IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase completed

You'll get it.  I said a special prayer for you!

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-02 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase completed

I just got a date!!! So happy!! My husband is scheduled for an interview with the embassy in Kingston Jamaica on November 26th at 8am!! Yesssss.  I am sure you will hear something soon!

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-01 13:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase completed

I feel ya..very close but still so far away...husbands embassy isn't that busy so I don't know what the hold up is......hoping for a miracle...

Any word yet on your interview?  I am still here waiting and waiting....  I call NVC every day sometimes twice a day.  And I call the DOS.  Still hasn't been scheduled- ugh it's been almost two weeks since case complete.  How do you manage this waiting? I am dying here... 

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-01 11:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscase completed

Our case was completed on September 19th at NVC and I am praying for a November interview date.  I call NVC EVERY DAY and I know they are sick of hearing from me.  I shouldn't call again till beginning of October but I can't help myself.  I feel so anxious and helpless that calling is the only thing I know to do at this point lol. 

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-09-27 13:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot our second interview date today

So sorry Shorty!  I am happy for you that you got a second chance.  I will be praying for you and your husband.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-08 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot our second interview date today

OMG you will be great.  Good luck!  Can I ask why you had to have a second interview? Ours is in November and I'm going to have a heart attack before then lol.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-08 15:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Issued
Wow that is so strange. Well anyway your baby is coming home finally. Best of luck to both of you!!
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-28 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Issued
Congratulations!! I am soooooo very happy for you. What went on that was different from the first interview? Did you submit more evidence?

Congrats again!


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-28 15:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReason to expedite?
I can totally emphathize with your situation. I miscarried our baby in May and was hospitalized afterwards for severe depression. I tried to expedite our CR1 application through NVC but the congressman woudldn't help me. Even when case was complete we had to wait for NVC to schedule the interview and the embassy would not grant us an earlier appointment. So you should try to expedite but I would not get your hopes up. Maybe its easier to get it expedited up front rather than through NVC, not sure.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-30 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR!
We filed our I130 last December and our interview is on November 26th it'll be probably over a year from start to getting the visa in hand. But I do have to admit that we were really late in submitting our AOS package to NVC by like 2 1/2 months so our timeline would be a lot shorter. We got I130 approval in 5 months which includes an RFE
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-04 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLooking for some UPDATED information for CR-1 process
Yeah I was confused about that too. OP does your friend have an interview date yet? For CR1s they don't forward the case to the embassy without an interview date.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-05 15:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLooking for some UPDATED information for CR-1 process
Hi There. After the NVC reviews the AOS package and completes the processing there they hold the application until an interview is scheduled with the embassy. Once an interview is scheduled they will notify you by email only with an attached interview letter that your friend needs to print out and bring to the medical exam and interview. Once an interview is scheduled the case is forwarded to the embassy in Kingston where it waits until the interview. If your friend checks his or her status on CEAC it should say ready once the embassy has it.

Hope this helps.


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-05 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa Approved !!
Congratulations!!! So happy for you.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-14 14:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa approved
Congratulations!! My husband's interview is in 10 days!! We are very excited and nervous. I see a lot of K1 approvals but not as many CR1s so this gives me hope!
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-16 09:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust want to say thank you

So did you guys decide about your travel from Negril to Kingston for your interview.

Hubby is insisting on leaving the same morning. Ugh. I just pray he is not late.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-17 14:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust want to say thank you
My husband's interview is next Tuesday and no matter what happens I am eternally grateful for the help and guidance you all have given me. I'm not going to say everyone has been nice but thats ok. I'm feeling really emotional right now and just want this whole thing to be over. This process has taken a toll on me and my marriage in more ways than one but we've made it through and I believe we are stronger because of it. So again thank you for putting up with my numerous posts and freaking out over everything.

I will probably not post again till after the interview. So please pray for us if you dont mind.

All the best guys,


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-17 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR1 Approved Today!! Cautiously Elated...

Thank you all for all your kind words.  It means so much to me.  It has been such a long journey for us and I can't believe its almost over. Now we just wait for the visa to be issued and pray we don't get put into AP!! Case status was updated again today and still says Ready so maybe that's a good thing.


Love to you all.



BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-27 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR1 Approved Today!! Cautiously Elated...

I can't believe it.  My husband was approved this morning at the embassy in Kingston Jamaica.  The CO invited me into the interview and honestly I am so glad he did.  He said he was concerned because my husband could not remember the date of my last trip to Jamaica.  He just knew the month- so the CO told him to come get me when he found out I was waiting outside.  He was a really nice guy.  He asked me to give him the dates of some pictures; he asked me how many times since my wedding have I been to see my husband- and I said 8 and 14 times total.  He was impressed by that because he said, and I quote, " and it's not like you are coming so often to see family or anything right?  So you must be coming like every 2-3 months."  And I said yes and with that my husband got approved.  Not only that but the CO said we would have the visa in a week so we could fly back to the US together.


