IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

just got so happy....anyone knows how long does it take to get to NVC from texas service center


Congratulations ! Tell us more about your RFE? when you got it when you sent out your reply and what the RFE was ?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-25 14:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

For does who got an RFE or know anyone who got one,how long do i still need to wait ? its been a week now this silly thing got us behind for like a month ! one week + to know what they wanted one week to get what they wanted and now one week waiting for them to do their Job !!

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-19 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers
Request for Evidence Response Review

On March 12, 2014, we received your response to our request for evidence. This case is being processed at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed, in which case you can use the processing time information on our website to estimate when this case will be done. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

Once a timely response to the request for evidence is received by USCIS, we review the evidence or information you submitted. If you submitted the requested evidence, we continue with the adjudication of your application or petition in light of the new evidence.


I really hope for an approval soon ! this waiting is going to drive us insane !

You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-13 19:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

@ Jamie_and_izzy.. My RFE was they wanted another copy of my marriage license that showed the town/parish we were married in (my copy either got cut off or lost am sure) I sent it last week and they received it in one day now I'm still waiting.. Says somethin like "response review"... I took a break from the forum after my RFE bc it was so depressing watching every1 else get approved BUT our time will soon come.


:( we sent the new Divorce copy today it should arrive tomorrow , i really hope we get approved fast ! i took a break too more or less.


Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-10 20:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Majority of north Africans are Arabs only a few are Berbers but that doesnt say anything all the Berbers i know are very religious ... Anyways i'm sure they don't look at at your skin or Religion to send an RFE ! an i do understand the Extra backround check for high risk countries .

RFEs are easy do deal with just takes a bit more time.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-06 14:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I am SOOO SORRRRRRRRRYY but can I have the link to the August sheet pleaseee? I know it's been posted a million times...


Marcela my friend, I was looking for you over on fb! You were so quiet. What's happening? Are those dancing shoes back in the closet? sad.png



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-04 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Nice to hear that..

Send signed copy ASAP.


Right after my husband got the letter he called and ordered a signed one they said they would do it for Free hmm cause it was their mistake maybe ? so it should arrive on Monday i hope.

Should we send in an updates i130 as well? we noticed that we left couples of questions Blank :o i sure do not want to get another RFE :S

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-03 19:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Marriage termination: The divorce decree submitted does not show evidence of being signed by a judge or magistrate, or recorded.


So the RFE is about my husbands decree of Divorce not signed by judge ,so my husband just called Wyoming and they said it is signed just our copy was not ...But the signed copy should arrive in a week or so.

I'm glad the RFE was not for something stupid and was solved fast :D



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-03 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Still waiting for the RFE letter... cray5ol.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-03 14:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


Don't worry at all, your RFE will be for some BS reason, probably something that was lost in transfer that you actually submitted! Seen it loads on this forum recently!


Phew that made me feel better, i went and checked the stupid RFE thread and yeah i saw some really stupid ones :D ill try not to worry!



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


Hang in there Izzy.  Jamie and you have tons and tons of proof of bona fide marriage and face time together.  This is just a bump in the road.  I feel like its probably something simple and soon you will speed pass us all to get your visa,  insha allah.  One day you two will visit me and Mohammed, and we will laugh at how crazy this whole process made us. 


Watching Jamie leave and not knowing when you will see him again has made you extra sad so I am sending you extra "hugs" today. 


Yes i suppose you're right it might be something easy to fix,Before Jamie left i got any document i could get,Moroccan German and International Birth Certificates, Police and court records, all translated by an offical translator ,Color Copies of both my Passports and ID cards it was not cheap ! , signed bunch of printed out forms Empty ones too like the G-325 and DS-230 not even sure if i'll need the DS-230 ,Copies of letters that Jamie sent me and we took more Pictures i even got my parents in some (they hate taking pictures) lol.


Yes we should do that Jamie and i can cook you some yumy Tagines !

Thank you Selina .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 12:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Jamie & izzy dont worry, i saw many cases after rfe they got approval fast.. Maybe a week or two.. Everything will be fine.. *e-hugs*


That's good to know ,when i am with my husband i would not care but now that he is on his way back i keep driving myself sad and depressed thinking about all the things that might go wrong.

