K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew Job for Beneficiary after K1 Visa Approved, before Entering the USA
I asked a similar questions months back. Many people warned me about pulling my fiances K1 visa and then him getting a work visa as it would look like he was trying to enter the country anyway possible! Not sure if that's true, but enough people said it, and it made sense to me, so I accepted it. We decided that once he's here, if the job is really a "big deal" if we are upfront with them about it - they might be willing to hold it for the three months it might take to get his EAD...we're going on the thought that it's just as hard for them to find a good match for their company as it is for us to find companies welike to work for...

Good luck on your choice!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-21 06:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAudit on New Live Trace
Just saw your update - YAY!!!!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-11-25 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of an Ongoing Relationship: Question about pictures
Also, posting directly to the UK forum might help you later in the process as the embassy's require slightly different things:


:) Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-01 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBest time to call US London Embassy
My fiance had problems with this phone line too - so often I would call (from the states) and pay the $16 flat rate to speak to somebody at the London Embassy - they typically would give me an email code - which was answered very quickly. So, I'd suggest having your fiance call so that he/she can at least email them in reply to that letter letting them know the paperwork is there.

Also, Allan got through once and it was when he called right at opening and was on hold for 15+ minutes. It ended up being cheaper for me to call in the long run....
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-02 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuickie about photo evidence

The London Embassy is unlikely to look at photos, emails, etc, so don't waste toooo much paper on that when you finally make it to the interview :-)

We sent a few photos and an email or two with our original petition. Then, my fiance brought a few more recent photos, a couple of emails and a few phone statements showing texts, just to be safe, however, the London Embassy never even looked at them! I'd suggest a few to be safe, but that's all. :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-02 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWent to the local office personally

Hey guys, how are ya!?

Hope everyone is fine....getting somewhere in the "long" process. NOA2's, interview approvals ....something!

Anywhooo I'm a really assertive person and its been 6 months since I filled and just couldn't sit around and wait "patiently" so recently I've just been accessing different medians of getting what we all wanter wanted at one point, a gosh darn NOA2!!

I had a service request done about 2 weeks back, that was no help. then wrote a letter to the online site to my local representative, no reply (at least not fast as I'd like, but i know that would be the fastest way so i went my little butt over to the local office to filled out authorization forms to have that office's liaison be able to access my case etc. (to my surprise it was an old college classmate that was the community liaison. YAY.) she said she'll contact place directly that would be able to help me on monday.....

has anyone every done this? has it helped your process?


I contacted my congresswoman for help twice - and amazingly, once she was involved, the embassy moved us right along within 2 days or so. Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-12-03 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F How we met question
Greetings All!

My first question here as we start our I-128F process. My fiancee and I met through the web site "". She asked if we should fill out question 19 or would it be appropriate to just enter our story under 18. My first thought is this site is not a "marriage broker", so 18 should be fine. Thoughts?

TIA - Eric
KineoMaleUkraine2012-06-17 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNearing the interview, final questions!

Sorry, I meant Windsor Ontario, where my fiance lives.

Actual I drove that route a few years ago. If I remember correctly from Detroit to Montreal was about 8 hours. There are flights but I think they are going to be on the expensive side.

Here is a link to the poverty guidelines. I think they are looking for you to exceed the 125% figure.

Hope this helps
KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-18 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNearing the interview, final questions!

I forgot to ask, what are the best form of transportation to the Montreal consulate?

Driving will take 10 hours to get there according to Google maps

10 hours for California ?!?!?!??!

I must have missed something!

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-17 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI only sent the actual I-129f form

i can relate with this situation. My USC fiance only send 1-129f and all other stuff except G-325A form. now we are on more than 4 months from our what should we expect?

Well the only thing I am pretty sure of is you will be waiting for about 3 months longer to find out......

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-17 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI only sent the actual I-129f form

If they accepted the packet, that means they have enough information to proceed. Otherwise, the packet would have been returned.

As fast as the I-129F's are piling up at the service centers, I would wait for the RFE. Withdrawing the petition will take time to process, and could set the OP behind 6 mos or more.

