patiently (not really) waiting for a call from him...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-07 04:18:00
United KingdomInterview on Monday
Thanks guys! Yes, I know London is supposed to be easy - so I'm sure all will be fine. We had a bit of a glitch w/ the medical - and had to have 2 - so I think that's made me more open to the thought that anything can happy!! But, hopefully, in just 48 ours from now - I'll be happily sending out wedding invitations! Lol
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-05 13:24:00
United KingdomInterview on Monday
So - I am certain time has absolutely stopped as of this morning!! Our (his really, but I consider it ours! Lol) interview is on Monday morning, as a matter of fact, he will probably complete it before I am due to wake up. If I can even sleep, that is.

I'm absolutely feeling the pressure of it all right now - and I'm just trying to keep busy. We should be okay - we've checked, and double checked, everything...but it's like, once he's on that plane to London, that's it - if he forgot anything - there's not turning back!!

I know I shouldn't be this anxious/nervous b/c we've done all that we can to prepare, we've followed the guides, we have followed the directions from the embassy...but it just seems like A LOT is in the hands of the interviewer - they make the final decision.

Oooooh man...Monday can't come soon enough!!! I think I might try to go see a movie this afternoon to keep my mind off of things...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-05 12:37:00
United KingdomYES!! at last... i have interview date :)
Congrats to you all!!!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-03 05:13:00
United Kingdomstalling at every turn!
Oh wow!! I knew it was a lot - but putting a number to it makes it seem so real!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-01 05:22:00
United Kingdomstalling at every turn!
I think London probably gets hit with a lot of visas - they have to schedule K1's as well as all others. My guess is it's just a very busy embassy.

Now, that being said, I TOTALLY agree with you. It is completely frustrating to know your paperwork is there, wait four weeks, then have the interview date scheduled out another 3-4.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-10-31 14:19:00
United KingdomCan he still visit? Visa pending
Thanks for merging - I posted it on the wrong board w/out realizing it - meant for it to be on the UK thread!! Thanks for fixing it.

I could go over there - and if we end up seeing each other that is probably what we will do - it just seems him flying here is cheaper than any flights I can find there.

Oh well, after looking it doesn't look like it'll work out. Was a nice thought for a second!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 12:47:00
United KingdomCan he still visit? Visa pending
So he could not come with his passport and on the VWP program?

Or is it b/c he's on the last leg of the K1 visa that he wouldn't be able to apply for the VWP?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 06:54:00
United KingdomCan he still visit? Visa pending
I realized I posted this in the public forum too - but wanted to ask the UK forum if they have any experience with this as well....

So, my fiance had his visa interview on Nov 7th and was told that he needed to provide fingerprints from Australia. We have sent away for these to be processed, but are waiting, waiting, waiting. We are at the end of our rope as far as being apart goes and he is thinking about visiting in the next day or so (for Thanksgiving). I know he would need ties to his country to be allowed admittance. He was thinking about bringing his appoinmtment letter as well as the blue letter stating he needed to provide additional work - which he is working on - and also as proof that they have all of his original documentation (birth cert, divorce decree etc - who would walk away from that?!). He would also have his return ticket - for just 5-6 days of visiting. What else would he need to help him not be turned away?

He rented out his flat - so he doesn't have that.
He is living w/ his mother now b/c we thought he'd be ready to go after the interview.
He owns his own business, but he has shut it down except for one client.

Anything? Or will this be an automatic denial to the country? We will NOT get married while he's here - we just REALLY want to see each other.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 06:18:00
United KingdomCan he still visit? Visa pending
So, my fiance had his visa interview on Nov 7th and was told that he needed to provide fingerprints from Australia. We have sent away for these to be processed, but are waiting, waiting, waiting. We are at the end of our rope as far as being apart goes and he is thinking about visiting in the next day or so (for Thanksgiving). I know he would need ties to his country to be allowed admittance. He was thinking about bringing his appoinmtment letter as well as the blue letter stating he needed to provide additional work - which he is working on - and also as proof that they have all of his original documentation (birth cert, divorce decree etc - who would walk away from that?!). He would also have his return ticket - for just 5-6 days of visiting. What else would he need to help him not be turned away?

He rented out his flat - so he doesn't have that.
He is living w/ his mother now b/c we thought he'd be ready to go after the interview.
He owns his own business, but he has shut it down except for one client.

Anything? Or will this be an automatic denial to the country? We will NOT get married while he's here - we just REALLY want to see each other.
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 06:17:00
United KingdomLeaving for London tomorrow!!
Good luck!! Enjoy! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 19:54:00
United KingdomAre you creative?
Ooo those are really cute bracelets!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-30 19:50:00
United KingdomA bit closer...
Agreed - couldn't think of a better way to start 2012!!

I'd be happy if he had is visa back before Christmas - but - I'm also not holding my breath! Trying to remind myself, "It'll happen when it's supposed to" so that I don't go crazy waiting! Lol

Thanks for all of the support guys!! :):)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-02 17:23:00
United KingdomA bit closer...
Nich-Nick - absolutely!!

Di - Thanks! :) I'm hoping for sometime in January now :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-01 19:56:00
United KingdomA bit closer...
So, a month after our interview - and finding out we did not have a complete background check from Australia - Allan just got a call from Australia saying they have put his completed fingerprint check/background report in the mail!!! It is supposed to take 5 business days from today to get to him - here's hoping!!! What a painfully long month this has been without knowing exactly how long Aussie could take!

As soon as he gets it - he will call the couriers to pick it up and bring it to the embassy in London to be processed!!! The embassy said it could take 2-4 weeks to process the information and send his visa's hoping he'll be here in early January!!!

YAY!!! What good news to end my day with!!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-01 18:41:00
United KingdomMilitary Record
BTW - I was really freaked out about the military thing too - as I couldn't really find anybody else who didn't have discharge papers to bring with them or anything military related for that matter...but the embassy got his reference number and apparently that was okay :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-04 09:40:00
United KingdomMilitary Record
The reference number *should* be enough - however, Allan's liaison sent it right to the embassy, not to him. I wonder if your guy sent it there too - should have! :) I'm sure you're set!! Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-04 09:29:00
United KingdomMilitary Record
Why can you not get it?

Allan could not get his b/c due to his security clearance - he contacted his military liaison and that person sent the proper paperwork to the embassy for Allan. The liaison knew exactly what was needed and who to send it too - all he needed was Allan's LND number - it was there are ready to go for the interview. Perhaps this is a route you could take?
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-03 08:14:00