Thanks for the hug, i just love VJ i dont know what i would do without it !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I feel your pain my friend! Four months we don't see my hubby, my tourist visa expired and I can't travel to visit him. Our baby miss his daddy so much!
God willing this part of our journey will end soon. I really want to be able to move by August.
God bless.
Hugs smile.png


With kids it must be terrible ! i hope it goes fast for all of us ,i was hoping June or July but i don't think that will happen ,it should take around a year but at this speed looks more like September ...


Stay strong !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 08:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

BIG HUGGGG.....Do you think I will get a RFE because my lawyer didn't send any proof of our relationship.  At the first stage of this journey, do we need to send all?  Now I am confused and worried!


Thank you <3 ,umm i'm not sure dear ,they tend to give out some stupid RFEs sometimes :(

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 08:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers





Thank you, I really needed that ! cray5ol.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 07:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Another good bye ,I cannot wait for the day that when we say goodbye it will only for a couple of hours and not months and months.


Now to deal with the Damn USCIS again ...we looked over our papers and its looks like the RFE will be for something really stupid ...the I130 just has couple of mistakes like leaving some answers blank instead of N/A ,for proof we sent them flight itineraries,pictures from all over the place taken in Tangier,Madrid,Cologne,Frankfurt,Copenhagen,Wyoming,Wisconsin with friends and family from first visit to last ,joint savings account ,Wedding pictures ring receipts.


I gave all documents to my husband to take with that i possibly could get just to be on the safe side ...


So if this is not enough proof we will make them feel sorry for sending us an RFE ... we got like 6000 hours + of skype calls ,we have 10.000 + pictures ,we can will get tons of letters from people who know us,we have like 300 hours of World of Warcraft logs ,we have this diary that we fill in every night and it is over 400 pages so far if it was a book it would be a 1000 pages + novel ,plus faceook and whatsapp messages thousands and thousands of those...all flight tickets i must have like 12 + or so ,and if they want even train ferrys and buss tickets hell even tickets from movies and museums ! we have pictures from our favorite restaurant 250+ pictures and like 20+ visits ...


Cannot stop crying ;( i mean we have another 5-6 month to go and we cannot afford another visit ...we have to save up for the next steps and the next two plane tickets if that ever will happen !! i miss my dogs they havent seen me in over 8 months ! i hate this so much.

Sorry for being extra whiny today its just i think i might lose my mind if this keeps up :(



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-01 06:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

So on Feb 26th we got an RFE...No clue what it could be !cray5ol.gifClockWatch2.gifranting33va.gif

So on Feb 26th we got an RFE...No clue what it could be !cray5ol.gifClockWatch2.gifranting33va.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-27 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Congratulations to all approvals ! Nothing for us :( i hope we get no RFEs :(

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-27 04:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hello !

Just wanted to say i`m still alive enjoying time with my husband just came back from spain trip,no NOA2 yet !! yeah ... Monday maybe?

Going to redo my police and court documents i know they are valid for 3 month but half a month already passed and no approval ! so going back to enjoy time with hubby.

Congratulations to all who got accepted and transferred !

Go August !


Hello !

Just wanted to say i`m still alive enjoying time with my husband just came back from spain trip,no NOA2 yet !! yeah ... Monday maybe?

Going to redo my police and court documents i know they are valid for 3 month but half a month already passed and no approval ! so going back to enjoy time with hubby.

Congratulations to all who got accepted and transferred !

Go August !


Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-23 17:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

No approvals ? cray5ol.gif

Oh ..2 approvals ! great D:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-20 00:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

No, it's happening every day. Remember a standard application only takes about 15 minutes to adjudicate! They should be doing about 1300/day if they get back to their rate when they were receiving I-130s directly.


Hope today will be the day for you :-) 


Good luck.


Alrighty that`s good then,i will just go get busy ! i was waiting for someone to get approved on odd time to confirm that, thank you !


Me too...


Thank you goofy.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-19 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

The CSC seems to be holding of sending out approvals until the end of the day. TSC and NSC are reporting as they get approved. At least this is what we have seen.


Do they have approval days too ? like Transfer days? i try to keep myself distracted and it is not working lol, I got most of my paper work ready for the NVC just waiting for the NOA2 so i can get them translated since some are valid just for 3 months,so i went to buy chocolate and gifts for hubby and family and i lose the one plastic bag with the chocolates ..., i roasted peanuts to make peanut butter burned two batches so far... ,instead of doing something useful i`m here on VJ ...ARRGHH ! <<< Losing it .