Just keep in mind what constitutes enough information to proceed. Correct me if I am wrong but it would probably be just the I-129F and the filing fee.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-17 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

Some suggestions

1, Affidavits are pretty useless, they list them as items you CAN submit, not that you NEED to.

2. They may have lost some of the documentation, I would copy everything you already sent and send it again. They lose stuff sometimes, it happens.

3. Did you meet in Ukraine each time? If not, you need to attach HER travel documentation also. It is not unusual for Americans to meet FSU women in countries where they can travel without visas...Dominican Republic, for example. You have to show you were both there if you met in a place other than Ukraine.

But you only need to document you met ONCE within the previous two years. make sure you answer with at least one well documented trip in addition to everything else you already filed.

What you filed seems sufficient, much more than I sent and we received no RFE, I am guessing something got misplaced

Your first post was not clear it was an RFE.

Sorry about not being clear about it being an RFE.

Actually the lost or misplaced documentation makes a lot of sense. I tried to strike a balance with what I sent them. A little more than enough, but not everything. So I documented 2 of the 3 trips and only 6 pictures.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-24 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

What does the RFE say exactly and did you label pictures with who when and where?

The RFE:
Submit evidence that you and your fiancee have met each other in person at some time during the two-year period from July 30,2010 unit July 30, 2012, the filing date of your petition. Evidence should include, but is not limited to:
- Your own statement ..............
- Copies of travel documents .............
- Photos .................
- Letters written to each other .............
- Photocopies of you passport ...........
- Affidavits of friend, neighbors, or others ............

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-24 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

Are they looking for the intent letter? Did you both include letters saying you will marry in 90 days?

No not the letter of intent. I got an RFE looking for proof of having met in the past 2 years.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-24 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

Then try drafting a letter describing your meeting and how the evidences support that. If you sent evidence of more than one meeting maybe that was too much and USCIS is having a hard time determining when you did meet at least once, within the last two years. Maybe you sent too much and they are confused. Help them to help yourself.

I think you have a good point. Maybe if I assemble the information with a narration of the material it would be more effective. Something like:
My first visit from [date] to [date]
Here are the boarding passes:
Here are the passport stamps:
Here are some pictures:
My second visit from [date2] to [date2]
Here are the boarding passes:
Here are the passport stamps:
Here are some pictures:
KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-24 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

There is none. You have to have tangible proofs of meeting in the same place such as passport stamps, airline boarding pass copies, hotel receipts with both names listed, etc.

I could personally give you any affidavit you want to afford and swear to it. They are secondary evidence, the same as photos.

But... when put together with the primary evidences, the total speaks for the meeting.

For "tangible" proofs I have sent them Passport stamps, boarding passes for two of the three trip in that time period. Also sent a pesonal statement and 6 pictures of us together. I did not stay at a hotel so there is no reciept. I totally understand what you say about the affidavit. But I am trying to figure out what more I could send to satisfy them.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-24 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"

the OP isn't asking what an affidavit is, they are asking for an example of one.

Do you have other evidence like pictures of the 2 of you together, plane tickets, passport stamps, things of this nature?

Actually the RFE has me scratching my head a little. I sent with my petition my own statement, photocopies of my boarding passes from two trips, and photocopy of my passport with stamp from 3 trips. Along with about a 6 photographs with us together. So I am wondering what else they would like have.....

Thanx - K
KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-23 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavits of "meeting within prior two years"
Greeting All,

I am wondering if anyone has a example that is acceptable for USCIS of an affidavit supporting the fact that my fiancee and I have met?

KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-23 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Broker Question

So my girl calls me up about 3am NY time and is completely worried about us having met through a marriage She is reading stories on Ukraine and Russian forums where most girls are getting denied Visas due to being found on one of these sites. If anyone knows anything about these sites, your chances of finding a good, honest, quality girl is very slim. It is full of scammers, fake profiles, and girls who chat to make money for a living. Obviously the USCIS knows this. My girl said she would even sign a prenup to prove shes not in it for any money. Her and I are in love and I'll be making my 3rd trip to Ukraine in a few weeks. I wasn't worried about it but shes getting me worried now because it specifically ask on line #19 Please provide any information if you met through a marriage broker. I don't think this would be signaled out for nothing. She wants to not mention it but our Skype conversations are flooded with talking about it and I told her a sure fire way to get denied is to lie....just say we meet through a marriage broker, provide all the correct paperwork and keep our fingers crossed. She afraid we will get rejected on that basis alone and recommends getting married in Ukraine first. I told her by the time we can plan a wedding and I get back over to Ukraine, after this upcoming trip in a few weeks, it will prolong any sort of Visa because we will still have to wait 6-9 months. I'm suggesting we do the K1 Visa and see what happens. By the time of her interview I will have seen her 4 times over a week each time....I need some help in this from people who have met their girl through a marriage broker. I think only a few countries do this widespread...Ukraine and Russia being two of them. I need something to tell her to calm her down. Shes reading a percentage of 50% rejection rate on girls from marriage brokers....that's not good in my eyes. I told her that many factors can cause someone to get rejected such as income requirements, incorrect paperwork, not enough proof of relationship, maybe even ages of the the couple (ie, girl is 18 and man is 60+) I know the marriage brokers have a bad rep because girls only chat to make money and never have any intention of finding a foreign man. Its a billion dollar industry in Ukraine. So I need some recommendations before I submit this K1 next week...thanks

I see you are getting a lot of good advice here.

The first thing I think you should both do is relax a little. :-) This is a jounrney of a lifetime, enjoy it!

To my knowledge the fact you folks went through a marriage broker has NO effect on approval either positive or negative. If you meet the visa requirements you are good to go. Will USCIS be look really closely at petitions that have a marriage broker involved? I would expect so. So FWIW I would pay attention to all the detials and be prepared to document the relationship well. (which sounds like you are prepared to do.) Personally Yulia and I chose the K-1 route. It sounds like it would be a good choice for you due to the timing. But either route is viable.

Best of luck and life

- K
KineoMaleUkraine2013-02-18 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE update
I sent an RFE response to VSC last month and they posted a confirmation 2 days after I mail it. But this is just my experience.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-04-09 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrginal I-129F package destoryed
Thanks folks! I do have the originals of everything except the I-129F and the letter of intent. So I should be in pretty good shape. Thanks for directing me to the KEV-1 documents I see there is not mention of the I-129F information. So I feel much more relaxed about this.

Thanx again - K
KineoMaleUkraine2013-04-26 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrginal I-129F package destoryed

who is them? what does the fact that you were laid off have to do with the package being destroyed? Who destroyed it and why?

The company I was employed by. When I was laid off I was not allowed to retrieve my belongings. Staff at the company gather my stuff and sent it to me. I suspect they went through my desk without much care whether I got all my things or not, and then just threw the rest in the trash.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-04-16 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrginal I-129F package destoryed
I have an interesting situation. I had my I-129F paperwork with me at work when I was laid off. After several inquiries I was able to get a few pieces of the package from them. They say the rest was destroyed. Now I understand that the original needs to be taken to the consulate by my fiancée. Does anyone have any insight into what needs to be done in a situation like this?

Thanx - K
KineoMaleUkraine2013-04-16 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156, DS156K and DS230

Yes should be able to fill them out beforehand. The important part being the information should be current as of the she receives her letter from the embassy. (Which will be weeks after the NOA2) Also certain things need to be within a certain time windows of the interview, like visa photo and criminal records. Yulia and I played around with these forms about a month before our NOA2. Now we are waiting for our letter from the embassy to do the final revision.


Good Luck!




Edited by Kineo, 07 May 2013 - 06:43 AM.

KineoMaleUkraine2013-05-07 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long for NVC case number?????

I spoke with the NVC last week. They said it takes them 1-2 weeks after they get the package from USCIS. They gave me our case number over the phone yesterday. You can call them at 603-334-0700.


Good Luck.



KineoMaleUkraine2013-05-08 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo contact or not to contact congressman question

Just received approval. Cant even describe how i feel.)))