What a long and tiring day- but oh so worth it.


Thank you VJ for all your support and guidance throughout this journey.  I couldn't have made it without yall.



BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-11-26 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

Beth Ann,

i understand your pain, I waited 78 days to have my hubby and my baby to be with me.I sent 20 emails in 2 days expressing how i felt and told them i need my family for thanksgiving, not sure if they care or was annoyed  but through God  my wish was granted...Keep praying and keep the faith...God will grant you your wish at the right time...I am in Ct now and its cold so I know you need your husband, lets pray your husband  will get it before the week ends...send an email and see what happen...give it a try at of blessings


Thanks so much Sharwal.  I did email the embassy today and I called DOS four times lol and they were rude to me.  They told me nothing just that everything is normal and to give it time, that the case is still pending whatever that means. I know I am obsessing over this but I just want my husband here with me. I can't stand the waiting anymore it is really eating me alive.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-09 19:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

Don't worry. This is the most daunting part of the process...I feel. Its true the hardest part is over.  To answer your question, it is normal. I too have been in shoes like so many here. This is a true test of your patience. DOS will never give you a clear answer. If you are seeing CEAC updated several times  -  and there is no correlation with email inquiries submitted by you or your husband, then take it as they are working on your case. Try to occupy your time the best way possible and try to prepare your husbands home coming.....I see you are in CT and it will be a hard transition to go from the sun to these cloudy dreary days.


Thank you.  Im sure you guys must be so sick of hearing from me by now but I am so upset.  I can't stop crying.  I just want this to be over. Leaving Jamaica without my husband was so hard. I just hope he will be here within the next few weeks.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-09 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

Every thing Will be fine the guy told her 5 days you will have your visa that was on November 7 called dos everyday and was told everything is ok with the file it just has to go to normal Administrative processing and I didn't get one status update on the CEAC web and finally on December 1 status finally change to AP, December 2 visa issued so just hang in their.

Thank you for that.  I am just a little upset right now.  I wasn't expecting to have to leave Jamaica without Omar. I am not good at this waiting thing. 

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-08 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this normal? Question about post-interview approval

Hi Guys,


Sorry that I keep posting but I am kind of freaking out at this point.  Hubby's CR1 visa was approved in Kingston Jamaica on November 26th.  DOS says everything looks really good and there are  no problems with our case.  CO said we would have the visa in about a week.  I now know not to listen to the CO.  But status on CEAC still says ready.  Its updated every day but status is not moving and its going on two weeks.  I left Jamaica yesterday without my husband it was so hard. I'm feeling a little depressed at this point. Should I be concerned? I feel so helpless.  I call DOS everyday and they tell me it is just going through normal processing.


Sorry but I just need to vent.  I thought this was over and here we are with no visa.  Can someone just make me feel better please? I am praying that something will change this week and hubby will be able to come on Saturday.  Is this a pipe dream?


Thanks for listening.





BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-08 10:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is Administrative Review- Is this Email Normal?

Sorry to read this, I wasn't even aware that they do lengthy APs in JA.


Sorry I tried to respond with the quote!! I think we are OK because status still says Ready and my guy Chris at DOS said our visa should be issued within the next few days. I just got scared when I read Administrative Review. Please pray for us!!
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-11 16:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat is Administrative Review- Is this Email Normal?

I just got an email response from the embassy at Kingston regarding my inquiry about how long it will take for my husband's visa to be issued.  Can someone please explain this to me?  Because DOS just told me today that we should be getting it issued in any day now.  Are we in AP now? Is this a standard response that everyone gets? What is administrative review?


Good afternoon,


Unfortunately we are unable to predict how long the administrative review will take to complete.  Please know that the officer is doing everything possible to ensure an accurate review and is working hard to ensure that the adjudication will be awarded without reproach.  We will be sure to contact you should any additional information be needed.


Thanks and sorry to keep posting but its the only thing that's keeping me sane right now.



BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-11 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho is still waiting for visa to be issued??
Thanks guys for the replies. So I guess all Jamaica filers go through AP. That is good to know. I thought we were being singled out ugh! I just feel so down and helpless right now. My husband just wants to come here and be with me and start a family and our lives are on hold and there is nothing I can do about it. To be told you were approved and now this.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 13:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho is still waiting for visa to be issued??


Our CEAC status said ready while we are an AP and DOS told me everyday that everything looks good.  I do hope you get issued soon but please know that AP is the rule not the exception for Jamaica.


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho is still waiting for visa to be issued??
Thanks but I'm pretty sure we are not in AP. Our status says Ready on ceac and DOS told us everything is normal with our case and that it should be issued in a few days.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-11 18:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho is still waiting for visa to be issued??

Well the interview was right before thanksgiving, I'm sure the holiday probably delayed it a bit. Hoping you get it soon!