Congratulation to all Transfers and Approvals !

Go August !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-19 13:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

congratulations !! too all of you !! dancin5hr.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-18 21:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


Hey, keep your head up, it will all be over soon and you will be with him!


Also, how did you check the average times from NOA2 to interview for your embassy?


That would be very lovely :D i will try !

Umm guessing more or less ,using Stats of other people from Morocco.


IR-1/CR-1 Visa Timelines
Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-18 18:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I just wanted to write something as I've been reading many comments on the forum and want to provide my support.


Sometimes reading these posts and doing so much digging online really effects your mind, your soul, and heart. Everyone will eventually get their will happen. We haven't even reached the average time currently on USCIS which is 8 months, and as much as that sucks and as much as we could complain, we should take this time to foster in ourselves the quality of patience. I haven't seen my wife in over 7 months now, it's hard, very hard. But I don't let that get me down. I focus on our relationship and think what can I do in the next few months that can make our relationship stronger. My parents had to live apart from one another for 2 years in a time in which there was no skype, no cell phones, no internet, no sms, no mms. It was a struggle that we can't even imagine. 


I post all of this because I read many people's post and everyone seems frustrated and upset on here, when coming here should provide calm and support. Take this time to focus on yourself, in 4 months you'll get everything done (God Willing)...think of this as 4 months of your time that you could use for something. We will all get through it and in a few years we will forget that there were so many issues. 


If you are one of the folks refreshing the page every 10 secs waiting for an update...walk away, calm down and honestly just relax. It's much better on your mind than constant refreshing which does nothing. When it comes, it will come!


I truly believe that every difficulty is followed by ease, and we will have that soon! smile.png




I`m like that too... ,I try to keep myself busy with eating clean working out and reading books since i do not have a job,I managed to lose 70 pounds ,at first i just wanted to lose the first 20 pounds i gained in the US lol ,but it kept me a bit busy so i kept on going .


I`m so very happy my Husband will come visit me in 3 days only for a week but better than nothing,he will come just in time,this past week i sleep very little and my hair is falling and i keep checking for updates all the time and i have this thing where no piece of paper is safe from me lol i keep making these paper worms/Snack thingies idea why,even in days i know nothing will happen i keep checking ...


 My Husband cannot handle this very well he gets very upset that`s why i took over checking VJ,Just last night i was looking for the Average time from NVC to interview date for Morocco,and found out it was 4-5 month and when i told him he got very upset and angry,we both thought this entire thing would take 7 month ow naive of us :(

He has far more things to keep him busy his Thesis, work, Reviewing books and articles plus our two dogs ,oh how i miss my dogs ! 8 months last time i saw them,i do see them in Skype everynight but i miss them like anything,and in those couple of month in the US i made many friends,Jamie`s family did not want me to go ,and when we explained why i could not stay they just could not understand it...but anyways ,yes keep yourself busy with other things .


Going to go do some shopping for my Love ! that should keep me busy for today lol



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-18 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

I think  i`m losing my mind lol, No NOA2 yet...I suppose our case in right at the bottom of a pile of cases (i hope) Cause our case was one of the first to go to the CSC 2 weeks ego? I don`t know ,It`s just seeing people who got transfers after me getting their NOA2 is making us quite worried cray5ol.gif .

Please let this be a good week !


Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-17 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

every  think is fine  with me i have this dual citizenship for long time and  all my paper work good from municipal also my wife she's British American so i have nothing to worry about now ????



I have German/Moroccan Citizenship with 2 different names...,you will be fine, you always ask the same thing lol,don`t worry so much !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-16 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

what the hell no trasfersss today what the hell is wrong with theeeem, this is getting so annoying and very frustrating, waiting and waiting and waiting makes me so freaking angry, this is a jokeeeee....


I know just wait you mean :( You wait all day and then nothing ...not even on Valentines Day USCIS ? Come on !cray5ol.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-14 21:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



Can't believe it!


Exactly six months from the NOA1....


Congratulations ! did you get an Email or Text ?

Just now?

Oh god i`m about to pass out lol ...

Edited by Jamie & Izzy, 13 February 2014 - 11:21 PM.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-13 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

ClockWatch2.gifblink.png  << Going insane ...