KineoMaleUkraine2013-05-10 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTo contact or not to contact congressman question

I understand your anxiousness to see this process progress. That being said, if you were to get you NOA2 today you would be in the minority of applicant that got their NOA2 in such a short period of time. If you application took another month you would still be in the "norm" from what I have seen.  You do have the congressman in your arsenal of tools. Personally I think the congressman's office will more attention to your case when it become farther beyond the norm.


Just my two cents.



KineoMaleUkraine2013-05-08 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConsulate fee vs Visa fee

My fiancée has me questioning my self. The consulate fee and the visa fee are one and the same. Right?


Thanx - K

KineoMaleUkraine2013-06-01 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE process

Sorry, I had a typo on her interview date. It what the 19th.


As far as the package. We had a little confusion. I understand now that they told her that the visa and packet would be sent to her and she should expect it this week. This sounds more like what I was expecting. But I will be relieved once she receives everything.


Thanx - K

KineoMaleUkraine2013-06-25 05:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE process

I have read that my fiancée should have been given a sealed envelope at the consulate that she needs to present at POE. Is this true? If so, what should I do I they kept the envelope?


Thanx - K

KineoMaleUkraine2013-06-20 22:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThinking ahead I-134 question
Great, you guys have really put my mind at ease (I tend to get worked up quite easily about this visa process!)! I really appreciate it!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-03-16 18:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThinking ahead I-134 question
OMG! Thank you!!! I was really starting to work myself into a panic! That makes me feel much, much better!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-03-16 14:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThinking ahead I-134 question
Thinking ahead just a bit - I'm a bit worried about the I-134. While I currently make enough money to support my fiance (and have for years) - I have very little money in savings (I am going to grad school and working full time) and I do not own real estate (I rent). Will this be a concern? I have read a bit about the I-134 and from what I understand if you make enough money to support the other person, and can prove this (which I can), that's okay. Are they looking for large amounts of savings? For somebody to own a home?

Thanks :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-03-16 13:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificates - do you need more than one?
So I am a bit confused about the police certificate (s). I believe I read somewhere that you need a police certificate from each country you have lived in for the past 5 years. Is this correct? If so, my fiance will require one from Australia as well as the UK (As he has lived in England & Australia for business). However - the UK site looks like they cover everywhere BUT Scotland (which is where he is living now) - which is odd - but does that mean he will have to get one for Scotland as well??
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-03-27 10:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 to the Interview
I was just wondering how long it usually took, from receiving the NOA2 (assuming you have everything ready to mail back the second you get it) to obtaining an interview date at the London embassy? Is there any way to tell? I'm not planning on setting up a wedding, but family members are inquiring about when they should be thinking about it...again, I'm not planning yet...just curious if I can get my mind wrapped around when my fiance might be able to join me in the states, so I can tell anxious family members to settle down!! Lol

Thanks :)

(BTW, I know we have a long way to go - we only received our NOA1 April 1 with an end of the month of March date)...
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-05-09 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally!
I mailed our visa packet out yesterday!!! I can't believe how happy it made me!!!

Now - I guess it's time to hurry up and wait! Lol
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-03-24 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYes! he got it!!!!!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-07-19 05:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLeft over March Filers
No, you don't have to be at the 5 month mark to be frustrated. But in order to call USCIS and ask for a service request, or to ask a congressman to help, you do. Because that is the time period they go by. I know, I'm in the same boat, remember, I'm just a day behind you and so there are many people who are processed after me now. Hopefully it will happen soon enough for both of us :) Good luck!
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-07-19 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLeft over March Filers
Sean - I am the day after you - and I feel the same way.

I realize that I am not to my 5 month mark yet - it's just really annoying that there is no rhyme or reason to the process!!!! There are filers from Feb that haven't heard either - why is most of March hearing, yet they're still waiting? If there were logic it might make the waiting patiently part easier! :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-07-19 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA-2
Congrats!!!! Good day - I got my NOA2 today as well :) :)
cmoore25FemaleScotland2011-07-28 22:05:00