Thanks so much. I hope so seriously I have been a wreck since I left Jamaica without hubby.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-11 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho is still waiting for visa to be issued??
Anyone out there get approved at interview and still waiting for status on ceac to change to issued? Our status has stayed at ready since the interview on November 26th. I am seriously starting to lose it. No onecan pprovide any information just that visa is being processed and is pending. Will my husband be here before Christmas?? We were told at interview we would have it in a week. Please someone just make me feel better!!
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-11 08:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG CEAC Status Just Changed
OK I'm trying not to get my hopes up but OMG it could be issued tomorrow. That means Omar could be here before Christmas. OK again I know it could mean he's in actual AP and then we have to wait for weeks and weeks so I can't get too excited.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG CEAC Status Just Changed
Oh I hope so!!! Just to see that word Issued will make me feel so much better!! Thanks guys for putting up with me.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 14:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG CEAC Status Just Changed
This very second it just changed from Ready- since November 26th to Administrative Processing. Is this normal before it goes to issued? I've read here that people go from Ready to AP for like a day or so to Issued. I know it could also mean that I am in for a long haul but I'm just so relieved that it changed finally. It's at least moving.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

hey guys,


My status just changed to Administrative Processing today after being stuck on Ready for 16 days. I am hoping this is a good sign!! I notice for Jamaica it usually changes to Issued within a day or so.  I am praying this is the case with us.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-12 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

BethAnn, I hope it changes soon so that you do not have to make the 2nd trip to travel with your spouse. After our interview on Oct. 25, it changed to ready later in the day and then Oct. 28 status changed to issue. He received his passport back with his visa on Oct. 30th. CO had told him he would have it in 10 days and it took less than 10 days. I am praying that something happens today...Best of luck


Thanks so much for this.  I am obsessively calling DOS and checking the CEAC site.  It was updated again this morning but still says Ready.  DOS says we are in AP but that its normal and everyone goes through it after the interview.  One guy says they are just finishing up with processing and another guy says its going to be a while before its issued so I have no idea what to believe at this point.  My husband and I decided that he will fly on his own to JFK when he gets the visa and I will pick him up there.  Too bad we won't be able to travel together but it is what it is.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-04 10:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

Well bethann sometimes they have an idea because the CO told my fiance he would have gotten his within 2 weeks and he definitely you saw on my time line...his interview was 11/14 approved....11/14 updated to ready...11/15 updated to ready again then nothing until 11/20 it updated to AP...I was worried at this point but 11/22 I checked it again and it was updated to issued....I really do not even remember if it went back to ready after it said AP.....all i know it was issued by the 22nd...the only thing is that after it says issued it took 2 dys for DHL to put in in their system...the only thing on your part is that after DHL pickup your husbands visa it has to come to negril.....but just kep on checking it and if it says issued by tomorrow then you should get it between friday and the following week tuesday....I am not sure just guessing here...but if you can stall for a bit it would be cheaper than for you to book another round trip flight to are expensive right now especially since it December...  

Ok ours was updated on 11/26 then 11/27 then again today but still says Ready so I'm getting nervous. I can stall
till Monday latest. Praying that it changes by tomorrow.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

Well our case went from AP to ready for interview on November 26 and today December 3 its still says ready the status date chage. I called DOS and they say its still pending but everything looks good. How often do you (a person) call DOS to check on the status?

How much you want to bet that ours both get issued around the same time? Just a hunch cuz mine was updated this morning and DOS told me everything looks good too.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 14:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

Never believe the CO, they cannot determine when visa will be issued.  If it says ready, hopefully it will say issued, and not return to AP.  It takes one week from when it says issued to receive visa. 


Yeah I think I will be flying back alone.  I know people who have gotten their visa back in a few days after being issued but I guess it all depends.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 13:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

What number you called for D.O.S i want to call and check on my husband case.



BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 12:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC Status Stuck On Ready After Approval

Hey Guys,


So at my husband's interview on November 26th in Kingston Jamaica the CO told us the visa would be ready in a week.  Well its now a week and our status is still stuck on Ready.  It's been updated 3 times since the interview and the latest update is this morning.  I am still here in Jamaica but I have to fly back to the states on Saturday with or without my husband.  So what are my chances of getting this visa by Saturday?  I'm a little upset because I thought we would be able to fly back together and now I have to come back and get him.  When I call DOS they tell me different stories- one person tells me we are in AP and another tells me the only notes they have are from the interview.  So not sure I know anything at this point.


Just a little frustrated.  I thought it was over and now we are still having to wait and wonder.  Sorry but just needed to vent.


Love to you all,



BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 12:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCR-1 Just Issued!! Thank You VJ
You guys I can't breathe I am so excited right now!! Visa was just issued OMG!! Thank you so much. Omar is coming home. Thank you Thank you. I don't know what to say right now I am so happy.

I love you all.


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-13 11:54:00