I`m worried that we will get and RFE :( Cause my husband left answers blank instead of writing N/A and also left Question C,22 Blank Arghh !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-13 21:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Guys, I really couldnt sleep last night, I was thinking and thinking, my priority day is 30th august so I know it will take a time to have my aproval and my nvc case number but I cannot stay in home only waiting and waiting, I want to feel that I am doing something so do you think that I can start getting the nvc documents like the civil documents and my birth certificate? and go to an official translator? is it too soon? nvc will see the dates in the papers, pleasee help!!! :/


I`m already getting mine ready,cause my husband will visit me soon and i want all papers ready so he can take them with him ^^ and if by any chance they get expired i can just get them again i know how now and where to go and for Morocco it only takes a couple of days for Police/Court records ,so i would say wait a bit longer a week or so and go ahead and get them .



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-13 07:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

No approval here :( I`m going a tiny bit insane checking case every 5 minutes lol

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-12 23:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers


omgggggggggggggggg.......I had not checked my status since yesterday and this is first chance I had today to get on VJ.  I read your post and immediately checked mine and I got APPROVED TOO.


WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO........approval one day after receiving my hard copy of my transfer to CSC.  I can't believe this. omg!!!!!


Yay ! :D

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-12 20:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Congratulation to all that got accepted ! goofy.gif

I cannot wait to get the NOA2 ClockWatch2.gif


Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-12 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Today i went to get some of my paper work done just to see how long it would take, and if they are still fine by the time we need them fine if not i`ll just get them again, for 2 month every person i asked told me to go to a different location (my Arabic is okay not that great)...So i just got up early took my ID card and went to any place that gives Vital records and started asking them ...Yeah even they had no freaking clue ! It was not very far from where i live but it still took me 3 hours when it could have been 10 minutes lol, first i went to the police station they told me before getting the Police records i need 3 things a 20dh Stamp ,Moroccan Birth Certificate the short one,and Chahadat Sukna (residency document ?) anyways i went ahead to get these things ,at the place where i got my ID card  issued they told me i don`t need the Chahadat sukna ...Just Copy of my ID card and Birth Records okay then, i asked for if they can give me my Birth Records (after running up and down and officers pointing at who ever i need to go ask ) they told me that i have to go to an another place to get it depending in what hospital i was born in ? i asked if they can check and give me the address and they did.

Then i go to this new place got my BC got it stamped just in case even got my ID card copy stamped all ready to go now .

I then went back to the police station and they told me they don`t give out the records there and that i had to go to another place to get the Police Records headbonk.gif  okay ... so i went there found the office that i needed (it was raining in the office and over peoples documents) i ask him about Police records he said i need copy of your ID card and that was it ! arghh Non of the things i did before was needed ! then he said you can come pick it up tomorrow mellow.png

Alrighty then time for my Court Records and i decided i`m not going to listen to anyone anymore ,went in Court place thingy asked for Court records showed my ID card and gave the stamp ,Again was all i needed ,i asked if they will put "Nothing" on it, he looked at me and said with a face like yours what else should i put on it ? lol, Police records will be done  in 3 days and court records in 1 day ,oh an everyone was talking to me as if i was 14 ...which was very annoying lol i wont bother translating them yet i now that it takes 1-2 days for that ,now at least i know where to go and what i need instead of wondering and going crazy asking people around .

I also noticed that they put single on my documents even if i`m married ... i told them i am married they said no not in Morocco .you have to get married in Morocco i really hope that wont cause problems time i will bring my husband with me ! ( he will come visit me in 9 days goofy.gif )


So just go ahead and start doing your paper work or just ask around more `im sure it can save tons of times ,hope this helps.



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-12 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Thank you very much! 


My pleasure ^^

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-08 17:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Was this postmarked form the CSC or the NBC?


Department of Homeland Security
National Benefits Center
Post Office Box 548005
Lee's Summit, Missouri 64002

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-08 15:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Was this postmarked form the CSC or the NBC


Going to ask my husband right after he finishes Lunch and let you know .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-08 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

We just got our Hard Copy ,and it is indeed CSC dancin5hr.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-08 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers



TRANSFERRED BABY!!!!!!!!!!!dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gifdancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif  


Yay !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-06 23:09:00